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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  May 17, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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this is by my account and by everybody else a good guy. you saw the reaction of the fans there. you saw the reaction of the players. there seems to be a tremendous amount of support. we have to get all the facts and we're way ahead of ourselves. thanks, bill and dana. >> bill: thank you, jim. what is cooking up over there? >> dana: before we go the pitter-patter of little pause. dana welcomes her first litter, not me, a wonderful lab for canine companions for independence. take part in the naming. they provide free service dogs for people with disabilities. the girl names all have to start with a. you get creative. get online. canine >> bill: is abigail a good name for a dog? >> dana: sure. >> harris: we begin with quite the fight.
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the nation's attorney general merrick garland could be held in contempt of congress for refusing to hand over an audio recording of president biden. critics are going after the president for claiming executive privilege. and denying the release of his interview with special counsel robert hur. and here is the fight. just discussing the topic inside the house oversight committee turned into a screaming, wild, insult hurling, shouting, it was unreal. it looked like video from a different country. but it was capitol hill. at issue, the audio recording of biden over keeping classified documents over many years. that interview led robert hur to find the president and here is the quote we're all familiar with is an elderly man with a poor memory. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the house judiciary and oversight committees both moved forward with those contempt proceedings as part of republicans' push to impeach
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president biden. we're waiting to hear if the measure will come up for a full house vote. and buckle up for a surreal scene among members of the oversight committee now. >> do you know what we're here for? we are here for >> you are the one talking about? >> i think your fake eyelashes are messing up -- >> order. >> i would like to move to take down ms. green's words. that is absolutely unacceptable. how dare you attach a physical appearance of another person. move her words down. girl, baby girl. >> the clerk will report the words. >> mr. chairman, mr. chairman, >> we could subpoena the audio tape. >> this is great. >> release the audio. >> i would like joe biden's audio.
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>> the chair recognizes ms. green for four minutes and 21 seconds. >> point of order, mr. chair. >> who is that? miss crockett >> i'm curious to better understand your ruling if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody bleach blond bad built butch body body. >> oh girl, baby girl. wow. the white house counsel wrote to the oversight and judiciary committees chairs, the president has decided to assert executive privilege over those recordings. the chairman not happy. >> the recordings are necessary. the transcripts alone are not sufficient evidence of the state of the president's memory. frankly because the white house has a track record of altering the transcripts. >> this is not a complicated subject. the oversight committee requires these audio recordings and the department of justice has refused to provide them.
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>> harris: "wall street journal" editorial board calls president biden's privilege play bogus and argues joe biden claims he has executive privilege against anyone finding out how add lid he is. chip roy from texas, member of the judiciary committee. one of those committees that voted to move forward with garland's contempt proceeding. i understand in your committee things were smooth sailing and went along fine. what was going on an oversight, congressman. >> great to be on. i wasn't a part of the thing last night. i've seen the clips you have seen. things are heated around here. we're watching our country getting dismantled by a president who doesn't care about the rule of law and department of justice asserting executive privilege. let's remember it is my democrat colleagues in 2019 held attorney general barr in contempt for literally redacting things that
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he was legal legally obligated to react. they care about protecting joe biden from the american people seeing what we've seen and don't want us to go into an impeachment inquiry looking at the mental state and demeanor of the president. we need to hear the audio file in order to make that determination. because special counsel hur repeatedly assert evidence in his decision not to charge the president that it was in fact his mental state that said that he prevented him from actually bringing the charges because he didn't think he could because the president would be too sympathetic. it goes to the heart of what the president knew or didn't know and impeachment inquiry we have the duty to look at it and the right to do it and should look at it. >> harris: you said they probably already waived that privilege. >> they already sent us the transcripts. if they wanted to assert privilege they should have done it before they sent the trance credits. what we want is the best
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evidence. we've got the transcripts but because hur asserted it was his demeanor and the way he was forgetting stuff that was the problem we need to hear the file in order to make sure we want to make the right decision from an impeachment standpoint. here is the thing. if my democratic colleagues should have put in a rule allow you to listen to the audio but you can't put it out publicly. we could have done that. logic is never the thing that governs around capitol hill as you saw last night in the oversight committee. >> harris: you put it so so well. that was not logical. baby girl. it got weird. anyway, it could have been a massive national security breach but little explanation from the biden administration on two jordanian nationals in america illegally trying to enter the marine corps base at quantico. it happened earlier this month. according to a spokesman for the
