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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  May 18, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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sure, i'm a paid actor, and this is not a real company, but there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. search talent all over the world with over 10,000 skills you may not have in house. more than 30% of the fortune 500 use upwork because this is how we work now. >> 8:00 a.m. hour of fox and friends weekend. starting with this mark gato's or the biden administration and in the entire previous decade. they do not seem too worried
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about it. >> it is several million people. >> more people coming in under present vitamins president trump is that true or not? >> that is true. >> new numbers show over 27000 chinese illegal immigrants cross the border so far this year. 8000% increase from 2021. >> trump is calling out inflation under biden it. this speech last night. cooks have you ever seen a bacon that went up four times, four times over a course of three years? i don't eat bacon anymore and so expensive. >> he plans to hold this first new york city rally of 20241st weeks after massive jersey shore gathering. rachel: today is national learn to swim day. we are ready to dive right in the third hour of fox and friends weekend it starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪. rachel: oh my goodness we had to have cruise on we just had barbecue. all of us. we didn't want to leave. >> you savages. rachel: what a morning. pete, you hit it out of the park. what a great idea. >> a good job. the first annual fox and brent weekend brisket fast. first annual. hopefully we'll hear from even more barbecue joint on the kindest thing is that you had brisket? let me show you brisket. they brought it. >> they brought it. morgan's barbecue, texas, tennessee, dickies, this stuff is okay. [laughter] rachel: the texas place but had
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the jalapenos stuffed with cream cheese and brisket. >> texas twinkie. quick so they cut it's a fresh cut than to go to the sweet spot of the combination of fat and meat and it is moist and it is hot. will: the whole thing was conceived as a competition. but we appreciate those before coming up in being part of fox and friends i can honestly say off or knocked it out of the park. >> what you cannot declare a winner. morgan's and brooklyn was incredible. at least amazing. whatever your dry rub is a different there's a different flavor to what you are doing. that used to be there's a couple places in texas. a couple more across the country were brisket was perfected. it's on their third generation.
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there is think that's what i want for my family. i want this to be an heirloom, a legacy. people are doing it all over the place and brisket is meeting its apex. rachel: what else is brought to the forefront as a proliferation of so many food channels, food shows and barbecue competitions not just happening in her hometown. your sink national competition people want to get in on it. that is america's pastime. cannata picked a better day to do this this is the beginning of that barbecue season. >> it seems like a mo memorial y weekend is coming up next week my belly has reached its apex for. >> you are good i did not even look i'm not going to worry about it. rachel: i did have them bring me some toothpicks. question is whether all over the country that smoker have it turn on for a while it feels ready to go, get it going. >> are not eager to the fact we got to indulge in a privilege here today because inflation is
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making this hard on everyone. donald trump campaigning in minnesota less site talks about one particular meat product. talked about the tax that is inflation. >> we will call the biden inflation tax. this is a tax you do not know about. i just came up with that it is the biggest tax in history. it is called inflation tax. it is about 50% this is like going to congress and racing ahead for a 50% tax, this is what it is the biden price hikes are continued to drain a $1165 from atypical minnesota family budget every single month. your energy prices went up so much and it's very simple whether you make donuts, with the make tires, whatever you make anything you have to turn on the furnaces you have to get the trucks moving in all of the other things the energy is what caused this massive inflation that we have suffered through. and then everything caught on have you ever seen a bacon where
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it went up four times? four times over the course of three years i don't eat bacon anymore it's too expensive. >> it is true. you mention the price of brisket. you get a single platter of brisket is like 19 bucks. everywhere you go has absolutely exploded from mcdonald's a value meal two basic items at the grocery store parade that will stick with people when they vote. rachel: the way he laid that out the inflation is the tax, it's a cost-of-living tax and bring it back to energy the terrible energy policies of the biden ministration how that impacts it. this is a real issue facing a real people. we've shown these polls when they are pulled on who they trust to bring the cost of living down to make it cheaper to live in america, to make it livable in america people trust donald trump they trust it not because of what he says they remember what he did.
