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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  May 18, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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>> all right, harold. two things. first, a 90 year old sprinter named emma maria masinga from italt, a 90 named emy just brokr two hundred meter dashd for for0 year old. she ran in a 51.4 seconds. this incredibl 1.4 secoe holds five nine in 2pean records in 28 best italian performance records and five other world titles. you go, girl. but toda five otrld titly is myd birthday, my son. >> happy birthday, brother. see you later. happon.appy, hay girl. ,dana. okay, so, canine companions, t which is a really great organization, never having a nametion, th , but dana pup contest,up because dana is the yellow lab you see there. she had six puppies. becausna is thyou sethey're all. >> they're having a naming contest. s.every one of them has to start with a. and you can go to canine dot again, dana pup and find out who is going to win or that's given ♪ ♪ o, say can you see by the
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dawn's early light -- ♪ if what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous figh- ♪ o'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming. ♪ and the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air -- ♪ gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. ♪ o, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave -- ♪ o'er the land of the free and
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the home of the brave ♪ pete: here we go on this saturday morning. that was our nation's anthem. it is may 189th, year of our lord, 2024, and i'm joined by a sleepy will cain and rachel campos duffy. rachel: rachel's sleepy ooh too. pete: you're the most sleepy. a. rachel: do i look the most? i had the most help. will: we had a big night last night. several of us went to see morgan wallen, rachel and i. and though that didn't put us into bed until roughly 1:30, i think we actually got more sleep than our own pete hegseth. pete: because i was in your hometown until about 9:30 last night, and then the i flew over -- rachel: you look fresh, you sound fresh. why don't you take over?
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[laughter] pete: just take this off. you ready? will: yeah. pete: ladies and gentlemen, if you're -- you won't be confused if you keep seeing donald trump in blue states. why? because he thinks he can win a lot of them. he was in one last night. not dallas, texas, but minnesota where they recently changed their flag because they're so ashamed of their history. but the republican party in minnesota is not ashamed of that guy, and they had him speak many st. paul, minnesota, where donald trump said the state he's in which a republican hasn't won in 50 years, he's making a play for it. listen. >> i'm here tonight to declare that we're officially expanding the -- this is an official expansion, tom, of the electoral map. we're going to put this -- because this is so great. how are you 2 points up to biden? [laughter] he can't talk, he can't walk, can't find his way off a stage, can't put two sentences together although he has agreed to debate so, i don't know, maybe they know something.
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he's going to be so jacked up for those debates, you watch. [laughter] with the help of everyone here tonight, we are going to take back the white house, and we are going the make america great again. we're going to do it. [cheers and applause] rachel: hey, guys, it's funny, with us at that concert was brian kilmeade, and we were talking about the debates that donald trump was just talking about and all the rules that, you know, joe biden has put in place for those debates. and i said the only rule donald trump should put is a drug test, and then i wake up this morning and apparently he said i want a drug test. fair point. but interesting, pete, he's saying i can take minnesota, i can take virginia. last weekend he was in wildwood, new jersey, with a massive crowd that we know joe biden could not put together. is minnesota realistic to you? pete: i have no idea. normally, or i would tell you, no, it's not a state that has gone for republicans. the core of minneapolis/st. paul is so strong, the political machine so strong, but if you
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get 30 minutes outside of minneapolis/st. paul, it's red company -- rachel: yeah. only 1.5 points? if. pete: in 2016, yeah, they only host by 2 points. so if you're plague offense in that kind of -- playing offense in that kind of blue territory and that forces the biden administration to play defense, spend resources and time there, that's a good sign. so whether it's real or not, it's possessing to to offense ifive -- you know this, whether it's blacks, hispanics, young people, he's playing well with nontraditional constituencies, so anything's possible. if minnesota's going for trump, it's going to be a big night -- will: and not just minnesota, trump 2024 is on offense in minnesota, virginia, new jersey and new york. i think your point is correct. we'll see how much defense joe biden is actually compelled to launch, but they're not playing right now, they're not playing the election on states that joe biden is allowed to play off of.
