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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 17, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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advanced. the number one selling formula in its category made with pros defend triple action blend to help reduce urges to find it at walmart or these retailers. what i told you united football league on fox. the cross-examination of michael cohen is set to continue. biden may have been trying to call trump's bluff, but trump said yes. and here we are with diplomatic efforts to end the war. unsuccessful airstrikes continue only on fox news channel at a time given the great yet protective our studio audience watches. ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham this is "the ingraham angle" from was >> laura: i am laura ingraham
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in this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. but first, michae we told you michael cohen could not beprov trusted in this trial is on, political sand and might and we were proven right again. in a bombshell moment during cross-examination, defense attorney todd blanche masterfully and single-handedly destroyed whatl little shred of credibility michael cohen may ehave had left here and now, it started earlier this week when cohen testified aboutd october 24th, 2016 phone call he had with trump's body, shall her aand talk to trump.edz he claimed he needed to talk to the boss after transferred aftei cohen transferred $130,000 to stormy daniels here the entire :call lasted one minute and 36 seconds he read about textto messages from minutes before revealed that cohen wanted to
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talk to him about something else entirely.. prank calls from a 14-year-old.s blanche said cohen text schiller n i speak to about office? and then he texted cohen so cohen called him. now it seems like a lot of ground to cover in 90 seconds.c advice on a teenager in the details of paying off a porn star? well, jughead knew we was caught. >> michael cohen was cornered in what appeared to be a lie i think too many in the room and had to adjust suddenly his memory that he had just testified to on tuesday. exam>> having just witnessed tht piece of conversation, do you have doubts the conversation happened the way cohen testified? >> absolutely, absolutely. >> laura: cohen tried to clean t
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itru up when blanche accused him of lying and said he did not talk to him that night. m i'm not certain that was accurate. >> it was a perry mason moment,o which maybe this was here and how do you come back from that? clearly, the prosecution has to figure out a way to go back at this and make it sound like a completely plausible story about which michael cohen was now >> laura: joining me now, someone who was in the corner.yo i was so jealous, martha, i was there on tuesday and you got to be here for the school momenty. and a host of the story which i love everyday. martha, how does the jury believe anything michael cohen says after what transpired today? >>a: w well as you know better n the rest of us, laura, this was a very methodical process.ay we sold the initial reference to this call on tuesday. thissayi was michael cohen's waf
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saying after the boss told me ty take care of this business, pay her off, this was my sort of i wraparound call just a few weekv before the election to tell himu i had taken care of everything. itph was all done, right? as you pointed out, it was a short phone call but it laid it out tuesday and this morning in the courtroom, at times it felt plotting and meandering and all about these different times that michael cohen had lied, set up situations where he didn't tell his wife about the home equity loan. did you go back and tell her later? no, whate did you tell her? did oath, did you take an oath when, you said i that?t he yes, i did.othe did you take an oath today?that as, i did pure the oath you took the other day proceedings we took the other day. so we set it up with all of these times of inconsistent statements and times that you h like my times you are a perjurer if any are. came back to the phone call and it was beautifully executed and laid tn
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and basically said to come are you lying?y it is a very, powerful, succinct wraparound, right? but you know that all of this takes very careful execution. but this is what he was coming m arounday to, but is not finishe, laura, so there may be more to lay this down. it is looking increasingly like perhaps they won't call in a-exa defense witnesses. this is the end of the cross-examination for the prosecution's case. if it continues to go this way,e it may be best to leave it right here, laura, for these jerks.y o >> laura: so don't redirect and go back to try to redirect. i mean, sometimes prosecutors will try to rehabilitate their key witness on redirect. on this case, if you saw michael cohen's facial expressions as i did and marthas did, he was getting, he was getting nervous on tuesday when blanche got up there and he
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is a methodical lawyer and i mean, some of us wanted it to be quick, ten, 20 questions, might drop. he laid the foundation of the perjuring past of michael cohenf and then how it continued through his life . when i think it ends up being incredibly effective if maybe not as quick as some of us like this crazy culture wy cue live . >> i was watching the jurors' faces and from long touches come i thought he is losing them. this is to meandering. >> laura: that is what i thought. and the of thing to say dilie dt light here, a perjurer and hen could have been tight on a lot of this. but you understand what he wasge doing. but i was worried he was losing them thisth morning. there was a fusion fidgeting,iv. shifting in the seats and a couple of people's attentive, tension is good and taking notes but other people seem to bethis wondering why he was going over and over this ground.
