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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 17, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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called him punxsutawney bob. he is not a leader and a time when the country is in crisis, we need leadership and he is not showing it. he is a follower. 98% of the time. >> laura: this is a no-brainer, i think that is an overused phrase but in this case, given what has happened, this is a no-brainer for pennsylvania, in a way to have you back i thank you dave. >> dave mccormick, thank you. >> laura: what a wild week it has been and what a wild week it will be next week. we will be covering the trump trial and everything related of course to the 2024 presidential election. debates on and they will be incredibly fun and we will be there to cover it all the way. remember, it is america now and forever, be sure to follow me on social media and all of the usual channels and jesse watters takes over from here. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse
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watters primetime". tonight... >> i think your fake eyelashes are messing up. >> girl, baby girl! don't even play! >> if i come at you [ bleep ], you'll have to -- >> jesse: congress worse than jerry springer. >> the video captured on multiple cameras, shows assaulting his then girlfriend, cassie ventura in a hallway at a los angeles hotel. >> jesse: eating up women. >> it was a chaotic situation and a big misunderstanding. i did spend some time stretching in a jail cell, that was a first for me. >> jesse: from green jacket to orange jumpsuit. golf's biggest star under arrest. >> he is going to jail and there's nothing you can do about it. >> jesse: plus... >> damn! [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: as long as america
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has been a country, politicians have been fighting. in 1798, the house of representatives held a hearing to impeach the tennessee senator william blunt. the crime? treason. when the proceedings started to get testy, a federalist called his fellow congressmen, matthew lyon, a scoundrel. today's equivalent of the f. word. he hocked a lukey right in his face. griswold came back swinging with a wooden walking stick while lyon fended him off with tongs. hot from the fireplace. 50 years later, a squabble over slavery on the senate floor led to an abolitionist being caned by proslavery representative, preston brooks. congress used to be the house of scuffles. but in 1967, the house decided to clean up its act. seeing a code of conduct for congress, it's tenants professionalism, ethics and
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model behaviour. how is that going right now? >> give your time back. we stop the clock. you all continue -- you look like a smurf year. >> we can be consenting adults, we can finish it here. >> that's fine, perfect. >> now? >> i would love to do it. standard but up. >> stop it! sit down! you are a united states senator. >> we let the record show that he could not answer the question >> who receive the money? >> let me say this, my last name is raskin, we sat next to each other for more than a year, you don't have to add the s. >> jesse: things went completely off the rails during a house oversight hearing last night. they were debating weather to hold someone in contempt for refusing to turn over tapes of biden's interview with special counsel robert her. hearing was supposed to start at 11:00 o'clock even a group of republicans flew to new york
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city to support trump in court. the hearing ended up happening at 8:00. sources tell primetime the democrats were bent out of shape forgetting their schedules pushed back and were a little angry. we all know how we get when we haven't eaten. that is when it turned into the real housewives of capitol hill. a democrat, jasmine crockett and marjorie taylor green went wild. >> do you know what we're here for? >> i don't think you know what you were here for. >> you were the one talking about -- >> i think your fake eyelashes are messing it up. >> order. >> that is beneath even you. >> i do have a point of order and i would like to move to take down ms. miss marine's words. that is absolutely unacceptable, how dare you? attacked the appearance of another person? >> are your feelings hurt? move your words down. a girl, baby girl! don't even play! >> baby girl? i don't think so.