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base the two illegals drove up to a gate in a box truck said they were making a delivery to a post office box. the immigration and customs enforcement, ice director confirmed to fox that they are both in custody and going through removal proceedings. the pentagon and white house not giving us much. >> i am aware of those reports. i just don't have more information for you. i believe the marine corps might have more. i would have to refer you to them. >> to be mindful of these two jordanians that you are speaking of remain in ice custody and active law enforcement matter. i have to refer you to ice. i can't dive into it because there is a law enforcement matter. >> harris: i just want to get the straight. did it really take that long to tell the american public? i'm curious about that. is this the kind of response that you would expect for something that potentially we
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got lucky that these guys weren't doing something more nefarious and didn't get caught doing it. >> this is not the response we should get. unfortunately it is what i would expect out of this administration. here we have reporting coming from a good friend from cis all built upon the work of a local reporter, a local community reporter who started chasing the story and now that it's public and the administration is having to acknowledge this seemingly did in fact happen. we have the jordanians who are going to a military base trying to lie in order to get on the base. what's going on there? what's really going on. the administration doesn't want the american people to know. bill melugin who does great reporting tried to do a freedom of information act request to say what are the nationalities of all the people that have come from terrorist sponsor state countries? the administration said we can't do that. we can't give you that information. i've sent a letter to them asking for information on
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nationalities and they said oh, we'll come brief you and do it in scif. they haven't done that yet. we are pushing on them again. >> harris: why won't they do it? >> they say somehow it reveal personal information that endanger people or create national security problem. that's bogus. what they don't want is mud on their face. we have a significant knowledge of people coming from all over the world while we know 27,500 chinese nationals have come in in the first six months of this year and that's endangering our country. >> harris: i want to support what you are saying on the screen and ask my team to put up the latest numbers show, the number of suspected terrorists crossing illegally has spiked by more than 2,500% from the trump to biden administration. 14 people under trump -- let's go back to that. i really want to look at that screen because to see the difference between their leadership is worth it. look at that.
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congressman, 14 to 367 suspected terrorists at the southern border. that is an explosion of danger. >> it's an explosion of danger of that category that you just described that i was talking about as well as the chinese nationals has gone from a few hundred to 27,000. we only had 23,000 all of last year. word is out around the world if you are dangerous and from a dangerous country come to america. biden administration will let you in. when they parole dangerous people in like they did this last year laken riley gets killed. in kinney county texas in 2021, 150 crimes reported. last year 6,700 crimes reported. our counties and people are dealing with it. we need to change that policy. we have to get the elections this november and elect president trump and elect republicans in the house and senate. i'm frustrated with my republican colleagues for not using the power of the purse to force this administration to stop endangering the people. we have to assert congress's
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power again instead of letting the president roll over the constitution and the security of the american people. >> harris: i've heard you express it time and time again and you were pushing and leading from behind, if you will on trying to get them to do more even in your own party. i want to just hit this quickly. so you mentioned the foia and trying to get cooperation on that. fox news has independently obtained new data on the number of gotaways sneaking into our nation. since 2010, 3 million. there were 1.6 million from 2021 to 2023. that's more than the 1.4 million in the entire decade between 2010 and 2020. one thing is not like the other. one thing was prior to biden being president, and another lane of exploding numbers was after and during biden's being president. after his election and now. what is the difference that is
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putting us in this position? >> well, there is no question, harris, thank you. you have making sure this information is available to the american people. bill melugin has done a fantastic job and press this information about the nationalities. the gotaways is one of the key issues because gotaways are the people who aren't seeking border patrol. they are actually absconding and going around border patrol. the gotaways because they might be up to something. that's the issue. more dangerous people. people that we have concerns about. and that number has been spiking and skyrocketing. why? the biden administration has been abusing the laws with parole and asylum to release people into the united states have been border patrol process these people. no longer are they out on the lines policeing our borders between the ports of entry. now you can untold numbers of gotaways pouring into the united states. the people in kinney county have 6,700 crimes last year compared to 150 in 2021. it is night and day. the biden administration is endangering us and we have to
