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tv   FOX News Saturday Night With Jimmy Failla  FOX News  May 19, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>> i'm jimmy failla, and this is "foxoxmmy: news saturday night. " come on, hop in. >> welcome to another episode in th te series finale of america. [laughter] yeah, the world's definitely on ffire, but we're not here to put it out.i hewe're just going to to roast some marshmallows on the blaze. can i get an amen from the panel? >> amen! for >> what a fine panel it was. she was going camping beforeol losers aumt columbia made it trendy, abby hornacek returns to the program, the crowd goes nuts! r heel attended the big trump raly in wildwood, new jersey, which means he's now on multiple fbi watch lists -- [laughter] and end when you talk about the most talented female comediennes in thet th game, she is friendsi some of them. [laughter] gina h, we love her. >> i am friends with no one. >> is it true that the trump
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rally in new jersey was actually the first time in his life that he wasrsey the least spray if td guy in a crowd?pr >> that'ays very true. and you know something else? he said he had a hot dog, and ad seagull came and tight out ofis his hands. >> is that what we're calling. >> chrisyiel are christy now? good night everybody! >> that's a beached whale, that's not -- >> yeah, a lot of people thought lawrence taylor showed up to endorse trump. let's noint forget that biden hs drawn 10 million people to the border, that's not nothing, okay? that's a p crowdeo.ot and according tohi my new york thacity mayor, everything adamy they all swam into the country. >> how do we have a large body of people that are in our cityle and country that, are excellent swimmers and at the same time we need lifeguards? and the only obstacle is that we won't give them the right to work to become a lifeguard. [laughter]
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>> now, before you accuse democrats of being racist, let's give adams the benefit of the doubt, because democrat kathy hochul says black people don'tbo knowut what a computer is. the two black people in the video get out of the framel wh because they don't want to be seen with him. most people put eric adams at a 9 on a question from 1 to ao toa c. did he just accuse an entire culture of swimming into americo healey, orth are there other -- illegally, or are there otherno reasons?d >> that was a very loadedr] question, first of [laughter] and tod answer all of yourof questions, yes.sw [laughter] enter that's allerll you got. >> i lo it. so you'r'se not going to be ino season one of -- the only by reo
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think he's forced to resign mid press conference. >> really does he have to resign those barrel things that the governor put in the rio grande the has to do like to apologize. jimmy: you since a bit of a double standard requiring talent a little bit. >> abby you said multiple locations that all micros should go back to where they came from. [laughter] [laughter] jimmy: that makes this money. abby: i never said that. jimmy: use of the green room this thing is we do have a shortage of public lifeguards are you willing to volunteer your services before u.s. should morning the 20 pressure self-esteem because you are we just getting to get hit on the cross. abby: also i probably would sink because i'm not by just swimming leslie would volunteer every but he was making fun of me the whole crew for swimming so thought i thought that it was decent can't on the panel to say
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somebody so personally don't think i would make that cut. jimmy: while lee thomas been another girl. [laughter] [laughter] enforce a big news this week is president biden has challenged donald trump to debate and it only took him four minutes to get through the 13th second video, look. >> donald trump he lost two debased me in 2020 and session up for debate now he's acting like he went to debate me again. >> will make my day pal do it twice must be good dates donald and he are free on wednesdays. jimmy: make my day he said of course when see the telephoned likely like squinting yet. [laughter] [laughter] jimmy: another point, see the camera flash ahead during a video, those are called jump cuts we started the trick the sociopath moments in speech is to be confused with the jump cuts wind, speaks he will jump up and hug yourself trump wasted no time accepting the challenge firing up the true social posted
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rates, i am ready and willing to debate a good self through proposed times in june and in september strongly recommend retyping purposes very large venue biden's brief doesn't get them to me went not be there. all the way on it over hundred million people respected be watching us know including rfk through the end of any candidate with a fully booked out this they've reportedly worked around so he cannot play spoiler pr you argue fair fell but the question for a lot of people's house but going gets me know if speaking of giving the condition ascending to be clear, the white house of the joys no plans to take performance-enhancing drugs is only going with this debate coach lance armstrong. in the over under in vegas 2 gallons of b12 getting a shot of it bidens bloodstream and i believe it was over money on this one. >> back in 2016 and now i'm
