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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  May 19, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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points and richie torres the congressman from the district, his already in social media saying, donald trump is the biggest threat to the bronx e that'sve ever existed in a cycli don't know how it will go with people will be talking aboutthur thursday because would be a site. s iis also amazing is hi opponent is trying to pus t them in jail and bankrupt him right now and he's actually just from a campaigning. >> they say going into the lionh den the boxes alliance and see>> that while h he went there for m campaign stop after court no long ago he received a hero's welcome from crying children. and before we go please don't forget t to follow the big weekd show on x, facebook andag instagram atra big weekend xiao, big weekend an td needed that dw it for uils and we will see you next week and life, liberty & levin, starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ hello america i mark levin this is "life, liberty & levin" send a pre-we have t pre-whi prt guests and et cetera ted cruz and stephen miller appeared before we get to our guests you are living through what is not only the worst presidency in american history when it comes to domestic and foreign affairs, but when it comes to our constitution the rule of law law and order which is the core of this republic he is dismantling iand he is destroying it. he, the department of justice and his cabinet. he, immediately democrat party especially in congress. this is no joke is enormously serious. you note jon adams said there were two that virtue is tyranny. we have tierney right now. we have a president of the
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united states was defied to supreme court decisions one of which involving so-called student loan forgiveness the court specifically said no only congress has the power to raise revenue, that is the text, to borrow into create debt. joe biden said okay, i don't care what you say. the greatest defiance of the supreme court in american history. and in doing so he has moved half a trillion dollars toward our tax dollars from the treasury. re- distributed to people did not go to college and people who did. he does it for votes. pure and simple. he has decided obamacare should apply to daca these are illegal aliens many are now in the 40s and 50s. hundreds of thousands of individuals without any statutory authority whatsoever. he is using bureaucracy right now executive order he issue that is written for him but left
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wing organization. that is the departments and administration of various aspects of our government to register voters all of which is targeted to the democrat demographic in clear violation of the hatch act misappropriation of funds when he does not care. civil rights act as a signature. he's destroyed women's sports at the same time pretends he supports women because he supports abortion. goes to the heart of our system. administration, regulations, in order to defy congress and get around congress. that is he is lawmaking. which is a clear violation of the constitution free he's impounding the funds in violation of the 1974 empowerment act and the take care clause of the constitution because he's putting his foot on the throat of israel while he is
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embracing hamas leadership in iran. what else is h was he done? he and the department of justice have unconstitutionally appointed a rogue prosecutor. department of justice personnel and prosecutors. to hunt down donald trump appeared to sneer donald trump to indict donald trump. we were clearing the playing field. that before this time any present or former president ever been indicted for anything. now the indicted donald trump on 91 bogus charge i want you to think about that. he also waived executive privilege over and over and over again allowing tens of thousands of our presidential documents to be provided to the january 6
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nancy pelosi stalinist commission. use those documents to again try to trash it donald trump. after the republicans took the house they destroyed a vast amount of these so-called information they had gathered because they gathered in an enormous amount of exculpatory information. they did not want that to go public. so joe biden uses executive privilege destroyed the power of the presidency while he is unconstitutionally using the power of the presidency much like a dictator for that is what he just did the other day. mark, what are you talking about? executive privilege. executive privilege. executive privilege is basically a privilege to goes back to george washington that protect separation of power. that is it protects the operation of the presidency internal communications and decision-making and so forth. otherwise a president will not be able to function he'll have to keep responding to congress which would destroy the ocean up
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balance aofbalance and equalitye branches. and so it is generally understood executive privilege should be used in a very focused way to protect the office which she's already done to destroy the office of the presidency. not while he is president but for future presidents. so executive a privilege there are some exceptions and they are legitimate exceptions the court has recognized this even congress tends to recognize this. the attorneys and genera generae past have recognized this. when there's not an ongoing investigation is not an issue of national secure there's no issue of internal communications there's no issue of separation of power. where there is no protection of investigative or law enforcement techniques. there is no claim for executive privilege. the case of joe biden he puts out an order of executive privilege to do what? the audio of his interviews.
