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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 20, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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careers in the world. others may opt to be excited about marriage and bringing children into the world maybe they ultimately want to do that more. there is nothing wrong with that message. it's true. my wife works. yet she probably tell her what makes her most excited is raising our children here in new jersey, guys. >> carley: when it comes to president biden's speech, clearly it's a commencement speech, also a campaign speech, given the election season that we're in. and in this particular address, it's clear that he was trying to gain back black voters who may not support him through fear-mongering and anger. and you have to wonder if that is the strategy that is actually going to work. several of those students also turned their back on him while he was speaking because of his stance on the israel-hamas war. so, a lot of controversy during that speech to be made and a lot of headlines as well. jojoe we have to leave it there. "fox & friends" starts right
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now. >> steve: thank you todd and carley. it's 6:00 here in new york city. monday, may 20th, 2024, welcome to "fox & friends" for a new week. we start with a fox news alert. iranian president ibrahim rishi killed in a helicopter crash. what that means for rogue regime and for all of us in the united states. >> president biden heads back to d.c. after morehouse grads some of whom turned their back on him during eyebrow raising speech. you got hear. this you start a college just as george floyd was murdered. and there was a reckoning on race. you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot. >> and, stealing the show. an adorable 6-year-old saves a law school graduation. holding up a hand drawn heart. look at that anti-israel protesters disrupted that
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ceremony that they said in the post children see hate. >> all right. "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, your mornings are better with friends. >> steve: all right. let's kick things off 6:01 here in new york city. fox news alert. the president of iran dead after a chopper crash mixing more uncertainty into the most volatile middle east we have seen in years. >> ainsley: the president was 63 years old. ibrahim rye easy. along with the foreign minister and iranian official confirmed dead by state media. >> alex w hogan joins us now. following the death of ibrahim rye easy. the supreme leader was tapped the first vice president to officially fill that role. all of this in line with the iranian constitution that says in the event of a president dying, the country's first prime
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minister would essentially become the official president until iraq's president for the time being. pet ibrahim icy. counterpart that raisi's helicopter went missing. went flew the fog and rain to search for the helicopter. the two other helicopters traveling back made it back safely. this crash took place about 12 miles south of the iranian border. and state media reporting that the chopper slammed into a mountain peak although there is no specifics just yet as to whether or not there were any other issues with this helicopter. and israel today has reportedly denied any involvement.
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now, ricey was a leader elected in 2021. back in 2022 when massive protest broke out jailed as many as 22,000 people and killed as many as 500. today neighboring countries are sounding in, issuing their condolences as well as their concern saying ricey was a friend of russia. five day period of mourning. we could see an official funeral state service begin as early as tomorrow. back to you. >> brian: thanks so much, alex. this was stunning. hear about them about to launch a very effective dam that's supposed to revolutionize the border right in the northern section of iran. and hear about a chop are missing. you knew what it was probably going to be. catch up to it foreign minister and the president. look at his brief reign from 21
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to 24. think about what he has done drones to russia. changed that war. 300 missiles strikes into israel. fortifies hezbollah, hamas and the houthi rebels. he leaves all aspects of the nuclear deal. he cracks down on everyone internally. kills women for not wearing the right top of headdress. nobody ever really wanted him. he had the lowest turnout in the history of iran's sham elections because no one knew -- everyone knew they had no choice but life was going to get a lot worse for them. >> ainsley: he didn't really run with competition. his nickname is the butcher of tie ran. ordered the tightening of morality laws how it effects the women there the presidency was shaken last year why this mass civil unrest after we saw aminey die. she was the one who protested against wearing the ha jab and she died from police custody. a lot of people were irate about that. you have american iranian women posting videos off x singing and
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praising this because of how far he treated women. >> even though he was behind khomeiniy, the supreme leader, he was the second most powerful guy in iran. and now people are saying well, if he is gone. then khomeini's son may actually eventually assume the role of supreme leader. the people out on the streets of tehran and brian you brought up he cracked down on domestic protesters, a lot of women and young people. a lot of people ultimately want the end of clerical rule. that's what they have in iran. >> brian: good luck with that. >> steve: the cleric runs it. >> lawrence: bring in former cia station chief dan hoffman. for all the talk of all the technology in iran that they beat their chest on, it took them this long to locate the helicopter? first the fact that the helicopter went down and
