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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  May 19, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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don't worry. just sell directly to opendoor. (woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house.
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pete: it is the 7 a.m. eastern time hour of "fox & friends" weekend. starting with this. joe biden to deliver the commencement address at morehouse college. today ought to be a barn burner. hope we got the teleprompter fired up, as he looks to improve dismal polling among black voters, but his opponent says it won't be enough. if. >> we're doing record numbers with the african-american voters. democrats are all talk, no action. i was little talk and total action. rachel: plus, or congresswoman jasmine correct looks the monetize her recent spat with marjorie taylor greene. but she forgets to use spell check, first. [laughter] will: and a zyn win she scenario. how the flavored nicotine pouches might also help with weight loss. the second or hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ if it's meant to be, it'll be,
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it'll be ♪ baby, just let it be. ♪ if. ♪ it's meant to be, it'll be it'll be. ♪ baby, just let it be -- rachel: good morning, everybody. name that skyline. [laughter] pete: it's a beautiful one. i think that's a skyline, that picture was painted by god. rachel: yeah. pete: no doubt. will: illinois? pete: winnetka, illinois. good morning, winnetka. rachel: beautiful sunrise there. we're happy that you're all joining us whether you're in winnetka or wherever you are in the unite. it's a good morning, it's a good sunday morning, and i'm here with my friends -- will: wherever you are in your home r. are you in bed? are you in the living room? how do you take in the first hour or two of "fox & friends"? lisa from pennsylvania e-mailed, she said she's drinking coffee and watching with her two dogs before church. pete: that's what i feel -- rachel: exactly.
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pete: boom with. up, coffee, hanging. rachel: that's right. robert shared this photo. he's watching from the fan cave -- will: wow, look at that. pete: that brings me great joy. [laughter] rachel: that is awesome. pete: that's phenomenal. and ben and mickey writing in an e-mail, quote, it's 7:30 in then evening here in australia -- will: yes. pete: and we are loyal watchers. it's nice not to have to wake up early. will: prime time, baby. we're prime time in australia. [laughter] rachel: i know. pete: i always wanted to be prime time, and we nailed it. rachel: we're big in australia. if. pete: maybe we are. are we big in australia? i didn't know that the fox news channel was available in australia. rachel: i've had people from latin america say they watch us on -- pete: really? rachel: yes. pete: if you're watching in australia with, isis reel, do they have it in russia? probably not. [laughter]
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will: wherever you have it, i'm fascinated by that. pete: keep sending in your pictures of how you take in the show with us. we wear suits and a lot of makeup. [laughter] rachel: you know what? pete: maybe a litt different than you. rachel: maybe one day we could all come in our pjs. wouldn't that be fun? will: no. pete: just do the whole show? rachel: i'd be so down with that. can i tell you guys, there have been times -- i'm going to probably overshare, but i bought a wig so when i have an emergency hit that i have to do, i can just throw a wig on. will: get out of here. pete: really? rachel: i've done hits with you guys -- will: no way. you don't need a wig, you have a lot of hair -- ray i know, but it takes time, i throw it in a ponytail -- will: no way. rachel: i've done fox nation hits with you guys, election night stuff, like -- yeah -- will: now the i'm going to be on
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wig watch. [laughter] i am. i'm going to be, like, is that a wig? rachel: you know what in. pete:.that's amazing. rachel: i'll bring the wig. i bought it on amazon, nicole staff pyre told me to do this because she had a shoulder surgery and is couldn't do her hair, so she bought a wig, and i thought it looked amazing. but i went one step further, i didn't just buy the wig, i bought the styrofoam headed to put the wig on -- pete: so you have a creepy head? rachel: my kids come into the bathroom and are, like, mom, that's so creepy -- rachel: i don't think you're supposed to be outing other wig wearers. [laughter] rachel: she's coming on today. she's going the talk about zyn, and we're going to ask about th- pete: do you think you could do a man wig? could we do that? rachel: let's get you a man wig. [laughter] all right. okay. if in just a few hours, president biden will be delivering the commencement
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address at morehouse college in atlanta. will: his visit comes after recent poll reveal he is losing support among a black voters. pete: madeleine rivera is live with the9 latest. >> reporter: good morning, guys. the white house says the president's speech will celebrate the accomplishment of the students at morehouse college, but some see it as nothing more than a political move to gain points with black voters. the president has had a series of events over the last few days trying to ebb engage this slice of the hecht9 rate. he did two radio interviews with black journal itselfs on wednesday, he gave remarks at an naacp event ear in d.c. on friday. on saturday he met with black business owners if atlanta. he drew contrasts with former president trump saying democracy is on the line in november. black voters helped then-candidate joe biden clinch the democratic presidential nomination in 2020, and he's hoping they can help send him back to the white house. but this fox news poll shows their support for him slipping.
