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tv   One Nation With Brian Kilmeade  FOX News  May 18, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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liar, the trump did nothing. in the conversations that he had the district attorney's office on the zoom tr prior to grand jy testimony, these are material pieces of information. you are not allowed of your a prosecutor to for somebody in the static about who you know to be a liar, the issues that you want race, where is likely to be a liar, about the issues you will raise, or if you do not know that they're going to be a liar about the issues that you are going to raise, call suborning serve perjury a felony, and now i am accusing the district attorney in his office, suborning perjury and committing multiple felonies, maybe more than 34. that needs to be investigated, right now. i will see you tomorrow night, on life, liberty & levin, mark levin. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ brian: hi everybody welcome to
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one nation and i am brian kilmeade and guest are coming your way over the next hour with john speaking out from hollywood and he's one of the few jewish americans to do just that, talk about internal confrontations these are two co-authors of that talk about their time the book what we can all learn from it. but first, the recall of year olds, tonight national police comes to a close, this week ceremonies and visuals honoring those who lost their lives in line of duty took place nationwide. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> in this remembrance calms troubling concerns for the men and women in blue, who serve and protect us every day, the downhill spiral really started 2020 revealed, wherever listed among northern america, to not i supported not only do we need to
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defund, but we do this middle start a new student was that were defendant what is it defied this is a word that is going from the streets many cities in america come over one third of their city budget goes to the police. so we have to have this conversation and what are we doing. >> well what are we doing, what did we deal, this is an utter anarchy across the country. >> this is unbelievable what is happening on the streets in minneapolis we see somebody being wheeled away some of the looks pretty badly injured. >> complete disrespect for law enforcement officer. brian: . this reasonably leading to asked resignation up quality cops and if that was not enough, jorge an to put on the badge, the bill reform was must stop lucky of non- violent criminals emptying the prisoners bill reform for many years was based on how much money you have and if you were to get out if you're poor you set there so many people, who are not a threat, who should not be held simply
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because they cannot afford the veil. >> we show the reforms that we put in place on the working crime will continue to roll out. brian: coolest idiots because of this the criminals in these cases illegals in many cases, walking free and giving us the middle finger in every way. this week alone, six migrant thugs, and you watch him beat down cops in the nypd, all received plea deals time. even though the one was released and rearrested, later. bill reform some working, hit is a joke and being a police officer for me to more more dangerous every day. >> the words of our elected leaders for they happen they are having an impact in a negative on the ability of departments to recruit and retain into interest the next generation in serving their country and serving their community tone and tenor of the conversation must change around elected leader. brian: how does it happen, first leaders look cities in complete denial.
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>> the city as i say city is the safest big city in america based on all stats and can we please stop saying that work upping the perimeter subway systems, we are not, we are down. >> of course is the strategy that were offering off up we know it works by 17 percent we want to continue that roadmap to 35 respondent recent city of chicago, 53 percent tomorrow when this happens in the city of chicago, is a 40 percent decrease in homesites. and 31 percent decrease in shootings. brian: a lot of people not even reporting but all of us just basically not true and, yes, i might be down slightly, but nothing else is case in point, compared to last year, step pretty children shootings are down pretty robberies assaulters equipment retail theft, they are up. >> the 68 -year-old woman was underway inside of saint demetrius greek orthodox church and the suspect comes up behind and cowardly attacks her and punching her in the face to
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women in 19 and 33 oh, they were robbing gunpoint. >> policing of the people were firing at each other than office of this is like shooting up to the car. >> there's probably like in the families route summa people living in the cities do not need data, the everyday and often times come in broad daylight. >> thirty-nine years, i had one altercation coming up one altercation on the subway, or in the streets with any kind of mentally unwell person in new york on three times the pastor i have been physically assaulted or like while i had to defend myself and the cops i feel bad. brian: everyone doesn't dc 96 percent of the residency. crime is a serious issue there is some good news now. in the nationwide stepping stepping crisis in the police department appears to be turning a corner for the first time since the pandemic agencies reporting hiring more sworn in officers last year and the previous four years and according to the police executive forum survey, this last january, staffing was up .r
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compared to last year nearly 5 percent lower than in 2020 it out, desperate department's are offering perks and bonuses and that is helping it seems in california for example, the bay area which is a mess, offering $75000 signing bonus is for new officers nice in the nation missouri springfield pretty, offering student loan reimbursement, that helps and is hiring challenges are overly moving in the right direction and let's hope pretty kind of 6000 people for example, then monday supporting men and women in blue, is giving law-enforcement some hope the people are back on her side. overlooking the national why dc the 36th annual national law enforcement more about inlet vigil you see, over 282 names to the walk of men and women who lost their lives in the line of duty summer shot another skill to traffic accidents, some answering a call for help. >> were here representing a coworker three heartbreaking to talk about.
