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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 18, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT

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the journal for decades resisted the population control. we believe pupils are mines rather than mouth. an out in the world is paying for the old mistake. >> kim, saved the best for last regards my hit go to judge mary ellen who ruled this week she was going to insist hundred biden's trial, duke proceed on june 3 on the gun charges he put with the. his lawyers desperately trying to get these cases pushed beyond the election. she's having none of it. a good first step for getting politics all the classes. quick thinking to my panel and for all of you for watching but we hope to see you here next week. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> any moment now former
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president donald trump is set to address the nra national convention is the keynote speaker for the presumptive republican presidential nominee is likely to echo strong support for the rights of gun owners across the country. welcome to a new our fox news like i am a rich edson, hate mike prickett bixby working with you i'm like emmanuel eric shawn is on assignment in arthel neville' is all for the former president is touting himself the best friend and gun owners have ever had in the white house. here's what he said during a campaign rally in minnesota yesterday. >> i will fully uphold our grades but very under siege the second amendment. >> people legitimately have guns, they love guns that use guns for the right purpose. these are not criminals. they tend to vote very little. and yet they have to vote for us there's no one else to vote for. the democrats want to take the guns away and they will take the guns away. >> at mr. trump taking digs at present biden gun policies as he tried to turn minnesota red for
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the first time since 1972. his camp said it is possible to flip atop a minnesota democrat saying it's a head fake to make biden's campaign shift focus from troop battleground states. let's go live in dallas, texas were trump is about to speak. >> good to be with you. the trump campaign says it seeds sides of weakness for joe biden deep blue minnesota. pointing to the fact that 19% of voters went with the uncommitted option in the states primary rather than selecting joe biden. they also point to 22016 trump nearly lost the states by just one half points just before losing the state by seven points to joe biden in 2020 at the state gop annual lincoln/reagan dinner last night trump made his pitched at minnesota voters focusing a lot on their top issue which is the economy.
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>> that we can be a one point gun or two points up in minnesota to the sky do not know produce inflation catastrophe is in effect a colossal tax on american families we will call it the biden inflation tax support on day one we will throw out and reinstate megan now makes it. we are going to make it the most successful. cooks trump gave the bit of a preview here earlier what will likely hear from him on the second amendment this afternoon. while the second amendment is a very important issue to this crowd, for voters as a whole it is nowhere near the top of issues. in the latest fox news of pole just over 1% of voters said guns is a dealbreaker issue for them behind at 17 other issues. today at vice president harris took some shots but trumps a trip to the nra saying now at a time when guns are the number one cause of death for children and teens in america donald trump is catering to the gun
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lobby threatening to make the crisis worse if reelected. the choice in this election is clear. president biden i will continue to take on the gun lobby to take keep american staple donald trump will continue to sacrifice our kids and community safety to keep the special interest happy. donald trump's ninth time addressing the nra since 2015. again he is expected to speak here in about 30 or 40 minutes. rich: rich in the heart of texas we will have for president trump's remarks alive when they begin. thank you very much. mike: form at present trump speech of it comes to criminal trial in york expected to wrap up next week. trump allies slamming the case as it comes to a close. >> people understand sham trials they're kthere keeping him in tr five weeks. sprspring calvary congressman congressman welcome.
