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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  May 17, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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>> this track was part of the first official 1949 nascar cup series. but it sat vacant for 26 years until last year when it officially reopened. they had to pour a ton of money and but you start to see that come back out. bid adieu restoration modification which is what we're looking at today and it paid off. from last year's race there was an economic impact of $42 million. they expect the same this year. you will catch it live on fox 8:00 pm sunday fox sports 1. i will send it back to you. >> must ctv and if you're going 100 miles an hour tell them to take it out of second gear. medicine thank you. that's going to wrap it up for us. what week it's been and what a week ahead of us. great to be with you and see you in person this week. >> good to have you here. thanks for joining us become john roberts. we'll see you monday. >> i'm sandra smith. the story with martha starts right now.
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>> afternoon. i martha maccallum and this is the story. we have to warn you with this first video that it's very disturbing hard to watch video that appears to show sean 'diddy' combs attacking his ex-girlfriend cassie ventura back in 2016. cnn obtained this video just a short while ago. you see him running after her in the hallway on throwing her to the ground. it seems to back up the accusations and venturers lawsuit that she settled last year. we have reached out to diddy us test representative and will have more details on what this means for any potential charges against him and were all of this might be heading. very disturbing development breaking late this afternoon in the diddy combs situation. also ahead this hour michael collins former legal advisor bob costello who has become very central and a lot of what surrounds the remaining days and hours of this case.
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he says is called upon he is ready to testify that cohen told him over and over again that he had nothing on former president trump. years before cohen became the prosecution's star witness against his former boss. first president biden today taking aim at former president trump in a speech marking 70 years since the brown versus board of education supreme court decision. it struck down segregation in public schools. >> president joe biden: my predecessor and extreme maga friends are responsible for taking my other fundamental freedoms. from the freedom to vote to the freedom to choose. but i've always believed the promise of america's big enough for everyone to succeed and i mean that everyone to succeed. >> the president giving a speech today as polls show him losing support with black voters. he's down 7 points compared to
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2020 in our latest fox news poll here's what black americans told fox digital about how they see the presidential race. some of these individuals can watch. >> i will probably be the only black person to admit it but i want trump back. >> president trump even though he might not be a good guy on the political side of things that he was good. >> try to arrest donald trump but they don't really have anything on him. >> martha: let's bring in mark toussaint former chief speechwriter to president george w. bush, american enterprise senior fellow and washington post columnist and katie, editor. both fox news, and mark penn former poster and now ceo. great to have all you with us. i want to go first cactus shows a philadelphia inquirer siena college pulling recent the chose
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black voters now at 63% with trump at 23%. this is swing states. look back at 2020 in those swing states in the fox news voter analysis, biden had 91% and trump had 8. the trump side goes from 8 to 23%. biden going from 91 to 63%. that's why you see this very concerted effort on the part of the biden campaign put up everything that's going on with all of this tuesday. ed tait 2 radio interviews that were geared towards black audiences. today he spoke at the national museum of african-american history and culture. sunday he gives the commencement address at morehouse. thursday brown versus board. today meeting with the divine 9 collection of historic black for chimneys. that behind closed doors. obviously this is a strong effort on their part win québec these voters. you think he will be able to
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succeed and close that gap? >> witch? >> martha: mark penn. thank you sorry about that. no disrespect. go ahead penn. >> i think we have seen this before were the black vote seems to drift in the polls and come back on election day. i think a lot of the campaign is devoted to making sure the democrats maximize the black vote." be interesting to see if tim scott does get the big p. slot on the other side, whether or not that changes the dynamic. the other thing that's happening in to see it more so with latino voters particularly with the blackman, is concerned about the economy is really what's driving voters all types to think about whether they will vote for president biden or not. whether they are hispanic can black or white and that seems to cut across the board.