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maybe north carolina, the only state where trump won and joe biden's trying to not play defense, but actually put one in the win column, but otherwise it's all trump on the offense. rachel: yeah. you know you're in trouble when your main campaign strategy is to just jail your opponent. [laughter] you're in trouble. anyway, let's go to this, there's been some shocking footage, everyone's talking about it, it surfaced from all the way back in 2016 of an apparent fight between diddy and his ex-girlfriend, cassie ventura. pete: didn't look like much of a fight p looked like a beating. diddy is facing a lawsuit from ventura. will: chanley painter is here with the details. >> reporter: hey, good morning, team. it's a shocking video, and i must warn our viewers it's disturk. here's the footage. -- disturbing. it's from march 2016 and appears to show the music mogul holding a towel around his waist as he
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runs down the hall after his then-girlfriend, appears to grab her by the back of the neck, throw her to the floor and kick her while she's down. ventura's attorney responded in a statement saying, quote, the gut-wrenching video hasp only further confirmed the disturbing and predatory behavior of mr. colmes. words -- mr. combs. words cannot express the for the feud ms. ventura has shown, referring to a civil complaint filed by ventura in november against combs which outlined a number of abuse allegations including what appears to be the hotel incident incident stating, quote, he followed her into the hallway while yelling at her. he grabbed at her and then took glass vases in the hallway and threw them at her, causing glass to crash around them as she ran to the elevator the escape. it was just in march when federal agents raided two of
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combs' mansions in relation to a wide-ranging probe into sex trafficking and, of course, we've reached out to the music mogul's team for comment after the release of this video, but combs, he's previously denied all the allegations from ventura but has yet to comment now that video is out, guys. will: thank you, chanley. the last time we saw video that was that clear and that horrific was, in my memory, ray rice in the nfl, and it ended his career. now, ray rice worked for someone else. he worked for the baltimore ravens, he worked for the nfl. diddy is an entrepreneur, you know? he has the ability to be somewhat cancel-proof, but there's a lot swirling around him where you say who wants to be in business with diddy? who wants to be around this? rachel: and why is that footage popping up now? what's behind the timing? pete: there's got to be more behind it. i know there was some sort of a
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settlement reached which means that likely they had the footage, which means -- rachel: yeah. pete: and then having it go public, yeah, it's terrible. it's absolutely terrible. and, by the way, you mentioned ray rice, that type of footage will tie into what we're about to talk about after these headlines to contrast professional athletes and what they're shamed for. we turn now to a few additional headlines starting with this, a fox weather alert. more than 550,000 people across texas and louisiana are waking up without power still the after severe weather that that killed at least 7 people many houston this week. -- in houston this week. >> come on, come on! [inaudible conversations] >> get away from the glass! pete: houston is currently picking up the pieces this morning after thursday's storm. officials say it could be weeks before some residents get power
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back, weeks. wow. and the nypd arresting the homeless suspect accused of punching actor steve busc everything mi earlier this week, allegedly slugging the actor as he walked down the street peacefully in manhattan on may 8th, also accused of attack another minute just minutes before. no word yet on how soon he'll be released. maybe already is, who knows? and today marks armed forces day. and across the country, communities are honoring the men and women who serve. governor glenn youngkin encouraging agencies in virginia to display the prisoner of war and missing in action flag today. meanwhile, the mlb and new era are creating a special line of hats and gloves to honor our military. players are wearing them throughout may for military appreciation month. and those are your headlines.
