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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 17, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> all right, harold. two things. first, a 90 year old sprinter named emma maria masinga from italy just broke the record for two hundred meter dash for a 90 year old. she ran in 51.4 seconds. this incredible lady holds five nine european records in 28 best italian performance records in five other world titles. you go, girl. but today is my best buddies birthday, my son. >> happy, happy birthday, brother. see you later. happy birthday, gracie. >>, dana. okay, so canine companions, which is a really great organization, they're having a name, a dana pup contest, because dana is the yellow lab you see there. she had six puppies. they're all girls. >> they're having a naming contest. every one of them has to start with a and you can go to canine dawgs. dana pup and find out who is going to win or that's given them. have a great night, everyone. welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonigh.t.
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>> i think your fake eyelashes are messing up another. oh, no. oh, girl, baby girl, don't eve.n play p as if i could carry it back home if i don't have a chairman of congress. >> worse than jerry springer. the video captured on multiple cameras shows combs assaulting his then girlfriend, cassie i ventura, in a hallway in a los angeles hotel. >> diddyy at a beating up women. >> it was a chaotic situation and a big, big misunderstanding. i did spend some time a stretching in a jail cell. >> that was a first for me. from green jacket to orange jumpsuit. golf's biggest star undetor arrest. >> he's going to jail. and it ain't nothing you can d go about. [ . as lonh, you got to bail
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>> as long as america's been a country, politicians have been fighting america. figg in 1798, the house of representatives held a hearing to impeach tennessee senator william blunt. the crime treason. when proceedings started to gete test proy, federalist rogerllowc griswald called his fellowonoun. congressman matthew lion a scoundrel. today's equivalent of the f word lie in hock to loogie right in his face. g with >> griswold came back swinging with a wooden walkin walkingg sk while lion fended him off with tongs hot fromce the fireplace. >> 50 years later, a squabbleslr over slavery on the senate floor led to abolitionist charles sumnery e to being caned by pro-slavery representative preston brooks. congress used to be the house of scuffles, but in 1967, the house decided to clean up its act, writing a code c of conduct for congress, its tenants professionalism, ethics and model behavior.ght no
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how's that going right noww?? >> give you your time. >>p the clock. all >> you are continued. you look like a smurf. here- yo. we can be two consenting adults. we can finish it here. okay, that's fine. perfech it that's t. you wanted it now. i'd love to do it right now. well, stay your up, then. you stan d your bottom big.wn >> oh, stop it. so you solution every problem. o no, no. sit down. sit down. okay. do you know you're a united states sat? well, let the record show that mr. haskins could not answer the questionr. e shohe cou. >> who r first of all, save the money. let me start with this.t name my last name is raskin. okay. we've sat next to each other is ro r more than a year. >> you don't have to add the ask. >> jes >> and things went completely off the rails last night during cot hearing,oigh the committee was debating whether to hold ag merrick garland in contempt for ove refusing to turn over tapes of biden's interview with special counsel robert hur. >> the hearing was supposed to start. at 11, but a group of republicans flew to new york thty to supporflew tt trump in .
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the hearing ended up happening at eight. sources tell primetime the democrats were bent out shae of shape for getting their schedules pushed back and were edules a little hangry. we all know how we get when we haven't eaten. that's ven't ea when it turned into the real housewives of capitol hill. democratal housewives of jazmint and republican marjorie taylor greene went wild.o you kn >> do you know what we're here for? you knowe here we're here. >> i want you know what you're here for. , you don't want to talk about. >> i think your fake eyelashes are messing up. ain't nothing out of this order, mr. chairman. >> i do have a point of order, t and i would like to move to to take down ms.. downs marine. s abso that is absolutely unacceptable. how dareeptable, you suspend met of another person? >> are your feelingsherance of s down? oh, oh, oh, girl, baby, girl. >> oh, really? don't even play, baby girl.