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by the way when inflation hits it's a poor people tax. >> it is a tax on everything. rachel: if you are rich you can afford the 20-dollar brisket. if you are poor on a fixed income which lots of elderly people are, this hits you hard. will: fox news has invited both kenneth trump and biden to biden has agreed to two presidential debates there's been some effort to get the number two for i believe joe biden. >> on the trump side to client he has declined thus far to go to for debates which should be fox and nbc right now they are committed to cnn and abc. foxes also made an invitation to the candidates for a vice presidential debate. donald trump p at this untruth social on behalf of the future vice president of the united states, who have not yet chosen hereby accept the fox vice presidential debates. hopefully at virginia state university force historically
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black college or university toast the debate date to be determined i urge vice president harris to agree to this. before this been a fury trump hisegregious on behalf of his ve president. paris and have not agreed to part with the third debate with a trump is agreed to a third presidential debate but biden has not. you get the sense a lot of the negotiation is still forthcoming here. because of the perimeter brightness put around these debates trump said i'll take it. stay tuned. rachel: donald trump said there is a huge list of things donald trump had agreed to from the biden campaign. trump said he needs to walk across the stage to the podium which assumes he's making sure joe biden has to stand for that whole time at the podium. and then t lesson untruth social said what i was thinking he
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wants a drug test he famously has said they gave him a shot in the you know what before the last debates and then during one of joe biden state of the address when ever joe biden was of buffering a assigned to peter out and said the drugs are wearing off. he is concerned joe biden gets a little extra help if you will. mom's little helpers. >> this should demand that should not -- but they probably won't get it there's no way the biden campaign would conceded that they should press for no doubt. i saw jimmy kimmel made a joke that they agreed to have no light audience which is why the group have on cnn. [laughter] i'm sorry jimmy said that. i think he's right. orcs will but later it happen are pete and i will go off the wall on america's debate. the history of debates. will back into american history the role and impact of
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presidential debates. rachel: a little early before the big barbecue debate the surge, the number of god are ways which is something from the border patrol has been talking about for a long time. the numbers are astounding essentially over the last three years there'd been more god always over the last three years there have in the last 10 years. >> this is not the encounters this is the god always. rachel: these are people and by the weight these numbers we do not know for sure. for one had to 40 of these the biden ministration does not want to give these numbers. this is an estimation. these numbers could be a lot more. one of the concerns about criminal cartels coming across the border. obviously buick caught her turn in and put in a detention center and release which is what every other illegal goods or something you must be hiding. we were worried about criminals
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and what is the background of these people. we are seeing a surge in chinese nationals. look at the number of chinese and nationals of cross the border. since 8000% increase. >> look at that. so far fiscal year 24 they have been 27000 chinese nationals. this 8000% that's 342. from 342 to over 27000. >> there's no way a flood of that volume happens without ccp in china knowing it is happening. rachel: donald trump has said on record he is concerned they're g to stand up in army and our own country. >> one of things i most worried about weeds have to voice we approach this. we talk a lot about the left. it worry about the casual news consumer the nonpolitical person the independent person looks a news wash over them. their conception of illegal immigration is the guy is coming over here to do the landscaping
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and working hard. you have to see those numbers. you cannot ignore 27000 chinese. >> in a year. >> not coming to work landscaping. and you just sit under your breath i'm not sure who heard it, why? >> why. >> as we talked about national border patrol council vp. talked about the military aged men from around the world. watch. >> it isn't bad enough there are people that could cross into the united states, can honestly have a serious criminal background in their country. we just don't know about it. then we release them. night at the extra factors of people coming across. these are known got a ways. the actual number is not known. they could be very many more there's not enough agents out there in the field that could see who is coming across. who is abating. we are getting flooded in different areas people turning themselves in. military age men from around the
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world knowing they can ask for asylum, get released and then again we've been screaming about for a long, long time. these got a ways. they don't have an answer. they do not have a plan we are in a lot of serious trouble right now. rachel: you talked about the casual consumer does he know this he or she know it's the chinese question of pc gaslights lighting can be of some like aoc was asked about the surge across the border word she said we should not use the word surgeon. that implies that men, women and especially children coming across the border are insurgents. [laughter] >> is not at border crisis as an imperialist crisis in a climate crisis. i like it to be explained to me how climate and imperialism are pushing people through china, through mexico into the united states. [laughter] what you don't have to know how it just all fits its voodoo's left wing voodoo. rachel: baby girl, don't ask. [laughter] >> turning out your headline
