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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 17, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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on 3 kids in college. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. empower. what's next. ♪ >> ainsley: it is 7:00 a.m. here on the east coast. it's friday, may 17th. and this is "fox & friends." we start with a fox weather alert. dangerous storms are moving east through louisiana after battering texas killing at least
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four people in houston and leaving 1 million people without power. >> brian: and today, president biden and kamala harris making their appeal to minority voters saying they are set to meet with leaders from black sports and fraternities that's big of them as got a backup plan if the whole v.p. plan doesn't work out. >> steve: there is the church, and there is the steeple open the doors and there is the pickleball court. >> ainsley: with all the people. >> lawrence: second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now but, remember, mornings are better with friends ♪ wake me up before you go, go. ♪ don't let me hanging on like a yo-yo ♪ wake me up before you go go. [cheers and applause] >> steve: hey, everybody. as you can see who needs coffee here at the st. paul's cafe here in downtown dallas, which is first baptist and the guy who
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runs it, everybody knows him. everybody loves him reverend jeffers. good morning to you. >> good morning and welcome to first baptist. >> it's great to have you. if we could take a shot of your church. one of the original mega churches, can we turn the camera around? because you have got those fountains right there they refer to it as the baptist bellagio. >> that's right. >> steve: and you got how many people that go to church here? >> 16,000 members. >> steve: 16,000 members. so many people, the reason why we are here, we saw on instagram you got that thing you don't have to be a baptist just come play pickleball and hear about. >> jesus. >> steve: here you go. down here in the heart of -- holy cow, wait a second, in the heart of dallas -- wait a minute, there is a guy in cowboy boots. will cain, ladies and gentlemen. will cain is here. >> will: welcome to dallas. >> steve: thank you very much. man, the weather has been crazy. at least today it is kind of dry but then again we have reverend
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jeffers on our side. >> you play pickleball in boots in texas, steve. >> steve: you went to. >> the academy of country music awards. >> steve: north of us. >> will: post malone, chris stapleton, texas. >> steve: also one of the biggest entertainers in america are going to be on this pickleball court. don't reveal their identity. >> will: all right. >> steve: in about an hour. all right? will women i'm excited i will hangs around to see who that might be. >> steve: ainsley and brian and lawrence, normally, when it is will and it's pete, that segment is called. >> will: off the wall. >> steve: off the wall or off the grid. >> will: that's our wednesday's edition. >> steve: instead of off the grid since we are diner let's call it off the griddle. >> will: off the griddle playing pickleball off the street. >> steve: very nice. pickleball also known as deviled
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ping-pong. >> will: steve has improved. i saw him a year ago at courtside kitchen. the competition has increased. >> steve: that's right. maybe it is just because we are at a religious facility i have not heard the lord's name used once today unlike when i play in jersey. >> will: i just got here. >> steve: back to you guys in new york. >> brian: steve, have you noticed has will gotten any better? is will any good? steve, do you know? >> steve: he has always been good. you went for the low shot. >> will: brian, first time in a year that i have played pickleball. so lower expectation. >> steve: here's the thing coming up this hour you and i are going to play with the family that owns the kansas city chiefs. so if you want to be a professional football player maybe? >> will: okay. >> steve: they will be watching. then we have also got the former miss universe. >> will: i think i will stick around, steve. [laughter] brian. >> lawrence: that's why he is wearing the boots.