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with the special counsel her about events that took place before he was president. there is no presidential issue whatsoever. that is number one. number two there is not executive privilege to protect a president from being embarrassed or information having a political impact. there is no such executive privilege moreover any executive privilege that may exist was waived because the transcript of biden's interview with the special counsel was released. they released it, the department of justice because they will do anything possible including violate the constitution to get biden reelected in order to get biden reelected they want you to vote for somebody who does not exist. they do not want you to know how
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bad his dementia is because it must be really, really bad for them to issue an executive privilege order to prevent the audio of the text that is already released from being released. i want you to think about this. democrats talk about voter suppression, voter id. this goes beyond all of that. this can this be on the right to vote this is the right to know who you are voting for. i love it when they say we have a right to have donald trump committed any crimes they have bogus crimes with bogus democratdemocratic prosecutors e bogus democrats juries in cities say we have a right to note no, that is different. this is a question about reality it's a practical question. this man up to being in charge of most powerful nation on the face of the earth power to launch nuclear missiles. the health and welfare of the united states the answer is he is not. we know this because the
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executive privilege order was put out they do not want you to hear the audio. this was the man who they will not allow to a press conference is on a regular basis they have a less oppressi press conferencn any president. this is the man who has a staff surrounding him but he walks in the helicopter to the white house for two reasons. they do not want to you to see them shuffling like people with dementia do. they do not want him answering any questions or he is completely under control by the staff, by the people who surround him because they know whabut they don't what you to k. they deal with him on a daily basis. we know it's pretty does not get off the cuff speeches he has talking cars when he reads the monitor he even reached the part where they're giving him a direction to pause or turn left. he reads the directions out loud. he has to have the names of the journalists whenever he does hold a press conference presented to him with their
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pictures, with their pictures to calls for two debates but it's very narrowly controlled it is almost contrite. he gets to decide what news organizations, news organizations are friendly to him and his administration. they do not want an audience they do not want open mic so you can have back-and-forth. why? he is out of control. that is why. we know less about this president's personal web personal conduct was actually thinking that we have with any other president. this is suppressing the vote too. that is we have a right as american citizens to know if the democrat party is going to nominate this president for another four years he would have four more years of this stage five dementia. there are seven stages of dementia can go to the seventh station create a constitutional crisis. we have a right to know before we vote. the purpose of this and bogus executive privilege claim is to protect biden from you.
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so we don't know. what about congress? did they have the right to know? here's the report right here. one of the reason he says not to bring charges against biden among other reasons the tradition of not indicting a sitting president. of course we know this administration is he basically concluded we interviewed this man. he could not remove her other dates about his son. he would get confused. eventually the video of his interview with the ghost writer same thing took place. must be so totally awful mr. her as prosecutors looked at this in their jaws hit the floor. that is what they don't want you to hear that his white reprobates like adam schiff in the democrat party conga line attacked mr. her -- like those
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gratuitous know that's the heart of the matter. the heart of the matter is this man is not capable of actually being president. whhe was running this governmen? certainly invited in some respects. the staff, the cabinet members, the radicals, the 25th amendment that was adopted in the 1960s was adopted for the purpose of preventing something like this. the 25th mm it is right here the congressional research service of 2018 may read this 25th mm that proposed by congress in 1965 ratified to the states in 1967, provides for presidential succession, vice presidential vacancies. and presidential disability presidential inability or disability specifically covered in section iii were by the president may declare a disability he declar declares h, that ain't happening. section four disability is declared by the vice president the majority of the cabinet for such other bodies may be established by law at lot no oy
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was established by law. this cabinet in this vice president doing what they are supposed to do and the constitutional pulled their oath they've circled the wagons. they do not want to lose their jobs. the vice president wants to become president. they have no virtue for they have no integrity. the 25th mm it is a dead letter right now. the constitutional system we don't have a system for dealing with a disabled president. who is mentally disabled not capable of doing his job in the executive privilege order proves it. they're not saying were proud of what joe biden said here we released it here's the audio. we are probably want to debate without all these rules. we are proud the vice president talks in the media and press conferences every week. the vice president does not need notecards but talking points on them. all right they can't do that. we all know that the legislative
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intent is our constitution would address the situation we have a potentially disabled president with the cabinet in the vice president of the 25th a minute. it's not you and me get to decide. we are it. and they are interfering with that. they are obstructing that by not giving the audio to congress. we do not have standing to demand the audio. nobody does except congress and they just said no you don't. so there that is a legislative purpose, isn't there with his huge legislative purpose and that legislative purposes we need to fix the constitution and a circumstance like this, we may have too. don't we have a right to know who we are voting for? you better believe it. they talk about registering as many democrats as they can.