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secondly you are right locating it, reportedly with the assistance of turkey. and so, yes. that challenge iran was had with their military. y'all have made some are important points continuation of the general contours of iranian foreign policy meaning domestic oppression. carrying on support to hamas and so-called axis of resistance of israel against the united states. alliance axis of tyranny, russia, china and north korea. >> brian: russia, quickly if you want to know about the relations with iran. they sent 50 personnel. two planes and a helicopter to help try to find the chopper. there is no doubt about it. they also are the ones that this is the president that fortified relations with china. and now they -- china is their number one customer the export of oil. we have allowed them by the way to circumvent all the sanctions
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on them while having secret meetings in oman last week. acting president served in the iran corps during the iran, iraq war he is linked with the irgc. he traveled to rickenbacker in 2022 to negotiate the drone deal that iran denies even exists that iran is vo prigd russians with drones to kill innocent civilians. u.s. foreign policy continued that outstretched hand to iran and allowing them to export oil, which they're using not only to fund their terrorist proxies but also to build out their ballistic missile program. we saw that in full force when iran launched over 300 cruise missiles against israel last month. >> ainsley: dan, when you hear the stories of some of these women i have been watching on x. one lady lost her eye. one lady lost the use of her arm. shot in the arm after protesting the odessa of marsha how does
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this effect america and how does it effect women. is there a chance that you could have a leader come in that is more supportive of the women there? >> so i think it's really important to remember that supreme leader ayatollah khomeini who sets the policy for iran. and certainly risey was a protege he is not determining the policy. domestic oppression including of women, especially of women will continue. i don't think and also i think that a new president, when one is chosen, will fall in line with the supreme leader's wishes. tharntiond ainsley, you are absolutely right, is the i do cot tommy we see in iran right now where people don't want this they want more freedom they don't want this life and money being spent on overseas terrorist operations this, i cho
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continue. >> steve: thank you for getting up and talking about the breaking news. >> all right. >> ainsley: thanks, dan. now to another fox news alert. former president trump's new york trial resumes this morning as michael cohen prepares to take the stand today. >> brian: eric shawn joins us live from outside the new york supreme court. eric, will this be the last week we go to you? >> eric: maybe. >> ainsley: maybe on this story. >> eric: maybe next week. yes, exactly. the defense could take over tomorrow. this could be the last day that michael cohen testifies likely could go to the jury by the end of the week. new questions and controversy over judge juan merchan because he gave money and donated to democrats. you know, former president trump has criticized the judge in this case for donating to democrats, including giving $15 to president biden's campaign in 2020. the state commission on judicial conduct dismissed a complaint
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against merchan last summer. reports this weekend said that the commission warned judge merchan that judges cannot be political. here's the judicial conduct code and says, quote: neither a sitting judge or candidate for public election to or for judicial office shall directly or indirectly engage in any political activity. political activity shall include making a contribution to or a political organization or a candidate, so it seems pretty clear cut, doesn't it? well, the defense today may call the only witness, if president trump doesn't testify, and that is election law expert brad smith. he is the former head of the federal election commission. he is expected to testified that the payments to stormy daniels do not count as campaign contributions as prosecutors claim but as personal expenses. smith has compared trump's case to the 2012 prosecution of former democratic north carolina senator john edwards. you may recall that edwards faced similar charges in 2008, and his trial ended in an
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acquittal and one count and a mistrial in the others. so, we will see, exactly who will testify later on today potentially for the defense, whether or not the former president will indeed take the stand. he has said he wants to. his lawyers may prohibit that. in fact, he doesn't have to give any defense at all. they could potentially just rest. we will see what happens. court starting a little earlier today, 8:45 with michael cohen finishing his cross-examination. >> brian: any citing of bob costello around man in his 60's? >> not yet. you got to wonder why isn't the defense calling him based on his claims but we will see if they do. >> steve: all right. so they're starting things early. we will see the former president earlier. we may take him during our show. eric, thank you very much. bring in fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett has been following all this stuff. gregg, it sounds like being michael cohen is going to wrap things up probably today on the witness stand. and then it becomes one of the