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>> jesse: it is against decorum to insult another member's physical appearance. but it did not stop there. >> i'm just curious, just to better understand your ruling, if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde bowed built booked body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct? >> a what now? >> chairman, i make a motion to strike those words. [ shouting ] >> i'm trying to get clarification! >> com down. >> no! because this is what you all do! >> you are not recognized. [ shouting ] >> can you please calm down? >> don't tell me to calm down because you talk noise. >> you are out of control. >> if i talk gleefully about her, you have to listen! >> jesse: then a democrat accused other members on the committee of drinking. our source says there was a solo cup but could not confirm what
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was in it. things are so bad, john federman of all people says he is embarrassed. writing, in the past, i have described the u.s. house as the jerry springer show. today i'm apologizing to the jerry springer show. but the squad has no regrets. aoc rights back to federman, quote, i understand you likely would have not stood up for your call leak and seem to be confused about racism and misogyny being a both sides issue. but i stand up to bullies instead of becoming one. they say president biden is disappointed in congress and expects them to show a little bit more dignity. >> this is something the president would agree upon, which is that as someone who was a senator for 36 years, he believes that people should respect each other. people should treat each other with dignity and stability. you have to treat people with dignity, you have to treat people with respect. it is important, it does not matter what side of the i'll use
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it on. it is important to do that because you are there to work on behalf of the american people. >> jesse: we all want the coram but biden calls republicans nazis, say they want to put blacks back in chains. 's son is a train wreck and there is drugs in his white house. even biden's dogs are biting everyone in sight and he won't even apologize. there is no manners in washington. the democrats are putting republicans in prison and they are upset about an eyelash crack. how many trump associates have had their wars kicked down by feds and rated? did the feds politely knock on the door before ransacking mara lago and rifling through their underwear drawer? what are we talking about, dignity and stability? haydn called texans neanderthals. democrats are letting men stripped naked and women's locker rooms, how is that dignified? their whole campaign is that trump will literally murder you
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if he is reelected. mass murder! maxine waters, said to get in their face. the view even agrees with eric holder, when they go locale you kick them. >> marjorie taylor green, who is just unfit for office, she is unfit. she lacks the coram. [ cheering and applause ] >> the problem is if one goes closer to the floor and the other meets them there, our politics will dispatch. >> you can -- >> going high doesn't work anymore. if you go low with me i'm going to go to the earth's crust. [ cheering and applause ] >> you have to go low, alyssa. >> jesse: republicans are always so dignified and civil, aren't they? where has that gotten them? should they take a page from the democrats? actually are the now and then get their hands dirty in the dark? looks like they are. sources tell primetime that republicans will be voting on holding her in contempt of
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congress for withholding biden's dementia tapes. how do they know biden didn't just doctor the transcripts? they need to be sure. and as an equal branch of government, they have every right to access them. biden was forgetting when he was vice president. how do we know it was not any worse? the white house doctors transcript all the time. this is not regular contempt. it is inherent contempt. because they know the justice department will not lock up garland. inherent contempt has not been used in over 100 years. it would authorize mike johnson, house speaker, to order the sergeant of arms to arrest merrick garland. if they are going to lock up republicans, maybe they need a taste of their own medicine. let's bring in a fox news contributor, charlie hurt. charlie, aren't you just so saddened by the eyelash comments? i mean it's not like anybody is
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arresting the republican nominee for president or anything. >> yes. i'm strongly in favour of striking those words as if that makes any difference whatsoever. i love that that is her call to arms is to strike the words. winston churchill famously said that the best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with an average voter which i have always felt was kind of harsh because i find that is like the highest i feel about democracy is when i talk to average voters. press in america today, the best argument against democracy is listening to an actual house hearing in the house of representatives. to be fair though, marjorie taylor green, and you have alluded to all of this, marjorie taylor green ask a very good question. she started this with a good question. asking whether or not -- and the whole thing is about whether or not to hold merrick garland in contempt of court -- and contempt of congress for using
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the justice department to jail his enemy, which is obviously patently true. and what she asked was,'s any democrat on the committee currently employing the daughter of the judge who is running this circus to jail trump and new york? that is a very good question and i think it is so interesting that that is the question that caused all of these people to lose their minds. and we never got the answer to the question. we should go one by one, force every single one of them to answer that question. what are they hiding? it sounds like maybe -- just as a reporter i look at this and i think maybe somebody -- may be this lady is on a whole lot more people's payroll than they want us to know about. >> jesse: so she may have been over the target, you are saying. because we are hearing goldman representative goldman democrat and new york may be involved in
