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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 17, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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exclusive interview with arkansas senator tom cotton on the state of the presidential race. the crisis in the middle east, and crisis on the southern border. please join shannon bream for "fox news sunday," her exclusive guests house republican conference chair elise stefanik, massachusetts democratic congressman jake auchincloss and will scharf. remember if you can't catch us live set your dvr 6 p.m. in the east, 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. it's been a busy week. thanks for inviting us neuro i don't home tonight. that's it for this "special report" fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" starts after this beauty shot. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. and it is a wild friday night.
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golfer scottie scheffler gets arrested. diddy accused of beating up his girlfriend and schools are making kindergartners read books about boys in dresses. we have got all that and more. first, undesirable number one. that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ who knew that a commencement speech about the importance of mothers and fathers delivered by a pro-athlete could be so triggers. ing. >> he basically wants to go back 100 years in american progress and that's not what we should do here in america. >> while he cloaked this entire speech in catholicism and his love of jesus, it felt very much like a construct that he said most women had to abide by. there are people what he is saying what he said is not controversial at all. i just disagree with it wholeheartedly. it's an insult. >> laura: harrison butker's speech heard around the world. let's be very clear what the
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goal is. there are people at the highest levels in decision-making in america who believe that the traditional teachings of the catholic church, many other christian churches should not be discussed publicly ever. and they are making an example out of butker. they want to make it impossible for anyone who preach or speak the traditional doctrine of christianity regarding husbands, wives, and children. now, talk about a divisive atmosphere they are creating where tens of millions of americans, probably more, are afraid to speak their mind. know, remember, a lot of these commentates popping off about butker are simply ignorant of the basic tenets of christianity because christians are called to spread the faith not keep it hidden under a bushel as the gospel says. plus, many of those offended by what butker said, they don't hesitate to express their own dogmas that are just as offensive to many of us. things like climate change,
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gender ideology and even as we have seen on campuses a lot of that pro-hamas stuff. just look at the type of people our cultural gate keepers do celebrate, however. if butker had, let's say seven kids by seven different women, no one would bat an eye. if he promoted using weed or bragged about how his girlfriend was on only fan, there would be no controversy. not too long ago the sports gainment world was excited about the possibility that the nfl might have a flashy new owner. >> i love sports, but i'm more of a owner type of guy. so i -- you know i have aspirations to be become, which it will happen i will become the first african-american, you know, majority owner big named people lined up to offer support because diddy was did he. he was the essence of cool.
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but shocking video obtained by cnn shows us the kind of guy he really is. >> in the surveillance video, colmes can be seen grabbing ventura and throwing her to the ground. as ventura lies on the ground, colmes then kicks her twice and attempts to drag her on the floor back to the hotel room. >> laura: no that you is the kind of guy the liberal elites love to elevate. well, they didn't know he was doing that. but, you know, his ethos, the whole way he carried himself, more on that later. but today our young people are forced to weighed weighed throua river of depravity. this is morning, noon and night. pornography, drug use, anti-americanism, anti-still, even becoming crime has become normalized. why shouldn't everyone have a gucci purse. why shouldn't we deface the statue, rip it down?