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doing debate prep would bite including transfusion in his arm. as a rebel beach, the cocaine in the white house i cannot say for sure but i'm just saying, it does work intravenously. jimmy: you doing debate with biden can you give me barry bonds is autograph is mild question. >> i can we provided to say that. jimmy: have your big time yourself in effect in the water will clearly. >> why aren't you doing up baywatch panel. >> we love you but to his point, you would probably be in the wnba except that you are pretty. [laughter] [laughter] but seriously the biden campaign is assisting that there are no class crowds for the base business because they want trump feeding off of the credit energy. abby: yes absolutely working the
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crowd and reminded me to be listed in the front row the football games and paint like go usc! in the chest, is the acclamation point like knows that he can get the crowd going so you think the guy out when cancel the whole thing we just think incredibly then your fun soccer this would happen. jimmy: nobody likes a finds a 19 year inexpert of performing in front of crowds. that is not true she's amazing. the biden campaign is also demanding the trumps microphone is muted by joe talks we just got by this a comment, are we missing on backs because that ability to think become of them really to show us to has like the sharper after two dozen suet. abby: takes away some of the fun of getting a fire back yes i totally get why that would not want trump. jimmy: he will talk over the whole time. abby: will joe already here so many voices over these uncle you know which one if he is responding to. jimmy: to get that could be churchill. [laughter] [laughter] abby: right sue in heaven for
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busy cannibals mode maybe his uncle will show up. yes, i get it but seriously one of the greatest moments of debate history was when hillary was lee said that she said, well it's a good thing that donald trump is not in charge of our justice department because you would be in jail and everybody was like oh no you did not. >> yes in jail. jimmy: of course trump has legal issues of his own because he continue to face charges stormy daniels normally date single. [applause] [applause] >> that. jimmy: the big takeaways michael cohen took the stand we learned that he's been trying to pitch a reality show about his life and fourthly for calling we already all, the biggest loser. >> any person should be held accountable and cannibals the sky, let me, donald calcium c1 will not a lot of legal scholars say this case because because he
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has discredited his testimony before on tiktok and repeatedly calling for trump to be in jail is also the small fact the cohen was prosecutions are witness by the fact that he himself is a convicted liar is barred from practicing law known position to talk about trumps integrity. but either way you slice it, trump has not the only world leader come to get framed this week and check it out. >> king charles, and build his first official portrait of buckingham palace on tuesday, according to critics it was painted by visit man no and we can't here's a video of the actual artists. ♪ ♪ >> in truth john was commissioned to view this portrait and he includes this little black as possible, and a loss to strategy and meghan markel. [applause] [applause] jimmy: just jokes is going be funny the way you slice it, this portrait is so, this going to hang himself. anything with were some charles
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painter work units driver don't answer that move on and stick with us but a 70 painted this picture of you, would you want to broil refund. abby: yes 100 percent of other oil refiner looks like something out of game of thrones. jimmy: looks like a game of thrones mcdonald's promo. [laughter] we give you put an arson there, we are on the way. abby: in a happy meal no way. >> ghostbusters two and then they had a fight invading that's him literally thinking sue for copyright violation. abby: i think that he wanted that way personally was like the mixing find picture of the little snake it will close bid biden. jimmy: that's a challenge and unfortunately a lot of reviewers find the remote right now don't go anywhere, we have a show for you tonight we are taking are asking abby to the fox headquarters that favorite fox tele asking tough questions plus a new game bail bond bring up
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the panel has what it takes winning all take-home yellowjacket, party is just getting started, stay right here. [applause] [applause] ♪ ♪ ♪ what the biggest companies deliver is an exceptional customer experience. what makes it possible is unmatched connectivity and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supply's stores nationwide