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don't suppress the vote. we have a right to know who we are voting for. we have a right to know who the president of the united states is. not descriptive information. not the propaganda from that media. not the paid propaganda. what he think he wants to raise a billion dollars on commercials? because that is how he was to speak. they want to speak through flashy spielberg created commercials. joe biden should never have been president. he should never be reelected for all the other reasons. but the main reason is he is mentally incapacitated. and that is a big deal but just because he can deliver state of the union address after practicing it. just because he might have a decent debate performance we are talking 24/7 but you are on the job 24/7. you are under stress. you have a life and death war and peace decisions to make. we have a lot of human beings in this country who are capable of
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being very good qualified presidents. it's just that he is not. i will be right back
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ashley strohmier, live in new
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york. iranian state media is reporting there are, quote, no signs of life seen at the crash site of the helicopter that was carrying president ebrahim raisi and others. news of his death comes nearly 15 hours after the helicopter crashed in a remote part of the country during dense fog. rescue efforts have been hampered by bad weather and tough terrain. a number of other top officials, including the country's foreign minister, were also on board. the chopper was heading back to the country's capital when it reportedly went down. the crash comes at a fraught moment in the middle east, with the war raging in gaza and weeks after iran launched a drone and missile attack on israel in response to a deadly strike on its diplomatic compounds in damascus, hardliner raisi became president in an historically uncompetitive election in 2021. previously the chief justice, he has overseen a period of intensified repression of dissent in a nation convulsed by youth led protests against clerical rule. again, if you
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are just now joining us, iranian state media is reporting there are no signs of life seen at the crash site of a helicopter that was carrying president ebrahim raisi and others. news comes nearly 15 hours after that chopper was first to be reported crashed. and of course, stay with fox news channel as we learn more about this breaking news storyd they help commit donald trump of something. which brings us to executive privilege which i talk about in my opening statement. he's waived executive privilege over and over and over again to push off presidential documents terry six dullness under nancy pelosi is all but destroyed executive privilege. all of a sudden he asserts executive privilege at the request of the attorney general who is facing a contempt vote in the house. to cover up his audio of his
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interview. the text of which is out in the public in order to protect himself from the election. when she has no constitutional basis. what do you make of all of this? one of the seychelles was a bigot disagree with her to has not happened yet. every word you have said is exactly right. this is a brazen president. this is a brazen department of justice. merrick garland you and i both know american garlands spent 24 years as a judge. he had a good reputation is court of appeals would judge some glimmer of hope proven to be the most partisan and the most a while was in our nations history but you are right. this administration of said i a number of times. donald trump broke the democrat party. they hate him so much their minds have been shattered and they have convinced themselves that trump is adolf hitler. trump is hitler anything,
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anything, anything is justified to stop him. you talked about these ridiculous trials. in over 200 years never once and former president in our entire history and this past year we've done so for chimes every one of these cases is number one because they hate donald trump number two it is an assault on the american people. it is an assault on democracy actually think sigmund freud is rolling over in his grave because the democrats and agent freudian protection at a level i have never seen where they beat their chests they say we are defending democracy. they are engaged at an assault on democracy. mention the assertion of executive privilege i view that as a mockery it as a ludicrous claim executive privilege exists to protect the conversation between the president and his
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senior advisors. now mind you the radical leftists that care about executive privilege if it is a republican privilege that is why peter navarro is in jail right now. because he asserted executive privilege and congress tried to get them to divulge his conversation with president trump. dissented to jail over it. there baptist send steve o'bannon over the exact same thing. is that in a credible claim of executive privilege, why? when joe biden was talking about robert her he was not talking to a subordinate produces not subjecting what to do if job i don't have a conversation with merrick garland about the priorities of the department of justice packet will be covered by executive privilege. but in this instant robert her with special counsel he was investigating joe biden for multiple felonies. joe biden was effectively defendant. that's not executive. he is not setting policy at that moment. robert her is not there is a subordinate he was there as a