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change the policy. >> harris: biden may or may not do executive action. i did my own math. what if he lets in 3,999. that's over 119,000 people a month. 1.4 million people a year still. i have to let you go. congressman, i will bring you back. thank you so much. >> god bless you. >> harris: house republicans forced democrats to take a position on supporting israel. and more than a dozen democrats just voted against president biden. plus the white house with a very different take from most voters when it comes to inflation. >> they keep saying the economy is good because i'm paying more on taxes, more on groceries, more on housing, and more on fuel. >> harris: the cash issues could spell real trouble for team biden. voters calling the economy now
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their top deal breaker issue this election. power panel next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) (aaron) i own a lot of businesses... so my tech and my network need to keep up. thank you verizon business. (kevin) now our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. (aaron) so whatever's next... we're cooking with fire. (vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest... all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn't have to. when you sign up at, you'll find inspiration in real patient stories,
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>> harris: okay, it's happening again, the democrat divide over the israel policy has been exposed. yesterday the house passed a bill condemning president biden's pause on sending certain weapons to israel and progressive house staffers, many were wearing masks, protested that vote on capitol hill. there is no outbreak of anything outside. i don't really know what that was about. maybe they don't want to be seen. some house republicans held a
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counter demonstration and had this message. >> the american people didn't elect the staffers, their representatives. their representatives are here and have a right to vote where they like. if the staffers don't like it they should resign or be fired immediately. >> harris: headlines summing it up. republicans force democrats to take sides on biden's israel policy and fuming pro-israel democrats blast shameless gop vote. chad pergram on capitol hill to set it up further. chad. >> good morning. it is rare to see aides challenge their own party. the demonstration was very brief. no confrontation. organizers advised the aides to remove their congressional i.d. badges and wear masks. >> today we are once again gathered as congressional staff because too many of our bosses have failed to act. >> there was a message for
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people to wear masks and also to take off your i.d.s. why did they ask them to take off their i.d.s and wear masks? not to identify who the demonstrators were? >> several new york republicans and their staffers met with progressive aides at the base of the house steps and armed with two large american flags. >> the fact that we have staffers of extreme democrats saying that there should be a cease-fire. the only time there should be a cease-fire is when hamas surrenders and the hostages are released. >> the demonstration came just before the house approved a bill to force the administration to lift the pause on sending additional arms to israel. the vote 224 to 187, 16 democrats voted yes, some democrats argued the bill was a g.o.p. stunt designed to plight the left. >> but this resolution condemns biden by name in a clear effort
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to get as little democratic support as possible. >> democrats highlighted their own fractures. it was left wing aides protesting the views of fellow democrats. capitol police told the aides they could not demonstrate on the steps or block access so they left. harris. >> harris: why did they cover their faces? >> they never answered my question. you saw. >> harris: great job. i would answer your question. tammy bruce, fox news contributor, marie harf, fox news spokesperson on president obama. there is a divide. democrat staffers don't want us to know who they are but what is happening in your party. why is it happening? >> well, i think there is less of a divide maybe than it appears. this was a small protest. i'm happy staffers can make their views known. they can also resign if they want to. we're in a democracy. that's their freedom and their choice to do. i think that you see some of
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this pushback because president biden this week yes paused certain weapons but announced $1 billion in additional -- harris. since october 7th he has sent unprecedented amounts of aid to israel and there is a debate in the party now. i would say to these republicans quickly that they held up aid to israel for months because they were playing politics. >> harris: they can say the same thing about you. hr2 went to the senate in may of last year. >> as a former organizer i like seeing people be organized. this country right now we're in a tenuous kind of position with divisions, the nature of violence that's going on, with political rhetoric, a presidential election year and americans want to see some kind of stability and a legitimacy with the government that they can trust. i think that kind of behavior by staffers, our own capitol demonstrating with their faces covered, which again whenever any demonstration lets say you
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would be in a demonstration or i would, you stand for something. you are not covering your face. you do not have to hide your i.d.s. have the courage to stand up for it if you go out there and effectively divide the american people or signal to others. >> harris: or divide democrats. >> or people around the country what's going on here and that's unacceptable. >> january 6th they had their faces covered. >> the difference between americans coming out and being organized versus congressional staffers on capitol hill who work in that building, who work for people who represent the united states. and an organized dynamic to take off their i.d.s and >> harris: fire or resign. you said they can resign. i get the fine point.