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the judge or daughter situation. maybe there are other people on the committee, is that we were alluding to? >> yes. and democrats are always very good because they have the media to work with them. they're always good at distracting -- playing distraction games. and to me, this whole thing was a giant distraction. and of course your central most important point of what you just said is the most important thing, and that is that we are now in a system where you have the executive branch trying to put their political enemies in jail. and fact they are putting their political enemies in jail. we have never seen anything like this. and so the idea that republicans in congress would use their authority -- there is a jail cell and house of representatives, in the basement of the house of representatives. the idea that republicans would use that jail cell to put merrick garland or anyone else who is in contempt of congress
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is -- at this point it is fair game. i don't want to go in that direction but i don't want to see us in the direction we are in now where you have the department of justice completely corrupted and being used to go after the political enemies of the people that are in the white house. this is terrifying. this is not the way you run a democracy. >> jesse: they just and carper -- incarcerated steve bannon for define congress. so you can have the attorney general defied congress. and the justice department will do nothing about that so you empower the speaker, johnson, to order the house sergeant of arms to go arrest the attorney general. do you think mike johnson has what it takes to do that? >> the real problem is that you have to get merrick garland to actually come into the capital in order to get him. >> jesse: that's how that works? [ laughter ] >> exactly, you will avoid
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coming to the capital at any cost. but this is why, jesse. we don't even want to play these games. and the idea that the biden administration is doing something that no previous administration has ever done, which is to use the department of justice to jail their political enemies, it is nuts. and it never ends. >> jesse: we don't want to have to play these games but they are forcing the republicans hand. charlie hurt, the most civilized and dignified guess we have on "jesse watters primetime". never violates decorum. >> and i like you say they are not related to maxine. [ laughter ] >> jesse: no relation. thank you charlie. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: shocking video of diddy just leaped, straight ahead. [ ♪♪ ] learn how at
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hello, i'm franklin graham. as we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses. we see it across the world. where did this come from? you see, hate is coming from the human heart. god made us and he created us, but sin has come into the world, and it's come into each and every heart. and the only one who can fix the heart is god. and god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. that's right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart?" if you haven't done it, do it right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you!
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>> jesse: fox news alert, cnn got its hands on surveillance footage that shows diddy physically assaulting his girlfriend. warning, this is graphic. are senior national correspondent has the details. kevin? >> sickening video, i'm sorry have to show this to you but i think people will learn a lot about what is happening in this story. this is from march of 2016. surveillance video obtained exclusively by cnn and it shows sean combs grabbing, shoving, dragging and kicking his then girlfriend, cassie ventura during an altercation that, frankly matches allegations in a now settled federal lawsuit filed back in november. the footage shows the music mogul holding a towel around his waist as he runs down a hall after his then girlfriend. he then grabs her by the back of the neck, throws her to the floor, still holding the towel he then with one hand appears to turn around and kick her while she is still on the floor and
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then he tries to drag her down the hallway. barbaric! and this incident occurred at the now closed intercontinental hotel in los angeles. and it appears to mirror a civil complaint lodged by ventura back in november which stated in part, he followed her into the hallway of the hotel while yelling at her. he grabbed at her, he then took a gloss black -- glass vase in the hallway and threw the matter, causing glas to crash around them as she ran to the elevator to escape. now you will probably recall this as well, jesse, did he posted this on x. in december calling the allegations sickening. certainly the video appears to show he is lying about that. meanwhile in a statement, missed venturers said it confirms the disturbing and predatory behaviour of mr combs. words cannot express the courage and fortitude that she has shown
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in coming forward to bring this to light. amen. diddy for his part remains under investigation in a wide-ranging probe that sources suggest involves possible drug and sex trafficking crimes and perhaps even more. no comment from the mogul by himself tonight. and i want to share this as well, something in the past couple of hours. his alleged drug mule apparently will avoid jail time. he has accepted a plea deal, that is according to people magazine, he had been charged with federal cocaine possession. just last month. i don't mind saying this, i'm sure you feel the same. disgusting. that is all i can think of when i see what happened in that video. >> jesse: everyone agrees with that, think you so much. let's turn it over now to the anti- human trafficking advocate and founder. so why is this surveillance coming out now?
