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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 18, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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and wyatt earp. >> take a look. t akmy stay here. who fired that shot? just shoot it straight. guard the guy. i don't care what you're shooting at, bill. the law says no guns in >> i hope. e th >> check it out. hopefully sometime this weekend. fox anyway, that's all the time weve have left this evening. please say dvr. soning s your dv you never, even miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, thi ofs friday night, let your heart be troubled. why greg gutfeld standint nog bs put a smile right there on your face. have a great weekendur face hav
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yeah, yeah. had that. yeah. go. that feels so good. well, it's friday. >> you know what that means. let's welcome tonight's guest. he's engaged, which means soon he'll be getting back a second ring. actor, writer and comedian jamie lissauer. she's so blunt. you can light her up. and smoker, co-host of the bottom line on fox business. go. chances are you're uncle who pays for pictures of her feet. "new york times" best sellinr fo and fox news contributor kat timprk offerf. and he puts free buffets out
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of business. "new york times" best selling author, comedian and barber heavyweighyork timt world. thank you. all right, before we get tow some news stories, let's do this this.. >> very real. dover's valley. it's the leftovers where i read the jokes we didn't use thisis week. and as always, it's my first time reading them, so they week well, force joe mackey to have unprotected with an ostrich t as if protected would somehow be better. speaking of today'sed national endangered species day ,it's the day we celebrate those poor, unfortunate tht be around won' much longer. he's speaking of president biden, he's scheduled to give a commencement speech at morehouse college on sunday. and officials are already for ar
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disruptions and delays, but not student protesters. but from the speaker his pants pantshouting at dead people, according to new study, spending just 67 minutes outdoors could refresh your mental health, which explains president biden'smentah new office. >> there's a rumor that jennifer lopez and ben affleck are getting divorce. n f >> and this is weird. ben is already seekingg a custoy of her. >> liam neeson and sharon stonem are calling for kevin spacey neo be canceled, saying our industry needs him. for once. spacey was the onestry who was touched. stormy daniels husband says
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the couple is prepared to leave the united states if trump wins g out, change but stormy changed your mind when you heard there might be a hung jurhey. well, chelsea handler says she'd like to have with robert de niro, although she worries that, like his movies, he probably takes 3 hours to finish. what are you doing for or you're doing? th ooh, like on the on the set . >> three's company. oo seth. earlier this morning, pro golfer scottie scheffler arrested by police after attempting to drive around an accident to get into the pga course. in his defense, he got his driving tips from tiger. well, magician
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david copperfield has been accused by 16 women of misconduct. the alleged victim said they were in a car with him and when he touched their leg, they turned a motel car by selling. at this point, i needed that applause. >> pizza hut is now offering a cheese burger melt where instead of a bun, a cheeseburger is served on a thiner, crusty, crispy pizza crust. >> it's available three styles. buffalo chicken, pepperoni lovers and simply the bear. >> the eurovision song contest has been by a nonbinary rapper from switzerland. >>nbinar so leave it to the swiss not to pick a side. pic a major league soccer game was interrupted when a raccoonside.n
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out of the field and avoided capture for 161 seconds. officials are calling it the most thrilling hundred and 61 seconds in soccer history. now the national institute of health official finally, ealt what everyone knew that they did find gain of function in wuhan, prompting chris christie to ask. >> does that mean i can go back to eating bats? >> and rosie o'donnell reportedly sent text to michaeln cohen saying, breathe, relaxt you got this. i love you. which is the same thing, she says to her proctologist, i wouldn't want that job or i. to the news. his testimony tanked because ta.
