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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 17, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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and give as little as $19 a month, just $0.63 a day, you'll be making a life changing difference for a child just like sarah. your monthly gift today could change a life forever. because of you, we are happy and we know it. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. please call or go online right now to give if operators are busy, please wait patiently or go to right away. ( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. ♪ ♪ [ ♪♪ ]
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>> hello everyone i'm judged ani with harold ford, jesse watters, a dana perino and grey good got felled it's 5:00 in new yorkhe f city and this is the 5. [ ♪♪ ] fête eyelashes and bushed bodies the real housewives meet wrestlemania on capitol hill with a little bit of jerry springer on the side.e bickering lawmakers lobbyings at trashy schoolyard insults at 1 another derailing a very important congressional hearing. the purpose to hold attorneynd general merrick garland inin contempt of congress after he refused to hand over a recording from the classified documents investigation. the big guy is now claiminge to executive privilege to denied the release and they dodged when
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pressed about hypocrisy when itn comes to transparencspy. >> why not release c >> for 1 the transcript says you know are already out there. >> don't they feel the recording could be harmful? >> i don't want to dive into specifics of what you are making about the politics i would have to refer you to council offices on that but the determination is the president took seriously the request of the attorney general and how the decision was made. and that leads us to the congressional cat fight heard the world. they were full otempf contempt r each other. >> do you know what we are hered for? >> point of order. >> you are the 1 talking about... >> i think youing.r fake eyelass are messing up your vision. >> a
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>> i do of a point of order i'd like to take down her words. absolutely unacceptable." dear you attack the physical appearance of another person. >> are your feelings are?i >> girl, baby girl, don't eveno play baby. we are going to move and take your words down. >> just curious to better understand your ruling if somebody on this committee starts talking about somebody's pleased blonbad-d sleepy built . as then a your out-of-control i. i come and talked leap leap about her you have a problem.ds >> i have 2 hearing aids and very death i'm not understanding everybody's yelling i'm doingin the bestg i >> the congressional cage matcnh didn't end of their with aoce co
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trashing john federman after he compared the lawmakers to the jerry springer show. and aoc saying i stand up to bullies. who is your money on. >> i feel sorry for the hapless guy in the middle felt like i was watching outnumbered when 2 people are yelling i grew upi with 3 sisters you cannot stop a fight between women whether it's on planes and bars as it just gets so bad in the halls of b congress obviously because the moment aec guy steps in and says anythingeps they will gang up n you. what did you sayill , don't youl me to calm down. if you will want somebody to get really upset to you calm down and for aoc how dare you. this is from a check will not
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think twice to call you a genocide her. i don't like the lack of civility in this stuff normallyr but the reason why the gloves are off now is because 1 side p has decided that politics is now personal if you support israel you like genocide and if you support trump you are a nazi if you're sceptical of lockdownsu you haveha blood on your hands d if you're skip the coal of obvious climate hokum you want to kill the planet. you've morally condemned people and i've heard this when you make fun of stelter's way or thl views look on the ladder of the fence physical attack doesn't come close to calling somebody a racist real white nationalist when they go after your moral character the gloves are off.f make funth of the false eyelashs call someone fat it's nothing like calling someone a nazi so have at it.