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>> i don't. we are going to.. it's against decorum to insultms another member's physical appearance. parancebut it didn't stop ther. >> i'm just curious, justuling, to better understand your ruling. >> if someone on this committee, the is commin starts talking about somebodies bleached blond batd bill butch body that would not be engaging in personalities. >> correctnot be engag? st oh, what now, chairman? >> i make i make a motionsh to strike those words. i don't know. i'm trying to geoutingt clarification. forget. calm down. calm now. no, no, no. >>. use thisclarif what do proceed. i'm sorry. >> c here, recognize are you, with your yelling? >> oh, right on down. no, pleasecalm d calm down. me to calm down because y'all talk on down. and ther of coe you arnte out of control by telling me if i have a term. then democrat jamie raskin accused other members on the committee of drinking. our source says there was a solo cup say but couldn't conm
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what was in it. things are so bawas in id. an john fetterman, of all people, says he's embarrassed writine st in the past, i've described the u.s. house as the jerry springerbed the show. today, i'm apologizing to the jerry springering to show, but e squad has no regrets. aoc writes back to fetterman, quote, i understand you likely would yod have not stood up forl your colleague and seemed to be confused about racism and misogyny being a both sides issu beinge. ead of but i stand up to bullie bs instead of becoming one. binder says president biden's disappointed in congress and expects them to show a little more dignity. >> this is something the president would agree upon, which is, you knowident wo, yous someone who was a senator for 36 years, he believes that people should respect each other, treat each othereach with dignity and civility. h you have to treat people with dignity. you have to pay people respect v . it is important.
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it doesn't matter which side of the aisle you sit on. beca o uit is important to do that because you are there to work on behalf of the american peoplore. >> jes >> we all want decorum. but biden calls republican as, says they want to put blacks back in chains. in his son's a train wreckn hi and there's drugs in his whitebg house. even biden's dogs are biting everybody inside and he won't ever. pologize >> there's no manners in washington. the democrats are putting republicans in prison and they're upset about an eyelasanh >> how many trump associates feve had their doors kicked down by feds and raided? did the feds politely knockknoc on the door before ransacking mar-a-lago and rifling through melania's underwear drawer? >> what are we talking about? dignity and civility. biden called ity and texans neanderthals. democrats are lettin g men strip and naked in women's locker rooms. >> how is that dignifying? >> their whole campaign is that trump literally murder you ifr o he's reelected?
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>> mass murder. maxine waters, no relation, said get in their face. the view even agrees with eric t holder. when they go low, you kick them . >> marjorie taylor greene, who is just unfit for office. she's unfit. she lacks the decorum. >> that is, if one if one goes scorched earth to the floo r and the other meets them there. our politics is just going to. i think, you kno >> gchw, there's a you could see it going high doesn't work anymore ifworg you go low, that's i'm going to go to the earth's crust. but i'm going i'm going to getr. a small i get it. i'm going to new york. >> i got to go low. let's say republicansied an are always so dignified in civil war, aren't they? where' s that gotten them?should should they take a page from the democrats act holier thann thou, and then get their hands dirty in the dark? >> looks like they are. sources tell primetime that republicans will be voting on holding merrick garland in contempt of congress for
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withholding biden's dementia tapes. how dodementia tapes they know h just doctor the transcripts? they need to be sureanscript. >> and as a co-equal branch of government, they have every gove access them. biden was forgetting when he was vice president. i how do we know it wasn't any worse? the white house doctors transcripts all the time. this isn't regular contempt. >> it's inherent contempt because they know the justice department won't lock upnot garland. inherent contempt hasn'tlock u s used in over 100 years. >> they would authorize mike johnson, house speaker,kert to order the sergeant of arms to arreset merrick garland. >> i f they're going to lock upe go republicans, maybein they neede. a taste of their own medicine. >> let's bring in fox news contributor charlie hurt. charlie, aren't you just sosaddn saddened by the eyelash comments? i mean, it's not like anybody's
