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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 20, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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this is "fox & friends." the president of iran dead after a helicopter crash. we have a former state department official who came to the united states as an iranian refuge gee coming up. >> ainsley: plus president biden comes back to d.c. after making a pitch to the black voters and attacking republicans in a very controversial commencement speech. >> black men are going to help us lead us to the future. >> steve: costco the price hike. the bulk retailer the latest to cave to the pressures of inflation under this president. fox business host stuart varney, also a costco member as i am, will join us live. >> brian: i want to see his card. >> steve: he is a card carrying costco guy. >> brian: does anyone carry the card anyone? >> lawrence: second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now and remember mornings are better with friends. >> brian: president biden heading back to the white house
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today after trying to appeal to a black voter or excuse me black voters at a dinner for the detroit branch of the naacp. >> lawrence: just one, brian. >> lawrence: peter doocy live from the white house. >> steve: peter has a costco card i believe in his pocket right now. >> ainsley: and brian is a catholic. >> peter: the picture is fuzzy. i have to get it taken again. >> steve: the picture is small. >> peter: committee can do. what we saw over the weekend is president biden's new strategy to try to win black voters and a sizeable portion of that strategy is to warn them they are going to have rights taken away if he is not reelected. >> hello, detroit. my name is joe biden and i'm a lifetime member of the naacp. [cheers] >> as a matter of fact, the first organization i ever joined was the naacp. investing more money than ever investing black families and
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communities. deliver checks to deposit in people's pockets. extremists closed the doors of opportunity, strike down affirmative action, [inaudible] comfort equality and ecollusion. what does it mean as have you heard before to be a black man who loves his country, even if it doesn't love him back in equal measure. you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot. >> peter: if the president sounds i can kind of alarmed there. he may have seen this fox news poll shows his support with black voters has declined by 7 points from where he was in october of 2020 while trump's support with black voters has increased during that time nine points that is a huge, complicated problem for president biden in an election that's only going to be decided by a few thousand votes if in handful of swing states. we saw him yesterday. he spoke in atlanta and then he went to michigan and for some reason instead of coming back here pretty late on a sunday. they took him to delaware where
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he will remain until this afternoon when he comes back to the white house. back to you. >> steve: so, peter, real quick question all eyes on morehouse yesterday because it was pretty much the first time he had spoken on a college campus after all these gaza protests had started. did i read that the president of morehouse said there will be no demonstrations. if anybody interrupts, i'm strong the commencement right on the spot? >> peter: yes. and if you're the white house you probably think that the remarks went pretty well because they wrote the speech all week long with the senior team in the west wing. he got to deliver it. and finish it without the president coming and saying show is over. >> brian: some did turn their backs though. >> ainsley: given the most famous alum inside dr. martin luther king you said he went to seminary there fully support and defend the rights to peacefully protest and the expression of one's views openly. can you see some of the students turning their backs to the
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stage. >> steve: going to two battle ground states within a few hours of each other and both really close right now, that's a problem. >> steve: you look at the calendar this week. they know it kind of tips their hand about how close they think it's going to be in november. political travel this week a state has four electoral votes, new hampshire. >> lawrence: thanks, peter. you don't get to spend half your life with segregationists. have a moment to speak with black men one of the most successful colleges in the country, these are people that are going to be your next doctors and lawyers. instead of presenting a moment of inspiration you try to divide the country. i had lowe on who is from the bronx. he reacted to this. >> it's tough to hear that imagine you going to cleaning for four years, redding canny to hit the world and start a career and this guy is trying to set you back, literally, civil rights. i don't know what is going on with the democrats this role