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the number one killer is guns when in fact the fentanyl kills more people under 45 than any other single cause. even more than auto. they cannot get their facts right there is nothing new to this administration. >> for president trump is having a difficult time the challenge of campaigning will also dealing with this court case in new york city. what are your expectations as he speaks to the nra this hour? >> i think he's going to explain his administration will not conduct a war on the second amendment, the first amendment or the constitution in general. i think that's going to be well received in their efforts also well-received around the nation. one of the things that is so exciting right now is although they kept the former president tied up for five weeks in court, what they've really done has given time for people to have a referendum on the first of four
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ears, the second four years so to speak. people are judging and not biden and trump not the accusation the false accusations in court. they are judging what they see every day as they try to live their lives and see what is happening at the border put what's happening to their ability to buy food and quite frankly their ability to be safe in their own homes. it is a wonderful opportunity instead of looking at candidates but to look at the performance of their administration. >> are these legal issues facing the former president baked into the polling? any side this trial is moving the needle? >> the only chance the prosecution had is that they really had some sort of evidence we were not aware of. if they showed some wrongdoing by the president. what they had was a long time perjurer one new line before us in congress who changes his story uses on ethical and
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illegal behavior to justify what he says he was not believable that i would say this case is over but for a legitimate outcome. >> let's talk about congress. the house oversight committee had hearing the other night and tempers flared. let's play it. >> you know what we are here for? you know what you're here for. you're the one attacking a talk. >> and your fake eyelashes are messing up. >> him "how dare you a physical appearance of another person. progress your feelings hurt? girl, baby girl. >> really? don't even play. i am just curious just a better integer ruling. if someone on this committee then starts talking about bleach blonde a bad built body would not be engaging personalized correct? >> what now? expense of a democrat john fetterman saw that he reacted
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quote in the past i've described the u u.s. house as a gerry springer show. today i am apologizing to the gerry springer show. congresswoman aoc responded saying i stand up to bullies instead of becoming one. to the women in pennsylvania i stand up for you two. what do yo you make of all of t? >> you know, mike, tempers freight and that part is okay for the other public agenda attack on each other something i have not seen in most of my career. do not get me wrong i have seen it gavel fly i have seen things said but they generally end up saying i was overheated, let's work together. the one thing goe those two youg congresspeople do not understand every piece of legislation passed and signed by the president was on a bipartisan basis for the house and senate. you can have tough words.
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we have to infect the pass laws necessary hopefully in time they will reflect candidly we get upset. you also have to do your job but i'm hoping they'll both think over the weekend of what they really both did wrong and move on. >> too that point people see the personal attacks there. the net look at the numbers we have numbers about how many bills have been enacted into law during the wonder 18th congress. the number is a lower. there still some time left. the numbers are lower. is it time to stop the personal insults and take care of the people's business? >> it is always time to stop the personal attacks. the fact is we are supposed to debate the issue is not the people who bring the issues. every one of us came with the majority of our district sending us. no one gets to congress by appointment spread you've got to respect that. when i came to congress the
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longest-serving chairman and member it was jon dingell. he set a tone for all of us and he was a democrat but it is a tone all this have to remember. argue the issues, not personal attacks. >> people ask people if things are worse on capitol than ever, what is your assessment? talks well, erin birch shot him with the dead to her years ago. we have never been without some conflict. i think if these two cannot apologize for what they both did wrong and said wrong and move on to be competent legislators then yes the body will be diminished by the unapologetic attacks. but they can recognize they both got overheated and move on and stop the personal attacks and we can regain with the body is supposed to have house and senate. >> the congressman thank you so much for your time. >> thank you, mike. rich: president biden is also
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hitting the campaign trail this weekend. he is in swing state georgia seeming to boost support among black what is the president could face anti- israel protesters during his commencement address tomorrow at morehouse college. lucas thompson as light from the white house with more. >> rich we have sent new tape for your president biden wrapping up a campaign event in atlanta speaking to about 100 people w we took some shots at donald trump in the polls which show trump ahead. >> my opponent is not a good loser. but he is a loser. you hear about how we are behind in the polls, so far the polls have not been right once. now outlook, we are tied, or sully a head cover slowly behind big lexus take a look at some of the recent polls biden does not believe the first from fox news biden losing 7% the black voters nationwide. younger people to down 14% compared to four years ago