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i think it became very clear just before launch exactly whate his plan was and the snare he was laying appeared whether or not effective with the jury come of course we won't know for sevl days. but it certainly -- it certainly appeared to hammer that nail pretty well right before break today, laura. >> laura: to watch our colleagues on the other networks, no fans, excuse me, of donald trump to say the least. they were shocked. martha, i'm so glad you were int there today and thank you for giving aodu so bird's-eye view e whole thing. fox we appreciate it. make sure to check out martha's fox news specials and the secrett journey and history of world war ii, season 3, fantastic. check those out. michael cohen didn't alreadyt no destroy alvin bragg's prosecution when potentialtnes witness and martha said there might not be other witnesses called, but there is one who could feel the final blow
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perhaps, former cohen legal advisor unofficially, bob costello. he testified yesterday on capitol hill that cohen insistes to him on multiple occasionsp. over two hours that he had nothinanytg on donald trump. trump did not do anything wrongo but that is not all costelloould brought information to bragg. >> why wouldn't open bragg talkh to you? >> you have to ask him that. when i talk to eight of his assistant das. whehe >> what was that reception liker >> they did everything in their power not to ask me the questions that would elicit the exculpatory information. >> is this the same information> you took to the southernecid district? they were happy to the get it, o did they decide? >> they decided they did not use michael cohen for anything.ks >> laura: boy, so they stomp out from it like bragg didn'tas care that cohen had no credibility asring long as it wd
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help bring the case to bills bo mike against trump, which is turning for a prosecutor to dupe you are joining us now, bob costello. great to see you. catihave you been given indicatn that you could be a witness in this trial? >> no, that is not what has happened. obviously, they have tbvioo wail until examination ofel c michael cohen is over, and then i am sure they will make a motion to try to get rid of thi, case. i'm also sure that this judge, although we should dismiss the case, won't. and so the question is poised for todd blanche to decide who he is going to call as a witness.f i would think in light of theou testimony sei gave yesterday don at the house, that i'm very likely suspect. i'm ready to go. i'm telling the truth. it is ann easy story to tell, ac i'm not concerned at all. in >> laura: well, when i was in
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the courtroom on tuesday -- yeah, michael cohen was asked about his various conversations with you, he kep thet the same,u know, pattern going that heth y wasn't being completely forthcoming or forthcoming at all with you about trump because he hadn't retained you.he he didn't quite like you. he didn't quite trust you. that is what basis -- i'm paraphrasing but that ising basically what he said tuesday.a he was trying to protect the president. to that you say? >> i read the transcript of cohen on the way down to washington.t virtually, every single thing he said about me was a lie. who remember, it wasn't just me. i have my law partner who knew michael cohen for ten years sitting next to me. when we saw him in the regency hotel, this guy was by his own admission suicidal and he kept on saying come i'm looking for my escape"
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tell me how i can avoid this because two nights before he said he was on the roof of the y ready to jump off. i didn't know whether to believt that or not, but i looked at my partner who knew him for ten t hoyears and he shook his head, a "yes."e th he thought michael cohen was telling the truthim,h that he ws suicidal. during that entire time that we met him, at his request, by thes way, he didn't say sketchy hasob testified, that is nonsense. he said rudy giuliani was on board for the first meeting and that i was conspiring withe rudy giuliani that he was afrait that anything he said to me i would go right to rudy giuliani. well, in fact, rudy giuliani did not represent donald trump for another three or four days. he was not in the picture at all all. yet, michael voluntarily lies and embellishes stories just toe make himself look good. that is what he does >> laura: he was trying to say c you were back channel into trump. he said you were back channeling for rudy giuliani to trump and t
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that is how this was going downc i want to play a challenge. todd blanche representing trumpn do you remember telling costello you had nothing ononde president trump and could not cooperate? cohen responded, no, sir.t sablanche asked, do you not remember or are you sure you didn't say it?. cohen answered, "i do not recall."pret that is kind of classic come is don't recall. pretty important moments in his life, right?nk >> veriny crucial moment in his life. he was thinking about killing himself. ther to him that there was a way to solve his problem if he had truthful information about donald trump because that is clearly where the southern district was going then i told him, "if that is the case come i can get you out of legal poems by the end of the week." every time i brought it up, he