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72% back him, down 7 points from october 2020. meantime, trump is seeing a slight bump with 23% support up from 14%. still, the president is defiant saying these numbers may not be accurate. >> here's the deal, you hear about how, you know, we're behind in the polls. well, so far the polls haven't been right once. [inaudible conversations] now, look, we're all, we're either tied or slightly ahead or slightly behind. >> reporter: we'll see9 hot president's confidence and message resonate with the with students and faculty this morning. they've had mixed reactions to his appearance. the school has prepared for the possibility of protests, but morehouse college president david thomas emphasizes he will go as far as a stopping ceremonies on the spot if the demonstration thes become disruptive. the event begins ata.m. eastern time. -- 9 a.m. eastern time. will: well, speaking of the black vote, we've talked about this. in the past, you know, no matter what sort of outreach republicans have made, the black
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vote has been not monolithically, but with overwhelmingly many support of democrats to the tune of something like 90% p. latest polling is showing for joe biden it's down to something like 70%. and while that's still a vast majority, losing 20% is significant. it is notable and interesting as to the why, but it's also election swinging -- rachel: absolutely, it is. and it means you have to divert funds to kind of defend your space, your position with black americans. and also you just have to figure out what a you're doing. why are black americans upset right now. and i think a lot of it is the economy. it's inflation. these are, you know, a lot of working class black americans saying my life was better under donald trump. pete: well, and donald trump at the the nra last night talked a lot about common sense, and black voters are saying common sense sounds good to me. here's trump at the nra talking about inroads with black voters. >> we're doing record numbers with the african-american if
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voters or. they are tired of what's happening to them. and, honestly, there's been no president since abraham lincoln and perhaps in a certain way include. >>ing abraham lincoln, but there's been no president since abraham lincoln that that has a done more for the black individual in this country than president donald j. trump. there's been nobody, not even close. [applause] tim scott did a great job with the opportunity zones. tim scott of south carolina. and we've done more for african-americans than any if other president since lincoln. let's give lincoln his due -- [laughter] but that's the way it is. the democrats are all talk, no action. i was at little talk and total alaska. rachel: i love that he's bringing it back to lincoln, a republican, who as we all know
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was on the right side of the civil war freeing the slaves and all that. and senator tim scott, by the way, slam aring joe biden's pandering tour. that's what he's calling it. here's what he had to say. >> his padderring tour -- pandering tour is terrible. and let me say this is the funny part, so to speak. the haas time we hear joe biden talk to black folk, sometimes he says you can't be black if you don't vote for me, or something as asinine as republicans want to put you back in chains. the last time i checked the only person restraining black economic growth is joe biden and bidenomics. so, please, don't pander to people smart enough to smell what you're cooking. [laughter] will: he's cooking, joe biden continuing this tour this week in atlanta and detroit. we talked about morehouse college. he's targeting brach voters in those two cities and states -- black voters.