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new fox polling shows voters say the economy is one of the top deal breakers for them. wow. they have deal breakers now. will they vote for the other side and vote republican if they don't get their way? a great question. voters trust trump more to handle that issue. overwhelming majority of people saying things like grocery and gas and utility prices all a problem for families. president biden insists people are in good shape and also claimed that inflation was 9% when he took office. that's not true. it was, in fact, 1.4%. we know that. i don't know what got lost in the memory of the math. those words begin with m. following up with mop. >> president biden: 60% of people in america feel they are in good shape. it was at 9% when i came in and now down about 3%. no president has had the run we've had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. it was 9% when i came to office.
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>> the point he was making is that the factors that cause inflation was in place when he walked into the administration, when he took office. >> harris: neil cavuto took a member of the staff to task for dodging. >> why is he misrepresenting this? >> he is making the point that the factors that caused inflation to climb to 9% were in place when he took office. >> that's not what he said. he said it was at 9%. i can't trust him quoting data in realtime. >> it's very much the case. >> no, it wasn't. it was not at that. you are almost as bad as he is. >> harris: quick reaction and i want to get to biden. >> four pinocchios, false.
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it is false. it's effectively i guess an attempt or belief that maybe the american people aren't plugged in or don't know or can be gas lit. this is what americans don't like is the border is closed, inflation was at 9%, everything is fine, families are great. it is a weird thing. our daily lives say something different. >> i would point out the first graphic in the segment make or break things is abortion. democrats believe women's rights, our ability to choose for ourselves is as important if not more than the economy and why you are seeing in conjunction that's above the economy. we need to keep watching. democrats are focused on this. we believe we have the upper hand on this. republicans keep taking those rights away across the country. >> harris: black voters, the president it would appear trying to get those. we know he is going to more house on may 19th.
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a black university. and where students decided to protest. tammy, your response to the president needing the black vote. >> will he say if they don't hope for him they aren't really back? this is the presumption. i was on the left. everyone knows my history. there was a presumption that people who have been trained to behave in a certain way and that if you do not continue to behave in that way you will be punished. i think that holds true especially for communities that are small or minority community, gays and blacks in particular, people of color, you are told to be afraid of what will happen if you don't vote for us. and there is no other real specifics in that regard. i think he will continue that. >> jim clyburn is on a road tour for the biden team. >> harris: that's where the president goes. >> it worked in 2020 and i think president biden has to make the case to these voters, we can't
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take it for granted. but i think he has to do it himself. we can't take it for granted but i have never seen the ability of donald trump actually with voters to really get a lot of black voters. we have to work for them? >> harris: it is happening now. maybe you can learn something from the polling. i have to let you both go. i will ask my team is he going to try to do that in the next hour? i know the time kept changing. he is set to speak on the issue and try to connect with voters at 11:45 or later than that. that's coming up. thank you both for being here. a liberal meltdown after a super bowl champion player expressed his conservative views at a conservative college. he was a kansas city chief. others are rallying around harris's speech and buying his jersey in droves.
