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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 17, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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this wasn't pro biden anymore than it was pro trump or anti-trump, it was pro facts. we are all about getting the facts right. which is something that i think adele would appreciate. by the way, you can catch more of that interview with jared bernstein tomorrow on "cavuto live." we are going to dig into this big issue of how you get economic facts across. in the meantime, as adele would say, hello, and goodbye, and here comes "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: hello,
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everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro along with harold ford jr., jesse watters, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ fake eyelashes and butch bodies. the real housewives meets wrestlemania on capitol hill. with a little bit of jerry springer on the side. bickering lawmakers lobbing trashy schoolyard insults at one another and completely derailing a very important congressional hearing. the purpose was to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress. after he refused to hand over an audio recording of president biden from special counsel robert hur's classified documents investigation. the big guy is now claiming executive privilege to deny the release, and kgpe was dodging like crazy when pressed about their hypocrisy when it comes to
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transparency. >> why not release that, especially with a white has committed to change? >> the transcript, as you all know, is already out there. >> the recording of the audio could be politically harmful since that was so -- >> i don't want to dive into the specific points you are making about the politics. i would have to refer you to our counsel's office on that. but there was a determination the president took very seriously, on behalf -- i would say at the request of the attorney general, and that is how this decision was made. >> judge jeanine: and that leads us to the congressional catfight heard around the world. the house oversight committee on contempt was full of contempt for each other. >> do you know what we're here for? you know we're here about ag garland? >> i think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you're reading. speak a hold on, hold on.
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order. >> i do have a point of order and i would like to take down ms. green's words. that is absolutely unacceptable. how dare you attack the physical appearance of another person? >> are your feelings hurt? >> move her words down. >> aw. >> oh, girl. baby girl. [laughter] >> oh, really? >> don't even play. >> baby girl? i don't think so. >> we're gonna move and we're gonna take your words down. >> i'm just curious, just to better understand your ruling. if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach-blonde, bad-built, butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct? >> a what now? >> calm down. >> don't tell me to calm down because y'all -- >> you are out of control. >> y'all going to have -- >> i have two hearing aids. i am very deaf. i'm not understanding. everybody is yelling. i'm doing the best i can. >> judge jeanine: but the congressional cage match didn't end there.
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aoc is trashing fellow democrat john fetterman after he compared the hysterical lawmakers to the jerry springer show. and aoc hitting back and saying "i stand up to bullies." all right, greg, who is your money on? >> greg: i felt sorry for the hapless guy in the middle. i felt like i was watching "outnumbered," when two people are yelling. i grew up with three sisters. you can't stop a fight between women. whether it is on plans, or the worst place is in bars. you never -- it gets so bad in the halls of congress, obviously, because the moment a guy steps in and says or does anything, they will gang up on you. what did you say? don't you tell me to calm down! by the way, you want to upset anybody, tell them to calm down. even if you mean it, obviously aoc -- how dare you! how dare you! this is from a chick who will
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not think twice to call you a genocider. this is the thing, normally, i don't like the lack of civility and stuff, but the reason why the gloves are off now is because one side has decided politics is now personnel, so if you support israel, you are a genocider come if you support trump, you are a nazi, , you have blood on your hands, if you are skeptical of obvious climate hokum, that means you want to kill the planet. so they have basically morally condemned people, and i talk about this when people say, why do you make fun of stelter's weight or "the view"'s looks? on the ladder of offense, physical attack doesn't come close to calling somebody a racist or a white nationalist. when they go after your moral character, the gloves are off. make fun of the false eyelashes. call someone fat. that's nothing like calling somebody a nazi so have at it.
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aoc should be ridiculed because the things she says to people about who they are, that stuff is a smear. harold. >> judge jeanine: okay, you know what, maybe i will go to harold. you were in congress. did you ever see anything like this, and how would you react to this in congress? >> harold: no. good to be back. gone all week, good to come back to this story. it goes to show to some of the points that greg just made just how far the reputation and approval of how it is falling in the united states congress. we always say, you know, everyone, regardless of what they do, we are all the same. and we are. but you don't want to see this. we know people can hurl personal insults, but i didn't quite see anything like this when i was in the congress. i hear what greg has said. there is no doubt that some of these people are hypocrites. but everyone is watching this, and we are the model of the world.