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he got pranked. so the case against trump is falling apart like nancy a pelosi's face in direct sunlightlight.. yesterday, under cross-examination, trump's michael cohened of lying about a crucial phone call that was sold as the l sodirect link between the fort president and the stormy daniels payoff. raight. so let me get this straight. michael cohen lied. what are the odds? that's like finding out waters shaves his back. >> so instead, trump's team says it, was a conversation about a frickin crank call. it's so let me paint the picture for you. in 2016, cohen, a prank calla from a 14 year old kid. cohen then texted trump'sm bodyguard about it who told him to call him. so cohen rings. the bodyguarm cohend. they chat for 96 seconds. trump's lawyer says cohen say whineds co mostly about the annoying brad on the call. but cohen says the he talkedtala about the payoff, too. >> but like jesse's new book,
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no one was buying it. >> you know, it's bad when even msnbc and cnn making sense. >> it was like a crescendoscendo because the drama of the moment was so clear to everybody in the roo sm. do you have doubts that that conversation happened the way michael cohet ocn on his direct examination? absolutely. rect exa. it devastating i mean, for michael cohen's credibility on this, i mean, in this one particular topic, i don't think i've ever seen a star cooperating witnessen get his knees chopped out quite as clearly and dramatically as what just happened with michael cohen. >> that makes the district attorney's office look sloppqui in addition to making michael cohen seem like a selfish nerd, either fabricator, liar or forgetful person, it casts doubt on the veracity of a ton of his testimony. >> oh, wow. who would have predicted that cohen's case against trump would rest on a crank phone call? l up
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but, hey, maybe the court should call up prince albert. oh, wait, he's. he's currently in a can. >> well, there's always my client. the i sode the idea that somehow this piece of evidence, a 96 second phone call about a teen crank caller would devastate the credibility of michael cohen. think about that. it's like an unpaid parkin ael coheout thatgn un ticket. ng >> devastating the credibility n. o.j. simpso it's like one destroying the appeal of jerrold. w su >> i love how surprised the medimedia isa is that this e be full of . it's like going into a port authoritly restroom at 1 a.m.. it's a prize. there's not an attendant in aro tux handinom at ere isn'g. you breath mints. it's like going into larry kudlow's and shocked that therer is a mirror on the ceilingoo.
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>> think about it. this case. think about this case. at its most basits c level, they brought in a porn star and a convicted perjurer tp of to convict trump of a crime. they have yet to actually definecrim. r sure, it's a humiliating day for the prosecution, but it's a staiecution on our entire legl system. this case never would have been brought. it was anyone but trump. but the truly shameful behavior isn't trump.iot the prosecutione media who cheered it on. they partneredo with the mosty o corrupt entities simply to destroy what they see as a common enemy that's embraced by half the country. these media make fortry as palestine seem logical. >> no one that's been there, no one trust them any more. >> that's why so many are losing money. which is why the next chapter in the story of legacy media
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will be chapter 11. >> god, every jamie, we all know that you're. >> so lonely.e you are grateful when you get a prank phone call . at d >> what do you make of this w whole new develop moment? >> you've been watching the trial the whole time. even like telemarketers, i'm like, don't hang up. yeah you know, i have been following this trial since you started your monologue and a lot of stuff. tak >> you know what? i take issue i take issue with anderson. i like what he said, but he said it ruins his credibility on this topic. anon coopec. this does not what credibility means. if you're dishonest credibilitym your credibility is that now means can we trustea you? another thing. so i thought they were trying to even give him a little leeway there where he didn't deservas e.
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i just feel this trust is over. it should be over. we should save our money and resources. i just feel this is just something i would never have to it. i will never i will never have n a girl hush money. like every single time. >> but like. like everyti timmee ever slept with a girl. she right after she goes. no one can find out about that . so, yeah, i guess the secret is to be really bad at it. >> yes. it's quite a savings. yes. i was thinking about this. i wonder if this crank calleresa realizes that he mightrank have just made the most impactful crank call in history. i don' t think there's ever beenno a crank call that had any e consequencvee other thanequence upsetting a senior citizen or off a guy who manages a deli. >> i, i want to meet this individual, this woman. he was 14 back then, so he's probably like 22, maybe
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legal age. >> i did the math before the show, so i, i consider mysel myself an authority on lion grifter, scaled back boys. >> not the prank call or i mean, michael cole, the big swinging dipstick who thought he wase to get a cabinetet position but was going to demand the six brit serviceld deal with the 14 year old prank caller. and you know this nine, what, 96 second phone call with keithl schiller, the bodyguard was all about the prank? thisaller yeah, you have to stop this guy from calling me and askin intg me where did good then is? >> yeah,e wh who good then? yeah, i was in your ear. who? where is he? you know, the whole 90 seconds circle of . thi