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arresting the republican nominee for president or anythingpublican. >> yes, i'm strongly in favor of striking those words as if that makes any difference whatsoeverse wordss if. but i love that aoc is is that's her call to arms is to strike the words. you know, winston churchill famouslywords.mously s said that argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with an average voter, which i've always thought was kind of harsh becausevoter i havelt s like my the highest i feel the about democracy is when i talkse to average voters. for us in america today, the bestoday argument against democracy is listening to an actual house hearing on intive the house of representatives. ta be fair, though, marjorie taylor greene and you have alluded to all of this. quesorie taylor greene askeddedo a very good question. she started this with a very good question, askinshe stargoor or not and the whole thing is about whether or not to holgr merrick garland in contempt of court for contempt of congress, for usingstice de
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the justice department to jail his his enemy, which is obviously patently true. and whathis she asked was, is t democrat on the committee currently employing the daughter of the judge who'ss running this circus to jail trump in new york. that's to jail a very good ques. and i think it's so interestingg that that's the question that caused all of these people to lose their minds. t and we never got the answer to the question. we should go one by one, forcey, whery single one of them to answer that question. what are they hiding? it sound they his like maybe i , just as a reporter, i lookk ma at this and i'm like, okay, maybe somebody is that maybe there are a whole lot maybe this lady is on a whole lot more people's payroll than tha they want us to know se >> so she might have been over m the target. you're sayin have beg, because n hearing goldman representative goldman, democrat in new york, might
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be involved in the judge on ori. the daughter situation. maybe there are other people on the committee. >> is that what you're alluding to? yeah. and what and democrats are always very good because they have the mediways v a to work with them. they're always very good at distracting, playing distractio n games.e th and to me, this whole thing was a giant distraction. and of cours ant diste, your central m point is the most important point of what you just said isos ing, and is the most important thing. now that is we are now in ta system where you have the executive branch trying to put their political enemies in jail. in fact, they are putting their politica.y arl enemies in jail. we've never seen anything like thisr . and so the idea that that congress, republicans licansin congress would use thes authority, there's a jail cell authin the house of representatives, in the basement of the menthouse of representatives. ll the idea that republicans would use that jail cell to put merrick garland or anybody else who's in contempt of congress
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is you know, it's at this point, it's fair game. i don't want to see us godirect in that direction, but i don't want to see us in the direction we're in nowioi don', where youe the department of justice af and beingorrupted used to go after the political enemies of the of the people that are in the white house. this is terrifying the whi becae it's not the way you run a democracy, incarcerate ed steve bannon for defying congress so you caevn have the attorney general of our congress still in jail right. and the justice department do nothing about that. song aboutha you empower the spp johnson, to ordeear the housee o sergeant of arms to go arrest the attorney general. whatou thinkf ms mike johnson hs what it takes to do that? >> well, the real problem is you've go t to get the merrick garland to actually come intt merro the capitol in r to get him. >> and my my thinking, that's how that works.: th that's going to happen. he's going to. yeah, exactly. he's going to avoihatworks?[ lay
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to the capitol at any cost. >> but this is why jesse, you know, we don't even want to play these games.mes. and the idea that the biden administration is doing somethinng that no previousus administration has ever done, which is to use the department of justice to jail their political enemies, it's nuto jails. >> and it never ends. right. we don't want to have to play these game>> jess, but they're p forcing the republicans hand. and that's the preciselythe most charlie hurt the most civilized and dignified guest we have on jesse watters. "jes violate. andr >> and i'm just so glad to heary you're not related to maxine. die. no relation. thanks, charli jesseelation.e. >> shocking video of did he just leaked. straight ahead, life with a-fibl can mean a lifetime of bloodowso thinners. and if you're troubled by falls and if you're troubled by falls and bleeds, worreople