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prosecutor. the claim is laughable. by the late robert her concluded yes, joe biden committed multiple felonies. did so knowingly willingly brazenly over and over and over again fo the half on the biden department of justice he said were not going to charge him. joe biden is not competent to stand trial he is too old and senile. no jury would convict him. nonetheless this person not competent to stand trial has the nuclear codes and remains our commander-in-chief. thirty-six oh we come back, ted cruz, isn't that the point? that is this the 25th amendment is intended to do in situations like this. you have a basically a disabled president we know he is disabled that's when they treat him like a calf they don't allow him out that's why shuffling from the helicopter, these staff blocks he is less at press conferences and any president. that is what he does not do much public speaking without his talking points.
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it's the least available present to the public for trying to cover this up. the debate centers have been set in the audience he wants his own journalists. you cannot interrupt him. everything is built around joe biden mental disabilities. we talk about the public interest. don't we have a right to know the democrats are going to nominate a man who may not be fit for president mentally and physically? rather than calling that pods politics is not exactly what republican is about? the power of the presidency i want you to answer that when we return. we will be right back. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds)
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have been hampered by bad weather and tough terrain. a number of other top officials, including the country's foreign minister, were also on board. the chopper was heading back to the country's capital when it reportedly went down again. if you are just now joining us, iranian state media is reporting there are no signs of life near the crash site of the helicopter that was carrying
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president ebrahim raisi and others, the news comes nearly 15 hours after the chopper was first to have been reported crashed. now i think we're going to bring in dan hoffman, actually stay with fox news channel. we're working on getting some experts in this field up and live with us so we can discuss this today and tonight. so stick with fox news on this breaking news story. e up of the audio. what joe biden said when he was being interviewed there is no investigation anymore. there is no conceivable element of executive privilege that is legitimate here. basically they're covering up a very flawed and effective candidate. isn't that part of the problem? we the people of every right to know who this guy is we do not have to play along with this. >> the reason they are blocking it is obvious it is politically embarrassing. if you listen to the audio of the irratiotherational inferenco shows what the department of
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justice explicitly concluded which is joe biden is not competent to stand trial he cannot remember what is going on he is a fee bill, he is senile and in that audio they doubt the american people to hear it. there is not a legal privilege that attaches to things that are politically embarrassing. this is all politics and sadly with this administration everything they do is all politics. you started short litany of lawless actions by this administration you rightly started with the southern border. the southern border we have never had a president do what joe biden is doing. i have joked a bit is not much of a joke biden did something i thought was impossible. he made me miss barack obama. ana listen, you and i have lots of disagreements with barack obama. but when it came to immigration, obama by and large follow the law he deported millions of people in fact the left got mad at obama calls him the departure in chief. what joe biden is doing no present in over 200 years has
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done which is when someone is apprehended he just let's him go. the immigration laws that say you must detain them you must support them he does not care he flagrantly violates the law day in, day out, why? a power and politics he wants an invasion at our southern border he sees 11 million illegal immigrants as future democrat voters. he wants of power and if people have to die if children had to be brutalized if women have to be sexually assaulted, if criminals have to kill americans of terrorists have to enter this country all of that he is willing to do for power the level of cynicism and lawlessness and is no precedent in american history. >> but you know, ted cruz, we expect an attorney general of the united states not to be a complete lapdog to the president is supposed to represent the people. merrick garland was less accessible typically than even joe biden, he gets up and say we
