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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 18, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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>> the campaign trail is heating up. donald trump is set to take the stage at the nra national convention in texas. we will take you there live when it gets underway. he had a busy friday campaigning in minnesota and attending his son's graduation in florida. welcome back to fox news live. greg:president biden is expected to speak at a campaign event in atlanta at his convention speech in morehouse college tomorrow. let's check in with garrett tenney in dallas with the latest. >> reporter: the trump campaign is seeing signs of weakness in deep blue minnesota.
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in 2016, trump narrowly lost the state by a point and a half by losing it by 7 and 2,020. in minnesota's democratic primary, 19% of voters selected uncommitted, many to protest biden's support of israel. last night he spent a lot of time hitting biden on the economy but also talking about his ongoing legal troubles. >> every time the radical left them across, marxist, communists, fascists indict me i considered a badge of honor. i really do. you are lucky to have me instead of some stiff would that would crawl into a corner. crawl into a corner. >> reporter: top democrats say trump has no chance to win minnesota and any suggestions otherwise from the trump camp are ahead fake to get the biden campaign to invest valuable
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campaign resources there rather than in actual battleground states. trump will be in dallas to address the national convention, a key voting block for the gop. kamala harris taking shots that the choice in this election is clear, president biden and i will take on the gun lobby to keep americans safe while donald trump will sacrifice our kids and community safety to keep these special interests happy. guns are important issue for a lot of folks here today but for voters as a whole it is not a top deciding issue at the moment. the latest fox news paul, just 1% of voters named guns as a deciding issue in their pick for president. griff: thank you very much. aishah: president biden is making an appeal to black voters amid slumping polls in that category. lucas tomlinson has more.
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he said it to morehouse tomorrow, historically black college but some students don't want him there. >> reporter: some flyers were passed around, encouraging students to turn their back on the president at not applaud when the two democratic senators speak. president biden taking off from andrews to atlanta, video of arriving in atlanta, there he is, arriving a short time ago, you see the gentleman lined up, greeted by democratic senators, rafael warnock is an alumnus, recall 8 years ago both senators from georgia were republicans. now they are both democrats. karine jean-pierre previewed the president's speech. >> an opportunity to lift up and give a message to our future leaders, these morehouse
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men will be our future leaders, he understands as the president tends to do meet the moment we are in and we will get beyond that. i will say stay tuned. >> it's not a coincidence he's going to historically black college, his losing black voters, he's lost 7% of the black vote across the country and young people too. another poll shows a more dire situation for the biden campaign and swing states. according to a new new york times paul biden made 28% in the swing states. the drop in supporters due to the economy, the situation. >> he should be worried about black voters. it his own fault for instituting a radical agenda that turning our country. probably too late for him.
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>> reporter: some republican lawmakers want to see him take a forceful stand in gaza, five american hostages remain in hamas captivity, us special forces on the grounds. perhaps your next guest has some thoughts on that, 40 americans were killed october 7th. aishah: visit too late for him? we will get into that later. thank you. griff: alexandria ocasio cortez and senator john fetterman have results after fetterman compared the house of representatives to the jerry springer show following a fight during a committee hearing thursday. madeleine rivera joins us with more on this congressional infighting. can't make this stuff up. >> reporter: this features two democrat against each other. the post from john fetterman showing him apologizing to the jerry springer show for
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comparing it to the u.s. house. he said adjusting the lower chamber of commerce is worse than the crude talkshow after house oversight contempt hearing from erica garland thursday devolved into shouting insults over physical appearances. watch these fireworks among marjorie taylor greene, alexandria ocasio cortez and jasmine crockett. >> do you know what we are here for? you don't want to talk about -- >> or pink eyelashes are missing up -- >> order. >> i have a point of order and i would move to take down miss green's words. that's absolutely unacceptable which how dare you attack the physical appearance of another person. baby girl, don't even play. we are going to --
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>> ocasio cortez argues there are no both sides to that blowout, for allowing the chaos to happen. she hits fetterman for his take saying in part i stand up to bullies instead of becoming one into the woman of pennsylvania i stand up for you too. there are allegations some members were drinking during the hearing it accusation that jamie raskin says is worth investigating. griff: thank you. aishah: for more on this, let's get to mike waltz joining us live from florida. i apologize. it's 2024 and i am starting off a segment talking about congressional lawmakers calling each other baby girl and attacking each other's eyelashes. what's going on capitol hill, you see a lot of members on both sides of the aisle, what is happening?