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now, this issue is far bigger than harrison butker. the cultural left is taking us to the precipice here. i don't think they realize what they're doing. because we cannot be a successful, peaceful country if those who have all the power essentially declare war on tens of millions of devout americans. telling them that if they publicly affirm their faith, they will be widely denigrated and lose their job. that is a recipe for disaster. a man who cherishes his wife, loves his kids, and loves the lord is what we need more of in the united states. and the good news? there are plenty of young people looking for contemporaries to look up to. >> i have had the most incredible mom who had the ability to stay home and be with us as kids growing up. i understand that there are many women out there who can't make that decision but for me in my life, i know it was really
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formative in shaping me and my siblings to be who we are. i really respect harrison and his christian faith and what he has accomplished on and off the field. >> laura: good for gracie, she is not alone. now with all the challenges that young people are facing now, only those with a very dark view of humanity and of the family would think that harrison butker represents a threat to anyone. and that's the angle. >> laura: now, the backlash against butker gets worse. the official x account for the city of kansas city posted a tweet revealing where he lives. it was quickly deleted, but that's not enough. missouri attorney general andrew bailly is demanding accountability and he joins me now. mr. attorney general, what's your message tonight? >> well, laura, thanks for having me on. i'm always going to fight to protect missourian's right to free expression of their religious beliefs. i'm going to enforce the laws that are on the books to include
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the missouri human rights act, that prevents this kind of religious discrimination to the form of retaliation by progressive cities officials. it's dripping with irony that the mayor of the city of kansas city came out and said that the buck stops with him and he takes responsibility for this. and just today, a few hours ago, sends me a letter saying all of this is my fault for speaking out and proposing to enforce the law against anyone in his office who violated the missouri human rights act and discriminated against harrison butker and expression of his christian beliefs. i'm not going to tolerate it. >> laura: when you think, mr. attorney general, of the people that the cultural elites celebrate, and what they celebrate, and this guy, by all accounts, i don't know him. but by all accounts is he a wonderful person and he loves his family, loves jesus. but he is the problem? what does that say about the supposed cultural gate keepers out there? >> yeah, that's exactly right.
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look, this is a slouch towards gomorrah in every sense of the term. if missourians and americans don't have the right to speak out about their religious beliefs, then the bill of rights ceases to mean anything. don't forget, harrison butker is man of the catholic faith who was giving a commencement address to a group of catholic college students at a catholic university and he expressed his core sincerely held religious beliefs and the city doxxed him and retaliated against him and are now trying to sweep it under the rug and avoid accountability. what's worse the mayor in retaliation against me calling him out on it is playing the race card saying i'm invoking racial discord by saying you are not allowed to discriminate against christians for their christian belief. it's absolutely an upside down world. the mayor is using the race card here. it's the lady tool of a weak mind. it's not going to deter me one bit to stand up and fight for missouri's free expression of their beliefs. >> laura: imagine if the shoe were on the other foot and a
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student or a graduation speaker got up and spoke about his transition or his views on gender etiology and it was to the left and some people doxxed them even for five seconds? it would be a national outrage, they would be calling for the heads of these individuals and an apology and quick deletion wouldn't suffice. >> yeah, that's exactly right. i mean, harrison butker in the beginning of his speech talked about how the left wants to drive christian faith, the christian faith from the public domain. and that's exactly what happened. >> laura: exactly what they are doing. >> he was pilloried. prophetic what he said and thank goodness heroes like him willing to stand up and express their sincerely held religious beliefs. thank goodness the first amendment and missouri human rights act to protect them. >> laura: we are seeing more young people, mr. attorney general, across the country. they are hungering for something bigger than whatever is trending on tiktok. you see that with some of the campus revivalsen going on.
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a lot of this happening more of the sec states. you just get the sense that young people are -- even with the social media deluge, they are getting tired of it. there has got to be something better. i'm not saying but kerr is the beginning and end of what is great in the country. i'm just saying it's better than a lot of other stuff that's out there. and i'm -- i salute you for standing up for free speech and we believe everyone has the right to free speech in this country. thank you, mr. attorney general. we appreciate it. >> guys, guys, guys,. >> dude, huh-uh, stand back. >> back up. >> i'm back. >> back up. >> right now. right now is he going to jail. okay? is he going to jail. >> laura: now that was the scene just hours before the second round of the pga championship as the world's number one ranked golfer scottie scheffler was arrested while driving onto the valhalla golf club he tried to get around a unrelated fatal crash that happened earlier in the morning. an espn reporter was a few feet
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away and witnessed the entire thing. >> a police officer in a yellow jacket like those ones you are seeing there, approached scheffler's car, told him to stop. scheffler continued to drive his vehicle at which point the officer attached himself to scheffler's car. the officer took his flashlight and started to bang on scheffler's car telling him to open the window or open the door to get out of the vehicle. scheffler lowered the window, the officer then ripped the door open, pulled scheffler out by the arm, pushed him up against the vehicle, placed him in handcuffs. >> laura: the police report says that one of the officers was dragged to the ground, had pain, swelling, abrasions to his left wrist and knee. scheffler is charged with assaulting a police officer, criminal mischief, reckless driving and disregarding traffic signals. joining me now is michelle tafoya former nfl sideline reporter. here is what scheffler himself
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said about the situation. >> when they got me out of the car, you know, like i said it was very chaotic and i said i'm sorry, i'm just trying to get to my tee time. and outside of that, it was then it just things, you know escalated from there. i can't explain what happened this morning. did i spend some time stretching in a jail cell. that was the first for me. that was part of my warm-up. >> well, michelle, that's kind of cute, but that's not going to fly if you end up assaulting a police officer he was kind of making light of it there but what is your take on. this my take it was a really chaotic scene. let's not forget that someone died this morning. john mills who was there to work for the pga and i think that's what scheffler said in his press conference right out of the gate. he also did a lot to praise the police and thanked the police for what happened. now, no one is above the law, correct. but you know, this was a really chaotic situation.