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>> is a robbery duty than ever off-duty shot and killed. >> my heart is just broke. really glad she's not suffering anymore. >> here to help an inmate out of the sale and something went terribly wrong and everybody kind of like will be extended family here and so very company. >> appreciated here. >> to celebrate all of these arrows out here especially my dad about your grandfather. >> he was shot in the head and he had to go to the hospital and he was really good man. and i miss him a lot. >> and went on and on and on. brian: terrible stories a better the support of their extended with family yes, one make this tree safe and the police department is back with recruit contrite as, like to das who will prosecute criminals and officers from prosecution other peers police and the good at it to be in your community and your family and yorktown, show them
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the respect they deserve for me right now to expand on this, this discussion former nypd officer ratted measures always great to see you and thinks boston and new york and in los angeles and does this remind you of any third time in american history. >> is like déjà vu all over again, paradise, history doesn't repeat itself but sometimes license. remind me very much of the early 1970s when i came into policing. police officer in boston. an turmoil, very unpopular war, race issues at the center of everything. and then the 2020, we have faith repeat in many respects of many that time and now as if we were back then, the police and as we so often society is basically, at insomuch turmoil. we are in turmoil the moment for sure see what red number showing
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the recruiting is up and when you hear from some of your peers people you work with other people that look to you for mentorships been a it is of the same ceremony that you are at you for highlighting that candlelight vigil, privileged to be three of the tuning two names on that stage. and the meeting for that, with many that chiefs to greet the names, this universal theme ss that things are getting a little better recruiting is not as bad as it was so crisis. as a very believe that the defund the police movement seems and i'll have withered and died in line should never have been allowed to grow the first place. but there's still place at the moment, that in 2020, the events follow the murder of george floyd, right in the violence, we lost 20 years of goodwill that had been built up by american police in the early 21st
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century pretty was going down. crime is now 25 straight years, and overall coming down by 90 percent overall crime by 80 percent, they came to a screeching halt in 2019, 2020. the city still not in some respect to where it was in the good news is that been around for long time these since like well like a roller coaster up and down and we were really down probably slow is been the last 50 years will be getting deafness in the sequence guess. brian: often times and women for their lives on the line and then there let out and because the waste of time and risk of their career so anything that i saw in favor of the the last few days, as new york is going to side to put a social worker in every precinct. someone of this advice now and is something going the right direction do you think we need a social worker. >> once again come it's one of those well intended at first this going to cost about
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$20 million pretty no new york needs to do is have actively through's district attorney, stuck effectively with the carson so much of the crime problem with the fear and test the people arrested dozens of times and they just never do jail time. gotten very good with the policing and it died in identifying who these people are, and a good and time again. but without the support of the resto criminal justice system we can ashley see we had in the '90s and we were altogether pretty started in 2019 and 2020 committee had all fill by the coronavirus certainly impacted the even more significantly and get truck and again get back on track again. we really need to understand that some people have to go to jail some of the mentally ill have to go into custodial care we cannot just let everybody out of the streets over and over and over again. brian: he said you're concerned
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about the election were all going to be think your voice reason we need to hear from regularly this is all fixable because the wounds earl self-inflicted in my view commissioner thank you so much. >> all the best. >> all right. brian: and is really former nfl under a teaming up to tech my be the toughest conversation in the country this about post- octobeg about since the attacks, and israel especially since i somatic protest sign encampments in front of the college campuses across the country. i want you to meet manual and co-authors of uncomfortable conversations with joe november 3 the new york times last year deleon the way to number one and welcome back i. >> thank you. >> thank you. brian: know you have this project prior to october 7th and it almost came apart on october 7th and afterwards, how. >> this a great question so i don't want to ruin it for the people who are watching and are