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i think these voters québec election day. that's what i think. >> martha: it's interesting. you see groups whether women voters or black voters or voters who have typically fallen to these different groups. what we see i think over the course of the last several elections is these things breaking apart and people voting based on what's in their individual best interest, not as the part of a group. what's your assessment as you look at all of this through your eyes? >> first joe biden is running out of legislative real estate to get anything meaningful done with congress for these big-ticket items he thinks can help him with the election which is why you have seen him do executive orders on student loans. you're seeing them reclassify marijuana. the biden team is offering more government programs rather than economic growth which is a contrast to president trump. talk to charles payne on the foxbusiness network. he says young black men in particular is who biden is
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losing see the biden campaign as seeing republicans or races. you have to vote for democrats but they are interested in generational growth and economic opportunity. not another government program that doesn't really help them in terms of getting their future together. not just short-term but long-term outside of a government check or some kind of electioneering gimmick they say will help them. so joe biden is running out of time in dc and also is having a hard time with the messaging between the older typical voters of democrat party in the african-american space versus the younger generation which is looking at trump and saying we kind of like this guy and what he is offering us outside of government subsidies. >> martha: mark heese and this is harry on cnn this morning tech someone who looks at, era portner who looks at the data. here's what he had to say but this. >> my goodness gracious, through the general election we are
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still months away cactus would be by far the best performance for republican candidate among black voters in a generation, probably since 1960. this could be truly historic margin and troubling sign. >> marc thiessen your thoughts. >> if donald trump gets a quarter of the black vote joe biden is finished. market is probably right that some people go home but not all of them. it points to a fundamental problem joe biden has which is donald trump space is solidly behind him. he is struggling with swing voters. joe biden swah struggling with swing voters and his base. his base is rebelling against them. the new york times siena vote showed that 6% of the electorate in those states are former biden voters who say they would not for frame again. if you look at the swing states joe biden won the presidency by 40200918 votes in 3 swing states. so 6% let's say a comeback
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industry% khakis finished. so he's got a fundamental problem. black americans are paying $125 for 100-dollar basket of groceries jessica videos. the credit card debt wrapped up over a trillion dollars just like everybody else. they are paying record interest on that credit card that jessica anybody else. if you look at the times are reporting they interviewed a lot of black voters saying look i hate trump but look at the economy. look at the inflation. i can't live like this anymore and maybe a portrait too much emphasis on trump's mouth rather than what is good for my pocketbook. >> martha: i was remember the interview room when now president biden said if you don't vote for me you ain't black man. recently he said that he felt biden did not have leading man character energy. and he said he probably wouldn't vote for trump but wasn't sure what he would do. we are going to watch this group
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very closely. the numbers are moving which is very interesting in terms of political history. thank you all. mark hancock marc thiessen, katie. great to see you today. thank you. back to the lead story just breaking this afternoon. graphic new video obtained by cnn appears to show rapper sean 'diddy' combs brutally assaulting his former girlfriend in a hotel hallway. we'll show you this a very tough video and go through this legal situation and what it presents with attorney, defence attorney next each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. isolated...depressed... and embarrassed. that's how it felt to live with bladder and bowel incontinence. but that changed when my urologist told me about axonics therapy.
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you ready? -showtime. this is gonna be epic. [ barking ] it's what the poster said. do you want to make out or? nope. i meant yes. he's a bon garçon. i give amazing sponge-baths. can i get a room? [ chuckling ] ♪ ♪ chef's kiss. >> martha: a warning that this video is very disturbing and purportedly shows sean 'diddy'
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combs slamming kicking and dragging his ex-girlfriend cassie ventura. this video is from 2016. he runs after her as she has gone into this elevator it appears and then you see the horrific beating that occurs in the hallway. this video obtained by cnn. ventura has made accusations of abuse in a lawsuit that was settled in november. now we are seeing what she purportedly shows is the background of that. we have reached out to his representative. no response on his side. attorney mark eiglarsh is here but first senior national correspondent covering covering the background from our la bureau and brings us up to speed on what's broken a short time ago. >> this is the original lawsuit that cassie ventura filed in november against sean 'diddy' combs for assault. she describes what you are about to see which some viewers may find disturbing. surveillance video obtained of
