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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  May 19, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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swimmers and at the same time we need lifeguards. the only obstacle is we won't give them the right to work to become a lifeguard. that just does not make sense. >> i love by the way you look at the two people i do not who they are on either side sitting uncomfortably going t tt say tht out loud at the new york immigration coalition leader blatantly racist to raise light. obviously cover the border, very sad. who knows what happens next move see mayor adams calling the governor eight bleach bond bad at building butch body who knows iit could happen. >> eliciting claw out eyelashes. >> exactly exactly for a great showbread that does it for us. was he back here at 7:00 p.m. eastern for the big weekend sh show. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪. mark: hello america i am mark levin and this is "life, liberty & levin" saturday pretty think you're going to be very pleased that you are here. with three tremendous s robert costello you may have heard of him, newt gingrich, it may have heard of him and ben shapiro. were going to do this program differently than i've done this network. i interviewed mr. costello on thursday afternoon. i interviewed him on thursday afternoon. i also did the sean hannity show on thursday evening. the reason why is this, you have a fast-moving trial in manhattan. you have all kinds of analysis, all quite good. respecting mr. costello's public statements his testimony before congress. the fantastic interview with bilbill hemmer and so forth. i feel there's an essential element missing.
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essential element that is missing. i want to get this out as soon as i can because it's irrelevant to the trial. it's relevant to you and the rest of the american people. with all of that in mind let's been at the interview from thursday with mr. costello. robert casillas welcoming former deputy chief of the saw a shabby position i remember that the big position as chief of staff at the attorney general. i want to get right down to it, sir. you gave an interview earlier this morning. i have the text here with the bibillhemmer. i have gone through it and detail. i want to hone in on a few issues for a reason. you represented michael cohen during the period in which the fbi swat went into his properties to gather information and evidence, is that correct? >> we represent him after that. right after that >> he came to
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you? >> that is correct. see if what you got into privilege conversations with him i will get to that in a minute. the subject of donald trump came up and so forth and so on. can you concisely tell me what he told you about the nondisclosure agreement with stormy daniels and who is responsible for what? >> michael cohen set in reference to the nda the nondisclosure agreements which i pointed out to him were perfectly legal that it was his idea to take care of this. not donald trump's idea. solely his idea. that stormy daniels attorney, davidson, contacted him and said stormy daniels was going to claim there was a sexual relationship between stormy and donald trump. cohen said he did not believe the allegations but he knew they would be embarrassing. he specifically mentioned they would be embarrassing to millennia.
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so cohen said he decided on his own and i repeat that on his own because that is what he said and i kept on nailing him down on that. you did this on your own? yes. donald trump have knowledge of it? no did you have anything to do with it? no. where'd you get the 130,000 dollars? he took out a loan i said what would you do that? you said i did that because i did not want melania and to know anything about this and i did not want my wife to know he said if i took money out of our accounts he said my wife would know right away because she controls the family finances she would ask me 100 questions that i did not want to answer. that is exactly how michael cohen summarize that. donald trump knew nothing about it. did not encourage it. did not do anything this was solely michael cohen. why would he do something like this? he was trying to ingratiate himself back into the inner circle because when trump got elected and went to washington d.c., took his inner circle with
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them except for michael cohen who was left behind. this guy was angry about that. he actually had told me he thought if he went to washington d.c. he would be considered for attorney general of the united states. or at least chief of staff to the president. ludicrous. but because he did not get that he was looking for a way to get back in. mark: can you think of any reason at all, you are his attorney why he would lie to you is there any benefit to him lying to you about it? >> absently not. especially because he told us he was suicidal at that point. he had been up on the roof of the regency hotel seriously considering jumping off because he saw a mountain of legal problems coming his way he did not have to deal that he kept on saying to us that they bob, i need you to explain what is my escape route? how do i get out of this i cannot handle the pressure. and so of course i went to the steps and i told him that clearly he was not the target of what the southern district of
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new york was doing. the target was really donald trump and i said if you have any truthful information and i emphasize that time and time again i said michael, these are very smart people down the southern district of new york. if you think you can win there and tell them a half a truth or three quarter truth you are crazy they will find out you will burn your bridges on both ends. the only way you can do this is with truthful information. so now is the time if you have truthful information you can cooperate i will get rid of all of your legal problems by the end of the week i swear to god i do not have anything on donald trump he must've said that 10 -- 20 times. i have lost count because in between then he would also say guys i want you to know i was there with my work partner who knew michael cohen i want you to know i will do whatever i have to do. i will never spend a day in jail and he slammed his hand on the conference room table. that is the kind of guy i was dealing with that day but there is there's no way he's going to
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lie. mark: went to hone in on something else delayed the predicate. these are the facts. we had no reason to lie to gave him every opportunity really to protect himself. that would even meet if necessary implicating donald trump and he didn't but i want to move on. you testified instead of an front of the bragg a grand jury is that correct? >> that is correct. >> michael cohen had waived in writing you've presented that a shirt to the whole world, correct? looks i have that is correct. mark: the last witness to testify in front of the bragging grand jury to the best of your knowledge, correct? what's the best of my knowledge that is correct. mark: you testified were you free to testify or you as you said come out of the testimony were repeatedly interrupted. repeatedly trying to shut you down is that correct to question. >> that is correct. there are eight assistant district attorneys in the room.