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jimmy: the first presidentialdes of these guard experts on the economy or the bereavement of gina is into the country. the morning you with another round of political analysis, decided to take all of the questions keeping the american people a bad night, and then returns and we doing okay kids, coming to base in mind five stories me news this week that you may or may not agree with and here we go, question number one for all of you, indiana court wrote that a taco, is a sandwich. ever so i just want to thank the for taking on such an afford an issue. >> i love it why. jimmy: is it. >> a type of question starts see what that was ethically insensitive. >> for small this is the judge of food to come off of this case the supreme court and i would say if we have a gag order against me by taco bell is unconstitutional gag order the
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me tell you sandwich involves brett okay and everybody knows that anymore because of the gag order this is impossible, this is tierney. so if you do. gina: have to agree with my friend at 100 percent also why people to get a call if it whatever they want. see what you say this is the adequate was 1000 percent. gina: my from indiana linda the market research. [laughter] jimmy: only researching this june 1st about her arson event center in indianapolis and you guys welcome to come down abby. abby: after that my allowed to answer now c5 all allow you to answer. abby: what absolutely, it is not a sandwich because you say that i'm going to go on a picnic in the scrap some sandwiches you to say what you want corneas i know know so i think the case of the sandwich because it includes and then to deal. jimmy: because you cut a sandwich and he had a quesadilla and a taco, you couldn't you
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have a problem saucer good that being said i don't appreciate that sort because we've people making a run for the border under this administration and i live on. ♪, question number two, secretary of state anthony blink was he needing pizza with a pork this week and should be forced to resign percent to gitmo. >> he also cause a taco a sandwich. abby: i thank you so okay and he pizza with a form for only it's only too hot to fight because then well does the most pizza enthusiast because is can't wait pretty cool. jimmy: cla. >> is never acceptable and especially as pineapple on it as well which case they should be water boarded well it is wrong and if it's a chicago pizza, this pizza so know the answer is, never sue and chicago pizza is great that was lasagna with crest. >> and appropriation among people. jimmy: will welcome to our side of town.
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let's say you. >> piece is nothing but the conversion of a taco so. [laughter] [laughter] so let's go back to that now. sorry. he should be jumped. jimmy: is not known at the end of these of the orbital thickness it doesn't either take much of people referred he says his car they should be drought. we move on okay. >> the lifeguards know new york. jimmy: claiming that she would rather be the ones with america minivan and no i will question you coming today mom and amazement this was just not have an option okay, this is not a choice. gina will start with you. gina: lucky me, thank you so much and i will always choose there because as amended probably kidnapped me and took me to the what's and why were there i have house and functions fine. jimmy: will set the only. >> i'm twee between two beautiful women by sam want to be sec. with god we have a real problem. jimmy: i love how you say this
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is if you have a shot. [laughter] [laughter] i want to blow it you know. these going so well. >> i once killed a bear with my bare hands, bringing to bear. abby: i know i was going to inclusive. jimmy: thank you and we do here abby. abby: well, it depends on the guy i guess. jimmy: yogi berra yoga. abby: is it like you know like i like you drink so milk because regular real systemic hurt. but it is like ops guy will yes i would be stuck in the woods with a bear and pleasant especially with our babies around c1 is real thing this and extended edition on the. >> i do have a lot to say on this topic. jimmy: going, they asked me this week, but i can use a gift card on a first date, gina yes no. gina: pack no c1 is a look tacky. gina: it doesn't list it is a
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gift for your date. jimmy: well and you know you did have to pay the women as well. >> short see what i'm getting gift card just enough. >> gift card yes and bring a coupon for two-for-one special save even more money because you're not getting a second date. [laughter] [laughter] abby: that actually happened to me and my first day ever in new york and he was so insistent on this one restaurant and i was like well and find burger joint he said no this place anything to try to be any said no no no like you have a gift card and, i mean. [laughter] jimmy: but he treated you at royalty that the burger king. [laughter] we are taking asking can be to big blue if it leaks your favorite fox has questions for me and stay right here to see my answers. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic.
