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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 17, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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owe them and their families a world of gratitude. we must never let them walk alone. this weekend every week, thank you to all police and law enforcement with our whole hearts of gratitude. >> absolutely paired i want to say real quick we get to report on police officers that are killed in the line of duty in new york and the big cities which is something that happens in small towns too. the fact we have people willing to do that job is really a testament to how great this country is. >> and in north carolina losing more of their finest as well as a heartbreaking time to acknowledge the sacrifices these men and women are sometimes called to make. >> and in the smaller communities particularly what joey is saying it changes the texture of protection in the small towns because they all know each other. they know they are protectors. >> they are our protectors and we thank them every day. we thank you for watching and now here "america reports." >> i have never seen a time
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where all the threats were so many of the threats were all elevated at exactly the same time. i see blinking lights everywhere i turn. we've seen the threat from foreign terrorists rise to a whole 'nother level. >> deputy director vice is telling to go to jordanian nationalists after posing as amazon delivery drivers to crash the gates at quantico. the white house thinks this may have been a failed terrorist attack. >> given it's a active law enforcement men are out after you to ice. >> i am more of those reports i don't have more information for you. >> since it happened almost two weeks ago you make it sound like you haven't heard of this incident before. the secretary hasn't been briefed? >> i can assure you, lucas, that we get updates from all of our bases all around the world and are aware of incidents. >> so now we await a white house press briefing for any update on that attempted security breach at one of america's most
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sensitive military bases. they have been very few answers on this developing situation. hello and welcome everyone i'm sandra smith in new york, john gray to be with you on this friday. >> john: good to be with you as well. people of been really quiet about this. i'm john roberts in washington and this is "america reports." two jordanian nationals are in ice custody after allegedly attempting to force their way in the quantico marine corps base in a box truck. fox news has learned they were in the country illegally. >> sandra: a similar situation happen to just two months ago when a chinese national busted into a top combat training base in california for getting nabbed by law enforcement. according to border patrol that suspect was also here illegally. >> john: fox team coverage now with mike pompeo on the alarming pattern but first national correspondent griff jenkins is here with us. why is the white house and the pentagon so quiet about this?
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>> such a good question, john. it is important this happen to two weeks ago and as sandra pointed out it's not only a sensitive military base, quantico is one of the most sensitive bases. it is home to tbs, a training school for officers, the fbi academy, ncis and various intelligence agencies. here's what we know. the two jordanian nationals as you mentioned illegally in the u.s. we confirm that attempt to breach the base in this box truck and the driver ignored directions to stop. so much so vehicle denial barriers had to be used. the two were detained, turned over to ice, no weapons were found in the truck. quantico says they told officers they were working for an amazon subcontractor but amazon won't confirm that with us. here is what the eye structure told me yesterday. >> currently they are in custody and they are in removal proceedings. >> some reporting was that one of them had hit the t sds the terrorist screening database can you show on that live? >> i can't confirm anything like that right now.
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>> speaking of that list they don't want the public to know what countries they were from on the terror watch list that they denied a foia request from our bill melugin saying that is "the privacy interest of the individuals in those records you have requested outweigh any minimal public interest in disclosure of that information. it comes as a number of new got a ways we learn has the biden administration 1.6 million in the past three years compared to the 1.4 million total of the entire decade between 2010 and 2020. sources tell me that there have been more than 175,000 known cutaways this fiscal year and john as you may render the border patrol chief says that's what keeps him up at night. >> john: so getting back to post 9/11 days of something like this had happened it would have been everywhere. and every agency involved would have been talking at length about it perry what changed between then and now? they won't even release the names. >> put your finger until the really important and we don't even know the names they won't
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share that. one of my sources that worked in dhs and cvp says toward the end of the obama administration they put policy changes in place to greatly restrict the information of those like these jordanians in custody. we will dig a little deeper and see what else we can find out. >> john: one of the first questions would be why a periodic graph, thank you, great report. >> sandra: let's bring in mike pompeo. for many people just learning of the story it sounds terrifying. how is it possible to foreign nationals breach in military base, a marine base, and we have so few information about this mentor's stomach mr. secretary? >> it is remarkable as you just went through with graph, more questions than there are answers and often delayed in providing notice to the american people and what took place here so something i think we still need to get answered because it matters. i think about this this is now a pattern you laid out a couple there been multiple instances precisely of this. second we saw the data on the
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borders we've all seen it on fox news we have seen these people coming across we have no idea where these foreign nationals are headed and two headed to quantico and attempted to breach the barriers at quantico. if you ask why fbi director is talking about flashing red lights he is leading the american people know there is a real risk it is precisely events like the one that happened now two weeks ago that i keeping him up at night and it should worry all of us. >> john: mr. secretary let me read from the end official statement by a marine base quantico about this incident. so folks at home have a full understanding of what happened. it says "to the occupants of the vehicle having no affiliation to the base quantico and no approved credentials, the officers directed the vehicle to a holding area while they had access control vetting procedures. it was at that time one of the military police officers noticed at the driver ignoring the direct instructions of the officers continued to move past the holding area and attempted to access marine corps base quantico.