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but the thing is, i mean, it's like tyra's kind of mentioned this before yesterday that, like, maybe was more than just a crank yanking. you know, maybe he was yanking his cranked the crank anchor.g i >> yeah. yeahs. i mean, let's listen. let's. oh, man. oh, man. i just. >> but i as a bodyguard, wehe get called for everything. mm-hmm. but i have never, ever met a bodyguard who was like, man, my client called, me, i had a prank caller, and i told him to press star 67 and find a little like this doesn't happen. ha yeas sah he called up and hes like, i might have sent something to someoneg that was mm-hmm. that was what, boss for? >> yeah. you need to call somebody else quick. that's exactly what that was. nobody calls over a prank caller ove, and it's still earl we'll find out. but, yeah, he would.e th
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yoey say on the phone they got you so upset. >> what was it, their mom that answered when you called? >> i, my. i hate it when the mom picks up . i want the grandmother. oh, yeah? when answers the phone, the goes in your part. it's not so much fun anymore. it's a cat. have you ever been prank called? you're too young to have a prank phonoru'ree call, right? because you can't call. you can't do prankse calls.s it doesn't exist. people know who's calling. yeah, i know. >> i prank called people before when i was a kid. yeah, but i dos a kid just want to point out something you said in your monologue that i didn't love, which is youg th a said, you know, a star and a perjurer. and i think that putting porn stars and michael cohen t in the same category is an unnecessary besmirching of stars. like many, many porn stars, i'm sure a mucght manyh strongee systems than this smarmy lying man. >> yes. i mean, he's a perjurer. and they're like, oh, wait, he lierelated.
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oh, yeah, he's a perjurer. and then also this narrative of him is this two tires, this point, this guy who's this brave man speaking truth against this, you know, immense, insurmountabl truth aes that kind of also breaks down when you realize, you known whee he's secret service, about a 14-year-old boy. yeah. soet s exactly like a davidd goli and goliath situation there. you know what he probably want? i was thinkinge. about this, that he wanted somebody to get the phone number. >> he didn't knod w whereso h the call was coming from. so he probably called them because, you knoobablyw like coh and people, they can get like, yeah, they can run it. n ru that might have been part i of it, but it is kind of it is pretty funny, thoug pretth y >> admit you need you couldn't>> handle he co a 14 year old boy k calling you on your own. >> yeae h, that's why i keep him in the trunk. yeah, but alive sometimes. up next, insults get searing at a congressional hearing that the american people
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a farmer gets the tools and training they need to succeed. learn more red heifer, dawg. i >> it's coming your way. hey. hey, it's me. hey, hey, hey. >> welcome back. thank you. >> congressional chicks start throwing bricks up you to you. >> the day comes to us from the halls of congress, where durings a recenoft hearing about merrick garland, things got nasty. america's feisty female representatives. watch. >> i'd like to know if any of the democrats on this >>g antee are employin judge merchan daughter. >> now, please tell me what that has to do with. merrick garland. do you know what we're here for? you know we're hererrick g whe. >> i want.? you know what we're here for. well, you don't want to talkineg about. >> i think your fake eyelashes are messing up.
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ain't nothinke eyela areg of or >> mr. chairman, beneath. >> even more disturbing. yeah. g: nothisng's beneath democrat except maybe white house interns. wonder >> i wonder if aoc i as a pointf of order. of or i do have a point of order, and i would like to move to. to takre down ms.. greene's words. that is absolutely. >> how dare you of another person. >> are your feelings her words down? oh. your feings are. >> oh, girl. baby girl. oh, really? don't even play. >> how dare you? why do i feel like i'm watching a video of waffle house at 2 a.m.? yoit i, it's how aoc loves call americans pro but hate attacks on looks. probably because nearly all the people calling americans pro are so ugly.
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>> how dare you bully a man where they're to get ms..t >> green to agree to strike her words? okayee. agrees >> miss green agrees to strike her words. i believ hee. ridiculous. no, no, no, kerry, hold on. then after mr. perez. >> you'll be recognized. i'm not apologizing. okay, reserv e right to your word. >> i am not apologizing. now, let's go. >> come on, guys. debat why don't you debate me and chairman? >> did the minority himself ever wreck? >> you're not. yeah, you're not. you don't have enough intelligen you donought men ares . >> but did colmer just referd he to them guys? yeah, because if they're guys, they should go settle thisthey in women's bathroom. >> but i wonde r, mrs. crockett is just curious and wants to better understand his rulin g . >> i'm just curious.