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you can see there that it was dark. it was rainy, there are rights all over the place. and i have been in a circumstance where the road was sort of coned off to one side and i thought i went the right way and the next thing i knew i had police officers pulling me over and screaming at me through my window because i had gone the wrong way. it was terrifying. so, but that's their job, right? that's their job. but, it's very easy to see how this was chaotic, how it may not have been handled right by the police. how it was just a crazy, crazy scene. and i would think that the charges against scheffler would be dropped. >> laura: well, is he known for having a violent tendencies or being rude to police officers? i mean, i thought he was known for kind of the opposite. >> he is. he is not even a little known for a guy -- who would lose his temper. is he widely admired by the people within the pga. people within the tour. by the fans. he says and does all the right things. he is one of those guys, quote,
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unquote, who just really does the right stuff. and, in fact, in the wake of this, as i said, as he sat there at his press conference and by the way he played pretty well today in spite of all of this. at his press conference praised the police. he said they really did a good job of calming him down. he was really shaky. you get pulled out of a car, thrown up against it, and have your hands cuffed and thrown into a police car before the second round of this tournament, that's going to startle anyone and everyone. and so for him to not try to point blame at anyone else, to mention john mills, the man who died and this whole thing, this chaos was surrounded him. and to praise the police, i think it speaks to his character. so i would expect that these charges really won't go anywhere. >> laura: it is quite something that can you shoot the round he shot today after what just went down there. >> crazy. >> laura: nerves the steel. i want your take on this butker, harrison butker controversy that
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it's kind of amazing, given the fact that i made a comment about this in the angle that just a few years back the league was like we got to get sean "diddy" combs to be an owner and that was a big groundswell of support for him. a lot of people have been elevated in the nfl that have had less than savory pasts to say the very least. and now harrison butker is a problem for saying men should love their wives and homemakers are great and basically stating his catholic faith. >> yeah. and let's not forget where he was. he was invited to speak at this graduation. a small, private catholic school. he knew his audience. he got a standing ovation at the end. look, i covered harrison for several years and whenever i spoke to him on the field, he never said to me you know, michelle, you might want to think about getting giving up your job and going home and tending to your two kids. never once, do you know why? because we were both at work. he respected what i did and that wasn't the time or place. what he did do is say these things to a catholic audience at
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a private graduation ceremony and, yes, it's all over youtube. that's fine. he wasn't telling anyone what to do. >> laura: what he believes. and i would say, michelle, each if it wasn't private, like the constitution doesn't say we have to keep our views private. >> laura: the audience was a catholic audience. how controversial is that michelle, it's great to see you. go ahead. >> great to see you as well. michele, great to see you as well. >> laura: sean "diddy" combs graphic video beating up his girlfriend. more of that graphic video, next. ♪
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♪ >> laura: disturbing video surfacing that shows a brutal attack by a man who just recently was one of the most celebrated cultural power houses in america. fox senior national correspondent kevin corke is here with all the details. kevin? >> good evening, laura a march 2016 surveillance video obtained exclusively by cnn shows sean "diddy" combs grab, shove, drag, and kick his then girlfriend cassie ventura during altercation that appears to match allegations in a now
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settled federal lawsuit filed by ventura back in november. a warning this video is disturbing. the footage appears to show the music mogul holding a towel around his waist he's runs down a hall after his then girlfriend. he then appears to grab her by the back of the neck and throw her on the floor, still holding the towel, then he appears to turn and kick her while she is down and then drags her more. the incident occurring at the now closed intercontinental hotel in central city, los angeles and appears to mirror a civil complaint lodged by ventura in november which stated in part he followed her into the hallway of the hotel while yelling at her. he grabbed at her and then took glass vases in the hallway and threw them at her causing glass to crash around them as she ran to the elevator to escape. you may recall. it was diddy who, in a statement on twitter, or x, rather, back in december denied what he called sickening allegations. well the video would appear to show he was lying. meanwhile in a statement