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starting with the "fox weather" alerts. right now five to 60000 people across texas and louisiana do too hahave power after severe wr killed at least seven people in houston this week. let see that video the severity of the weather. houston is currently picking up pieces this morning after thursday's storm. officials say it could be weeks before some residents get power back. i came charles is planning a visit to france at his first trip overseas following his cancer diagnosis in february he'll be visiting normandy on june 6. queen camilla to commemorate the 80th anniversary of d-day. i'm going into weeks i'll be there the week before, i cannot wait. i am taking my boys. this the first in a series of outings to the royal family is the mark the anniversary. king charles returned to his world duties last month. i bear in southern california causing a traffic jam after it wandered onto a free weight before walking back into the hills earlier this week. experts say this is the time of
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year work bears leave their winter dens in search of food. quick speaking of food another bear in naples, florida it made him a home by ransacking one fillets fridge in the middle of the night this past week. the bear open both doors with port picking out the families of trashcan. >> pete jeff bears? pete: haven't seen any. rachel: aware at that concert my neighbor gina sent me a video papretty boy says to the producs the bear loads just like that bear that you saw. right across the street. >> we don't have t an texas east lived in east tennessee is the mountains. it isn't something you've got to deal the bears. they'll come into the garage, come into the trash cans. made an archery target i try to get my boys into archery. i woke up one morning the target was strewn across all mountainside. >> who didn't? >> the bear. i think there are some we've not
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seen one. the bears in new jersey i didn't know that. >> also it to you guys. we'll have that coming up. >> fireworks at another hearing this week that is the senate armed services committee senator eric schmitt pressed on di training as a recruitment is down her want to talk to him about that. >> first priming brian kilmeade with a look at what's coming up tonight on "one nation." >> you going to love tonight's show and "one nation" becoming straightahead amongst my great guest jon levitz is fighting as he is and is dead serious about being american and jewish in america it's time to stand up and speak out as is noaa and a immanuel. they wrote a book about typical conversations with a jew. important conversation we have to have another great roster gast do not miss a minute. come in saturday night.
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♪ >> u.s. navy is missing its recruiting goal by 6700 sailors. senate republicans are calling out the navy's secretary for focusing less on recruiting and building ships and more on pei enforcing covid mandates and a climate agenda.
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>> you have recruitment challenges you refuse to admit the de eyes are part of this. you are firing qualified people who are well trained you since you're so smugly to act like a none of that has an impact on the readiness of our navy. >> contacts and 3500 of the four inter- people who were fired. jujudy hammond decided to come back? two. >> shocker. >> missouri senator eric schmitt you are clearly fired up for all the right reasons. at the navy secretary seems to think that validates our decision only two people wanted to come back. >> yes, i think he had a gotcha there i said shocker is like no wonder they were so disrespected by their own government. the political class in washington they're completely out of touch with the militaries of the great meritocracy for a
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long time. people from any background can have a ticker tape parade throw from new york because a war hero. they have this ideology is a reason the military get a haircut, were uniform it is to build cohesion. not this division that is again been driven by the left ear. this diversity is our strength. has traditionally been bipartisan very gentlemanly committee. i was infiltrating the military. we have to speak out against this. we have to be we can't shy away from the issue. again this divisive ideology this cultural marxism is what
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pei is, is really dangerous. it causes division. by the way the navy for example is 20% off of its recruiting goals last year. it is 30% off so far this year. it's completely naïve not to think that pushing this political agenda at the military has is not affecting recruiting. of course it is. they also fired thousands of well qualified, trained, military and women because they refuse to take the covid shot. that's worth pointing out. there's no apology. there is no remorse. it is incumbent upon congress to hold these folks accountable. >> our readiness suffers the navy is retiring more ships than it is a building shrinking that navy as a chinese navy continues to grow. the obsession of the navy, a green fleet, climate change and they say it out loud, don't they? >> the admiral would be rolling over in his grave to hear these
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folks talk about climate change being our biggest threat. eight nuclear holocaust might be erred communist china on the rise with visions for world domination is a much bigger threat. to get these folks to even admit that is an exercise. but you are rites, china has a bigger navy than we have. that ate better navy but a bigger navy we have four naval shipyards they have 12 each of the 12 its greater capacity than all of all four hours combined. these are startling statistics. we've got to get serious about the civil w and the 21st century. c4 senator eric schmitt appreciate you fighting and bring up the what we are trying but in our homes. i want to mention my new book the war on a wa warrior comes on june 4 you can reorder it right now. we talked but all these topics wise climate change and obsession of military? by rebuilding electric tanks will be able to drive the selector tanks. what's the result of the covid maxine mandate pushing up
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patriots. missing recruiting goals, he mentioned the trade that navy hosted d ei at summit. yet they say this out there joe gomer set on china pentagon is a perfect record in the last decade it's wargames against china. it loses every single time its own internal wargames here in a bad spot right at the warriors deserve better leadership the book is the war on lawyers we talk about all the things we just talked about in the armed services committee. hope you check it out for father's day and for memorial day. backlash over traditional values. the kicker for the chiefs facing heat after saying this to female college graduates. >> adventure to cast most of guf your most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this war "coach lou holtz said it showed courage and conviction. he is next. >> today's national learn to swim day. i hope the pool is heated. we are ready to dive right in.