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>> brian: will cain and steve doocy long time rivalry come together for pickleball. >> ainsley: i have been worried about them. >> lawrence: i can't believe will is going to play in cowboy boots. that is bold. you have to believe in yourself. there is no grip in it. i'm a little worried about him. i support the cowboy boots but on pickleball it's going to be a sight to see. >> ainsley: all right. let's talk about this. trump is back in court on monday with the final stretch of his trial with cohen set to testify again. >> brian: what is that? what am i doing? brooke singman is here with more. hey, brooke. >> brooke: hey, guys yeah, the new york vs. trump trial enter the final stretch on monday where the defense will resume cross-examination of michael cohen for a third day. 2016 phone call with trump's body guard. cohen testified that he asked to speak to trump about payments to stormy daniels during that call but text messages from moments before the call took place show cohen wanting to talk to the
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body guard keith schiller about harassing calls which were allegedly made from 14-year-old prank caller. he texted him saying who can i talk to about harassing calls to my cell and office? keith said call me. history of lying under oath and events central to the case including testimony from former adviser bob costello saying cohen told him trump was not involved in any payments to stormy daniels. trump's defense attorney todd blanche asking cohen: do you remember telling him you had nothing on president trump and could not cooperate with cohen responding, "no, sir." bob costello reacted to that last night. listen. >> the bottom line is he didn't have truthful information. he said, guys, i want you to know i will do whatever the f i have to do. i will never spend one day in jail. well, he spent more than one day in jail and he blames donald trump for that. now, i wondered he, though, why he would go out of his way
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because he explained the $130,000 transaction was all his idea. he said donald trump had nothing to do with it. >> the judge canceled proceedings today so that trump can attend his son barron's high school graduation. guys? >> brian: graduation is today. >> brooke: yep, in florida. >> lawrence: big moment. >> ainsley: thank you so much, brook. >> brian: so interesting real quick on barron it seems like he likes politics. he is trying to get involved. he looks like politician now. >> ainsley: going to be electorate and melania said nope. i don't blame her. >> lawrence: is he tall, too. >> brian: is he youngkin tall. >> lawrence: the former president you notice i never get to do an interview with him. >> brian: why? because you are taller than him. >> lawrence: we are always sitting down. he doesn't like people touring. you can't tell your son to sit down. you got take the photo with your son. >> ainsley: let's talk about the election. we are about six months out. and all the candidates are going different places. you even have donald trump who
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is going to go to his son's graduation. tonight is he stumping in minnesota because he is not in court today because of barron's graduation. but then you have kamala and biden. they are really appealing to the black. >> lawrence: election year. >> ainsley: where have they been for the last three and a half years at these colleges? >> lawrence: meeting with the divine nine today. nine of the historically black fraternities and sports. sororities.they are only decidio this right now. i asked our team to pull this photo. if you remember, back in 2017, this is after donald trump was elected, he met with all of the hbcu colleges and signed the bill to give them $250 million there was no real politics involved. he made a commitment. he wanted to restore the colleges and he moved the bill through. this wasn't during an election year. but the biden administration is doing something different because they are struggling with the black vote right now.
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>> brian: number one, they are worried about turnout. >> ainsley: that was trump. >> lawrence: that was trump back in 2017. >> brian: going done automatic deposit. they are worried because they got 77% of the black turnout last time not the total vote. a lot of them ambivalent, 62%. looks like the president has caught up about 10% in the polls. president biden famously dismissing all the polls. but he is not really by his actions. if those polls are inaccurate he wouldn't be at the african-american museum today. he wouldn't be doing what they are doing with sororities today. >> ainsley: and black radio show hosts. >> brian: nonstop. he wouldn't be sending out jim clyburn there is a degree of panic. what is interesting about trump. trump is like i have policies for the country that benefit communities. i don't have a targeting community. so the hispanic vote is leaning towards trump and so is the black vote. so that means it's time to take action. and that's what the president is doing with those two debate demands, got them and now he is
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doing. this. >> ainsley: apparently the vice president, kamala harris is joking with her friends that if they don't win the white house, that she might return to california and run for governor. >> lawrence: i think this is the contingency plan. the democrats finally figured out a way where they don't damage the identity politics spectrum with her not running for president next. and i think that is the one thing they have to. if gavin newsom runs for president and whether it's this time or the next time around, and then she just moves over to governor, okay, they can get away with that but you can't just have gavin newsom skip her. you got to give her some type of title and then give her a shot at the presidency later. >> brian: right. she would replace gavin newsom term limited out. the president could be embarrassment. is he speaking at morehouse college's commencement address. they are not happy. some of these quotes. attack in gaza.
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and coming here to pander for our votes. it is political black face according to a sophomore on campus. look, we see these demonstrations wherever he goes anyway. let alone going to morehouse uninvited. >> lawrence: brian, the situation is on two fronts. you got the activists that are on the college campuses there that support the gaza. we got that part. morehouse all men's college. is he already struggling with black men to begin with so just imagine him going to the campus and getting booed by other black men. i mean, it's not going to be maybe the parents women and the parents. demographic that he is already struggling with, that's the reason he is doing the speech. >> brian: you believe it's a risk. >> lawrence: total big risk. not going to gain anything from going. i think the one thing that the campaign could do if they really -- some economic message that's gonna get the burden off. because when you talk with black men, the number one issue is the economy. that's just it.