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>> that was a heckuva day i spent, the morning in a courtroom watching get the president of the united states get treated like a petty criminal, cohen getting caught lying on the stand to get back down and i was sitting right there is all of that went down. they got spicy. that hearing in particular, got some personalities on it but i throw it back on the media, the media has been covering this nonstop and we will see if the media covers the armed services committee when we are doing bipartisan serious work this coming week. the question to ask. aishah: we are covering it because of decorum and we've seen it happen a few times over, not exactly play out like this but where decorum comes into question. >> fair enough but the question
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to ask, does the nonstop wall-to-wall coverage of it then incentivize the behavior because than the media will cover it even more? there is a serious issue that marjorie taylor greene was trying to raise in that members of that committee particularly dan goldman have the daughter of judge merchant on retainer paying her tens of thousands of dollars coaching michael cohen in terms of his testimony. that representative was trying to ask about it and that is when the whole thing blue up which is incredible serious issue, this is election interference. why are members of congress getting involved in a new york trial going after the president sitting in that trial was biden's number 3 justice officials sitting in a new york manhattan courtroom feet away from the man who is ahead of
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president biden in the polls, this is pretty incestuous all around and that is what representative green was trying to get to before we descended into chaos. aishah: something that caught my attention, you forgot how big of a liar michael cohen is an started to come back to you how many times he has lied on capitol hill in front of congress. do you think that's resonating with the jerry? you got to see them up close, you think the jury is getting that? >> todd blanche is very methodical when he lays these things out. it could get a little tedious but the jury was dialed in. several members taking copious notes the entire day but to your point on cohen as a habitual member i am a member of the intel committee and
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forgot he lied to the intel committee about the russia hoax than lied to his lawyer about lying and then pled guilty, then lied to the judge about pleading guilty and that was just one episode. to have this peary mason moment blanche catches him on a lie on the stand about a phone call to donald trump which turns out it wasn't trump and cohen had just testified to the prosecution two days prior, not like he forgot. it was to trump's bodyguard about a totally different topic than what he said about the hush money and it was only 90 seconds long, all of which blanche called out so i think the jerry is dialed in. i won't feel good about it until this thing gets thrown out but look what biden's doj has done, blocked trump in court, blood his campaign account in terms of money. even if when he gets equipment,
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they've taken him off the campaign trail and my fear is we are descending into a third world country where unleashing prosecutors on your political opponents are the norm in places like venezuela. is this where we are going as a country? aishah: in pakistan a candidate for president is in prison and you've got a divided country there. sometimes it feels very familiar, to me as well. talking about political persecution a lot of republicans feel the doj has been giving cover to this current president, the house judiciary committee voted to advance the contempt of congress against merrick garland this week for not releasing the audiotapes from the interview with president biden. this is how your democratic colleagues are seeing this vote. this is jared moscowitz. >> the whole thing is a joke, no reasonable -- he has
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complied. there is no interference from merrick garland. this is the version for their failed impeachment of president biden. aishah: is there a clear conflict of interest when it comes to garland, trying to protect the president? >> one hundred% there's a conflict of interest. at the end of the day even though he named a special prosecutor, garland makes the ultimate decisions so a couple things because democrats are saying they released the transcript of biden's interview with his offer where he was openly talking about having classified documents, deliberately pointing out they were in the basement and talking to his arthur about it. he should be convicted but it is garland, charged at least, what we want our the actual audiotapes because we are not
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confident the transcriptions were one hundred% accurate. there's things in there that are labeled as inaudible, we want to see what those were. at the end of the day you get the tone, the tenor, the full context and picture and i have seen those classified documents that were sitting in biden's garage, highly classified, highly relevant to what's going on in the world today, with very sensitive sources. we want to know who is traipsing through the biden center and who is hunter bringing from kazakhstan, russia, china, whoever in and out of biden's garage. we need an investigation into the damage that was done to our sources and methods. so much to unpack that the democrats and the doj will block and tackle for president biden. aishah: we will see that vote when it comes up for a full cool floor vote. thanks for being here.