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suit exclusively by cnn from the intercontinental hotel in los angeles from march of 2016 and appears to corroborate claims made in the lawsuit and the case was settled a few days later reportedly in the millions. ventura claims he was drunk and hit her in the eye and after he fell asleep she tried to escape. he chases her down the hall in his towel. kick serve in the side and throws a glass vase. according to tmz police never were called to investigate and combs paid 50 grand going to the suit to obtain the video. us attorney's office in the southern district of new york reported they are investigating combs for human trafficking and forcing employees to have sex against their will in something he called freak off parties. in march federal authorities raided the 54-year-old's homes in los angeles and miami to obtain evidence of these crimes, seizing hard drives and video footage from cameras he allegedly rigged in each room. a separate lawsuit claims the
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singer kept compromising footage of high-profile musicians, athletes and entertainers. ventura claimed in her lawsuit she was forced to have sex of these freak off parties with prostitutes while combs watched. he's never been formally charged with any crime tech has denied wrongdoing tackling the federal raids you just looked at a witchhunt based on meritless accusations. in december deity set on social media let me be clear and i'm quoting, i did not do any of the things that i am being alleged. we reached out to his attorneys in la and new york and did not receive a reply. >> martha: thank you very much. let's bring back criminal defence attorney mark eiglarsh. good to have you with us. your take on this video, the potential value of it or no value depending on what it shows here and how valid it is given the statute of limitations. >> my initial thoughts are probably shared by most people
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who have seen it including you martha. it is troubling. it is abhorrent behaviour can something you hear about but you rarely get to actually see up close and personal. it also diminishes his word to us because we were told by him that it was a cash grab, it was baseless. he was essentially claiming to be framed like the mona lisa. and apparently that's not accurate. >> martha: with regard to the story that he paid the hotel $50,000 for the video. i don't know how the video than resurfaced. may be they had a copy of it. we don't know how this is leaked out but it certainly substantiates her part of the story. so you can understand why even though the assault on her has succeeded the statute of limitations. correct? >> it has. for simple battery in california they got 1 year and for felonies
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like aggravated assault, aggravated battery 3 years. so no criminal prosecution. >> martha: the settlement she accepted millions of dollars in settlement. is that your understanding? >> that's my understanding and i knew something was going on when she files a lawsuit in the very next day it is settled. i as a lawyer who handles a lot of the stuff went okay they have got some fire where that smoke is. now we see exactly what she had on her side. >> martha: as william pointed out sex trafficking, forced sex acts are all part of this existing tech these existing claims. we'll see where this goes. stay with us. we want to talk to you a little bit about scotty scheffler coming up. in the meantime the white house briefing is underway. let's go and listen and. >> charlottesville and what he saw there. the vile hatred and it was concerning to him. but you move forward and from
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there to january 6th of 2021 that was very scary time and our democracy. that was a stain on our democracy. what was happening at capital, 2,000 rioters wanting to turn over a free a fair election. obviously the president wants to continue to fight for that, continued to fight for our democracy and freedoms and that's where we will continue to stand. i cannot give probability. i don't know who you are speaking of. >> the big story today. what does president biden think about the world's number 1 golfer scotty scheffler being handcuffed and hauled in for a mugshot for what appears to be a misunderstanding as traffic stop? >> i have seen the reports of the arrest. i just want to say our hearts court to the individual that was killed. >> unrelated. >> let me finish. in the auto accident that preceded his arrest. obviously someone did died. someone was killed, proceeded his arrest. obviously was he was not
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involved in. so want to make sure we share our condolences to the family and their loved ones. anything else as specifics to his arrest that would be something for local authorities to speak to speak you guys have spent a good part of this we talked about how you don't want anybody to go to jail again for possessing marijuana. do you think that somebody who is involved in what appears to be a misunderstanding at a traffic shop stop should be facing 10 years in prison? >> we have seen the reports. there's a process. we have to let the legal authorities go to their process on how this all works. i cannot comment from here from the lectern about something that's being looked into by local authorities. i have to be mindful about that but let's not forget, someone lost their lives. obviously that preceded this but there is an individual that was killed. there's a family that's mourning a death of a loved 1. so we want to be sensitive to that as well. >> martha: just to be clear
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because those things, onto be clear that the pedestrian hit by a bus in the very early hours of this morning, that's completely separate. i mean they were dealing with that in this area around the pga his driving up and going around police, we'll talk what would happen or didn't happen attack is completely separate from that. i was want to make that very clear. so the world's number 1 golfer was arrested on his way to the pga championship to play this morning in louisville. scotty scheffler charged with assaulting a police officer who ended up with the wrist tech injured wrist this morning. he went to the hospital. here's the video of the arrest of scotty scheffler what he was on his way to compete this morning. >> guys. guys. >> step back.