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perhaps the reason biden is going to historically black college tomorrow to give the commencement address. another poll shows a more dire situation for the biden campaign in the critical swing states. according to this "new york times" poll biden has lost 28% the black vote in the past four years in the crucial swing states paid former president donald trump is seen at 15-point bump some republicans think this drop in support is due to the economy, high inflation and the situation on the southern border. >> you should be worried about black what is absolution but it is his own fault for instituting a radical gender that's hurting our country is probably too late for him. >> president biden is given a commencement address at morehouse college tomorrow the historically black college is also all mailto demographics the president is hoping to win over it. rich: lucas tomli thompson of te white house, thank you. >> hundreds of thousands of texans still without power a massive cleanup effort is
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underway in houston for at least seven people and have dead after severe storms torque to the region this week. "fox weather" katie is there live with more. >> hi mike, the damage here all across houston is extensive and likely going to take a weeks to clean this all out. some businesses are unrecognizable. this used to be a tire shop. now it is completely gone. winds around a 100 miles per hour ripped it apart i spoke with the owner whose name is marvin. he was inside with a coworker would all happen thursday night around dinnertime. they crawled out from underneath debris unharmed after the fact. as they continue cleaning up what is left temperatures are rising making the work they're doing that much harder. there's hundreds of thousands of people without power it just in harris county here alone. kulik centers are opening for people without a seat to find relief. a lot of people are telling me they're worried about getting
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through the next week because we are forecasted to hit the '90s every single day. >> we need help. i want a breathing machine people here any medical issues we need help and food. >> like answers as far as how long is going to beat maybe 20 to make plans to leave the area for a while. >> city officials are warning people without power it could be out for at least a week for some of them which is not good news as a field the temperatures continuing to rise throughout the day. >> katie byrne from "fox weather," thanks very much. rich: threat for severe weather returns and next week. a lot of the places that have been hammered by severe storms earlier this month are at risk again fox meteorologist adam klotz is tracking it. >> it has been around after round of forgery for some of these areas. all of the storm reports of the major system that swept across everywhere from austin getting over too new orleans. 400 miles of wind damage resell
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with that. that system is still on the move its way tamer today than it was yesterday. there still is some risk of seeing severe weather here are the thunderstorms currently draped largely across portions of central and northern florida. we have seen some of these turn into severe warned the thunderstorms that is what that is to the north of orlando. you are looking at winds up to 60 miles per hour a little bit of hail with this as well. frequent lightning and very heavy rain. the atmosphere is absolutely very humid. that's make you feel really hot bringing a whole lot of showers there continues to be at least a low-end risk for severe thunderstorms throughout the rest of today as we continue to head into the evening hours. flooding has been an issue we are continuing to see flood watch is to be repealed at this point. the ground is saturated you still see a two on a scale of four for a risk of seeing flooding here as we continue to the evening hours into the overnight hours. ultimately the other story with all of this is just how warm it is. that is helping fuel some of
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these showers you see 92 degrees at a man meets 84 degrees in chicago. the real story when he think of the heat this week and is what's happening down across miami. 93 degrees a forecast for today 92 degrees using several places 92, you add in humidity the dew points are getting up close to 80 degrees and some of these areas it. it gives you feels like temperature through the roof symbol beaten her record-breaking heisman look at may 1 or 5 degrees is what it feels like in miami, one or when there is in tampa, 103 degrees in orlando it is a relentless heat that is fueling all the storms. rich: adam klotz thanks very much. support the suspect accused of randomly attacking is now facing charges the big apple is seen a slew of random assaults this year. cb cotton is here not with more. >> the man accused of leaving actor steve bloodied and bruised in broad daylight was arraigned today in manhattan criminal court was given a $50000 cash bail this comes after he was
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taken into custody yesterday and here is his response or lack thereof when he was asked about the crime. [inaudible] >> 58-year-old clifton williams who is now facing again second degree assault charges was arraigned today detectives walked up out of the police precinct yesterday droves of cameras waited to capture that moment officers have been looking for this guy for a little more than a week. he was treated at the hospital after the may 8 attack. photos later showed it on a film set here in the city with a black eye hidden behind sunglasses' publicist released a statement saying the actor was okay but added the actor it was also "incredibly sad for everyone this has happened to. while also walking the streets of new york. he is known for his rolls in the sopranos, boardwalk empire and miracle workers today with his born in brooklyn served with the
