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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 18, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> syllabus, politicians and music lovers blasting sean diddy comes after a video that appeared to show him assaulting his than girlfriend cassie ventura, he's facing 5 civil lawsuits since november accusing him of assault, sexual misconduct and other crimes. i am mike emanuel, rich, great to be working with you. rich: the disturbing video seemingly matches the allegations made in a lawsuit against diddy in november. the suit was settled the next day but legal experts say the video going public could impact his current legal troubles. christina? >> reporter: sean comes got swift condemnation after the video went viral from a variety of people, he wrote throw didion jail and throw away the key to whoever had this video
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and kept their mouth shut. we warn our viewers this footage is very disturbing and hard to watch, obtained by cnn from the intercontinental hotel in los angeles in march 2016 and appears to show the music mobile dragging his girlfriend down a hallway. her attorneys claim he paid the hotel $50,000 for the footage. in a statement to people magazine his lawyer said, quote, the gut wrenching video has only further confirmed the disturbing and predatory behavior of mr. combs. that alleged behavior was laid out in an explosive lawsuit last november, the two settled the suit a day after it was filed. mentor's attorney said, quote, throughout their relationship mr. combs was prone to uncontrollable rage and beat miss ventura savagely, she was trapped by mister combs in a cycle of abuse, violence and sex trafficking.
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his lawyer released a statement saying combs vehemently denied these allegations. he also accused ventura of seeking a payday but the abuse claims did not stop there. rodney jones filed a federal lawsuit accusing him of sexual misconduct. in march federal officials graded combs's la and miami homes, reportedly part of an ongoing sex trafficking investigation by federal authorities and combs is back in the headlines over the disturbing surveillance video which appears to show him abuse miss ventura. >> in my years of experience as a prosecutor that's not a 1-time situation, not at all. he has probably done this multiple times. once one person comes forward many women start coming forward. >> reporter: we reached out to combs's legal team but have not
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heard back and he's not been formally charged with any crimes. rich: thank you. mike: another case involving steve buechele me. he was assaulted last week, the suspect is in custody and facing assault charges. see be cotton live in new york city with more. >> reporter: people were outraged by this. critically acclaimed actor steve buschemi violently attacked on the streets of the city he called home and served as a firefighter, the suspect is in custody, williams is facing second degree assault charges, officers or say he is homeless and burned detectives locked them out of the precinct yesterday he said nothing as reporters asked him why he did it. so far nypd says the random
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attack happened on may 8th around noon, buschemi was punched. after the assault he was taken to a nearby hospital with bruising, spelling and bleeding to his left i. later, widely circulated photos showed him returning to work on a film set in the city with a black eye hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. he was known for his roles in the soap randos and boardwalk empire was born in brooklyn, a former new york city firefighter who helped his old team at ground 0 after the 9/11 attacks on the world trade center. according to the latest year to date city data overall crime in the city is trending downward. however, felony and misdemeanor assaults are trending upward. in march, his boardwalk empire costar was hit in the back of the neck with a rock when walking in manhattan central park, that attacker was also arrested.
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rich: let's bring in ted williams for more on this. i want to get to the guy they have in custody. is this someone who has served a jail time or going to get some help? can you hear me? >> i can hear you now. >> reporter: to the guy who was arrested here, what's next for him? >> he certainly, they are going to do a psychiatric evaluation of this guy, clifton williams, because, you know, normal people don't go down the street and assault other individuals
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and what we found here, with another individual williams attacked, was of this was random so quite naturally they are going to do a psychiatric evaluation. they are going to arraign him and make a determination down the road to the charges he now faces. rich: how often would you see something like this? >> this is not anything out of the ordinary. there are many occasions you have individuals who are mentally impaired who do random attacks on individuals, this is unfortunately not something, citizens in this country need to be as aware of their surroundings, clearly these kinds of incidents can occur. the act that occurred, he was
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very lucky because he could have been hurt and as a result of this attack, these random attacks are something we all should be aware of. rich: people saw this guy talking to himself before he allegedly hit steve buschemi in the face. how do people assess the risk they pose to people on the street? >> it isn't so much what you can do because these individuals who are mentally ill when they are on the street, the average citizen does not know that they are mentally ill and as a result of that the average citizen will walk by that person.