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rachel: those people in morehouse college are the most likely to vote for democrats, right? so, i mean, the more educated class, those going into those historically black colleges which are very, you know, talk about indock try nation, those schools are not immune from it, and they're very anti-republican, anti-conservative ideas and so forth. but it's the guys that are driving the ubers, the guys that are in the barbershops -- pete: that's exactly right. rachel: how do you reach those guys? pete: what joe biden is doing is playing the hits. he's going to your jesse jackson,, the al sharpton crowd, and it's fun to watch the moment when you're hitting the same chord on the piano over and over again. that doesn't work anymore. every day black americans look at the conditions around them and say you haven't delivered for me. i'm going to somebody else. and they just keep hitting the same chord, and it's in the working. rachel: i think the president of morehouse actually issued a statement like that he's not going to tolerate any
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disruptions and to from protests. the students at morehouse not immune to the whole gaza, palestine stuff as well, so we'll see what happens. but they're trying to control i- pete: if i think it's at 9 a.m. eastern time, so we'll be monitoring those remarks on this program. will: well, a story of national security is also one that has been just draped in race as well by the mayor of new york city, is can that's the illegal immigration crisis. first, he is going after governor greg abbott of texas who has been busing migrants to places like new york city if. and here is what greg abbott is promising will continue. watch. enter unless and until joe biden does finally. >> begin to enforce immigration laws, i will continue to bus those migrants to sanctuary cities acothe united states of america. [cheers and applause] senator adams needs something to do. will: so the reason i say this besides attacking governor greg abbott, it is draped in race, is i can't think of a more racist
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thing that was said in the past week at least than when the mayor of new york city said, well, we have a shortage of lifeguards in new york city. we have a labor need, and we have a class of people coming over that are available for work and, clearly, good swimmers. this is what he said on tuesday. >> how do we have a large body of people that are in our city and country that are excellent swimmers and at the same time we need lifeguards? and the only obstacle is that we won't give them the right to work to become a lifeguard? if that just doesn't make sense. [laughter] rachel: it doesn't make sense why hispanics -- pete: it's unbelievable. rachel: -- that swim as cross the rio grande -- will: is he doing a rio grande swimming thing there? pete: yes. will: what is he doing? pete: that kind of logic -- rachel: by the way, it's actually sad because at lot of people drown. a lot of children, mother,
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pregnant mothers -- pete: the whole thing tragic, i'm laughing just because of -- rachel: i know, i know. pete: -- the absurdity of what he's able to say based on this cartoonish vision he has. greg abbott should say, yeah, i'm sending you more lifeguards. how much dumber can this get from someone like eric adams -- rachel: you can tie this back to the first story about dissatisfaction among black people, how many african-americans in chicago in particular if have we interviewed on this show who say we are so upset that because's another sanctuary city, so illegals are coming into chicago. they're not going to the rich neighborhoods. they're ending up in black neighborhoods on the south side of chicago. they're encamped in front of their apartment building, their homes, and they're seeing just a largess, like, money being poured out to house and take care of the illegals, and the african-americans in these cities are going, hey, wait, we've been saying for a long
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time that we need help with our community, and you say you don't have money. and now you have money. and i'm telling you, this is a huge part of the african-american, the black dissatisfaction with the democrat party. the democrat party has decided that these illegals that are coming from other countries, mostly are from latin america, coming through here are something -- it's a policy they want, and they do it at the expense of african-americans. and i think african-americans are waking up to it. pel. pete: well, and you also have in chicago, as we did last hour, residents are calling police -- will: will right. rachel: the social service network is,, or safety net is being completely strained. will: here's what erin adams had to say to greg abbott. he said governor abbott is a coward who use withs human beings as pretty cat pawns and -- political pawns and has done nothing while murder rates have skyrocketed under his lack of leadership. anyone feeds something to do, it's him. pete: okay.