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fdny for four years before leaving to dive deeper into his acting career. after 911 he returned to his fire station to dig through the rubble and look for survivors. get this, his boardwalk empire costar was also randomly assaulted here in the city. back in march he was walking in central park when a man threw iraq at his neck, he chased after the suspect was later caught by police. now according to the latest year-to-date city data overall crime in the city is slightly down. however felony and misdemeanor assault or trending upward so far this year. support cb cotton live in new york city thanks very much. >> immigration judges on a pace to clear a record number of cases this fiscal year. but they are barely making a debt in the courts a backlog but a closer look at the astonishing numbers, that is straightahead. . woo hoo! ensure max protein,
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>> residenresident that is not n argument over planted during a former state prison into a taxpayer-funded migrant shelter in massachusetts the state correction center in norfolk to house migrants who are currently sleeping at boston's logan airport. claim they' they been kept in tk about the plans worry about how the shelter could impact the
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town of fewer than 12000 people. >> there is no turning back when this happens but our schools are overcrowded as it is. we have a budget problem this is not a humanitarian question. this is a mathematical question it can not happen. >> it is unclear how many migrants will be sent to the facility or how much the entire operational cost to taxpayers. >> immigration judges across america are on pace to clear a record number of cases. the court system is bogged down by a massive backlog. nearly 1.3 million asylum claims are still active that is among more than three and half a million immigration cases. let's bring in alphonso as a director of hispanic engagement at the american principles project who previously served as a chief of the u.s. office of citizenship. thank you for joining us this afternoon. i want to get to these latest numbers here. case closed by immigration judges during this
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administration. 19786 and 2021 coming in the middle of the pandemic 74,139,000 already at 103,000. it is the system design for this? >> and no, never. our system was never created, set up for this a massive amount of cases. we are not going to have enough judges to adjudicate the cases in a timely fashion. that's part of the problem our system is overwhelmed migrants know this. they know this administration is going to allow them to enter the country and remain here and definitely before they see an immigration judge. plus they also note to apply for asylum remain here have created massive flow of people were never going to have enough judges to deal so many cases. our system is based on the rule
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of law. we need to ensure that we need to secure the border. we do not allow people to come irregularly to the southern border projects micros across the border this morning and declared asylum to customs and border protection, how long can they expect to wait before they even get a court date? >> it can be years. some apply at the border. some may be allowed in because the administration says they don't have enough detention space to hold them so they release them into the community. they could later on within the country apply for asylum. that is what you are seeing incredible spike in the asylum cases those 3.6 million cases in the backlog 1.3 are asylum cases. that's a historical record. that's over 33% of current cases are asylum cases. >> you know how many migrants who claim asylum are showing up at these court dates they get?
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>> for asylum' specifically i think most are. others who are not applying for asylum there is a large percentage that are no-shows and not showing up. so it is concerning this is without considering the so-called getaways. who are getting in. we are receiving a large amount of people irregularly and there is just no way for immigration judges but for our communities to be able to integrate them in an orderly fashion per decrease all sorts of problems. >> you mentioned got away numbers here so we got from customs and border protection. about three and 87000 of them in the 2021 fiscal year. a year later 606,000, 670 the following year end already at at 175,000. what capability does the federal government have two monitor who
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is gotten away and where they are going in the united states? >> very little. the border patrol is overwhelmed and processing cases and processing people the southern border. they cannot do the work of introduction to make sure fentanyl does not come into the country. they did their law enforcement action identifying people trying to cross illegally. so the entire system from the enforcement aspect to the adjudication system is overwhelmed. and people know it. that's why they keep coming in. the only way we can stop this is by reestablishing some of president trump's common sense border security policies continuing to build a wall system, reestablishing remain in mexico policy. in reviewing our asylum we elevate the standards so as noto
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easy. >> commented on the story the administration spent months negotiating an agreement with senate republicans it would dress a lot of that piggly reason republicans said no to it is because of that it would help theformer president trump's election chances. does congress need to get involved here? >> you know, that is absurd. and as has all the mechanisms ty need to fix this right now. if they had the will think it fixates in a matter of days that they wanted but this is just an excuse because they know the situation is out of control we have a national security and humanitarian crisis of the board of the trying to blame congress for what clearly is their responsibility. let there be no doubt this administration created this massive flow of migrants we have never seen ever and this crisis at the border. >> alphonso thank you for joining us this afternoon. >> epa is back in hot water over its response to the east palace
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in ohio train derailment. the bombshell from a whistleblower and how residents are coping with the aftermath more than a year later. what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank.