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ms. ventura's attorney said the gut wrenching video has only further confirmed the disturbing and predatory behavior of mr. colmes. words cannot express the courage and fortitude that ms. ventura has shown in coming forward to bring this to life. diddy for his part remains under investigation in a wide ranging probe that sources have suggested involved possible drug and sex crimes. no comment at least so far tonight from the music mogul himself. and in just within this hour, in fact, i want to share, this laura, diddy's alleged drug mule a guy by the name of brendan paul about apparently avoid jail time that according to people magazine paul had been charged with felony cocaine possession, just last month. laura. >> laura: kevin, thank you so much. >> you bet. >> laura: joining me now mark eiglarsh criminal defense attorney. mark, how does this video, if at all, impact his ongoing legal
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issues? >> i think the federal prosecutors are only being fueled further by seeing this abhorrent, troubling, undefendable behavior. i think that it also will tend to poison to some extent the potential jurors because now we're looking in the federal case when they ultimately bring charges against him, which i expect to be coming pretty soon. they are not going to be able to put this out of their minds. they are going to get very right wing conservative jurors when they see something like this. >> laura: well, his girlfriend sued him. that suit was settled very quickly. >> yes, now we know why. >> laura: now we know why. what's your theory about this video coming out now, was given to cnn or they obtained it. what's your theory about that? >> money, somebody, somebody
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retained a copy. somebody made money, somebody wanted this shown. and i don't know the specifics of it. i do know that many people are calling for his immediate prosecution, which because of the statute of limitations in california, precludes any prosecution. they only have a year for battery counts. three years for aggravated battery and as vacated assault. and that ship sailed in about 2000 2019. two years three years after the6 incident. >> amazing it wasn't uncovered or reported because i mean, it's so brutal it's hard to believe that someone who reviews security footage or monitors it didn't see this at the time. that's also very upsetting. >> you would think. >> laura: also, there is something else i got to get to mark with you. diddy was accused of of blowing up kid cuddy's car in 2012
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during paris fashion week. he told ms. ventura he was going to blow up kid cuddy's car and wanted to make sure he was home with his friends when it happened around the time kid cuddy's car exploded in his driveway. mark? this is beyond disturbing, is this a pattern. >> i am a defense lawyer. just because we know he did this didn't mean he was with oj in california slicing necks let's not throw him guilty of everything. there are people who cash grab and do say things that are not actually true; however, when you see a video like this, it is really problematic. it is hard to believe that he is a man of his word because he told us this is a cash grab. and we went okay. so did p diddy do it? p diddy probably did. look did he video. >> laura: mark, thank you so much tonight. up next, we expose the gender
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ideology that schools are enforcing your children to learn at very young ages. stay there. ♪
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>> laura: we here in school you are assigned a book and asked to discuss the deeper meaning behind this. you might have done it with to kill a mockingbird or tom sawyer and the younger kids do it with books like the giving tree. one school in california is doing this age old practice about a book about a transgender child. one father telling "the daily mail" that his 11-year-old son had to to read it, discuss it and then bring it to his buddy class of kindergartners and read it to them. so what's the book? my shadow is pink. it's about a young boy who likes princesses, fairies and things
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not for boys. he also wants to wear dresses. now, we're going to spoil the ending for you. the boy's father puts on a dress with the boy and says it's okay to go to school like that. the carlsbad california parent who first alerted this book to being read tells "the daily mail" that the school's principal finally called the family but it was to tell them that teachers are feeling unsafe after the father made a video about this lesson. so he reached out to the school district for an explanation. they deny that students were told to read the book and say that it was the teacher who read it all aaloud to them. this book was read message of encouraging students to be proud of who they're and that it's okay to embrace vittle. individualitythere were no convs about gender surrounding this book. okay. now, let's go maryland where an appeals court is stripping away parental rights it. all started two years ago in
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montgomery county when the public school district unveiled its inclusive curricula. and it includes books like the pride puppy, uncle bobby's ready and born ready the true story of a boy named penelope. 300 parents filed a lawsuit demanding the opportunity to opt out of their kids out of this for pre-k to fifth grade lessons. but this week, the fourth circuit of appeals, yeah, u.s. appellate court ruled against those parents. what does this mean their young children will now be forced to learn about subjects like sexuality and gender fluidity. joining me now is one of these parents involved hanson and eric baxter senior counsel and vice president at the becket fund for religious liberty. rosalynn, the court says that the kids have to learn this whether the parents object or not. wow. >> wow is right.