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>> i am back. i am back. >> martha: this is a really bizarre situation. traffic was backed up because the police are not investigating the other deadly bus crash. unrelated to the situation. a witness says scotty scheffler drove past and officer who screamed at him to stop and then grab the car to get him to stop according to this report, according to the ap, according from the arrest report they claimed that the officer was dragged to the ground and suffered pain and swelling and abrasion to his wrist. after the car accelerated forward. scheffler's lawyer tells fox quote at no time did scotty scheffler drive through any accident scene or ongoing investigation and he was following a conflicting instruction from a traffic control officer. he's back on the course playing
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today. here's a look at how he's doing. this would be his third major championship. if you're going to win here he's currently let's put this up on the screen currently in fourth place right now 8 under. that's get a look at that score which we have a big board. he won the masters earlier this year and in 2022 so back with us criminal defence attorney mark eiglarsh. i think we have the images of him this morning and is mugshot which we can put up as well, please. he was in an orange jumpsuit sort of thing. he had a mugshot and had very serious charges. what do you think will happen to the charges? what is your take on this? >> i think the charges will be dropped. and if he is not satisfied with his current attorney i will absolutely take care of this for him. i have no doubt this man did not intentionally commit any criminal act. i know that because i know the person that we are talking
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about. that same call professional demeanour he has in the course he carries that with him off the course number 1. number 2 also in my 32 year career as a prosecutor and defence attorney constantly see problems like this where well intended officers believe that somebody can hear and understand their commands and think erroneously they did something intentional to avoid or ignore what they are saying but it's really just a misunderstanding. he was never given the opportunity to explain himself. he was immediately thrown against the current stripped of his liberty. >> martha: interesting. let's put of the charges. it again they put him in handcuffs. you see him being led away there. put him in an orange incarceration style shirt looks like and charged with second-degree assault on a police officer can third degree criminal mischief, reckless driving disregard in signals from officers directing traffic.
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the charges, let's assume this police officer is telling the truth, that he was dragged because he was holding onto the car essentially and got dragged and injured his wrist. does that constitute second-degree assault of a police officer? >> no. i have not seen the video and don't know the officer. let's give him the benefit of the doubt. but there's a difference between believability and accuracy. i know this cop will likely come across believable in thinking likely erroneously that scheffler did anything intentional to him. but that's what's required under the statute. he intentionally caused physical harm. he intentionally drove in a wilful and wanton disregard of human life or property tax he intentionally ignored this officer's commands. i don't think that's what occurred here.
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>> martha: let's take a look at a club because 1 of the things the people who are not golfers probably see scotty scheffler on social media and the kind of demeanour he generally has. we can't talk about what happened this morning because we weren't there but this is a clip of him on instagram that gets a lot of attention after he wins big tournaments. watch. >> what do you think defines you? >> you probably have to ask my wife. i'm a faithful guy and believe in a creator can't believe in jesus. ultimately that's what defines me the most. >> it is safe to say this is a very difficult morning for him and, you know, being put in handcuffs and brought down to the station. may be he behaved wrong. i have no idea. you believe these are going to be dropped. >> i watch that entire press conference not just that 1 little club. he won me over.
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he won me over when he's kind of guy who said he would be willing to withdraw from the masters even though he was in the lead after 3 days can 3 rounds. he is willing to withdraw from the masters to be there for his wife's birth. yes, i believe these charges will be dropped and i believe it was a gross misunderstanding and they threw the book at him and does not prove beyond reasonable doubt of any of these charges speak less you are echoes. thanks for weighing in 2 very big legal stories today. good to see you. thank you mark. >> my pleasure. thank you. so bob costello the former michael cohen legal advisor who contends that cohen is lying about trump's wrongdoing says of called he's going to testify about his lengthy conversation about all of this with michael cohen. >> so then the question is poised for todd blanche to decide who he's going to call as a witness. i would think in light of the testimony i give yesterday down at the house that i'm very
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likely suspect and i'm ready to go. i'm telling the truth. it's an easy story to tell and i'm not concerned at all. >> it's friday. that would be happening on monday. bob costello joins us next to telus whether not not he plans to be there on monday ♪ rising costs. selective coverage. for countless americans, the complex specialty care they need has always felt... just out of reach. ♪ at evernorth, we give members unrivaled access to the most complex therapies at the best prices. while providing enhanced support like in—home nursing at no additional cost. that's wonder made possible.
