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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 19, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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this is remington. ...he's a member of the family, for sure. we always fed them kibble— it just seemed like the thing to do. but ...he was getting picky we heard about the farmer's dog... and it was a complete transformation. his coat was so soft, he had amazing energy. he was a completely different dog. it's a no-brainer that (remi) should have the most nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. a rescue attempt is underway this hour after a helicopter
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carrying iranian president ebrahim raisi what tv called a hard landing. the helicopter is believed to have crashed in a rural forest as iranian officials are fighting difficult weather conditions to reach the site welcome to "fox news live" i'm rich edson. let's turn to trey yingst to his track in the details on this breaking story. trey, what do we know this hour? >> good afternoon. we are following this breaking story out of iran. where according to reports the country's president ebrahim raisi along the country's foreign minister are both missing following a helicopter crash in the northern part of the country. we know very limited information about what is taken place. we do understand at this hour and there are dozens of rescue teams deployed in the northern part of iran along the border of azerbaijan. searching for the helicopter for itearlier in the day president ebrahim raisi was meeting with
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his counterpart and azerbaijan along the border there is a convoy of three helicopters returning to iran. one of them went missing on the journey back. the others landed safely and iran. as it filed this developing story, we are following updates out of iranian state media. they are showing just two things tonight. they are showing rescue operations that are ongoing and very difficult weather conditions. a foggy, dark conditions as night fell takes place and iran. additionally there showing a residence across iran praying for their president ebrahim raisi there are questions about what this can all mean for that military and political activity of the iranian regime. it is not expected to cause any. we do understand there are more questions than answers as it relates to the disappearance of this helicopter that was reportedly caring i iranian president ebrahim raisi along the country's foreign minister and other top officials. >> it comes at such an incredible time in the middle east and in the region you have
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a iran and israel essentially shooting at one another that they around back militia is in israel and hamas and in hezbollah. got a destabilized region here. talk about the consequences of what this could mean? or the back drop of what is going on in the middle east. >> absolutely there's a lot to break down the street have been missing helicopter with the countries of president ebrahim raisi onboard. this is a man who does not have all the power and iran but he is an influential character in the broader iranian story. the activity taking place across the middle east appeared the very top of the chain is iran supreme leader the ayatollah who largely makes all of the political and military decisions for the country. but ebrahim raisi is a man expected to ultimately take over the supreme leader when he passed away. he is 85 years old. as they have the story developing amid the backdrop of ongoing tension across the middle east for there's been a war inside gaza for the past 226
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days with iranian proxies they are like hamas and islamic jihad have a run back to tim to cross the middle east targeting israel along the northern border with the lebanese and militant group has a below the around the back of iraqi and shiite militias and of course the eye run back into yemen. the focus tonight remains on this missing helicopter along the border between iran and azerbaijan there's implications this story has for the entire middle east. what we know about what took place is very limited additionally we know there's a lot of speculation online when this came out there's a missing helicopter with the country's president on board right now there is no evidence to indicate there is any foul play or any foreign actors involved in the missing helicopter. it does appear this is related to the weather conditions on the ground. the initial video we have received from a running state media shows extremely foggy and dark conditions in northern irai broughiranfor this reported crak place. rich: trey yingst life for us in
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israel think you bring up organ market joins me is ceo and founder of the foundation for the defense of a democracy. mark, thank you for joining us this afternoon. we were going to talk about a whole list of foreign policy issues. what is going on here? >> it's a big deal. ebrahim raisi as trait said was slotted to become the next supreme leader went the ayatollah parts of the scene send off a succession crisis east tapped the park probably his son as the successor. and ebrahim raisi is not he is known as the butcher of tehran responsible for the deaths and execution of thousands of iranians for this one of celebrations going on and iran in the diaspora among many diasy people following the story. eric: . rich: this has faced a massive protest. >> beginning back in 2009 millions of iranians yelling
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death to the dictator you saw protest 2017 although intimate 2023 the freedom protest this guy ebrahim raisi is responsible for putting to death of thousands of protesters and dissidents over the years including back in 2009 and 2019 again was the hanging judge. he was on a deficit commission that push these poor eye running student too desperate electrocuted people, raped, tortured them he was a brutal manner was a brutal man. >> often when bad things are certain things happen at regimes like this a quick reaction to blame united states to blame israel in this case to expect that to happen? what concert happening as social media. the regime is scrambling they do not want to admit this was a question of incompetence. for improper maintenance of this helicopter so blame the united states and israel is perfectly within their conspiratorial playbook. rich: if this is a conspiratorial playbook, be on
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that would iran physically respond to your? or is this simply propaganda purposes? >> is always a chance he'll physically respond to distract the attention of their population but now they're going to have to go through another election or selection because these things are fraudulent there'll be another selection of an iranian president that will take six or seven weeks to rip through the process at the end of the day ebrahim raisi was the president but the real important power is the supreme leader is the guard co court they control national security the country and i don't think they'll be missing a step in their brutal campaign across the middle east. rich: israel is fighting back iran backed hamas, iran back to has a below. yoav gallant essentially the work cabinet if president netanyahu does not adjure what he considers a long-term plan for gaza. what does that do to the israeli cabinet in the war effort there?