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we are the city on the hill. congress is a big part of it. you can only imagine this is airing all across the world, and whether you are a democrat or republican, we should all be embarrassed. you don't need to wander too far after looking at this why so many congressmen are retiring. because the seriousness of the place has taken a knock. >> judge jeanine: dana, as a woman, aoc comes out and she says, oh, baby, oh, girl, don't even play. she's like the tough girl. >> dana: is like mean girls take the hill. it's going to be a new movie coming out this august, wait until you see it. the thing that was happening is that the democrats are trying to filibuster because they don't want to have to answer the question as to why biden is trying to hide this audio tape from being released. because the transcript of the interview, those are already public. that's how we know that robert hur said he is an elderly man with a poor memory who had trouble answering the questions. so we already have that transcript, the question is on the audio. how bad must that audio be that
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they are so desperate not to have it out there? now, having been in the middle of some executive privilege fights myself, i understand that no matter who is in office, they will fight to the death for the executive privilege and they will try to make a point. they will try to drag this out. but i think we can all imagine what is actually in there. what the democrats are saying is they don't want to release the audio because they are afraid that republicans are going to take it, chopped it up, and use it for political purposes. well, what do you think this is? this is politics. this is what it is. what do the democrats demand when john mcnutt mike don mcgahn, the executive when donald trump was in office. executive privilege, democrats cry foul, kind of the same thing with the difference being this transcript is already out. we already have it, the only question is are you willing to release the audio, so i would say that the white house is making more of this than it needs to be because now we can all just sit back and go, wow, that must be really bad. >> judge jeanine: you know,
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jesse, it was three and a half months ago that the request came in for this, i think it was february 5th. took them three and a half months to say, we are going to use executive privilege. they just kind of pushed back, pushed back, oh, let's try executive privilege. >> jesse: semi congressional sources, judge, are telling me -- not talking about chad pergram -- are telling me this is what happened, this was supposed to be an 11:00 hearing in the morning and because of these republicans went to show solidarity with donald trump in new york, it pushed the entire hearing back to 8:00. so everybody was angry. and they didn't like the republicans push their schedule back so when i got in there was a lot of anti-trump talk from the democrats. and goldman, at one point, the democrat, told everybody to get mtd under control. i don't know if you are supposed to tell people to get a woman under control but that really got under everybody's skin. and that is against a quorum, you are not really supposed to be rude. you would know better than i would. and that is when the eyelash
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came out and that is when -- what was it, bad body butch? >> judge jeanine: butch body. >> jesse: what is it again? >> greg: butch body. >> jesse: bleached blonde hair, something like that. i can hear just as badly as comer could. it went until midnight. that's how bad it went. what they are trying to do is trying to subpoena this audio because they don't believe this wasn't doctored. because the white house doctors transcript all of the time. how do we know it wasn't redacted? how do we know it wasn't messed with. they have the authority as a coequal branch of government to have oversight over the executive branch. now what i am hearing is this. they are doing what is called inherent contempt. it is not like you say contempt, have the doj go arrest merrick garland because you know the doj is not going to do that. inherent contempt has not been used in 100 years. this would give the authority to speaker johnson to tell the sergeant of arms to arrest the attorney general, and that's
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going to be voted on next week. >> judge jeanine: you know, the amazing part of it is marjorie taylor greene apparently goes after dan goldman and says he is advising juan merchan, the judge in the donald trump case. >> harold: he thinks he employs her daughter. >> judge jeanine: even more connections with that trial in the democrats. from jail to the first tee. world's number one golfer scottie scheffler reacting for the first time after he got arrested before the start of a huge tournament. ♪ ♪ gest companies deliver is an exceptional customer experience. what makes it possible is unmatched connectivity and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supply's stores nationwide with reliable 5g business internet, and partners with pga of america