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considering to read this book but chapter 16 this call from heaven spoke almost didn't happen. and that is true and i think that the desire that we had to write this book and emmanuel's idea to write this book called uncomfortable conversations with a jew is in order to show everybody how to have a couple the mouth of the other side better and more united than ever and so that is what happened right after october 7th we had a major fight we did not talk and the fell parts and after we decided to come back together and write this, we figure won't going to put it all in its of this actually makes a very partially say intense chapter the book the people absolutely love. brian: and fundamentally people to talk about recent religion but you guys taken on straight ahead. write a manual in the book come into the post world, maybe feel like a black man come to be on the wrong side of history by helping a jewish woman tell her story no doubt about it, this collaboration will not be without backlash from my community, who may just see this
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as dancing for the man that scares me and you go on and he what we spent of that and why you decided to go through why am glad you did. emmanuel: yes, brian, well i believe there's too much ignorance and society so often, we want to help different groups and what help black people would help the jewish community we want healthy asian american communities and etc., we don't know how to help them because were not educated on those particular communities. so how the world can have the jewish community, if i cannot even define anti-semitism. is there a semi- group and i'm supposed to be tied. i don't even know what anti- semitism is being jewish of race religion is like right quite literally the first chapter is titled, what is it you and the first five chapters is simply cannot do the jews killed jesus in another chapter very something about jewish people white because right, all although i knew this would come with backlash writing this book i would rather be tray if
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certain people group who view me is way for writing this book about my own intellect and to know when to continue to navigate society likely. i wanted to write this book but more than write this book, i wanted to learn, what breaks noah's hardwood breaks jewish people part will be asked questions about make me seem i somatic coming to somebody you dishonor my heart but know what was gracious enough to allow me the space to quite literally ask any question that anybody watches. brian: you do the same thing with race and religion with you and so know what please answer the question for audience who was being jewish within a religion. noah: under. noah: right now is happening on college campuses in america think everybody understands that there's a bit more to it anti-semitism that we previously thought so in a nutshell come up and jewish is not just a religion is no where think group is not necessarily race but it's nothing be watching this a very
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interesting intense unpleasant cultural movement happening. this book accidentally by the grace of god is actually delivered a lot of these answers and if you might be wondering is happening right now college campuses, why is anti-semitism all of sudden back with a vengeance. this book actually answer these questions as well. brian: emmanuel can you answer the question in this you have this great relationship you know it's happening on the college campuses. emmanuel: well i believe we all know what is happening on these college campuses and we know that there protesting others address and even more than they are being legitimized protest pushing for peace, there's tension going on in the world because a lot of ignorance about with the book really expands on his wife and what we expand on this the historical connotations that have led us to this point. it is not just october 7th that we talk about the quite literally, when the chapters is predicated on october 8 and a reaction to october 7 which if you asked many people the jewish