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eight. i've never seen that before. but she indicated i saw early reports in a few years ago up to 300 or so e-mails which is basically contemporary communications with michael cohen that would certainly collectively demonstrate he was lying about material information mr. bragg was looking into. they would not introduce ulcerated e-mails is that correct? >> they put six in, i objected. i said aren't you going to put the remaining e-mails end? right of the grand jury and they said we can't and i said why not and they said there's a legal problem i said really? what is that? he said hearsay. first of all hearsay is admissible in grand jury's and i said you just put six out of that package and went about the rest in these people mean the grand jury are entitled to hear everything. they are entitled to hear everything in my own pack in the same materials.
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they said we cannot put them in because they are hearsay. if you think they are hearsay to listlisten carefully to my nexto sentences. these documents were made in the regular course of business it was the regular course of business to make and maintain document such as these at or about the dates indicated on the documents. i said now you know, and i know but the grand jurors do not know that makes these documents business records. you know and i know but the grand jury does not know business records are an exception to the hearsay rule if it was ineffective. i said what is your next excuse? you think you should give these to grand jury? i held up the packet to the grand jurors you should demand is in the district attorney and ask yourself where they keeping these from you? >> say had the packet apart from of the grand jury are hearing the district attorney office had all the e-mails, correct? >> correct it. mark: they could read over threaded e-mails, correct question. >> of course. as a courtesy to show i was
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being fair to them, as a courtesy the friday before i testified i gave them an hour and a half zoom conference in which i was going to explain the exculpatory materials that i had and why they should not proceed with this case. when the zoom conference started they told me they had all the evidence i gave them. assume we have read everything and understood everything. what do you want to say? that is how they began i said that's hardly a warm greeting to somebody try to help you out. mark: very, very important for some thisomething people are not focusing on including the legal analysts. and it is this. mr. bragg and his prosecutors have every reason to know that when they put cohen on the stand there is serious material issues in which you and perhaps others
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have presented evidence contrary to what he was going to say. that is they put them on the stand he's lying in every respect to you and according to many other people what took place. they have your e-mails that cut off your testimony when you are in the grand jury but where i come from i us at old chief of staff to attorney general of the united states, this is a classic case of suborning perjury i am saying to you mr. costello they put this man on the stand. they did not seek a hearing before the put them on the same with the judge to go through your e-mails or any evidence that they had. whether they gave it to the grand jury or not. they had your e-mails. they knew what you said. you are a credible witness. you are the former mucky muck of the criminal division over that the southern district of new york. your testimony to them persuaded them not to pursue the case, as
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i understand it, against mr. cohen. but bragg the eight district attorneys did not want you to say what she wanted to say in front of the grand jury but did not want to hear anything about the other e-mails that might harm their witness. they knew he would get on the stand and that he would commit perjury. where i come from, sir, you given the elements of perjury they did not bother to tell the judge we have this guy costello. we do have this but we still think we should bring him on. they committed suborned perjury which is a felony against the court. what you think about that, sir? i think that should be pursued. >> i agree. i think at the very least it's a motion to dismiss the indictment they did not present all of the exculpatory evidence that they had. they very good reason michael cohen was not telling the truth. i told them the southern district of new york had
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obviously concluded michael cohen was not telling the truth. i suggested to them if all the southern district lead and drop the case they had no interest in hearing my opinion of what they had to say. i told them and us in the zoom conference on the friday before my grand jury testimony et cetera you people aware michael cohen is coming out with a second book? i know you're probably aware of his first book. i got blank looks from everybody. i will save the effort of toes coming out they book quite coincidentally it's coming out next week which is the week that you intend to indict donald trump. do you think that's a coincidence? don't you see he is using you people to monetize the situation? he is using you to make money. you are going along with that. you havyou've not been your due diligence paid they had no interest in hearing that. >> think it's important for the american people to understand is that a prosecutor is not free to put someone on the stand who
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they either know is a liar testimony under oath. or make well and has propensity to lie under oath. it destroys the whole idea of getting to the truth. it is an attack of due process. and prosecutor at a thousand reasons to know mr. cohen would go on the stand and commit acts of perjury. you handed him the evidence with your e-mails. he handed him the evidence it is not hearsay. he spoke to you, his lawyer. is not you speaking to someone else. he spoke to you dissing out hearsay is? even if it did apply and it didn't heal it out of the way to cut you off during her testimony would they withheld evidence of the grand jury they still indict donald trump on they knew he was a liar. not just because a federal judge that he is a liar. it's not just because he