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>> dana: well, it is like tom brady getting arrested before the super bowl. the world's number one golfer scottie scheffler detained and charged with felony assault on a police officer while on his way to the pga championship. video shows the masters champion being led away in handcuffs after a wild series of event. police say he allegedly refused to stop his car at a barricade at the entrance of the valhalla golf course. the road was shut down after a deadly bus accident had killed a vendor working the pga event. an eyewitness reporter explaining the scene. >> a police officer and a yellow jacket approached scheffler's car, told him to stop. scheffler continued to drive his vehicle, at which point the officer attached himself to scheffler's car. the officer then rips the door open, pulled scheffler out by the arm, pushed him up against the vehicle, placed him in handcuffs. scheffler attempted to get the attention of the officer, who did put him in handcuffs
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originally come and pulled him from the vehicle, to tell him that he did not know he was a police officer. >> dana: cops say the detective involved was hospitalized after being dragged by scheffler's vehicle for a short distance. the 27-year-old girl was booked and processed all before 9:00 this morning. scheffler making it back to the golf course in time for the first tee and rolling in a birdie. he is now facing several charges, including second-degree felony assault of a police officer and reckless driving, and he says it's all a big misunderstanding. >> it was a chaotic situation and a big misunderstanding. i feel like my head is still spinning. i can't really explain what happened this morning. i did spend some time stretching in a jail cell, that was a first for me. i definitely never imagined ever going to jail and i definitely never imagine going to jail the morning before one of my tee times for sure. >> dana: judge, when this news broke in "america's newsroom" or right before, we got a lot more information. by this evening it feels like we
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know a lot more and this may be a misunderstanding. how do you think it turns out on tuesday when he goes to court? >> judge jeanine: look, this is going to be worked out. there is no question this is going to be worked out. there are a lot of interesting things here. first of all, the police are super hyped right now because there has been a fatality, so what they've got to do is they've got to preserve a crime scene. they have to get people around that crime scene, making sure that nobody disrupts the integrity of it, making sure that they, you know, people get to where they are going. now other people are hyped up because they want to get into the tournament. but at the same time, you know, he is in a vehicle that is marked, and the police officer, whether he heard him or didn't hear him, that is a question of fact. the police officers grabbed onto his vehicle. he didn't catch the cop and dragged the cop. the police officer tried to stop the car and then grabbed onto the car. the police officer then when the car stops ten yards later polls, tries to get scheffler to get
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out and scheffler opens the door himself voluntarily. so you can almost tell from the facts here it is not real clear what is going on, but i've got to tell you, i am so impressed with this guy. the guy has a focus. after he's been fingerprinted, mugged, there is a fatality, he is facing a tournament to do his stretches in a cell and then go out and birdie the first tee, talk about focus, it's unbelievable, but he is facing a class c felony. if they want to play hardball, they can. a bunch of misdemeanors, did he not obey the directions of the traffic cops? who knows. but the police officer, his wrist is apparently injured, but then the question is why did you grab onto the car? you couldn't stop it. >> dana: by all accounts, harold, he is a gentleman, has a great reputation by all counts, but then you can have a situation -- this is not the day he planned to have. >> harold: i agree with the judge. i think this is clearly a massive misunderstanding on a
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bunch of people's parts. first, our prayers go out to the family of the deceased. and i can't imagine, i have met this young man, i met his father. i cannot imagine him intentionally doing anything like this, so i hope that they are able to handle the matter quickly and that the charges are dropped. in the interest of fairness. >> dana: greg? >> greg: well, i see it differently. >> dana: okay. >> greg: trying to pretend to be interested. it sounds -- here's the deal. it is ironic that it is the golfer, not football that ends up in the hole. he went from teatime hard time. coming up. here is my first one of the spirit it sounds like a very chaotic scene. in the early hours of the morning. it is dark, all these lights flashing, the cop probably wasn't aware of what kind of car he was driving. this is why i don't golf. don't do a sport that has you up that early in the morning. like, getting up when it's not
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light out, you -- nobody wants that is a lifestyle. it's too stressful. you're not awake. probably don't have all of your stuff yet. >> dana: you are describing my life. >> greg: i don't understand how you do that. i don't know anything really about golf but i know it doesn't make you above the law, harold. you know that? and i know what you are thinking, oh, he has a nice guy, but you know what? there are a lot of nice guys that get falsely imprisoned, too. this is why i have a police escort to and from so i do not run into this. by the way, how hard is golf, really? you get arrested, then you come back and do okay, it just shows you that golf is easy to do. if i arrested before this show, this show would go down in flames because i am such an integral member of it and it would affect my performance. this is hard work. that is not. one great thing about scott, he's the number number one ranked golfer.