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>> you are going to see a lot of this coming out like the drug mules saying i will take a plea deal on myself, recently spoke to some of his associates and other businesses and they're willing to talk. they do not want to be implicated. they want to be on the right side of this thing. it briefly surfaced in 2016 when the case came up and it was quickly suppressed, i'm glad it is back. not surprised that it is back, you will see a lot of footage and evidence come to light because people do not want to go down with him. >> jesse: when you say people don't want to go down with him, we had reported before about universal records, motown records sponsoring some of these parties were a lot of this debauchery and criminal activity was allegedly happening. are you saying that there is going to be pressure from many people in the music industry to
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make sure that diddy goes down so they don't? >> if i can flash us back to harvey weinstein and the notion that the only casting couch that had controversy was harvey weinstein, is a joke. many in hollywood new, many have done the same and they offered harvey up. on telling you i've had personal conversations in the industry and they are very nervous. many were at these parties, many do not want to be subpoenaed, as they should be, and asked what they saw. did you see miners? did you not? they are willing to talk and offer things up. there is a buzz in the entertainment business at this moment about who was going to get the call and none of them want to. >> jesse: oh, my god. so this may not be the only disgusting peace that we see about him? and remember, he has still not been charged by feds.
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it has been over a month since the raid. >> that is correct. and yes, jesse, there is a lot more. i have on firsthand account, how diddy would try to bribe individuals to stay quiet. by some very expensive gifts. so remember, things happen and the recording studio and that these parties and what should happen here, as should have happened with the jeffrey epstein situation, all involved, subpoena them. call them in front of council, examine them. if you are exonerated, you were exonerated. but if you were there, we need to make sure what you saw and what you did not see. did you know and you stayed silent? did he bribe you? was it extortion? remember, him kicking a girlfriend, which is despicable, forced fraud goes of exploitation, it is par for the course. there is a lot of this stuff that is going to come out.
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>> jesse: we will keep everybody posted as it develops. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> jesse: a major update in the paul pelowski case up next. [ ♪♪ ]
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: biden's black exodus continues. every day we kept closer to the election, biden bleeds more black voters. >> i feel like the black community doesn't really like biden because when i go on the streets and stuff, they was be [ bleep ] on biden. they say biden isn't doing anything. they really like trump better, i'm not going to lie. >> he wants to make it seem like he's for the blacks and he hasn't really helped anybody. >> they're trying to arrest donald trump but they don't really have anything on him. >> trump has helped out a lot of people in the community, health a lot of black businesses. and i'm voting for trump. >> what's good?
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>> honestly i like trump. >> i like trump. >> i'll probably be the only black person to admit it, but i want trump back. i'm sorry. >> jesse: black americans have kept the democratic party competitive since the civil rights era. biden cannot win without them. >> look at this number for donald trump. 22%. where was donald trump at this .4 years ago in the polls? he was at just nine% of the vote. he has seen more than a doubling in his support among african-americans. my goodness gracious, if this held through the general election, obviously we are months away, this would be by far the best performance by republican candidate among black voters in a generation, to generations, probably since 1960. this could be a truly historic margin and that is quite a troubling sign for the biden campaign. >> jesse: this is in line with our new fox pool. we have trumpet 23% with black voters. biden's team sees the same
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numbers, they have been putting him in kamala harris on black radio and tv shows all week. today biden went to a naacp event and told the crowd trump is killing dei. >> my predecessor and his extreme friends are not going after diversity, equity and inclusion all across america. >> jesse: that is your pitch? he will save dei? [ laughter ] is also delivering the commencement at a black college this weekend in atlanta. the students do not want him there and they are ready to protest. today, the college's president said if you heckle joe, no one gets a diploma. >> what we will not allow is disruptive behaviour that prevents the ceremony or services from proceeding in a manner that those in attendance can partake and enjoy.