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that they are trying to play. instead of pulling up, and saying well, here we go. this is your time. congratulations, let's kill it. let's do our best, nah, you know what? , lawrence, they don't love you like that. let you know how they really think about you and how the democrats feel they have to do no work to get the black or hispanic vote. i think that's going to change this year. >> ainsley: lawrence, i'm curious, how do you feel when the president has been in office three and a half years and now seeing the poll numbers drop amongst black men especially and trump is getting more of the black male voter and then you see president biden now all of the sudden doing this tour of black colleges and black radio stations and meeting with the naacp. >> lawrence: most black voters would say why now? why did you wait until it was election time to start campaigning and talking about the issues that impact us? i think honestly can he campaign all he wants. it's issue-based for black men and the economy and immigration. when you have the economy not doing as well as the trump years and when you have the democratic
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party now giving benefits to illegals taking over black communities, that is the issues that matter to them. >> brian: he said in that speech democracy is not for you. we let you down every step of the way. >> lawrence: why even try? >> brian: if donald trump came out and said democrats wanted separate water fountains and separate bathrooms. they wanted separate schools. they wanted separate colleges. they wanted to bring back the results of the civil war and pretend it never happened. i would say mr. former president, i wouldn't bring that up. it's going to hurt the country too much. i thought you wanted to leave this place. it does no good to emphasize if it's still america. instead the polls must be worse internally than what we see. on wednesday he met with -- did radio interviews with black journalists. on thursday brown vs. board of education families. then he goes to the naacp at the african museum in front of that audience and saturday we see the event engaging black voters in atlanta. where he mischaracterized the
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georgia election laws again. and then on sunday he went to the naacp in detroit and he said you delivered the white house for him. >> lawrence: can i pick up where you left off about georgia. the jim crow 2.0 killed businesses in georgia. they were set to have a boom when it comes to the economy, as we know atlanta area is the modern day black wall street. a lot of black businesses there. because of the jim crow 2.0 nonsense, the all-star game left. all those businesses who prepare for years for the economy that was going to come in, they were ruined as a result of that. and they are still telling the same lie. >> brian: production companies? >> steve: we know that the polls are upside down for joe biden because black voters are for the most part running for the exits. senator spoke to a democratic senator spoke to the hill newspaper and said this about what is going on with joe biden. he said if you go out there and do a focus group. the focus groups all say he is 200 years old.
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you got to be kidding me. the worst part about it is for unaffiliated voters or people who have not made up their mind. they look at this and say you have to be kidding us? these are our choices? and they indict us for not taking it seriously? the senator went on to say of his democratic colleagues in the senate, we know this is a problem but also, realize it's too late to do anything about it. and this the ticket we have to get behind and win with this ticket. he says we will see how much gravity we can defy because obviously they like a different candidate but it's too late in the race. >> lawrence: compare that to what donald trump is doing this week. thursday he will be in the bronx, new york. 80% voted for democrat. he is taking it on right now saying, listen, i want to provide something new to the community i'm going to get you jobs and give you the opportunity. provide opportunity zones there i'm going to go against illegal immigration. this is your moment. to compare that message of inspiration, to what joe biden
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is offering. he had three, almost four years to do it. and he has brought nothing but poverty and destruction to all communities. >> brian: when you dial back policing and hurt the black community too. protection. and working class areas. and the cops going not enough to cops all time low with the nypd starting to particular up again. tick up again. most crime with the most cops. we just heard that cops shoot black men from the president of the united states at morehouse college which is a real help going to boost criminal justice. >> ainsley: at commencement you should have such positive message. i know many people in america are tired of hearing that america is not doing well. not, not. that is like you said, he is the president. is it your faulted then maybe? >> steve: send him out optimistically. >> lawrence: i just don't think on your biggest day, which is graduation you should be told you can't make it. >> ainsley: i agree. that you are a victim.