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she should be ridiculed because the things she says people about who they are it's a smear. harold? >> maybe i will go to harold. harold you were in congress did you ever see anything like this saudi reacted this? >> good to be back coming back to the story as it goes to show the points that greg made ittion just so far the reputation and approval of how it has fallen in the united states congress regardless of them all being the same and they hurl personal insults and i didn't quite see anything like this in congress here greg saying there's noth doubt some of these people are hypocrites everybody is watching thisyone is where the model of e
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world the city on the hill in congress is a big part of this hearing across the world democrat or republican we should all be embarrassed by this. you don't need to wander too far when looking at this way sony congress and people are retiring with the seriousness of theea place taking a knockni.n, >> is aa woman when aoc comes t and says oh baby girl don't even , play she's acting like a tougt >> it's like meaa:n girls take e hill like a movie coming out this august wait until you see it. thing happening is the democrato are trying to filibuster because they don't want to answer the question as to why biden is t trying to hide the audio tape being released because the transcripts are already public that so we know he said he's an elderly man with a poor memory when trouble answering theth questions we have the transcripu the question is the audio.on how bad must the audio be thatth
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they are so desperate and i have it out there as a mother who ist in office as they're taking a point as the democrats aree. saying they don't want to release because they are afraid as that's politics that's whatli it is when the general counsel as they trade as the democratsoi prayed fell it's kind the samet thing as this grant transcriptsl is already a the question is are you willing to release the audio as they're making more of itt than what needs to be as it was
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3 and a half months ago the request came in february 5thhalf as they use exec it a privilegec >> mike congressional sourcese not talking about chad therelida when they went to show solidarity with trump in newhear york it pushed the entire hearing back to 8:00 so everybody was hungry and angry and they don't like to push then schedule backs when they got in there was anti- trump talk for the democrats they told him to geveryt green under control i dd know if you're supposed to telln people to get a 1 woman under control that got under everybody's skin and that's when
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dilation came out and was a bad butch body and bleach blonde here i can tear and then he wen. until midnight. that's how bad it wentthat and i they are trying to do they don't believe this wasn't doctor i dow note wasn't redacted and whatha they aret doing is called inherent contempt as you know they are not going to do that. inherent contempt has been used for hundreds of years giving authority to speaker johnson to tell the sergeant of arms to
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arrest the attorney general.part >> the amazing part is marjorie taylor green apparently goes after goldmamarjn and since he s advising 1 rochon judge in thend donald trump case employing the daughter. he did so we have even more connections with the trail for the democrats from jail to the first see. the world's number 1 golfes.r scotty scheffler is reacting foe the first time 3 got arrested before this start of a huge tournament
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>> like tom bradtoy gettingarre arrested before the super bowlo. world's number 1 golfer scotty scheffler detained a felony assault with on a police officer on his way to the pga itam shows him being led away ii handcuffs afteldr a wild seriesf events.y police sayre he allegedly refusd to stop his car to barricade the road was shut down after the deadly bus exit killed a vendori working the evenngt a police officer and a yellow jacket pproapproached the car told himf stop he continued to drive his vehicle at which point thecer officer attached himself to the car ripping the door open aga pushing him up against the vehicle placing them in handcuffs attempting to get the attention of the officer in the
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vehicle and told him he didn't know he was a police officer. >> cops say the detective involved was hospitalized after been dragged from his vehicle for a short distance the 27-year-old pro- was booked in process before 9:00 this morning he made it back to the golfgolf course in time rolling a birdie facing several charges including second degrefee felony assault f a police officer and reckless driving all of it being a big misunderstanding a big misunderstanding for like my head is still spinning began to claim it happened this morning.t i spent time stretching in a jail so that was a first for mer never imagine going to jail or going to jail the morning before a teatime for sure. >> judgement this broke during america's newsroom or right before it was what happened wewe got more information g by theby
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evening it felt like we knew aan lot more maybe it was a misunderstanding how do you think it turns out tuesday when he goes to court no question he will be worked out a lot of interesting things here policere are super hyped right now because there's been a fatality and what they have to do is theo have to preserve a crime scene get people around the crime scene make sure nobody disrupts the integrity of it people get to where they are going other people are hyped up because theg want to get into the tournament at the same time he is in a vehicle that's marked in the police officer whether he heardn him or't didn't hear him that'sa question of fact the policehi officer grabbed onto his vehicl he didn't catch the cop and drag the cop of the police officeren tried to stop the car and grabbb on to the car. the then when it stops 10 years lateyardr tries to get them outd