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my son is an ncps student and i'm a firm believer in our catholic faith. i want to bring him up in that. and this is in direct violation of my religious beliefs. we are thankful for becket fund for standing beside us in this fight. >> laura: eric, fourth circuit used to be fairly reasonable appellate court on the days when i was practicing law. but, i want to get your reaction to this line from the opinion. the judge wrote in part that we cannot conclude that a policy requiring the presence of an individual in the classroom when these materials may be read ipso factor creates impermissibly coercive environment. kind of a mouthful but to that you say, what? >> yeah, the court said that there's no right to protect your children unless they are actually coerced to change their beliefs. that can't be the standard we are talking about 4-year-olds and 5-year-olds up to fifth grade. these students are highly impressionable. they love their teachers. the things that they're being taught they stick in their mind. parents should know when their kids are going to be taught
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about sexuality and gender identity and have the right to say hey, this is too much forever my prekindergartner or my second grader. let them go to the library during this hour. >> laura: rosalind, i know a lot of parents in the montgomery county area, so many of them have left the government schools as i like to call them because of these issues. and they have chosen to go to parochial schools or other private schools where their views and their values religious or not are not constantly under assault. so why do you stick it out in the public school because i guess you pay all those taxes. >> that aside, at the end of the day, every parent has the right to direct the upbringing of their children. and the opt out, which we originally had, and then was taken away from us, was the opportunity for every child to be scene and included. right? we have a very diverse community in montgomery county. i think four of the top 15 cities in the country by wallet
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hub are in montgomery county. the real answer to having a diverse curriculum and have everybody being included is to ensure that the opt out was reinstated and that's all that we are asking for. >> laura: just to give you a sense of where the priorities stand for montgomery county. recent budget cut proposals that are set to go into effect this summer include a reduction to a program for students with autism. so, reducing the -- what you are spending on the kids with autism but, eric, you have to start asking are these schools actually in the business of teaching what kids need to know at an early age, reading fundamentals, beginning arithmetic or is there something else that much more important to the powers that be? and i know the becket fund has been involved in a lot of these lawsuits, but, this is wild given where reading comprehension and math skills are for students across this country. >> yeah, our hundreds of parents
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who brought this lawsuit they literally just want the schools to focus on basic education. and stop doing this, you know, doing things that infringe on the rights of parents to direct the religious upbringing of their children. schools around the country allow parental opts out. this is a longstanding tradition in our country and we are asking to have that right here. that right is actually already in maryland law. the school board has a great policy that says you can opt out if this will violate your religious believes. they are not letting our parents exercise that opt out. that kind could of discrimination really speaks ill of the school board. >> laura: it's targeted. are you taking this up to the big court? >> absolutely. we think this is a crucial issue for parents across the country and we hope that the court will take the case and rule that parents have the final say about when their kids are going to be taught sexuality and gender identity. >> laura: montgomery county, maryland, is so left wing. i'm sorry i know you live there. fairfax county is not much better but it is a nightmare in montgomery county. they kept the schools closed for
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way too long and this doesn't surprise me one bit. rosalind, you are a champ for bringing this case. eric, thank you to what you are doing at beckett fund. congressional hearing looks like an episode of maury, and biden struggles to win back black voters but will the pitch actually work? friday follies with raymond arroyo is next. ♪
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shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress.