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most important parts and if you would sneak a little to this. the judge is going to give the jury instructions. and essentially he is going to say okay, you heard a bunch of stuff. this is what you got to decide. how important are those instructions? >> oh, they are absolutely critical and in a case like this, that has never been brought before, you know, both sides are going to have to craft their own jury instructions and for the defense, i think they're going to want what is called a default instruction which says if you find that a witness has lied about one thing, you may conclude that the witness is lying about everything and, of course, i'm talking about michael cohen. you know, who was shredded on cross-examination on thursday. i think prosecutors today are going to try to stitch him back up like a dismembered cabbage patch doll. good luck with that you know,
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because exuive liars like co-ing get tripped up with details inconsistencies. that did him in on thursday. it will continue today this seething hatred for trump and abiding greed to exroft from it too they take the win or call more witnesses costello. do you feel like they have reached the point of not muddying the waters or what you call them? >> it is l.t., very tempting for the defense to call bob costello to reinforce to the jury his former client lied about trump's involvement. cohen repeatedly swore to his attorney trump had nothing to do with the payments to stormy
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daniels. >> it was cohen's idea. it was done to protect trump's wife, not the campaign. that wipes out alvin bragg's entire case. but the jury might already realize this so, you know, i think it's a tough call that may be unnecessary. there is always a risk to expose your own witness to cross-examination. sometimes as i have said before, it's better to sit down and shut up and not call any witnesses. then you explain to the jury during closing arguments we didn't call witnesses, we didn't have to. the prosecution failed to prove their case. there never was a crime. >> ainsley: yeah. i remember we interviewed you when bob costello spoke in front of congress and you said your first case you thought you had the nail in the coffin. you called the witness up. and i think it was a woman and she said complete -- the complete opposite of what she told you she was going to say. >> steve: where did that come from. >> ainsley: when you hear costello is there always a chance you think that would
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happen? >> gregg: i tell you this prosecutors on cross-examination of costello would try to portray him as a man with an agenda who is somehow imbittered maybe a complete lie but given the lies that this prosecution team of alvin bragg has pedaled in court, it wouldn't surprise me. there is still no credible evidence that records were falsified, which is the core of the charges. and costello, i think, can talk about the fact that trump didn't even know how they were booked. that it was all done by his client. michael cohen. there is no fraud. but, i wouldn't do it. i wouldn't call costello. >> ainsley: okay. >> brian: all right. >> ainsley: thanks, greg. >> brian: we will see when you look up costello in back drop the "new york times" portrayed him as somebody who was the back channel from the white house to cohen. and he says no, i was never the
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back channel bun of his clients was rudy giuliani who his law firm is now suing because rudy giuliani doesn't pay his bills or hasn't in a while. so, there is something there. so if you put him on there maybe the prosecution spends a few days talking about rudy giuliani and some of the controversy that comes along with that. >> lawrence: do you want that be the last thing the jury hears. >> brian: that's why it's a bit of a risk. >> steve: do you want to confuse them. they had it in their head and then what? >> brian: we assume they have it in their head. >> ainsley: no guarantee. >> steve: they have been sitting there interesting thing is t. looked like jury selection going to be really hard to find somebody. this jury has remains intact. >> brian: no subs. like the knicks. no subs. [laughter] >> ainsley: not yet at least. >> brian: nobody is hurt. no subs. >> ainsley: watch the game last night? >> brian: i watched the game yesterday afternoon. it was really tough. i had to get my score card out. who is playing bronson breaks his name in the middle of the hand and the pacers forgot to
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miss ever. all time shooting accuracy record for the playoffs. >> steve: they were great. >> lawrence: i felt for you were so excited. >> brian: gritty punch. if they had moved on to plate celtics, all they have is jerseys, nobody else eligible to play. >> ainsley: let's give you more headlines starting with in this morning. happening right now, wikileaks founder julian assange is facing what could be his final court hearing in london. he is aiming to avoid espionage charges here in the united states. he has been in the u.k. since 2012 after he was accused of publishing thousands of classified documents in the wars in iraq and afghanistan back in 2010. his extradition was blocked in 2021, if he is convicted, assange faces 175 years in prison. a colorado mom taking matters into her own hands after catching an alleged peeping tom filming her trying on a mother's day outfit. >> there's a lot of people that