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will: well, earlier this week, as you mentioned, pete, there was quite a bit of controversy around a commencement address given by kansas city chiefs' kicker harrison butt kerr at a catholic university. most of what he said has had to says has really escaped the public's attention. i think very few have heard what he had to sayful you've probably heard rumor or repetition of what he had to say or some simplification of the hand maid's tale and women should be back in the kitchen. but here's a little bit of what was actually said at a benedictine college by harrison buttkerr. >> i think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. how many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and times you're going to get in your career? system of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but i would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage
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and the children you will bring into this world. i can tell you that my beautiful wife isabelle would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and mother. to the gentlemen here today, part of what plagues our society is this lie that has been told to you that that men are not necessary in the home or in our community. be unapologetic in your masculinity, fight against the cultural emasculation of men. do hard things. never settle for what is easy. will: so -- rachel: that sounds like a terrible message. [laughter] our country is degenerating. [laughter] it's so crazy that this -- i mean, it actually tells you where we're at, right, that this would be controversial. will: right. rachel: context matters too. this is a catholic university. i encourage everyone to listen from beginning to end. there is not one syllable in this address that is not 100% catholic are. i know that there were some nuns from men with dick teen
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college -- benedictine college who came out against harrison -- pete: oh, come on, nuns. rachel: well, they're the ones that don't wear habits, so that should tell you something. they're, like, those 1960s nuns where their clock stopped somewhere around woodstock. [laughter] we have those. anyway, you look at the picture of these nuns, and they're like, they're ancient, and the thriving young nun ifs are are the traditional ones. he also talked about the traditional mass. there's a lot in there. pete: most of what he talked about was about priests and bishops and parishes and the traditional latin mass. this is a serious catholic guy. he's interested in the reformation of the church, that's what most of the address is about. and if in a very respectful way he said, hey, with women, there's a lot of options you have, one of which is motherhood. men, be men. talked about pro-life issues, and it's predictable in our culture -- will: it was as controversial as
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a mother's day card. he said, hey, you know, you've been told a lie that the most you can do in your life is all of these career-based things, but in my estimation, probably the most happy and fulfilled you'll be is being a family person and a mother. in fact, bill maher noticed, hey, why the controversy? watch. rachel: not exactly high on family values either. >> so he's in big trouble because he said at this event -- and this is a catholic college, conservative catholics, and they think -- he's now, history's greatest monster. again, i don't agree with much, but i don't get the thing. i don't see what the big crime is, i really don't. and i think this is part of the problem people have with the left, is that lots of people in this country are like this. like, he's saying some of you may go on to lead successful careers, but a lot of you are excited about this other way that people, everybody used to be, and now can't that be a choice too? i feel like they feel very put upon like there's only one way to be a good person, and that's
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to get an advanced degree from one of those [bleep] factories like harvard. [laughter] rachel: that's the best line in it. [laughter] so good. so good. will: you know, this is something that the three of us have talked about a lot, and so this week, you know, this was boiling, and i didn't want to just beat the drum. i wanted to entertain like, okay, who thinks this is wrong? clearly, a lot of people do. if you look at the comment sections anywhere, in the conservative world too, because i don't think they completely understood what he had to say. so on my show, on the will cain show, i asked one of my guys, play dell's advocate with me -- devil's advocate. let him out. what are the arguments that you're hearing? he's single in new york, young withish. i just want to give you a little bit of the back and forth we had on people that are upset by what was said by harrison buttkerr. >> it started off as, you know, don't tell me what to do. what is wrong with having a career, what is wrong with
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striving for that and having financial independence and things like that. will: for the past half century, little more than half a century, i do believe that harrison buttkerr is right that women have been told a lie, that the most fulfilling thing, like the height of achievement to do all the same things that were celebrated for men. it's to go into careers, it's to rise up the ladder. and he's going, no, you've got your priorities inverted. and i do believe that to be the case. we as a society have what we celebrate inverted. i cannot be, i cannot be a mother, i cannot be that in my life, and you know what? those that can should be celebrated for doing so. >> what if the role was reversed? why couldn't, you know, a man stay home and provide that same type of care for the family? a woman can do both with. you can have a career -- >> okay. >> -- and strive at that and be a mother and a homemaker as well. will: so it went on. it's a 20 minute discussion, and
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just to answer the last question, i said, look, time and energy are zero or sum games. women have been told thatting have it all, and some women do, so you can find perceptions. but what i you give the a, you take from b. and the truth is for most of history, women have had the most important role many society -- rachel: 100 percent -- will: -- raising the next generation. we participation but we have a different job in the home, and i just think we should celebrate this role. rachel: i agree. celebrate the sexes. i couldn't agree more. of i think, you know, they're sort of hanging their hat on this division of labor in the home and the role of the women, the roles of men. i think the real thing that they're actually mad at is when he said the demonic highs told to women. the lies are not just about, you know, when being, you know, whether your career will fulfill you or not and that is a big lie, because in the end we know that corporations don't love you, you know? if only your family.
