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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 17, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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doctor said gain-of-function research was being done in wuhan, china. they changed it to only a type of research created a pathogen to create a pandemic. how do you know that until you create it or gets out or how do you know that until you've tested it on humanized mice? now they are playing semantics with it. dr. fauci didn't say by the generic definition yes. he said no, we weren't doing it at all. now they've come up with a new definition that they changed on the nih website only after it became a topic. >> bill: you haven't given up on it. last year the hhs said no more federal grants for the next ten years for wuhan, maybe forever. we'll see what comes next. appreciate you stopping by. brad wenstrup, congressman from ohio, thank you. >> dana: fox news alert. the world's top ranked golfer
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arriving at round two at the pga championship after being arrested and booked in jail. police say he didn't follow their instructions trying to drive around the traffic jam. welcome to "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino and i think it is safe to say his day would go this way. >> bill: apparently scheduled to tee off in 20 minutes. this is the video, this is the moment before dawn in louisville, kentucky on the east side of town. >> guys, guys, stand back. back up. >> i'm back, i'm back. >> bill: that's the masters champion being detained while trying to make his morning tee time. traffic was shut down after a deadly bus crash outside the club hosting the tournament killed a person who was working for one of the vendors for the tournament. so scheffler now faces a number of charges including second degree assault of a police
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officer, a felony, he put out a statement saying it was a chaotic situation that led to a big misunderstanding. jonathan serrie picks up the story live in atlanta. what can we piece together? hello. >> in that statement scotty scheffler saying he was trying to follow police officers instructions. the whole thing a big misunderstanding. he was detained this morning while attempting to navigate his way through the traffic that had developed outside of the pga championship at the golf club in louisville, kentucky. police were directing traffic around that fatal accident in a tournament traffic lane where a bus had struck a pedestrian earlier in the morning. espn reports scheffler drove past an officer who grabbed onto the car before it came to a stop at the entrance to the golf course. jeff darlington posted on x the
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police officer began to scream at scheffler to get out of the car. when scheffler exited the vehicle, the officer shoved scheffler against the car and immediately placed him in handcuffs. scheffler was arrested and booked. mug shot wearing an orange jumpsuit faces charges of second degree assaulting a police officer. third degree criminal mischief and disregarding traffic signals coming on the heels of his second masters title and recent birth of his first child. clearly not what he was expecting this morning. in that statement that he issued on his instagram account scheffler said that he was trying to obey police instructions and trying to do what he was asked. he says i never intended to disregard any of the instructions. i am hopeful to put this to the side and focus on golf today. bill and dana, back to you. >> bill: all of this coming out
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of the tournament. we do have a statement, dana. this is from scheffler to the espn reporter jeff darlington, the reporter with the camera. this morning i was proceeding as directed by police officers. it was a very chaotic situation understandably so considering the tragic accident that occurred earlier. there was a misunderstanding i was being asked to do. i never intended to disregard any of the instructions. i hope to put it to put it aside. it truly puts everything in perspective end quote. >> dana: great statement. sounds like from the heart and also it is quick. it is out there and that is true. refocusing on a man just going to work lost his life today. >> bill: i haven't met him but observed him. he strikes me as nothing but a gentleman. i said scotty scheffler is a man
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playing with boys. he strikes me as a guy -- he is an old soul. that's the way he carries his life. >> dana: he faces possible serious charges. >> bill: he does. we'll see how the police handle that. it was all unfortunate and for all sides. the death of this pedestrian who was working the tournament. the cops getting ready for the tournament to make louisville look and the golfers trying to play the best game they can. >> dana: we have jim gray coming up in a little bit on that. the biden administration moving forward with plans to reclassify marijuana. it wants to downgrade weed to a less dangerous drug. fox news contributor james freeman is here, assistant editor with the "wall street journal" editorial page. this got set in motion many years ago, right? obama talked about it, trump flirted with it, biden promised it, and never did it until recently said he will put this rule into motion. now it is on its way to possibly being reclassified to be the