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caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. caplyta can cause serious side effects. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away. anti-depressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. caplyta is not approved for dementia-related psychosis. report fever, confusion, or stiff muscles, which may be life threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements which may be permanent. common side effects include sleepiness, dizziness, nausea, and dry mouth. these aren't all the side effects. in the darkness of bipolar i & ii depression, caplyta can help you let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at >> martha: michael cohen's former legal advisor says he is
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ready to take the stand at former president trump's trial and that he can contradict michael cohen's testimony. bob costello says a prosecution star witness told him years ago he had nothing on former president trump. that conversation came up during cohen's testimony. prosecutor susan hoff and asking cohen quote during that meeting did you tell mr costello the truth about what mr trump's roll was in the payoff to stormy daniels. culling testified understand under oath no. why not? first, i wasn't sure i was going to hire him. there's something really sketchy and wrong about him. he came with a retainer agreement and i said i'm not going to pay that right now. i'm still speaking with other lawyers so i certainly wasn't going to expose anything to someone i didn't know and connect i was having trouble connecting with. bob costello joins me now.
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welcome back to the program. good to see you. that's your word against his on the stand the other day. what do you say to the fact that he says that he was not being truthful with you in that conversation? >> first of all it's not my word against his. i was there with my law partner. second of all virtually everything michael cohen has said and i read his testimony least the part that relates to me, is a lie and i have documents to prove it. he claims that right there in the clip that you just put on the screen that we bought a retainer agreement. totally untrue. he didn't see retainer agreement for at least 6 or 7 days after that. and we have e-mails that corroborate that. michael cohen lies from the beginning to the end. now the important part was he asked to meet with us right after his home and his law
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office researched pursuant to a search warrant. >> to be clear he reached out to you. >> initially my law partner who knew him for 10 years were you heard about the search warrant sent him a note saying i'm sorry to hear you're having so much trouble. he said i have a guy in my office partner of mine who's deputy chief of the criminal division of that same office. if you ever want to pick his brain just let me know. cohen responded immediately and i like to meet with you guys. can you come up here meaning to the regency hotel because all the reporters are following me and i can't leave my apartment without a slew of reporters. so we agreed to do that the next day. the 2 of us arrived and went to a conference room on the second floor of the regency hotel at the first time i saw michael cohen. he looked like he had not slept in days. he was pacing back and forth from left to right on the other side of the conference table like a caged animal at the zoo.
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and he told us that he was suicidal. he said 2 nights before he was on the roof of the regency hotel ready to jump off the roof and kill himself because he knew he couldn't handle the enormous legal problems that were coming his way. when you have a guy who's that manic and he was manic that day marching back and forth and he's asking you to provide him with the escape route tech that's what he called a, how do i get out of this, what's the escape route tech and actually if you look at the memos at that meeting you will find out that i told michael cohen and the easiest way to solve all of his legal problems was he clearly wasn't the target of southern districts investigation. donald trump was. i said therefore if you have truthful information about donald trump that implicates him in anything i can have your problem solved by the end of the week. but it has to be truthful.