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>> i think his utter frustration he has asked the prime minister repeatedly for a day after plan. after they finished demolishing the remaining italians in raw fighting because it was a day after plant with respect to governance? israeli soldiers have shot fought bravely over the last seven months they'd mom they destroyed the infrastructure there's a power vacuum thing prime minister netanyahu has been reluctant to make any decisions on the day after because he fears that will bring down his government for this member of his government's and no role for the palestinian authority or any pulsating governance. so he's put in the prime minister to the test now. >> what you think happens in gaza after the israeli military operation is concluded? >> of the military level the israelis are going to have to continue to operate in and out of gaza for months and years to come. they certainly do know it to militarily occupy gaza but then there's the political question
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of what happens in terms of reconstruction in terms of de- radicalization of gaza and the gaza population. and where do you go from there? there's overwhelming opposition in israel to any kind of independent palestinian state. the majority realize it will be a terrorist state backed by a run for that's what's important what's going on tehran as well. the ultimate answer to this is the end of the islamic republic of iran and if this just leads death leadsto a series of eventa succession crisis that may change the middle east for the better. rich: present ceo thank you for joining us for. >> thanks richard. rich: appreciate were jumping texas rubble and congressman pat fallfallon for congressman thanu for joining us here and rolling with the breaking situation coming out of iran right now but what you make of what you have heard so far? we do know for my running state television and media is the president and the helicopter. there is a hard landing as they have described to try to get
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rescue crews to this remote boat part of iran what you think is going on there? >> rich, this is a total tearing regime. you know they're lying when their lips are moving. what probably happened we do not know yet for sure of course but what probably happened was accidental helicopter crash may be some maintenance maybe it's in the iranian view it will not let this tragedy go to waste and as you said before perhaps we'll blame the united states, the great stay tuned or the little things in israel. they have a history of deception. this crash did occur in iran will never know the full truth. rich: what does the administration need to do here to dispel any u.s. involvement here? you already heard marcus saying there's a blame arctic coming out of israel and the united states. what is the u.s. going to do here? >> the most important think we need to do is enforce sanctions of the iranian regime does not go from eight to 42 billion.
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there's you can create a lot of mayhem, chaos, and death and destruction of that kind of money. quite to the scale if not at all had it not been for the extra tens of billions of dollars to buy a new ministration allowed the iranian regime. rich: what kind of concerned this could escalate even further? you're talking to mark and talking to ray fighting with houthis iran and his are going back-and-forth directly with the potential for escalation here? >> on to hope for the best and prepare for the worse. the iranian regime are cowards at the end of the day they fight behind other proxies. their number one goal is to maintain power with any authoritarian regime. talthough anyway they have to if that takes remaining in power was invading a smaller country they will do that if it takes aggravating israel and the
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united states, they will do that but they do not want a full-scale confrontation with israel or of course the united states because there's a lot of risk involved in that. they want to use these foreign distractions to make sure their people are not focused on their miserable conditions that they live in. these guys are revolutionaries. they have not been able to govern for over 50 years and that is what happens if you will the dog catches the car. rich: one of the points of market made here and trey was discussing this as well. you have got a situation there might be a change of regime we do not know what has happened to the president of a run here. he was elected by the people in a very limited field of candidates this is not exactly an open democracy, right? >> yes most experts agree about 7% of the iranian population that doitdoes truly hate the re. an open, honest, free election they get thrown out on their
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keister's that is where they had to rule by the barrel of a gun for the iranian people, the persian people are folks with a long history. they want freedom. they have seen with the revolutionaries gave them from the late 70s to today. it has been awful for us probably arguably believe it or not under the shop. it would be even better under a democratic administration. it's a long way to get from here to there but again we need to do everything we can in the united states to encourage a democratic movement and iran. rich: congressman, what do you make of this idea that they might walk away from the coalition. does that hurt israel's war effort? >> urgently, yes but certainly does not help it. you want your domestic government unified. particularly in a parliamentary system. it is tough. with benjambut benjamin netanyat to go through --'s got to