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slash try and get two months free. >> fox news alert. cnn got hands on surveillance footage that shows diddy physically assaultincngot itg correspondent kevin corke has the details. >> kev. e seniand just sickening video. i'm sorry i have to show thiseo hak people willn n learn a lot about what's happening in this story, jesse. >> thits is from march 2016. m it's surveillance video obtained exclusively2016 by cnn and it shows sean diddy combs grabbing, shoving, dragging and kicking his then girlfriend, cassie ventura, ven during an altercation that frankly matches allegation tercatios in a now settled federal lawsuit filed back in november by miss ventura. the footage shows the music mogul holding a towel arounds t his waist as he runs down a hall after his then girlfriend. he theafter hiriend.n grabs here of the neck, throws her to the floock tr, still holding that towel. he then, with one hand, appears to turn around and kic towthk sl
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her while she's while she's still on the floor. and then he tries to draoog her down the hallway. barbaric. now, this incident occurred at the now closed intercontinental hotel an century city, los angelest, and it appears to mirror a civil complaint lodged app by ventura back in november, which stated in part, he followed her intohe the hallway of the hotel while yellg at her. he grabbed at her. he then took a glass vase or gla glass basis in the hallway ard threw the matter, causining glass to crash around them. as she ran to thhee elevator to set to escape. despicable. now, you'll probably recall, jes this as well. jesse did. he posted this on x in december, callinge,id h the allegations sickening. certainly the video appears to show he was about that. meanwhile, in a statement, miss ventura's attorney says the gut wrenching video has only further confirmedhe the disturbing and predatory behavior of mr. combs. di expressot the courage and fortitude that ms.. ventura has show
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in c coming forward to bring this to light. amen. didd b thiy for his part, remais under investigation in a wide innging probe that sources suggest involves possible drug and sex trafficking crimesp and perhaps even more. no comment from the mogu an by himself tonight. and i want to share this as well. hiis is within the past coupleoh of hours, jesse did his alleged drug mule, brandon paul, apparently will avoid jail time. he has a he has accepted a plea deal that according to people magazine, he had been chargedthd with felony cocaine possession just last montersession.h. m >> i don't mind saying i'm sure you feel the same. e samedisgusting.l that's all i can think of whenkf i see what happened in that videno. everyo everyone agrees with that, kev. thanks so much. nethat, th bet. >> let's turn it over now to yakubu, anti-human trafficking advocate and foundethe antin trafr of ya >> ministries. so why this surveillance tape coming out now
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? now >> jesse, you're going to see a lot of this coming out, like d the drug mules saying, i'll take a plea deal.l take i myself recently spoke to somec of diddy's associates and other businesses and they're willing to talk. ia sinessesthey do not want to be. implicated. thy twant to be craz on the right side of this thing. this video actually briefl righy surfaced in two 2016 when the case came up and it was quickly suppressed. i'm glad it's back. not surprise id that it's back. you're going to see a lot of footage and evidence comepeod to light because people don't want to go down with diddy. >> when you say people don't want to go dowse: whenn with di, we'd reported before about universal records, motown, records sponsoring some of these partie ms sponsos where ay of this debauchery and criminal activity was allegedly happening. are you saying that there is going to be pressure from many people in the music industry to make sure diddyat
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goes down so they don't? yeah, if i can flash back to harvey weinstein and the notion that thteine only casting couch that had controversy was harvey had n casting couch is is a joke. many in hollywood knew. many have done the same. and they offered harvey up.rveyu i'm telling you that i've hadp. personal conversation in the industryng you and they're very nervous. many were at the parties. many do not want to besubpoena subpoenaed, as they should be, and ask what did you see? did you see minors? did you not? dik. re willing to tal they're willing to offer things up. there's a buzz in the tht business at this was moment about who's going to get a callo, and none of them want,y to. oh, my god. so this might no god. thit be te only disgusting piece that we see about diddy. and remember, he still has not been charged by the feds. >> it's beenrged over a month se