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are going to stop you. so just relax. just relax this is why men don't belong in women's fitting rooms. >> i couldn't agree with you more. >> police have yet to identify the suspect or reveal if he is faces any charges. this store offers dressing rooms for both men and women in the same area. sean "diddy" combs posting an apology video after that disturbing video exclusively obtained by cnn showed him allegedly beating his ex-girlfriend kathy ventura and it surfaced over the weekend. listen. >> i hit rock bottom. i make no excuses. my behavior on that video is inexcusable. i take full responsibility for my actions in that video. i was discussed then when i did it. i'm discussed now. >> ainsley: kathy's lawyer is criticizing diddy's apology as
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disingenuous saying it was more about himself than the many people he had hurt. kentucky prosecutors are reportedly likely to drop the charges against the world's top golfer, scottie scheffler this coming after his shocking arrest before rownsd 26 the pga championship on friday. scheffler was charged with second degree assault on a police officer for a traffic incident involving a police officer. despite the situation, he was able to finish -- he tied for eighth in the tournament yesterday. and zander schauffele, he taking home the pga championship. >> this is the first major win, congratulations him 6-year-old holding up heart after stormed nyu commencement secretary last week. the heart-warming moment was caught on video. [cheers i read that she got a
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standing ovation. afterwards she walked with her gradiating mother to hand the purple heart to the law school's dean. congratulations to that mom. she has her hands full literally and she quote a law degree. >> steve: i like tradition where they can take a family member it's always the kids carry little kids. 6-year-old eden rose. she had no prepared that heart before the ceremony. she was just sitting in the bleachers with everybody else. and drew it. and made it purple in the school's colors. and then when given the chance right there, she turns around and as her dad said, ainsley, you are absolutely right. she got the biggest applause of the entire event. >> brian: as she left she said mom, that's brave of me, wasn't it? that was great. >> ainsley: so cute of her. >> brian: evidently you don't see it there a group of palestinian protesters pro-hamas people wouldn't leave the stage. they kept on screaming throughout it. that really embarrassed them to
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get off. >> ainsley: the post was writing about how, you know, our children out of the mouths of babes, our children don't see hate and look at this. such a sweet. >> ainsley: the mom brought crayons and markers. >> lawrence: managed to go to law school, get the degree and take control. >> steve: she going to take be a great lawyer. >> ainsley: i want to follow eden. >> steve: eden rose. >> ainsley: most are too afraid to do it. >> steve: she made the highlight reel. >> brian: tough crowd some morehouse grads turned their back on president biden and turned the heads of the commencement address. listen to this. >> you start a college just as george floyd was murdered. and there was a reckoning on race. you have to be ten times better than anyone else to get a fair shot. >> lawrence: how does he know that?
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what this signals for the president's chances come november. we'll discuss, next. >> brian: can you say pandering? >> lawrence: exactly ♪ ♪ wanna know a secret? with new secret outlast, you can almost miss the bus... but smell like you didn't. secret fights 99% of odor-causing bacteria. smell fresh for up to 72 hours. secret works! it's a crime to smell that good.
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>> steve: #:21 in new york city. tornadoes damaging a number of houses across central oklahoma overnight while you were sleeping. comes as a large dust storm, look at that right there, swept through central kansas in the great bend area with winds as fast as 100 miles per hour. visibility down near zero in some spots. oh, my goodness. check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. janice, once again, it's just that time of the year but right there in tornado alley all sorts of stuff going on. >> janice: there really has not been a break, steve, for a lot of these areas. especially the central u.s. and then we are dealing with extreme heat for areas that are still without power from last week's storm. so let's take a look at it, severe storm reports. see the tornadoes in oklahoma, kansas, also colorado. another round today, another round tuesday. wednesday we get -- no, sorry a little bit of break on tuesday
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afternoon. and then wednesday, thursday, friday, things ramp up again. so there is the live radar it. looks like a flash flood warning just north of oklahoma city and a severe thunderstorm watch in effect for the next several minutes. there is a severe storm risk toted rileyed from the rockies across the plain states upper midwest. there is the severe storm threat for tomorrow with a bulls eye for kansas city up towards minneapolis. then again as we get into wednesday and thursday. i was mentioning the extreme heat across the gulf coast where tens of thousands are still without power in the houston area. it's going to feel well over 10. there is the next storm system wednesday into thursday and friday for some of the same areas that have been hit over the last several weeks. it just continues to keep coming. it's really really incredible have. way to get those watches and warnings and we will certainly keep you up to date. all right, carley, toss it over to you for headlines.