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>> brian: go ahead. >> ainsley: kamala harris' spokesperson said it's not friends. she was joking with her friends she was going to run for governor of california. that did not happen. this november the vice president will be preparing to be inaugurated for the second term of the biden-harris administration. >> brian: we will see. i would add just one other thing, they are also looking to legalize pot to get the young vote out. and i'm. >> ainsley: they said they weren't going to legalize it they were going to change it and put in a different category not as bad as heroin but not legalizing it. >> lawrence: change the schedule. >> brian: they are moving that direction. they want everyone to know where they stand. other thing to keep in mind, too. these illegal immigrants coming into urban environments taking over hotels, using up services, taking over gyms and boys homes and things to that nature. that is a direct hit at the working class in cities. and that is -- that is a joe biden policy that you can't reverse in two weeks.
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>> lawrence: well, brian, think about it, when i toured all of these cities, whether it is pennsylvania, cities in pennsylvania, i have been to boston. i'm going to chicago. andi go and interview the peopln the community that are upset about it. it's not like there is all these white individuals that i'm speaking to. these are minorities in these communities. some of them are mostly the one i spoke to impoverished areas already. it's a slap in their face when you take their resources away and give them to illegals. >> ainsley: i will never forget that image of you standing outs of that facility, recreation facility for teenagers. >> lawrence: mom in boston. >> ainsley: i drop my kids off here because i'm a single mom and this is where they play basketball and have fun with their friends. now illegal immigrants are in and my kids don't have a place. >> lawrence: what she also said, ainsley this the community ernesto dr. i put them in to keep them off the streets because they were doing all the shootings. how are they going to complain about my boys get into trouble when i have this place for them to be at and the biden
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administration because of the sanctuary city policy totally okay with it apparently. >> brian: also keeps wages down, too. when illegals working. >> lawrence: correct. >> brian: 13 minutes after the hour. dangerous storms sweeping through louisiana after battering texas, killing at least four people in houston. more than 900,000 residents in louisiana and texas are waking up with no power this morning. louisiana officials are surveying the damage as many trees are toppled over on to houses, cars and roadways. >> ainsley: there is widespread damage and outages all across houston and harris county as intense rain flooded the stores or in the stores. the powerful storm badly damaging buildings in downtown houston and even blowing out some windows. >> lawrence: even leaning through the retractible roof minute maid park where the houston astros are playing. let's check in with our senior meteorologist fox weather forecast. any word on the electricity, j.d.? >> janice: no, still over 700,000 people without power in the harris county area.
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and we have close to 200,000 people without power in louisiana. here are the severe storm reports. so, very strong winds moving through the houston area. we had a couple of tornado warnings last night around 5 or 6:00 p.m. it looks like straight line wind damage. new orleans, we had a reported tornado offer you and here are some of the top wind gusts. hurricane force winds here in the texas area and even higher amounts in louisiana. so here's the power outage tracker. 760,000 in the houston metro area. top wind reports for new orleans 84 miles per hour in the new orleans area. and then on top of that we had the heavy rainfall that caused flooding. here are the power outages for the louisiana area. 157,000. so hopefully that will begin to improve. the storm system is moving eastward. the rivers, however, have still not crested. concern about that as we go through the weekend. we do have the potential for stronger storms. we earlier had a severe thunderstorm warning that had some rotation around the big
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bend here of florida. that has since expired. that's the good news. but we still have the severe storm risk for south texas along the gulf coast, including new orleans again, mobile alabama, towards tallahassee. not over yet. the flood alerts. the flooding will be ongoing throughout the weekend. so we will continue to keep you up to date. the fact that they had flood alerts reminiscent of hurricane harvey in 2017 is really something and, you know, the damage is extensive in and around the houston area. back to you. >> brian: at a time when housing insurance is going through the roof. everywhere in this country, this adds to it, too. >> ainsley: is this normal, janice? i feel like we have had so much bad weather in this area for the last month or maybe longer. >> brian: right. now, 15 minutes after the hour. carley shimkus has the other news. >> carley: i certainly do. that's right, guys. starting in california. police in los angeles arresting a gunman who shot and killed the passenger on a met throw bus in the city of commerce last night. this is the fourth attack on a transit system just this week
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authorities say the victim was shot from behind after argument with the shooter. earlier in the week there were two separate stabbings and an attempted robbery. the strict of metro crimes started on monday with two separate stabbings and a violent robbery. a massachusetts teen is dead after participating in a so-called one chip challenge. a friend gave a friend a spicy tortilla chip at a school and hours later he was dead from cardiac arrest. the chip company pulled the product from store shelves after the teen's death. my goodness. the president of sonoma state university in california has been placed on leave after approving several concessions to anti-israel protesters. mike lee agreeing to the creation of a students for justice in palestine authority council and an academic boycott of israeli universities. plus expansion of palestinian studies at the school. lee has apologized for agreeing to the boycott.