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not once did he say to the office, "do you know who i am," which is something jesse even says to telemarketers. [laughter] >> dana: jesse, your name was invoked. i asked this morning, why don't they have a driver? >> jesse: the same thing -- >> dana: talking to tiger woods. >> jesse: he didn't have a driver and their cars are marked. they know these guys in the championship. so now the best three golfers in the world have gotten mug shots. tiger woods, scheffler, and trump. >> greg: nicely done. >> jesse: look how good this guy is. he goes in. he's four under on thursday. he spends the morning in jail. five under. he's only two back on the lead of the championship. this guy has ice in his veins. i'm with the judge. you are wired because there is a crime scene you have to preserve, but this guy has to get to the tournament and it is dark. it's like kilmeade going to work every morning. if he gets --
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>> greg: at work. >> jesse: work. >> judge jeanine: you know it's interesting, he was willing to withdraw from the masters because his wife was about to give birth. >> dana: yes. >> jesse: see it, that's what i don't like about him. that's a championship. >> harold: he said if i'm meeting on monday and my wife could see the baby is born, whatever i am -- >> greg: he's just saying that. >> jesse: they had a c-section scheduled, harold. >> judge jeanine: jesse, you don't know that. >> jesse: he is a great guy. of course you are friends with him, harold. >> dana: coming up, the liberal media attacking after his big commencement speech goes viral. ♪ ♪ with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it.
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hello, i'm franklin graham. as we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses. we see it across the world. where did this come from? you see, hate is coming from the human heart. god made us and he created us, but sin has come into the world, and it's come into each and every heart. and the only one who can fix the heart is god. and god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died in our place on a cross,
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shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. that's right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart?" if you haven't done it, do it right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you!
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the kansas city chiefs gave a faith-based commencement address speech at a private catholic college in kansas. >> some of you go on to lead successful careers in the world but i would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. i am on the stage today and able to be the man i am because i have a wife who leans into her vocation, but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl i met in band class back in middle school... would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all, homemaker. >> jesse: butker's defense of faith setting off a media firestorm, even his own league is involved. the nfl distancing themselves from the start kicker. with its diversity and inclusion chief officer saying harrison was speaking in his personal capacity. headlines trashing speed 21 is a
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jerk, a bigot, racist, sexist, and homophobic. >> don't speak for us. speak i think that's the thing, stop speaking for women out there. >> somebody gets up and says that sort of thing to somebody like yourself or your daughter, it's just outrageous. >> i think he has mother issues. [laughter] >> he was probably left alone because he was busy with her career. >> it's unbelievable what butker was saying in his speech, saying women might be better off staying at home instead of pursuing careers. it's 2024. it's insane. >> jesse: put their outrage just made butker's star burn brighter. sales of butker's jersey are skyrocketing and he is finding support in unusual places. whoopi goldberg coming to his defense. >> these are his beliefs, and he is welcome to them. i don't have to believe them. i don't have to accept them. >> jesse: judge jeanine, what is so controversial about
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saying, you know, women have a great career, but you know what, you probably also looking to fall in love and having kids, too. >> judge jeanine: absolutely nothing. i mean, the amazing part of the speech is it is in a private catholic college, okay? he is a his belief in the catholic faith and christianity, and he is talking about women and his own wife in particular, and is drawing a conclusion from that. and it is amazing in this country that people are willing to trash him for his beliefs, and even the nfl apparently is coming out and saying he doesn't speak for the nfl. well, when colin kaepernick was trashing cops as pigs and trashing the american flag, the nfl didn't come out and say he doesn't speak for the nfl. you know, the nfl has never come out and said, you know, we are sorry, we have 117 nfl players who have been arrested for domestic violence, seven who have been indicted for homicide charges, and not even counting burglary, drug possession, and
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all this other stuff. now they want to take him down because he said something that is innocuous. if you don't like it, listen to it. these jerseys are going up in terms of sales. i got to buy a jersey, you know why? first of all i like the kansas city chiefs but second of all, i believe the man has a right to say whatever it is he wants to say. and yet people go out there and they espouse, you know, we want to kill the jews, we want to exterminate them, we want to eliminate israel, and they are the ones who are supposed to be so inclusive. this guy talks about traditional catholic christian values and all of a sudden the left wants to take him down. you know what? the catholic church has been on a tax for 2,000 years and it will never go away. >> jesse: dana, why do you think the outrage or something that seems so benign? >> dana: partly it is social media, and also because hotcakes are popular. right? everybody gets a choice on how