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>> carley: new overnight, cheddar bay business cuts may be on the chopping block as red lobster officially filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. comes after the chain, which is the largest seafood restaurant chain in america. recently closed dozens of its roughly 650 locations across 20 different states kirkland signature extra virgin olive oil $17 to 25 bucks at costco in brooklyn. costco memberships are expected to increase. the 1.50 hot dog and soda safe for now. those are your headlines. >> lawrence: if you can't get a deal at costco. >> carley: that's true the hot dog is safe. we can smile about that. >> lawrence: thanks, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. >> lawrence: former president trump headed to the bronx
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wednesday. holding own events in support while encouraging others to register to vote. watch. republicans have to head out to the hood even if you think it's too dangerous. trump 87, 90, how many targets if he can got. if can he make time to got bronx have you next could you say to go to the bronx. >> lawrence: this is crazy. speak nag video is he here right now live with us. so you said if donald trump can do it, and he has all these counts against him. every republican should be coming to the bronx, why? >> well, you know, i think this is an opportunity republicans should not let go. had over the years i have never heard of a republican going to the bronx. seeing trump make the effort with everything going on, what is the excuses for republicans, the conservatives? >> lawrence: i tell people there all the time that i see the support in black america. you see in the barbershop and
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chicago and the bronx. what are you hearing from people when you are hosting these types of events? >> well, i wasn't hosting this one. but i was asked to speak and that's why i gave that passionate speech. shout out to those who did it. brown, gibson, people from the bronx, it's crazy to me i couldn't believe that people from the bronx wanted to do a rally for trump. now i'm hearing that he is coming to the bronx. i think the democrats have been dropping the ball. you see crime, you see a woman being dragged. with a belted, you see all the type of stuff happening in the bronx. they are just gaslighting it. acting like it's not happening. i think it's the perfect opportunity for people to speak up and a lot of bad things are happening. a lot of people can't afford groceries and trump is speaking to those people in those barber shops or people that just can't afford this lifestyle that they had probably four to five years ago. this is, you know, once in a lifetime opportunity. you can't do it. i want to say one thing, the bronx voted 83, almost 90% for
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trump. for biden i'm hoping for trump. the fact that trump is going there to a spot that is deep blue, that's should send a deep message to republicans once again. step up your game. >> lawrence: you were telling me one lady doesn't want welfare she wants jobs in the bronx. i want to play this message from the current president of the united states. this was his message to black americans at morehouse, watch. >> you missed your house graduation. you start a college just as george floyd was murdered. and there was a reckoning on race. what is democracy? if black men are being killed in the street? what is democracy? a trail of broken promises still leave black communities behind. what is democracy? you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot? most of all, what does it mean? as you have heard before, to be
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a black man that loves his country, even if it doesn't love him back in equal measure. >> lawrence: wow, what is your response. >> race baiter, it's tough to hear that because imagine you going to college for four years, you know, ready to, you know, hit the world, start a career and this guy is trying to set you back literally, i don't know, civil rights, i don't know what is going on with the democrats this role that they are trying to play. instead of pulling up and saying well, here we go, this is your time. congratulations, let's do our best. you know what, lawrence, they don't love you like that. >> do you think they have any confidence with us because, go to morehouse is one of the most historical black colleges as we know. but it's hard to get into morehouse. you're going to have a degree from morehouse. go out into the work field. and he is saying you still can't make it? why even try at that point? >> it's tough. it's like the coats hochul effect. unfortunately liberals have this way of speaking down on black people. she said that kids growing up
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today don't even know what a computer is, specifically black kids in the bronx. that lets you know how they really think about you and how democrats feel they have to do no work to get the black vote or the hispanic vote. i think that's going to change this year. >> lawrence: i forgot we don't even know how to work computers. >> thank you for having me. i appreciate you. >> lawrence: we appreciate you. you got joe biden a moment to unify to giv inspirational mess. sitting on it for months. it's been focus-tested all their best speech writers working on it ultimately with one goal. that is to get black americans interested. so many and you made this point last week. so many are apathetic. i don't really like him. might not like the last guy. i'm just going to sit on the couch and not even vote at all. they got to motivate the black vote. >> lawrence: ainsley, i was telling you, how dose know he? is talking like is he black man. how does he know the experience?