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confessed to being a liar but is not because he was convicted of being a liar. because he lied to them. that every reason to know it. they still put him on the stand. that suborning perch at the >> could have gotten around his go to the judge and say we have all this information about him. if they did that they knew he could not be the star witness. final words, sir? >> i think that's absolutely correct. this case never should have been brought there is no theory under which this is a crime. i told michael cohen and our initial meeting their use there's nothing illegal with that. since he said trump had nothing to do with his taking care of the storming daniel situation we did not follow it up any further. >> under thank you usually the left wing kooks are out there attacking you trying to attack your credibility. it takes t guts to come forward. the only crime committed was committed in the courthouse with the testimony of michael cohen's
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and crimes committed by the d.a. office and suborning perjury. god bless you my friend. take care of yourself. >> thank you. have a good day. mark: we will be right back. why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once? i like to do things myself. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. kayak... aaaaaaaahhhh kayak. search one and done. -cologuard®? -cologuard.
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mark: welcome back america but we havwith different former sper newt gingrich. the other day the president of the united states assert executive privilege. not for the presidency, not for the separation of power issue really. joe biden wants to get reelected issue. he asserts executive privilege which congress is about to
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release the house to hold merrick garland in contempt because he refuses to release the videotape of joe biden's interview with former special counsel her. which is absolutely apparently damning. jamming of joe biden. damning of us and cognition. damning of it his handling of classified information. and on and on and on. they are exerting executive privilege. this is not the purpose of executive privilege and i want to give this to you, too. at eight separate occasions when the so-called generate six soviet commission and nancy pelosi demanding presidential papers of any kind he weighed executive privilege eight times. so tens of thousands of documents that were supposed to be protected in the office of the presidency were turned over too nancy pelosi and alyssa cheney's committee.
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but here when they want to know exactly what joe biden said, not as president but said under this investigation they are asserting executive privilege. when you make of that? what's the guy's a crook and a liar so he behaves like a cork in a liar. as long as he is president you have to assume the constitution is very limited application for the rule of law has almost no application. he's going to do whatever he can get away with it. i think any effort to try to define either biden or his appointees within a traditional american system of total contempt for the constitution. total contempt for the rule of law. and believe that they can get away with that they ought too. this is just one more example. mark: that's an important point, one more example. i think we've moved into the category of tear in it now don't you? trying to put your opponent in
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prison. going into four different jurisdictions with democrat prosecutors. ninety-one phony allegations. defying supreme court on student loans and so forth. refusing to enforce the board on and on and pending to israel. this isn't tierney what is? >> this is exactly what the founding fathers were worried about. remember during the american revolution number to demand after no taxation without representation was getting control of the judges. the british judges were clearly instruments of the king. king. not instruments of the law. there is a very deep feeling among the american revolutionaries that they wanted to establish the rule of law. the whole point of the constitution is to protect citizens from the government. because they had such deep fear of tierney. i would say virtually all of the founding fathers would say that
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what we are watching right now is a tierney. adams was faced with jefferson as an opponent even jefferson was vice president never would have occurred to adams. campaign by andrew jackson would never have occurred to him to try people have been locked up permanently at the generate six commission and the police state approach to that particular event. the distinction between people who riot and burned down buildings all involved in black lives matter because apparently on the left morally appropriate you burned down an occasional building. destroy an occasional business but you mean well. you compare that with out ruthlessly they go you federal
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agents fully armed with full armor showing up at 3:00 a.m. or 4:00 a.m. in the morning at the home of an activist who is pro life you know there's something sick going on that really comes closer tierney. mark: isn't this why they hate donald trump so? donald trump is a historic figure, isn't he? donald trump refuses to play by their rules. he will play by the legal rules, he will play by the constitution rules but he refuses to play by their rules. and so they fear him really more than any other republican on the scene. once to get along with the media does not want to stir up the bureaucracy. just wants to manage around the edges. donald trump says no i'm taking it right to these people. when we come back, i would like your response to ( ♪ ♪ )
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place but i am jon scott and now back to "life, liberty & levin." ♪. mark: welcome back america. newt gingrich they hate trump more than they've ever hated anyone else. why is that? >> is to rivals andrew jackson was deeply hated by the establishment did not get a good biography until 1935 because the establishment disliked him so intensely. and abraham lincoln who was so hated by the south they seceded upon his election.