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you were always a gentleman on capitol hill, you have great decorah man never step out of line. thank you for leading. >> i am a strong mother, a strong wife, 27 years in the army. we can get things done and have disagreements but that is what the american people expect to. aishah: see you soon. griff: a video by cnn showing did he combs attacking his girlfriend in 2016. this as investigators looking for other allegations including sex trafficking. christina coleman is live with a warning to the viewers. >> reporter: graphic indeed, disturbing, hard to watch. from the intercontinental hotel
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in los angeles in march 2016, it appears to show sean combs dressed in a towel as he chased his then girlfriend and kick her and drag her, in a statement to people magazine, her lawyer said the and got wrenching video has only further confirmed the disturbing and predatory behavior of mr. combs. last november, ventura filed a lawsuit against combs and referred to him as a quote must, vicious, controlling man who subjected her to abuse, violence, and sex trafficking. in the complaint her lawyers said they believe combs paid the hotel $50,000 for this footage and referenced this incident saying he followed her into the hotel, yelling at her, grabbed at her and took a glass base and in the hallway causing glass to crash around them as she ran to the elevator to escape. combs called the allegations false, outrageous and a money grab even though the two
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settled the lawsuit the day after it was filed and the allegations didn't stop. robbie jones filed a federal lawsuit against combs in february accusing him of sexual misconduct. in march federal officials rated his homes, the raid was part of an ongoing sex trafficking investigation by federal authorities and now this disturbing march 2016 video bringing more attention to the abuse claims made against combs by multiple people. >> what should happen here, should have happened with jeffrey epstein situation, all involved, subpoena them, call them in front of counsel, examines them. if you are exonerated you are exonerated. >> reporter: we reached out to comb's legal team for response to the video and have not heard back and combs is not been formally charged with any crimes.
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griff: thank you very much. aishah: new numbers on assaults on law enforcement officers, men and women in blue, the vice president of the fraternal order of police is here with us live on that next. brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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>> the nypd arrested the man accused of sucker punching steve buschemi who ambushed him on the street punching the actor in the face and injuring his eye. cb cotton is live in new york with the latest on this attack. >> police calling this a random attack which left him bloodied and bruised in broad daylight. the man accused of sucker punching the actor had nothing to say when asked why he did it. again, 50-year-old clifton williams who is now facing second-degree assault charges. detectives walked him out of a police precinct as droves of cameras captured the moment. officers have been looking for
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this guy for a little more than a week. he was treated at the hospital after the may 8th attack, photos later showed him on a film set in the city with a black eye, hidden behind sunglasses are, boo chamois is known for his roles in the sopranos, boardwalk empire, he was born in brooklyn and served with the fdny for four years, after 9/11 he returned to dig through the rubble and look for survivors. his boardwalk empire costar was also randomly assaulted in new york city, he was walking in central park when a man through a rock at his neck, chased after the suspect it was later caught by the police. according to the latest year-to-date city data, overall crime is trending downward, felony and misdemeanor assault are trending upward so far as this year.