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community, was just as emotionally triggering as october 7th itself and so everybody watching over help they know what's going on college campuses uc like usc, columbia, booksellers but i think what is just as important is to ask is that why, because when you understand why, we can try to figure out sort of solution and remedy and everybody watching can understand how they can get involved in five rupees. brian: i just think when i see a problem us american i just do not know whether thinking something thing are ignorant it makes absolutely no sense we find out just recently the three more hostages bodies are writing gaza nothing really support she showed up to go to a concert. i don't want to play this and talk about the four at a better place now and getting out of this whole counsel culture especially when third rail of religion. julian edelman outstanding wide receiver with new england patriots and having some fun of
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the tom brady roast and he is jewish. >> fun fact, jeff and i are both jewish and the differences in the jew the people of god and say, he is jewish? and jeff is the kind of jew, that makes you want to join hamas. [laughter] [laughter] [laughter] brian: you laugh at that noah. noah: can i what. i can laugh at that are they think julie and he's a proud you and you can laugh at you coming from a positive place especially if you are within the community if this would've coming from the pro- hamas protesters on college campuses my would not be laughing as hard. is hammering up one of the other things we talk about that i am so thrilled that emmanuel was wanted to ask me about his jewish stereotypes which i love that we talked about it and thank you so what julian is alluding to. brian: and you just what
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everybody's interest and passion for getting to the bottom of this and again the courage to read this to be better for doing it and know what emmanuel congratulations uncomfortable conversations with a joke getting up the charts and thank you so much guys come appreciate it. >> thank you ask me and i think you for having us we want for promising be encounters with big food and keep us all sick and so it is key to battling sickness and disease, good energy authors casey and callie means, they tell us next and still to come, comedian and actor john levitz is on the few celebrities against the chaotic campus protest now weigh in on that and much more and only here on one nation. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ new tums+ upset stomach & nausea support, and love food back. (♪)
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brian: welcome back of a housesg hundred taylor green, ridiculous attempt to oust him and with the help of democrats come up with the kevin mccarthy come the former speaker is criticizing 20 chance to catch up with johnson in dc this week, less about that and much more watch. >> kevin mccarthy said last week the cause of people by surprise and he said that never would've allowed to be safe might impress like speaker johnson. >> kevin to tell people in the building that he had made a deal with pelosi any stuff they would
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save him by contrast, i did not make a deal i didn't have a conversation i did not ask democrats to do anything at all and they voted their own conscious. >> i'm one of. >> is visually new york city, downtown in the courtroom why was it important for you to be there. >> is important does a show support from fred think what is happening to him is outrageous that me a former litigator myself with her doing to our system of justice is undermining people's faith in you because is very clear what is happening here this law fair is the best word to describe it is purely political, not legal at all kenny literally define the crime that he is supposedly committed but with a tight another now for five weeks. he's our candidate for president he should be out of the campaign trail he should be free to speak and the taking us constitutional freedoms away from him and his bullies cheney sent them i have to admit i'm a bit surprised the speakers also want to be in the it did on my wife with a poor star club and i guess he saw the concert about teaching morality
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to our young people when i'm concerned about this because maintaining the rule of law and meeting the people's faith in our system of justice and people see a two-tiered system of justice that they see just as local prosecutors using politics and going after the political upon which is donald trump and protecting joseph biden in the product and process and turning all system against the candidate they don't like and that is not resting the people. >> jim jordan going from district to district and convince places using his popularity something 50 grand up to get the majority think of running speaker how would you feel about that and much of relations with jim jordan like. >> jim like a brother to me very close traveled together not pfizer close. i described to jim as he will be wanted by luke skywalker's was never any competition between us jim's a great leader and i i like him and try to get him elected some to concerned about that it all.