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so trump in that sense is an remarkable company the reason is very similar trump is the end of the world if you are a left-wing cuckoo. if you are one of these people who believes in a whole series of nutty ideas you know trump is going to wipe out your worldview if you are one of the corrupt people the teachers union for example the big city democrats you need the government money desperately trump is going to cut you off the gravy train. from the standpoint of a wide number of people on the left trump is literally the end of their world. that's why this is an all out desperate fight on their side because they know unlike the traditional republican who goes along to get along traditional republicans want to be part of the establishment. they did not want to replace it. trump is very untraditional. and is in a very rare group of people who are prepared to do whatever it takes to get this country back on track.
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and i really do believe a second trump term will be a historical watershed. mark: a second trump term they're going to do everything in my opinion to prevent ever being sworn in. you see the hitler youth on our college campuses right now. you see that media and our country that are encouraging i would argue at least to some extent censoring the violent activity taking place. and when the left does this and the democrthedemocrats do this e trump. they do not take responsibility for their own selves we did they do not take credit for their doing the corrupt media isn't that also at the heart of a problem in terms of listening to the republic when that media becomes part of the government? >> it is very clear you have a propaganda tha media not a news media. you have such deep anti- american hostility and most of the newsrooms. this whole idea that trump is ts going to go into a debate that
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will be about as rigged as the new york trout you have t yoke g reporters and joe biden on one side and trump by himself. both of these proposed debates are three -- one against trump was how this in the past. we saw on cnn at one point a cnn reporter in a presidential debate totally falsely state things to put down mitt romney who did not have the nerve to come back and say to her you don't have any idea what you're talking about. we have seen similar things. we saw frankly we saw wallace take on trump and that 2020 debate. and say things that were not true. trump is got to be prepared to go into an environment which will be three -- one against him. and he is unprepared to take on the two reporters at least as much as he takes on biden. hugs and was invited wanted cnn and loves us to reporters is
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because the art relentlessly attacking donald trump or they are relentlessly attacking people who come on their shows on the weekends to talk about donald trump. they are a mouth piece. not just for the democrat party jake attack her was an activist. there mouthpiece for hideous and evil forces out there by their attacks on israel. their defense of not destroying hamas and so forth. they are in lockstep with biden. can you think, quickly of anything jake and dana have said to the extent you watch them? that fundamentally differs from joe biden the democrat party? snow. cap at once wrote a great book about not opposing afghanistan. but when he is on air he is relentlessly left-wing. you look at those two you look at the two they're going to pick at the other network, this is a set up. i think trump w trump was righto immediately say yes. i think trump was confident that in the end three -- one means
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they are at a disadvantage because he could beat all three of them but he is going to be in a debate against all three of them. we need to understand those two are not moderators. they are the allies of president biden. mark: amen. newt gingrich my friend thank you, god bless you, take care of yourself. >> thank was that your grandfather, leading armies to battle? was that your great aunt, keeping armies alive? drafting the plans. taking the pictures. was it your family members who flew? who fixed. who fought. who rose to the occasion. when the world needed them the most. discover, preserve, and share the stories of your family's heroes. explore all us military records on ancestry for free today. your best days of the year start here, at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor
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that same mentality being projected are the state of israel? the campaign the propaganda campaign undermining demonstration over there and the embrace. that literal embrace of the hamas leadership. >> it is insane with the biden administration has done. i think if there is one sort of a character description of joe biden he is a political pinwheel. he is constantly shifting and surf of the winds inside of his own party pretty came into office promising to be at moderate he felt the prevailing winds in his own party with bernie sanders wing of the party and he shifted to meet that wing because that wing of the party hates israel his western because of that is basely decided to shift from his original stance to hamas must survive. it is or must stop in the gaza strip. in fact he will hold up weaponry to israel while five american hostages being held by hamas but he will declare israel has to have a day after plant that involves hamas for they floated two separate plans and involves hamas a further involvement in the gaza strip.