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>> harris: former president trump ex-lawyer will be on the stand on monday to finish his cross examination. the defense went swinging against him yesterday. at the center of the cross examination was the 2016 phone call where cohen claims he talked with former president trump about a payment to sex film worker stormy daniels. cohen said i believe i also spoke to the president, to mr. president trump. trump's defense shot back this jury doesn't want to hear what you think happened. former federal prosecutor with this. >> when you have a witness on stand with that much credibility issues anything they say has to be could ob rated. you have michael cohen making statements uncorroborated by his own phone records. again he cannot be believed. >> harris: gregg jarrett had a new opinion piece with the
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headline defense guts bragg's star witness, cohen, for doing what he does best. andrew stolteman, attorney and law professor at northwestern university great to have you on the program again. we were together during the trial earlier this week. first of all what is your thought on this? >> well, mr. cohen has been carved up like a turkey on thanksgiving. i feel like i witnessed the landing of the hidden berg on the deck of the titanic. the prosecution's star witness and an unmitigated disaster. i think now mr. bragg is figureing out why desire use vance diding bring the charges. you have a problem with stormy daniels and mr. cohen. >> harris: where do they go now? it's a long weekend. they come back on monday for that cross examination. any idea why they didn't try to finish up yesterday? this goes in and now on redirect
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prosecution has three more days to get ready. >> absolutely. look, but you also have to remember that this jury has an opportunity to think about the entire weekend cohen's testimony. i think that's powerful for mr. trump and his legal team. because it didn't come off the way prosecutors planned. it was a very linear dissection of mr. cohen. this is all the jurors are thinking about all weekend. >> harris: even the liberal media admitting their legal analysts admitting cohen's cross examination was really bad for the prosecution. >> if i was a juror in this case watching that i would think this guy is making this up as he is going along or making this particular story up. >> this is the moment of real triumph for todd blanche, you can hear it in his voice. >> i think the punches are building. >> i don't think i've ever seen a star cooperating witness get
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his knees chopped out as what just happened with michael cohen. >> when you lose the networks on the left, bruised and bleeding is how they described the reputation and what happened to michael cohen on the stand. >> harris, wasn't this foreseeable? we knew going in he was a pathological liar. why do you have a d.a. who ran on the platform i am going to get donald trump taking misdemeanor charges into felony charges outside the statute of limitations and now vance is going to say if trump is found not guilty or a hung trial i'm surprised. as joe biden would say, come on, man. >> harris: when i sat down with the president at the white house the first time i interviewed him it was december of 2018. i think we have a picture of that. right before the camera started rolling, he handed me a letter. many journalists had this because it was widely received. mine was personally handed to me because it was the day after michael cohen had been sentenced
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to three years and $500,000 restitution. the president's first comments on that were with me at the white house. here is the letter. it is an excerpt from stormy daniels letter that i will read to you. you can read it on the screen. it says i am stating with complete clarity that this absolutely is false. rumors that i received hush money from donald trump are completely false. what more do you need, andrew? >> that's it. and that's the power of the sixth amendment. we have a biased judge against trump but ultimately this jury will make the decision in this case with respect to guilt or innocence. not cnn or the judge and it will be powerful. we have a smart jury in this case. we have two attorneys who hold the duty of confidentiality of a lawyer to be important. you have a software engineer, investment banker. i think it is game, set and match for the d.a. and the
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prosecution. >> harris: andrew, great to see you. have a great weekend. court resumes on monday, as i said. now more than a dozen republican-led states are pushing against president biden's upcoming changes to title ix policies and their efforts to protect women in sports. what will happen to those sports, the young girls and women with the changes coming? plus the media furious over a super bowl star's faith-based address. >> he decided to use this occasion to say something that mattered. doing what the left pretends to support, speaking his truth. >> harris: the missouri attorney general now could launch an investigation into kansas cities speech. clay travis, out kick founder,
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in "focus" next. what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie?