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will: lifeguards. pete: has he responded? i mean, has he had to clarify that comment in. rachel: better yet, what are all the latino groups that find, like, racism and everything, where's their statement? pete: where's the uproar? rachel: yeah. will: the homeless man accused of punching actor steve buscemi on the streets of new york city earlier this month is now in jail after he was arraigned yesterday, and he's facing an assault charge for that incident and another misdemeanor charge for allegedly attacking another man just minutes before. he's being held on $50,000 -- pete: wait, so if you assault a famous person, then you might if actually be held in jail. will: if you assault a famous -- pete: a famous person. will: buscemi suffered an eye bleeding injury, bruising, more injuries in the complaint. washington, d.c. mayor bowser is heading to las vegas for an event designed to attract
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retail businesses to you are nation's capital. this event will be held at the western after bowser faced backlash for taking a trip to the masters tournament in georgia last month. taxpayers footed that bill. her team claims a real estate company who does business in washington invited bowser to the golf tournament. pete: leave vegas and come set up shop in washington d.c. will: on to nascar. the rain in north carolina is getting so bad at north wilkesboro speedway that one driver had a little fun, bell arely flopping onto the flooded pit road. jeff i with logan know claiming pole position, the start could be in jeopardy with rain forecasted and set to given at 8 p.m. eastern on fox sports 1, and those your headlines. pete: water like that, it may not run. rachel: yeah. that looked like a lot. pete: all right. joe biden in a desperate if effort or to win back voters from trump. how he's brushing off rock
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bottom rating coming up next. >> you hear about how, you know, we're behind in the polls. well, so far the polls haven't been right once. (other money manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products. (other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) your clients really come first then, huh? (fisher investments) yes. we make them a top priority, by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle and more. (other money manager) wow, maybe we are different. (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. we're carvana we created a brand new way for you to sell your car go to carvana answer a few questions and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds we'll come to you pay you on the spot then pick up your car that's it at carvana
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light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. ♪ >> here's the deal, you hear about how, you know, we're behind in the polls.
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well, or so far the polls haven't been right once. if. [inaudible conversations] now, look, we're all -- we're either tied or or slightly ahead or slightly behind. rachel: wow, that is one depressing event. [laughter] president biden shrugging off dismal poll numbers as he campaigns in georgia this weekend. he's capping off with a commencement speech at morehouse college in atlanta today. pete: biden pushing hard to win back black voters as new polls show him losing their support. will: let's win for america cochair janelle king lives in georgia and joins us now. good morning to you. one thing i say though is i think all of us have earned to look -- learned to look at polling with some level of skepticism. so what should we believe about polls with black voters but also just voters in georgia? >> so what i'm see to asking what, most importantly what i'm hearing, is that morally when it comes to black voters, they are courting us. they are suspicious of the
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democrat party because they feel like all of the messaging that's being presented to them is being led with information that's never happened. basically, it's a lot of rhetoric around how you should feel, what we should be doing, but i think a lot of voters peel like we've given the democrat party enough time the actually deliver results k and that hasn't happened. i think it's important as republicans for us to stay vigilant are, stay alert, to stay on top of our game when it comes to messaging because we are kind of riding the economy rave right now, and that's what's -- wave right now, and that's deterring a lot of black voters because of economy issues. however, social issues may rise to the surface, so we have to have a message for that. but i do think we are sea -- seeing a trend, or we're seeing a turn that's happening. has it fully manifested? i'm not 100% sure, but i do believe we're on the right track. pete: so clearly, the white house is seeing these numbers and responding to it because
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this is an outline of some of what joe biden will be doing this week. on wednesday he's doing radio interviews with black journalists, friday meeting with brown v. board of education families, friday the naccp event at the black american history museum in atlanta. on saturday, detroit for the n if aacp freedom dinner, that that's a gauntlet right there focused mostly on one group. >> absolutely. when i see all of that, it just reeks of desperation to me, it reeks of back promises that have not been fulfilledded. it just reeks of him being afraid because he knows that they cannot win without the black vote. and that's something that i'm excited about. i'm excited that they feel this desperation. however, the direction that they're going in further proves why the democrat party is not good for black voters. and this is not to say that i want all black people to vote republican. what i'm saying is that i want all black people to look at hair