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said, "i swear to god, bob, iny don't have anythinthg on donald trump." but i kept coming back to it toh make sure he knew that this was the way out if he wanted it or if he had truthful information. the bubbling he didn't have truthful information. he kept saying during the same meeting he would count his fist onto the table and point his finger at jeff and i and said, "guys i will do whatever the f i have to do and do not spend with her one day in jail. w he blames donald trump for that. now, i wonder though why he would go out of his way because he explained $130,000 transaction was all his idea and he said donald trump had nothing to do with it. why would you take this burden on? he said, "when i knew i spoke to -- i'm sorry, somebody yelled in my ear -- i knew when i spoke to stormy daniels lawyer that. she was going to say she had sex
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with donald trump." i didn't leave the allocationha but i knew it would be wou embarrassing to melania trump so i decided guyi would take caref this. why would a guy decide to takeh care of something like that? during the conversations, michael revealed he was veryfact annoyed at the fact that when trump got elected, the entire inner circle went down frompers new york to washington, d.c., except one person, our friend, michael cohen and it left him behind. it was clear he was blaming bad jared and you funko because he kept did bad mouthing them.wa although we did not say specifically it was therefore that they didn't go to washington but what do you think would have happened if you wentd to washington and what job were you looking for? believe it or not, "i think i could have been attorney general for the united states or atunny least -- i swear to god, or at least, chief of staff to they president."
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i looked at the guy and i thought, he's delusional. this guy has no sense orwa self-worth or lack thereof. >> laura: he is insecure. >> he is obsessed. but doing this payment andback taking care of this was his way of getting himself back into the good graces of donald trump because he could then go to trump afterwards and say,ha "balls," that is what he called him, he "you could have had a big, embarrassing problem buts i'd come on michael koman, tooka care of it." : bob, it is great to see you and your lycan oldw -- new york storyteller and but actually a story that people cal follow and facts that you can follow and we really appreciate taking time tonight. thank you so much. the nfl says it's aboutle inclusion that is unless you are christian. my "angle" explains it next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> laura: no gods, no glory, that is the focus of tonight's "angle." r the word courageous tossed around casually theseund. days, a trans teen on tiktok's courageous, young man whowell identifies as a woman who suesug
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to join a college sorority, that is courageous, but doing what cultural elite celebrate? come on, that is not courageous because you really risk nothing. at a time though when woke secularists dominate the media, corporate america, hollywood and most universities, a publicno witness to your christian faith, now that takes y because speaking out may actually mean you lose everything, everything you worked for. meet harrison buckner. you prepared to enter the workforce from it is extremely important that you actually think about the places you are moving to. who is the bishop, what kind of parishes are there and cost of life without god is not a lifeon at all and the cost of salvation is worth more than any career. >> laura: his comm commencement address to the catholic benedictine college, the kansas city chief's kicker laidl on the line. >>id never be afraid to confess
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the one holy catholic and apostolic church for this is the church that jesus christ established through which he received sanctifying grace. >> laura: he is merely repeating what he told us, notil to be afraid and basically saying, i'm with you. but the gatekeepers of our culture want us afraid. they want us silent, and yeah, they want us compliant. >> the world around us says weto should keep our beliefs to ourselves whenever they go against the tyranny of diversity, equity and inclusion. we fear speaking truth because now, unfortunately, truth is inh the minority. >> laura: he i is right, truth is under attack everywhere we we once took that for granted when we were going up which the left wants us to h believe somehow hoatw controversial or even hateful. >> my beautiful wife, isabel, would be the first to say her life truly started when she began living her location as a