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sean "diddy" combs' alleged drug mule accepting a plea deal to avoid jail time. he played basketball at syracuse university was arrested last month and charged with felony possession of cocaine and marijuana. paul was previously named in a civil lawsuit against diddy accused paul of smuggling drugs and guns for the rap icon. the former diversity program manager for facebook and nike has been sentenced to five years behind bars and ordered to pay back over $5 million for after stealing from both companies. an attorney saying, quote: after being terminated from facebook, she brazenly continued the first of all as a dei leader at nike where she stole another 6 figure sum from their diversity program. the doj says the exdiversity manager set up fake business deals, invoices and events to benefit her own pocket. and kansas city chiefs kicker
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harrison butker's jersey amongst the nfl's best seller after faith-based commencement speech. as of yesterday morning the number 7 jersey is the most in demand fan gear on petition has been started though demanding he be fired from the team. so far over 170,000 people are signed the petition. other petitions have popped up, too. in support of butker. and those are your headlines. he is certainly in the news these days, guys. >> brian: nfl is moving away from him? >> carley: distancing themselves. >> ainsley: his opinions are not their opinion. not necessarily our opinions, they said his opinions are not ours. >> lawrence: the thing is i wish the nfl would make those statements when people make statements on the field. he didn't do it on the field. he did it. >> brian: commencement. >> ainsley: catholic school. >> lawrence: is he entitled to his point of view. it seems like they want to be woke when it's convenient for the overall narrative. >> brian: this would be great time to book the owners of the
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chiefs. >> lawrence: they should be coming up. >> ainsley: they are coming up. >> brian: this would be a great day. >> lawrence: is this your booking? >> brian: yes. ha ha ha ha. >> lawrence: your exclusive? >> brian: i saw the text on the commencement speech and i said we got to play pickleball with the chiefs owners and i haven't said it out loud i thought it. there is no proof. unlike michael cohen. things i just made up in my head i want you to believe. >> ainsley: steve and will are in dallas. they are having breakfast with friends at first baptist saint paul cafe. steve, you are going to have to ask him about that here at st. paul's cafe. they opened early. how was breakfast? in cheers] >> steve: they are cheering because it's free breakfast tacos. two different rooms. will you go over to the next room and you are coming up next.
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every time we do one of these diners with friends or today it's dinking and diners because we are playing pickleball as well. we ask you about the topics that are of interest. i'm going to just a show of hands and make a little noise. regarding the things you are most interested in right now. who is most interested in the economy? [cheers and applause] >> steve: okay. inflation? [applause] >> steve: not so much. the border? [cheers and applause] >> steve: defense of democracy? [cheers and applause] >> steve: what about abortion? [applause] >> steve: and we are at the first baptist church. what about spirituality? [cheers and applause] >> steve: all right. and, finally, you know, one of the other things that we are interested in is a couple of days ago joe biden announced that he is going to do debates because people say, according to the campaign, people are not
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engaged. are you paying attention to the presidential campaign? >> absolutely. >> steve: why? >> because we need a change. you know, we have had adversity ever since he walked into the office. now we need someone that can truly make america great again. >> steve: i have heard that before. [applause] >> steve: this guy clapping. why are you paying attention? >> the same reason. we need a change in the oval office. >> steve: all right. very good. listen, that's thishalf of the . let's go through this door and let me just holler, all right, will, take it away. >> will: all right, steve, welcome into the other side of the diner. [cheers] >> will: interestingly, i know, when we do these diners, lawrence, brian, you know, ainsley, you know as well. we talk to people ahead of time what do you want to talk about in the theme kind of emerged here in the diner, young families. sharon was telling me exactly that that seems to be an issue incredibly important here.