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concerns, to look at their needs and see can party is going to address them, which mat if form speaks to that -- platform speaks to that. can if that's not what's happening here. he's running around talking about legalizing marijuana where that may be an issue that may register to some people, that's not the bulk of the black community. he's talking about things like the canceling of student loan debt. there's a lot of black people particularly in the business class that do not want to see that. so a lot of his messaging goes towards a very particular subset of our community. however, there is a business class, there is a meddle crass, there is a group of -- middle class, there are a group of black voters that are fully aware of what he's doing because he often leads with things hike if you don't vote for me, you're not black. the republicans will put you back in trains -- in chains. trump is not doing anything for you. and that messaging only work if -- for those programmed to believe you have to be handed
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something in order to achieve. we don't have to be or is have permission if in order to succeed in america. rachel: so you're saying the republicans are sort of riding on how bad joe biden has been for the economy, that black people are feeling that, the black community's feeling that. also seeing that a lot of african-americans are upset about the kind of attention and money that's been doled out for illegal emigrants when -- immigrants when their own i communities aren't doing well. what is the message if aside from the economy, which i think is the biggest one, for sure, but what else can republicans do to sort of break that stranglehold, that sort of habit that so many african-americans have of just feeling like they belong to this political, you know, party? >> yeah. finish if you know, i think it starts with us becoming culturally aware. so there are topics, particularly let's talk about abortion. so abortion is a topic where democrats like to hammer the black community. they like to set up shop in our neighborhoods as if we are
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driving the discussion on abortion, and we are not. we are the same people who will hand our babies over to auntie and grandma before we have an abortion. that is culturally who we are. as the republican party, i think need to really study the culture of our, of the black community. then we can start highlighting the hypocrisy of the messaging that's going towards our community. when it comes to the gender issues and lgbtq issues, there are a lot of black dads who are not a fan of having men in girl requests' sport, a lot of men who do not want men in girl cans' locker rooms. so i think these are things we can highlight that steps away from the economy, focuses on some of these social issues but also highlights the hi pockily i have of the democracy party. rachel: and i love it. the message as much as if the messenger matters. that's really great information. thanks so much jenelle. we really appreciate you breaking it down for us. >> absolutely. thank you for having me.
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will: ozempic, how the flavored nicotine pouch is serving as an accidental weight loss drug. dr. nicole saphier reacts next. so, no more sweating all night or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food.
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done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. rachel: flavored nicotine pouch and zyn is surging in popularity. users across social media say it also has served as an accidental weight loss are drug. but some experts warn against the brand, is this a safe alternative? joining us now with more is fox news medical contributor dr. nicole saphier. nicole, so great to have you on. listen, we talk about zyn a lot. will likes it, my husband likes it, i don't like that my
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husband's on zyn, but now they're saying there's a weight loss component to this. tell me if that's true and if there are negative side effects that might if outweigh some of the benefits like -- [laughter] getting trim. >> you're just wanting me to say this to get at will, i can tell, for sure -- rachel: or solve my marital spat with sean. [laughter] >> you know, i never heard of zyn until talking to will about it, so essentially it's a nike teen pouch that you put in your mouth, and you kind of get a direct hit of nicotine. what is nicotine? well, it's been widely used for over a century in cigarette smoking, and one of the things actually a century ago when cigarettes came out, it was advertised for weight loss x and it was supposed to be this slimming thing, a slimming alternative to candy, if you could imagine that. obviously, over the next several decades it became a blatantly obvious the health detriments of cigarette smoking. but what is nicotine in itself? if you take all of the
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consequences from the tobacco and other things in if cigarettes, what do you see in nicotine? it is a stimulant, and it absolutely is an appetite suppressant. unfortunately, when people would stop smoking, they would gain weight back. so i imagine if people are, you know, on zyning regularly, that they may actually gain weight when they come off of it. rachel: if it's suppressing, mean, you're getting the neck teen directly, it's suppressing your appetite. i think it would make sense that it could the allow you to lose weight. compare that, for example, we've talked about ozempic. is it an alternative to semipick, maybe, which, by the way, costs $1,000 a month, i think, to be on ozempic. >> nicotine and the other ones were completely different. we think that nicotine stimulates a hormone this is an appetite suppress if santa, very different hormone if system than the glp. is it an alternative? i don't know.