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the raid. >> that is that is correct. and yes, yes., he there is a lot more. i mean, i have on first hand account. how dimorei have od he were try individuals to stay quiet by buy very, very expensive gifts and so remember, things rm happened in the recording studio and at these partie thin and what should happen here, as should have happened with the jeffrey situationve all involved. >> subpoena them. call them in front of counsel. examine them. exexamin you are exonerated, you're exonerated. but if you were theroneratede, o to make sure what you saw and what you didn't see. did you knowan ? tayed and you stayed silent. did he bribe you? was there extortion? and remember him kicking a girlfriend, which is despicablre for fraud and coercion? it goes with exploitation. it's par for the jesse, there's a lot of this stuff that'sere is going to com. >> all right. well, we'll keep everybody
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posted as it develops. much. yaku, thank you so much. thank you. >> a major update in the in paul case. next , awkward question. is there going to be anything left leftover? oh, absolutely. >> my kids don't know what they want. want. you know, who knows what she wants? i want a massage in amalfi from i want a massage in amalfi from someone namencial qud carlo. >> and i didn't live in that shoe box for years. shoe box for years. not justs i'll.. >> w8 e get all of our financial questions answered. so and ta you don't have to w. >> i guess i got the caviar. just give me johnny. 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboar d in real life conversations, empower. >> what's next? it is time for the question. count the number of noodles, both white and black. >> how many total noodles are there? oh, you want a 50% of americans who can answer this question correctly? let's look at the answer. stafford this summer, it's not
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>> african american people were good. i mean, honestly i like trump. u >> i like trump. i'.d probably be the only blacki person to admit it, but i won't trump back. >> i'm sorry i'm . >> black americans have kept coe democratic party competitive since the civil rights era. biden can't wie the n without t. >> look at this. number four, donald trump, 22%. where was donald trump at this point four years ago in the polls? he was juss?t at 9% of the vote. so he's seen more than tha a doubling in his support amongo african-americans. he goodness graciousrt among, is held through the general election, obviously we're still months awahey. this would be by far the beste performance for a republican candidatce be among black voters in a generation. two generations probably since. 1960. this could be a truly historic march. and it's quite e a troubling sign biden for the biden campaign. >> thicampais is line with our new fox poll. we have trumpoolp at 23% with bk voters. vo sees the same
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numbers. they've been putting him and kamala on black radio number and tv shows all week. today, biden went to an acp event and told the black crowd trump's killinpg i.edeces >> my predecessosor is extreme maga. friends are now going after diversity equitys and inclusion all across america. >> that's your pitch. >> you'll save d. a biden's also delivering the commencement at a black college thisls the weeken >> morehouse, atlanta. the students don't want him are there and they're ready to protest. today, the collegeo is presidentf said. if you heckle joe, nyoo one gets a diploma. >> what we won't allow is disruptive behaviorevents that prevents the ceremony t or services from proceeding in a manner that those in attendance can partake and enjoy.
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so, for example, prolonged shoun of the president as he is speaking, i will cease the ceremonies t on the spot if we were to reach that position. >> biden getting heckled at ankl all black college would be like trump getting heckled at awouldn alabama football game. >> it just shouldn't happen. otbut don't worry, joe's gots tricks up his sleeve. today. my administration took a major step to reclassify marijuana from a schedule one drug to a schedule three drug. >> biden's losing voters soe mae he makes cannabis legal. >> cannabis shouldn't be innabi the same drug classes. >> heroin. i get it. but he's doing it focl, i r alle wrong reasons. >> biden was anti marijuana legalization when he was campaigning in 2019, but mason founbud that he changed his mind in under a week. >> watch this. at the
