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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 20, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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dreamed i would do, met presidents, played augusta national, met bono, dana perino and martha maccallum, watched our kids grow up, surprised every school teacher i ever had, made amazing friendships. i would love to be able to afford a small little place near a quiet beach for my wife, she loves walking on the beach at sunset. i am content, all the boxes have been checked. e-mail us if you have questions. thank you for spending your sunday with us, hope you have a great week ahead, good night from south carolina. ahead a good night from south carolina >> todd: a fox news alert, breaking right now, iranian
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president ebrahim raisi and his prime minister have been killed in a helicopter crash. triggering a massive response across middle east and around the world. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. calling extraordinary meeting it determine next steps. iran plays influential role in instability in the middle east. state media and iran confirming death of ebrahim raisi and that helicopter along with the country's foreign minister and other security. after visit to azerbaijani to meet with his counterparts that raisi's helicopter went missing south of the azerbaijani border. rescue efforts were made more
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complicated because of heavy fog. other two helicopters traveling made its way back to iran safely. >> todd: the chopper slammed into a mountain peak. no specifics on the crash, israel has denied any involvement in what happened. raisi was potential successor to ayatollah khamenei. it was in 2022, when massive protest broke out over women's rights putting 22,000 people behind bars. this news is around the region, mill know tant groups like hamas are issuing statement of sympathy. as far as what this means going forward, under riiran iranian constitution, iran vice president must take over if the president dies and an election held within 50 days.
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>> carley: bring in jonathan gilliam. good morning to you. what do you think of this development and what it means for riern, yar in gaza and the united states, as well? >> jonathan: it is interesting, the president in iran is not like the president of the united states with the power of decision-making that we have here in this country. a lot -- pretty much, when you look at elections and how presidents are picked, they try to play it off as democracy, the supreme leader has majority of power and kind of picks this individual as the next in line. i think what you're going to see here as far as what is happening in iran is going to be pretty smooth transition of power to the next person, that power and decisions made are really the decisions of the supreme leader and other politicians and
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leaders involved in the decision-making process for a long time. in the united states, and with other enemies of iran such as israel, if this was back prior to world war ii, you might see them make movement because of the chaotic threads being sewn through this, i don't think you will see a lot of movement here. i would be surprised if the biden administration got involved in anything. who could take heat of these chaotic threads are revolutionaries in iran that want change. those individuals could step up and probably cause a lot of disarray if they were actually to act right now at this time. >> todd: does anything s significant happen with regard to the war in israel? >> jonathan: i don't think so, i think iran itself has a very
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specific idea of ho you it wants to confront israel, they want israel off the map and that is c consensus of everybody in government there. you will see hamas, hezbollah, houthi, different proxies are more on guard at this time for the possibility that somebody like israel, u.s. would take advantage of this. i do see that changing. >> carley: in terms of s succession under iran first president takes over and new presidential election called within 50 days. this country has been rocked by political protest, people in iran want change of government and now they have that chance. how much stock in the fairness of iranian elections? >> jonathan: i don't put any
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stock in it at this point. when you look at who was in the helicopter, one individual was religious leader, the other person was foreign minister and that foreign minister was a close friend with general soleimani that was killed during the trump administration. that shows the thread of relationships within this ruling force in iran. so although the people may want somebody else, the reality is, probably not going to make much difference in democratic elections. >> todd: we've had you on enough to know you see a situation and your mind goes 90,000 different directions, do you believe this was mechanical in nature? >> jonathan: when you look at conditions they were flying in, i don't think it was anything
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but a pilot hitting the ground. they say a hard landing. when you look at what they were flying in, they probably slammed into the side of the mountain. i find it difficult odd it was difficult to find. other countries could take note of lack of technology in just finding where the president's helicopter is, that says t tremendous amount about how difficult to find them and how their technology when you put with failed airstrikes against israel, you get a clear picture of the technical advances iran has and that is something that could be exploited if anybody was willing to exploit those. >> carley: look at the pictures, there was extremely dense fog.