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>> harris: president biden needs the black vote and here he is pitching for it. >> president biden: every other nation is based on ethnicity, based on religion and other things. we're the only one based on
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idea. we hold the truths to be self-evident he evident all men are created equal. it should be treated equally throughout their lives. we never fully lived up to that idea but never walked away from it because of so many of you in this room and so many more. [applause] 70 years ago when the supreme court ruled in brown versus board of education racial segregation in public schools is unconstitutional a prayer was answered in the long struggle for freedom. yesterday i welcomed a family to that landmark case to the white house to the oval office. their office. once upon a time they were excluded from certain classrooms but 70 years later they are inside the most important room of all, the oval office, where they belong. [applause] let me remind you once upon a time it wasn't that long ago and all the progress we've made we
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still have more to do and still groups trying to erase it. one of the cases that led to the landmark decision was in my home state of delaware. black mother from hoe keys-in, delaware joined by parents and students in a town i moved to when work ran hoot in scranton, pennsylvania and we moved to delaware in third grade, all in clay mont wanted a simple proposition. their kids to be able to attend school and be treated with dignity and respect. they asked the man i looked up to and admired and helped me out as a young public defender, lewis redding. the first black man admitted to the practice of law in delaware. think about that. the first man, the guy was brilliant and he didn't get admitted until after the 50s in delaware to the -- i mean, he enlisted a young jewish lawyer from the naacp named jack
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greenberg to help him device a legal strategy to get rid of segregation in delaware schools. in 1952 in a case -- any people from delaware here today? all right. [applause] first time ever segregated white public schools ordered to admit black children. redding's argument in the early cases laid the foundation for brown versus the board. timeless truth about america, when we make real the promise of cam for all americans the nation changes better. everything grows. after brown versus board decision the public schools graduated were too slowly integrated rate. the brown decisions proves a simple idea. we learn better when we learn
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together. that's why my administration increasing funding for schools to bring together students from different backgrounds. my department of education is investing $3 hundred million including another 20 million announced today to support diversity in our schools. [applause] we'll also funding efforts to increase diversity in teaching professions. as the president said, black students -- young black men react to black teachers. black students who have black teachers are more likely to graduate from high school and enroll in college. it makes a difference and matters. my department of education provided additional half a million dollars to make sure teachers reflect the diversity in the country. this money will go toward training the next generation of
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teachers at minority serving institutions and others. by the way, not because i'm married to one but we need to give teachers a raise. [applause] i mean it. another lesson from brown is that every child deserves a quality education. how can we -- this simple term, how can we have a strongest economy in the world without the best education in the world? it's not possible. that taps into the full talents of our entire nation. the answer starts with childhood, early childhood education. because of the nation's legacy of discrimination of black children they are seven months behind their white peers in reading. one year of universal hi quality pre-k could eliminate 98% of that gap. one year. if children go to pre-school they're 50% more likely to finish high school and earn a two or four year degree no matter what their background is.
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that's why my administration is working to support black children and as soon as i came to office i signed the american rescue plan and i will be political and just say this because we're having problems. not one republican voted for it. not one. but the american rescue plan expanded childcare tax credits to deliver monthly checks to working families that cut black child poverty in half. [applause] republicans let it expire. i will keep fighting to reestablish it and get it reestablished. [applause] i want to keep fighting to make sure pre-school is universal for every three and 4-year-old in america. we can afford to do this. it is not hard. instead of giving multi-billion breaks to the super wealthy let's make the wealthy pay their fair share of tack either and we can afford all this. i'll just slow up for one second
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here ad lib a little bit here. i will get in trouble for keeping you longer, but we have 1,000 billionaires in america, 1,000. i'm a capitalist. make all that money, fine. just pay your fair share. here is the deal. you know what the tax federal tax rate is for a billionaire in america? 8.3%. if we raised it to 25% we raise billions of dollars and could pay for all of this, cut the deficit and do so much more. just pay your fair share. it's not only good for children but good for the country when we have early education and grows the economy. also working to insure every child no matter their zip code has quality education experience in k-12. the american rescue plan delivered $13000-0000 to american schools, the most ever. >> harris: that's the president
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saying that if you raise the taxes of americans who follow the american dream and have ascended to high heights in our economy from 8.3% to 25%. if you just raise it to 25%, he said, you could pay for all the things that he wants to do for years to come. i want to get the reaction from clay travis. if this is his appeal to black voters he is not talking about inflation and why prices are so pry and what his policies are doing to aid it and what he will do to turn it around. >> the top federal income tax rate is 40% and not to mention in new york when you add in state income tax it is over 50% that the top earners are paying. on income. which is how we tax a large percentage of the overall federal budget. but this to me, harris, you hit
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on this. he is hemorrhaging support among black voters. i shared a clip from cnn of all places acknowledging right now that in their most recent poll you see black voter support at 22%, i believe it was, for donald trump. which would be the largest amount of black support in the event that held going all the way back to 1960 when richard nixon ran against john f. kennedy before the civil rights movement occurred. one reason why he is speaking at the naacp but the desperation out there right now in the biden campaign. not only the biden campaign but also the democrat party. as you well-known if trump increases his support, as he is among hispanic, asian, black and jewish voters, you will see a collapse of the identity politics coalition that fuels the entire democrat party right now. make us all vote as individuals as opposed to base on our race
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and gender. >> harris: people would vote in their own interest which is as individualistic as you can get. i am a kansas city chiefs fan. the kicker butker hit a nerve apparently with some comments that he made in his commencement speech at a private college last weekend. let's watch. >> i'm on the stage today and able to be the man i am because i have a wife who leans into her vocation. for the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. how many of are you sitting now about to cross the stage thinking about all the promotions and titles you will get in your career? some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world. i would venture to guess the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. >> harris: that was a conservative catholic college. he was welcome there and people were excited to hear him speak.