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>> music mogul sean dated comas criticism after disturbing video of assaulting his then girlfriend cassie venture in 2016. he's facing a series of legal problems including civil law suits of federal human trafficking investigation. christina coleman is a live from los angeles with the latest. >> a spokesperson for l.a. county das office that they are aware of the video. unfortunately at the incident occurred in 2016 it is beyond the timeline or assault could be prosecuted in this instance.
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they have not been presented with this case. we want to warn our viewers this footage is disturbing and hard to watch this video was obtained exclusively by cnn's from the intercontinental hotel in los angeles in march of 2016. it appears to show up music mogul sean diddy combs address and a towel as he kicks his then girlfriend cassie ventura violently drags her down the hall for a statement of people magazine her lawyer said in part quote the gut wrenching video has only further confirmed the disturbing and predatory behavior of mr. combs. last november ventura filed an explosive lawsuit against combs calling him a vicious, cruel, controlling man who subjected her to abuse, violence and sex trafficking but in the complaint her lawyers say they believe he paid the hotel $50000 for the footage and they reference this incident in the complaint space" he followed her into the hallway of the hotel while yelling at her pretty grab at her and then
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took glass vases in the hallway and th through them at her causg glass to crash around them as she ran to the elevator to escape he called the allegations false, outrageous a money grab even though the two settled the suit a day after it was filed. the abuse allegations did not stop there. i look produce it are rodney jones filed a graphic lawsuit in february. accusing of sexual misconduct. marge rated his l.a. miami ho homes. as part of an ongoing sex trafficking investigation by federal authorities and now you've got disturbing march 2016 video bringing even more attention to the abuse claims made against combs bite multiple people. >> what should happen here as should have happened with the epson situation, all involves subpoenaed them but called him in front of counsel. examine them.
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if you are exonerated you are exonerated. >> wheat reached out to combs' legal team for a response the surveillance video we have not heard back also he is not been formally charged with any crimes. >> christina coleman a in l.a., thank you. >> whistle blower is raising questions about epa response to the east palace in ohio train derailment. that was a bl the blessed eventd vern sent a heavy plume of smoke over the town may have been unnecessary said epa could have surveyed the area for toxic chemicals with a high tech complaint but the agency does not flight until after the burn. that was a lawyer told the associated press we could tell the data provided from the aspect planes to t ease pulsing flights on february 7 was incomplete and irregular. we have no confidence in the data, we could not trust it. epa said his claims are false. ease pulsing resident linda
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murphy joins us now. linda, welcome. >> hi, thanks for having me, appreciate it. what is your reaction to what we are hearing from the whistleblower about what went down in your community? >> i am not surprised to hear it. we have not been getting the truth here this entire time. it was a refreshing surprise to see someone come forward and actually have the courage to tell the truth. this a plane should have been deployed from the day at the dae derailment on february 3. the epa official page delgado had a migraine headache had her phone shut off. she was in charge of deploying the aspect plane. the plane did not get deployed because they could not reach her. she has an assistant who is on vacation but she had her own shut off her days, days while our community is getting covered
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with these and dioxins and whatever else is going into the air from the original derailment there were many, many toxic car sitting chemicals on the original derailment date of february 3. that was deployed and flew over it would have seen the situation with the existing chemicals from the original derailment and it would have told us what the temperatures in the train car they were concerned about. there's only one train car ever in danger of overheating is what we were told. and then somehow, all five of them will release. which produces the gas and who knows what else on top of the existing chemicals that we were already dealing with. so, our community was covered and dioxins and chemicals like you would cover a funnel cake at a fair with powdered sugar.