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>> you testified before the grand jury and we reported this yesterday and you said he and his folks are not interested in the exculpatory information that you had. appears they really wanted to keep michael cohen sort of in a zone where they felt like he was there star witness and you were potentially damaging that for them so they wanted nothing to do with information you had. do you think you will be called by the defence to testify on monday? have you had any communication with trump's defence? >> let me put it to this way. first of all as i understand it on monday they are still continuing to cross examination of michael cohen. after he finishes that cross-examination then the district attorney's office will get a chance to inquire again, redirect. i don't know how long that's going to take. and then after that i'm sure they will make motions to dismiss this case. frankly the judge should dismiss
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the case. but i suspect he will not. so i don't think anything is going to happen on monday. my best guess is if they decide to put on a case they will call me. if they decide to do that. but i think that might be tuesday or wednesday if that happens. >> the choice of whether to do that is totally up to them. >> do you think they need you based on the cross-examination blanche has done and what will see continuing on monday or you think has been effective enough? >> that's the phrase effective enough. you never know whether he was effective enough until you have a jury verdict. so my view is if you have additional damaging information you should bring it forward. >> it sounds like you would like to testify. is that fair to say? >> i don't know that like is the right word. the whole reason i got into this was that michael cohen stupidly
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attempted to cooperate by lying about really giuliani and myself accusing us of a crime of dangling apart in front of him to keep him quiet. it was quite the opposite. i was encouraging him to cooperate if he had and only if he had truthful information about donald trump. and i don't think he had truthful information because when you're suicidal as i said that day, i said michael think about it this way. is an easier to cooperate against donald trump than it is to kill yourself. i said of course the question answers itself. so if he had truthful information he would have given us that day but he kept on saying he did this on his own. frankly he didn't tell us this but it's clear afterwards to curry favour with trump because he had been left behind in new york when all of the rest of trump's inner circle went to washington dc. michael cohen was the only guy left behind. he was trying to find a way to ingratiate himself. that's what he was doing. >> a very desperate moment for him. in a lot of ways.
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part castello it's always good to see you. will be watching of course with interest as this moves forward and the defence decides if they'll bring a case and whether were not they would invite you to come speak on their behalf. thank you very much mr costello. good to see you. you're quite welcome think you have a nice day. >> also with us former trump attorney jim trustee who is also been a federal prosecutor." get his take. that we're going to take a break but what is your reaction to that conversation with bob costello and i would love to know your thoughts whether you think the defence needs him or does it open them up to a cross-examination that could be problematic in any way in your assessment? >> like i had the fortunate meeting barges couple of days ago and we talked at length and i have to say i've gone from the camp on don't put on any defence to putting on just bob costello. look.
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i think he is kind of a rough just telling 51 year attorney from new york. he's going to have devastating information that conflicts cohen as well as opinion testimony which is fair game about honesty of michael cohen. is come to say cohen wouldn't know the truth if it hit him between the eyes. and he also turned the lens a little bit towards prosecuting office that he was trying to warn don't build a case on michael cohen. he's completely untrustworthy. so i think those are the things you have to put on in the circumstances. he never really know if you needed are not in terms of how cohen was cross-examined so you've got to put the stuff on and then go right to closing argument and say they are trying to sell you a bill of goods at the lips of michael cohen. probably the least credible witness i have ever seen on the witness stand and 35 years. >> it's amazing i watch the other coverage and on 1 channel today another legal expert was saying they have built such a strong case that links all of
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this to trump, that it's clear that's what's happened but then you have anderson cooper who had a little bit of different take. let's watch this real quick and get a quick thought from you on the other side. >> sure. do we have? okay. >> having just witnessed that piece of cross-examination do you have doubts that conversation happened the way michael cohen testified on his direct examination that called trump. >> i think absolutely. i think it's devastating for michael cohen's credibility. if i was a juror in this case watching that i would think this guy is making this up. >> anderson cooper says in the courtroom yesterday that the guy looked like he was lying. quick thought on that if you can >> look. i think hope springs eternal on some quarters that are very politicized in their view but this is a joke of the case. they have never defined how it
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became a felony. they never proven even the misdemeanour version at the hands of president trump and they've ended with a star witness was the very definition of an embarrassment of riches a cross-examination. so depend on how the jury was selected be question mark. really can't say this is beyond a reasonable doubt. >> it's all up to the jury. we can talk all we want but they are the people who get to decide in the end based on everything they have heard of the last several weeks. jim trustee thank you very much. always good to see you. >> good to see you. spee charlie arnold on nfl kicker controversy sparking a lot of debate about the tenants of american family values. >> i have this huge issue with this straddle a form a thing. what a remarkable privilege. if you get to marion nfl kicker who winds the super bowl you might get to be home anger. >> i think he has mother issues. >> his mother is a very accomplished physicist. i mean superduper accomplished woman.