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>> ainsley: that was exactly my thought when he said that and then that was your commented after we played his soundbite because of -- as white individuals we don't know what these men at morehouse have been through. what their stories are i heard an interview earlier. and he said these are the most educated, overachievers in the black community. they want to be lifted up. they want to hear a positive message. when you graduate it's like commencement means the beginning of your life. you want to hear positivity. >> brian: just worked for the first african-american president of the united states. tim scott is a finalist to be the running mate for the republican party. wes moore might be the most promising politician in america. the governor of maryland. there's a lot of good stories. he chose to tell a fictional-based one that exists in his mind. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> ainsley: look what hunter biden is going through. if that happened in the black community. >> lawrence: the king of privilege. drug charges with weapons and is
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he got to get off with a sweetheart deal at least he almost did. >> steve: that's some of what going on. we are going to step aside. more "fox & friends" after this brief time-out. ♪
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it's good to be moving on. watch me. move, look, and feel better. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. >> brian: fox news alert if you are just weighing up. the president of iran is dead after a helicopter crash mixing more uncertainty into the most volatile middle east we have seen in years. initial indications are it was foggy. conditions that caused the crash. he is dead at 63. along with the country's foreign minister. and a handful of other iranian officials thought to be nine on board. the country's supreme leader has appointed the country's first vice president as interim president for next 50 days they should have elections. five days of mourning has been declared. let's go over to ainsley. >> ainsley: thanks, brian. this morning college educated and working women are defending harrison butker as he takes heat over his take on the roles of traditional wives and mothers. and working mom actress patricia heaten saying this.
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>> it's his opinion. he can have one. is he allowed he is not a monster for stating what he believes. i find nothing offensive about what he said even though my life is very different he might look at my life and say that's not the way it should be. that's okay. that's his opinion. >> ainsley: thousands more supporters signing dueling positions on his future as he now leads in sales of chiefs merchandise. rachel campos-duffy and mother to nine precious children joins us now. hey, rachel. >> ainsley: this trend going a different directions. saying his message was sexist. having children most important thing. people say dated. the pendulum is swinging the other way a lot of working moms are defending him. what do you say? >> yeah. i mean it's a very counter cultural message. believe me, the backlash that he is getting, ainsley, is also a
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very anti-christian -- it's a lot of anti-christian bigotry. what is he saying is very counter to what the feminists, the neo-marxists have been saying which is, you know, family, tradition, children, all of these things don't matter. and that, you know, you should focus on yourself. what he put forward is a very different message. i look at myself. i have two degrees a job right now. i was at home mom for 14 years. my graduation dated totally pails in comparison to the significance of the day i met sean, which the greatest day of my life it. set the path for everything else that my marriage the day i got married. the day each of my kids were born. and so when you have that kind of perspective, that's the perspective is he bringing forward, for some reason, the feminists, which, again, is a branch of this neo-marxist idea of reordering things feel very threatened by it. i have been very heartened by seeing what is happening on the
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internet. that a lot of women are stepping forward and saying, yes, we want -- by the way, ainsley, the message he gave wasn't just for women. he gave a lot of messages to men as well about stepping forward and manning up and being a good dad and being a good husband. when we know that these are the things that matter in life, that ultimately are the main sources of happiness. we realize that the message we have been giving women is totally wrong. i mean, we have been telling them. remember sheryl sandberg said at the commencement address she spoke at. she said put your foot on the gas pedal, this is what she told women on your career gas pedal and don't let go. that has led to, i think, a really deep mispriorityization for a lot of women. and a lot of unhappiness because they wake up, you know, very late in their careers and going oh my gosh, this thing that actually brings me the most fulfillment and the most joy and the most lasting joy-haven't been prioritizing that and it's
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a really weird message that we have been sending women and girls. yes, of course, i have -- like i said i have two degrees i'm happy i have an education. i'm happy can i go work. my job is not going to love me by mr. job is not going to hold my hand when i'm sick in the hospital on my death bed. my family is that's the message he is putting forward. >> ainsley: i agree with you, rachel. a lot of our friends in our business that haven't been fortunate to be a mom. my heart goes out to them. some of them didn't want to. some of them did. and they didn't get that opportunity. >> of course. but women mother in lots of w ways. >> ainsley: you are right. women will have jobs. we will not. pope francis giving a rare interview to "60 minutes" not shying away from controversial topics, including the border crisis. we will unpack it all. >> migration is something that makes a country grow. close the border and leave them
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♪ >> migration is something that makes a country grow. they say that you irish migrated and brought the whiskey.