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eradicate hamas for the same time hamas likes to fight behind innocent civilians. those deaths are hamas' fault. i think to some met up perfectly for every sibling death in gaza for the israelis it's a tragedy for hamas strategy. rich: congressman pat fallon of texas thank you for joining us this afternoon, much appreciated. >> thanks rich, god bless. ♪. rich: turned to politics as president biden is continuing his push to appeal to black voters now at the stop and detroit today after his commencement speech in atlanta this morning. lucas tomlinson's light at the white house with more. hi lucas. >> what does the right house with a president who is behind in the polls in the swing states and with the black vote? you sent him to morehouse college historically black and all-male school in the swing state of georgia. two demographics the president needs to win reelection. here's some of the commencement
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address. >> i determined to make my administration look like america. i have more african-americans in high places and put on the court than a president in american history. >> that looks like the flag of the congo that was being presented behind the president bird biden applied it with a morehouse valedictorian call for an immediate cease-fire in gaza. biden said in georgia they have not allow water to be available while waiting in a polling line rnc called it a debunked lie. it was not just republican urge my biden speech as you can see here. several men of a morehouse turn their backs on the president what he was speaking an apparent protest of biden's israel policy. several more center tim scott offer the following explanation about why biden is losing voters. >> is one of the reasons you see so many black voters shifting to the gop under donald trump, why? because donald trump delivered. we had the strongest, most
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powerful and inclusive economy in the history of the country in my lifetime. under 6% for the first time e ever. >> here is congresswoman elise stefanik about biden's israel policy. >> this is about joe biden's beleaguered and failing polls in states like michigan. there's desperation political shame on joe biden it is a betrayal of the israel alliance for that is the most precious ie region. >> just a few blocks here at the commencement address for the george washington university of the national mall got a little noisy there as well about 200 protesters turned out it was biden's former press secretary jen psaki you can see at the top to michigan is a key and battleground state. rich: a little loud around gw now but. lucas thompson of the white house, thank you.
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former president donald trump spoke at the nra annual meeting in dallas last night where he criticized both president biden third party candidate rfk junior. madeleine rivera is here with more. >> most of her spoke nra endorsed for president trump rate trumps said the second mess on the belt in november please urgent gun owners to vote. >> you go out and vote, i understand exactly why you don't. but we have to win this election for its most important election in the history of our country. >> nra spent more than $70 million in 2016 and $10 million in 2020 to boost gop candidates at the federal level by the group is hobbled by corruption allegations soaring legal fees. ihis membership is down to all f which could it back the extent to which you can back trumps campaign trip making bold promises that he'll undo president biden's executive orders on gun control that is of course if he returns to the white house. moms demand action saying this
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is donald trump joins the nra to promise to put the gun lobby over the safety of our families he is once again proving he does not care about our communities, our children or our futures. trump taking aim at robert f kennedy jr. in his speech he calls third party candidate a radical left. candidate takes own shots at the former president biden. kennedy is accusing both of them of keeping him out of the presidential debates he told "sunday morning futures" this morning he is in talks with cnn to make sure he gets this on their stage next month. >> leave given them five national foam me that show me including the most recent cnn poll has met 15%. harvard harris poll, the mann must pull, they all have me at 15% or more. so i qualified for the debate. >> trump and biden commit to two debates went in next month and one in september port will be watching, madeline thank you. anti- israel protests at drexel
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university in philadelphia last night group of 75 demonstrators descended on a campus after it marmarkshould call for a cease-n gaza. drexel university president said the schools and monitoring the situation and harassment, destruction or intimidation would not be tolerated. and over too new york city police arrest about 40 protesters at a pro- palestinian in brooklyn. a couple hundred demonstrators and protesters officers clashed leading to some arrest. last week and at one or 50 anti- israel protesters were arrested in new york city. michael cohen cross-examination picks back up tomorrow in new york what to expect as a trump trial soon had soup closing arguments. that is coming uwhatp next. with t-mobile's reliable 5g business internet. employees get the information they need instantly.