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and our success stories are real. why not give it a try? rachel: harrison butker is facing major backlash after addressing a graduates at catholic school. >> i think you, the women have the most lies told to put have any of your sitting here now about to cross the stage, our thinking about all of the the promotions and titles are going to get in your career? some of you may going to lead successful careers in the world could i would venture to guess the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. i can tell you that my beautiful wife isabel would be the first
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to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife, as a mother. >> our guest courage and conviction. football coach lou holtz joins us now. coach, thanks for being on the show. >> thank you for having me. i am proud to be part of fox and friends. >> are proud to have you on fox and friends. you heard what harrison butker had to say you think it's courageous. tell us why. let us remember he wasn't talking to an abortion clinic he was talking to catholic university. i have spoke it benefit deck the university avenue been there many times it's a wonderful school but no one told me what to say. they asked me too be a commencement speaker i've been there you speak from your heart on the things you believe in. when our first child of four was born, coach gary championship she would come a few are successful as a husband and
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father this it's really true. rachel: that was his message. talks about masculinity. i want to get to that clip but before i do show's salome, why do you think the nfl, there's also problems with on in the nfl but lots of players getting in trouble and all this kind of stuff. they could not in front of fast enough that the ei vice president guy to distance themselves of this message. a message that is pretty wholesome. >> it's like a gang that cannot shoot straight. we drafted first around strangled his pregnant girlfriend. how many people been arrested in the nfl call and stood on his knees and complained of the nfl but nobody said a word about that. and to me, what bothers me is for freedom of speech pretty didn't say it's for everybody it's what he believed.
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you encourage you got to get speech you criticize people when i say here, i cannot control that. i cannot control what i believe i'm true to myself as well as my values. >> amen. rachel mentioned that he'd talk not just about women but men. here is harrison butker talk about cultural emasculation of men. wash. >> a gentleman here today part of it plagues our society is a lie that is been told you that men are not necessary in the home or in our communities. be unapologetic in your masculinity. bfighting against the cultural emasculation of men. do hard things but never settle for what is easy. >> of doing hard things and fighting back against that for a long time, pretty important message. >> i agree with him completely. in 1988 time magazine came to me and said coach, would you write an article but with this country it would be like in 2020. i wrote the article and i have in my hallway.
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it's a great family. everything comes with the family. when you don't have discipline in the family you don't have desh make you end up with all kinds of problems. change the culture of this country. this country was summit dividends i am an old man we do know we have to have faith in what you're doing and stand for something. you have to make a decision point to stay home and pursue a career. my wife and i decide records go without certain things but it is important for somebody to stay home and raise our four children. when they came home from school for someone to listen them and comfort them and whatever else the case may be. it was a difficult decision. it was the best choice we ever made. my wife had the more important job that i did by far.