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same as tylenol, steroids and testosterone. >> really a tragic mistake. it began with barack obama kind of creating the impression that weed is not that harmful. that it is not so different from having a beer or what not. and i would if i could plug to your viewers my colleague finley did a great interview with a doctor studying pot for decades. there is a mythology it is not addictive and not as addictive as other drugs. not true. mythology it is largely harmless. enormous amounts of brain damage for adolescents. it is a bad message and a tax break for cannabis providers given the nature of the drug classification. >> bill: doctors will be able to do more research on the medical stand front. in the meantime you have the
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politics of it. the biden campaign says biden smokes trump in marijuana policy. cute, right? here is the poll. legalizing marijuana nationwide 69% of americans favor it. only 30% oppose it. what does that tell you, james? >> i think i'm not saying it won't be a successful pander by joe biden, i'm just saying it is reckless, irresponsible and do a lot of harm. i really -- this note about how it will make it easier to research, yes. but you can research it now. and this doctor has done the paperwork and done a lot of research as have others. we have decades of knowledge about the dangers here. i know it is hard to tell from instagram and other social media but it is a very dangerous substance especially to adolescents. >> bill: the level of -- the measure of thc in pot you grow in the field of kentucky is one
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thing. but the amount of thc loaded into i will call new pot is ten times higher. sometimes greater. >> dana: kids can tell their parents biden says it's okay. news fox polls this week. this is interesting. the deal breaker issues from some voters. the abortion at 15%, economy at 14%, border security 14%. i look at this and thinking if i'm trump i would rather have those set of issues on my side. biden's team know that their voters get very energized to vote on the issue of abortion. your thoughts on this. >> i think your point was right about trump and i think this is why he has evolved. it wasn't pleasing to pro-life voters but he has now moved to saying leave it to the states. i think because he understands the potency of this issue. certainly you look at 2022, how did the democrats keep the
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senate? i think this was a big part of it. that was the year that inflation was raging the worst and we talked about it on this program. so i think the issue here is trump is trying to do what he did to hillary clinton in 2016 except more so with biden. in other words, paint biden as the extremist, as the up until birth nine month abortion guy and trump saying let states decide. it is a powerful issue but i think it is also beginning to dawn on a lot of voters if it hasn't already that whether they like it or not, abortion is going to be available lots of places in the united states for a very long time. and so i think that was the trump effort to kind of blunt exactly the power of that issue you are seeing in the polls. >> abortion matters in seven or eight states nationally. >> swing states where it is not
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a given as it is in this jurisdiction where you will have permissive laws. >> dana: have a good weekend. >> bill: tell everybody at the journal hello. they would never let us in the door. >> dana: i would love to be in their meeting. >> bill: we have significant news out of beijing, china. pay attention to this. it is happening this week. chinese president xi rolling out the red carpet for russian president vladimir putin. they have struck a relationship, folks, the two leaders meeting in china celebrating a no limits partnership as tensions grow with the west. greg palkot is live in london for more now. hello to you. >> just wrapped up a two-day love fest between the russian and chinese leader with a lot of potentially dangerous results out there. the meetings ended with a most unusual lengthy embrace between putin and xi. the talk was all about the two
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countries conversations, friendship with no limits, burgeoning ties. sanctions shutting down other avenues, china is very important to russia economically and politically. the two went on to speak of a multi-polar world separate from the u.s., it's allies, west. putin and xi talked of a new era countering and critical of u.s. military alliances and aims in europe and in asia. now the u.s. has been especially concerned about trade from china to russia vochlg things like electronics and machine goods, which could have a double use for russian weapons in ukraine. beijing has denied this and claimed it is working for peace in the region. in the effusive words of xi about putin, the china/russia relationship is hard earned and the two sides need to cherish and nurture its stability. experts, bill, say this is