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city with the latest. height cb. >> that is right. the criminal courthouse is coming to an end. the prosecution final witness, michael cohen will face further cross-examination come tomorrow. that is when after that is done former president donald trump team will have a chance to present a defense of its own. we wait to see how or if his lawyers do that the former president is not wasted the chance to remind the crowd at the nra convention this weekend of the gag order he is under. >> i am able to talk about things although i do have a gag order. [laughter] i can't talk about the things i want to talk about because, what i talk about is just on the surface because if i go in they want me too put me in jail can you believe they want to put me in jail if i say the truth so i cannot talk about certain things you can't talk about this.
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you can't talk about that. but those of the best things. >> the judge overseeing the month long criminal trial has told lawyers to be ready for closing arguments as soon this tuesday by the prosecution's star witness, michael cohen has testified he was acting on behalf of trump when he paid wondered 30,000 dollars to silence adult film star stormy daniels during cross-examination trumps defense team is tried to cast doubt on cohen's credibility highlighting the lies he is told in the past while also under oath know what knows how this is landing with the jury. but once the prosecution rests its case again the defense will have a chance to call witnesses of their own. robert costello is one option for the defense he is a former advisor to michael cohen. he told fox news cohen acted alone when he paid daniels. while the former president has said he would like to testify in his own trial in his defense team has not committed to
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calling any witnesses. rich: cb cotton in new york, thank you. for more what to expect from eight trump trial attorney lexi joins meet with mark. thank you so much for joining us this afternoon. always great talking to you. let's start with former president trump what he had to say about his experience in court last week. take a listen. >> every single legal analyst even cnn, even ms and are saying there is no case here. rich: the defenses chipped away at michael cohen's credibility here. does the former president have the case? does heat make the case he's had a pretty good day? >> it is interesting he says that about the other news organizations is kind of across the spectrum across the political spectrum and the news inspection people are basically saying: is not doing a great job it is not a good witness. certainly not a critical witness
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it's like a land mine when you talk to him. there are so many places you could step in it with him. a lot of times in your intro you have a hunch a witness might not like one of the parties. but here it is indisputable he is been on podcast talking about a priest going on tiktok talking about it. he is called donald trump many names the past and wants to take him down. he is not done himself any favors in terms of his testimony. the word vomit he has spewed is very, very obvious he is a biased witness. i cannot imagine displaying both the jury but it is interesting is not only not playing well with people with common sense but across the political spectrum. people are saying this is not a good witness for the prosecution. rich: said they do not let cohen how important is his testimony to the prosecution case? >> it is very important. i think at the prosecution could've made this case without calling him they would have.
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he does not add a lot of positives he brings in so many potential negative at pieces of information in terms of his own credibility and buy t by this ok of credibility and bias they would probably like to have done this without him but they couldn't. he is important because he is the guy but he is the guy that arrange the payments. he was integral to this alleged transaction their secret there are secretrecordings whic, the skin on the back of my neck stood up think you're secretly recording a client as he did with donald trump. they have still not been necessarily able to connect the dots this was about the campaign is much as it may have been about his marriage and increased attention that his alleged affairs would have in terms of his marriage at that time. eric: any chance trump testifies here? >> i don't think so the conventional wisdom is don't want criminal defendants to testify if they don't have too.
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considering the judge had said the closings could be as early as tuesday that seems potentially telegraphing he's not going too. but trump is his own man. he does what he wants i'm sure his lawyers have maybe told him certain things he has disregarded. ultimately it's a defendant's decision alone whether to testify or not so key is the one making the decision but i doubt it. rich: i want to get two gold to gold barssenator bob menendel for public corruption that jury got to hold the gold bars to the point where the judge that enough with the gold bars here. how much hot water is a lot of hot water is not ascribing to the popular phrase happy wife happy life because he is blaming her he is blaming her for his troubles he's trying to cast doubt on whether he was actually involved saying it was her. she had a long-standing relationship with the two codefendants the gold bar were in her closet he did not have access to it.
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that is the approach he's taking in this case i am sure it was very interesting. a lot of time jury members do not have demonstrative piece of evidence to hold. i think that was more courtroom theater than anything with the gold bars. rich: al alexi always a pleasure thanks so much. a mixed reception as he addresses it graduates at morehouse college for the historic black college in atlanta. that is next too. complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. ( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it.