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due to the swift response to their duties the officers were able to deploy the vehicle denied barriers and prevent further access to quantico and detain individuals. "that certainly sounds suspicious particularly as viewed through the lens of what the fbi director has said. >> i think that is right, jon perry maybe they got the procedures right at the gate but that is a dangerous time to catch someone who is trying to conduct online activity in a very important facility which quantico certainly qualifies as. i must say, i was so worried i've talked about this for a year and a half now. the risk from these people who were crossing on our terror watch list who we know are bad actors but we have allowed into our country at those folks not only did not have any connection to quantico, they had no connection to the united states of america. i would love to know what was on their phones, i would love to know who they were communicate
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and with, i would love to know if they were part of a larger network, none of those questions have been answered. somehow there is a suggestion these two folks were out on a drive and decided to pull up to quantico. i suspect that will prove not to be the case and we need to know the full scale of what the effort was to breach this important military facility. you are exactly right, john, something does not sound right about this and the biden administration has chosen to hide it, delete information, and obfuscate for who knows what reason. >> sandra: that builds the anticipation of this white house press briefing. mr. secretary this will begin at the top of the hour. we will be listening for anything further from the white house on this. they been quiet. if they are hiding something you are suggesting maybe they are hiding something, we don't know, we will see how they answer the questions there in the briefing room. the gnome got aways continue to swell these are the numbers right now. under joe biden. they were 387,000 a couple of years ago, 2022 they grew to 606,000, 2,023,670,000, under this presidency we are nearing 2 million gnome got aways. why would it be so hard to confirm whether or not these two
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foreign nationals are on the terror watch list? why would that be a difficult task? >> it's not. they know. they know who these people are now. they've had a chance to interrogate them. they know precisely whether these people are on that terror watch list or not. you know, the numbers are staggering and they create real risk i must say too these are jordanians and sound like jordanian nationals, it is no longer hondurans, guatemalans, and people traversing up through mexico. these are people from all across the world. the other incidence you described were chinese nationals. this is a global effort to breach our southern border and we have no i do who they are and who they are working for and why it is came here. >> john: secretary the two art and ice custody and removal proceedings here is what i said in the statement to fox news. deportation officers from washington, d.c.'s, criminal apprehension program responded and arrested both individuals without incident. both will be in our custody pending removal proceedings.
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should there be a broader investigation with the fbi be involved at this level? should we not be like shaking down every tree that there is around these folks to find out what the heck they were up to? >> of course, jon perry i assume the fbi is involved it was a federal facility. i assume the fbi is very much involved in this and you are right, removal proceedings in which they are convicted for the crime they can were committing to breach in american military facility and we should be chasing every lead. we should check where they came from, who the other network's, where were they saying? was under running the fuel for the vehicles they were driving? there are a thousand leads we should pursue that we should understand the scope of what plate here. may be two random guys out for a drive but that certainly seems like something you would have is the last answer once you've checked all the other possibilities which create even greater risk for america. >> sandra: we will listen for that briefing to begin at the white house shortly.