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heou opens the door himself doorvoluntarily she can tell frm the facts here it is not cleargn what's going on but i have to tell you i am so impressed with the guy he has a focus after he is been fingerprinted and mugged affect talent he with the tournament and doing histc stretches in thehe cell and then goes out and birdies first will talk about focus unbelievable buddies facing a felony if they want to play hardball they can bunch of misdemeanours that hehe not obey the directions of the traffic coughs kudos for thein police arrest is apparently injured the question is when you grab into the car you can stop. >> by all accounts he's a gentleman great reputation byal all l accounts but then you hava situation potentially where this is not the day he planned to have. >> agree if the judg.e clearly
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massive misunderstandinga on a bunch people's park first first the prayert s go out to the famh and i can't imagine have neverhs met this young man i have met his father can't imagine themin intentionally doing anything like thilikes so i both hope thy handle the matter quickly and the charges are dropped in the interest of fairness. i >> i see it differently tryinggt to put trend to be interested here's the deal it's ironic it's a gopher not the ball the ends up in the whole event fromme h teatime to hard time coming up here's my first 1 and this sounds like a chaotic scene in the early hours of the morning dirk you see the lights flashing cop probably wasn't aware whatri kind of car he was driving this is why don't golf don't do list work that has you up that early in the i getting up when it's not light
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out nobody wants that as as a lifestyle it's way too stressful u are to wake you probably haven't done all your stuff yet i don't understand how you doand that i don't know anything abouh golf by a know it doesn't make you about the law harold you know that i know what you're thinking he's a nice guy but you know what there's a lot of nice guys to get falsely imprisoned to that's way of a police escorn and by the way how hard is golf really you get arrested and youd doo okay just shows you that gf is easy to do if i got arrested before the show this show would go down in flames because i am such an integral member it would affect my y performance this iss hard wor ik that is not 1 great thing about him number 1 rankede golfer's not once did he say toi
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the offer sir do you know who io am which is something jesse says even to telemarketers jesse for> like your name is invoked i asked this why don't they have a driver saving a tiger woods remember he didn't have a driver in the their cars are marked k they noticnoe guys in the championship's another best free golfers in the world of mugshots tiger woods scheffler and trump would go get an ic is he goes in or under thursday shoots a 5in under only 2 back of the lead ai the championship as ice in his veins with the judge you are aes wired because the crime scene you have to preserve but this guy has to get to the tournament it's dark it's like kill melm going toea work every morning.
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if you get stop these flooring.g >> he was willing to withdrawas from thete masters because his wife was about to give birth he's a decent guy. >> that's what i don't like about them lists. if i'm leaving on sunday my wif conceives the baby i will leave where i am he was saying that ih think they had a they have this c-section schedule. coming up the liberal media attacking star kicker after his faith-based commencement speech went viral. r his big commencement speech goes viral. ♪ ♪ the earnhardt family has always trusted bass pro shops for all of their outdoor needs, and i continue to be a proud customer. i grew up shopping here, and now i love bringing my family here to gear up for all of our adventures together. and now, bass pro shops club members enjoy special savings and earn points toward free gear,
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which is rewarding when buying what you need for your next adventure. spending time outdoors with the ones you love, sharing memories and making new ones... that's an earnhardt family tradition that i'm proud to carry on. ( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it.
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the liberal media attacking kicker harrison but kerr after
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the super bowl champ for the chiefs gave a faith-based commencement address at a private catholic college in kansas. >> some of you might go on to lead to sex -- successful careers in the world but the majority of your probably most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring to this world i'm on stage able to be the man i am because i have a wife leans into her vocation but it cannot be overstated all of my success is made possible because a girl i met in middle school we convert to the faith and become my wife embraced 1 of the most intimate important titles of all homemaker. >> his defensive face set off a media firestorm even his own league is involved the nfl distanced themselves from the star kicker with its diversity and inclusion chief officers saying he was speaking in his personal capacity.
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headlines tries to him as a jerk bigot racist sexist and homophobic. >> who is he to tell people. >> don't speak for us that's the thing stop speaking for women out there. >> some but he gets up says that thing to something like yourself your daughter it's outrageous. >> i think he has mother issues. >> probably left alone busy with his career angry. >> unbelievable what he was saying in this be saying women might be off 2024 it's a bad thing to say. >> the outrage made a starboard braid or sails of his jersey skyrocketing these findings support in unusual places with the goldberg came to his defence and seized police he's welcome to atlanta believe in i don't have to accept them judged any what's so controversial about