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>> good afternoon. hours after this news broke there's no sign of the helicopter carrying iranian president ebrahim raisi in the country's foreign minister the pair were returning from azerbaijan a series of meetings that took place this morning. local media and iran is important whether conditions were bad and the convoy of three helicopters was flying over northern iran. two of those helicopters making it to their destination the 1k in the country's president did not. rescue efforts are underway at this hour. in the dark, under foggy conditions we do understand the iranians are reaching out to allies for assistance. even the eat you looking to see if there any satellite images or anything that could help with the location of this helicopter. again, it has been hours since he helicopter went missing. there is no sign of the crash site as these rescue efforts continue and are underway at this hour. we argued the first statement from iran's supreme leader the
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highest ranking official in an d iran for it he says we hope and play god will return the present to the arms of the nation. there are reports that indicate iranian intelligence agencies are warding through state media people must be careful about sharing false information online. certainly some internal concern about the focus of the story. a missing president and foreign minister among other top officials. there are some and iran celebrating this news for of course across the world the entire globe watching to see what will develop with the story we do understand rescue efforts continue at this hour with local red cross other rescue agencies now on foot in this very mountainous part of iran searching for the crash site. rich: trey yingst life for us in the middle east thank you. president biden delivered a graduation speech at morehouse college this morning he continues to try to court black voters amid sagging poll numbers.
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madison scarpino is live from atlanta with the latest. >> rich, during president biden's speech about 10 graduates and one faculty member turned their backs to the president. seemingly as part of a silent protest. take a look at this. today it was the president the first time on a college campus directly addressing students since all of the anti- israel protprotests and encampments on campuses across the country. just off of the morehouse campus today hundreds of people gathered for anti- israel rally. many or chanting biden, biden, you are a liar. come november we will remember. it was mostly peaceful with no major disruptions. biden told the crowd today he supports feast peaceful protest and called for an immediate cease-fire. dozens of graduates were wearing and one had a palestinian flag around their shoulders. the valedictorian had a palestinian flag on there cap.
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the president also touched on democracy numerous times. >> if black men are being killed in the street, what is democracy? a trail of broken promises leaving black communities behind. what is democracy? you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot. >> morehouse is a historically black college. as martin luther king junior's alma mater. it has a long history of activism but here on campus students and alumni are divided on the president's visit. some embraced it and some saw it as a political opportunity to gain more support among black voters. rich, you mentioned at the top this all comes as a latest fox news poll shows biden support for black voters lagging compared to 2020. back to you. rich: madison scarpino life thank you. ♪. rich: let's bring it put up about with me today targeted
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victory vice president matt boardman democratic consultant julian epstein. julian, want to start with the president's speech at morehouse college. a handful of people protesting. i was out in virginia in january for the president was trying to talk about abortion he was interrupted probably a couple dozen times. what dynamic is that? what is that like for the president when he's trying to talk about one issue and he's facing these protesters? what sees protesters represent extremely small segment of the electorate for probably less than 1% they're very vocal and social me too their vocal and public events like this. a fundamental mistake i think this white house is making is a pandering and coddling to the far left there very, very few base voters the white house and the democrats can get out there not already going to get for their tons of voters the nikki haley center. but they are doing by coddling the anti- israel left is they are playing to a very, very small segment of the electorate and forsaking a much much broader segment in the center
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parade tplayed the reason the ps problems of black voters is the same reason had problems with working-class voters. working-class voters black, white or deserting the gym get they do not like what they've seen on the economy they do not like what they've seen an immigration they don't like what they've seen a critical race and critical gender theory. with the white house needs to do is pivot to the political center where there are many more votes rather than listen to this small but very vocal group on the far left. which is a frankly in the case of anti- israel protests aligned with the most racist terrorist and nazi like ideology the president should be using a mormorehouse address to get up d say this is a just a fight israel is waging a just war israel is waging they don't only want to kill jews they want to go after the west this is what winning and defeating hamas is so important i think the president is not quite hitting the mark what needs to be. rich: matt, take a look at this poll this is one of medicine referencing of the biden support among black voters since the 2020 election 79% for biden in
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october of 2020. now it is 72%. what led to that? and can on election day? >> 20% or so is that pivot point that hinge a point if he is above 20% is in very good shape. states like virginia and others start often times latinos and african-american men specifically. he talks a lot about broken promises but he is responsible for many of them and julian is s right african-american men are going to trump because of those economic issues you are seeing.
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and so
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and inflation has gone up 20% almost since biden has been president. and they don't like on the cultural left issues, the far left cultural issues, how far left the democrats have gone. that's an adjustment this administration has to make. are the election.