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>> yes it is. we want to reach families here at the church. we have wonderful children's programs. sunday morning, sunday night. choirs, awan in as, we have wonderful things. we want people to come we want to minister to young people she doesn't want to talk on tv right, judy? >> that's right. >> will: julianne one of those young families telling me things important to her right now. >> yeah. life is getting really expensive. and a lot of our areas in our life we are having to cut back, entertainment, food, travel. we are trying to as newlyweds find ways to cut back where we can. so we have embraced walking. we are fortunate to live in a part of the city where we are walking places. we are walking to work. to church, to go work out in doing so we have been able to cut back on gas prices. so we have tout cut back where we can. >> will: how long have you been married? tell me about your family. >> my husband and i are coming up on three years in november. so we are enjoying this special time of life.
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and making smart financial choices while we can. >> will: incredible. real quick, can i get slight lid younger, 16, this is braden, i just asked him real quick what's most important to you and you said? >> i said that right now most definitely the israel-hamas conflict most important to me. something that's incredibly important that i disagree with is the biden administration's decision to roll back aid from israel if they invade into rafah. >> will: this 16-year-old knows a thing or two about world news and politics. that's the theme young families to you guys. brian, lawrence, ainsley in new york. >> brian: yep. texas has their own foreign policy, too. >> ainsley: pretty impressive. >> brian: we are going to expand on that 16-year-old's statement with general jack keane. >> lawrence: we raise them right in texas. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under
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a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. ♪ >> brian: fox news alert now. the number one golfer in the world scottie scheffler has been detained in louisville, kentucky ahead of round 2 of the pga championship the dust up with law enforcement happening after a crash outside of the gates of valhalla golf club. todd piro on top of it. >> todd: wild story. police putting scottie scheffler the number one golfer in the world acin handcuffs ahead of
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round two of pga championship. it happened after a misunderstanding with traffic flow led to his attempt to drive past a police officer into value ha low golf club. darlington going to be say the police officer then began to scream at scheffler to get out of the car when scheffler exited the vehicle. the officered shoved scheffler against the car and immediately placed him in handcuffs there was a four some set to tee off allegedly the pga championship that championship has been delayed because of what happened. here's what we know about the accident in question. one person died after a pedestrian trying to cross the road near the course was struck by a shuttle bus. that is according to louisville police the victim who was not identified died at the scene. still unclear right now when play will resume. as you might imagine everybody trying to get to round 2. traffic building there rain is also coming down we will stay on
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top of this. we are also hearing some reports as well that scheffler may have been released. sky news reporting that we are going to continue to stay on top of this. and, of course, as you might imagine there was a lot of jokes right now on social media saying this is the only way to stop scottie scheffler. let's keep in mind this is a very serious incident involving somebody who died and we still have a lot of details to figure out as to ultimately what led the police officer to say hey, i got put scottie scheffler in cuffs. back over to you, brian. >> brian: 30 minutes before the top of the hour. chinese president xi rolling out the red carpet for russian president vladimir putin. the two meeting in beijing in china's harbin city once known as little moscow to celebrate their opposition to the u.s. led world order. joint statement two leaders say this the united states still thinks in terms of the cold war guided by the logic of block confrontation creates a security threat for all countries in the region. here to react fox news strategic analyst and retired four star general jack keane. general, we know about this relationship. we know it's flourishing.
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what do you take from that statement? president xi recognizes this is a long, close and enduring relationship that matters united states and others are out openly criticizing this relationship and is he pushing back on it quite understandably. this relationship truly matters. just think about what china is doing with russia and also north korea and iran. with russia, they are buying -- they are the number one purchaser of their fuel. they are the reason that russia is able to get around the sanctions. not just because they are buying their oil but they are major supplier of russia in terms of keeping that army on the battlefield. they don't provide the weapons item itself but they provide the parts and components to it. plus, all the other things that are not weapons that you need to have an army on the battlefield. this is a major relationship
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that is actually making a difference in the war in ukraine. and it is enduring relationship. they have differences, they have cultural differences. they have historical differences. they have overcome all of them. why? common objective, to remove the united states as the world's global leader and like minded democracies influence in the world. that is what they are about. >> brian: but the leverage is possibly, general, that they want the european market. the europeans are really concerned about an aggressive russia. they need our market. can we have a little bit of leverage there saying you continue to do this, we're going to start pulling back and shutting down and tariff you to the point where it's not going to be profitable to be seeing to the west. >> well, certainly we can do that. and this administration is talking about doing it the previous administration has done that as well. europeans are very concerned about china's overcapacity and
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production flooding their marketplace and diminishing their industries. you know full well that the previous administration was the first one to ever stand up to china economically after china had destroyed a number of industries in the united states textile industry, furniture industry. they were on their way to destroying the steel industry which the trump administration slapped down the tariffs on them to protect that industry. i mean, whole say tariffs are probably not a whole good thing to our economy but specifically economy destroy our industry that is likely a good thing that should be weaponized. >> brian: white house sending a delegation to taiwan for inauguration of the new president with chinese activity around taiwan intensifying they did not want that guy elected. real quick, we always talk about what happens after the israelis achieve their objective in gaza. maybe we are getting a clue.