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liberal activists and outlets made it a personal attack on harrison butker. the progressive magazine the nation called the super bowl kicker a jerk and bigot. another said to take words -- a petition for him to fire him over the speech reached 180,000 signatures. the attorney general is calling for accountable after the twitter account from kansas city set out his address. it's doxing. stop trying to cancel harrison butker. i want to go back to clay travis to get your thoughts on this. >> i didn't see anything that he said being remotely controversial. he didn't say that women couldn't go grab a degree or
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become lawyers or that they wouldn't be impressed by that. i can speak. you are a parent. i have three kids. my wife has a law degree from vanderbilt and so do i. i'm way more impressed by my three kids and the work we've done with them than anything we've achieved in the academic field or life career because i think it is the most important thing that anybody can do a raise kids. harris, this comes on the heels of what we're seeing in the united states is a collapse in the number of babies that are being born. this is happening all over the world. the population may have already peaked. everybody wants to talk about global warning. humanity is in danger here. kwell is that happening? people aren't optimistic about the future because if you are bringing new life into this world, it is a vote in the future and you care desperately about how those kids will do and what the future will be like for them. so for harrison butker he is speaking truth. a lot of mean failing and a lot
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of women failing and not coming together and having as many kids as we have in the past. as a parent that's the way i took his speech. it's a commencement address. it's about giving advice to people who are younger than you. you don't have to agree with everything. you graduated, i graduated. i don't remember what my commencement address speaker said. i know that there was an attempt to try to send you out into the world with the best advice that they can give. you don't take any element of advice. >> harris: reach your dreams and goals. clay, it is always a pleasure to have you on the program. >> good luck with those chiefs. >> harris: i have a brand-new limited series streaming on fox nation now. my own mission to vietnam to follow the footsteps of my father who served and fought there five decades ago. here is a piece. >> you found a website of my dad's old unit?
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>> the company command post. >> his name is there. he was commanding the unit. i tried to imagine what his days were like because when he would say that he would fly non-stop, i didn't first of all have a good feeling of the landscape we were fighting in. but this is a lot. >> he so he would move up and back down and down until he was able to pull up. >> [inaudible] went over the trees and start climbing up. >> when you landed there his plane was shot up. >> oh, i was very fortunate. that was a scariest thing that ever happened to me. >> harris: i tell you just hearing my dad's voice. just talk about his own missions, i hope that that will
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touch your heart because he loved this country so much and like so many of our men who fought over there who were blessed enough to make it back and on behalf of all those who didn't, we appreciate you. love you and grateful for loving our nation so much that he would go so far away in her name. what do you say to a vietnam vet? it is what i just told you. thank you for your service is not enough. they feel the war and the soldier and marines and everybody that they were forgotten. we have not forgotten you. my trip back to vietnam was a divine assignment. please watch. limited series, watch 20, 25 minutes at a time. no commercials and a lot of heart. thank you, have a blessed weekend. "outnumbered" starts now. now.


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