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to react to everything. and a lot of people choose not to listen, not to read the room. the jerseys are all sold out and all the women's sizes. >> judge jeanine: interesting. >> dana: so the nfl actually makes money on that. i can't believe that the nfl weighed in and set of just saying, no, it. because no comment would have left it. but choosing to be offended is a choice. now, the left loves choice unless you decide to be a stay-at-home mom. if that is your choice, then you are a traitor to -- shall we revisit the women's sports? trans men in women's sports. do you want to have that conversation? you want to get outraged about that? i am glad whoopi goldberg is true to her beliefs and willing to stand up. it reminded me a little bit, in d.c., all marched, ronna mcdaniel might go on the network, not a soul set
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actually i don't think it is a good idea. >> jesse: greg, it's almost like they just heard him say "women should stay home barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen." >> greg: judge is right, it doesn't matter what they heard because it wasn't for them. they are intruding in on that moment by their choice. you select the times that you want to manufacture the outrage. that's why they are a bunch of phony jerks. whoopi was right. the rest of them, they are a bag of assholes. that entire clip is an entire know my giant bag of a-holes. he did not export his religion or politics to the playing field. he didn't kneel, he did not wear any blm swag or anti-police socks. he was making it speech at a
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pro-catholic university. if you were upset about that and you weren't there and it wasn't for you, you are a big loser. i mean, you are so pathetic that you actually have to seek this out because the story wasn't for you. you were actually like building up this outrage because you have nothing going on in your life. god forbid you actually listen to his message. you might actually find out that while max, you know what, maybe he's got a point. none of these people, i bet, few of these people were upset over the chiefs drafting a man who choked his pregnant girlfriend. right? i bet that didn't -- that wasn't on there, you know, x timeline. but here they are. oh, my god. you know what, there are so many things out there that could upset you if you choose, but you are choosing it. and i just have to ask, what does the dei office at the nfl do? what do you actually do? >> judge jeanine: this. >> greg: diversity and inclusion, do you look at the team and go, we need a black quarterback, we need a white
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linebacker, what do you actually do? i thought that the nfl is based on, like, was the best athlete. that has nothing to do with dei. it's competence, it's meritocracy. a bunch of losers. >> jesse: harold ford jr.? >> harold: so i share the view, i share whoopi goldberg's view about this beer i think everyone -- everyone around the table has that right, everyone has a right to say what they want, whether you agree with him or not is a different thing. i think the most important thing is women now have options to do whatever they want to do in life. could be professionals, could stay at home, can do both. i have a wife that does both, and i think will for that. so i'm glad he thanked his wife, and i think those who are being should watch the entire speech and understand that the reason we are proud to be americans is because we can all be proud in our own right to be the american we want to be. >> greg: or go outside. don't watch the speech. just go outside and do something with actual people appeared to be too i don't disagree. if you want to have an opinion you should at least watch that.
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>> dana: get off your phones peered >> greg: get off your asses. >> jesse: that's enough, greg. >> greg: i could tell they have no concept of how to actually prioritize things in their life when they are like, how dare he say, why don't you just do something? >> dana: you should be really outraged about this. >> greg: thank god we don't do that here. >> jesse: we don't listen to the producers at all. "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪ when you have chronic kidney disease, there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration,
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♪ ♪ >> harold: from country to ti. welcome back, time for "the fastest" pure of a mystery in the skies. jetblue viral video, passengers baffled as the fog started soaking people on a freezing cold for our flight. experts say the vapors
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completely safe, the result of condensation and if you are on this flight, greg, what would -- >> greg: coming in contact with harold's cool surfaces and a missed rises from harold ford. complaining about this considering all the things that can happen to you on a flight these days? things falling off? come on. this should be mandatory. this seems like something that would be rejuvenating and in six months the airlines will be charging you for the mist. >> dana: harold ford gives everyone the vapors. >> greg: oh, he does. >> dana: the vapors. >> greg: where's my fainting couch? >> dana: i've never seen it this bad. i don't like i would have panicked. cold, though, that is why i won't go down to court. it is a meat locker down there. >> harold: prime time, you fly like this?