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follow the facts in the law but they don't follow the facts and the law. this executive privilege claim especially when they waved constantly executive it privilege to dump all kinds thousands and thousands to tens of thousands of documents from the executive branch where there were conversations that were serious privilege issues and dump them into congress because biden and garland wanted to get truck to get the information the generally six committee to claim now there is no legislative purpose of course there is a legislative purpose and it is this. our system is not set up for a president who has an dementia who is breaking the law when his cabinet aa cabinet and the vicet will not treat the 25th amendment impeachment talks about high crimes, misdemeanors and bribery we do not have a system in place right now to address what is taking place right now. except the voters. except the people and isn't that
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why they want to cover up the audio? >> of course it is. congress has a responsibility to engage in oversight. merrick garland and body's arrogance and contempt and hubris. i think it's a very close to call who is the most arrogant member of the cabinet s cabot er merrick garland or make your case it's probably too close to call. but both of them in congress and the senate judiciary committee when i'm questioning when others are questioning them they react with utter contempt i don't have to answer your questions. i do not know any answers to the american people going to defy the law and i don't care what you have to say about it. personally i think merrick garland nurses a monumental garage because he was not confirmed to the supreme court this man believes he's entitled to be on the court and so he is going to abuse and desecrate the department of justice the office of the attorney general because he is trying to carry out his
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garage because he is mad is not a supreme court justice. i am shocked there's not a tiny twinge of integrity that makes him say no i should actually follow the law from of the u.s. department of justice but there is not. mark: in 30 seconds we have left, center you are in a tough, tough race tell us about that briefly but democrats are flooding cash trying to beat me. chuck schumer his name is number one target in the country. schumer and soros are going to spend over $100 million trying to beat me. what is going to let me fight back is come to my website ted ted, come to ted make a contribution. just this week might left wing and democrat bought a half million dollars of tv ads. do not have the money to be on tv the only way i can fight back is in millions of patriots across the country come to ted and supporting us so i can keep fighting but fighting is his radical left wing ideas.
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defending the constitution fighting to defend america. mark: god bless you from thinking joe would hate to wake up after the election and find out you are no longer a senator, january parade that will be a disaster. ted cruz, thank you my friend. god bless you. >> thank you mark, god bless. mark: but will be righ news alem ashley strohmier, live in new york. iranian state media is reporting there are no signs of life seen at the crash site of the helicopter that was carrying president ebrahim raisi and others. news of his death comes nearly 15 hours after the helicopter crash in a remote part of the country during dense fog. rescue efforts have been hampered by bad weather and tough terrain. a number of top officials, including the country's foreign minister, were also on board that chopper. now that chopper was heading back to the country's capital when it reportedly went down. now i
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want to bring in dan hoffman. dan, can you hear me? i sure can. a fox news contributor. dan. thanks for getting up and staying up with us late on a sunday night with this first. you know, obviously you're the expert in this. tell us what happens from here when a situation like this does transpire. yeah, well, i can tell you that over at the white house here in the united states, there's great concern over, over rice's apparent death and its implications for iran going forward into in two ways. first, remember, raisi was elected president of iran back in 2021. he's a hard line religious cleric. and the question first question is who will follow him? so we'll be looking at that. the second one is that he had aspirations of being the next supreme leader. and so how will that impact on iran's decision making? their council of experts, who will determine the next supreme leader? the current one, ayatollah khamenei, is almost 85 years old. and so there's
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got to be consideration for that as well. and then tactical issues about this helicopter crash, there's been no indication right now that the helicopter was brought down that apparently it was an accident. but i'm quite sure that us intelligence as well as regional intelligence, israel and our gulf allies in the region are tracking that as well. you know, considering what's going on in the middle east right now, there's a lot going on, to say the least, in the middle east, especially in with, in regards to gaza, how is this going to complicate things, or does it. well, i think that i don't expect iran's policies to change much, even though raisi is gone, iran is now a nuclear threshold state
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a time as president where they, they were he himself was known as the butcher of tehran for, back in 1988. he brought many political prisoners of iran, sent sentenced them to death. and he's he's followed through with the same sort of hard line policies during his current administration. i don't expect any of that to change in iran as we're going forward. you know, earlier in the day, i mean, this was hours ago. there were reports that, people, the iranian people saying that there could possibly be a revolt if, you know, something had transpired with this, if they if they found a body, the body of ricky, do you foresee