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one of the things citizens have to do is just be vigilant and alert in their surroundings. rich: this alleged duty video we have seen, the la county district attorney's office said in a statement that this goes beyond the statute of limitations. can we expect there are going to be legal consequences to what happened to this woman? >> when you look at this video that allegedly involved sean combs and this young lady, it is shocking to see one individual kicking another individual in a manner it is alleged that sean combs kicked and beat this woman but the unfortunate thing is that this
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occurred in 2016. as a result of that, the statute of limitation has run. sean combs is under federal investigation right now. you may know there were two search warrants that were served at his home in los angeles and miami and as a result of a felony investigation, more likely than not that there would be charges against mister combs. he's not going to get off scott free. rich: he faces other civil lawsuits. can this be part of those lawsuits? >> i can tell you as a lawyer, if i had the video of this unfortunate assault, i would clearly try to get a copy of it to you in my case. there are other individuals out
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here who have accused mr. combs of sexually assaulting them. that would be part and parcel of any lawsuit being brought against this man. >> at the convention center in dallas were expected to reiterate his promise to defend the second amendment if elected in november. garrett tenney live in the convention in dallas. hello, garrett. >> this is donald trump's ninth time addressing the nra, a lot of support from folks here and it is a key voting block for the gop. last night the former president was in deep blue minnesota for the state gop's lincoln reagan
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dinner and gave a preview of some of what we expect to hear from him today. >> i will uphold our undersea age second amendment. >> we are going to withhold the powers and beauty of our second amendment, we need our second amendment probably more than we have ever needed it before. it is under siege. >> reporter: the trump campaign says it believes it has a chance to win minnesota after 19% of democratic voters uncommitted in the state's primary. top democrats aren't putting much stock in that possibility and say the trump campaign is simply trying to do a head fake to force biden to redirect campaign spending from states that are actual battlegrounds. kamala harris going after him on the issue of gun control saying the choice in this election is clear, president biden and i will take on the gun lobby to keep americans safe while donald trump will sacrifice our kids and
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community safety to keep special interests happy. the latest fox news paul only 1% of voters named guns as a dealbreaker issue for them when it comes to deciding who they will vote for for president. mike: thanks very much. >> black americans like everyone else are concerned about the economy and their children's future and healthcare and deserve to have the president talk to them like everyone else on the same key issues. >> jay johnson reiterating the importance of president biden according black voters ahead of tomorrow's commencement address, the historically black atlantic college, demonstrators are expected to protest this event, lucas tomlinson is live at the white house with more on this.
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>> reporter: i will quote your old colleague, warner wolf who said let's go to the videotape. in this case let's go back to the videotape and get more from jay johnson. >> i think to address that it is important for president biden to talk to black voters not as black voters but as voters. >> codex say president biden could turn things around according to a new fox news paul, his support among those groups is down. perhaps that's the reason he has gone to historical black college to speak, the biden campaign is listening to james carville who told the new york times maureen dowd everyone says women of color will decide this election but half the voters are men and advise giving them some consideration. morehouse is in school, rich. >> president biden: i'm going sunday to make a speech at that other place. morehouse.
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i've got morehouse men in my administration van morehouse. >> reporter: some republicans like tim scott say is too late for the president to turn things around on the economy and high inflation, prices are still up 20% than the day president biden took office. >> for 52 consecutive pay checks, black vote like the rest of americans lost spending power because inflation was higher than wage increases. what does that mean? devastation to single moms. one thing we can expect from the biden administration is more misery, more devastation, more catastrophes. >> reporter: president biden will attend a few fundraisers
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at morehouse college, and another swing stage in this election in addition to georgia. rich: more on trump and biden's fight, the associate editor of the wall street journal joins us later this hour live. mike: but is looking to artificial intelligence to boost productivity and safety, the white house has new guidelines for how to do it ethically. balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) [♪] your skin is ever-changing, take care of it with gold bond's age renew formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond. only purple's gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine.