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happening in your house when you get out of that ice thing? >> jesse: when i got a facial at home they do a little missed, it opens up the pores, harold, you know exactly what i'm talking about. a question for use of you in on the table, when they give you the hot towels before the meal, do you ever -- >> dana: elitist. >> jesse: wipe it all over your face? >> harold: that's what i do. >> jesse: you do that? >> greg: you know -- >> jesse: oh! he does it. do you? >> dana: i don't because i have makeup on. >> judge jeanine: i do it to take makeup off. >> jesse: because men do it. >> harold: i do it. you should try it. >> jesse: i should try it? >> judge jeanine: you'd like it. >> dana: >> greg: just share the same one. >> dana: you are quite -- >> jesse: don't even know what it's called. [laughter] >> dana: like a steamship. >> jesse: i know! >> greg: steerage has -- >> harold: your honor, do you have a strong opinion about
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this? >> judge jeanine: yeah, should add fragrance for those people that wear their pajamas and take off their shoes buttes before hear, hear. >> harold: up next, our talk was considered sandwiches? superior court in indiana think so, just ruled tacos and burritos are mexican-style sandwiches. judge? >> judge jeanine: well, if a taco is a mexican-style sandwich -- which i have no problem with -- that a hotdog is an american-style sandwich. >> harold: should we put racial identification around angiographic information around food, jesse? >> jesse: are sandwiches considered burritos, i don't know. >> dana: and empanada, argentinian sandwich, then where does this go from here? >> judge jeanine: gyros, greek sandwich buttes before sushi roll, japanese sandwich? >> harold: judge in indiana, listen to us. greg, what do you think?
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>> greg: they are saying tacos are sandwiches, but dr. jill says tacos are people. here's the deal. deal periods head require bread. that's all we ask. if there is no bread, there is no sandwich. you can't say -- a taco is not a sandwich. don't try to appropriate from us. i cannot wear a sub red on may 5th, you cannot call it a sandwich. >> jesse: you can wear a sombrero for a shirt, though. >> greg: something you get in mazatlan on the beach that is a towel. >> harold: finally, saying please is a strategic weapon. study claims people are more likely to use the magic word when they expect to be told no. judge, do you agree with that? >> judge jeanine: it's like next level. i think you are going to say no, so please? >> harold: dp? >> dana: all i can think of something really vulgar up, which is unusual for me. [laughter] the letter after e, this study.
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it's about manners. because manners. >> harold: prime time? >> jesse: jesse says can i have a cookie? no. can i please have a cookie? here you go. works every time. >> harold: with you? >> greg: what if you say please no? >> jesse: please no, don't hurt me. >> harold: people say that to you a lot. >> greg: they do. that reminds me, i have to poke those holes in the box. >> harold: "fan mail friday" is up next. men tell us when they use just for men® ♪ ♪ “before and after”. then, there's the 'after the after' — that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men choose just for men®. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need...
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♪ ♪ >> greg: yeah, "fan mail friday," let's go. this is from nick. if you could delete one song in history, never, ever, ever to be played again, and i'm going to go to you first come harold because you seem to have prettyd taste in music but there must be some song that makes you sick to your stomach but you are so happy to be here, you probably won't say what it is. >> harold: i love music so much, i can think of a song i would want deleted. there are things i hear a lot. >> greg: i'll tell you one. >> harold: which one?