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wife and a mother. my success is made possible because the girl and met in band class back in middlo school would convert to the faith and become my wife and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker. >> laura: that really rattled all the right cages.he they usually like it when men get emotional. why do they like that? t notice what he's not sayingsn't there. he is not saying women should b stay home erwin and should neve be doctors or lawyers orto whatever they want to be or own their own businesses. he said one of the most important titles of all is homemaker here because home matters. you might have thought he issued a decree that women may never work again so.neve >> it just feels like such a a huge step backwards in our and i thought we were so paste
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this and here we are againan beckons ' 50s. >> somebody gets up and says that sort of thing to your daughter commit is outrageous. it is completely outrageous. >> ithat think he has mother is. that is the issue with a guy come he has mother issues so gei a >> laura: and not just that, the nfl decided to turn on one of its own for being out of thes closet apes a catholic, a cathoc speaking at a catholic college, no less you're the nfl, which has harbored its fair share of from abusers, users, and murderers by theus way. and told us through chiefce diversity and inclusivity officer, he spoke his own capacity and not those of the nfl is an organization.o if the nfl is steadfast to itsly commitment to inclusion here at inclusion? e they are literally singling out a player for expressing his
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constitutionally protected views on family, faith, and pare parenthood. how brave of the wea league. given their we are weak and predictable reaction fitting that he spoke about the threat to manhood. >> to the gentleman here today, part of what plagues our society is the lie told to you that men are toe not necessary in the hor our communities. as men we set the tone of theos culture and when that is absent, disorder, dysfunction, chaos set in.e this absence of men in the home plays a large role in the e see around the nation. h >> laura: whatav could be truer than that? how many pastors have come on "the angle" the past six years and have said the same thing and witnesses every day. all of america fro tm the innere city to the suburbs to rural areas are worse off when fathers aren't on the fathers who se ot good examplese for their sons and being the type of man their daughters
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looked to mary one day. now, it would have been far easier, very cool or consider cool for mr. butker to give the typical, "grab the world by the lapels, kids, follow yourffen dreams" type of commencement bue they are boring. he would have gotten a customaro applause and told a few jokes,s got laughs in and everyone will go to their parties and have forgotten about it. but he decided to use this occasion to say something that mattered, doing what the left pretends to support, speakingt' his s truth.r now, it is easy to forget our social media obsessed materialistic world and we fall on it, including myself from it is easy to forget that heaven ii really what we as christians should be one striving for heren earth. it is certainly easy ton pe understand why his comments made certain people very uncomfortable.
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because they believe it is enough to glide through life with glib references to equity and inclusion on the spiritual t not religious. int but some of them are among thews most intolerant people on the planet. and the powers that be here mea to make an example out of people like harrison butker and riley gaines. dare to challenge their twisted worldview where men ca fatn be n and they will try to denigratedl you, isolate you, cancel you, and ultimately silence you a completely. but be not afraid. and that is "the angle." pure joy to me clay travis, found herqu about pickic and fox news contributor. let's start with you, then i felt quick to condemn butker's f hicomments pure they are monitoring the situation happening with one of his teammn
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rice facing eight felony charges for hit-and-run after allegedlye drag racing 119 miles an hour causing multicar crash in weeks later assaulting a faux do g at a nightclub. clay, they arenito monitoring t, but they felt the need to come out and distance themselves from harrison butker's comments, your election tonight. h >> harris and butker would havee been better off actually accusea of beating up a woman, whichreat unfortunately has happened a great deal in the nfl because people in sports media and larger society would have had a lot less of an issue with that. he would have been better off getting a dui. he would have been better off,te asam you pointed out, being his teammate dealing with all sorts of criminal charges than actually being a guy who spoke truth and said what needs to ben said i think frequently to young college graduates, which is men are not doing their best job of taking care of society.