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saying women have a great career with you know what you're probably also looking forward to having kids to the amazing part of this speech is in a private catholic college right he's espousing his belief in the catholic faith of christianity talking about women in his own wife in particular in his own drawing a conclusion from that it's amazing in this country people are willing to trash and for his bullies even the nfl coming out saying he doesn't speak for the nfl well when calling copper nick was trashing cops is big and protecting the note fell there's the -- to suspect and the flaky than if elden come out and see anything about that and never said we're sorry we have 117 nfl players the been arrested for domestic violence 7 and dated for homicide charges not counting
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drugging and burglary and drug possession they want take him down because he said something innocuous if you don't like it don't listen to it. 's jerseys are really going up in terms of sales i'm going to buy a jersey you know why for savoy like the chiefs but second of oh i believe the man has a right to say whatever it is he wants to say and yet people go out there and they just but espouse things like killing jews and exterminating them and eliminating israel and they are the ones so much about that they talk about traditional catholic values and stuff the left wants to take him down as the catholic church is been under attack for 2000 years and it will never go away. >> why do you think the outrage over something so benign. >> partly a social media and also because hot takes her popular everybody gets a choice
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on how to react everything a lot of people shoos not to listen not to read the room jerseys are also doubt in other women's sizes and so the nfl makes money on that. i can't believe the nfl wait instead of saying there's no comment because that would've left it at that. choosing to be offended is a choice the left loves choice unless you decide to be a stay-at-home mom if that's your choice then you are trader. shall we revisit women's sports trans men and women sports you want have that conversation again you want to get outraged about that grant whippy is true to her beliefs reminded me a little bit when nbc marked in law stepped because rhonda mcdaniel might go on the network and everybody said the same thing not a soul said i don't
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think this is a bad idea would be goldberg was a least willing to do that is on most like they just heard him say women should stay home pregnant in the kitchen. >> and it doesn't matter what they heard because it wasn't for them they are intruding on that moment by choice. you select the times you want to manufacture the outrage that's why they are a bunch of phony jerks whippy was read the rest of their bag [ bleep ] that entire clip is just a bunch of hassles every single 1 of them he didn't export his religion or his politics to the playing field he didn't neo he didn't wear any villemure swagger anti- police stanton territorial health authority was making a pro- catholic speech at a pro- catholic university if you are
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upset about that and you're in there and it wasn't for you your big loser you are so pathetic you have to actually seek this out because the story was in for you you're actually building up this outrage because you have nothing going on in your life god for bid you listen to his message you might find out none of these people a bit fewer upset over the chiefs drafting a man who choked his pregnant girlfriend i bet that didn't. that wasn't on their timeline right. but here they are my god. so many things are out there that could upset you if you choose but you are choosing it they have to ass what does their office do their she look of the team and go we need a black
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quarterback white linebacker what you actually do i thought the nfl is based on whose the best athlete it's about competence and meritocracy harold ford junior. >> to share her view about this think everybody is that right everybody is a right to say what they want where you agree of him or not is different thing the most important thing is that women of options they can stay home do both i have a wife who does both and i'm thankful for that somebody thanked his wife and i think they should watch the entire speech and understand the reason we are proud to be americans we can all be a proud in our own right. >> you go outside don't watch the speech just go outside do sign effectual people. >> i don't disagree but if you
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haven't of you have an opinion at least watch it. >> and get off your asses. >> i could just tell right they have no concept of how to prioritize things in their life when they're just like how dare he say why don't you just do sign. >> or it's like you should be raised outraged about this thing got it we don't do that here never listen to producers at all the fastest as of next like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal,
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contact was school -- cool surfaces. what would you think? >> happens to all the time coming into contact with harold's cool surfaces and there's a mist of that rises from harold ford. they complain about this considering all the things thatd can happen to you on a flight these days. things falling off on.this this should be mandatory thisiss seems like something rejuvenating and in 6 monthsor airlines would be charging you for the >> harold ford gives everyone the vapours. where's my fainting couch. >> it's happened the little bito on flightsuc before it seemsth excessive i've never seen at this bad i wouldn't panic but the cold is not fun.ol brown time youd: fly like this n
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get that ice thing there. >> when i get a facial home they do a missed opening up the pores a question for all of thea around the table when they give you the hot towels before the meal do you ever. i've seen them take it and wipe> it all over your face. you do that? do you do that?a: he doesn't i. >> i don't because i have makeum on. because men do it apparently. >> why is that unusual. >> it's a hand towel. >> try it you will like it. >> unless were sharing the same 1. tourist class.