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after is a resent all the pressure right now is on israel from joe biden. none of it is on hamas which is truly an astonishing thing for mitt administration that said after october 7 that israel had the moral duty to get rid of hamas. mark: this administration takes no responsibility for what happened on october 7. peace in the middle east as close as you can get with trump of the abraham accord but they like tens of billions of dollars to flow directly and indirectly into iran. just islamist terrorist like regime. which rapes them, tortures them, a montfunds hamas, funds anybody can. and will say nothing about them. they do not talk about the leader of that regime when they keep pounding and pounding and pounding benjamin netanyahu. my question is this if benjamin netanyahu does what biden blinken once a two state solution with dates surrendered your dad. they allow hamas to survive of the four top battalions, where they do all of the things this administration of blinken
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demands would israel be able to survive? was it hard to see what is the route would survive long term not just threat from the gaza strip but that would encourage iran via its proxy in lebanon and has a lot to put it all out offensive against israel put all this is brought about because joe biden entire reset was about grading distance between the u.s. and the allies were not just israel but saudi arabia for the fact is it donald trump event reelected in 2020 if he entered office in january of 2020 when he would've cut another abraham accord with the saudi arabia of the full-scale iran would have been effectuated without any doubt whatsoever for the entire october 7 attack was designed to forestall saudi arabia from entering some sort of deal for israel. the more distance to biden ministration is created in saudi arabia in the united states the more i run sees that gap exploit that gap if biden were to get his way i and israel to stop sht and gaza to a new hamas about a
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different name under the palestinian authority if that were to happen then i wrought with continued to push on the northern front. continue to threaten israel's northern border 100,000 israelis are not living in their homes on the northern border and israel. their attacks, rapid tax drone attacks every single day on the northern border of israel no one is even talking about for joe biden is too busy benjamin because the netanyahu it's eight bipartisan work cabinet and israel which has to agree by current law on all of the war fighting attempts being made for example an profit. mark: do you think joe biden is effective in persuading israel zoos he goes to the holocaust museum and announces anti-semitism at the very same time is putting his foot on the throne of israel and cutting off arms and that is incredibly violent and cynical. he puts out a statement the other day because the house of representatives is going to vote to force him, forced him to
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deliver the ammunition they have purchased to israel he puts out a statement is giving notice to congress he's going to give them a billion dollars in ammunition so forth. evie knows that is an empty letter that could take years. he is not only doing these things is incredibly cynical about them. she think is trying to play and exploit the jewish vote is used to getting? >> one 100% of what he is that in the pro- hamas vote in dearborn, michigan is going be bought by these routines which i don't think is true by the way. think they're radical enough that he would bu biden's sense f much of the not showing up now they're not showing up ever. he is also counting to continue to show up and support him despite the fact he is not only abandoabandoned israel his publy undercut israel harmed israel pretty much every public relations weight as possible for him to do so. i think that is totally wrong. i think there are a lot of liberal jews who take judaism seriously or take israel seriously are turning away from him but whether that means about for donald trump for they vote
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for rfk junior there are other options on the table all of whom are more israel than joe biden at this point. mark: will be come back delete propaganda coming out of the state department, the national should purity counsel but coming out of joe biden's mouth. coming out of blinken's mouth, as is helping to fuel long with billionaire democrats what i call the hitler youth we've seen on her college campuses? in other words is biden personally contributing to this? your answer when we return. we will be right back. >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? trust safelite. this customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house... then we got to work. we replaced his windshield... ...and installed new wipers to protect his new glass. >> customer: looks great. thank you. >> tech: my pleasure. >> vo: we come to you for free. schedule now for free mobile service
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mark: welcome back america. in superior we have these going on around the country with the graffiti on synagogues. we have jewish stores the windows being broken. we have in fort lauderdale and other parts of the country in california also dearborn, michigan. its right under our noses. we have islamists that are populating the state department as well as the white house. what is it about joe biden that encourages this sort of thing?