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just to better understand your ruling. if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebodies beliefs. bad built butch body that would not be engaged in personality. >> he's correct. a what now? chairman i make i make a motiond to strike those words. >> i don't think that's one part of the kind of fine clarification on what you just said. we're not going to we're not going to do this like you guys earlier did. >> you just voted to do it first thing. you voted in order to get clarification. >> forget calm down. calm down. no, no, no. becaus thie this is. what do you do? i'm sorry. you're not recognized, mr.. >> i hear you with your yelling. right on down. please cal to m down. me to calm down because y'all calm down, and then you're out of control. >> because if i carry iten back home and ter i don't have a girls, girls, girls, settle
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down. girls don't make us regret 19t the 19th amendment. ttle dow >> settle down, relax. have some tea or some children . oh, i just love making it worse . look, this behavior is unbecoming of a house of governmen behaviot. humble suggested they should settle this like us men. a pillow fight in their underwear. >> it worked for mitch mcconnell. mitt romney. i wa >> you know, dagon, i washing t watching this and i realized we could do a wholehi hour special on this. is this making you reconsider the whole ideas doess make of w? >> it's making me consider running congress.ider yeah, but the new york new york times thought it was being cuted and said, but first, it's time for fight clubime . no real fighting. and i'm in favor of this.s
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i want these women to throw down and have to take off the false eyelashes because you can't see i've got themi on now. >> i can't see. can see.[ bleeand the glass glu. i'll get stuck together and you have a horrible blind spot and you'll get socked in the side of the head and. keep >> you have to takerr your earrings out and you got to put your hair uings or upp wn and you can use the pen as a weapon. t greg and then you got to pull your dress up and it you're smart. you have like bike shorts on on your date, which, bike is alwayt and you take the sumo position and then one of them shoulddiver have taken a dive right down that desk. that's what i was waiting for. bring it on,. bring it on, cat. >> there are so many amazing elements hermente that just watching the helplessness of these older, middle aged men don't know what to do in this situation. >> and alwayt o inhiss, if you t
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to make a fight worse, tell somebody to calm down. >> yeslbody to , absolutely. i mean, honestly, to be honest s ,i feel like i'd be remiss ift n i didn't point out that if fake eyelashes actually did impedeabt your ability to read, then this place would have gone out of business. p ten years ago.o mini >> that is minimum decades ago. and that's hammer aoc. she could have said some. she coulc could'liked have saida like that, like, oh, what does it say about fox news? a fake eyelashes mean you can' o root for her to play the victim over something like that. i could noe t even believe it fr her to play the victim like you're attacking my appearance . >> what? well, either her eyelashes are fake, which meane.s that's n accessory, not your appearance, or they're not. tyour a theand that's, like, tht compliment ever. that her eyelashes are just so naturathat l, beautiful that they look fake. >> how are you going to get upse t that i don't understand yet when people say, hey, those pecs are fake, i know that's a compliment. >> eveeopln, and all of it's rel and beautiful. i might.
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>> the default is the victim to the point where it's just like, well, this is thing that gets what you're talking about. tyra says that this is okay. these are people that call if you support israel, you're guilty of . if you support trump, you're a. if you're skeptical of lockdowns, you have blood on your hands. >> and but if you call them fat, if you say they havp e a fake eyebrows, that is worse. >> yeah, well, what's worse is that was a place where laws were made and yeah, policies and wars and stuff declared. and now it's pretty much penthouse. penthouse at 12:00. yeah. free chicken sandwicheat 12:00s and the girls will fight over sandwiches. the only differencht ovee, you w throw a crinkled up dollar bills at them while they're doing it and they're likeinkl thied u bils is yeah. this the embarrassment of this the shame of this like this is who we voted for. i'm glad i don't live in any districts. now, listen, if you want to go to tell the tape, i think i think greene's got them both. i think she's a little tougher. she's a little more jacked.