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it would be in the iran ian government's best interest to pass the buck, what is chance they blame another country for this crash? >> jonathan: well, iran is famous for their propaganda, spreads as thick as college campuses across the united states and that is one particular area that iran has really in a lot of ways won the war going on against israel or taken the lead in that. their ability to use propaganda and spread it and actually have the other individuals who don't do research repeat what iran says. it very well could be they spring up conspiracy theory and say united states or that israel is responsible for this crash. i wouldn't doubt that, most would see right through that. >> carley: thank you for joining
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us, we'll have continued coverage all morning long monitoring this for a response from the white house as well as tracking immediate impact this is having on oil markets with dr. rebecca grant and cheryl casone. >> todd: we are in final stretch of former president trump's criminal trial, expert legal analysis right after this. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance
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>> carley: fox weather alert, people are still without power in houston ofafter last week's storm. wind speeds topped 100 miles per hour. seven killed and one million left without power. it could be would beings before some get power restored. >> todd: hundreds of "a thousand and one"s go without air conditioner, the heat is expected to hit close to 100 degrees. janice dean has the forecast >> janice: i have friends that live in houston, this is nightmare, not having power or
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air conditioning. this went through texas and louisiana with wind in excess of 80 miles per hour. wind damage 400 miles long. power outages, look like over 50,000 in houston and look at temperatures. forecast high, factor in humanitarian, there is dew point, moisture in the atmosphere will make it feel oshg presive. temperatures feel like 100 degrees. take a look at next storm system that ripped through last night and yesterday in kansas and oklahoma bringing tornados. next area moves into the plain states and another week of heavy rainfall that could cause flooding. severe thunderstorm warning for oklahoma city, severe thunderstorm watch until 6:00
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a.m. for oklahoma and severe storm threat stretching from high plains across central u.s. into the great lakes and into thursday and friday. another round of severe storms. it does not end. people need to be on alert for watches and warnings. >> carley: thank you. d.c. mayor boweser spending on what she calls an economic mission. the trip just a month after she took a trip to georgia to the masters while residents in d.c. are fed up with rising crime. a d.c. resident who closed down his restaurant last year joins us. the mayor is going to las vegas because she wants to bring business back to washington, d.c. what do you think about that?
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>> it is terrible. she has been negligentful to d.c. and d.c. residents. she has not tackled anything she set out to do. and she is going on trips spending taxpayer dollars with folks that have not delivered for us is frustrated. what do you do when you don't have a leader that cares about you anymore. >> carley: you had a restaurestaurant in washington, d.c., once thriving, what happen? ed >> there was no support from the city, they left us abandoned. why are we here? why are we spending to stay in this area when we can move to virginia or maryland and do better and not face the same crime and disrespect from the mayor. >> carley: what needs to happen so washington, d.c. can become a place where businesses thrive
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once again? >> i mean, i think it starts with tough on crime. go after culprits, look them up and hold them. the fact mayor bowser approval rating continues to decline, corruption and chaos in the street, get right leadership in there to be successful and they have to focus on tactical stuff to solve problems not crime bill after crime bill, we need policing of the street, hard on crime, focus on key issues that affect us all everyday. >> carley: she took a trip to the masters as part of sports and economic development. you are probably wondering what she was doing there, as well. >> that is not the first trip, she went to the uae, she is
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going all over the place, spending dollars that are not her. she says she is i think bring back business to d.c., what about the business in d.c., focus on those that stood by you. i can think of five more business that closed on the quarter since december. it is terrible, she's abandoned folks that supported her and paid taxes. the masters, unbelievable. >> carley: from sunday to tuesday, she will be in las vegas. thank you for joining us. if you are just waking up, we are covering breaking news, iranian president and foreign minister both confirmed dead in helicopter crash. we are live overseas. >> todd: and president biden spent sunday with a key voting block. two voters here to respond. >> president biden: my name is
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learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. >> todd: new york versus trump trial resumes with michael cohen on the stand getting grilled by the defense. could the case close this week? brooke singman has details. >> brooke: michael cohen is expected to wrap his testimony today and unless former president trump decides to testify, the trial could near the end. the trump team is expected to finish cross-examination this morning. ac accused cohen of lying on the stand. cohen admitted to slew of lies including falsifying inn voices to get reimbursed to his statement for stormy daniels.