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♪ >> laura: it is friday and that means it's time for friday follies. and for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. all right, ray, the house of representatives, i mean, that turned into something out of road house last night. what in the lord's name -- what happened? >> laura, it was a hearing to determine whether the -- it charge a.g. merrick garland with
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contempt for failing to turn over audio of joe biden's interview with a special counsel robert hur. well, it got personal real fast. >> do you know what we're here for? you know we are here about a.g.? >> do you know what you are here for? >> well you are the one talking about. >> i think your fake eye lashes are messing up -- >> hang on. >> order,. >> that's beneath even you. >> you have a point of order and i would like to move to take down ms. greene's words. that is absolutely unacceptable. how dare you attack the physical appearance of another person. >> are your feelings hurt. >> move her wards down. >> oh. >> oh, girl, baby girl. >> oh, really? >> don't even play. >> baby girl? i don't think so. >> we are going to move and take your words down. >> why don't you debate me? >> self-evident you are not -- you don't have enough intelligence. >> just to better understand your ruling if someone on this
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committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach bond bad built butch body that would not be engaging in personalities, correct? >> a what, now? [laughter] >> calm down, calm down. >> no, no, no, no. this is what y'all do. don't tell me to calm down because you all talk noise and then you can't take it? >> you are out of control. can we [bleep] >> you are all going to have a problem. >> laura, this is like the real housewives of capitol hill. and it's a symbol of the cultural decay we have been seeing for years. people have a disagreement and they suddenly go to fist city. they are at mcdonald's they are at an event and they are ripping each other's hair out. they are beating each other up. you saw diddy earlier. i don't have to go further. the congress should not be engaging in this low debased behavior. it sends the wrong message and we are paying you to do our business. not to engage in your own little personal squabbles.
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>> laura: reminds me, raimondo,f only women were in charge things would be respectful and calm and would get to all the problems. they would be solved. i mean, maybe it's just about common sense and being able to agree, disagree without kind of -- i mean, it is jerry springer, it's like an insult to jerry springer what is going on there. >> exactly. well, you know, it's like the butker thing you discussed earlier in the show. again, people mischaracterize each other, throw around slander. next thing you know they are hurling all kind of pa juror tiffs and people's hair is coming out. this is not the way to proceed in america while they were cleaning the blood off the hearing room desk joe biden was out trying to win over black voters. a recent "wall street journal" poll showed 1/3 of black men are considering voting for trump 42% of black women say their vote is up for grabs. biden's answer? more marijuana nobody should be
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in jail for merely possessing marijuana, period. far too many lives upended because of a failed approach to marijuana. >> laura: and then today, biden spoke to the naacp, at least i think that's what he was doing. >> my name is joe biden and i'm a lifetime member of the naacp. as the president said, black students, particularly young black males react to black teachers. raise $400 quadrillion over the next 10 years. >> the supreme court tried to stop me to provide student debt relief, most supreme ever. >> help hgv everything to build. >> did he say hbgtqu? university? what is he saying? >> i'm not sure he knows what he is saying. whatever it is, i don't think it's going to win over black voters and, look, he posted this diss video music of ken rick
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lamar while he disses trump. he thinks that going to win black america? i rather doubt it when you look at the polling. the economy is the number one issue and 76% of black voters in a "new york times" poll say the economy is their number one issue. and they think it's fair to poor. not going to work. >> laura: raymond, finally you have ray's rule for travel. >> do i have a ray's rule for travel. passengers should put their bags and not themselves in the overhead compartments. i kid you not, this woman on a southwest flight crawled into the overhead and was recorded up there as announcements were being made. she was taking a nap apparently. i don't know where the video is. there it is thank goodness. apparently taking a nap. message you are not free to roam about the overhead. stay in the aisle, thank you very much. this is absurd. she is literally laying out. >> laura: aren't you always shocked that the overheads can take all that weight of these bags?