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>> there getting file names the columbia special you whether you sat there you took the fire he wanted to see it again for yourself and what was that like student by far the most hostile crowd that i have her face just got little bit if it takes for the jewish students are having to endorse reminiscent of what happened in the late 30s germany using some of the same imagery i just the vile hatred in the threats, you know is both heartbroken and inspired after reading the jewish students pretty broke about whether having to go through satisfied with her courage and strength sort of unified together. brian: special's thanks to the speaker for 70 had a big week because he has got a lot to do and has to decide if he's going to actually try to go out of putting in the attorney general american garland support see what will happen without if he'll subpoena him and try to get him in front of congress meanwhile let's change here's money comes to be healthy, live in a world that juice cleanses the cold plunges all spas the key is this, complexes we think
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and you have a new book, he claims just that doing better and number wise with your metabolism joined by the co-authors doctor casey means brother kelly means and the author of a brand-new book, good energy is pricing connection between metabolism and live help and of the kelly also with you, when did you realize, that american needs to know that they are being poisoned by the food. >> so i was lobbyist during my career for the food and farming industry. kelly: i learned that 95 percent of the healthcare costs, are tied to preventable conditions that are all-time turned to her metabolism to write we can go we could talk doctors can talk about the keynote diet is the best way to reverse infertility that exercises sunlight is the best way to reverse depression this not profitable. the research in schools politicians and the reality is, we have a system that makes money when people are sick and
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that's the economic realities of casey trained his temperament school caught between when i get a sign of adhd, federal shows a sign of things out of the muck and shows a sign of high cholesterol studded all of the doubling prescription rates among teenagers in the past five years is getting better and we have to have come completely radical change realize that a chronic condition that silliest is tied to metabolism in simple solves were not being talked solution think this is what you been up late, the food is combining ust is combining the medical profession big pharma to keep us chronically sick because they make money and were on some of this medication. casey: is a double bargain brian couple you have a $4.3 trillion healthcare system and into billion-dollar process food system i'm sorry for truly dollar healthcare system in 2 trillion-dollar process food system in an billion-dollar fitness industry thorough cleaning the biggest to complicated to be healthy when
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effectively kelly said, is all rooted in metabolic disease and every chronic condition is going up oh and our track to have to million cases of cancer this year pretty and 50 percent of american adults have type two diabetes or prediabetes and 75 percent of american adults have over every city on the immune d this infertility going up a percent year and depression anxiety are through the roof and what the science is telling us is that all of these are fundamentally rooted in metabolic dysfunction which we can track and we can fix with simple dietary lifestyle strategy. brian: but is to their benefit of her second and stefansson for things we have to take every thing that i left medical profession. casey: absolutely a surgical training what i saw was a very very tragic reality which is that there is once of a financial incentive in the healthcare is to have more patience in the system for longer period of time and having more thanks to them. the reality of the healthcare system today financial insist •-ellipsis that makes more money
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nations are sick and makes less money when pages are helping to leave that system and try to help people really learn how to stay healthy and stop making profit for these industries the benefit of our dependency and our illness. brian: explosive allegations on the book is god people drink but go to something else we could go is a vacant talk to you as we getting people thin and this way not a sick or healthy and do you thank you so a miracle cure. >> selena brian a move parent go to daycare facility and must kids are clearly having issues developmental issues, over 50 percent of teenagers overweight or obese and what happens with the maker danish company funds the american economy pediatrics a subsidiary program since center of care for medicine and announcing the 12 -year-olds that if your 12 -year-old is overweight or obese, should be the first line of defense ozempic® this is a lifetime drug brian and this is
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what we need to get the kids and curiosity about why they getting subsecond about why these conditions are all-time highs this year and additionally the way will cost $1800 per month per patient of taxpayer money and bernie sanders recently decided is going to bankrupt the healthcare system needs right on this one, we need to spend the money to fix our broken system and thus fix the root cause here and ozempic® is a great study. brian: good energy between metabolism and casey means that kelly great to see your good to see you brothers this work that you can also about whatever you doing is right because you also la in ten years younger than your actual agent thank you mema straight ahead campus unrest sweeping the nation after john levitz is afraid speak my son speak out against anything next keep it right here on one nation. ♪ ♪ ♪ organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had.
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to "fox news" live in your houston residents who lost power and thursday's deadly storms are facing a new thread now dangerous triple digit temperatures are settling in the region, the crews are still working to fully restore the
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power and something that could take weeks to happen and hurricane force winds and heavy rain tore through the area two straight days you leaving the attic arch trail of destruction in the windows were blown up skyscrapers and trees were october at least seven people were killed and own trump is working to justice polymers, the former present delivery the keynote speech, thousands the annual nra convention in dallas this evening and telling the gravity failed to protect gun rights or president biden would impose harsher gun laws the entry endorse mr. trump at the event and now back to one na nation. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ brian: . [background sounds]. [background sounds].