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i get that. but he also talked very frankly about abortion. and some of the most demonic lies have been about, you know, it's just a fetus, it's just a slump of cells, and so he talked a lot about abortion, and he called out joe biden in if his speech -- pete: he did. rachel: -- as really a false catholic. and, listen, this is the kind of stuff that gets democrats mad. he hit every third rail and, pete, i'm really glad you brought up the traditional mass, the traditional a mass. there's a reason why the fbi was going -- they didn't go to just any catholic churches when they were infiltrating. they were infiltrating the traditional latin maas churches, and i think think it is because they are a threat to the other religion being sold by the culture. pete: on any given day if you're looking for analysis, check out the will cain show. i get a chance to be on there every couple of weeks, 12 noon eastern time every day, anywhere
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you get podcasts. will: also coming up later in the show, lou holt, hall of fame football coach, will address this and many issues at 8:30 eastern time. stick the around. pete: the nfl responded, the diversity -- will: they distanced themselves from what harrison buttkerr had to say. rachel: no no room for cath will hicks -- will: good to see the nfl's line. rachel: the chiefs' leadership came out -- will: yeah, gracie hunt supporting him. all right, bringing it in for a hug. xi jinping and vladmy putin getting closer -- vladimir putin getting closer than ever. rachel: that's very troubling. and so are biden's new tariffs on china. are they really enough to take them on? we're going to ask an expert next. ♪
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rachel: chinese president p xi jinping exchanging hugs and rolling out the red carpet for putin, announcing, quote, deepening of the comprehensive
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partnership and strategic cooperation entering a new era and condemning, quote, u.s. attempts to violate the strategic balance. that as the biden administration if unveiled hefty new tariffs on china this week. but is a trade war really enough to take on this new axis of evil? heritage foundation senior fellow on china strategy michael pillbury joins us now. thank you for joining us this saturday. >> hi, rachel. rachel: i want to to talk about the tariffs, but before i do, let's talk about the ukraine war, a because a lot of people predicted the ukraine war would bring china and russia is together. what are your thoughts on that strategy strategically? >> i think the ukraine war has brought them together. in fact, it's a combination of chinese purchases of russian oil and natural gas and chinese sales of high technology dual-use items they're called that keep putin and russia into the game. this is a strategic nightmare, to see the two of them hug like this. usually president xi jinping is
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a little more restrained. he's not an italian hugger, he's a good chinese -- rachel: he bows. [laughter] >> so this is quite troubling. to me, it's the opposite of what president trump was doing. president trump wanted to have decent relations with both of them, better than they do with each other. that was the old henry kissinger goal. but in this case biden seems to have driven them together and prolonged the war. i also noticed the chinese let putin talk about naziism, that he's fighting naziism in the in ukraine, and putin himself seemed to support china's claim that it own taiwan, so it can do whatever it wants. so this is just a sad day and a really big contrast to what president trump was trying to do when he was in office. rachel: who are these dumb so-called experts in the state department and pentagon? [laughter] this was predictable, it just makes me so mad. so now the answer that joe biden comes up with is tariffs.
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so what do you make of this new move? will it be effective? if why wasn't it done before we saw these hugs? >> well, you notice that president trump is on truth social has talked about how these tariffs are nothing, they should be much higher. biden did keep the original tariff trumps, trumps -- tariffs that president trump put in. the key thing is that was, they are much larger. it's $100 billion worth with of revenue at the minimum that trump brought in with his tariffs. what biden seems to be doing is a little pin trick to the -- pinprick to the auto workers. i don't think it's working because they're simply too narrow and two small -- too small a level of tariffs. rachel: we mow this administration is not going to do anything to end or help negotiate peace in ukraine. in fact, they have actively thwarted peace efforts by other countries. so in a perfect world, would that do something, bringing about a peace negotiation, you
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know, putting an end to this world, would that stop, you know, the bleeding, if you will, in terms of the deepening as they called it of this relationship? >> well, we need some kind of negotiations over the ukraine. this is something mr. trump has also talked about. he never would have allowed the russian invasion in the first place. but the chinese held out the idea that they would sort of broker a peace deal in ukraine, but you'll notice in the coverage in the haas couple of days of this long, long conversation they had, there's no more talk of negotiations over the ukraine. probably putin talked xi jinping out of plague any kind of role like that -- playing any kind of role like that. what we're seeing is are two enemies, if you will, strategic adversaries being driven together. they also are criticizing american nuclear weapons which, in fact, is the opposite of what's happening. china and russia a is are outgunning us if they combine their nuclear forces. this is another example of the costs of driving them together. we want to reduce the number of