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give us one. >> greg: that won by maroon 5 where he sings with that stupid girly voice. ♪ i will be loved ♪ if i hear that song again i will kill all of you. >> judge jeanine: you know what i hate? >> greg: what? >> judge jeanine: the music in the game show. actually, it was in our ear yesterday when we are waiting to come on air. >> greg: that doesn't count, judge, it has to be a song! >> judge jeanine: dana? >> dana: "bohemian rhapsody." >> greg: it's a great song that has been done to death. don't need to hear it anymore. >> dana: all i ever needed. i've heard it enough that i never ever want to hear it again. i wouldn't even watch the music. >> judge jeanine: really? >> greg: not missing much. i love queen, though. jesse? >> jesse: what was the song that bar mitzvahs and weddings, where they make you put your foot -- "the electric slide." >> harold: the most played songs that you never want to hear. >> greg: oh, you want --
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>> dana: you want to edit the questionnaire? >> greg: typical democrat. >> judge jeanine: changing the meaning. >> greg: speaking of game shows, cindy asks, you are on a game show and you need to phone a friend to help answer a difficult question. interesting. who do you call? because it might not be the person you think is the smartest. judge, who would you have? >> judge jeanine: i have a friend named kieran. i would call kieran. do you know kieran? mahoney, i would call him on anything. >> harold: i will google him. all right, jesse. >> jesse: i'm going with peter zion. the question could be something like what are indonesia's top three exports? he knows it cold. >> harold: i don't know any friends like that. >> dana: the other day, though. >> jesse: slipped. >> greg: dataquest next before peter, my husband. 100% come he knows everything. >> harold: i would call my wife. >> jesse: i'm going to change mind to emma, is also.
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>> greg: you know what i'm going go with? i'm going with kennedy. do you know why? >> harold: she is smart. >> greg: cross-section of pop culture and politics. >> dana: and random stuff she knows. >> greg: i will mention a band, and she will know everything about it, but then if you talk about libertarian politics, she'll go, oh, yeah, blah, blah, blah blah blah. >> harold: allman brothers, give me the top three songs. >> greg: [laughs] "traveling man." >> harold: "pick your bets." >> greg: that's it from me. one more question. what is the most interesting thing you know about your family history? >> dana: hm. >> greg: jesse? >> jesse: one of my ancestors ran for president. like the 1800s. didn't get that far. >> dana: that's awesome. okay. >> greg: dana? >> dana: moonshiners. during prohibition. >> greg: really? wow, must have been tall. >> dana: good stuff in the black hills. >> greg: why do you have to
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bring race into it? who cares who lived in the hills, dana. [laughter] jesse? already did jesse. harold. >> harold: my dad's parents, the things they overcame to raise 12 kids and still go to college. >> jesse: i think we knew that. [laughter] >> greg: judge? >> judge jeanine: what about my family? um... like venetians. they use to fly around on drugs. carpets. [laughter] >> greg: my family history, i can't talk about it. one "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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jamie lissow, kent. kat timpf. it's awesome. my favorite subject. here we go. greg's sexy animal news. all right, come and join me into the waterhouse family of asian small clawed otters in for a day of fun. melbourne zoo. just flashing all over me. not in the eyes. give me the hose. give me the hose. the waves splashing against my skin as i twirl and surf against the cold, yet warm breeze oh. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: okay. >> jesse: is it hot in here? [laughter] >> jesse: where are those napkins? >> judge jeanine: today is national pizza day. what better way to celebrate than with a party around the table to start the weekend.
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everyone's favorite pizza. mine is peperoni. >> harold: sausage and peperoni. >> jesse: peperoni. >> dana: peperoni but i asked for vegetarian just to be exclusive. >> greg: i like mine with bacon. >> judge jeanine: we now have a horrific assault on tape. p. diddy. don't forget fox nation has it. what did diddy do or did he do it? all right. and i'm on hannity tonight. jesse? >> jesse: we have a great morning at hudson farms, a shoot to raise money for the special forces charitable trust. the great organization that provides healthcare and all sorts of resources for green berets and their families. each green beret was placed in one of the groups who had an absolute blast. i love it. if you want to go and donate, special forces charity being trust, do that right now. tonight, "jesse watters primetime," new diddy video as mentioned by judge jeanine 8:00.
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>> judge jeanine: all right. harold. >> harold: two things first emma marie that nzinga from italy just broke the record for 90-year-old dash: this incredible lady holds nine european records and 28 best italian and five other world titles. you go go. today is my best buddy's birthday. my son. happy birthday. i will see you in a little while. >> dana: happy birthday. >> judge jeanine: dana? >> dana: canine companions a great organization, having a name a dana pickup contest. the yellow lab you see there. six puppies all girls. they are having a naming contest. everyone has to start with a and you can go to pup and find out who is going to win or. >> judge jeanine: have great night. everyone. >> bret: judge, dana likes dogs. >> judge jeanine: dana loves dogs and we love


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