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secretary pompeo, thank you for joining us. >> john: . >> john: appreciated. >> to send her and john thank you. >> john: now the campaign trail as president biden tries to make inroads with black voters. new polls show his support slipping with the key demographic one that is crucial to his reelection. the president planning a flurry of weekend activities to try to change things around which includes a commencement address at morehouse college on sunday. peter doocy live from the white house. peter come obviously they are shocked by what they have seen in the polls lately. >> yes, john, and now white house officials are trying really hard to shore up support with black voters but there are real questions about whether or not it is even going to be possible for the president and the vice president to make up lost ground. >> he should be worried about black voters. he absolution. but it's his own fault for actually instituting a radical agenda that is hurting our country. is probably too late for him. >> and some of this is strong on the latest fox news poll. with bread and buy in at 72%
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with black voters which is a huge majority but it is down seven points from where he was october of 2020. this morning he laid out the massive hundreds of millions of dollars worth of investments that his administration has made to support diversity. >> my department of education is investing $300 million including another $20 million announced today to support diversity in our schools. my department of education provided additional almost half a billion dollars, $450 million to ensure teachers in our school reflect the diversity in our country. >> president biden will spend the weekend down in the atlanta area he will be on sunday giving the commencement address at morehouse. it sounds like white house officials are well aware protests are possible but they are not outlining exactly what the president's plan is. particularly as the morehouse administer writers do what they are threatening to do which is just respond to protests by calling the ceremony off. >> john: peter doocy for us,
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peter thank you. sandra, the fox news poll numbers on african american voters were actually better for the president then some other recent polls which show the former president with as much as 20% support among younger black voters. >> sandra: the difference was stark there. peter doocy pointing out the black vote down seven points for biden. but hispanic voters, suburban women moderates, under the age of 30, the president is down with all of those numbers right now. anything is for sure, nothing is a given in politics. >> john: a reason why senator marco rubio is one of the top picks or said to be for the vice presidential slot. >> sandra: deftly on the short-list. meanwhile the number one golfer back on the course for the pga championship after an early morning arrest. we will tell you why he ended up in handcuffs. >> sandra: and the defense team for former president trump hammering michael cohen in cross examination. did they successfully plant a seed of doubt in the minds of jurors?
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trump surrogate north dakota government doug burgum was in court with him this week he joins us coming up next plus this. >> sandra: hurricane strength winds, heavy rains dev steady parts of houston, fox weather's katie byrne is there, video and pictures coming from there are horrifying. they have been through a lot. katie? >> they have, sandra and rain it's coming down once again on us in downtown houston. you can see they are racing to clean up what they can. we will have the latest on those cleanup efforts coming up. >> this program is brought to you by:
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>> sandra: a line of severe storms packing hurricane strength winds sweeping through texas and louisiana overnight. the storms killing at least four people and causing widespread damage across houston. toppling trees, blowing out windows, and knocking out power to more than a million people there. box whether correspondent katie burns is on that she is live in houston for us, what is latest? >> hi, sandra, the races on two of the city because as you can see we are getting some worrying right now but workers are freezing through this believe it or not this was covered in glass just an hour ago. that all came from windows that had blown out from highrises downtown that have but since been boarded up because of this incoming rain we are getting. city officials are also warning the hundreds of thousands of people without power to prepare for possibly being out for weeks. we have at least ten massive transmission lines down right now because of those strong
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hurricane-force winds that blew through right around dinnertime last night. we have libraries opening up to the public so people have a place to cool down now that they are in the texas heat and many are working from home today. schools closed and city streets shut down and covered in glass, insulation, and all kinds of debris from blown out windows from office buildings and hotels downtown. you can imagine the people who stayed in some of these hotels last night are feeling lucky to be alive after walking outside and seeing this damage. >> i just feel very lucky because there were buildings one block over that were pretty well damaged. and i saw floors, i was on the fifth floor, i saw windows knocked out about that same level so i thought i just feel very lucky. >> we know, tragically, four people died because of this. one of the victims was inside this truck when a crane actually came crashing down onto the truck that they were inside of.