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>> i think they should add fragrance to it. >> up next our tacos considered sandwiches a superior courtor judge in indiana think so ruling taco and burritos are mexican-style sandwiches. judge. >> if taco is a mexican-style sandwich which i have no problee with than a hot dog is anan american-style sandwich. >> sure we put that around there. >> to mexican cable tv show hosts do segments are sandwiches considered burritos i don't know or in empanada is that argentinian style sandwich it is a 6-year-old japanese sandwich.>
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>> they say taco gs are sandwics s tacos or people here's the deal sandwiches require bread that's all we ask if there's no bread or no sandwich you can't do it inich. reverse you can't say a sandwiches a taco don't try to appropriate from us.d on if i can wear some br'er on may 50 can call the sandwichrt will you guessing on the beach that the tell in a study shows they are more liquid use the magic word when they expect to be told no do you agree with that.wh as the letter after e is this
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study it's about manners. c >> if jessie wants a cookieme essay no. say please know people say that a lot to a bet.h that reminds mare i have to poke those holes in the box. those ho. >> harold: "fan mail friday" is up next. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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homequote explorer lets you easily compare coverage options so you don't end up overpaying. good, because we've spent a lot on this kitchen. oh, yeah, really high end stuff. sorry, that's our ghost. he's more annoying than anything. oh, a decal that says "kitchen." good, i forgot where i was for a second.
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♪ ♪ [ ♪♪ ] fan male friday let's go.iday if you could delete 1 song from history never ever to be played , again let's go do you first ae you seem to have pretty goodusic tasting music as you're so happt i don't love music as i don't know a lot.
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as that 1 by maroon 5 with a secret girly voice. >> i hate the music in the game e mushows., it as we were waiting. >> that doesn't count judge has to be a song bohemian rhapsody." >> a great sonbog that has been done to thgre. wan >> i don't want to watch the movie was the song and bar mitzvahs weddings where theyhe make you deb st the electric sle get it out of there the mosts th played songs.
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you want to edit the question there. >> typical democrat. >> change the meetinthg speakinj game shows another question ifsh you are on a game show and you need to phone a friend to help answer a difficult question would you call mina be person you think is the j >> as a friend named karen nameu is mahoney i would call him. smart and everything at google right now. i jessie going with peter zion the question could be somethingh like whether indonesia's top 3 exports he knows it.>> it definitely slipped. dana?. peter 100%.
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>> you know what i'm going with going to go with kennedy you. know why, cross-section of e random stuff they mentioned a ban.blah >> allman brothers. ram wingmen.rom has what's the most inchinge thing yomou know about your fam history is jessie. >> 1 of my ancestors ran for president in the 18 hundreds didn't get that far though. >> moonshiners during prohibition who cares who lived
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in the hills. >> the things over came to raise 12 kids and send them to college very good.nine >> what about my family my family history 1 more thing is next. one "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ ( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new
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it's jamie lewis, our dagen mcdowell kat timpf tires. it's awesome. oh, my favorite subject. here we go. >> great animal. new. oh, all right. come and join me into the water house. >> okay. oh, yeah. it's a family of asian, small, clogged arteries in for a day of water. >> fun. melbourne zoo. >> just splash it all over me. not in the eyes i brought out that. give me those. give me those. >> the waves splashing against my skin as i twirl and surf against the cold yet warm breathe. >> oh, oh, oh, oh. okay. hot in here. >> yeah, i one of those now. all right, jeremy, today is national pizza day. and what better way to celebrate than with a party
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around the table to start the weekend? everyone's favorite pizza minus pepperoni or pepperoni? >> pepperoni. i do love pepperoni, but i got a vegetarian just to be inclusive. greg, i got pepperoni, but i like bacon. okay. all right. and now he's ever been charged with a crime, but we now have a horrific assault on tape. he did. don't forget fox nation has it. what did did he do or did he do all right? >> and i'm on "hannity" tonight, jesse, we had a great morning. >> and hudson farms a shoot to raise money for the special forces charitable trust, a great organization that provides health care and all sorts of resources for green berets and their families. each green beret was placed in one of the groups. we had an absolute blast. i love it. if you want to go and donate special forces charitable trust ,do that right now. >> tonight, jesse watters, primetime video, as mentioned by judge jeanine denise, 8:00.
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>> all right, harold. two things. first, a 90 year old sprinter named emma maria masinga from italy just broke the record for two hundred meter dash for a 90 year old. she ran in 51.4 seconds. this incredible lady holds five nine european records in 28 best italian performance records in five other world titles. you go, girl. but today is my best buddies birthday, my son. >> happy, happy birthday, brother. see you later. happy birthday, gracie. >>, dana. okay, so canine companions, which is a really great organization, they're having a name, a dana pup contest, because dana is the yellow lab you see there. she had six puppies. they're all girls. >> they're having a naming contest. every one of them has to start with a and you can go to canine dawgs. dana pup and find out who is going to win or that's given them. have a great night, everyone. welcome to jesse watters.
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primetime tonigh.


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