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nuclear weapons in the world, not increase. and yet china's' the only major power that's building more nuclear weapons, and some of them are in touch with the chinese and russians together are in touch on how to improve their nuclear forces. this is really quite troubling and a new blunder by biden team, i think. rachel: yeah. a blumedder, indeed. bad for our security. also huge implications on our currency which is another weak spot nurse as well. michael pistol with bury -- michael pillsbury, it's not happy news, but it's news we need to to know especially ahead of an election. thank you. >> thanks for the bad news. [laughter] a. rachel: you got it. take care. all right. well, american men outnumbered, outgunned and facing horrible conditions in the pivotal world war ii win you may have never heard about. we'll tell their incredible story next. you've got to stay around for this. ♪ in an extraordinary place
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♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. pete: last month, you'll remember, from if alternativety brothers raised the american flag in a show of patriotism after anti-israel progress,-hamas protesters tore it down. it's not the first time, of course, their members have defended the country they love. in world war ii, many left pa if alternativety houses for the trend. s heading to the pivotal ballot of guadalcanal. our next guest details their incredible victory in 53 days on starvation island. historian and or author jon bruning joins us now. jon, thanks so much for being here. explain that comparison a little bit. these young men if who were on guadal canal as it was known,
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starvation island, they were ordinary american young men if much like we saw in folks standing up against these campus protests. >> absolutely. they were, they were fraternity kids from all over the country. they were ivy leaguers, they were kids from miami university. one of the dive bomber pilots was a delta tao. the skipper of the dive bomber squadron, richard magnum, wasfy deltafy at university of washington. he was a husky. and they were thrown together in these two squadrons, hastily trained and essentially thrown to the wolves at guadalcanal, abandoned by several weeks -- for several weeks by allied forces and forced to make due on the island with next to nothing. in fact, they were eating captured japanese rice because there was not enough food that had come in from the navy at the
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time. pete: incredible. how did you come about this story? for people who want to check out the book, "53 days on starvation island," what's the main takeaway from what these marines, these men did? >> well, as a grad student, i ended up in general marion cal's living room, and he's one of the main characters in this story. he was the first marine corps ace, he was one of the few men the survive the battle of mid ifway. the marine units at midway were virtually wiped out. and if as a grad student, i went out and interviewed him at his house. and that encounter, and he's leaning against the aircraft at far right many that a photo. as a young grad student, i walked away from that encounter wanting to do more oral histories. so the book actually goes back 30 years. and when i was in afghanistan, i had kind of a rough moment where i wasn't sure if i was going to
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get back, and i made a bucket list of projects i want toed to write. and -- wanted to write. and i've had the opportunity to write three of them so far. pete: i wrote a book recently called the war on warriors about how there's an assault on even masculinity inside if our culture, in our military. we don't have the same kind of young men signing up. we have a recruiting shortfall. what can we learn today from what these men did in world war ii? >> oh, pete, i'm so glad you asked that question, because it's one of the reasons why i wrote the book. this is a case study of what americans can do, average americans in critical, crisis moments, in the darkest hours of american history you always find enough good men and women who will step forward and defend the ideals on which this nation was founded. and this is an absolute case study of that phenomenon. is so, you know, aye seen again
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gen-z's -- i've seen gen-z's men under attack the culturally for years. my son is again zer, and i had to have many, many conversations with him to tell him not the the listen to the cacophony, not to listen to the background chatter a ant how toxic masculinity is and all of these things. this is a book in part i wrote for ed and his generation because it is, it is what's in their dna as americans. the strength of character and the power and conviction that these guys had that that took them through all manner of hardships to defeat what was the most capable airuation force -- aviation force at the time in world war ii and do it with almost no experience, no training. these kids were a year removed from their fraternity parties. pete: wow. >> so, yeah, i really am hoping that it will motivate and
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inspire gen-z especially to realize that this is who we are. pete: we're going to need another generation someday, and it may be them. the book is "53 days on starvation island." john bruning, one of the finest military historian of our time, thank you so much. >> thank you, pete. really appreciate it. pete: thank you. all right, blue state flip? if trump headlined a gop fund raising event in minnesota vowing to turn that state red. congressman tom emmer joined the former president on stage, the battle for his home state and what used to be mine coming up next. ♪ who can it be now? ♪ let's get the rest of these plants in. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had.