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so, for example,, prolonged shouting down of the president as he is speaking. i will cease the ceremonies on the spot if we were to reach that position. >> jesse: biden getting heckled at an all black college would be like trump getting heckled in an alabama football game. it just should not happen. but don't worry, joe has tricks up his sleeve. >> today, my administration took a major step to reclassify marijuana from a schedule one drug to a schedule three drug. >> jesse: he is losing voters so he makes cannabis legal? cannabis should not be in the same drug classes heroin, i get it. but he is doing it for all the wrong reasons. biden was anti- marijuana legalization when he was campaigning in 2019. but they found he changed his mind and under a week. watch this. >> the truth of the matter is
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that there has not been nearly enough evidence that has been acquired as to weather or not it is a gateway drug. >> joe biden is doing everything he can to remind us that he is a very old person. joe biden says that if elected, he will not legalize marijuana federally because he thinks it might be a gateway drug. that is correct, it is a gateway drug to not getting the democratic nomination for president. >> i think we should decriminalize marijuana, period. and i think anyone who has a record should be let out of jail their records expunged. >> jesse: biden has no convictions. he just goes where the wind blows. he says whatever he thinks will help him win. but voters see right through it. >> people come to our communities and pander for our votes and we know we have never seen this person before, ever, we know it's fake. >> they just want to get the votes and that's it, they don't care about anything else.
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>> if you really want the black vote, spend more time in the black community with black people, hearing about their problems. >> jesse: a former 2024 presidential candidate, spoke with us. i will save dei and i will give you cannabis. is that going to work? >> it is one hail mary after another. first he wouldn't debate, know he will. first he wanted an open border know he kind of close the border. first it was against criminalizing marijuana, then decriminalizing. people are not buying it. here's why trump is winning with black voters, black voters want some of the same things every voter wants which is honesty. remember joe biden is the guy who had the gall to say, condescendingly, that if you don't vote for me, you weren't black. people have eyes. black people and all voters alike understand what four years under donald trump was like versus four years under joe biden. they respect the honesty and i think that's why we are seeing these unprecedented numbers for
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minority communities across the board going for donald trump. and i think that could be a landslide had this year if he seizes on it. >> jesse: they respect the honesty and they are just getting shellacked economically. donald trump, viviek, just announcing now that he will hold on thursday evening, a big event in the south bronx. what does that tell you? >> it tells me that republicans are finally showing up in places that we should have been for a long time. the last time a republican for president went to the south bronx was ronald reagan in 1980. that made a big difference then. i think we could have a 1980-84 style reagan outcome this year. i think it is fantastic that president trump is going to the south bronx, not putting on theatrics like joe biden is doing. but authentically, speaking to voters. america first includes all americans. i'm talking to a guy from chicago and my own campaign, i visited the south side of chicago. and there were more voters there that agreed with me on topics
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ranging from cutting off foreign aid that does not advance u.s. interests in places like ukraine, all the way to ceiling our own southern border. i think these historical lines that the media has drawn, the democratic party has drawn trying to pit manikins woman or gay again straight or black against white or even democratic and republican, those are false boundaries. when you have in america first movement now that i daresay is reuniting this country, that is what donald trump will deliver. >> jesse: that is invigorating to hear you say that about the south side. maybe you can join trump in the boogie down next thursday. may be a surprise guest. >> we have to do more of it. >> jesse: have a great weekend. absolutely, i agree, in there and fight for it. fox news alert. the man who broke into nancy pelosi's home and verbally assaulted her husband paul, was sentenced to 30 years in prison. the 2022 assault was all caught on camera and you can see paul and a robe trying to simmer down
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the man before the intruder just bludgeons him with a hammer. >> how are you doing? what's going on, man? >> hello, dropped the hammer. >> no. >> what is going on right now? >> jesse: the man was convicted of attempted kidnapping of a federal officer or employee in assault on an immediate family member of a federal official. >> today's sentence reflects the lack of remorse and contrition for violently assaulting mr pelosi. the court sentence will ensure that he will not be able to use violence to pollute the political process. >> jesse: the world's number 1 golfer arrested this morning. new details, right back.