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brian: those radius among the few celebrities to speak out about the gravity they is really campus chaos is john levitz after comedian coming up the students walking jewish kids from getting to class, hosting part of the supposed to be smart and linear 18 -year-old classmates from the u.s., for the actions of the government if he thrilled of the heck are you being taught and think logically quit being cheap and being used by your professors and joining us now, describe this and that is john levitz himself and is ongoing right now you see irvine with the problem this way, then why you graduation have you explain it. john: well, is the 250 chapters students were justice for palestine, like a fraternity and the campuses that then funded by american muslims for palestine. and also funds hamas and 70 because i went to uc irvine, that's where i went to college
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and to think, living in college and i'm a drama my not know anything to be 18 years old and then being prevented what he class. a neighbor of mine whose jewish went to ucla and to counter protest the students there were yelling and she said they were yelling at a counter protesters you know to turn the jews into self and go back to poland and hitler did not finish. and you know, you see a video of a guy radical jihadists the saying we went into office and infiltrate the education system get people elected a government and you guys we've already succeeded in dearborn michigan which is where that person mother doing it, and you know they wrote a book about the holocaust cold night, and he said you know, this village
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idiot came and disappeared for four days that showed up and said, the killing of the jews putting them on trains this like i'm the village idiot and i talked with the jewish people they do not believe that. well you know about me like their ostriches and is like happening again. and i appreciate you inviting me to go on your show and speak out because you got to nip it in the bud. brian: absolutely. john: time honored to be here, at the book, so important to learn a lot about from noah. brian: absolutely democracy in the middle east longest running most loyal ally and suddenly americans can i can behind but it makes no sense of time i think people should know about you said you grew up and democrat it was lovely candidate believe in hard work and you feel as though in many ways, and somebody democrats now have trouble deciding who the good guys are an especially bernie sanders.
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john: well. as you know well he sinema the craddick socialist, i will that is well that's just a communist that you can vote for the only difference. basically say well will tax you to death and then will pay for your college will pay for this paper that pretty thing for the paying for it with your money and i'm not republican either not right wing pretty well filling them in the middle and every thing move so far left and right but some reason all the republicans in fox news, there supporting israel and is talking to me because liberal liberal to support israel' hundred liberale more freedom of choice and the party seemed to have switched completely. such audios another just spoke out because you are on a comedy club and you talk about being
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killed for not paying taxes because you are successful remember for some of her to speaking out i heard how angry you were about that but i think people should know talent if you are with you has had have achieved take a look back your career everybody at home, watch. >> i told you. [background sounds]. >> no no no, so sorry my husband burned his finger and he was pulling. >> that's not helping and i really like your bike, your b bike. >> i played third base is a busy i did not how entities and i was totally blind playing third base for the kansas city royals. >> goodbye, wait, you're going. soon it dry your eyes yes just going home to grab a shower to
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shape and give the wife of tickle tickle and i'm on my way and i'll see you. >> yes that. >> but what, but what see what you thoughts watching that. john: can't believe i had a career, where did it go. [laughter] [laughter] >> c1 after comedian and you do it all. >> and i sing it swell into a singing show a comedy show doing that. brian: this awesome. john: and stand up and it is so much fun that's america you know, we have the to make something of yourself if you're willing to work hard. and stick to it. in the tax thing is upset because they were saying, that the upper whatever income acres were not paying their fair share is like over 50 percent of this like this just not true you know c1 this to because the fact is gotten worse and finally come away the more jewish people hollywood speaking it has the make any sense. john: i don't know the ones that i see in twitter, the speak out all of the timer the actor
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michael rappaport i work with him and that woody allen film and he's a great guy. yet from everybody loves raymond and patricia heaton, and you know she played rare modest wife and she is not jewish and she speaks out constantly in the support from her people that are not jewish is great. brian: appreciate you speaking out and i know when jerry seinfeld others are getting a lot of people's respect that think you so much appreciated. john: it really needs to speak out mostly everybody. brian: a no, you're leading the charge and thank you john appreciated we might much on the fox nation special history of the world six classes for me now is a historical point out you can see him perform, stand up checking on the next at real limits which i think you catch my show and feature my new book, red white and blue, and will take your questions in indianapolis june 29th as well
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as strassburg pennsylvania ju july 27th and go to brian kilmeade .com and i can meet you before me on the show next about their candace has a plan to fix the likert shortage as he been worse than you might think and jamie is here finally news dual next. my daughter and i finally had that conversation. oh, no, not about that. about what comes next in life. for her. i may not be in perfect health, but i want to stay in my home, where my family visits often and where my memories are. i can do it with help from a prep cook, wardrobe assistant and stylist, someone to help me live right at home. life's good. when you have a plan. ♪ ♪ a lot of new dry eye patients in my office tell me about their frequent dry eyes, which may point to dry eye disease. millions of americans were estimated to have it.