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nothing but bad stuff can come out of this twosome and growing intensity between this relationship not just for the united states, the current biden administration but for the west as well. >> bill: a legacy of the war as governments around the worlds to pick a side. we're seeing that develop. live in london. >> dana: the journal said this in the editorial board. will biden step up on ukraine? his limits on kiev are a strategy for defeat on the installment plan. the "washington post" editorial page said the same thing. >> bill: the big point they make is the limits on ukraine is that we're not going to give you weapons you can fire across the border to russia. in the meantime you have an area where the russian military can operate unimpeded. they can resupply, rest, and on and on it goes. >> dana: a similar thing we're saying you say you'll help them but what you are doing by holding back is that you are helping them lose more slowly. >> bill: indeed. here is the question we asked about our fox poll put out last
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night when it comes to helping ukraine fight against russia what should the u.s. do? it's split three ways. 1-third, 1-third, 1-third there appears. >> bill: more to come over the weekend as russia makes a move. scotty scheffler tees off after being arrested. could he face more than legal penalties for this incident? there is also this. >> what do you notice about your right hand? >> it's cut up. >> just injured the top portion of your knuckles. >> correct. >> those injuries look an awful lot like the type of injuries you would get -- >> this is picking up steam. aggressive cross examination in the karen reid murder trial. gearing up another question on the key witness and are they poking holes in the prosecution's case? >> dana: an upside down flag
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flies at the home at sam alito. the timing of this display is kicking up controversy. shannon bream will be here to discuss. nnoisseur at the cambria hotel bar. or mr. "tackled the inbox" so it's room service time at a radisson hotel! book direct at ohh, effervescent. (♪) the smooth riding, longest lasting pilot g2 has long been the hero of gel ink pens. and what hero doesn't have a dark side? introducing the g2 edge. the same number one selling gel ink pen in america. now with an innovative laser-etched design, cushioned comfort grip, and durable tungsten carbide tip. whatever your mission, give yourself the edge. (♪) - i got the cabin for three days. it's gonna be sweet! what? i'm 12 hours short. - have a fun weekend. - ♪ unnecessary action hero! unnecessary. ♪
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>> dana: testimony has just resumed in the karen read trial accused of drunkingly hitting her boyfriend with his car and leaving him to die in the snow. read insists she is being framed for his murder. let's go to molly line outside the courthouse in massachusetts. hi, molly. >> good morning, dana. as prosecutors continue to call witnesses and first responders to the scene in an effort to show karen read is guilty her team has highlighted shoddy
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police work as they aim to prove karen read is being framed in the case. supporters continue to rally outside the courthouse every day. sometimes she casts them a grateful smile on her way in as true crime enthusiasts are tuning into the trial accused of killing her boston police officer boyfriend, 46 years old at the time. prosecutors say she hit him with her s.u.v. during an argument after a night of drinking in january of 2022. the scapegoat of a conspiracy aimed at protecting the family of a fellow boston police officer alvin, read claims she dropped him off for a late night party at albert's home where defense attorneys claim o'keefe was likely beaten to death. never hit by karen read's vehicle at all. albert admitted that he traded in his cell phone before prosecutors let him know it
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needed to be reserved. his nephew also took the stand denying he held any animosity toward o'keefe. albert admits he had been at the house that night but left before read and o'keefe arrived. the defense is critical how the investigation was handled highlighting how blood evidence was collected in red solo cups placed in a grocery bags. some investigators have personal ties to the albert family. read is charged with second degree murder, manslaughter and leaving the scene of a collision. up to the jurors to untangle these dueling tales. >> dana: thank you for covering that. >> bill: defense attorney and former homicide detective ted williams. it sounds to me they put the cops on trial. i will let you answer that. this is albert that molly mentioned with his bloody knuckles from february of 2022. i don't know what you think this may or may not have to do with it.