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a lot of women aren't either. the most important thing we havt to do in this life, in my opinion, and i have three kids, is try to instill values and growth in the next generation. i will say one really positive thing, laura, well he's getting ripped on a lot of left-wing angles, do you know what the number one jersey being sold right now on and i encourage people to go by it for both men and women? his kansas city chiefs jersey. let me tell you, that doesn'tck happen aer lot. so everybody out there isthey voicing their opinion and supporting him and they have o sent that jersey to number one on all of the different jerseykg websites out there. i encourage people if youimon support him speaking out, do thh avsame. >> laura: rehman, your reaction to this and i know you been chomping at the bit.
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because look, we have to put this in context and i agree with everything he said to come but this was a catholic man deeply convicted one at a catholic institution and first, he seigih up as a religiouiss expression. that is what this is, guiding catholic graduates and all they said, he basically said, men are missing from home, i don't see men getting upset about that sa. but some women upset because women also should be in the home. he said, "we are both cold menee and women to be moms andciet dads. that is our greatest look vocation. if you want to make societyme better, do that." in a league where 44 members of butker's team, the. chiefs, rested multiple times, i hardly think harrison butker's speak to make speech at benedict college is a crisis in the nfl.e but today, it seems like that, they aresi committed to inclusi.
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committed to inclusion unless you are a roman catholic who gives full voice and lives your face there faith in public and then no inclusion for you. >> laura: the gals at "the view" or making a comparison today. >> colin kaepernick was standing up for the rights of many and sing social justice moment, this is a reminder we are not thereeu yet. what this man is doing is not just about catholic. this is somebody practicing the traditional mass spirit which i divergent from the majority of catholics. it is compared to being cultlike and extremist. >> laura: clay, colin kaepernick deified forks h taking a knee and this guy speaks his mind, his truth and he might as well have been marching with torches and doing a nazi salute. >> i'm glad you played that clip because a lot of people are "th
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making this analogy like they did on "the view of."in he made a stance in uniform at work. if i go into mcdonald's and want to get cheeseburger come i don't want thei th waiter to tay order toobab save meets murder. mcdonald's would fire you. i bet if harrison butker didnt what colin kaepernick did and tookhe a need during theso national anthem but instead of protesting something that woman agreed with him if he said take a need during the national anthem in uniform atno work and said, i think, i don'ta know, gay marriage shouldn't bet legal in the united states," she wouldn't say that is brave to do so. ng tbut in general, i think thel should be trying to appeal toai everybody, republicans, democrats,e independents.s rememberbu, michael jordan saida back iren the day, republicans y speakers too. you shouldn't be read like involved in sports. if you want to share yoururag political opinions i think wehi
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should encourage more of thingse the marketplace of ideas is a ial qgood place. >> what you heard from "the view" the religious bigotry and a jada's for attending mass, but forgive me traditional christianity has held culture up for a long time i will continuee to do so. i see the support for butker because of what he said whichu makes perfect common sense when yoliu listen to the whole speech which i encourage people to do. >> laura: friendly, ali commencement address worth watching and listening to the art of clay and raymond, thank you. the white house makes a big move to stop americans how bad i biden's memory is spirit congressman byron donalds weighs in the next. ♪ ♪
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administration in history, but now the biden administration is refusing to release the audiotapes of special counsel, robert hur. >> why not a release that, especially -- >> theclea attorney general made clear that all enforcement filet like these need to be protectedo so, the president made his determination at the request of the attorney general. >> laura: she just todayinin michael, when pure joining me o now is florida congressman, r byron donalds who sits on house oversight committee which made the request for the audio. congressman, we have the transcript of these interviewst so why are they afraid to lead us here joe biden answer the actual questions? >> laura, it is good to be with you. let's be honest, they are afrai. to let the audio out because they don't want the american people to hear joe biden. they want you tor jo read aboutd or they want you to sees