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that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. this is the tempur-pedic breeze mattress, and it's designed to help you feel cool. so, no more sweating all night no kicking off the covers or blasting the air conditioning. because only the tempur-pedic breeze is made with our one-of-a-kind cooling technology— that pulls heat away from your body. so, the mattress feels up to 10° cooler all night long. during the tempur-pedic memorial day sale, save up to $500 on select adjustable mattress sets, and experience deep, undisturbed rest. learn more at
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chris counahan for leaffilter— the permanent gutter solution that protects your home in so many ways, it takes more than one chris to explain it. but together, i think we've got the job covered. like leaffilter's has your gutters covered.
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to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪ jimmy: ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ howdy think you're hot dog like a month a first date from prison. [applause] [applause] >> he will take it no matter what. jimmy: will take it no matter how i tell you to chums and what
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just happened. >> i want to appeal in this to me i'm old school so if you want to have this talk like a grown-up, i just need a straight up no sauerkraut, no catch up because i am not five years old and okay i can abide mustard don't bother with it. >> are you serious. >> will listen the whole point now well them getting to prison. [laughter] [laughter] >> will the whole point of new york city hot dog is to build your community system. you eating meat some guy was keeping in his closet and story of queens until he threw it in a car and boiled in water and handed to you in time square. >> that is what whole point new city talk is to mask the flavor of the deadlock in your reading and so i take my dog it as much catch up as much mustard as much relish and much sauerkraut is abundant thing mold about the event it's all over my face and my shorts the sidewalk and i
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don't care because i hate: see what you eat out of the way we trick dogs into eating their vitamin. >> yes totally. jimmy: emily so pay me for that right by the way. [applause] it is time for asking captiva let's have at why acquired picking up drunks of punks and monks this week's edition include some of your favorite fox la, asking the questions plus the animal will be able to let's get started, first of his super hunk, nate foy with video question. >> what's up jimmy self-proclaimed cooley demanded the "fox news" and you and i have talked about how or snow we are to be in our positions. i've ever had was being a live infomercial salesman and that for a summer i'm wondering is a workshop that you've ever had. jimmy: how hot you see my god. [laughter] i was distracted when the worst jobs i've had us try to be alive tv and not get aroused by him
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maybe a clear clear that these hope and i wish i was a telemarketer this holder appoints there are so rare the people about them never got them in the mail there working for placement very first job i started thursday and friday the woman running the bicycle purple perk walk out the front because apparently she's involved of a rocket is probably my worst job and also my shortest do you guys have experiences like that would you not like to have the case and think yourself in crime. >> for legal reasons i cannot comment in my worst jobs. probably had to shine your shoes before the show. >> will i don't wear the same incisive someone of that passion budget because they need to distract and affect the definition pretty on the show like if you watch nation entered both in hd of channel channel buydown effects the swing of filled on fox across america. michaela. >> is i would happen in my writings. [laughter] i think i was brutal left exit queen and one and only harris
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faulkner said in a moving his honor to get the swag question failure a girl, who is the most famous person to ever ride in your cap. >> will that matters do want to know the answer in this order immediately, the most famous is al pacino and is doing a movie called righteous kill, with dinero and i was so deprived etiquette falling asleep at red lights and we got the 30 roxie was doing a provide believe in a believe we have to get sleepy something or without me ever knowing that he was in the car was quite a bunch of italian chicks from long island were like about oh my god out pacino they chased him. >> like the godfather and i not even know it was kind of embarrassing it is hopper was in my cat before he died he was alive and supercool you know how i honestly the all of the celebrities, the coldest, was played carmella was really cool. until she ran out. enemy to economize, they
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question number three, box to prevent, jeff wrightson, "fox news" movie studios out of new york, would you move without our stay in new york and he did move, movies like to moved to another be clear, if they need to relocate to seville east she what is happening on the show. i don't know that be invited to move with them but all of my fantasies, and vulpine like a mcmansion near one of the side of the highway tells with a cracker barrel in the lowe's the lord just taking it because she's ohio and i love it out there space with people in ohio ask how you doing, they want to know like in new york from you into conflict you say families good you know what, i mean, and is totally different animal and next outcome icebox and friends, very out pete, watch. >> hey jimmy, my new book, the board for your stomach is about the military going quote is a whodunit and of any got in my question for you is, when institution is at the most
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dangerous if it goes well, which what would you do about it suitable first of all him for thinking about promo. [laughter] and always be closing always be closing. after forgiving because the other guy to try to plant churches get special offer like about that and he's making maybe's gaza like no no that was on the point that is the point like what you somebody dollar bills on your don't understand and the answer is, the medical profession because of medical profession my book banded biology, we might have to event like lifesaving techniques and standards of treatment in terms of what i do, when to community college the only doctors i know cure and pepper and have a plan to do i would chuckle with the only best to switzerland and i don't know. >> well is like giving not going to make it. >> also the buses camp in the switch can we play that out.