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the truth of the matterre is there's not nearly been enough evidenc e that has been acquired as to whether or not it is a gateway drug. joe biden's doing everything u he can to remind us that he is a very old persoe n. t if joe biden says that if elected, he will not legalize marijuaname to federally because he thinks it might be a gatewa gatewy dru. that's correct. it is a gateway drug to no it a getting the democratic nomination for president. >> i think we should decriminalize marijuana,marijuan period. and i think everyone, anyone who has a recorderiod.k an shout out of jail. >> their records expunged. biden's got no convictions. w >> he just goes where the wind blows. he says whatever he thinkshed. will help him >> but voters see right through it. >> people come to our communities and pander for our voterities an ours, and we i never seen this person before, ever. we know his fateore, ever,. thas it is one to get their votes and that's it. they don't care about not knowy'
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. ift you really want the blacke vote, spend more time in the black communitmorey. >> with black people hearing about the problems. >> vivek ramaswamy is a former 2024 presidential candidate, vivek i will save the eye and iv will give you cannabis. is that going to work? t is o >> it's one hail mary after another. jesse first, he wasn't going to debate. now he's going to after he wanted an open border. now he favors closing the border. fiother.anrder of first it was he's against crime. he's for criminalizing marijuana. the decriminalize agairs was n, g it people aren't buying it. and here's why. trump is winning with black voters. .here'ss wig black voters want the same things that every voter wants, which is honestthmb remember, joe biden is the guyeu who had the gall to say why that ife,l you don't vote for me, you ain't black. well, you know what? people hav'te black peoplepeople and all voters alike a understap what four years under donald trump was like versu wasss unde four years under joe biden. they respect that honesty. and i think that's we're seeing w these unprecedented numbers from minority communities
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acrosse ar the board going forlp donald trump. and i think that could be a landslid thine ahead this year if we seize on it. >> yeah, they respect the honesty and they're just getting shellacked economically. donald, vivek just announcing right now he's going to hold on thursday evening a big eventa in the south bronx. what does that tell you?>> i >> it tells me that actually republicans are finally showing up in placest s met that we shd have been for a long time. the last time a republican for president went to the soutng tia bronx was actually ronald reagan in 1980. and that made a big difference then. i think we could have a 1980 c e 1984 style reagan outcome this year. and i think it's fantastic that president tthink is goingt south bronx, not putting on theatrics like joe biden to check tryinge boxes, but authentically actually speaking to voters. america first includes all americans. i'm talking tonight from chicagericans.o. during my own campaign, i visited the south side of chicago. e south sidejesse and there wer more voters there who agreed
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with me on topics ranging from cuttinwie g off foreign aid that doesn't advance u.s. interests in places like ukraine. terests all the way to sealing n southern border. so i think these historical line bors that the media has dr, that the democratic party has drawn, trying to pit nikins black against white or man against woman or against straight o o r even democrat against republican, those are false boundaries. whenpublican you have an americt movement now that's, i dare say, reuniting this country and that's what donald trump is going to deliver. onald tri it's invigorating to h you say that about the south side. >> maybe vivek about t, you cann trump in the boogie down next thursday, maybe a surprise guest. we got to do more of it. >> w mor. at weekend absolutely. i agree. get in there and fight for it. yeahe . >>fo fox news alert, david to py the man who broke into nancy pelosi's home and brutally, wa assaulted her husband. paul was sentenced to 30 years in prison. >> the 20 22 assault was all caught on camera where you can see paul in a robe
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trying to simmer down to pay up before the intruder just bludgeonedthe ma int him with a. >> hi, how are you doing? what's going on, man? it's good. hey, drop the hammer. nope. hey, hey, hey, hey. what is going on here? t getting an answer from the. >> the tape was convicted of attempted kidnappingn s of a federalr officer or employee and so on. an immediateloyee member of a federal official today sentenceo reflects david the pop's lack of remorse and contritiorsn for violently assaulting mr. pelosi . the court's sentence will ensure that the pup will not be able to useol violence to pollute the political procesenceo s. the world's number one golfer arrested this morning. new detail s right back.