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how do you size it up? >> albert is the person with the bloody knuckles, bill. i can tell you what is going on here is while it is the government's position that they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that karen read committed this crime, the defense in this case is trying to throw as much mud as they possibly can in the other direction looking at the investigation itself, which seemed to be a shoddy investigation, no doubt about it. but they are trying to connect the investigator who conducted the investigation with albert, who i mentioned, who was a young man that they believe, meaning the defense, that he was involved in some kind of an altercation with john o'keefe, the 16 year veteran of the boston police department that died. but i can tell you most of the evidence in this case at this
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time points at karen read. a portion of her vehicle was found there at the scene. she had been in an argument with john o'keefe. so they have quite a bit to work with, meaning the prosecution. >> bill: also some testimony that two officers were together, one claims he heard her admit to it and the other says i never heard that. so their stories could compete with each other. ted, i want to go to the story out of louisville, kentucky. scotty scheffler was arrested and on the course playing at the pga championship. the huge tournament in louisville. what was happening as he was trying to get to the course. a pedestrian had just been struck by a bus and killed. dark, raining, cops trying to redirect traffic. he is trying to get to the course to access his normal routine to get ready. i don't want to say it was all a misunderstanding. how do you piece this together when you've seen a scene like
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this before? >> well, i absolutely believe that there was a misunderstanding here. scotty scheffler was trying to get into the club area there. someone was directing traffic. it appears as though scheffler did not recognize the person directing traffic. he thought it was one of the individuals associated with the club. and as a result of that, a law enforcement officer who was directing the traffic, decided to pull him over. they charged him with assault. i think it is a big misunderstanding and i think it will all be worked out here. there doesn't appear to be any criminal intent whatsoever. >> bill: so we have a statement from scotty scheffler, a statement from his attorney. a statement from pga championship itself and we'll see how police shake this down later. the post round press conference with scotty scheffler will be pretty interesting. thanks for coming on. your grandkids have a big day
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today. what's going on? >> yes, bill, thank you. my granddaughter alicia williams graduated from baylor university. my granddaughter ashley williams graduated from the university of houston and i have a young granddaughter in high school that's graduating today from high school. a big day in the williams family. >> bill: you get it. ted, congratulations. thanks for coming on. talk soon. thank you. >> thank you. >> all of a sudden everything turns dark and you can see outside the wind started coming in and the rain and it was just dark. >> dana: hundreds of thousand of people waking up in the dark as storms rattle texas, honoring a country music legend. how the academy of country music awards paid tribute to the late, great toby keith.
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>> bill: at least four people now dead after severe storms rocked the houston area again.
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80 mile-per-hour winds took down trees and blew out windows. a million people without power earlier today. city officials telling people to stay inside while cleanup continues. katie burn is live on the ground in houston. how goes it now? good morning. >> there is still a ton of debris all over the place, bill. in terms of the winds, we're talking about what really ended up being like a category 1 hurricane tearing through one of the largest cities in the country here in houston and stayed on the ground for 30 minutes. take a look at the damage that it left in its path. we've got windows blown out in several of these downtown buildings, high rises. you can see glass and debris all over the place and why people are urged to stay away from the downtown area. we've heard sirens on and off throughout the day. the mayor is urging people to work from home today. traffic is at a minimum. only essential workers are expected to go to their offices.
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school is out for the kids so they haven't been on the roads heading to school, either. we know the radar at the city's two airports picked up winds near 100 miles-per-hour, 450 feet above the ground. of course here in the downtown area we have buildings much taller than that. the winds were likely even faster and tragically four people in houston lost their lives because of what happened here. city officials say two were killed by fallen trees. one person died in a crane accident. we're working to learn what happened to that fourth victim as crews work to restore power to almost a million people. we've been talking to people who stayed in hotels downtown last night and many of them are looking around at the damage saying they are grateful for their lives. >> feel very lucky. there were buildings one block over that were pretty well damaged and i saw floors -- i was on the fifth floor.