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it looks like overhead shots show a corridor being built up the middle. netanyahu says gaza will no longer be able to secure their own security. we will do it. how effective will that be along with the pier we built for humanitarian causes in order to get more humanitarian aid in there? >> well, i think the pier will complement what is going into gaza. the road routes going through the gates is the main distribution. it always will be. but the pier certainly will supplement it and there will be a security issue there. the israelis are going to have to protect it for sure. in terms of this backbone that i refer to as a corridor that goes north and south, the israelis know when conflict operations end, that hamas will still be able to conduct insurgent type attacks. they're going to have to have some security forces. they don't want to occupy gaza indefinitely. but, for a period of time until there's new governance, and another security force that can
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maintain civil order, they will have to maintain some presence. and this is one of the tactical ways they intend to be able to do it so they have flexibility to move around the country quite rapidly. >> brian: right. hey, general, always great. thanks so much. we will keep our eye on that. remember they ran gaza for 38 years before sharon just gave it to them outright. general jack keane, thank you. meanwhile, coming up on one nation this weekend amongst our great roster of guests bill bratton are we ever able to get security back in this country? also, we're going to talk to the co-authors of uncomfortable conversation with a jew and so much more and also jon lovitz. hopefully everyone with will wash saturday at 9:00 p.m. pickleball court and somer surprisea guests. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent
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>> steve: all right. we are in downtown dallas at first baptist because now they have a pickleball program to get people interested in church and pickleball. you don't even have to go to church. a couple of our friends have stopped by. we have gracy hunt. gracy, of course, has been on the program a number of times. her family owns the kansas city chiefs. she is also a great big media influencer. and today, look who we have got as well. >> will: demi tebow tim tebow's wife the author of a great new book. thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you for having us. >> steve: former miss universe. [laughter] >> steve: we are going to start with you because the couch would like to know as america would the reaction from the hunt family regarding the kicker, harrison butker. >> well, i can only speak from my own experience, which is i have had the most incredible mom who had the ability to stay home
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and be with us as kids growing up. and i understand that there are many women out there who can't make that decision but for me in my life i know it was really formative in shaping me and my siblings to be where we are. >> steve: so you understand what he was talking about. >> for sure. i respect harrison and his christian faith and what he has accomplished on and off the field. >> will: really quick, gracey, i know faith is a big part of your life. you have a huge platform, social media. i know you use that platform to talk often about spirituality. >> well, i just believe that wherever god places you in life you have to make the most of the opportunity. i have had incredible role models like demi to look up to and just how she is steward of the light that she is. i just believe in using where you are to inspire and encourage people and lead them to jesus. >> steve: part of your mission, essentially, is you have got a book it's a great book. tell us a little bit about it. >> thank you so much. i'm so excited. it's my first book.
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my book is titled a crown that lost. it's very focused on how the crowns that i have chased. i remember the night i handed over miss universe crown i was so ready to take that next step when i left that stage i remember feeling like i forgot something like i left something. and it wasn't until a good amount later that i realized when i left on that stage with that crown my identity. >> steve: for a year i'm miss universe. i'm miss universe. >> steve: i'm not miss universe and the letdown. >> that's right that label wearing. and it's not that chase ago crown, chasing the corner office, chasing to when the win the pickleball champion are bad things it's when we root our identity in those things that we can walk a tight rope. i will with will what is the crown that lasts? >> ultimately personally it is who i am in jesus who he created me to be. the purpose that he has for me.