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that happening now that, you know, it's it seems to be that it was a fog related issue from the news that we're getting right now, or do you, do you think this just moves on and they, they try and choose a different leader? well, you know, it's interesting. it's a great point that you make because autocracies are are brittle and sometimes you just don't know how weak they are until they are collapsing. and it's important to remember that there's been massive civil unrest and protests in iran since going back to september of 2022, associated with the death in police custody of mahsa amini. you remember who was, who was, barbarically murdered for not wearing her hijab and so, iran's always a tinderbox, and there are always questions about what could throw iran into into more unrest. that's something, again, i think that, u.s. foreign policy, our intelligence community has to
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be tracking very closely. and, dan, you know, for the average american watching this right now at 1130 on a sunday night, explain to them why this should matter to us here in america. well, i think that when you look at our enemies around the world and in this century, there's really just this new axis of tyranny, russia and china, iran and north korea, allied as they never have been before. and when one of those, one of those of our adversaries loses their leader, as has happened apparently in iran, there's the implications for our foreign policy. it's something that we need to be thinking about. and the extent to which this may impact iran going forward. again, i don't think that the contours of iran's domestic and foreign policy will change much, but it's still a seminal event and will impact the future of iran in terms of who will be chosen for those key positions as i
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mentioned at the outset, the next president of iran, the next supreme leader, that's something that i think we'll be looking at closely. do you think that it's possible that the iranian people could vote in another person, like rouhani ? i would expect that the supreme leader, the current supreme leader, will ensure some continuity. and i don't expect that you'll see anything other than another, the next president following along the same lines as abraham lisi. but that will be something that clearly will be important for us is to determine who that person might be and where they come from. and there will be a lot of jockeying around, in the iranian government. remember, raisi was very close with the iranian revolutionary guard corps. trump administration successfully killed the leader of the irgc, qassem soleimani, years ago, and i expect the irgc to be playing a very considerable role in helping to determine who might the next president be in iraq. do you think it would be soon? do you think it's going to take a
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while for that to happen? what are your thoughts, it's hard to predict how long it's going to take for them to go through that process. but again, i think, it's still early days. look, that we only just got word that there was no sign of life at the crash site. so i think, you know, i think iran will be very deliberate and very careful about how they proceed. okay, and then just for people who are just now joining us, iranian state media, they reported there is no sign of life at the crash site of a helicopter that was carrying president ibrahim raeesi and others, dan, final question before i let you go. you were talking about what was going on in the white house right now. can you elaborate a little more on that? on on what they could possibly be discussing right now and how this could possibly affect the us? yeah. i mean, i think based on my experience when something like this happens overseas, it's all hands on deck. and so if i were still at cia right now, it would have been fox news. of course, that called
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me. it would have been the cia. and i'd be going into work and looking at all of the intelligence that we had, whether it was overhead reconnaissance, intelligence from our human sources. the signals intelligence. how was the rest of the world reacting to this? how does china, russia and north korea react to this? what about inside the middle east? how about hezbollah and hamas? how are they reacting? those are all things that the white house needs to know. and i'm quite sure that our intelligence community right now is working hard to deliver that information to the president. right dan hoffman, thank you so much for joining us tonight. we really appreciate your insight on this. all right. again, if you are just now tuning in to fox news channel, iranian state media has reported there's no signs of life scene of the crash site of the helicopter that was carrying president ibrahim raisi and others. this news comes nearly 15 hours after the chopper was first reported to have crashed. and again, if you're just joining us, we're going to stay on this breaking news story all night long and we'll have any new
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updates for you as we get them. but for now, we're going to send you back to regular programing already. progress i'm ashley strohmier live in new york back.