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sick with me and up next on facebook he asked his wife jenny have a swear jar, for when you swear. what hey, actually curse. i can help it though and jenny decided jenny's auction injury actually okay with my language and she's from ohio as well don't want well they don't want to censor you this week jenny is front not america is important to say the biggest jenny is from ohio hometown neil armstrong at america god is on but and you know what, i mean. >> thank you and millions of followers asked, i don't in of the most bizarre animal you had in your cap and are you ready for this and i had come up if
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you're drinking goat and i was trying to bring to go to letterman he had told me try to edition for segment the cults do but patrick's and i'll never because he got into the cab and it was like oh my gosh, beer drinking goat today were like a moment awesome white cap driver. [laughter] in one of our friends believed us and i was like another beer drinking god is like yeah right another white cabdriver showed up but he claimed that he was from texas, this could have been entirely made up because things have like that and the goat drink long that bottles of beer is one of things in the world. >> art goes naturally already drunk. >> the only one is tom brady after that rest and he is hammered here's a good one from foxbusiness post, hello i'm just dying to know, it was your custom spoke road taylor because i'm just dying to get together without. >> to be clear i don't believe
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what he says on the academy yes, that being said if anybody else other does really like my sports jackets, they do come in men's so you're welcome. to have a question feature on the cabbie segment e-mail us it happened saturday night fans and sign into the dm's sunday night and up legendary coming ridge loss about talk all things company. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good.
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also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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>> i think the older i get and i am not awesome is getting more cranky. have time for small talk any of it like the other day i was in this restaurant and designer in jersey, had i asked the waitress and i say do you have turkey burgers heard and she said, will
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we use to i said really well why don't you reminisce the good old days. [laughter] [laughter] [laughter] >> you know when the door underlines were forming outside of the good old days. jimmy: next guest is known as the legend and he truly is a target was a standout coating up because he sleeps around bit because the peak in the '90s. okay one cheap shot were honored to have the excellency with us tonight in hey girl everybody needs to know you knew special, 30 minutes with rich bosses on youtube and it is so smash it. >> is great. rich: u.s. about who the visa and that is why am here. [laughter] and well. jimmy: i love it and give you some awkward price when i was starting out, one of the first is abolished, the street had an album coming here. >> that is my first one c1 you taped it to the fight to
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pittsburgh funny but because i want to their that's the first question that acid i but all he wanted to show me was the guy that had a lot of nude photos. rich: right, the center brothers. jimmy: the nice guys and you walk into the greenroom just like naked that shakes every what i thought that i was a louise house. [laughter] this is awesome, this is great but is like my favorite app in the world to the matters me okay and you also told warm sorry and you also told one of the greatest pc jokes that i'd ever which we down the path that i'm on we can say this night and he said: never been peace e-mail light like lives get a teacher told us to sit indian style and i get about office case. rich: i get a bottle of whiskey in my under curve. [laughter] [laughter] and you can't say that again they love you want to jump nobody cares. rich: i agree and amino listen, i am me and you can't cancel me or hurt me because i have nothing to hurt.