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border for some time now. in this administration. yet in 2022 a disappointing midterm. in virginia in 2023 in november and there over two. why do republicans continue to underperform and how did they change it? what's the issue of abortion in 2022 and those legislative elections were key. if you talk to a lot of folks on the left there willing to crawl over broken glass to vote on abortion. what you are going to watch for in this election inflation and the like. immigration and abortion are going to compete as a single issue animating voters. in to see which one can win out. we did not have immigration as powerful as we did in 2022 we did not have that thing if it can't match abortion which is again an outlier something democrats could have a right to
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feel bullish on based on his history, then i think we can neutralize the issue i would expect to see us to do pretty well paid. >> matt makes a good point there the midterm elections are fundamentally different than it election written midterm election you say trump is bad, like a bowstring doll. in the presidential election this is not a referendum on donald trump it's a referendum on joe biden. if joe biden keeps it digging and on he will not win this election. right now he is way behind on the election is to fundamentally change the dynamic. you cannot just came trump is about abortion, trump is about abortion have to say what i'm going to do in the second term what i'm going to do is got to be different because people don't like what they've seen in the first term. rich: thank you for joining us. wikileaks founder faces and extradition judgment debris that is next. need in life is some freakin' torque. what? the dodge hornet r/t...
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(reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. rich: wikileaks founder julian assange will find i was
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extradited to the nice asian face criminal charges of the release of thousands of classified u.s. military documents on his website. stephanie bennett is live with the latest in london. >> anything can happen at this point he can be put on a plane back across the atlantic. he could be released from jail or he could get stuck with a more legal struggles. now of course here's what we know. two charges at the height corps here in london will rule on whether the court is satisfied by u.s. assurances that julian assange would not face the death penalty and could rely in first as free speech. his company wikileaks release hundreds of thousands of classified u.s. military documents and reports on washington's war in afghanistan and iraq for u.s. authorities say those actions were reckless and damage national security as well as endanger the lives of agents. for now though his wife, stella said her husband's mental health is taking a toll. >> he is surviving and he's fighting to survive.
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and that is a daily battle. >> meanwhile human rights groups and even political leaders including the current australian prime minister have called for the case to be dropped. again this will begin tomorrow and a high court right here in london part will be watching very closely back to you. rich: thank you for joining us this afternoon. we move to powerful storms and headed for the midwest. full weather report is coming up next. to a hand specialist. and i'm glad he did, because when i took the tabletop test, i couldn't lay my hand flat anymore. the first hand specialist i saw only offered surgery. so, i went to a second hand specialist who also offered nonsurgical options — which felt more right for me. so, what i'd say to other people with dupuytren's contracture is this: don't wait — find a hand specialist trained in nonsurgical options, today. i found mine at when you need to prepare for unpredictable adventures...
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rich: storms ripped through houston thursday leaving hundreds of thousands without power do to fall and transmission lines. while more severe weather is headed for the midwest continuing into tuesday. meteorologist adam klotz is tracking that the "fox weather" center. >> big storms again in the forecast for today the next couple of days as you mention being driven by some really warm air pre-take a look at some of these numbers out there feeling like summer, 81 degrees currently in kansas city. close in 90 getting down to some the locations across texas but that is going to be feeling some the storms. so far nothing severe but we do expect us to be continued for the afternoon that will increase. we are beginning to see some of these thunderstorms firing up across the midwest. as of now it not quite as severe we do still think they will become severe as we get a little later in the day.
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actually it for on a scale of five for risk for severe weather this could be really big storms the main concern across this region to straight-line winds similar choice on texas a couple of days those winds could be up to 100 miles an hour. big bull's-eye right across kansas. that's the best risk of seeing the severe weather today there e is a low-end tornado threat mixed in with all this that includes a big chunks of cancer stretching down into oklahoma. even if you do not see tornadoes the winds are probably going to be there. there's a good risk here for hail we are talking hailstones up to 2 inches or greater that is the size of an egg certainly large enough to do major damage. these have not really begun to fire up just yet we can time it out for you parade this typically happens a little later in the afternoon into the early evening hours. yes there is shower activity out there now. future forecast shows by 4:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m. big thunderstorms began to fire up. those will march off to the east i want to get to this for your
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really quick as you kind of alluded to it this is going to go on for days. tuesday could be just as big as today very busy a in that weathr world heading into next week. rich: adam thank you. that is all for us this hour. "fox news sunday" it at les shan bream is next. i'm rich edson thanks for watching. a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box at
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