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rich: autoworkers have joined -- voted against joining the auto workers union, a blow to unions trying to organize auto industry employees in the southern us. >> not the result we want to. these workers reached out to us because they wanted justice. justice isn't just about one voter what campaign, it is about getting a voice and getting a fair share. rich: madison has more. >> reporter: this is a setback for the union as it tries to represent more workers in the south, 56% of mercedes workers new tuscaloosa voted no to joining the uaw after recent wins for the union. last month volkswagen workers
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in chattanooga, tennessee overwhelmingly voted to join the uaw, the union secured better pensions for workers at general motors and stellantis after weeks of strikes. uaw members are disappointed but say they are not giving up. >> at the end of the day we've got to work together. hopefully in a year we are up for another election and we will pass it then. >> uaw president sean fain accuses mercedes of breaking the law by intimidating and harassing workers into voting no. mercedes denies that and says it looks forward to continuing to work directly with workers. the result of yesterday's vote need to be certified and both sides have five days to object to the election. kate iv reacted to the vote
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saying, quote, i am a proud alabama, the greatest automakers in the world am grateful to these companies who provide good pay, benefits and opportunities to many men and women across the state. historically unions have been unpopular in the south. last month governor iv and five other southern governors released a joint statement slamming the uaw's unionizing campaign and said it would hurt the auto industry's growth in the south. mike: the by that been a straight announcing guidelines for companies willing to integrate ai in the workplace, principles pushed by the white house focus on the ethical use of ai emphasizing human oversight for ai and eliminating data collection on workers. let's bring and associate professor management ethan, welcome. all right, the white house and
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labor department around these guidelines, do they go far enough? >> it is good to think about having human guidance and human control over what's happening with a i develop and without getting in the way of developing new technologies and ideas that will help us be more productive. rich: they are concerned ai could take jobs, you may be training the technology to take your job away. what about that? >> jobs are a lot of different things we do every day. as a professor i do teaching, research, i talk to you and fill out forms, hand out that part of the job, i would be very happy. it's a matter what part of our jobs get taken, hopefully the worst parts. rich: we are talking human oversight of ai. concern is making sure ai does not run amok. is that correct? >> a lot of different ways we
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worry ai could work out badly, some of that is ai doing things on its own but we don't want it to do and the ideas that it might make humans better at doing bad things, criminals -- if the ai makes them really good at doing hacking, that could have bad consequences. we have to think about ai doing things, people misusing it in bad ways. rich: there is also ai helping with dating. >> there's a world where your dating concierge could date for you, truly, and you have to talk to 600 people landoll of san francisco, these are the people you ought to meet. rich: you might have to date a robot to have the privilege of
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going out with a real person. >> your robot goes out with their robot so you get to skip the entire first awkward date and move on from there. the idea of autonomous tools that work on our behalf is something all the ai companies are working for, not always for dating but work as well. >> could it make us feel more isolated? >> it's an interesting question. we don't know. it's the early days but early studies of ai find people get a lot socially out of them and become more social as a result of using ai because they use that to get over their initial fears of hanging out with people. for the very lonely it seems to boost the degree to which they interact with humans but it's very early and we see the effects now. there's a lot left to figure out.
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rich: you are at the wharton school. are you excited about it or worried about it or somewhere in between? >> i'm excited and worried. one of my assignments this semester was to replace a job i don't want to do it work with ai, from navy pilots to private equity people, figuring out ways to animate part of their job in an hour so i am excited by this future of being able to do things that free us to do what we love to do but nervous about the downside risks. rich: robot dating that her congressional cage match, lawmakers hurling insults at other members of congress during a chaotic house meeting, the speaker urging decorum next.
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>> reaction to the chaos on the house floor during a rally oversight committee hearing on whether to hold merrick garland in contempt, lawmakers attacking and hurling insults at other members of congress. whenever you hear congress might have hit a new low everyone talked about in the 1850s members were getting caned on the senate floor, this isn't bad, but does congress
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have the appearance of a serious body right now? >> that a great rhetorical question. the answer to that showed itself the last couple days. this is just juvenile stuff, playground stuff, things we would rebuke our kids, it started with this marjorie taylor greene comment about another woman's eyelashes, personal attack that cascaded from there but this ultimately underscores, they want managers to be in these positions, nobody special, neighbors got elected to the board of supervisors, and rehire them as managers, make sure potholes get filled, and national
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security and budget are aligned, and give them labor contracts every two years for congress and i think this underscores the need for voters to pay attention to the managers, they may be boring people they are credentialed and serious and address the issues and don't go off on the screens against each other on a personal basis. mike: keeping the lights on has been a challenge. there's a big geopolitical fight ongoing between the united states and other actors, one would think we need serious people rising to the challenge. is congress equipped to do that? >> you are making key points. it has always been a good time and a bad time for the united states internationally.