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>> the gentleman's game has had' its history of bad boy itss sex scandals, gambling, cocaine. this weekend it's the pgbadachai championship. and up until this morning, the most excitinonnd up unmorni john daley ripping two packs of six fors snickers and two aro cokes during a round at valhalla. >> that was untid of al the worh number one golfer got behind the wheel and ended up in handcuffsup. the it wasn't even the crack of dawn when a bus struck and killed a pedestrian right outside of the course with traffic backeutsided up.e scottie scheffler driving himself in a player's only carli ,was headed in early to playe the second round. he triedsend round to drive arod the scene. police ordered him to stop. therolice ore was some confusiog and scotty hit the gas. an espn reporteras caught the whole scene. >> watch a police officer in a a yellow jacket like those ones you're seeing there approachwstp schaeffer's car. told him to stop. scheffler continue to drive his vehicle, at which point the officer attached himselft wc
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to schaeffer's car. the officer then rippedim the door open, pulled scheffler out by the arm, pushede ar him p against the vehicle, placed him in handcuffs. >> jes >> the world's top golfer was then dragged away in cuffs. guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, you step back. i'm not. i'm not. i'm bad. you bet. i go there. >> the biggest name in golf a cing four charges, felony, second degree assault on a police officer and third degrepe criminal mischief, reckless driving and disregarding polials from officerl misc,s. police in louisville wasting no time releasing the mug shot either n after being booked.e wo the world's number one put outs a statement calling it a misunderstanding. >> quote, i never intended to disregard any of the instructions. >> i'm hopeful to put thisructiy to the side and focus on golf today. >> and after ripping offjumpsu
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orange jumpsuit, scheffler made it back to the course and birdieit bhed the first holt getting ahead of himself. and so i. i i think he's right. i think he might play some really great golf todaye, >>tting lost in that after a morning probably unlike anything he's ever had in his entire life. d in hiss his round with ad of birdie four after getting arrested in the morning. scottie was five under for the round and nine under for t the tournament. he just won the masters. the second time is going into the weekend. intwo shots off the lead in the pga championship. e 100th g felony. re h here he is after the round. n wt >> i can't really explain what happened this morning. i did spend some time stretching in a jail cell. >> that was a first for me. ai ayou know, i was part of my i up. i was just sitting there waiting and, you know, throg through my warm ii
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up. >> i felt like there was a chance i might be able to still come out here and play. and so i started going through my routine. >> i tried to get my heart rate down as much as i could today, w re and p i starto get mlike i but like i said, you know, i still feel like my headtill spinning a little bi t. >> the arrests divided the country was the cue png ont grabbing on to the car? or is this juso t a guy trying to get to work? >> let's talk to mark lee, former pro golfer. mark, where do you come down on this one? how you know something? this guy, scotty scheffler, is probably the most saintly guscottie y is out on the pga ta except for zach johnson these days. i mean, he credits his great play to god. i mean, this guy is he just had the birth of his first child last week. he's oh of hisn top of the golfg world. he is not the guy that you is woulnod picture doing this kind of thing. there had to be some sort of a misunderstandinge some. hos i think it's a huge, huge job for this guy. you know, lookrthis guy, he's bn on top of the game for 50,e 60 weeks. he's the number one player.
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nuhe hash on his enoug mind. and, you know, i've played in a lot of golf tournaments in my ha lot, 28 majors and another 50 regular tour events. nothing like this has ever li, but i thinke everything was kind of ramped up, jesse, when there was a death less than an hour ahead of that on the same road. so i think everyone just kind of went from defcon three toandh defcon two. and the the police forcelice fo i believe, overzealous, because scottie scheffler is notlieve, o the guy that should have been involved in this kind of scufflen this. >> all right. they were probably worked up over the fatality, maybe trying to protect the crime scene. >> just didn't realize it wasotty i scottie in the vehicle, maybe got their signals crossed. welln ybe go, i think everybodyg to be following him this weekend and dialed b in to the pga championship. >> yeah, this maybe it'll be ae good one. imagine him. yeah--, i can't imagine him being able to play today and, in fact, turn in in one ofe.