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here's the problem i have with some of the zyn is it's not widely studied. i sound kind of like we always say, well, i don't have the data on it. one of the concerns is, and i think when you hear medical professional as say i don't know about zyn, it's because we know nicotine can raise the blood pressure, raise the heart rate and constrict blood vessels, and we don't know what is a safe dose, so that's why people are concerned. to ozempic, mounjaro, they have been a little bit more studied. not necessarily their long-term potential side effects, but in the short term they're more study thed. obviously, zyn is much cheaper, and it can work as an appetite suppressant, but does that mean you can take one of the most highly addictive chemicals? i don't know. i say get to the gym and eat healthier. rachel: i agree with that and on semitick as dell -- ozempic as well. we don't know the long-term
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studies on it impact, so very interesting stuff. we're going to move to this because the question is about hot sauce. can it trigger a heart attack. we recently saw that a teen died after eating a super spicy tortilla chip. unbelievable. in this person was attempting a one-chip challenge. his autopsy revealed that he had a heart attack. do we know for sure that that was if from the chip? and what is it about the hot sauce and the potential for heart attack? >> gosh, rachel, i hate these social media trends -- rachel: i know. >> we hear about the consequences of them. now, to hot sauce and hot chips and taking spicy thing, i'll be honest, my older son likes to do those trends. what makes something spicy? there are chemicals and ingredients in it which are natural found in certain hot peppers. they absolutely can affect your heart, your blood as well ass. in this 14-year-old boy, he died of a heart attack, he had a
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pre-existing congenital heart disease, and so i think he was probably more sensitive to it. but, yeah, you have the take things very carefully, absolutely. rachel: yeah. we just put a little sriracha on our egg sites -- [laughter] >> i put it on everything. rachel: all right. dr. saphier, so great to have you on, two hot topics. appreciate it. [laughter] all right. bye-bye. as the boy scouts of america abandon their roots, some parents turn to faith-based alternatives for their young men. yay, i love this. we talk to the ceo of one of those organizations next. ♪ so thank god i get to wake up by your side ♪ thank god your hand fits perfectly in mine ♪ are buy one get one half off. ♪ ♪ orial day. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back.
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but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. if you've ever grilled, you know you can count on propane to make everything great. but did you know propane also powers school buses that produce lower emissions that lead to higher test scores? or that propane can cut your energy costs at home? it powers big jobs and small ones too. from hospitals to hospitality, people rely on propane-an energy source that's affordable, plentiful, and environmentally friendly for everyone. get the facts at if you have heart disease and struggle with ldl-c... even with statins and a healthy diet... listen to your heart. talk to your doctor about repatha. repatha plus a statin lowers ldl-c (bad cholesterol) by 63%, and drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions.
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signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. talk to your doctor about repatha. (reporters) over here. kev! kev!