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joe biden in these overly choreographed, little segments, wherp e a lot of capital he'll believe they will give him aget little bit of that special potion to get his motor running. but then it wears off. they don't want us to hear him when he actually has to answer questions and tell the truth to mr. hur, the special prosecutor in this situation. wees walso, when the transcriptu were times when the white house would put down an audible because it was not clear whate b the president was saying. so we want to be able to hear b the audio recordings to usace t to go back to the transcript provided by the white house. >> laura: blah, blah, blah, right?g] congressman clement a letter too the oversight committee, whichmm t you sit on, biden's white houe counsel said the absence for legitimate need of the audioup, there was a go to chop them up, distort them and use for supolitical purposes demanding law-enforcement materials
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because you want to manipulate them for potential political gain is inappropriate.ssma a congressman, is there not a legitimate right for the publitt to know what their president sounds like when asked simple questions about classified documents that he had stored in in his garage? how was that not legitimate righe a t to know for the publi? >> of the public does have a right to know.. we should get that information for the american people especially considering the facte joe biden have thosed documents when he was vice president of the united states, when he was a united states senator, which iss a violation of the statute dealing with classified information. it is he ha clear violation. he had no rights to those documents end.empl secondarily, what is also clear you had white house employees go to the pin biden's and term much before miraculously said, oh, my gosh, wumene might have found documents too. here is another co cover up by e
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white house counsel andjo merrick garland for joe biden. that is why we have to get to the bottom of this. if joe biden had nothing to hide and on the up and up and simply forgot about a couple of files, why not release the audio file we can actually hear the president go through this piece by piece? >> laura: i think he soundsin probably really confused and the answers. i that is my estimation what isus going on here and it is more, he's confused perpetually in thispr recording. i think it would sound probably terrible. otherwise, they read release it. congressman, thank you. the biden administration tight-lipped to infiltrate a military base. we have the details next. ♪ ♪ fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. after 30 years of research, brain scientists have discovered the key factors that can cause mental decline in memory issues,
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introducing neuroq, the breakthrough brain supplement that can help your memory, focus and concentration to improve the quality of your life everyday. neuroq is the result of years of research studying the precise nutrients your brain needs to perform better. in an internal study, four out of five neuroq users saw significant improvement in just 30 days. i feel like it helps with my mental clarity and focus and getting things done as well as my memory and recall. call or go online now to find out how you can try neuroq for $49.95 plus get free shipping. act now and you'll also receive neuroq's fast dissolving sleep now oral strips to boost brain recovery while you sleep. (♪)
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♪ ♪ >> laura: a disturbing story that has gotten very littleal coverage by the press spirit to code jordanian nationals tried s to force their way onto the marine corps base at quanticoje nkand they were arrested. for fox news correspondent gri griff jenkins with the details,o grip. >> good evening this story has not t gotten more attention at quantico is the most sensitivet bases in the nation, laura not only combat development command but the fbi academy, ncis come
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up various defense intel agencies. here is what we confirm the twob duringre jordanian nationals bak quantico november 3rd. they directed to stop in the vehicle had to be deployed to halt the truck and the two men detained and turned over to i.c.e. the no weapons found in the vehicle and the spokesperson said they s were working for amazon subcontractor here at amazon has not come from that spirit i h asked the i.c.e. director today and he was what he>> had to say. >> we currently have them inremo custody and they are currently going through removal proceedings. >> where they illegally in the country? >> i can tell you they are amenable to removal and thereas are proceedings for that appearance because some recording is one hinted the terror. screen pays, can you>> gconfirm that? i can't confirm anything like that now.he >> laura, the white house asked about it today o, theyff havelo nothing to share, nothing totill
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offer about it. in the light of the questions, still out there and whether herc illegally in the u.s. and whether they posed a nationalnqi security risk.grif dhs and i.c.e. never responded to our inquiries, >> laura: griff, thank you sost much stephen miller former l senior advisor to president trump founder ofek america first legal, stephen,t this happen as griff said two weeks ago we are just finding out about it now. why was this closed? >> >> i am sure it was keptmini hidden because it represents a massive failure by this administration to secure immigration system. no matter what facts ultimately emerge, laura, what we know already is already alarming enough. you have two, noncity and jordanian nationals, i.c.e. s speaker amenable ttao removal. that means no status here at alr with that fundamental status is,