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[ ♪♪ ]
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>> jesse: the gentleman's game have had its history of bad boys, sex scandals cut cocaine. this weekend it is the pga championship and up until this morning, the most exciting thing was john daly ripping two packs of cigarettes, for snickers and to coax during around of all haula. that was until the world's number 1 golfer got behind the wheel and ended up in handcuffs. it wasn't even the crack of dawn when the boss struck and killed a pedestrian right outside of the forest. with traffic backed up, scottie scheffler, driving himself in a players only car, was headed in early to play the second round. he tried to drive around the scene, police ordered him to stop. there was some confusion and scotty hit the gas. and espn reporter caught the whole scene, watch. >> a police officer in a yellow jacket like those ones you are seeing their, approach the car, told him to stop. he continue to drive his vehicle, at which point the officer attached himself to the
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car. the officer then ripped the door open, pulled him out by the arm, pushed him up against the vehicle, placed him in handcuffs. >> jesse: the world's top golfer was then dragged away in cuffs. >> guys! guys! >> stan back! >> i am back! >> jesse: the biggest name in golf facing four charges. felony second degree assault on a police officer and third-degree criminal mischief, reckless driving and disregarding signals from officers. police in louisville wasting no time in releasing the mug shot, either. after being booked, the world's number 1 put out a statement calling it a misunderstanding. quote, i never intended to disregard any of the instructions. i am hopeful to put this to the side and focus on golf today. and after ripping off the orange
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jumpsuit, he made it back to the course and birdied the first hole. >> he's not getting ahead of himself. i think he is right, i think he may play some big golf, getting lost in that. [ applause ] [ applause ] >> after a morning, the best he's ever had in his entire -- the hardest you said in his entire life, he started off with a birdie. >> jesse: after getting arrested in the morning, he was 5-under for the round. and nine under for the tournament. he just won the masters for the second time, is going into the weekend to shots off the lead in the 100th pga championship. and now he is facing a felony. here he is after the round. >> i can't really explain what happened this morning. i did spend some time stretching in a jail cell, that was a first for me. that was part of my warm up, just waiting and i started going through my warm up, i felt like there was a chance i would come
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out here and play. i started going through my routine to get my heart rate down as much as i go today but like i said, i still feel like my head is spinning a little bit. >> jesse: the arrest divided the country. was the cop overzealous? grabbing onto the car? or was this just a guy trying to get to work? let's talk to mark live, the former pro golfer. mark, where you come down on this one? >> you know something, this guy, scottie scheffler is probably the most saintly guy that is out on the pga tour, except for zach johnson, these days. he credits his great play to god. he just had the birth of his first child last week, he is on top of the golfing world. he is not the guy that you would picture doing this kind of thing. there had to be some sort of a misunderstanding. i think it is huge hose job for this guy. he has been on top of the game for 50 or 60 weeks, he is the number 1 player. he has enough on his mind and i
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have played in a lot of golf tournaments in my life, probably 28 majors and another 500 regular tour events, nothing like this has ever happened. but i think everything was ramped up, jesse when there was a death less than an hour ahead of that on the same road. so i think everyone just kind of went from devcon three up to devcon to. and the police force was, i believe, overzealous. because he is not the kind of guy that should have been involved in this kind of scuffle. >> jesse: they were probably worked up over the fatality, may be trying protect the crime scene. just did not realize it was scotty in the vehicle. maybe got their signals crossed. i think everybody will be following him this weekend and dialled into the 100th pga championship. >> yes, they certainly should be. i can't imagine him -- i can't imagine him being able to play today. in fact turning in one of the
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better rounds out there. he had to be just electrified over this whole situation. >> jesse: mark, he was just stretching in the self. that is why he played so well, you have to stay limber at all times. >> that's right. top one day, bottom the next. >> jesse: that's right. have a good one, thank you mark. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: sink or swim. tonight, abbey taking on brian. she promises she is not going to cheat this time. >> he was already looking through the paddles, i don't want to hear it. >> jesse: let's keep it clean. here we go. category is feeling the love. which actress told michael cohen, i love you to encourage him before he started testifying this week? was it rosie o'donnell or kathy griffin? >> i don't think kathy griffin loves anyone so i will go with rosie. >> jesse: are her glasses broken in this picture?