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he admitted to opening a bank account for a business that he used for hush money for president trump. >> this trial is a joke. judge merchan, he has major conflicts of interest, people forget he do nalted to joe biden directly temperature is rare for a judge to make mripolitical contributions. when you look at evidence or lack thereof brought by prosecutor, there is no crime here. michael cohen cannot be trusted, the man is a liar, he's been caught in lies on the stand. >> brooke: the prosecution will get the chance to patch up any doubts the defense might have
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made. if trump takes the stand, the trial account last longer. if not closing arguments could come by tomorrow. >> todd: former prosecutor, is this week it? walk us 32 i a timeline. >> this week could be it. michael cohen is back on the stand for cross-examination, they have annihilated his credibility, not much more to gain. they wanted to come back after the long weekend. he will be redirected to essentially explain some areas they could rehab him on and i expect 2defense to move for a directed movement. >> todd: when doctor merchan denies that, if you are defense, you have a choice, do i put on a
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case or not. do they? >> i think defense will put on a small case, some sort of expert in campaign finance law. the big question, of course, is whether donald trump will take the stand himself and i don't ability he will, that will be up to him personally. >> todd: should trump's legal team ask the jury to consider misdemeanor charges instead of felony charges? may seem like that is knowa easy thing to do, there are consequences if they do that. >> very good question. as we have all discussed, there is essentially a misdemeanor charge of falsifying business record that is past passed. i don't believe the defense should ask for lesser, statute
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of limitations is wavable issue. are you walking into a conviction if you do that if they find that lesser element although i don't think they have proof of falsified records. i wouldn't do that that, i have heard that discussed. >> todd: i would not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, they have let the prosecutor put on horrible case. check out the new book, "w "woke. "woke."hope the book does well. >> her and her husband are a power couple, brilliant minds. president biden pitching to black voters m detroil troit at an naacp dinner and delivered a
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speech at morehouse college. >> hello, detroit. my name is joe biden. i am a lifetime member of the naacp. as a matter of fact, first organization i ever joined was the naacp. we delivered checks to deposit in people's pocket. ext extremists closed the doors of opportunity, strike down affirmative action. what does it mean? we've heard before, to be a black man who loves his country even if it doesn't love him back. you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot. >> carley: two voters join us now. good morning to you both.
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aj, his speech at morehouse college, several students turned their back on him as he was making that commencement address. what he said is getting a lot of attention. republicans don't see black americans in the future of the united states, what do you think of these remarks? >> it is hopelessness, party of hopelessness. i was a democrat my entire life until i opened my business. it is like a drug, victimhood, we can do this for you. black folks want government to get out of the way. we don't need people to do things for us and baby us, it is disturbing they pandor in this manner. i think this will change this election. >> carley: what do you think about those remarks, black people need to be 10 times better than anybody else to get
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a fair shot, republicans don't see black americans in future of united states. what do you think about that? >> i'm going to tell you, hi, carley, i 10 dmrt 0 % agree with what mr. brewer said. it used to be automatic and it is not that way anymore. america is changing and people are becoming more sensitive as business owners and parents, not because we are black, not because we are women or men. america is ready for someone ready to lead from place of understanding that you have to meet with states and local government if you want to affect individual communities on a macro level. pay attention to my business, it
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is not about, you are black, you must need this in our community. we are looking for somebody to come to the middle and lead. >> carley: what do you think about that? reason president biden is on this tour trying to regain support among black voters is because he is losing support and former president trump is gaining. why is that happening? >> for me, it is just i got to harp on the word victimhood. people are tired of the same old, what can you give me, i got my hand out, people are not looking for that. when i graduated high school, i was looking to get out and fly on my own. i wanted my parents out of the way. if my parents babied me, i would still be living with emthis. i want a candidate to get out of moo i way, make it easier for me to be successful and hire folks
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and that is what most are looking for. they tend to harp on how people feel and i had a conversation with a good friend of mine who is a democrat. he said he hated trump, he said biden cares more about us. there is no logical argument anymore. it is all falling on their faces and we are climbing out of that demo democratic party. i don't even vouch, get the heck out of the democratic party, it is not a party of promise. the speech from biden was sad. class full of overachievers, high achievers, talking to emthis as though they are not the 1%. what a story. >> carley: very smart and have bright futures ahead.
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president biden said he would unite the country, that was anything, but. great perspectives. we are monitoring for a white house response to death of iran's president who was killed along with his foreign minister in a helicopter crash. >> todd: seeing impact on the oil markets, dr. rebecca grant and cheryl casone here next. plos and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be...