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i'll do whatever i do what i do and i do will last night, i just went on and a lot of pro-israel stuff but it was funny at some people most of the people are with me on it c1 will pro-israel you just lost gina come i get giving this because you have really got every tv show that is ever featured a comedian present when i want to talk about the first by comic to perform a death depth company jim. rich: you can only hold the white comedy doubt guy down so long. [laughter] that back in one of the scariest experiences and i grew up in an urban neighborhood in a dated - through history and big acts. [laughter] that one was scary because i was the first white guy on the hardest show on hbo summa those big deal. rich: hello black comics were met and why comics were sing you better do well when i was taped of telling you, the excited that
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i had and they biggest in the second well when arrested trump, those two were the biggest and roasting trump, the acts before me, killed yet and i said i have to leave and avoid end my career. that way well so yes go ahead. jimmy: i would say the only downside the coverage of the guy sold your bed with the guy said hamburger hamburger. rich: but i would call the clubs and i would say hey, kennedy this and they sit but we don't use it like will and not deaf jim acted just said it. jimmy: you done everything your two-time writer for the oscars and you feel like a war to show support and success of the brady rust is pretty other. rich: i was out there pretty roasted we were there they got it did not go along back in the just got home. [laughter] [laughter]
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rich: blithely below, no one is going to host an award show better than ricky and nobody the planet right, they can try to get some you know will he knows how to do it. and walk the fine line and get away with it. jimmy: is the british accent esther because it buys you a little bit of store credit. rich: west road is just a funny and he said good at it. jimmy: if meghan markel had harry sachs, we would like for this the difference. last question, this is selfless question longtime fan what is take to get conflict coming back tough crowd. rich: well. jimmy: besides a drunk board of directors. rich: well we all say we just wanted to go on tour, let's going to work we are all dying and getting old. he's had two strokes, on me and orson are left.
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jimmy: is like saying the almond brothers come the down to the allman brother like the one dude. rich: well. [inaudible conversation] summa the love is never easy watch 30 mins with rich bus on youtube and you are a legend. rich: have under thank you for having me. jimmy: panel secret play new bail bond mingle, playing along next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hi, i'm eileen. i live in vancouver, washington and i write mystery novels. as i was writing, i found that i just wasn't sharp and that doesn't work when you're writing a mystery and i knew i needed to do something so i started taking prevagen. i realized that i was much more clear, much sharper. i was remembering the details that i was supposed to. prevagen keeps my brain working right. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. ♪("baby" by summer walker)♪ ♪
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look at our little st. jude pin there on the fridge! we're just regular people donating. yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful.
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>> this time the country americans wanted to defund the police this week, this week, we are highlighting just how many different types of crimes the cops confronted a database available try to solve them all and again that we call, bail bond bingo and here it comes to show you each of your mom shot and you tell me what crime he was charged with an you'll fill the space in your imaginary bingo card because we don't have the kind of vegan this jones winner will get an all expense chick-fil-a choice a loser get sick conjugal visit from harvey weinstein ♪ ♪, here we go, the first month to get five correct, walks out of here with the victory, this
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is for the gina and legal right down the line the question wheny in august 2 guess, for all of you, this man arrested for carving his name, into deputies patrol car or flashing a crossing guard. and you beach get an answer gina. gina: flashing for $200. jimmy: okay abby. abby: knows he only hold on a second. >> you're by yourself have an understanding walked into yellowjacket on the show cf okay i'll say flashing. abby: well i just feel like but look like he had carving eyes. jimmy: she's dated lot of convict so again but the answer is yes it was carving his name in a patrol car abby has one down here we go question number two and this gentleman bringing up right here, patrick carnegie, 57 for the villages retirement