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and that the italians migrated and brought the mafia. [laughter] that's a joke. don't take it badly. but migrants sometimes suffer a lot. they suffer a lot. to close the border and leave them there, that is madness. a migrant has to be received. thereafter you see how you are going to deal with them. maybe you have to send them back. i don't know. but each case ought to be considered humanely. >> steve: there you have got an extraordinary interview last night on "60 minutes," pope francis giving his take on the america's border crisis during a rare sit down with norah o'donnell. >> ainsley: pontiff saying cases must be considered humanely and trying to close the border is madness. >> steve: she asked him what is going on in the united states on our southern border and essentially he was saying that congress should show more sim patty towards the migrants
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coming into the united states. >> ainsley: how do you think as a catholic sitting here how do you think the church will feel like that. >> steve: historically the catholic church always on the side of the migrant people coming into the country the church does not necessarily encourage unnecessary migration but if somebody is knocking on your door, the church teaches you to open the door and take them in and take care of them. >> ainsley: yeah. >> lawrence: i think most americans have shown compassion. the problem is we have been letting them in. and they aren't abiding by the laws of our land. and i think, you know, it reminds me of pas pass where thy tried to get jesus involved in the debate. we should pay you the taxes and not the state. he said render town see swhar what is caesar's and what is god to god: no one is saying we shouldn't be compassionate. >> brian: first off on the second catholic on the panel.
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by the way irish and e italian. i thought the i brought the mobd the whiskey. my goodness why is mob taking shots at me. why dividing people? a couple things. is he talking generally. he has no idea what we are dealing with here. does he know that there is over 30 minute illegal aliens here in this country? does he know how many people sprinted into our country who don't need refuge. does he know called got-aways. does he know how many people run over our border guards looking to do the right thing. instead run over and those people get into our country anyway? i don't think he could possibly understand what we're dealing with in terms of illegal immigrants in our country. and legally we show more compassion than anyone else. while all these other populations are dwindling and falling apart. we get more people because people want to come here. and we have the most humane system possible. but, it's been abused.
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i'm sure the pope doesn't fully understand also we brought up catholic charities. catholic charities making a zillion dollars off of our money goes into the illegal immigration. they get these -- they get this money, provide all this -- all these circles for new -- newcomers to come here and they are using our money to do it so they are making a ton of money as a nonprofit. >> ainsley: we do treat them humanely. everyone is in favor of that. no one wants them to be treated poorly. they are also breaking the law. what does the church talk about when it comes to law enforcement. you cannot break the law. >> brian: thank you. that's great point. >> ainsley: follow the laws of our leaders. also, we have all been saying that he also wasn't clear on that. should they go back? i don't know. >> brian: the i don't know part is big. >> ainsley: we do give individuals the opportunity to seek asylum if they are being persecuted. if their lives are at risk in their country, of course. >> steve: you hit the nail on the head. maybe we should send them back,
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he said, i don't know. obviously is he leaving it up. >> brian: you are welcome, america, for whiskey and the mob all my people. >> ainsley: thank you, brian. >> steve: it's a little early. >> brian: thanks for pointing that out, pope. don't move, a huge show still ahead. senator ted cruz and katy whitt. >> ainsley: who brought the wine? >> brian: that was jesus. ♪on ♪gere. while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. well done, viv. you got the presents, the balloons and the raptor cake. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? aspen dental provides complete, affordable care
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