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>> she's about, what, five, but three, about a deuce and a quarter and back and quartera hs i'm like, got 100, 2050. >> yeah. aoc is shorter she's a little's more saddlebag. yea. so she's lik like whe what, buc. buck 35. mm-hmm. and then the other one, wer 1 don'wet know because wer can't weigh or fake hair or makeup. sos and we'll call her an even 200. so they, they outweigh her.lass >> they outweigh her, but they're not going to our class are because if that's the person that cuts you off ladyraffic, you just let her gn . yeah, that's that one lady. you don't mess with that lady. everyone knows don'ttheverybod s with that lady. >> yeah. so good luck to all of you. can' but this is this is whatlimits you can't even say, term limits because they have been in that long. yeah, but something like i think we don't need voting limitsvoting l. >> this country. who's voting for these people? ,jamie, the sound of these angry must have reminded you ofe your failed marriage.
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>> i would like those wordsthos taken down. sgreg. i. >> yeah. leave him alone, young man. >> baby boy. point of order. oint of i thought that was so fy that they, like, offended. and then she one of the wordse take it on and you're like, yeah, but we still heard it and laughed and stuff. >> yea s tah, it sets the stage ed chag kind of up there. it doesn't change anything. yeaheanythi, was like professiol wrestling, but less organized. rofessio mm-hmm. . >> you know, there's a mean stuff i. i don't even know if i might have to believe it, but i read someone was calling her wordebod her a. >> i know what's even worse as i wrote that i had written it. we need more order, though. and i think if there was someone who, it was like an's alien that came down and they go, has this so crazy, who's in charge? o 90 and you were like, oh, that 90 year old man with the two hearing aids has got i 2t. >> yes, that would it was likes
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a microcosm of like being on a plane or being in a walmart or anywhere where the men sit there and be like, how do wee break like women start fighting, right? what do we dwomen ghtingo we cao anything if we say something. >> don't gang uping they on us. >> we'll go. you chicks knock it off. jill, what did you call? i'm a non bear non-binary i'm forest sprite right now. >> they'll tear your earlobe off. yeah. do. everybody is upset about this behavioreveris upset, but more t about this than $35 trillion in debt. that's what i don't understand. what angry.going to if i wanted to see women destroy each other, i throw one donor to the whole cast of the view. >> by the way, the philosophy of this show is that you can make fat jokes about the view. brian stelter, you can makey jokes about in a way because they call you racist, they call you white supremacists. nothing matches. the
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so that's why all the glovesf au are off about physicality because that it doesn't compare to calling somebody a racist or or white supremacy. >> and it's confusing when i ge t called white supremacist i'm so confused. up next, the bidding begins fore epstein book of skin. epstein book of skin. >> you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt at three in the morning, any time of day. what people don't is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right of nutrients. l from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. everybody should have it. it worked great for us thisrd. as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that itughs] really is about the dirt. really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd huge turner. i'm proud of it. >> mummify. it's kind of amazing. wow. luma my eye drops dramatically, reduce redness in one minute
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>> i'm down with that. you just front all the money and i'll be standing there. spen >> yeah, do it. o sa i thought we were supposed to say what we would bid. oh, no, no. whatd ons, that's what that wasn first what your thoughts were on this. but we go right to what woult wn you bid on? because i know exactly what i would bet on, what dennis rodman's wedding dress from when he married himself. >> you can probably find it. i remember when i found out he did this when i was like seven years old, i thought it was so cool. >> i was like, old i i i'm goino that someday. i'm going to marry myself. mm. go didt it that way, though. >> no, you didn't. i married a veteran making me a half veteran like shirt says you can you can get shirt, you could get these shirts on the real kat timpf .com but i don't make any moneyn thesether shirts i make $0 off these shirts. i'm giving all the money to tunnel to towers. >> o h, kyrie cyrus. tyra cyrus, tyrus this what this is do you think this