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i saw windows knocked out about that same level. i just feel very lucky. >> you can see crews out assessing the damage now working on boarding up a lot of windows. more rain is unfortunately on the way. >> bill: they had flash flooding two weeks ago, too. best to the folks in houston. katie burn, fox wets. >> dana: supreme court justice samuel alito is being questioned about a new photo that shows an upside down american flag days after the january 6th issue. "the new york times" published the photo yesterday along with a statement from justice alito denying any involvement coming as the supreme court is weighing two major cases related to january 6th prosecutions. those decisions expected to come any time between now and the end of june. shannon bream joins us now. justice alito i had no involvement in flying the flag. it was placed in response to a neighbor's use of objection and
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assaulting language on yard signs. >> i can tell you this is like most neighborhoods in this area. not gated. a lot of people think of course the supreme court justice would live in a gated neighborhood. he doesn't. this is a place where i can tell you for years there have been tensions between neighbors. back and forth and this was part of that process as i understand it. there have been protestors there since the dobbs decision, too. we know as recently as saturday they had protestors there at their house. so this is an ongoing situation. nobody has moved and apparently the tension between the neighbors has continued. again we're told mrs. alito's decision, justice not involved. it is their home in response to some vulgar and personal signs that were also going on in the neighborhood at the same time. >> dana: alito during -- one of the cases was u.s. versus fisher and what he said at the time. what happened on january 6th was very, very serious. i'm not equating this with protests in the courtroom but we
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need to find out what are the outer reaches of this statute under your interpretation. what "the new york times" is all of a sudden is this photo surfaces right before the supreme court is about to rule on this issue, that seems a little suspicious but what do you think will actually happen in that particular case? >> that is going to be a very interesting case. it is one that has implications for president trump as well. the obstruction charge used against hundreds of january 6th defendants is potentially in play here. if the justices find it wasn't properly applied in those cases, then that may kill the counts against president trump on that front as well. so there are implications involving hundreds of people but including one of the federal cases against president trump. hard to tell from the arguments but there are a lot of folks across political spectrum who think the application of that obstruction charge may not have actually been rightfully applied even though they may agree these people are guilty of criminal
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conduct and those need to be held accountable and many are. maybe this particular statute doesn't also go along with some of those charges. we'll know soon. >> bill: shannon, you know, dana and i are drowning in this michael cohen stuff this week. >> dana: we're not alone. >> bill: we have a day off today but back at it on monday. the exchange is long but you are a lawyer, we haven't gotten you to weigh in on this yet and give you your crack at this. todd blanche says the phone call that cohen made to the bodyguard in late october 2016, right? that was the lie. you were talking to mr. schiller about the fact that you were getting harassing phone calls from a 14-year-old, correct? cohen, part of it was the 14-year-old. another key was with my trump at the time and more than this. blanche said that was a lie you didn't talk to president trump on that night you talked to keith schiller about what we went through. you can admit it. no, sir, i can't. i'm not certain that is
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accurate. based on the records i was able to review i believe i also spoke to president trump and told him everything regarding the stormy daniels matter was being worked on and it will be resolved. blanche says we aren't asking for your belief. this jury doesn't want to hear what you think happened. some people think that was a smoking gun, across all the networks they were talking about that. what did you think? >> it was not a good moment for the prosecution or michael cohen. he had talked about how he had numerous ways to talk to president trump. all different types of phones and cell phones and for him to pin this on a call that only goes to keith schiller is difficult. the jurey will have to believe what michael cohen is saying after the defense talked to him about that he lied under oath to courts, all kinds of different people, to judges, to congress. and they will have to believe that that phone call that he says is about one thing and the
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defense very much questions about something else, does the jury believe him? from the places i've been able to sit in the courtroom i can't see the jury. other folks were in there yesterday and expressioned the jury seemed pretty impacted by what they heard from cohen and defense team yesterday. the prosecution has hung their entire case on him and comes down to whether or not you believe this time he is telling the truth. >> dana: we'll see. shannon, you have elise stefanik on sunday. >> by the way, she will come to us from jerusalem where she will be fresh off a speech at the knesset and break down what happens next in the trump trial. >> bill: a lot of big winners at last night's acm awards in texas, celebrity news. here we go. ♪
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>> bill: lainie wilson is good, perino taking home entertainer and female artist of the year. meanwhile this. that's a special tribute to the late, great toby keith. ♪ >> great voice jason all dean. >> dana: the song was a big hit when i was a country music d.j. working overnight. i probably should have had a name to hide my identity. next time. >> bill: we went by dana and bill. >> dana: 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. a kansas city chiefs player standing up for his faith after a commencement address.