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community in florida was the arrested for striking his wife with his salami, that doesn't separate or menacing a cashier with an alligator also very florida food assault. [laughter] [laughter] struck his wife with an alligator's salami and they have us gina. gina: i'm going gator c1 okay is the only. >> salami okay salami like the walking me to violation you are in abby. abby: all say salami. jimmy: abby is to azaleas one and nothing forging. gina: , on anyone. jimmy: you might as well put the game now. gina: wow wow wow sue and the question is worth 4000 points of getting. [laughter] trying to vegas it all in question number three, let's get look at running from we county florida when she rested pursuing a police cruiser after failing field sobriety test breaking
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into her exes home and dumping pickled pork soda on the man. both moves a little bit temperamental and equity life. imagine when has that more harsh sentence of the other but that's not the question today cover the question is, what you do. gina: broken to her exes house because she has those eyes she does have his eyes. >> she does look like a scorned woman. jimmy: a lot of the score now is three - 213 - two - 21 and you are all corrected look at that grade those crazy eyes. your spot on. and you know what i love about the show, everything is in high order like three - two - 100 gina. >> is abby till i have not noticed sue and there's that in question number four. kurt clark, from center county florida, busy rested pursuing a mattress from walmart, or
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selling drugs and assisted living facility about drugs they mean viagra. [laughter] [laughter] and hey girl gina we've got girlfriend. gina: i'm going to go with drugs because dealing while stealing a mattress seems ridiculous. jimmy: so little cumbersome. gina: that's too much. according to the purposes of this game is on his own he saw a mattress work well apparently for drugs and assisted living facility scenic soho mattress cf okay he took the drugs and i got the super straight face. >> the shrink ramp them now giving a jacket. >> you say that seems overly new or incorrect. [laughter] you still we got them with okay you got what. >> i should have fun with mattress. >> my earpiece literally fell out. jimmy: that's for the best here we go, here we go, and abby, in
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the lead we say petersburg florida gentlemen see ms. nolan going's any us 46 of a good-looking 40 i affected us safe and i'm 47 well he's 23 and appear in makeup. [laughter] i apologize for you putting myself in your decade and was arrested for punching this got hundred schoolteacher are throwing plaintiff spaghetti in the road rage incident. >> i looks like amanda would eat spaghetti while driving. jimmy: wow, that's a shot you see spaghetti chaucer. >> i'm going to go the other think lisa got to be abby. jimmy: will the only one correct abby. she is a jacket that is a bingo and abby winds the first edition bail bond bingo.
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add, you've got it best stay right there they yellowjacket winner will be crowned next. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome back to.e [applause] there's a lobet of lot of insensitive jokes. some digs directly at your race. some from the muppets from eric adams of all people with the mayor of this town insulted you harder than the host of the show did we've got to step up our game the cute lucked into all yellow jacket less time you'reow gone the game ended in a tie. because they could not settle it we handed it to yo u as a a
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default. i do notming mean to cheapen the achievement you won the electiol lost the popularec vote the poit is you got to be president thert is that abby is way too classy for the show and sat through a lot of jokes you should never be within 5 feet of it.ay a not to mention or the guy who should not be five acre-feet of a school that is a lot of one cheap shot.ea but that being said therp e can only be one winner it was so close this week we had to decide it with the outcome of the wee . abby takes home the yellow jacket here it is. you won the game. >> can i stand up? you better show up show america how much fatter than you i am. put on the jacket right next to me. abby , there it is.k look at thatat because i feel e a spider monkey. why does it fit. [laughter] why does it extra extra-large fit me?fa >> i'm worried it was like abe lincoln's jacket progress looks like you stole it out the y bedding section for likeou thein 2000 nba draft. [laughter] pork cl it was a good colormm
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regrety:s its accurate fashion d that make the wnba after all you see that? thanyoendek you. shout out to abby, rich, gina always great on you guys really were amazing but like i mean i'm trying not to get emotional but we dg o have to go. seriously get out. [laughter] think of are watching fox newss saturday night set your dvr to 10:00 p.m. eastern every d saturdayvr night here in fox ne. for more of me i'm coming to aom cityin near you on my everybody calm dowcan to her. tickets on sale now that fox across you can listen tomo my radio shi weekdays from noono until 3:00 p.m. eastern just sent 156r just a bign deal.or good night from new york city i will see it next saturday. remember what you can be a republican, you can be a democrat just don't be ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. jon: breakages of the middle east helicopter going around the president is believed to hav


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