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>> the nfl is not putting a little distance between them and 1 of their star players kansas city chiefs kicker harrison butker for his commencement address at the catholic university benedictine college. however, sales of his jerseys are going through the roof. it's 1 of the league's top sellers on the website. icks have labelled the 3 time super bowl champion sex asked after he praised his wife for staying home to raise their children and he also had this advice to the gentleman who are listening to this graduation address. watch. >> to the gentleman here today
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part of what plagues our society is this lie that's been told to you then the men are not necessary in the home or in our communities. this absence of men in the home is what plays a large role in the violence we see all around the nation. be unapologetic. fighting against cultural emasculation of men. do hard things. never settle for what is easy. you might have a talent you don't necessarily enjoy but if it glorifies god may be issued lean into that over something you might think suits you better. >> martha: let's bring it out kick host charlie arnold. this is getting a lot of attention. i think those comments we just played their are very strong and meaningful for young man across this country and that's why you are seeing millions of people downloading the same listening to it. >> it's a message i think a lot of men these days need to hear and also to the women in the audience a message he delivered a lot of women need to hear. people are obviously supporting him and what he said. people rallying behind him.
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his jerseys sales. at the moment he's the top-selling jersey in the nfl. more than patrick mahomes' quarterback was probably the most popular player in the nfl by and large but also something that people who are criticizing him have neglected to mention is he got a standing ovation when he made this commencement address to a group of catholic students. very devoutly catholic man the perfect person to speak to this group of graduates. and i think his message was really heard loud and clear. not only was he saying to the guys you need to embrace your masculinity but to the women in the audience he wasn't saying in this is where people are getting it wrong calling him hate filled and sexist tech not saying you shouldn't work, you shouldn't take advantage of the degree you are graduating today with. he was saying you also should be advised that society is telling women these days their career is more important than being a wife and a mother and in all actuality that's not the case. being a homemaker should be a priority, and he broke down talking about his wife and the
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roll that she's fulfilled and his wife because he feel so strongly about it saying because she did her job he was able to be the man that he is which is beautiful. >> of all the roles you may take on in life and i certainly feel this way there's none probably at the end of your life that a few more important and meaningful to you then building a family in building a home. let's watch what he said about this. >> for the ladies present today. congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world and that i would venture to guess the majority of you are most excited about your marriage end of the children will bring into this world. it cannot be overstated all of my success is made possible because a girl i met in band class back in middle school. become my wife and embrace 1 of the most important titles of all. homemaker.
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>> i find it very moving to hear him speak that way about his wife and the mom of his children joy behar as we played at the ts said he must have a issue because his mom is very noted physicist which i find insulting. i don't think he was telling anyone not to achieve any other dreams. he saying this is what it will be most meaningful. >> it would not make sense to have him be the keynote speaker at a commencement to the students who have just worked long and hard 4 for years if not more to obtain their degrees. he by no means would say don't take invented to what you just learned and put these things to use but also remember that there's other priorities in life as women that you really should be embracing and unfortunately these days we see so many women not taking advantage of these roles because we see the birth rate plummeting in this country. >> i'm glad you brought that up put up this fertility rate resumes decline. and you can see what a steep cliff this is. is is a very troublesome sign
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for the country. it's happening in many places in the world, because i think there's not this focus on prioritizing building families. and the importance of building families in continuation of culture and society and economy and every thing else. >> relationships not hold the same value as they used to unfortunately and i think it's affecting the younger generations because the messaging they are receiving from the mainstream media is they really should go out pursue their dreams in terms of their careers. it's more important to climb the ladder and maybe freeze your eggs along the way so you don't have to take any time off then to settle down with the man of your dreams someone that can provide a next life for you and help you to be a woman if you are able to be and you in turn help them to be the man and you have a really nice life together and bring some really beautiful human beings into this world. >> this was a catholic college commencement. he's very outspoken. they know what they're getting and he also went after the