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>> todd: fox news alert, iranian president ebrahim raisi and his foreign minister both confirmed dead in a helicopter crash 400 miles from tehran. >> carley: their deaths coming at a critical time. alex hogan is live overseas with the latest. >> the fog and rain complicated the search and rescue efforts. drones combed through the landscape searching for the president, because of weather conditions, any kind of air search was impossible and ground forces they relied on, which takes more time. this is after a trip to the border with the president
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ebrahim raisi meet ing cou counterparts. this is the suspected crash site, 12 miles from the azerbaijani border. 40 rescue teams responded, two other helicopters traveling with emthis made it back safely. the chopper slammed into a mountain peak, there are no spe specifics as to whether or not there may have been anything else wrong. israel has denied any involvement. breaking news sending shockwaves within the region and around the world. major countries call for days of mourning, including groups like hamas, which issued statement of sympathy. the supreme leader tapped the country's first vice president to step in under the country's
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constitution. the vice president would be president and an election would play out within the next 50 days. >> carley: live in london tracking it all, thank you. bring in national security analyst and international relation expert dr. rebecca grant. ebrahim raisi, known as butcher of tehran, he oversaw mass execution of thousands of political prisoners innen 92 98 and became president in uncompetitive election in 2021. what do you think about his death and what it means moving forward? >> well, ebrahim raisi is the man who made iran more dangerous than ever, just in the three years he was president, he forged tighter alliance with russia, un says they have enough
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enriched uranium for nuclear bombs. he won't allow un inspectors into iran. stunning failed attack on israel. raisi has put iran at the center of chaos in way we have not seen before and all eyes on his successor, his caretaker here to see what his next moves will be. >> todd: what is impact on iran allies/our enemies? looking at russia, north korea, china. >> exactly, the lineup and iran's best allies, our enemies. china, defying sanctions and buying iran's oil, china is the nation that empowering enron. that is why raisi was able to act in the manner he did. the new acting president is the
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man who negotiated the deal for iran to sell drones and missimissile to russia to use against ukraine. he is the key man in the russia november -alliance. iran even with stunning development remains very dangerous and of course pushing terrorism and supporting all that throughout the legion. >> carley: there will be an election in 50 days and supreme leader's son is a name that has been floated. >> todd: keep an eye on how this situation is impacting oil prices. >> carley: bring in cheryl casone. good morning to you. >> cheryl: good morning. look at the two contracts that we follow in the u.s. earlier on in the morning with
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news of death of president of iran jumped to level we have not seen since may 1. summer driving season, keep an eye on wti. a lot of things at play. price of oil did go over 80 per barrel we closed 79.58 on friday. we need to look at saudis, the king is facing health issues. he is in japan getting treated for lung inflammation. soleimani, crown prince, will keep relations steady and we ex expect. if the father's health is failing, that adds to the
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uncertainty. the iranian president's death has been confirmed. the wealth of iran and strategy to arm militias, hamas, as we saw, as well as houthi in particular, that takes money. iran makes 35 billion annually in identify revenue, your guest just mentioned, who buys that oil? chinese, who brokered deal with the saudis and iran. seven years they have been at odds and now china wants stability and peace in the middle east because they are buying all that oil and it is cheaper to come from iran and sanctions by biden administration not enfoefrcing e sanctions. opec plus has extra production, two million per day in side
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pocket, on june 1, they could say, we will put that out of the markets. we are going into summer driving season we normally see oil go higher, diesel fuel, jet fuel, trucks going to grocery stores, this does impact the consumer and it happens pretty quick. >> todd: china is trying to fill the void we left in middle east, it helps with goal of world dom n domination. this is why this is important and day when iranian president dies we're all talking about china. >> carley: check in with lawrence jones to see what is coming up on "fox and friends." hello, lawrence. >> lawrence: good seeing you, busy "fox and friends" morning coming up, iran reporting their president and foreign minister killed in a helicopter crash from poor weather.
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implications at home during this tense time in the middle east. and envoy under trump weighs in just ahead, plus trump's new york trial enters final days and star witness michael cohen expected to take the stand again today. jonathan turley and gregg jarrett are here. and former president trump headed to the bronx for first new york rally since 2016. residents are rallying to vote, we'll speak to one of them ahead. and biden's border crisis loom large even in pennsylvania. david mccormack running for key senate race has sight and sound at border this week. he is live senator cruz, rachel campos du duffy, stuart varney, step by, business morning on "fox and
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>> todd: zander shawflly the winner of the pga championship chambeau it came down to the final hole. victory at valhalla schauffele.