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there are always big concerns, huge issues facing the country and there are talented people in congress but there are also folks who are kind of faking it. what was it henry ford said? he said that thinking is hard work. that is why a lot of people don't do it. i think you have that element in any political body, folks who got in there based on who knows what? invective they were throwing are rounded during the campaign. they are not interested in doing the hard work it takes to keep the budget stabilized and the potholes are filled and the lights are working and the lights are on when you switch the switch. that comes to the voter, the responsibility of the voter to vet, vote for good manager
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however boring he might be. rich: there have been other outspoken members who haven't been taken seriously. is the social media age where everyone can be their own spokesperson, have their own microphone making this worse or making the problem seem worse than it is? this was in front of a public hearing but in other instances. >> that's probably right. the fact that everything can be immediately on twitter or anywhere else and you can galvanize your base that way, get folks who feel similarly and who enjoy the but - dustup and the mudslinging, keep them attuned to what you are doing easily and cheaply, don't have to pay for an ad in the local newspaper, put it on social media. pushes the envelope though as
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you point out history has shown us we've had fights on the floor of congress, in the government, duals in the 1700s so there's always high passions. one just would like the high passions expressed in beautiful, lofty rhetoric, great debaters who make you laugh or convince you as opposed to commenting on somebody's eyelashes. give me a break. >> congress has had those great or raters and great debaters. i want to turn to the national election, the presidential election. look at these paul numbers, support for president biden under monkey groups compared to 2020, this is very much president biden's coalition, black voters, suburban women, moderates, those underage 30, the president seeing significant deterioration in
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all those categories. can he get that back and how much does this hurt his reelection chances? >> the fox paul reflects what we have seen in the wall street journal in our polling and new york times polling, that biden has lost some support in those key constituencies. that is why you see him in detroit speaking and in other cities, he will be at morehouse giving the commencement speech, historically black college in georgia, another state that's more up for grabs. he won it by a very slim margin. i think you see president biden focusing on those areas because they are concerned about their slippage whether or not those voters will come back, you also
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see it in the swing state numbers which are up for grabs much more so than you might have thought with an incumbent president. our poll shows trump ahead in some key swing states. we show the blue wall, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, democrats really need to take to get to 270 electoral votes, biden ahead in wisconsin, trump ahead in michigan and pennsylvania but the numbers are so close, new york times paul says it is a tossup, our polls say the same thing. that's a tough pill for the president to be climbing. >> 6 months to do it. thanks for joining us, always appreciate it. mike? >> reporter: 7 dead and hundreds of thousands without power after hurricane force winds ripped through houston friday. a live report is residents pick up the pieces from the storm next. here
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>> we need help. people have medical issues. we need help. we need water and food. rich: a powerful storm system knocked out power for hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses in the houston area in the second major storm to pummel the region this month. katie burn is live on the ground as crews work to clean up after the storm. >> reporter: when you look at the damage you can tell it would take weeks, some neighborhoods in houston are completely destroyed, littered with downed trees, toppled transmission lines and buildings have completely collapsed. you are looking at the inside of an office that used to be inside of a tire shop. it's completely gone now.
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winds ripped apart, the owner, marvin was inside with a coworker when this happened thursday night, they both ended up crawling out from underneath debris unharmed but his livelihood is gone. he is starting from scratch. >> all my life what i was trying to do, starting the game. >> reporter: as marvin continues to clean up what is left of his shop temperatures are rising making the work that much harder for people dealing with this cleanup. we have hundreds of thousands of people here in harris county dealing with no power. cooling centers are opening for people to find relief in the texas heat but a lot of people concerned. we are forecast to hit the 90s every day this week.