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catholic church. he went after the bishops and priests. not all of them. some of them. is very doctrinal and sticks to the catholic doctrine. he was asked to be there to talk about his opinion and speak boldly which is what they did in this is united states of america. you can love or hate it but he's allowed to speak from the heart. >> the most important part and you mentioned this when he first started talking with the story is the nfl is distancing themselves from harrison butker acting like he's a criminal for speaking alleges beliefs and having freedom of speech and talking to a group he was invited to deliver this type of message to get there's actual criminals in the nfl who have been convicted of crimes and they have not distance themselves from them and we don't have people almost 200,000 people going to
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trying to start petitions to get them kicked off their teams. >> an excellent point. and i would encourage families to send this around and your family chat and say let's talk about it. let's see what you think about it. young women and men. it's a thought-provoking conversation that i think is good to talk about so good for him for provoking all of that. so charlie thank you. always good to see you. thank you so much are coming back. all right everybody. we have a little breaking news to discuss right now. fox news is requesting the opportunity to host a vice presidential debate. let's bring in special report anchor black bear to talk to us a little bit about this proposal. hello brett. >> came arthur. this is the wild west of debate proposals. we put out a debate proposal for presidential debate. i was accepted by former president trump. not accepted yet by the biden camp in early october and now there's a pitch specifically for the vice presidential debate went out about half hour ago to both campaigns suggesting that
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in addition the fox news media has reached out to virginia state university as a possible location since it was selected by the commission of presidential debates to be the first a starkly black college or university to host a presidential debate so we are making this formal request for a vice president of debate either july 23rd august 13th, or after the d&c conventions, and just in the past few minutes as that has gone out i have received this. from former president trump in the campaign. on behalf of the future vice president of the united states who have not yet chosen we hereby accept to the fox vice presidential debate. hopefully at virginia state university, the first historically black college or university to host debate. date to be determined. iron vice president kamala harris to agree to this, make america great again. that's from a former president
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his campaign. we will see about the biden-harris campaign response and where we go from here. we have the cnn and abc debate that has been agreed to already and we'll see what else happens. this is a strange dynamic in getting these things locked down but we are doing in short order. >> wild west is a great way to put it in certainly we spoke with frank yesterday. it's not with the presidential commission on debates wanted to see. they like to be the bipartisan organization that brings these things together provides a forum to hash of the rules both sides will agree to. anyone of these existing announcements could fall apart as they start to haggle over this and a lot of people look at the presentation on the biden side is laying down the rules. this is what we want. to former president trump's credit he was like okay fine. >> i think what we are getting from all of these requests is
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that the trump campaign and former president is saying yes. yes, i would like to debate more. i would like to have 1 every month. i would like to have as many as possible. and the biden campaign and president biden had agreed to 2 at the beginning and we'll see if he expands that but there's a vice presidential debate that will happen. obviously the trump campaign has accepted our offer. hopefully it will be virginia state university and hbcu. >> martha: there's always a vice presidential debate and you can't imagine they wouldn't want sitting vice president of united states to go head to head and defend the president's administration and work they have done against whoever former president trump pics right? >> that's a little surreal. we are dealing with a stand-in. we don't know who this person will be at but we accept on behalf of that vice presidential nominee.
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i expect that nomination, that choice rather will happen sometime just shy of the convention which happens mid july for the rnc. but we have seen all of these folks that have been talked about and i think there will be significant interviews over the coming days that are more of the trial as the former president make that. >> martha: i am thinking is you're talking how much former president trump would like to announce the night of hopefully our vice presidential debate and we can just have a silhouette figure and see who walks out. >> we can do masked singer. we can do a lot of things. but i think it's a big moment they accepted this. i think that we are going to hopefully hear from harris campaign soon. >> martha: we look forward to that very much. thank you very much. good to have you with us. we'll see you tonight on special report. before we go we want to share with you very special project.
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this is then fox nation special secret history of world war ii which is available now. a lot of fascinating stories in here like how japan turned balloons into bombs. watch this. >> not your average balloons. they were made mostly of paper despite carrying incendiary devices. >> it looks like canvas and they shellacked it with persimmon juice. >> they had to travel across the ocean but once they reached united states had to come crashing down to earth. yet they were completely unmanned. to make this work japanese scientists used to something you may know from your local weather report. the jet stream. the balloons would rise during the day and drop at night until they made it back overland. >> martha: just 1 of the externally stories secret history of world war i


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