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>> lawrence: makes they did make it. >> ainsley: morehouse one of the hardest schools to get into. >> lawrence: what am gig to do to make sure you make it even further. he could have said any of that he could have picked some of his nonsense plans of paying for college and all of that instead he said you can't make it. >> brian: he brought that up, too. for all those people worked really hard to make sure their kids didn't have student loans then you find out people who took student loans had them all forgiven. think about those working class, middle class people don't get the financial aid and have the money to pay. they find a way to do it. kid graduates student loans, everybody took student loans same situation. >> steve: i got a feeling what we seen over the weekend joe biden suddenly engaged try to focus on the race this is just the start it. will be a race right up to that first debate and then if he does badly, he has got a little time to recover. >> ainsley: pay off your credit card too. >> brian: and pay off your car
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loan. i think is he going to say from now on, you don't likes me but donald trump is the worst. donald trump has got to answer by not trying to hit the green off the tee every time. keep it in the fairway. and then do your best when it comes. >> ainsley: speak of donald trump is he back in court today. a fox news alert. former president trump's new york trial resumes early this morning at about 8:45 eastern time. actually the judge said they have to be in their seats by then as michael cohen prepares to take the stand again. >> brian: maybe we will see the president speak on our show. eric shawn joins us live outside the courtroom. eric? >> eric: hello, brian and hello guys. michael cohen expected to finish his cross-examination today as we this weekend we learned some new revelations about judge juan merchan's donations to democrats. >> the judge, as you know, is highly conflicted like nobody i have ever seen is conflicted. he should not be the judge. he should not be allowed to have anything to do with this case. he should be so far away from this cases.
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were. >> eric: former president trump has repeatedly accused judge juan merchan as having a conflict of interest because of his political donations. turns out merchan has donated to democratic causes a group cause called stop republicans he gave to joe biden's election campaign in 2020. it was only 15 bucks. the state commission on judicial ethics rules say that's a no-no. he should not have done that judges are not allowed to take partisan stands. we knew that the panel dismissed a complaint against the judge. but this weekend reports say they did give him a warning about donating to a political parties and that goes on his record. meanwhile michael cohen goes on to continue cross-examination this morning. trump lawyer todd blanche trying to portray him as a serial lawyer as this jury cannot believe. cohen been the last prosecution witness and then it will be up to the defense. we don't know yet if the former president will take the stand and election law expert is expected to be called. final closing arguments could
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actually come tomorrow. we'll see if the jury can get this case as soon as tomorrow afternoon or perhaps later this week. back to you in the studio. >> ainsley: eric no, chance for a mistrial then being? the ethics law say you cannot give to a political campaign as a judge and he gave to. >> brian: joe biden. >> ainsley: donald trump's opponent. >> eric: it's very clear i read the judicial ethics rules of the state you cannot give to a political campaign. cannot give to can't as a judge. judges have to be nonpartisan, completely. we knew the complaint was dismissed. but then reports came out this weekend, something we didn't know, that the commission slapped judge merchan. >> lawrence: on the wrist. >> eric: a warning about that. that warning goes on his record. we didn't know about that until this weekend. >> steve: interesting stuff coming out at the end. >> lawrence: thanks, eric. when donald trump violates the gag order. he has to pay thousands of
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dollars. but the judge, don't united states his political opponent and he gets slapped with slap on the wrist. just a warning? >> brian: we didn't know about that. i don't know why it's just coming up now. >> ainsley: learning it's on his record now. >> brian: when i fount found out that the judge went to a photo shoot before the trial to make sure better pictures were out there. that is ridiculous. >> lawrence: look for his mommy moment. to say another fox news alert. president of iran dying in a helicopters crash mixing more uncertainty into the most volatile middle east we have seen in years. >> brian: alex hogan is all over. this alex? >> good morning, the bodies were recovered early this morning confirming the death of president ebrahim raisi as well as foreign minister, other officials as well as body guards on this helicopter. it was yesterday when this helicopter went missing. it was raisi's on the way back on a trip from the border for saudi arabia money opening of dam. the two other helicopters part of this trip. did make it safely back to iran.