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aishah: i'm not going to be one of these people who get sucker punched. it is scary. cb cotton, live, thank you. griff: a national vice president of the fraternal order of police, thank you for being a here, this rise in assaults and the rise of attacks on law enforcement officers. what do you think? >> and i will the war on cops continues to rage. the fbi released a report that it was a 10 year high, the nypd had their most assaults on officers in recorded history. 378 police officers shot last year. a record number since we started tracking the data. 24 is not shaping up any better, we are outpacing those
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historic numbers to the tune of one police officer shot every 20 one hours in this country and we still had house democrats, one hundred 68 of them had the audacity to vote against the bill that would have deported illegal migrants who assault police officers, 60 of them in that group voted against condemning violence against police officers. it is completely disgusting, those house democrats gave a big middle finger to america's law enforcement. griff: we can show viewers the stats with assaults with guns out there. look at the way it trends up there. why is this war on cops which isn't new but escalating now, why is it increasing now? >> a product of the revolving door criminal justice system,
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85% of cop killers have been arrested before, 70 one% are convicted felons. if we through the book at criminals, we would get them off the street so they wouldn't be assaulting police officers. of the president would condemn the violence against law enforcement, if house republicans stepped up and passed the protect and serve act which would make it a federal crime to assault a police officer and if we just stop treating cops like scum in this country we could get the war on cops under control and get us back on the right track. griff: i live and work out of dc. an interesting, chilling incident, i can show you image of a younger man, last month, on the streets, busy neighborhood street a mile from the capital unleashing 2 dozen rounds on the street.
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he was arrested, dc superior court judge released him on bail, not perceiving he was offered to the community. started to do the story and dug a little deeper, the us attorney matt graves, failing to prosecute gun felony cases. last year, failed to prosecute 30% of the cases and he declined 2262 cases which what do you make of that? >> maybe he should get off his ass and do his job. that is why you are seeing of a homicide rates spiked by 38%, carjackings up 100%. the recent dc crime bill, 18 democrats crossed party lines and voted in favor of it because they were crime victims of themselves. they were the ones being carjacked and assaulted. sorry that it happened to them
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but glad they saw the light because passing that crime bill is the first step in the right direction to get our nations capital back from the brink. griff: in the last 20 seconds, donald trump in dallas speaking to the nra, guns are front and center. would you like to hear him say something about the war on cops? >> i would love to condemn the violence against law enforcement as he had repeatedly and tell these rogue das and activist judges to do their job, let's prosecute criminals for assaulting police officers, prosecute them when committing crimes with guns and take urban communities back. griff: have a great weekend. aishah: a fresh appeal for black voters as support among the key groups slips.
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our panel next. ♪ help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. ( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it.
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>> president biden: my name is joe biden and i am a lifetime member of the naacp. >> most - no speech will change the facts that he has wrecked the economy for all americans so he should be concerned. >> i am sure black votes will come home to president biden but he needs to talk to black voters as well. aishah: he has six months to turn around, he's ramping up his efforts as their support wanes. let's bring in our political panel, carbon dividends managing director mrs. johnson and steve hiatt. thank you both for joining us
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on this rainy, wet, washington day. don't know why it always happens on the weekends. let's put some numbers on the screen. brand-new fox news polls show where biden and trump land when it comes to black voters. biden has a good amount of support but it has gone down since october 2020. not just black voters but among key groups, hispanic voters, moderates, underage under the age of 30 have dropped, i will come to you first. black voters are extremely important. this is the key group that got him nominated in 2020. what does he have to do to turn the ship around? >> he has six months, plenty of time to do the work he needs to do to get those numbers back. the reason it's important, not just among black voters but
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many voters we had a lot of inflation but inflation is coming down, the economy getting better. people beginning to think the economy is getting better, 30% think excellent, the highest number in a couple years. as that continues to improve i think all these numbers will rise. aishah: there are other issues. especially among young voters it has come down because of what's happening with foreign policy in israel. let's play the soundbite of black voters and why they are choosing trump this year. >> probably the only black person to admit it but trump. >> trump has helped a lot of people in the community and i am voting for trump. >> trump got out of office, money circulating, if biden is in, crazy. aishah: i hear this on the trail even in florida when i