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(reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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will: as the boy scouts, now known as scouting america, leave their founding mission behind, membership has fallen 43% from 2019 as young men search for new mentors. pete: and now more families are turning the all-male, faith-based alternatives. matt markens is president and ceo of one of those groups, awanna, and he joins us now. full disclosure, matt, i did awanna if growing up. it's a wonderful organization. i have men and women parts of
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it. explain or -- before we get to what it is, what has boy scouts done to itself? >> well, when you lose your sense of rootedness, you know, we have a saying in our worse organization that awanna is rooted in scripture, centered on the gospel, and we're never going to move one inch off of that. anytime if organizations lose their rootedness and especially if we chase these progressive visions, we end up waking up in a world that's harder to recognize and difficult to navigate. and that's what's happening to some of these organizations. will: you know, pete and i had a conversation a few weeks ago about the boy scouts dropping boy from their name, and i had a lot of people reaching out saying the reason they're doing this is not enough guys are coming in, to your point, sort of like a cycle. if you lose your mission, you lose the ability to recruit back into its. is so what is the message for awanna? >> oh, our mission is to equip leaders to reach kids with the
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gospel and engage them in lifelong discipleship. parents want their kids to have a thriving future. and so i think over the last few years we've gotten more and more visibility into organizations, what they're doing. and sometimes we become quite alarmed. and so we help come alongside of parents, churches, coaches and men or to haves and help them the shape -- mentors and help them to shape children and with lifetime that's going to help them be resilient in the future and be able to thrive no matter their cultural context. pete: the faith component used to be part of boy scouts back in the day. it's all long since gone. a lot of the appeal of what scouting was is also the skills, the outdoor work. does awanna have that organization as well? >> that really ends up being in the hands of the local church, the local group request. we equip those the leaders with what they need to form healthy children. we have tree primary factors based on the last 13 years of research and, by the way with, we've been around for 74 years,
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so we've been doing this a while. but we help them to equip the leaders with the primary factors that are going to shape thriving children in the long run. everything we do is built off of those three primary factors. will: and what's happening? we talked about boy scouts losing membership. what's happened with awanna over the same time frame? >> just in 2023 alone we've grown by a million children in weekly child engagement which is our chief metric. we're a global organization in 135 countries. so over the last, over the last decade, we've almost tripled in size is. and, again, that goes back to we have stuck to our core competencies and our original vision which is based on weekly child engagement of helping children develop resilient in a world where we're seeing kids struggle with resiliency. pete: absolutely right. if we have viewers that haven't heard of it or want their church to consider being a part of
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awanna, which can folks learn more? >> go to child if you're a parent, grandparent, coach, teacher or pastor, go to a web site. anxiety, gender, mental health, we've got free resources on all of those topics where with we partner with today's leading faith-based experts on how to form kids with resilient, faith. will: all right, matt, thank you so much for tale teling us -- telling us about awanna. pete: appreciate you. it was a good little club when i was a kid. definitely. we had the vests and all of that. you were a cub scout. will: yeah. didn't quite make it -- pete: you failed out in. [laughter] will: this is the kind of conversations you get on the will cain show. a little behind the scenes, will and pete off the rails, every day, 12:00 eastern time. streams live at youtube and fox listen to it on spotify, whatever. this week the red-headed
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libertarian, might know her from twitter, david packman, big liberal stream, jeremy carl on racism against white people, riley gaines, chris maddox on the nba a playoff, and we might have will versus pete in the nba western conference -- pete: we might. tonight the wolves, game seven, if we win, we play dallas. what are we going to do for the whole week? will: not sleep. rachel, other to you. rachel: i was a brownie and a girl scout, but i'm really glad there are tenderness. those groups are just not the same thing they were in the '70s, '80s and '900s. thanks, guys, great stuff. turning now to your headlines. kenney saw state university officials confirming an armed intruder shot and killed a student on campus yesterday afternoon, an unidentified suspect has been detained. the school is warning students to take shelter just after 4 p.m. before giving an all clear less than an hour later. officials have not yet confirmed the identity of the student who