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overneed a blizzard made the massive search and rescue efforts even more complicated in this mountainous region. can you see in the footage what the search and rescue teams were up against. it also prevented the use of drones to be able to locate this crash site even sooner. the crash took place about 12 miles south of the iranian border. and state media today reporting that the chopper slammed into a mountain peak. as far as foul play there has been no reports on state media of any problems with the helicopter so far. however, in any case of downed helicopters or planes, there is always a very lengthy and thorough investigation. now, today israel reportedly said that it was not us and remember it was just last month when iran launched a massive drone and missile attack on israel. now, ricey, the 63-year-old ultra deserve president, was a potential successor to supreme leader ayatollah al demeany, today the supreme leader
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appointed the country's first vice president mohammed akbar who will be stepping in as acting president. what this means moving forward according to the iranian constitution, he will be sitting as acting president for potentially the next fifth days until in a until elections is set to take place, brian, ainsley, steve, lawrence, back to you. >> steve: alex live from london, thank you so much. let's bring in alli. freddie iran and served from. ellie, people are celebrating, fireworks, jokes, is something going to change? >> historic opportunity. raisi in line to exceed the supreme leader the ayatollah khomeiniy, who is in his 80's. and so now that he has died, we are seeing lots of celebration
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on social media cross iran fireworks, means, jokes. tremendous celebration. the raisi's death he was one potential successor for the supreme leader position leaving only the son of the current supreme leader as the can only viable potential successor to khomeini, the reason we are seeing all these celebrations is because ibrahim raisi considered the butcher of tehran by iranians for his personal role in one of the greatest massive execution of political prisoners anywhere in the world. a truly hated man with much blood on his hands we know what he has done the 300 rockets into israel. we know about the walking away from all remnants of the nuclear deal. we know about the society.
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how much is him and how much is he the vessel for the grand ayatollah. >> grand ayatollah khomeini most single powerful person in iran. the decisionmaker and the presidential role is highly ceremony. brian, as i mentioned earlier raisi was one of the potential successors for the supreme leader position. so he was powerful in that qui regime operative. he did have this brutal streak in him. responsible for the mass execution of thousands of iranian, rape of political prisoners, women truly heinous individual. for that reason he was considered a good candidate. the interesting thing to know is that we do have a window of opportunity right now where we might see the iranian people rise and go to the streets and
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demand their freedom and in that case i argue in a book -- chapter of a book i published in american first policy institute just published that it bee hooves the biden administration to show maximum support for the iranian people should they take to the streets and demand their freedom right now. >> lawrence: ellie, can you explain to the audience, folks that don't understand the makeup of iran. when you see this mass amount of iranian citizens upset but are also celebrating the death how a guy like that was able to remain in power? >> brutal dictatorship 1979 took control. that's when my family fled the country. when the regime took power, they immediately started executing all potential opponents. and those who could threaten their power and they have maintained power through the
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most oppressive system of human rights abusers and raisi who just died in this crash was also involved in brutally suppressing the khomeini protest which we saw the woman freedom protest movement. a very brutal oppressive dictatorship and again, many, many americans i know stand with the iranian people in their quest for freedom. this might be an opportunity for then. >> ainsley: all right, ellie, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> ainsley: she mentioned the death women protesting after she died and one lost her eye. one was shot in the arm. and they were two of the ones i saw on x that were celebrating and dancing when they learned of his death. another is an activist and journalist here in america. and she claims that the iranian government sent or that he sent people here to new york to assassinate her because she is speaking out against iran and what they do to women there. >> lawrence: notorious for that. >> ainsley: she is still alive. >> steve: let's see what happens next.
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what happens next on this show is carley has the news. >> carley: stay in the region with update on the biden administration. new overnight security adviser jake sullivan meeting with israeli officials earlier today in tel aviv. the two sides discussing ongoing israeli military operations in gazas meeting comes as the idf says it's eliminated a high ranking hamas operative who held roles in the terror group's military wing. two people are hurt following a shooting at a high school graduation ceremony in missouri. >> officers on the side. please be seated. we are looking to see [inaudible] >> carley: two people reportedly taken into custody no. staff or students were hurt. the graduation has been rescheduled. to a wild moment in nascar. ricky stenhouse jr. throwing a punch at kyle busch at the all-star race in north carolina yesterday. watch. this yeah.
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just definitely built up frustration with, you know, how he runs his mouth all the time about myself. i know he is frustrated because he doesn't run near as good as he used. to say. >> carley: those comments probably aren't going to help them regain their friendship. this comes after bush hit stenhouse into the wall on the second lap of the race. causing a crash. no word yet on any punishment. and to some wild video out of europe. what appears to a blue meteor crossing the night sky stubbing millions in spain and portugal yesterday morning. the flash of blue light turned out to be a small piece of comet according to the european space agency that flew at almost 28 miles per second. many on social media calling it a once in a lifetime sight. under a are seeing this morning on "fox & friends," guys. >> steve: did the comet hit anything or just burned out. >> carley: just burned out and gorgeous sight to behold.