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brian: you gave away some number the how to segment everybody's talking about, just on television because they couldn't anybody else's jamie and how you doing you don't take that personal coming to a great. jamie: am available today. brian: right and you want to start, the scope of my eric adams is that it begins just
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when he thought that he turned around making a lot of sense within the offered this explanation this idea what to do with the 81000 millilamberts enemies and let's watch. >> how do we have a large body of people, that are in our city and their country, that i excellent swimmers, the same time, we need like hundred lifeguards the only obstacle is, going to give them the right to work to become a lifeguard, genius. brian: this oh racist i'm surprised he did not keep going like we need people to climb fences and professional clear. jamie: i was a lifeguard but i got partners trying to save his girl given her. [laughter] , just like this and she was driving to try to talk to a friend. [laughter] brian: that was a problem totally different story and your here legally so he really did not help the segment and next, scientists work something so relieved. jamie: yes they are working on something to detect sarcasm yes which i get hundred could really
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use it and yes you know i subscribed to research. brian: yes is why by your office. jamie: and they could detect when i was start to castaic which i could really use this during my bowels. brian: your first wedding. jamie: yes until death do us part. brian: but speaking written energy and so people can understand way like are you being serious because jamie in your life people always think you're getting right. jamie: yes that is great to be here. brian: okay. jamie: i wish there was a sarcasm font so when you're texting you would know sue and maybe both we and of the problem fathers and daughters have great relationships but also very interesting and intriguing, case in point of this agency daughter, who was that runs a company she works for the company, she wanted to explain what she does with her dad next to her eating lunch let's watch. >> and going up had a very of nature know that i wanted to work here the boys had a big passion for structural steel just completed a few projects on
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rodeo drive which is really cool snowstorm of the rolex door. in the bulbar restores that how you say it. women involved in all of that stuff and i like a lot of the drawings so to me to get. [laughter] [laughter] brian: the data is not buying it she's trying to fade interest this is happening your life. jamie: i love this so much like we do this she had more we been friends this will never happen to me. i don't want my daughter to follow in my footsteps i want you things but don't be a comedian community have things like health insurance and self-esteem i thought it was really cute. brian: i thank you so a relationship everybody can read would like to have. jamie: i'll be in austin texas coming up soon then kansas city, then st. charles missouri and i like to not give the dates and if he will try to find themselves to an interesting challenge ronnie is all have to try that scored media know what exactly were to go but if i was to get specific i would use
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these addresses twitter facebook and instagram no no, find yourself, and also keep sending in your videos we going vacation didn't sent us this video's doing what he does with me said that this is how pete got to arizona a slice of our audiences like jamie jealous heard that doesn't for us using the slow zoom out means one thing were out of material out of material. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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7:00 pm
brian: that does it for us whatt forget to take one nation with you to just send us your photo or video of one nation sure drinking from a third thermos or your cup one nation at fox .com and one vacation with you also need to remind you to days of fox and friends a second day and sunday, catch fox and friends from 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. and was back in bulletins please turn into my usual festive going the nine to noon eastern time and lauren right, michael goodwin amongst my guess "fox news" every night starts right now jimmy failla, fox news saturday night and as usual watch the whole thing. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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