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mark: welcome back america. stephen miller you made a very important point the purpose of immigration is to serve the american people. the purpose of immigration' is use are people all over the world and accommodate them. and of course the american people oppose us or not even consulted this is top-down ironfisted police state government by the biden administration buried what you make of the fact that in addition to the flights in addition to the open border and the addition to all what they want to fly palestinians from the gaza strip into the united states even though we see what has been taking place the last few months from the river to the sea at least he wa you it's been place last few years the lack of our system to assimilate people anymore because of what the democrat party is doing to the constitution. >> make no mistake about mark. if joe biden remains in office through next year, they will bring the gaza strip to america. specifically i think it is clear you've seen senator tammy
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baldwin the senator from wisconsin come out in favor of the gaza relocation plan to america. we are going to concentrate that in the midwest where they are going to turn the midwest into the middle east. we have seen for years of the government works with refugee organizations to concentrate these flights and transform the midwestern states specifically that is where i believe you will see that concentrated. to your point, mark, this is not a pleasant fact is not something we enjoy talking was not something that gives us any pleasure it is what it is the population in the gaza strip has been indoctrinated since the day they were born to import the ideology, that violence, that hatred, into our own cities. it's not just madness that's pure malice. it's pure hatred of america and americans. the neighboring states will not take gazan migrants the neighboring states that share
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the same culture and elects not specifically the gaza culture but share the same historical background, they will not take refugees from that region. yet they're going to bring them into the united states because people who live there, people in egypt unde understand people and jordan understand this is a population that is, dangerously radicalized. you talk abotalk about assimilae broadly. they are pursuing negative assimilation. what they mean by that is they are pushing theories in school, theories of race and theories of culture that are designed to tear us all a part teaching apat hierarchies of oppression. teaching about colonial heritage and evil american settlers. they are pushing diversity, equity and inclusion policies all of which are designed to atomize an balkanized society to turn us into a dysfunctional tower of babel.
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then to your earlier point you give a new bike rental welfare. you give them a free public healthcare. you give them free housing bring to give them free food and then or what? conservative parties are going to come along and take it all away. there are whole plan is to bring in migrants and addict them to an ideology that is harmful to america and to hook newcomers on welfare and then to build a big government state and a permanent political majority. books what you are describing is a tyrannical democrat party that puts its own power first. does not care about the country as is. in fact is actively destroying the country and our schools, our immigration policies and away the constitution is shredded the targeting of an opponent, donald trump and so forth. and democrat party that is effectively an alien party and autocratic party. >> it is a talk or say. you see that with the unhinged
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marble is a weaponization of law enforcement against donald trump. the total complete corruption of our justice system to jail joe biden's political enemy. at the same time to jail's chief of political rival but at the same time joe biden suspends a law enforcement across the entire southern border of the united states invites and adversaries but invites and spies. invites and terrace and invites and cartels. it's her children killed with fentanyl gets innocent girls and women and beaten to death in the street a criminal 1600 pennsylvania avenue violating lot right and left issuing executive edicts right and left suspending title ix, all of it. one lawbreaking edict after another turning law enforcement as a weapon to take out his political rival. that is a talk or say. ignoring the laws of the united states ignoring the constitution, defying them willfully and deliberately
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buried change in this country without the consent of the governed and then using his a justice department and his henchmen and his party to try to stop his political rival from participating in a free and fair election that is authoritarianism. mark: stephen miller that is profound iran the american first legal you are a founder, they are doing fantastic work over there. my wife contributes to it to i want everyone to know that because i'm proud of it. want to thank you very much for all you do and god bless you my friend. >> god bless, thank you mark here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients.
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look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs]
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of the welcome back america. remember this book probably the best serving conservative books and conscience of a conservative by barry goldwater. 1.5 million of you have this book. i'm going to read it the last
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paragraph of the book from ronald reagan because i think it sums it up to you both remember it. freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. we didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. must be fought for, protected and handed off for them to do the same for one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children's and our children's children what it was once like in the united states when men were free. joe biden is the anti-liberty, the anti-constitution, the anti-reagan, the anti-trump. he is the tyranny part of liberty and tyranny. the only way to stop him is to defeat him. i will see you next time on life, liberty and love then. ism ashley strohmier, l


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