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>> brian: where does it come from? >> carley: the sky. outer space. a little piece broke off. >> brian: it's not a big guy who throws it really hard at earth? >> carley: that's the alternative theory. >> ainsley: the stuff you put in your toilet when you are cleaning it. >> brian: very good. alberto than fabo. >> ainsley: it works and pine oil. isn't that what it's called? >> steve: pine-sol. >> brian: my dog cleaned house. >> ainsley: only thing get rid of the smell. >> steve: diddy now apologizing over the surveillance video that allegedly shows him beating up his ex-girlfriend. how it impacts his other moving legal cases ahead on this show.b >> lawrence: he'ras done. like a craft cocktail connoisseur at the cambria hotel bar. ♪ book direct at ohh, effervescent. when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back.
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. another day and evenings of tornadoes and severe weather, storm damage, wind gusts and hail across the plain states. colorado, several reports of tornadoes there, kansas and oklahoma. a little bit, you know, calmer today, but we could see things ramp up again this afternoon with the daytime heating. we do have a flood alert north of oklahoma city and a severe storm risk, really from the rockies all the way up towards the upper midwest and great lakes with a bulls eye over parts of the central u.s. so, large hail, the damaging
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winds, the tornadoes, not only today, but through the workweek, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, across the central u.s. we could see severe storms and of course we had incredible damage across the houston area on friday with the der ratio and a tornado. and 200,000 people temperatures soaring into the 90's and feeling close to 100 degrees. >> higher amount totals keep that in mind. fox keep you up to day house explosion. collapsed. no word on what caused that explosion. they are hopeful the two of them
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will pull through. remember them in your prayers. the man who attacked nancy pelosi's husband paul is set to be re-sentenced after what the court is calling an error. that's because they were supposed to ask david depape if he would like to speak during the hearing he broke into the pelosis home overnight. the jury convicted of attempted kidnapping of a federal official and assault in november. initially sentenced him to 30 years in prison. the sentencing redo is set more may 28. those your headlines, brian? >> brian: thanks so much, ainsley. let's change gears. sean "diddy" combs responding to the surveillance tape obtained exclusively by cnn appearing to show him beating then girlfriend casey ventura. >> my behavior on that video iss inexcusable. i take full responsibility for my actions in that video. >> brian: the d.a.'s office says
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colmes cannot be charged due to the statute of limitations. how could it effect his looming sex trafficking case? he has not been charged yet. former nypd rap intelligence investigation derek parker joins us now. derek, your thoughts about that tape and how it plays into the trouble he could be facing? >> well, that tape is very damaging. when it came out, and i saw it, i was very shocked by it, by his behavior. a lot of people were very upset over that video and it damaged his credibility. so, he has got a lot of problems that are going to happen with him does anybody have to forget about that in order to legally charge him with anything? >> doesn't have to worry about statute limitations, the
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government can use that to show his behavior in that case and show this is the type of behavior that he demonstrated and this is why he is involved in big test investigation they have going on right now. it does play a part and the government can use it if they have to a lot of witnesses right now. i think this probably accelerates their investigation drugs and firearms. >> you have to wonder he paid $50,000 to keep that tape quiet. now he says it was because he was in a bad place, dark place went to rehab and is better. you have to wonder what else the government has? look at some of these allegations november 16th, colmes ex sued. 2023 same month. lawsuit settled. then november 23rd, two more lawsuits filed sexual assault
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accusation. steps down network chairman. wasn't going too well. november 6th a fourth lawsuit filed sex trafficking and gang rape allegations. he speaks out and denies it. on the 26th. asuez 7 diddy of sexual assault by a record producer lil' rod jones. raided mansion in l.a. we saw that video in miami for sex trafficking conveniently out of the country. 17th of may video of him released assaulting cassie. that's what we saw a couple days ago. how much trouble is he in? >> with all the alleys that are sitting there. they are allegations. all the allegations and the things they are investigating right now he is in a lot of trouble if this is come to light. i'm sure the saw this video like i said again they are putting together. interviewed a lot of witnesses
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so far and putting a lot of evidence together against him. >> a lot of video from his own surveillance video damning, do you know anything anybody that would take this case to defend him? >> yeah, definitely a lot of lawyers take this case to defend him because of who he is. he is not going to worry about that like i said look into and accelerate the case. >> brian: unbelievable. derek parker, thanks so much. appreciate it? >> thank you for having me. >> brian: that will be in the headline as lot over the next few years it seems. biden's border crisis looms large election season especially in pennsylvania. dave mccormick running for the key senate race there and just got back from the border and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil.