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she did a better job with them. my greatest success on coac coaching -- make my greatest successes in my family. i'm proud of my family and raising them because we stayed y together as a family. people as estimate was a differe between today and 20 years ago? today everybody was a talk about the right and privileges. twenty or so we talked about our obligation and responsibility. you join a business you bring a child into the erosion of obligation and responsibility. the right to fail i believe this. doesn't say everyone should he said it's what he believes. it's what he believed now at the university felt he should say. both commencement. coach, you need to say this or say this. you have to speak from your heart on the things you believe
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in. >> incredible messages morning, coach. you couldn't when the 16 national titles but you are a failure if not a good husband and father. coach lou holtz would love having you on the show. >> coach thank you good to see a bimprovements thanks for having me. >> abate déjà vu the future biden/trump matchups might seemed like a repeat. it's far cry from debates we've seen before. will and i go off the wall and how they transform. ♪ something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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♪ ♪ mashed up my to make a repeat but it's a far cry from debates who seem before progress. >> most of the biggest and notable moments and debate history in the united states history. the schedule now for two trump bided debates. possibly more were setting ourselves up for what might likely it will be more memorable moments. they may not be proud moments for the candidates. >> no doubt something is coming for the beginning of our republic there were no debates and factsin fact candidates fort did not even campaign over time it became more contentious
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debates happen when most prominent ones we should be learning about in schools as the lincoln douglas debate for the thesenate seat in illinois we looked at the bar it was monumental spot slavery and it was conducted in such a substantive way it was in 1858. steven douglas versus abraham lincoln paid seven debates. lincoln traveled by road and boat across the country to make these debates for cooks douglas traveled by a much more refined train had a cannon he fired off in every town he came into to announce his presence there seven on the topic of slavery. douglas, they say in the moment, one would lead to of fell apart over the issue of slavery lincoln's artist national prominence because of the strength of his debates and the republican party's grew as a result after the lincoln/douglas debray. >> not as well-known as a duly debate republican primary debate in 1948 but why does notable
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it's the first broadcast mass of broadcast debate was broadcast over the radio. will: you know this was a long time it was from a republican in new york and a republican from minnesota former governor stassen on the radio in oregon. so the communist party. the minnesota and now it's full of communists. we should ban the communist party. dooey said no we went to allow them to televise it the first televised all of the big candidates for the presidency joined. it remains an important debate for much of presidential history. >> for sure. jimmy carter refused to participate as an incumbent president. interestingly except for ronald
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reagan a lot of debates in any candidates or names on the ballot could be involved. you see that right there at geoe h.w. bush for sure. we move moved deeply into the television era. went mentioned the most famous of those kennedy and nixon. a sense of how powerful the visual is people listening on the radio. people listening on the radio thought richard nixon one. if you are watching on television, john f. kennedy came off so much more polished and smooth the thought he won. quick to say it nixon did not wear makeup. he was sweating. it transitions us into this era or visual presentation becomes as important. it's not just what you are saying but the substance of what you're saying. so before that happened in 1968 impact in the psyche of presidential politicians no one wanted to do te televise debates
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again. because if looked at these script on the entire campaign. it was not until 1976 so 16 years later there actually was a televised debate gerald ford was the income but although he had not been elected he came after nixon taken on carter he made a mistake and ate debate that is remembered, watch this. >> there is no soviet domination of eastern europe. and there never will be under foreign administration. >> i'm sorry. but i just? in that moment everyone under the umbrella of the cold war do their soviet domination in eastern europe he denied it out right it did not work out for him. >> to underline the importance and how his shift and we internalize these debates are once read one of ronald reagan's campaign advisors had 80% how you look, 15% higher sound and only 5% we have a the said dont if it's right or wrong. we began the era of that's how
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people internalized. >> it so i spent so much time in the mirror before the show. 80% hi look that's it. cooks are in this error is the most memorable moments in the televise air of debate you have a ronald reagan versus walter mondale in 1984. >> i will not make age an issue of this campaign. i'm not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent's youth and inexperience. [laughter] >> regular 73 at the time is the oldest president then and elective would deafly be the oldest of 3000 attack on his as he sell this fastball? took the oxygen out of the room. even his opponent left to get your opponent to laugh at that effective life of its former governor of texas taught us a lesson in 2011. never have three points. >> third agency of government i would do away with the education. commerce and let's see i can't's
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the third and i can't. sorry. [laughter] >> and think it was interior. it's hard to remember three things you put on the spot probecause you are the king of listed. three is a great numbers ever happened to you? works out cooks on a national television with the debate we love rick perry is a tough moment right there. remember this when it's a lot of contention between these two now president and vice president. but harris went hard at joe bided when he was seen as a front runner in 2019, watch. >> also worked with him to oppose busing there is a little girl in california it was part of the second class to integrate her public schools she was bus to school every day. that little girl was me. >> is like getting punched in the face that looks like a really young guy is astonishing.