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that person was parked when this all happen. you can see the work is still actively ongoing right now but have to say they are getting through this very quickly. the national weather service is on the ground too they have three teams across the state trying to figure out what exactly happened if it was straight-line winds or tornado damage, but at the end of the day, we are looking at seeing kinds of damage from both. sender? >> sandra: huge efforts, katie byrne on that for us, our best to all of those that have been affected by this katie, thank you. >> john: all right, send to the new york criminal trial against former president from entering its final stretch now as the defense prepares to take another go at michael cohen when court resumes on monday. our next guest was in the courtroom to support the former president republican north dakota governor doug burgum is a trump surrogate and joins us now. governor, get heavy with us. you were in the courtroom on tuesday. wanted to get your impressions of the case because we don't even know at this point what the crime is that the former president is being charged with. here is the indictment says
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about trump "with intent to defraud an intent to commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission thereof may cause a false entry in the business records of an enterprise" another crime? we have no clue what it is. what is your impression of this whole case? >> well, john yoo are exactly right there is no crime. the going into this tuesday i knew that this was a sham trial. wanted to see it with my own eyes but coming out of it on tuesday night after watching michael cohen testify all day i know this is a sham trial. it's a trial that should have never been pursued, never been brought. we have a judge who donated to president biden we have prosecutors that are ran and got elected on the idea that they were going to put president trump in jail and on the star witness, michael cohen [coughs" gives me, he is a serial perjurer walks through
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all of it on the stand he has ls lied to congress, he lied to a former federal judge, his whole shtick was hey, that was m telling the truth and really appealing to the jury. yesterday todd blanche walked him into a corner and proved on tuesday he was lying in court. so he may have perjured himself again on tuesday in that whole situation. >> sandra: i know you have grown pretty close with the former president, how would you describe the relationship today and how is he doing, by the way when you do talk to him? >> i would just have to say for any american that would have an opportunity to see president trump right now and the energy he has come of the positivity, the strength that he has, i mean think of any other -- think of ceo or a politician under this kind of lost fair and political prosecution by your opponent in the middle of an election that matters perhaps more than any other in the history of our country and for him to get of and sit in that
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trial all day long and in the evening he is in world leaders business meetings and holding fund-raisers and spending time with his family. the guys doing it all. just like he is today at barron's graduation he is doing it all. as a father, grandfather, everything it's really remarkable. i think it speaks to his strength versus joe biden's weakness and that's why the polls are showing. they say they stomach the americans already accorded president trump. >> john: so you are on the veepstakes is a running mate and maybe also energy secretary if he wins because you've been helping craft energy policies for this election and i'm wondering where are you going with energy policy particularly on the issue of electric vehicles and wind power? >> well, john, remember this is way more than the energy secretary i mean jennifer granholm is not a problem for america right now. she is running around in and out with large grants for hydrogen
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and other projects, but this is a whole government attacked by joe biden and his administration against u.s. energy and that is really all liquid fuels. it's against agriculture because it's against -- if you are attacking internal combustion's machines you are also destroying u.s. agriculture for biofuels and for ethanol. so this is a whole government and it makes no sense because it's better for the economy, it's bad for the environment, because when you shut down clean u.s. energy, you are shifting that to our adversaries and it's bad for national security because biden's energy policies are fueling the proxy words on the other side. russia and iran are funding wars against our allies because their energy production as joe biden tries to shut u.s. energy down so it touches inflation, it touches national security, it touches global peace, president trump understands these things are all interconnected and it will take
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every agency government to turn it around. >> sandra: talks to everyone who is paying 50% more for gas under this presidency, right? don't forget that. while we talk about inflation and food prices up 25% gas prices are up 50% since this president took office. the average is now $3.59. former president donald trump if elected says you are the guy to fix the problem. he said this at the wildwood rally on you and energy policy, listen. >> he probably knows more about energy than anybody i know. so get ready for something, okay question would just get ready. >> sandra: what are we getting ready for? we know you are on the short-list for the vp spot or his running mate. is that happening? or energy secretary? where is this going? >> sandra when i was running last year for resident and i wasn't running for vp and i wasn't running for a cabinet position right now as i know is governor of north dakota i'm on
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the frontline of all the bad policies that joe biden is pushing on american people. so the whole reason i am out every day trying to help president trump get reelected is because it is absolutely essential to our economy, to our national security, and of those are things he understands which is why we are pushing on all of this you mention the gas prices yes they are up but let's talk electricity. electricity is up about 30%, reliability is down and joe biden wants to electrify every stove and every car in america. liquid fuels is team usa. if you want to go on battery-powered everything you are on team china because china is controlling 85% of the minerals so it does not matter whether it's us abandoning our allies in western europe or having this energy policy being designed by our adversaries, you fix energy you fix the economy and stop the wars, it all works together. >> john: we look forward to hearing more about that in the months ahead. thank you for being with us appreciated. >> sandra: thank you. >> thank you, john.