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what he said that that's the mainstream media mad. mcdonalds is making a change to happy meals. why some customers are frowning. turn that frown upside down. ♪ why choose a sleep number smart bed? can i make my side softer? i like my side firmer. sleep number does that. now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 36 months. shop now at if you're a grandparent, you know what i'm talking about when your little grandchild starts talking to you. something i couldn't hear for a long time. it's funny how something like just a hearing loss can have an effect
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>> it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl i met in band class back in middle school converted to the faith and became my wife and embraced one of the most important titles of all, homemaker. [applause] >> dana: that faith-based
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commencement speech by harrison butker is sparking -- it is interesting that this got so much attention butker's speech said basically from his heart. it got a lot of attention. i want the read to you the nfl released this statement. harrison butker gave a speech in his personal capacity. his views are not those of the nfl. we're steadfast to inclusion which makes our league stronger. why do they have to say anything at all? if it's a personal opinion, let it stand. >> you had people who disagreed appeared agreed with it. his jersey sales spiked after his commencement speech bust that highlights an important reality in our country. we have the privilege to agree or disagree. we also have the privilege to express our religion. a lot of people are missing the fact he was giving his speech at
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a catholic college and speaking to that audience. seems a lot of people offended by this are people who aren't catholic and didn't go to that college. again, we only move forward in society by -- through discourse. we don't move forward by doxing someone which is what the kansas city twitter account did by releasing where he lives. he has two kids and a wife. the city of kansas. >> dana: the kansas attorney general put this out. my office is demanding accountability after kansas city docksed him last night. i will enforce the missouri human rights act and make sure they aren't targeted for their religion. >> dana: you should be allowed to express your opinion. i read through the full text of the speech and didn't get anything in there that you are not allowed to work outside the home. all of those comments are being taken out of context. he said my job is possible and i'm so successful because i have
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an incredible woman at home helping to raise our children. none was saying you aren't allowed to work outside the home. we will all say i wish i spent more time with my family at the end of our life. he is so proud to have a wonderful, supportive wife. >> bill: i thought his message was quite tender. >> dana: and emotional about it. >> bill: the statement by the nfl is wishy-washy, steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, that would include harrison. in england we go to mcdonalds, right? you and me we go to mcdonald and order a happy meal. now you have an option of not just getting a happy meal but a sad face. i ask you, abby, what's up with this? >> since i have the freedom to express my opinion this is a horrible idea. this is wild. apparently in response to a study that showed that 48% of
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u.k. kids feel the pressure to feel happy all the time. but you go to mcdonalds to feel happy. i don't need another reminder i'm sad. that is your happy place. >> bill: apparently the meal has a reminder that says it's okay not to feel happy all the time. >> i think it's great to talk about mental health. i don't think doing it at mcdonalds and around food is the appropriate place to talk about anxiety and -- let's talk -- keep mcdonald as a fun house. >> dana: i think marketing had too much time on their hands. >> bill: super size that. >> dana: what they really want is for us to be talking about mcdonalds and we are. thank you both. have a great weekend. >> bill: thank you. >> dana: trouble off the links for the world's top ranked golfers. will the penalties for scotty scheffler extend beyond the
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legal system? jim gray on that next. for a bea, and indescribable comfort. save up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets at oh, yeah, man. take it from your inner child. what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. what? the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover. [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general. and here we are. marlo thomas: st. jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save
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and in the future. join with your credit or debit card right now, and we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. tiffany: anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. [music playing]
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>> harris: house committees to hold attorney general garland in contempt for refusing to' lease the recording of president biden's now infamous interview with the special counsel. fireworks don't begin to describe what went down before the vote. new border data, an attempted breach of the quantico marine base is raising terrorism concerns now coming from biden's open borders. plus biden's big push to get back black voters, congressman chip roy, clay travis, tammy bruce, marie harf. >> bill: it has been a whirl wind moment for scotty scheffler. moment pre-dawn hours at the country club, the number one golfer in the world, pack on the pga championship and on the course right now.