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jordanian, not american who managed to drive a truck into a secured. facility in quantico he in and even worked in d.c. and work around government knows the most patient's importantco law enforcement training, military training, officer training, counterintelligencemai are out to quantico. the president's helicopter, marine one, wherco.e is that ba? ockiquantico.admi this is incredibly disturbing, shocking spirit and the facthe administration cannot release 24 weeks later details about when the aliens entered the country and what status, if they fell out of status and i.c.e. took no action up to this point of time, the environment in which we are living which is total migrant tales, laura. >> laura: we think lau about the chinese nationals who are here, tens of thousands of military
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aged chinese men, many of them flew into columbia, we understand south america and made their way up from south america to mexico. not sure what they are doing here as well as tens of thousands from the middle east as well, jordan, just one country we can say because they have officials and the biden administration had to confirm it here this is like a ticking time bomb all courtesy of joe biden's open border policies. >> yes, in addition to the free and unrestricted entry of foreign terrorist into the i country and for everyone that is apprehended, you have unknownw number successfully evadedrs entirely and a number of cutaways havnoe entered in masse numbers are not even close to previous levels but on top of that you mention individuals from adversarialn nations like iran and trying out a personma
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late large no doubt many are spies and committing espionage in the united states, all of which conflicted by joe biden on to. this is joe biden. >> laura: pay attention, vvoters. >pay attention, voters this is your country and still is. we are hanging on by a thread, stephen, thank you. why is biden so willing suddenly to debate? our next guest has. a theory and our next guest has. a theory and you will want to hear it. v21. if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy.
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so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol's extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. >> >> this morning president biden came out swinging union style. >> he cameyle. out swinging, ths trolling of donald trump saying you are free on wednesdays.n >> the president wants to debate. he is loa very competitive, you know, locker room-like high school athlete that wants to debate is rifle. o >> laura: come on, jeff, you are smarter than that, andn literally no one on god's green
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earth thinks of joe biden as an athlete in his prime. these people have lost their minds. joining me now, vivek ramaswamy former 2024 presidential candidate. they saw him in court tuesdaye and you say this might be a set up, why? i b >> i believe it isn't set up, laura.king here are this way it is working why did biden pull this all ofd the senate and why did the democrats let them do it? let's put some facts cnn will host it and biden they will pop up and makase him look as good s possible. this is the earliestst eal presidential debate in recordedi history in june. why is that? this as that says hail maryy attempt for biden as his numbers are tanking. the this is his last attempt for him to succeed. if he doesn't as i suspect that will give him the case, that s gives them time to swap outth somebody else for nomination. set them ugoinp for the best lot and it's not neutral for him, cnn, do the 180, but if heve fails, they have enough time to prop up a new puppet pier that
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is what i think is going on.>> l >> laura: so biden is his own trial balloon. they are still auditioning him here that is pretty funny. >> think extraordinary way to go out in style. i do not think even withi that moderator, i think nick left center and right center network to do it together but you have left center network cnn doing it it and they will try to do their best to make biden look good and they will fail and fail miserably. the red carpet for biden after:l that.ed >> laura: all he needs to do, trump, is to be becauslte biden will throw insus at him. th he only thing he can do is bt trump, get him in a mudslinging contest where he loses him here that is what they willat i try o do. aif trump does a rag in and hae a equivalent of their week go again, he will win it hands d down.. >> having spent a lot of timede with president trump, i think he is further placentd than he was. he spent the president already and i think he is s morebe thank
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ready for this pair of record speaks for itself and a rareears record for coyears of trump 24ut year biden. they put them through countless trials and this will be the o least of his concerns and i'm confident yo u will come outmy shining bu ct my concern, laura, june and it's early, plop foren t replacement play in the works. >> laura: if what they have ishen gretchen whitmer and not havingc gavin newsom come all i caann s is good luck. i don'workt think that will wor. it was great to see you theso other day and comeon back. thank you so much. we have a lot to cover tomorrow night here at the trial will continue next week and tomorrow is baron's graduation happywill graduation but back on monday wb will cover it then. remember, it is america, now and forever, jesse watters, "prime time" next. ♪ ♪ speed to a fox news alert,


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