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was killed. the shooting is under investigation. texas congresswoman jasmine correct is trying to capitalize after a fiery exchange with georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene that led to this comment last week -- >> if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody's bleach blond, bad-built butch body, that would not be with engaging in personalities, correct? >> what now? [laughter] rachel: a what now? correct posting a photo of this t-shirt with the insult printed across the front saying she's going to sell the shirt. here's the problem. there's a major mistake if as the shirt incorrectly spells her own name. that's a big problem. i think maybe we should do a comer t-shirt. he seemed to have been the star of that exchange, in my view. king charles is official hi wealthier than his mother,, the late queen elizabeth. according to the sunday times rich list, his majesty's personal fortune as climbed to
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$770 million. it surpasses queen elizabeth's personal wealth which stood at $468 million when she died back in 2022. makes him the 258th wealthiest person in the u.k. he doesn't actually have a job that makes anything. i kind of would like to know where this increase in wealth has come from. that's another story, i guess. let's turn now to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth if for our fox berthed forecast. rick: i'm really confused on that one. rachel: yeah. he's involved in a lot of green stuff. i have to think this is a green energy scam. we'll get to the bottom of it. rick: or some land-owning something i don't understand. let's tell you what's going the on. we've got another rough day coming for severe weather across parts of the central plains. we've had so much severe weather over the month, we're not done. we have a 3-day severe weather outbreak again that we're going to be watching, and today the bull's eye is across part of
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kansas and nebraska. also a we're talking about incredible heat across parts of florida. yesterday was baking, feels-like temperatures were around 105-110. today dropping a little bit. it's improving. tomorrow, more improvement and then get wards the -- towards the day on tuesday, things are going to be feeling a little more seasonal. it does improve. be very carriful across kansas -- careful across kansas today and tuesday especially where you see that darker color. more severe weather on the way. rachel, send it to you inside. rachel: revving up for today's nascar all-star race with a sizzling bacon-themed tailgate. celebrity chef george duran has the recipe. that's next. ♪ ♪
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pete: we are gearing up forked today's nascar all-star race, and we've got the perfect bacon-themed tailgate to celebrate. rachel: that's right. here with the best race day recipes is our friend, celebrity chef george duran. pete: hello, george. >> a big tailgating weekend at nascar, all-star race, and wright brand north carolina, they were serving all these wonderful bacon creations for
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the drivers and the fans. so that's what we're going to work with, anded the we're going to make some bacon hold holly pops -- lollipops. it's very simple, when you open up a package, they're nice if thick chus. -- thick cut. you pretty much take this, and you cut it into -- pete: okay, i'll give -- >> once you cut it into with layers, grab the lollipop sticker, the secret is hoe and slow in the oven, 325 for about 30 minute, then you crack up the heat, you make a nice honey sauce and kind of just go in there, and anding hook at these beautiful loll hi pops. they're nice, crispy and just -- pete: eat one lay questioner at a time. enter and they're slow cooked. that's the secret to bacon, 325 degrees in the oven. i made a bacon backyard corn can, just wrap the corn with the bacon, low and low in the oven and crank up that heat. rachel: this is good. >> that is the smoked pickles,
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actually. it's so simple. you can actually see these recipes at wright it's a wonderful way the actually cook bacon right in your oven, low and slow is the secret. and then what i ended up doing is making bacon-wrapped salmon. and salmon is something we need to start eating more of. so you pretty much take a piece of salmon, you cut it up, and the secret to good salmon is it's always fresh, never frozen, and you have these lovely, beautiful kind of martialing over here. and this is -- marbles over here. and this is their cedar blank -- rachel: oh, on the plank. >> it already has water, it's presoaked, and then you just season it on top, pop it directly on your grill and it justin cooks right away. here's some forks, you guys -- rachel: it just cooks through the cedar -- >> that's right. adds a lot of nice smokiness. pete: carve into it?
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>> that's what it does. what's good is, again or they're always fresh, never if frozen. find them always on amazon fresh or instacart, delivered straight to your home, and fit -- it comes in a variety of flavors and colors. preseasoned, we-marinate pd, and it's a lovely way to elevate your grill -- your grilling, right on the plank itself. rachel: is and this is like a carb-free version of the fried pick ifing. >> yes. it's a smoked pickle, it's carb-free. anything wrapped in if bacon -- pete: i can't get past the bacon lollipop. will: chef george duran, thank you so much for these tips. pete: thank you, chef. big show still ahead with a mouth full of bacon. i hope you have some soon. more "fox & friends" just moments away. along ever y time you hear tht are song ♪ eases your pressure points in a way no other mattress can.
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