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>> john: now this. >> we have dramatically reduced inflation from 9% down to close to 3% paired it was 9% when i came to office. 9%. it was 9% when i came in and now it's down around 3%. >> sandra: but it was not 9% when he took office. president biden is now doubling down on those false claims on inflation at the start of his term. will the white house have any answers for that at the briefing today? which is set to begin moments from now. steve moran and greenhouse are here on that. >> john: and four pinocchio's for that plus is really forces uncover the bodies of three more thomas hostages. what we know about the victims coming up next.
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in the hours after october 7th, alex hogan live in london with at the latest on all of this. alex? >> hi, john, israeli military spokesperson daniel hug ari says in this grim announcement these three individuals tried to escape the music festival, they were killed and their bodies were brought into gaza. now the families of these victims have been notified. one of those victims was identified as 28-year-old amic buscila a fashion stylist on the phone with her uncle who said at the time he remembered hearing her begging repeating the word "no" and finally whispering "i love you" 23-year-old shawnee luke was a dual citizen she had been declared dead after a video of her body in the back of a truck in gaza and a father and a grandfather. they did not specify where the bodies were found in gaza but to keep fighting for the 129
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hostages. >> we will leave no stone unturned. we will do everything in our power to find hostages and bring them home. we will not rest until we do. >> meanwhile today for the first time aid trucks are rolling across the floating u.s. peer shoveling and desperately needed aid for palestinians. this pair was finished just yesterday and it will be used by multiple countries to bring in more humanitarian aid for palestinians. john? >> john: we will see if that is a success of the days ahead. alex, sandra? >> sandra: thank you very much, john. now we will take a quick look at the corner of wall and broad at the u.s. stock markets this is the dow jones industrial average and it briefly traded above 40,000 yesterday for the first time ever. right now it is trying for a record close as long as it
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closes up more than 38 points, 38.62 points, it will be a fresh record high for the dow. new economic reports this week do show that inflation is cooling, albeit slightly, but is that enough for the fed to finally bring interest rates down? that's a huge question. freedom works economists and senior economic advisor to the trump campaign and solis alternative strategist, both experts in your field, we need your help here because steve we are looking at the stock market and wondering what is this a reflection of? i mean record high after record high and yet we are all hearing from the american public that they are still struggling with sky-high prices paired we just talked about gas prices a moment to go doug burgum up 50% in three years. so what has the stock market reflected? >> first of all i mean let's celebrate this dow 40,000 it's the most incredible run over the
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last 40 years we have seen in human history. i mean, more wealth created in the united states. you go back to when reagan and the start of the reagan presidency the dow was at 1,000 and now it's at 40,000? if we have the next 40 years as good as the last 40 years we will talk about a delve over a million. that's the kind of increases we have scenes with a wonderful thing for america. i just wish more americans had money in the stock market. i wish we could put our social security dollars into it but one quick point about this, it is true it's up hunter biden but the problem is the dow jones is up at about 24% but inflation is up 20% so almost all of the game in the inflation about 85% of the gain in the stock market is just due to the fact everything is more expensive now. >> sandra: amen which is why i called dan this morning and i said why is no commentary no newspaper writing about the stock market adjusted for inflation? i get the point, let's celebrate the gains in the stock market,