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is? >> how can you authenticate this book? listen, i thin k if we have not i learned from, dare i say his name, geraldo and his adventures. there is not there's nothing in the black book. mm-hmmblack. t of how many people were arrested out of it? how much was changed? was it was evil? all these was there lines of evil doers and being arrestede th evild of hold and the senate? no, nothing. so you got to get a book with a buncith names in it that no ones like. yeah, so it's a waste of money. but is it woul moneyd it be at historical artifact? >> no, becausehistoric he suicid himself. so he we have no evidence that anything in there is even valid. and it's really hard to suicide yourself. >> so yeah, there's nothing. i just feel like it's a wasted thing because nothing came frogp it. >> because there was too many people alive on the real list to makeople aliv e sure that no one ever that stuff never got out. >> what would you would you hope come up for auction? okay. well, to the one i would bid on that awesome shir t,
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get checked out, and i would like, oh, the original godzillat suit from the original first godzilla. yeah, i like to get on that. yeah, that's right. i bet that iets somewhere. yeah, out somewhere. yeah. yeah, that's amazing. it's probably in jamie's amazin . basement. >> and the problem is, i'm going to need a small model d l. t oh, yeah? because all the japanese guys are six nine to make godzilla movies. they're on strings. you got to be small. yove gottai be.ha >> i would be up for that. jamie, what do you make of the. book and what would you like to auction? >> oh, sugar. great questionstion.. i actually had a black book. you might be surprised to know, but it was pretty big. slhe girlsty big all i've slept with out at.never no, i, of course, never hahad a little black >> the old man was married. i had little blue . it was, you know what, i was
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dead on. greg, i'm being. i thought about this a lot. i woul thit d. e tyso i would want mike tyson's the gloves he used when. he won his first heavyweight title. and i also think my ex-wife woulavd be psyched to geyweighte them. >> i know he didn't mean punch with. >> no, no. i mean, if she could get that one off of everything. >> thank you, tyrus. well, hey, because i'm on, they'll blame me sometime, you see, to make sure he was not saying giving her a right. no, no, no. not equal rights. these are equal laughs saying that not what he was saying. >> thank you, tyrus deighan. all right. comments.mmentsn on the book at you'd like to auction. >> well, it was found in street in the nineties by a musician on fifth avenue. you only authenticated by buying it. and then, greg, you begin to read it on air. and if it's real, then you will burst into flames and the earth will swallow you whole. because that's the jinthat's tx yes. touch it. so stay away from me. o find
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i want and this is easy to find. i race worn helmet or a race sui worn fire suit that belongedt ln to dale earnhardt, the intimidator. >> numbe to dalr three. >> so those are only, you know, 10,000, $20,000, maybe. you know, i so i did i went l and looked for i was thinking, what do i want? yoand a lot of things you you cn for like if you want a guitar from a banu d they're available they're just like expensive. but if you say i wanted the last wood surviving can do from the delivervivingy, it's -s it. you know what can. it's friday. why greg why would you want wants reminds me of my favorite vacation but i tracked it down and it's at the wander north georgia store it's an outdoor store for real. yeah it's hanging on the wall therste. >> is that amazing.
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so if you're in wander north georgia store near thereth go in there tom gutfeld wants to buy y the canoe on the wall and thenyl of course, i'll come home. >> my wife will thrown it oucom >> what happened to the canoe? oh, that was yours. it was my little canoe.t touc i was like, who am i goingh to ? is that right? leaning to the. >> okay, yes. apparently people not seen deliverance. >> up next, we skip to the news to answer your cuec is not cue.f imagine a future where plastic is not wasted, but instead remade over and over into the things that keep our food the things that keep our food fresher or our families safer and our planet cleaner safer and our planet cleaner to help us get thereducts america's plastic makers are investing billions be to innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things
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>> that wasn't what i was going to say. an'tbut now i need a minute, if you like. would you like me to come >> gu? yo >> yeah. i might need a second app. dagon who in today's world is i the scariest person that you can thine sck? jerry nadler is pretty scary. yeah . ird feel yeah. you always get that weird feeling that he's going to come clos e. just blow. just like a stream of wetf all over you. even, i don't know, like, just dandruff. the dandruff on his suit jacke s ,sweat. w >> so the wind blows the wrong way, and it just hit you in the face, and you just. >> yeah, that is scary. cat first of all, i'm not going to say jojo siwa. anyone. who? anyone, anyone, anyone. mad at me? >> yes. yeah. like anyone who's mad at you. yeah. as soon as you'r me.ho's made mad me that i'm. >> i'm scared of you.