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>> steve: fox news alert. couple international stories for you. the international criminal court is now seeking an arrest warrant for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and their defense minister over their military action inside gaza. the court is also looking to arrest the leader of hamas as well senior hamas official responding to the warrant saying it equates the victim with the executioner and represents an encouragement for the occupation to continue the war in gaza. this comes as. in sa's jake sullivan national security adviser is wrapping up his trip in israel seen right right there president of iran raisi sharia law killed in a chopper crash adding more tensions to the already volatile middle east.
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our next guest knows all about-facing terror first hand, pennsylvania senate candidate and army combat vet dave mccormick served in the mideast. is he running for senate and joins us now. good morning to you, dave. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: it's good to have you. this guy was killed in a chopper crash along with the foreign minister. it was a bad guy. but, again, a bunch of bad guys in iran. and the people, some of the people, in iran, dancing in the streets. they are delighted. >> yeah. listen, i don't expect a little too early to read too much into this. i don't think this will change the overall story. the overall story is over the last decade. following 2015 when president obama with bob casey's support did the deal with iran. iran has doubled down on being a sponsor of terrorism. >> steve: right. >> throughout the middle east and we see this with hamas and hezbollah and the houthis. and that's the big story which is all this terror that's happening is not just focused on israel. it's focused on the west.
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it's not just hamas. it's all the proxies that iran supports and unfortunately, the reason they are able to do that is because of the deal that president biden and bob casey was the deciding vote did with iran gave them the resources to be able to be the primary benefactor of all the terrorists across the middle east. >> steve: that's exactly right. i know you visited very recently southern border and you saw with your own two eyes what is going on down there. our own bill melugin was talking to the federal government people who keep the numbers. apparently 4500 migrants released into thes released into the united states saturday alone. 200 cross the border. 1500 used the cbp app. you saw it your own two eyes. it's a mess. >> yeah. i just got back yesterday. to pittsburgh. and i was in yuma, arizona. and what you see here and this is the second time i have been in the last couple years. what you see is a leadership
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failure that you just can't believe. from a national security perspective, we had 160 folks last year that were apprehended on the terrorist watch list. this is like you can't make this up, steve. i'm on the border at 2:00 a.m. and about 50 illegal migrants walk across the border. it's just in that group that i saw, there is five or six military-age men from syria. and there is handful of chinese nationals. just when i was there 2:00 in the morning yesterday. or the day before yesterday. and so, there is the fentanyl crisis about 50% of the fentanyl comes across the border in arizona. that killed 4,000 pennsylvanians last year. unbelievable leadership failure. but the other thing, my big take away here is what a human tragedy. i listened to the clip earlier with the pope. listen, what's happening here is an unbelievable crisis from a human exploitation standpoint. you know, the cartels aren't just in the drug business they
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are in the human trafficking business. the number of young children and women that are human traffic dollars at this point. they pay themselves into servitude to get across the border. it's unbelievable. we visited health center there, we visited a nonprofit that deals with young families in distress. you cannot believe how these people are exploited. so, we got to secure the border. and it's a killer on two levels. >> steve: no kidding. >> mr. mccormick, you know, just you go back to the trump administration. trump used executive orders to do a bunch of stuff. joe biden has said i can't do that. now, it sounds like behind the scenes because his polls are stinking up the place regarding migration. is he going to do something. at the same time, the news this morning is chuck schumer, the top democrat in the senate, it sounds like, is he going to bring back the failed senate