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but how much really is there to take home from this when you are paying more for just about everything, dan? >> listen every thing steve said is correct, and to show our age here if we hearken back to the second bush 432nd term when he tried to "prioritize social security" by putting some funds into the stock market, how much better the health care system would be today as compared to the alternative which is reality, but to the point of inflation steve is exactly correct periods prices are up enormously but the stock market is an inflation hedge. you see this playing out right now the stock market is up as steve mentioned call at 25% or so prices are up 20, that's what the stock market is supposed to do. it's your hedge against inflation. >> sandra: okay, this is why i put this question many people this morning, as i always do, and i got a lot of different perspectives on the inflation inflation-adjusted stock market. and what this really means and who is benefiting from it. as we put this up on the screen this is rep robert shiller
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asking the same question i was asking. most reports and commentary have not pointed out because of inflation because it has climbed sharply over the last few years the value of stock prices is eroded along with nearly every thing else in the economy. he said that a few weeks ago. he is acknowledging now there are gains even when adjusted for inflation but steve who is benefiting from this rally? isn't it the rich getting richer or is this everybody thriving from this? >> look i think a good stock market is good for all americans don't question about it paired i want to see the dow keep going up. by the way there are 100 million americans must not forget that have money in 401(k) plan so i'm very much in favor of a booming stock market but i think it is exaggerated as we are just talking about. the problem too for the middle class is they have not been able to put a lot of money in their stock market and they are the ones who are facing the $3.59 a gallon at the gas pump. they are the ones paying $8 for a box of wheaties. that's why there is so much
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financial stress. the average family of said it before on your show, sandra will say it again, the average medium income family are you ready for this, sandra? their income has fallen in real terms and their purchasing power by $2,000. >> sandra: that's why this fox news poll reflects this when asked is this a problem for your family, grocery prices 89%, gas prices, people are dealing with high prices of all of these everyday items. i want to finish off with this and this is a question to you, dan based on what steve just said. he is celebrate in the stock market gains but jamie dimon still says he is worried about the future of inflation, listen. >> i'm more worried about it paired we've had very big fiscal deficits and i think the underlying inflation may not go the way people expect it to. whatever the world is pricing for a soft landing, i think the chance of something going wrong is after stomach higher than people think. >> sandra: are you worried,
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dan, as the stock market keeps going up and that puts more money and some people's wallets that they will keep spending on these prices will never come down? >> two quick answers. first, i think steve is exactly right. a rising stock prices good for all americans for any number of different reasons. pension plans, 401(k)s, et cetera to the comments jamie dimon just made there's a lot of us on wall street that have lamented the growing size of fiscal deficits and some of the larger problems that jamie has articulated for some time now and most of wall street chairs but to tie it altogether the average american is dealing with the grocery price in the poll you just pointed out. and they are up: 23 or 24% since kofi cockburn have been even eating up at restaurants is up 24-25% so you can't go out or stay and there's no way to go about doing it. prices are up and that ultimately is the biggest problem for everybody. >> sandra: and to tell you mama to larry and will join us next hour. steve you have a 52nd answer there? >> i think that's absolutely true and by the way the stock
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market can only go up when profits go up. profits are a good thing. biden is always attacking come you know this, sandra biden is always attacking companies for making profits so if you don't have profits you don't have a stock market and you don't have companies. >> sandra: we will dig into this more next hour i can't wait mohammed will join us live in studio so i look forward to that. dan, thank you, steve, thank you and by the way to the president's claims inflation was at 1.4% when he took office and that is important to continue to point out. thank you very much, gentleman. john question mike >> john: we have receipts to prove that too. you like the story president biden apparently losing some major donors over his stance on israel. eli lake of the free press is here and the rise of the never bidens plus this. >> that all of my success is made possible because a girl i met in class back in middle school... would become my wife.