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>> and she was picked by the way for vice president. [laughter] now we arrive at joe bided versus donald trump the change this year are the debates are going to be held earlier starting in june. >> and had a june presidential debate. the conventions have not happened yet will not form it be the nominee and thought habits of the parties but it's happening anyway. >> note live studio audience. donald trump quds assume the reverse joe biden's mike cut is cut and in the other speaking bt lot of news organizations hosting at the presidential debate commission rate that's a look forward to this year end here's what it was like last time. >> i think it is important we were still the sword of this nation. this at present has ripped it out she was the only president andin our history was equated a racist and, and, and a white supremacist with ordinary decent people. >> is hard to get a word it with this client excuse me. >> limits that you are a center of the worst -- like the worst present americas ever had come
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on. that is a really productive segment, wasn't it? >> keep yapping, man. >> is different today it's going to be different but it will be different by the way that is mostly joe biden here is donald trump is a flashback. >> don't ever use the word smart with me. don't ever use that word. >> oh give me a break up a. >> because there's nothing smart about you, joe. you called the super predators african-american super predators. they've never forgotten it. they've never got it, joe. that mayor of moscow's wife gave years and three half-million dollars would he do to deserve it? what did he do? >> there's $183,000. >> none of that. >> not this guy at joe biden's won't be counting on moderators to step it and do work for him. that is on the pitfalls of this new arrangement. trump one anywhere anytime he got it. it's going to be a show progressive still believe it when i see it. >> interesting, never we will see. the history of debates we are celebrate the start to summer in
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fox square all morning we just had brisket fast naz national learn to swim date. ♪
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why choose a sleep number smart bed? can i make my side softer? i like my side firmer. sleep number does that. now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 36 months. shop now at (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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♪ ♪ cleanse national water safety month national learn to swim day. >> aqua tots of bryce's pool to fox where it is heated. it is heated. aqua talks has been teaching to swim for more than 30 years. >> cannonball play. >> they teach over 5 million people to swim worldwide her. >> joining us now lindsey aqua tots swim school franchise owner. lindsey, thank you for being here. >> think i'm all wet. were happy to be here at the warm heated pool it's almost 95 degrees in there. the kids are having a blast. it aqua tots been teaching swim lessons are over 30 years like you said. we are teaching safe and confident lifelong swimmers. >> it is important is the number one cause of death for children under four years old but we have seen a high profile, really tragic cases.
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how young can they start? >> we start as young as four month old per at that age range of four -- six months old its rapid progression they are able to foll follow mom, dad, peopleh their eyes in their head. it's a great time. at four months to start teaching them how to turn their eyes, find safety. find their air. click that as far as would ask. i was taught as it a and that my mom did the class. you can learn. >> it is ideal. >> and at that young you can start really understanding love it for the waterbury start respecting the water understand boundaries at a really young age and how important it is to listen to mom and dad and know when it's okay to get in. >> rarachel i both grew up in arizona there's a lot of fatalities that happened. we had kids they did not have fences. the importance of at least learning how to state safe.
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they may not be swimming at that age that they can survive it. >> yes they can dock a panel to the edge. >> @aqua talks we teach a survil skills we teach lifelong learning skills. because it isn't warm for teaching? i took my 4-year-old at home in our pool was so cold she did not learn she did not should be in progress are distracted they do not want to be in the water in the pool is that cool. at aqua tots we teach at 90 to 92 degrees it's a great learning environment progr request underk track of pools they brought this out this morning. we love this is our favorite part of the shout look at this. >> there you go the underwater. [laughter] check. . this pools going to someone's house. >> in two weeks it's going over too long island. >> where can they learn more about awkward tots? >> and national learn to swim and they were giving away a year of free swim lessons.
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6:00 am
♪ ♪ i'm at one with my humanity -- ♪ trying to reclaim my sanity. ♪ nothing in my if vein ises but vanity -- ♪ he's the same old, same old. ♪ you tol


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