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bill regarding migration negotiated with lankford and other republicans, because he wants to put republicans on the spot. hey, guys, this your chance to do something. do something. >> yeah. this is the height of cynicism. because, there has been 10 million illegal migrants that have entered the country under president biden, he has it within his executive authority to stop this mass migration into our country that is doing -- damaging so many different ways. he has failed to do it. and the bipartisan legislation that was put forward is, in fact, essentially giving resources to accelerate the processing of the asylum cases. not to secure the border. and that's why uh-oh pose it. h.r. 2 would actually help secure the border. we got to get control of this. it's an enormous national security challenge. and if joe biden and bob casey really wanted to do something about the border. they would have done something years ago bob casey hasn't been
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there since 2019. he says this is a wig problem is he focused on and he doesn't want to deal with it and the democrats don't want to deal with it until it becomes a political challenge which is where we are right now. >> steve: bob casey your opponent. mccormick running from. >> dave mccormick thank you so much. >> steve: got in a plug, too. thank you, sir. 14 minutes before the top of the hour. you go to that place? price hike. costco the latest to feel the pressure under this president. stuart varney for what it means for your money, money, money, coming up next. ♪ always funny in the rich man's world ♪ ♪ with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer...♪ ( ♪ ) ♪ i feel free... ♪
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♪ >> so this morning stocking up on some of your favorite costco items may be costing you a lot more. signature olive oil jumping from $17 to $25 at a costco in brooklyn. costco memberships expected to jump. >> ainsley: americans net worth unjust .7% in biden's first
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three years compared with 16% in trump's first three years. joining us now host of varney and company on fox business stuart varney. stuart, you would think costco, they are known for low prices, even they are having to increase prices. >> stuart: first of all, biden has gotten it completely wrong on inflation. he said it was 9% when he walked into the oval office. that is completely wrong. it was 1.4%. he says inflation is the result of corporate greed. that is just political spin. is he wrong. essentially, we have inflation because the federal reserve printed trillions and biden spent trillions. that's what giving us inflation. point is though it's not going away. we still have inflation with us. as you pointed out to the beginning that, is eroding our net worth. eroding our wealth. in the first three years of the trump administration, our net worth went up 16%. first three years of biden administration. adjusting for inflation were up 0.7%. it may get worse if biden spends
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the trillions on green energy and all the subsidies that he plans in the future. it's not the bright outlook for inflation. >> lawrence: to that point, stuart, when you look at polling when it comes to americans. cite the economy comes not happy with biden. look at the business community. there is still a big chunk of them that are still supporting joe biden. so why? >> that's a very good question. overall, i'm not sure why american business would support joe biden. but if you look at individual sectors, like the auto industry, for example, biden has imposed tariffs on cheap chinese electric vehicles very much to the support of ford, general motors and at the atlantis, he stellantis: businesses will supe chips. if you look at inflation, it's not going well. it's not going well for american business. especially small business and admit understand small business owners or big business owners,
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shareholders supporting biden. i would think they would go for trump. on the economy i would think they would go for trump. >> ainsley: is that the most important issue? because we were at the diners, steve was at a diner in texas and this guy he interviewed said we moved to texas because it's cheaper but, yet, we had to buy a new house. our interest rate was like 3% or 2 point someth something per ce. you hear how expensive our credit card bills are. people can't afford groceries they put it on credit card. interest is so high. >> stuart: border is a major issue because all states are now border states. you consider the president's age and inabilities in some areas, that's a big factor. but, overall, no, the economy has got it nailed. because we don't feel well off. we don't feel prosperous. >> ainsley: feel a little scared. >> stuart: becwe feel a little
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scared because we don't know what the future holds. >> lawrence: can you watch varney and company each weekdays 9:00 a.m. on fox business network. >> stuart: thank you. >> stuart: thank you. >> ainsley: we have a big show ahead on a jam-packed monday morning. ♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren, for healthy joints. hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. learn more and view important safety information at
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>> ainsley: it is 8:00 a.m. on the ea


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