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i'm always thinking the overheads are just going to rip right off of the walls. it's amazing. and how does it -- i don't -- i mean, i know you had some difficulty traveling this week, raymond, but you always. >> look, at this point, maybe i shouldn't be grousing about people in the overhead. at least the door stayed on my boeing flight. so that was a plus. thank you, delta. i will take it. >> laura: i still don't get how you can get up to the overhead. most people can't even put their bags up. raymond by the way we just learned that a couple of the kansas city chief players were arrested for misdemeanor marijuana possession. so, that's another -- i guess that's what we want to hold up as citizens to look up to. all right, raymond, we appreciate it. thank you, great to see you as always. all right, the man who could help, help turn pennsylvania red. ♪
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>> it is time for retaking america. we will start in pennsylvania. this year's election is not just about securing the white house but also the senate. so our latest poll has trump leading biden in the keystone state, the same poll shows incumbent democrat bob casey leading republican challenger dave mccormick by five points. so what gives? we are joined out. great to see you tonight. are you getting what you need from mcconnell and the rnc, given how tough a state pennsylvania has been for republicans? >> i think the campaign is going really well. and what is happening here is that all eyes were on pennsylvania and i'm running -- on the companies is in trouble. economically, spiritually and i'm running against a career politician. senator do nothing khaki has been the senator for 18 years and has voted 98% of the time with joe biden.
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and he is responsible, along with joe biden for the inflation that is out of control, the wide open border, the war on oil and gas. and that is by 80% of pennsylvanians think the country's going in the right direction so the polls are closing, there is great momentum on the ground. and mep placing a seven generation pennsylvania, someone who went to west point, created combat, rated jobs in pennsylvania and then someone who is an outsider and will bring about change. i think it is a race at the presidential level but also in the senate, between the status quo and change. >> laura: you have to cut through -- the casing name is huge and pennsylvania, you have to cut through that name. you have to dismiss that name at this point khaki is not his father's son when it comes to lyrical solutions. so i think that has to be dealt with had on. but a video surfaced where senator casey admits that it would be, quote, impossible to bring inflation down but that is not what he said back in 2022, watch this. >> after we pass the inflation
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reduction act, which will reduce inflation, it will fight inflation in the ways that have already been spoken about. this strong bill for the american economy and for american families. >> laura: dave, did you know the so-called inflation reduction act wouldn't do anything? which is it? >> what an incredible misnomer. this inflation, which is killing pennsylvania, 60% of pennsylvanian residents live paycheck to paycheck, wages are only 14% compared to prices at 20% is a direct result of the excessive spending, $6 trillion by joe biden, bob casey voted for everything a spending bill and the war on oil and gas. and casey waved his hands and said we will fix inflation and here he acknowledges in a meeting where he does not know he is being taped, that he has no plan for reducing prices. we as republicans have a plan which is to reduce spending and unlock oil and gas. casey and biden have no answer.
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and along the way they made us dependent on china for ev's and solar panels. so we look back on this energy policy is one of the worst strategic miss kaik elation's of the biden ministration. >> laura: i don't know what is in their water but you should be up by five given how bad things are there right now under biden and casey. but casey was pressed on biden's plan to let gazan refugees into the united states on top of the millions of illegals who have already been let in, watch this. >> do you think biden should send gazan refugees to pennsylvania? , senator casey can i get a comment on that? do you think we should resettle gazans in pennsylvania? >> laura: is that what he does? he just refuses to answer direct questions about topics in america that they actually care about? is that how pennsylvania works? you don't have to answer questions? >> you will not see an example of him sticking his head up and showing leadership on anything.
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my mom's from punxsutawney and i called him punxsutawney bob. he is not a leader and a time when the country is in crisis, we need leadership and he is not showing it. he is a follower. 98% of the time. >> laura: this is a no-brainer, i think that is an overused phrase but in this case, given what has happened, this is a no-brainer for pennsylvania, in a way to have you back i thank you dave. >> dave mccormick, thank you. >> laura: what a wild week it has been and what a wild week it will be next week. we will be covering the trump trial and everything related of course to the 2024 presidential election. debates on and they will be incredibly fun and we will be there to cover it all the way. remember, it is america now and forever, be sure to follow me on social media and all of the usual channels and jesse watters takes over from here. >> jesse: welcome to "jess


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