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263 strokes over four rounds lowest total score in major championship history. the host of don't out me. dan, try to put to words the k58 enter of golf we saw yesterday schauffele and dechambeau going back and forth? >> have a ha la in louisville is getting criticized a lot. these pros are so good, todd, that if you get a course that's wet and the course was wet, all weekend, they throw darts. a record in a major, shawfl who has been kno shawferl. known as a guy who could carry a lead for three rounds, in the 40 round he goes away. isn't it sports?
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no gimme. he makes it. goes into the holes guy on fire dechambeau. the course took a beating. the play was great. when it's soft they kill it. >> todd: people say you can't play on sunday and you shoot a 65. you shut up a lot of those people who say you can't shoot on sunday. got to get your thoughts on this. scoscottie scheffler. disregarding signals from an officer but prosecutors, again, reportedly planning to drop them. dan, did the arrest ultimately cost him this tournament? >> these a great question because if you look at scottie scheffler he basically wins every tournament. i would say no. i would say when you look at a guy like shawfl, setting a record. you got to say i don't care who
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was in the field what happened prior to the tournament what happened with scottie scheffler. he wasn't going to be able to beat that score. nobody has beat that score in a major championship by answer is no. scottie scheffler caused himself a ton of problems by not stopping the car you stop the car no matter how think it is. you don't have these problems. schauffele shooting a score. morning scheffler would have done that even though he is the best in the world. >> todd: traffic situation is an odd situation. if scheffler got an average of what he did on thursday, friday and sunday. he loses by one stroke. that is insane to me that he golf sod well on friday. dan dakich thank you so much for your time carley? >> carley: tis the season for commencement speeches. new article from miranda devine
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neither president biden or dr. fauci getting the same reaction from the media for their commencement addresses as chief's kicker harrison butker be a black man who loved his country even if it doesn't love him back in equal measure. they don't see you in the future of america. >> the past four years we have witnessed an alarming increase in the mischaracterization, distortion, and even vilification of solid-evidence based scientific findings. >> i would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. >> carley: you can guess which one made the left flip out butker's uplifting moral clarity signaled out for attack is a reminder of the powerful forces that want us to remain in chaos and darkness. >> todd: fox news contributor joe concha joins us now. your thoughts on the contrast between the speeches and, of course, the media overreaction to all of it.
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>> well, todd, carley, this is a great piece by the way by our miranda devine in the "new york post." it's a must read for everyone watching today regardless of your political ideology. i mean, you look at these speeches, these three speeches. the first one being part of the joe biden desperation pandering tour. the sitting president of the united states, telling students at an all-black college in atlanta morehouse that they are victims of racist country of white supremacy? this is a man who ran on uniting the country. and in this effort to retain power with polls showing him losing huge support in terms of black voters and young voters, instead of uniting the country he is doing everything he can at least his speech writers and handlers doing everything they can to divide the country. thankfully, many students there turned their backs to mr. biden while he was speaking. they rejected the message and rightfully so. meanwhile then you see dr. anthony fauci at columbia
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lying to students talking about mischaracterization, distortion, vilification of what he called solid based eye on scientific findings and of scientists themselves. this is the guy who still insists that covid came from a rogue bat from the wet market instead of strt wuhan instituted studies gorsuch. something he has lied about where that funding comes from. jon stewart has the best analogy around this. if there is outbreak at chocolate factory in hershey pennsylvania and suddenly you are saying oh, wow, what happened? did something happen around that area? no, the thing came from the chocolate factory just like covid came from a wuhan institute that studies coronavirus. yet, fauci still insists it came from the bet market. overall you hair that harrison butker talking about some women
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may want to go lead successful careers in the world. others may opt to be excited about marriage and bringing children into the world maybe they ultimately want to do that more. there is nothing wrong with that message. it's true. my wife works. yet she probably tell her what makes her most excited is raising our children here in new jersey, guys. >> carley: when it comes to president biden's speech, clearly it's a commencement speech, also a campaign speech, given the election season that we're in. and in this particular address, it's clear that he was trying to gain back black voters who may not support him through fear-mongering and anger. and you have to wonder if that is the strategy that is actually going to work. several of those students also turned their back on him while he was speaking because of his stance on the israel-hamas war. so, a lot of controversy during that speech to be made and a lot of headlines as well. jojoe we have to leave it there. "fox & friends" starts right


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