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it is completely inexcusable how this all came about and was not handled the way it should have been. i feel it was a cover-up from day one and we are still not getting honest truthful answers. >> it want to show you and our audience with the epa is saying in response. epa region five in the midwest requested aspect to fly to east palisade late in the date february 5, 2023 as soon as the request was made the aircraft was deployed the same day from its home base in addison, texas to pittsburgh. due to low ceilings and icing conditions the flight crew made the determination the aircraft was unable to fly safely on february 62023, the day of the controlled burn. how do you respond, linda? >> that is convenient, it is in a? i'm sure all flights were shut down out of pittsburgh regional airport that if are the same region. that's ludicrous it's another
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excuse that does not make sense in order to fit their narrative. we are just collateral damage. we are a small community and they needed to get the trains running. they needed to get their commodities moving. many people don't understand that's known as a key trade. mostly chemicals on that train. they just got dumped all over our soil and then burnt off into our air, into our own water. our fish were dead in the water before the vinyl chloride was released. joan of most people know that it was before that so the vinyl chloride was the icing on the cake that w is completely and totally unnecessary. there is a lot of scrutiny that he said he put on these folks, a lot. >> 15 months after this disaster how are you and your loved ones doing in terms of your health?
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>> it is different things. we have experienced a multitude of symptoms and they're not even all the same within our household. some of the things you think may be that is not something, you talk with other people and you realize oh my goodness we are experiencing very similar things we a are 2.8 miles out. we both attest my husband and i tested positive for vinyl chloride a long time after they told us it would still be in our systems but how are weakening exposed to the stuff? the epa tells us it is because you drink alcohol or you smoke cigarettes are you taking vitamin b12 supplements which don't do any of those things. or you must eat a lot of onions. there are tests are golden. anything a resident gas is garbage. our test they dismiss and
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debunked everything we get but there is as accurate. even though you see what's happening when the plane flew over our creeks which were highly contaminate turn the sensors off, why? why did they shut the sensors off? why did they refuse to label anything they found under east palisade so it cannot be found? why did they do that? those who have nothing to hide hide nothing and they are hiding plenty. >> linda murphy our best to you, your family in your community thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you, thank you very much appreciated. >> alabama autoworkers rejected a plan to unionize for the auto workers union is not giving up just yet. new details are coming up. salonpas lidocaine flex.
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a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs]
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treatment of its kind. 93% of adults were healed by two months. of those healed, 79% stayed healed. and voquezna can provide heartburn-free days and nights. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. don't take if allergic to voquezna or while on products with rilpivirine. voquezna may cause serious side effects including kidney problems, diarrhea, bone fractures, severe skin reactions, low vitamin b-12 or magnesium levels, and stomach growths. call your doctor if you have diarrhea, stomach pain or fever that won't go away, decreased or bloody urine, seizures, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, jitteriness, muscle aches or weakness, spasms of hands, feet, or voice. voquezna can help kick some acid, and so can you. ask your doctor about voquezna. >> autoworkers at two mercedes-benz plants in alabama voted against unionizing.
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uaw is promising to come back for another vote. madison is life in atlanta with the latest. >> 56% of mercedes workers near tuscaloosa voted against unionizing yesterday. the first big loss for it uaw after some recent wins. just last month a volkswagen workers in chattanooga, tennessee overwhelmingly voted to join the uaw. that union also secured pay raises and better pensions for workers at general motors, ford, and stellantis last year. after weeks of worker strikes. >> i think it slows down the momentum which was significant coming in to this vote. what is telling us to see what happens not with hyundai and montgomery. >> the uaw is really pushing to organize more workers in the south. uaw president says they are disappointed but not giving up.