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i did not lay a hand on rosie! >> she got hit with a pickleball. breathe, relax, tell the truth. you've got this, i love you, you are doing great. >> jesse: rosie o'donnell. not to be confused with dana perino. category is sick burn. which late-night host made fun of cnn horrible ratings this week, saying that since biden has demanded no audience for the debate, that kind of explains why it is on cnn. was it jimmy fallon or john stewart? >> i'm going to say -- are you saying? >> jesse: it's insulting. are you allowed to consult? >> i want to get some separation. >> do you ask your competitor the answer? >> this is my strategy, let me pursue my strategy. >> one of the debate conditions was not having an audience of attics lanes it is on cnn. [ laughter ] >> actually meant to say john stewart. >> jesse: you might have to rethink your strategy. you need a better strategy.
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some go with their got but you have a different strategy. nyc mayor eric adams says illegal immigrants should be lifeguards because they are good swimmers. when reached for comment, which famous greg wondered, when you drown, will you have to scream help in spanish? was it abbott or got felled? >> i will take that hint! have to scream help in spanish? >> got a little help their. >> jesse: you are still down one. don't get too excited but this is the final question. president trump grew a very large crowd in the new jersey shore over the weekend. eric trump said it was larger than this famous musician. larger than bruce springsteen or larger than taylor swift? >> are there extra points in this question so i can come back? >> jesse: yes, we will make this worth extra. she's upset that i'm changing
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the rules! >> it is called sink or swim. you don't get a life vest. >> jesse: we are not only going to -- we will not do that because you were only down by one. we only do that when you're down by two. >> were you choosing? bruce? i'll go with bruce. >> when you see wildwood on saturday, where he has 100,000 people show up, 100,000 people. bruce springsteen can't pull that. >> jesse: you needed to use your older strategy! you forgot about it! you forgot about your strategy! here we go. you get the hat. >> i get it? >> jesse: she gets it! >> it looked like you were throwing it at me. >> jesse: it's a one-time winner! and you are still a one-time winner. congratulations. better luck next time. baron trump and the future, right back. [ ♪♪ ]
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feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah.
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>> jesse: today trump had no trail to attend instead seeing his son barron graduating high school. they both sat in the bleachers beaming with joy and pride as he went on stage to receive his diploma. so from prime time to barron trump congratulations to graduation. we hear he has kenyan political instincts like his dad as well as a wicked sense of humour. you never know what could happen [ ♪♪ ] this morning grate patriotic group of us were at hudson farms raising money for the special forces charitable trust a great organization because not all special forces men and women have full healthcare when they come back sometimes they need an
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extra assist and that's what the group does for trust. each green beret was in a shooting group and i have to say our team second place probably not first place because i missed a few but fine had a great time if you want to donate special forces charitable trust online there it is thank you guys and god bless you. dave from minneapolis. how do you know you aren't related to maxime. good point i am 0-point 1% black it from port orange florida first it was hillary with the hot sauce now biden with the hail mary jane. that's all for us tonight dvr the show and sean hannity is next remember i'm waters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ]


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