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arrested earlier today in case you are joining us facing four charges, one is a felony. we have now learned that he will be arraigned in louisville next tuesday, may 21st, at 9:00 a.m. jim gray joins us now and jim, there is a lot of factors in all this and we're going through it throughout the last couple hours. i guess your take on it right now when you consider everything was happening around that area on that country road with a dead pedestrian a short time prior. >> that seems to be the reason for the chaosic experience that everybody is having because of the tragic death of the pedestrian. players have a dedicated lane or ability to get in. the statement released through jeff darlington who has done a great job scheffler said it was a misunderstanding. he thought it was where he was being directed. that was why he was in that lane and going. and then the policeman according to darlington attached himself
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to the car and started banging on the car with his flashlight. so it gets chaotic from there and we've seen the video. i'm not sure where this goes. but felony assault? really? i don't see that. >> bill: one point of clarification here. scheffler had nothing to do with the death of a pedestrian. that was a worker for one of the venues struck by a bus crossing that road. i would add also. i don't know if you've been there to this golf course, it is a country road. one lane this way and one lane that way. it is tight going there. >> dana: i just saw a report the police officer that was attached to the car that got apparently dragged for ten yards is what it says had to be taken to the hospital. don't know if there are injuries or what. we're looking at an arraignment on tuesday in louisville on may 21st. so i would imagine the police officers have their version and the espn reporter has their
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version and everything will come together. scheffler released a statement that was quite good and genuine and thoughtful. the police are saying that we have to do the right thing for us as well. >> well yeah, there will be all kinds of versions of this and i'm sure the policeman was doing what he felt was his job and didn't recognize the car or see the player logo or didn't see because of the rain and because of the dark conditions that there was a p and the player just trying to avoid all of this and go where he thought he was being directed. so, you know, it will play itself out. unfortunately it will play itself out in a court of law and these are serious charges. particularly if what you say, dana, turns out to be accurate that the police officer is injured. seems to me having been to thousands of events this could have been diffused really quickly and easily. for whatever the reason it
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wasn't. we've seen this numerous times. we see this all the time and that's not to say that scotty scheffler should not be following the law. put himself above the law or do anything wrong. i'm sure in his mind just like he has stated, he was following what he thought was the procedure of where he was being directed. >> bill: reading the charges here third degree criminal mischief. disregarding signals from officers. and one is a felony. 27, lives in texas, born in ge. just had a baby girl too weeks ago. he won the tournament in augusta. an outstanding player by all accounts he has been a gentleman. what are your observations? >> by all accounts and by my personal experience this is a humble, gracious, courteous guy. this is a guy who you would never feel be in this type of position or put himself in any kind of situation that would warrant anything like this. no, this is a really humble --
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this is by my account and by everybody else a good guy. you saw the reaction of the fans there. you saw the reaction of the players. there seems to be a tremendous amount of support. we have to get all the facts and we're way ahead of ourselves. thanks, bill and dana. >> bill: thank you, jim. what is cooking up over there? >> dana: before we go the pitter-patter of little pause. dana welcomes her first litter, not me, a wonderful lab for canine companions for independence. take part in the naming. they provide free service dogs for people with disabilities. the girl names all have to start with a. you get creative. get online. canine >> bill: is abigail a good name for a dog? >> dana: sure. >> harris: we begin with quite the fight.


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