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♪ ♪ >> i love minnesota. this is a great state. we're going to win this state. the heartland of america. this is really the heartland. [cheers and applause] and i'm here tonight to declare that we're officially expanding -- this is an official expansion, tom, of the electoral map. we're going to put this -- because this is so -- rachel: former president trump last night headlining the lincoln-reagan dinner in minnesota, one of the historically blue states that he hopes to flip red this november. will: some polls suggest he has a shot. a real clear politics average putting him less than 3 points behind biden in the state. pete: minnesota if congressman and house majority whip tom emmer cohosted last night's event and joins us now.
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we both hail from if that state that hasn't gone from a re-- for a republican in half of a century. do you really think, is it possibly in play? >> it is very possible. we just started last night. literally, this was the kickoff. and over the next phi months, you watch -- five month, you watch as this thing starts to movement minnesotans are hungry for a change. americans are hungry for a change. we can't afford four more years of biden, and donald trump is talking about all the things that are most important to the people right here in minnesota and across the country. pete, it was about the economy. he rolled out his term, you know, forget bidenomic, it's about making sure everybody has a chance to participate and realize their greatest opportunities. he talked about safety and security in our communities, in our country and around the world. he talked about our southern border. these are all issues that are incredibly important in minnesota.
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pete, one that i know it's going to be close to your heart, he said bacon, he brought up bacon -- [laughter] look, it's gone up in price four times. he said he doesn't eat bacon anymore, it's too expensive. [laughter] he did a great job last night. the president was on fire. rachel: yeah, it sounded like he was on fire. i mean, i gets have have a -- i guess i have a couple questions. is it really? can he take minnesota? but the other question is, it's also you talk about the border, is the sleeper issue also just this two-tiered justice system which he is sort of the embodiment of that a lot of conservatives feel like it's just not pair whether it's donald trump, the way donald trump's treated versus the biden family who's so corrupt or even what we were just talking about, this football player as the nfl write a statement against him versus all the guys who are beating up their girlfriends and getting in drunk driving accidents, etc. there just seems to be two different standards for americans in our country. >> yeah, rachel, i -- you
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referenced conservatives. i would argue that all reasonable americans, nonpartisan americans see this for what it is. this is why the persecution of donald trump has literally raised him higher in the polls. the more they do it, they've overreached, people understand that these are sham trials. they're keeping him many trial for five weeks with a judge that doesn't seem to -- well, i practiced law for years, rachel, and i don't think you have to be a lawyer and understand a courtroom to understand just how wrong this is. and i think the line he had last night is they want to take away my freedom because i want to protect yours. and i think the public knows that. i think even people who may not be big fans of donald trump, how many of them in their lifetime have said,, you know, i never thought i'd say this, but i kind of feel sorry for that guy, you know in you try to kick him off the ballot, you try to prosecute
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if him in many different sham indictments. the public is smarter than the political heats in washington, d.c., in the biden circle, the biden-obama circle give us credit for, and i think that's why minnesota is going to be in play come november. will: all right. congressman tom emmer, thanks for being with us this morning. pete: thank you, sir. rachel: take care. will: turn now to your headlines. a high-speed chase in los angeles ending in a wrong-way crash. the female driver immediately hops how of that white van and jumps onto the hood of the truck she slammed into with while going full speed. the suspect suffered head injuries, and first responders had to rescue a victim who was trapped inside his vehicle. police say the pursuit started after the woman tried the back into a patrol car. two officers were taken to the hospital but are expected to be okay. rachel: wow. pete: probably some drugs at may there. will: police across the country
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warning thieves are targeting electric vehicle charging stations. cables containing copper make them an enticing target. one tesla supercharger station in california had all of its charging cables stolen. it reportedly cost thousands of dollars to replace them. [laughter] ooh. and now to spring football. the michigan panthers already chinched a ufl playoff spot last week as but today they take on the memphis show boats in their home my fallally at 4 p.m. eastern, and tomorrow the renegades squaring off against the brahmas in san antonio. catch both game on fox. and those are your headlines. ah rau let's turn now to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for our fox weather forecast. rick, good morning. rick: good morning, guys. it has been so hot across florida this week, and we've got an uncomfortable day today. it is going to be really humid, it is going to feel hike bath outside. temperatures that are pushing 80