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and paul tells us in i corinthians that will not be perishable. >> steve: you said let's play pickleball. let's go ahead and play. we should point out she has a pickleball court at her house. all right. go ahead. >> will: going full? all right. >> steve: take it easy on us. and will is wearing cowboy boots. >> will: no problem. >> steve: good shot, will. [cheers] [cheers] >> steve: the cheerleaders are throwing me. thank you. go ahead. quick, quick, go. steve it's the street. okay. go ahead. lexy? >> will: we are getting smoked, steve. >> steve: itemy, go ahead. quick, quick. go ahead. [cheers]
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>> steve: oh. oh, man o man. i could hit balls badly all morning long. good job. demi and also gra c.i. e, thank you very much. will, fantastic. back to new york. ainsley, back to you. >> ainsley: the women seem to be the winners steve and will, i hate to break it to you but you all look cute playing. that's so fun. the house oversight committee moving to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt but, that's not the craziest thing to come out of that hearing. >> are your feelings hurt? >> oh, girl, baby girl. >> oh, really. >> don't even play. >> baby girl? i don't think so. >> ainsley: tyrus has some fighting tips for those ladies.s ♪ he's got so many life experiences that he can share. finding the exact date on ancestry that our family business was founded,
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was special to share with my grandfather. you don't get that moment every day.
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4:51 am
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>> ainsley: oh, yeah. that really happened. sparks flying on capitol hill during the house oversight hearing to hold attorney general garland in contempt. the debate taking a backseat to the war of words you just heard with lawmakers screaming and insulting one another. fox news contributor tyrus is here to react. tyrus, you are a real fighter. what was your opinion? >> hey, there is a debate that he i think we all want to watch and see. i just -- i don't know if aoc wants that smoke from taylor. i don't know. you know, when someone says baby girl and they try to do that passive aggressive compliment, attack that generally means they don't want any. they are trying to buy time but margie wasn't having it. she stands on business. i don't think that's a fight aoc wants to get into. the 1.20, somewhere between 5:3. i don't think aoc wants what greene is bringing. i just think she needs to move
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on from that one. don't go there. >> ainsley: then congressman crocket attacked marjorie taylor greene's appearance or her fake blonde hair or bleached blonde hair. >> he needed to stay out of it. fellows, don't ever get involved. >> it's a woman. it was the other lady. her name is jazmine crocket. >> oh, i'm sorry. the picture is showing a guy. >> ainsley: can't keep it straight. >> it doesn't matter. nobody wants to get involved. that's the main event. that's what we want. we got -- we have heavyweight championship going down this weekend. we just got embarrassed. i don't know why kilmeade couldn't be at pickleball. is he supposed to be the soccer player and athlete. made poor doocy go out there. there is a lot of people afraid of smoke. just leave margie alone. you don't -- aoc you don't want that. >> ainsley: tyrus the biden administration his doj is reclassifying marijuana. it's no longer a schedule 1. they are changing it to a schedule 3, which is a less dangerous drug. is this just a play to the
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appeal to the younger voters? >> not just to appeal to the young voters. appeal to everybody. again, this is one of those tactics where there is no basis to it. it's pretty much either can you do it i don't know 27 of our states at this point or something like that. so, this is really not -- this is, again, a little too late. it's not going to change anything. trying to give up free gifts and free things and making statements about the base. it's all empty. i don't think it's going to be missed at by the american people. >> ainsley: are you surprised this is one of the latest fox news poll biden is losing support with the young voters in october of 2020 it was 63%. in may of this year, 49%. so not even half of the young voters are liking joe biden. what does he need to do to appeal to them? >> he doesn't -- he doesn't have the ability to appeal to anyone anymore. let's just be honest. we saw the callout for, again, another situation where it looks
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like a bad boxing match where he wants to call a debate, was, what, seven takes to get a 13 second message out. we are just seeing that there is no connection with anybody. that's been his problem with this presidency. he wrote a lot of checks and his ego hasn't cashed any of them. now the time when he needs to step up, when he needs to come out and speak directly to americans. doesn't matter whether you are old or young or what color your skin is, this is where the president should be coming out and talking to everybody and he just doesn't. if you don't show up to the dance, nobody can party. we will just wait i guess. >> ainsley: all right, tyrus. thank you so much. have a great weekend. we will be watching. we had cat on the show earlier and now we have you. >> sweet. she had to get up earlier than me? yes. >> ainsley: she did. thank you. have a great weekend. don't move, we have more "fox & friends" straight ahead.d yo ♪
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5:00 am
>> lawrence: buck up, it's 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, friday may 17th. this is "fox and friends." fox weather alert, dangerous storms moving through louisiana after battering texas, killing four people in houston and leaving one million without power. a child care


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