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was there before a debate. it felt like, it felt like people were being overlooked. i know the kids at morehouse, the commencement, one student said he felt the president was coming to take pictures. >> a feeling of taken for granted that comes from a lot of voters especially young voters, the numbers interesting, republican presidential nominee hasn't won the youth vote since 1988. if biden is underwater with them that's a red flag. going to speak at commitments is great, the current president, not going to undo the problems he is seeing and there's a lot of focus on the israel/hamas war and that is where he's hemorrhaging support, fourteenth or fifteenth among young people's priorities, the issues most important, the economy, inflation, climate change, these things biden could be
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working on and instead feels like there's a distraction on the foreign policy side because of this misguided belief that that's what young people are fired up about when they're worried about mortgage, rent and those things. aishah: debates don't happen until the election, one coming up on june 27th. how can he make the case, this could go wrong. there is a little bit of nervousness on the left. >> in both camps but it is great. biden said let's go, trump rose to the challenge, here we go in june. and it's not going to be the world series, nfl competing, it will be just them. a lot of americans will pay attention, give the president the opportunity to rebut what chris said which is to say even though we have inflation, it is the envy of the world. our inflation is less than any developed nation and every country suffering with the supply-chain challenges. it will be a great opportunity
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for the president to prove he can rise above expectations. 's expectations are too low, trump is playing into that. that's a mistake on the republicans. carley: the way he presented this, i'm going to do it as long as we do this, this, this and do it here and trump in the meantime is just saying i will debate you in space if i have 2. i will do it anywhere. >> anywhere anytime. just the announcement alone of the debates from president biden, six jump parts, that is -- he can make all the arguments you wants but he will come across as one of the biggest concerns with the current president is he up to the job? the debate will make that very clear, continue to be an issue, not getting any younger. aishah: it is live tv and lots of things can happen.
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interesting on this entire election, this is him talking about last minute switch. >> the consensus is almost biden can't win. 's it too late to switch out? the states where biden is losing is interesting, the democratic senate candidate is not losing. it says something which is it's not the party necessarily somewhat. it's the guy. arthel: is a too late to switch? >> it's not going to happen. i have a $500 that with jim nicholson that president biden will be the nominee and can't wait to collect. chris:democrats got to hope he's not the nominee if they want to take back the house and senate. aishah: much more to come. come up with those stock talking points, thank you so much.
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griff: two companies developing high-tech weapons systems showcasing their work, using ai to their top military leaders. jennifer griffin takes a look from the pentagon. >> we own ai or our adversaries, china and russia. >> modern warfare is revolutionized by artificial intelligence. >> our adversaries have as long a tradition of being not interested in fairness, not interested in human rights and on the battlefield it's going to be us or them. we have to nominate and set a rule of law to constrain develop in which we did in post-world war ii period with nuclear warheads. >> the us is the leading producer of ai software outpacing china and russia says alex carpet, cofounder of palantir whose technology is being used in ukraine and the police. >> do you think you can prevent a war with china?
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>> the way to prevent a war with china is to ramp up not just palantir but defense tech startups that produce software defined weapons systems that scare the living after out of our adversaries. >> this mixed reality head that allows the war fighter to see the battlefield with air assets, enemy targets and supply routes in 3d. but fear that ai could lead to killer robots taking humans out of the so-called kill chain has led to anxiety and threats of regulation that worries american innovators, shannon clark says this targeting technology would have helped shorten the war in iraq and afghanistan. >> what was able to be done in days or weeks is now done in minutes. i had a general said to me the other day it doesn't matter if i have 50 targets, i want to know what effect i have available. >> reporter: software by tech
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companies can streamline supply chains, something that will be needed in the pacific, the simulation shows how palantir software can find a nefarious cargo ship hiding in busy ceilings. >> all about scale. he you will not be able to do this alone, you will need machine learning to tell you how to get through the process faster. >> i'm putting my best foot forward to make sure we are going to win. >> reporter: jennifer griffin, fox news. aishah: a devastating storm leaving a destructive path across the south. we will take you there live next. is some freakin' torque. what? the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo!