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rich: is more severe weather on the way? adam klotz has the answers. >> reporter: there are big storms moving across the south not as intense as we saw yesterday. the entire line, all the way to new orleans, that system continues to push a little further to the east. as of right now it's not severe thunderstorms but the risk is there, you see some thunderstorms across central florida to the florida big bend, all areas getting in on it and that's the highlight, stretching to portions of southern georgia, the best risk of seeing some severe weather, some hail, big thunderstorms. with all of that maternal moisture is dropping a lot of rain. some risk of flooding in panama city to tallahassee north to
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albany into georgia. it's a wide area here with some risk of flash flooding but the highlight is across portions of south georgia. it is hot across the country especially miami. it is a tough one fueling these storms. mike: ultra processed foods can increase your risk of early death. these are foods that typically have little to no nutrients and high in sugar, salt, fat, artificial colors or preservatives. medical professor doctor mark siegel is here to weigh in. >> how are you? mike: any surprise little to no nutrients may be bad for your health? >> first of all it looks like
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the amount of ultra processed foods, food that has changed it to be ready to eat by the industrial process by smoking or fermenting or pasture rising, salt is added and sugar is added, it is so tasty. even from the days of a pop tart, it is up to 67% of our youth getting the vast majority of their energy with ultra processed foods, 67%. it's leading to diabetes and obesity and a rush on those impact, risk of cancer going up, risk of heart disease. one thing to point out, this study is over 30 years from the 1980 numplaps-2018.
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in the 80s i don't remember as much of this. i think it's getting worse, those who eat a lot of ultra processed foods, it will get worse as time goes on. mike: they are built to be addictive where you are craving artificial flavors and colors and carbohydrates etc. . >> completely agree with that. to dry you in on addiction, to keep you from a healthier lifestyle altogether. folks eating ultra processed foods might not be eating carrots, celery, broccoli and vegetables and salads and may not be exercising as much as i want them to, put together with coffee to be on the go, let's grab it on the go and keep a high stress life going. it's a lifestyle, the fast food lifestyle that is most dangerous and highly addictive.
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rich: mix in fruits and vegetables and have a little olive oil and do everything in moderation? >> you would think but that's the most important thing of all, in august benefits of olive oil, and unsaturated fat. there are different facts and monounsaturated, barriers you get in olive oil is the best, we have to educate people on what's best for them. producing olive oil to cook from the time my kids were tiny and everyone made fun of her and now it turns out it's better than cooking with butter or margarine. mike: thanks for the information. we will be right back.
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>> the mayor of louisville announced there's no body shortage of scotty scheffler's assault on a police officer. he was arrested yesterday morning outside the pga championship. is accused of refusing to stop at the scene of a fatal accident outside the course and entrance, charged with an assault on an officer along with criminal mischief and reckless driving. they've not found any video of the incident. scheffler says it was a chaotic situation and a big misunderstanding and scheduled to appear before them tuesday. mike: north carolina preparing for tomorrow's nascar cup series, they are making a big comeback after sitting empty and crumbling. more than 25 years.
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madison alworth has more. >> reporter: it is race weekend at the speedway. fans have come from all over 48 states to take in the action. two years ago this track was not usable. this predates nascar opening in 1947, started with moonshine haulers who wanted to improve who was the fastest driver when they were running -- outrunning the law but after closing and 96 and sitting empty for 26 years it took $20 million to get the track to where it is today. it's paying out the economic impact of last year x-rays, $42 million on state and local businesses, they reap the benefits, they were once outrunning the bar here, now they are the official moonshiners of this track and this race. >> it is a national stage,
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emails, all over the world. i enjoyed meeting people, hearing their stories and telling us how they enjoyed our whiskey in colorado or montana. it helped my business grow from one state to 15. made a huge impact. >> reporter: a season for one driver could run $10 million. the cars cost a few hundred thousand plus travel. drivers used to have one sponsor but now it takes multiple to get through a season. >> it a little more work obviously, but you get to meet a lot of people and that's part of this. it's a business-to-business sport and we want to bring business together to create more business.
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>> reporter: they've done a great job and the fans enjoying it. we are in a rain delay that has not slowed down. they are ready for racing to start back up. rich: we are back at 4:00 eastern, the journal editorial report up next. -here, i'll ta. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget.
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