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>> sandra: that commencement speech from harrison butker be it but is he being attacked for his faith? kayleigh mcenany will be back with that. you know what's brilliant? boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years,
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our next guest reports those who were weren't the lack once worried about trump's reelection are now rethinking their support for biden and her making sure he will not become president for a second term. it's called "the rise of the never bidens" it's good to be with us. >> great to be back. >> let me quote from your article it says this "joe biden's threat last week to freeze arm ship mr. israel along with his administration is holding with intelligence has reverberated throughout u.s. politics. now some never trumper donors save the biden administration's policy toward the jewish state is such a pictorial they are considering jumping on board the trump train" that's a big switch for some. >> especially because there was such a deeply felt view among what was called the never trumper-ers. largely republicans i cannot get behind a party led by
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donald trump and their views in a lot of ways haven't changed on trumpet the biden incoherence but also what sometimes is looked at as appeasing really kind of a despicable base inside of the democratic party, that is, i think, that is what crossed the line. more so than the artwork policy. it's the idea of why does he feel he has to reach out to a constituency that pretty much supports hamas. >> john: interesting here are some of the donors you talk about in the article, cliff who is a republican who donated to nikki haley. >> proudly and after the threats. >> john: now i'm not so sure about biden, and a democratic donor, bill ackman who of course was very active on x regarding the whole harvard thing a democratic donor as well and michael graham off a biden voter. these are people who put millions of dollars in the campaign of trump opponents know we are saying we need to go the other way? >> yes. that is i think an important
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development and there was a slow build because what you saw in the cnn interview earlier, that was after several moves from the biden administration. if your member they did not veto u.n. security council resolution that dee linked the hostages to a cease-fire. so, that was a serious kind of shot across israel and then the fact that it at his state of the union president biden used the numbers from the gaza health industry that he himself had earlier said were not reliable. which is a huge part of the hamas p.r. information war strategy. so i think it's like a combination of these things. so all of the good feelings he engendered with his initial very strong support for israel after october 7th, it has kind of faded away. if this is your policy going into the summer, we are not going to be there for you. >> john: a lot of analysts have said it's all about michigan but you are saying something does not add up about
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that and you don't necessarily think this is driven by politics. >> there may be some people that are part of the democratic political world that think you have to throw these people a bone in michigan and not just michigan but other voters who could say on the hard left but any political pro that looks at the broader picture would understand that that is a losing strategy because you will only anger the pro-israel supporters that you have and you won't win back people will call do you genocide joe it just won't happen at this point. so if this was quentin this would be a perfect opportunity of what you call a sister soldier moment where you make sure to denounce somebody on your own site and orders a sort of bolster to those in the center. >> john: it's a fascinating article the rise of the never bidens. >> sandra: a stunning story out of the gulf and world of following the arrest of the world's number one golfer. what happened wait... where's the dish? there ain't one.
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speak to the world's top golfer scottie scheffler was in cups early today for round two of the pga championship what a set that would be, jonathan has the latest, what happened? >> earlier this morning scheffler was stuck in traffic, police were directing traffic
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around an investigation into a fatal pedestrian accident. a shuttle bus had struck a pedestrian, an employee of a pga vendor struck by that bus just outside the entrance to valhalla golf club in louisville, kentucky. scheffler's attorney says he was driving a marked player's vehicle following one officer's instructions when his alleged to disregard another police officer's commands. this video of scheffler in handcuffs posted by espn reporter jeff darlington who writes "the police officer attempted to attach himself to scheffler's car and scheffler then stopped his vehicle at the entrance to valhalla. the police officer then began to scream at scheffler to get out of the car. when scheffler is viewed the vehicle the officer shoved scheffler against the car and immediately placed him in handcuffs. shuffle was arrested and booked him his mug shot taken wearing a orange jumpsuit he faces second degree assaulting a police officer, third degree mischief,
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disregard and traffic signals, scheffler had a statement on his instagram account explaining a big unders misunderstanding of e was supposed to be doing, he did it ever intended to disregard any of their interactions, i hope to put this to the site and focus on golf today. scheffler was released he birdied the first hole showing no apparent signs of stress from this ordeal he is scheduled to be arraigned on tuesday his attorney says scheffler will plead not guilty. >> sandra: wow, jonathan on that for us, thank you. >> john: just one shot off the league now after 12 holes, 13 holes, any moment now the white house would give an update as we learn more about the attempted secured a breach in one of america's most sensitive him military bases. >> sandra: plus controversy over the upside down flag flying outside a supreme court justice's home. shannon bream just spoke with the justice. what he told her just ahead.
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