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stayed healed. and voquezna can provide heartburn-free days and nights. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. don't take if allergic to voquezna or while on products with rilpivirine. voquezna may cause serious side effects including kidney problems, diarrhea, bone fractures, severe skin reactions, low vitamin b-12 or magnesium levels, and stomach growths. call your doctor if you have diarrhea, stomach pain or fever that won't go away, decreased or bloody urine, seizures, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, jitteriness, muscle aches or weakness, spasms of hands, feet, or voice. voquezna can help kick some acid, and so can you. ask your doctor about voquezna. aishah: the national weather service confirming 100 mile-per-hour winds because the devastating damage in houston. workers are racing to board up is blown out windows because it is still raining on and off.
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katie byrne is there, no rain but a ton of damage. >> reporter: when you look at damage like this you can imagine cleanup is likely to take weeks. we are ten minutes outside residential neighborhoods that are completely destroyed. we've seen downed trees, toppled huge transmission lines and some buildings have completely collapsed. the cleanup is extensive. hurricane force winds shattered windows, high-rise office buildings and hotels, crews working 24 hour shifts to board them up. i spoke with glass company workers who tell us it's dangerous work and there are hundreds of blown out windows. >> we are cleaning up the mess, the glass mainly, the broken glass is up in the building so they don't fallout and hurt somebody.
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very widespread, very dangerous, trying to be careful and not get cut. >> reporter: hundreds of thousands of people who live in harris county are without power. we and thorough week straight of 90 degree temperatures, cooling centers open so some people can find some relief if they don't have any air-conditioning. griff: let's bring in meteorologist adam klotz, multiple safir weather threatening the planes in the midwest. >> reporter: these storms we have been tracking continue to make their move. straight line wind damage from boston all the way, 400 miles over new orleans as we speak. not as severe, the leading line
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of storms, the leading edge south of tallahassee, as we begin afternoon hours we get more daytime heating, it becomes severe again. everything on the red is to out of school scale of 5, risk of severe weather, severe thunderstorms, we could see some hail certainly through the lightning, there's a ton of rain in this. the atmosphere is rich with moisture. flooding will be a major concern across the florida panhandle stretching into portions of southern georgia, you see a highlighted area. on top of all of that, it is incredibly warm in the western and eastern united states. 93 ° in miami, record-breaking heat for these areas in chicago. griff: thank you.
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aishah: nascar cup series revving up this weekend, live to the speedway next. ♪ "9 out of 10 people don't get enough fiber" benefiber is the easy, gentle solution for every day. its plant-based prebiotic fiber nourishes good bacteria in your gut working with your body to promote digestive health. with so many ways to enjoy, benefiber is your fiber, your way.
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(vo) in three seconds, this couple will share a perfect moment. (woman) is that? oh wow! but we got to sell our houses! (vo) well, almost perfect. don't worry. just sell directly to opendoor. (woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house.
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griff: nascar cup series
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all-star race taking place at mark's -- north wilkesboro speedway. it was them to for years before being revived and brought back from last year's all-star waste. madison alworth has the assignment of the day with more on how businesses in the area are impacted. [engines] >> reporter: we can only hear you. let's try again. [engines running] griff: all we can hear is those cars. it will be an exciting race. i got to interview william byron, winner of the daytona 500 which he is a 26-year-old, the first racer that learned in
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see him racing, 26 years old, became so good, he got into the real-life nascar races. the favorite in today's race is cal larson on the sports team but also william byron, his teammates have a come from behind win. i followed a little bit. >> reporter: didn't know you were a nascar fan. will: griff: the energy of those cars is so loud. aishah: an indycar fan next weekend, memorial day weekend, indianapolis 500. everyone should check it out once in their lifetime. it sounds similar to the nascar cars. it is something else when you are out there live and you hear it and your heart starts beating and racing really fast. incredibly incredible event.
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griff: if you put adrenaline and goosebumps in a bottle, that is a race car race. we will check in later and get madison on. good to be with you. >> reporter: we will see you next time. griff: fox news live continues. d the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. this is the all-new tempur-pedic adapt mattress. and we designed it to help make aches and pains a thing of the past. because our most advanced, infinitely adaptable tempur material
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