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degrees. when you get those kinds of dew temps, it is going to be completely oppressive outside, and it feels like air temperatures are going to be pushing 105. this isn't moving any further, guys, so i'm going to give you back some of my time, and i'll take it next hour. trust me, the it's bad in florida. it's going to get better tomorrow a little bit, it does improve. today's the one day you've got to get through. will: i've never seen rick give back some of -- [laughter] three and a half years, never has that happened. pete: he's got no tie and a clipper that doesn't work. are. rick: i want to use it later. save it for me. will: no chance. [laughter] pete: all right. of it is the catch of a lifetime. [background sounds] >> you're going to need a bigger boat. will: one florida fisherman reeling in his own massive shark. he's next. ♪ gone for the summer, gone for
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will: it's the catch of a lifetime. a florida man reeling in a massive shark off of jacksonville beach last weekend before releasing it back into the water. the season shark fisherman struggled for nearly half an hour -- i wouldn't say that's a struggling. at 12 feet, it's a tiger shark, the largest he's ever snagged. owen pryor joins us now. owen, great to have you on the show. i want to talk about the circumstances first. you caught this off a pique right? so you were -- pier, right? you're land-based figure. i'm all always curious about that because piers are quite a bit up out of the water, so you had to have a lot of line you were bringing in with this shark. >> yes, sir, yeah. i actually, i was not on the pier -- will: okay. >> i was near the pier. i was strictly from the beach. so, yeah, we actually got, i mean, we got some pretty serious fishing reels, that's for sure. they're made for blue fin tuna and what not, you know, so we line up with the specific hine that most of the guys use, like, if you know, you know.
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so as far as being prepared for a fish, just to be able to land it, you know, just in case, obviously, we weren't targeting that shark. but, yeah, the reel got it done. it was actually, like, only, yeah, 25 minutes. is so -- will: you know, i caught a shark once owen, and i remember them telling me the truth is sharks don't fight a lot. they're kind of deadweight. but when you were reeling him in, did you know, you know, regardless of how little he may be fighting, this thing's a giant? >> yeah, yeah, i mean, i've caught a lot of sharks before. there are specific specieses that do tend to fight a little harder pound opinion for pound, and the tiger shark, yeah, they are actually 40 notoriously lazy. so as far as when i set hook, you know, it was a big chunk of stingray and anything can eat it, you know? i've had 5-foot black tips eat that same exact bait. once i felt the weight, i go, all right, boys, i said, we got a real one, here we go.
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it was cool. will: as someone who spends if a decent amount of time in the ocean, i think we're all, you know, we fear great whites, but the truth is in the back of your mind the one i'm really afraid of is the tiger shark. and i read, you know, you took the hook out yourself. so you get him up on the beach and you take the hook out by hand,? >> yeah, yeah. so we actually -- i run barbless hooks. that's kind of, like, the general consensus, if you're going to target sharks from the beach, use barbless hooks because it makes that release process a whole lot faster. yeah, actually, it was barely hooked. it wasn't even hooked in the corner of the mouth, it was hooked by its lip. and then it was, like, double hooked. it got hooked twices with that hook. and i saw, obviously, ran right down, you know, popped it out by hand, took about 5 seconds, so it slid right now. definitely with no barb, that's the key to that whole release as far as just making it as
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efficient as possible. will: your company's called first coast surf fishing, and i have the ask you, surf fishing, i saw you do this extreme fishing that the somehow if combine withs fishing and and surfing? tell me quickly about this. >> yes. i mean, technically the whole -- the first coast is like the first hour or two, you know, off here on the northeast of the atlantic or whatever. but as far as surf fishing, i got some people that i've known, you know, they've been running, like, land-based shark charters for a while, and i saw an opportunity here in jacksonville that not only could i possibly put clients and friends and family on sharks, but also anything else that the you would expect to catch from the beach. so as far as from pompano -- will: i got you, yeah. i understand. there it is, first coast surf owen pryor with us this morning. thank you so much. congratulations. more "fox & friends" coming up.
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