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the better rounds out there. he had to be jushe had tt electd over this whole situation. mark, he was just stretching in the cell. >> that's why he played so well. time plat to stay limber at all times. >> yeah, that's right. all righs.t. as we watch it today and at the bottom, the next. have that's right. all right. have a good one. thanks, markd on thankark.. >> sink or swim tonight, abby hornacek taking on brian brennan. berg. she promises taking brian she'a to cheat this time. >> he was already looking through the paddles. i don't want to hear it. all righy lookrough the paddlett clean. >> you two cruising. here we go. categories. feelin. eling the love. which liberal actress told cohim l cohen, i love you to him before he started testifying this week. was it rosiebee starteying o'dor kathy griffin? >> i don't think kathy griffin loveiffin?s anyone. so i'm going to go with rosie. going with rosie is this rosie is herr glasse are her glasses n in this picture? >> is that what you do to her, o
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jesse? i didn't lay a hand on rosie when she got hit with the brckleballsie!itckleball from t. >> breathe, relax, tell the trut, h. >> you've got this. i love you. you're doing great. rosiing greae o'donnell, it's le know we're not to be confused with dana perino. >> not after. all right. category six burn, which-night late night host made fun of cnn's horrible ratings this weekun, saying that since bidens demanded no audience for the debateaudience, that kind i of explains why it's on cnn. was it jimmy fallon or jon's. stewart? jesse: 'm going to say we don't. >> oh. i i'm going to get to this whole thing. are yonsare you u allowed to inn >> i want to get some stuff recently. ask your competitor to answerr her. this is my strategy. let me pursue my strateg y. >> one of biden's debate conditions was not having an audience. so f the de that explains why it'ss cnn. >> day i meant to say jon stewart. >> so i might just have tot rethintok your strategy.your yeah, well, you need str
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a strategy. strategy. some peoplyou need aetter ste g, but you have a different strategy. >> nycifferent strateg mayor ers illegal immigrants should illes because they're good swimmers. >> when reached for comment, which famousen reach wondered wn you drown, will you have to scream in spanish? >> was it greg abbott or greg gutfeld that were taking. >> all right. okay. when you drag, you have to scream help in spanis! h. . i got a little help there. all right. e stilyou're still down one. don't get too excited. the final question. a >> oh, no.y president trump grew a very large crowd in the new jerseynd. shore over the weekend. eric trump said it was large trr than this famous musician, larger than bruce springsteen or, larger than taylor swift. >> there's no way there. extra points in this question, c so i can come back. yes, we're going to make thiomcs worth extra so you can keep up.h >> she's upset that i'm
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e's up changchanging the rules. >> all right. so it's called sinkers. ? at are you doing only you know what? a we're not there to do that because we're notre not gog to do that. so i got it wrong. you're only down one. i was like, we only do onl that. >> you're down two. so what are you choosing, bruce? >> were yo a tire. >> okay, i'm gonna go. bruce, when you see wildwood on saturday, where he ha s a hundred thousand people show up. 100,000 people? i mean, bruce springstee, n. can't. t you need to use your older strategy? >> well, you're right. you need it. oh, you forgot about my strategy. >> all right, redbirds card in here. so here we go. an extrat th. >> you get that? i get it. no, she gets it. >> well, you make it look like you're one time winner of the hat. i know. no and yow you're still a one time winner. >> congratulations, rutenberg better luck next time. ron tr barron, trump and the future. right backumfuture.
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folks active military and veterans. >> this memorial day site of get your first year free today, trump had no trial to attend. instead, he got to see his son tr att graduate high school. donald and melania sat in the bleachers with joy and pride as barron walked on stage, his receive his diploma. so from primetime to barron, t trump, congratulations on graduation. we're barron has keen political instincts, like we hd. also a wicked sense of humor. you never knowas a w what could happen. >> this morning, a great patriotic group of us were at hudson farms and just sporting clays, raising money for the special forces charitable trust. e this is a great organization because not all of the special forces not all and women have ff health care when they come back.
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sometimere wn s need an extra an and this is what this group does. extra assit each green beret was in one of the shooting groups. and i have to say, our team second place, probably noti misd first place because i missed a few, but it's fine. had a greaw but time if you want to donate. the special forces charitable trust talk. there it is.s th thank you, andgod blessed. dave for minneapolis. how do you know you're related to maxine? good point. i am point go 1% black. >> peter from port orange, florida. >> it was hillary with the hot sauce. now it's biden with the hailewih mary jane. that's all for us tonight. dvr the show sean hannity's next. >> and always remember, i'm waters and this is m


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