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oh, that's interesting. scah . that' >> i need to talk to you about that after the show. i know. neyo >> i'm scared. t thati tyrus, other than you om tv, good. yeah, i don't really. yeah, i don't know.. like. f i had to take. >> if i had to interview a two hour interview with aoc, i'd be terrified that one. >> now, you didn't, baby n'what i'm going to go. i don't pass laws becausess l i make them what?>> gre that doesn't mine rhymes with fudge. >> but nene. >> oh, so who are we really afraid of? yes, judge. hey, every time she calls my name, i'm like, i have no way.go >> you know, you're way because she ca n turn on a dime. >> she'd be like, hey, i don't. what is you say? ou
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what do you mean? a >> i'm. i interviewed her for a christmas show. oh, my. and she's like committedrist a crime. >> omas h, no. you are you sure i can find out? yeah. >> i texted her the other daye t and she responded with a one word answer like yes. and i was afraid that i'd made him mad. >> and i had to, like, go ind it's l the studio and confront her and be like, i know i'm mae d at mee yeah. you also don't want to get dana perino mad because that' als diff different kind of anger. >> yeah, that's like, that's like, will destroy you in five years. >> anger, patient, revenge. >> it's just like, oh, i'll be nice to you for the nex t to six months, but you just wait. all right, jamie, you get the fina 3-6l word? >> i couldn't do it to my ex-wife. >> next, happy meals.s replacgel fle the yellow smiley.
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1-800- 702 020. >> call now reaction to going's testimony. >> they knew that he would get on the stand and that w
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and help us save other orangutans in desperate need before it's too late. >> five more words. mcdonald's. veryry , very sad meal. >> tyrus in honor of mental health awareness week, mcdonald's in the u.k. is serving happy meals and readh boxes with the words it's okayla
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not to feel happy all the time. >> and why is everybody trying to destroy their brand? >> i mean, who is this for? yeah, like, who was this for the the adult, of course. are ab >> sad. you're buying a happy meal? yeah, you're an adulppy meal ar. >> this should be a feeling of what am i doing? yeahling o yeah, yeah, yeah. i'm >> the kids aren't like, mommy, i'm sad. well, let's get a sad meal. her >> no, it's called a hug. >> like, move on. like, you know, i'll answer who it's for. it's for me. yeah. yeah, but do you need a beat? i mean, do you need. its . that? you want the person behindbehi the counter? go. oh, she's miserable. for this.skednd the >> here you go. well, you take yourself with it. i'm nevedo witr mcdonald's becae things are going well, you know, i order happ eaty meas and i also like, yeah, you know, you're not always happy. and i don't like when people are always like you just look on the bright side like, brt wait, that's what i should do. i know. like, i really. i thought it was bette reallrufo
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to about the bad stuff, you know, i thought it was better to worru y about future a and ruminate about why i don't no longer have from the past. >> but don'tst ruin or besmirchh that happy meal. >> wappye can't anything be left alone. deighan. it's from jamie, of course. >> yeah, exactly. if they're going to celebrate depression, then the meal box should be the size of a cooler and it should have one of every menu item in iavt, because whenh you're depressed, that's what you order . >> and you go and sit in your car alone and eat with theyo sun and the milkshake and the large fry and the big mac and the quarter pounder, that is all eatinger pounde in r car in a parking lot. >> they call that the so. >> yup. jamie they said, where else cand a divorced dad you look like l you? who needs to adjust a sprinkle of joy in their miserable life
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yeah they take their kids forr that allotted time of 30before minutes before the social worker comesia. >> it's also hard eating with the police watching me.>> ' >> yeah and they said they said in article that they want to do this because it'll start a conversation that way thu can start a conversation with your kids that the reason we're at mcdonald's is because we're done havin we arg conversh with our kids. we just want a few minutes o of peace and quietur untilcannot that toy breaks. >> yes. >> yes. all righ gt. >> don't go away. we'll be right back. get it back, but you can repair it with pro enamel repair. it penetrateprs deep into the to to actively repair acid weakened enamel. >> i recommend paranormal repair with new paranormal repair mouthwash. you can enhance that repair brushing. >> they were great together.
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