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>> i believe workers want unions for they want justice they could going to keep doing this is a setback. >> uaw accuses mercedes of a brbreaking the law by intimidatg workers into voting no. mercedes denies that and says he looks forward to continuing to work directly with workers. historically unions have been unpopular in the south appeared alabama governor kay iv reacted to yesterday's vote saying alabama is not sweet home to the uaw. she also said quote automotive manufacturing is one of alabama's crown jewel industries and number one in the country. we are committed to keeping it that way. the result of yesterday's vote still need to be certified and both sides have five days to object the election. rich: madison scarpino thank you. mike: new details about the upside down american flag that was seen flying outside his home
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>> former teammate baseball superstar shohei ohtani is accused of making illegal bath using the same bookie as his former interpreter. david fletcher's teammates with shohei ohtani will they played for the los angeles angels fletcher plays at best or a bookie but never wagered on baseball. and will be rules say players may bet on other supports are not allowed to do so in states where it is illegal in california. fletcher's not been charged with any crime and declined to comment to fox news. earlier this month shohei ohtani former interpreter admitted to stealing millions of dollars in baseball superstar to cover his gambling debts he agreed to a
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plea deal in faces up to 30 years in prison. mike: at supreme court justice samuel alito backlash of the three old picture of upside down u.s. flag was taken at his home. democrats are calling for the supreme court justice member to recuse himself from some high-profile cases. shannon bream has the latest on this. >> a 3-year-old picture of it upside down flag outside the home of supreme court justice samuel alito is generating calls from the left. for him to recuse himself from high-profile cases. as a country awaits a slew of opinions in a series of contentious supreme court debates. >> the court suffers this historically low trust right now among the american people and this is doing nothing to help that. >> new times obtain the picture data generally 17, 2021 quoted a law professor recorded the flag to putting up a stop the steel sign in the justice yarbrough justice told me today that it
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was yard signs it actually sparked the dispute that led to his wife martha and briefly flying the flag upside down something in which he said he had no involvement. his wife had spoken to a neighbor about a sign saying [bleep] trump and view of where schoolchildren waited for their boss it did not go well. the neighbor and then put up a sign directly naming and blaming her for the events of january 6. according to the justice, while they were on a walk a man at the home of the sign got into a heated discussion with mrs. alito quote including the c word she was distraught and hung the flag as it appears in the publish photo. the justice offered no explanation for that gesture. most of the country got its first glimpse during her husband's heated confirmation hearings at one point in tears. senate judiciary committee dick durbin was a part of those hearings. and said today the flag photo
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quote clearly creates the appearance of bias. justice should recuse himself immediately from cases related to the 2020 election and that generate six insurrection including the question of the former president immunity and u.s. the donald trump. >> there's no indication justice alito. pulse tablet from any case currently under consideration with the next batch of opinions in this up in court next thursday. in washington shannon bream fox news. quickly trump trials overshadowing a lot of news from last week fox news got you covered. tomorrow on "fox news live" at noon eastern we will hear from nebraska republican senator pete ricketts missouri attorney general andrew bailey. 2:00 p.m. eastern shannon bream host "fox news sunday" she will speak exclusively trust republican elise stefanik. and trump attorney will scharf. mike, it was a phenomenal couple of hours being with you. mike: rich always a pleasure think of sitting in tomorrow at
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1:00 p.m. eastern "fox news live" so i could do a little graduation festivities with my son a re- air of the five is up next stay tuned to fox news pre-will break and live with former president trump's remarks at the nra convention there in dallas as soon as they begin so please stay with us. have a great afternoon. a thing of the past. because only tempur-material eases your pressure points in a way no other mattress can. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪
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