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is it propaganda and what his his administration did next to nothing to try to stop it? joe biden is a coward. the about their political career. political position shelton 199 199530 hold today. we are the political winds shift who shifted back right now he is attempting to get young voters to the polls even low propensity to fill into the dirty secret in the biden campaign is biden has given up on the moderate voters given on independence he believes he's lost the independence to donald trump for rfk junior he has decided to look at double down on his face. the problem is the bases really, really small and really strange. hell say things like it's bad if they violate though he'll never actually condemn and type semitism emanating from the protest the pro- hamas rhetoric that is emanating from the protest these are white
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supremacist protest he would say is wearing a presidential campaign. when he was running based on charlottesville is so upsetting what donald trump said a new client about what president trump said about that. it was so upset he just had to run. and then he's been doing a routine where he completely ignores anti-semitism, in the open jew hatred on college campuses in favor of pretending it doesn't exist. acting as though it's part of the broader left-wing movement for social justice and social change. i believe joe biden believes in one thing at one thing only that is joe biden's personal benefit. the other thing is ever cared about puts on a constant throughout his political career weathers corruptly taking money yet family members his entire critical career or he's looking to push him over the finish line. mark: do you figure in part conversely that may be he has sorted the middle with him if they spend enough money? he is raising enter norma's amount of money scaring the
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quote unquote average citizen about donald trump. that he is hitler, his antidemocratic pretties going to throw people in prison. how he projects you think that's part of the strategy? lexus quite possible. there's an article and asked seals say he believes the polls are not true. now it's been very consistent best pulling numbers donald trump us ever had head-to-head with any democrat including his hilary clinton were actually one in 2016. joe biden is apparently pretending the polls do not exist. that's a mark of a losing campaign if he says january 6 and trum trip over and over is g to and presumably that's why he is exceeding a debate with trump he realizes this is a referendum on him but he hopes to get trump on stage he could make the referendum on donald trump which is why if donald trump during this debate simply stands and points physically at joe biden donald trump will be president again because the reality is most americans most moderates care far left about the suppose it threats of donald trump to
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the democracy he was very good at the job much less worried about that than joe biden correct the country. mark: it seems a president trump comes on bullet points in his mind about joe biden's record. dismisses his propaganda has his own way of saying there you go again, joe. you been around for 50 years you will say nathaniel talk out of both sides of your mouth you will do this. basically a polite monotone way that could be very effective. quickset is totally right if donald trump can control his temper, if he does not turn into a hope he will defeat joe biden. joe biden will defeat himself when joe biden needs his ache on the stage were joe biden needs is for donald trump to appear like it did during the first debate in 2020 came out very aggressive punching very hard and joe biden would sit back tell trump to shut up. if trump can avoid that trap some moderators are going to be attempting to jab them into that. that is exactly why they created
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the put up job on the debate structure in the first place. july to propose the debate five minutes later the dates were known in the moderators were in on the network should know. that's all a set up. i was sent in advance. it is also done to prevent the commission on presidential inviting rfk junior the truth is for all of he is much more of a threat to joe biden then he has to donald trump a people voting for donald trump trump or walkr broken glass to vote for donald trump people voting for joe biden do not love joe biden they just may not like donald trump. via someone in the middle on the debate sage bunch of biden's votes could float over too rfk and then he's not president anymore. mark: was seen in donald trump the last few years much more measured politician and statesman. we really have it. we have seen and joe biden a guy really who is the reverse. he loses it, gets angry, squints, loses track very, very easily. the problem is going to be i
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believe how to control biden. shannon schapiro want to thank you for all you do but you've been a great friend. god bless you my friend. >> app can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. kayak. no way. why would i use kayak to compare hundreds of travel sites at once? kayak. i like to do things myself. i do my own searching. it isn't efficient. use kayak. i can't trust anything else to do the job right. aaaaaaaahhhh! kayak. search one and done.
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demonstrate that cohen is a liar, the trump did nothing. in the conversations that he had the district attorney's office on the zoom tryin prior to grany testimony, these are material pieces of information. you are not allowed of your a prosecutor to for somebody in the static about who you know to be a liar, the issues that you want race, where is likely to be a liar, about the issues you will raise, or if you do not know that they're going to be a liar about the issues that you are going to raise, call suborning serve perjury a felony, and now i am accusing the district attorney in his office, suborning perjury and committing multiple felonies, maybe more than 34. that needs to be investigated, right


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