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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 20, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> ainsley: it is 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, monday, may
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20th, this is "fox and friends." fox news alert. the president of iran confirmed dead after a helicopter crash, we have a live report. >> steve: we do. president biden heads back to wash washington, d.c. after making his pitch to black voters and addressing morehouse college, some turning their back on him in this eye-brow raising speech. >> started a college just as george floyd was murdered and there was a reckoning on race. you have to be 10 times better than anybody else to get a fair shot. >> lawrence: and a brawl after last night's all-star race. >> brian: wow, i was caught up in that video. final hour of "fox and friends" starts right now. >> ainsley: we'll show more in a minute. >> brian: promise? >> ainsley: president of iran is
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dead after helicopter crash. >> lawrence: crash killing the 63-year-old president along with the country's foreign minister. >> steve: trey yingst is live in tel aviv. what is the reaction over there? >> trey: good morning. ira iranian president ebrahim raisi is dead, along with the country's foreign minister following a helicopter crash on sunday, rescue teams reached the crash site of northern iran. they had been searching for 12 hours. weather conditions made it more challenging as crews combed the forest. images showed charred remains of the helicopter on the way back from azerbaijani. iranian bodiership declared five-day period of mourning across the country. russia and turkey expressed
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condolences and the vice president will assume the role of president until elections are held within 50 days. the event is significant, it won't affect foreign or domestic policy, there is the supreme leader ayatollah khamenei. no foreign poactors are expecte to be a part of this. and weather may be to blame for the incident. >> lawrence: this morning we were able to know cofirm the death, what took so long to get to the crash site? >> trey: great question. has to do with the location in northern iran, along the border with azerbaijani. it took rescue crews so long to get there, it was dark and foggy. they were relying on allies like
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turkey to send drones up in the air to monitor the situation and look for remains of the helicopter. when they are able to identify the crash site, they send went there and found no survivors. >> steve: and seeking arrest warrants for hamas and prime minister of isprime minister neta netanyahu, what is israeli media saying about that? >> trey: significant announcement this morning by kahn, top prosecutor who announced he is seeking arrest warrant, from hamas, talking about three men believed to be master minds behind the october 7 massacre known as black saturday. on the israeli side, we're talking about prime minister netanyahu and the defense
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minister gallant. we are getting reaction from top israeli politicians. they are saying this is ridiculous and we've seen statements from lepid and benny g gaentz saying this is a moral disgrace by the icc. there is a 10-minute statement saying all individuals are innocent until proven guilty, that statement did not align with this top international body. the following hours, we are expecting to receive more statement from top israeli officials, fox news reached out to the defense ministry in tel aviv following this announcement this morning. >> brian: they did the same thing with vladamir putin, it has not stopped him from traveling to china. >> trey: absolutely, if ultimately these seeking of
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arrest warrants moves to an arrest warrant, you will see israeli officials traveling the world, they will have to be careful depending where they go to. in the coming days, what we heard is not issuance of arrest warrant,it is top official seeking arrest warrants. both hamas and israelis will make their case about why top officials do or don't fall under this category to receive arrest warrants from the icc. >> ainsley: over the weekend, president biden, he's been in office 3-1/2 years. we've seen black voters in know judge, you have said it is men more supportive of him and his poll numbers have gone down, joe biden's when it comes to black
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voters. he is seeing this and he's on a tour to appeal to black voters. he's going to black radio shows and spoke at naacp and spoke at morehouse college. how do you feel about this, lawrence? >> lawrence: play what the president had to say and we'll react. let's watch it. >> president biden: george floyd was murdered and there was a reckoning on race. it is not for the wander democracy you hear about actually works for you. what is democracy? if black men are being killed in the street, what is democracy? trail of broken promises leave black communities behind. what is democracy? you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot. most of all, what does it mean as we've heard before, to be a black man who loves his country,
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even if it doesn't love him back in equal measure. >> lawrence: imagine your parents made these sacrifices and you have made sacrifices and you attend a top college and you have the president of the united states telling you that you will be shot in the street by cops, that you'll have to work 10 times as hard and that the country doesn't love you. what type of nonsense is the president trying to pull off? look at polling, it is desperation, black males do not support the president because of the economy and the border issue. the president took the best moment, highest moment of achievement to say the country di doesn't love them.
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>> steve: he focus his speech on saying if donald trump is re-elected, that will stop for you and donald trump is making great endroads in new york city. you had a wonderful interview with lou valentino. we brought him in today and here are his observations about this weekend. >> it is tough to hear that, imagine you going to college for four years, you know, ready to hit the world and start a career and this guy is trying to set you back. civil rights, what is going on with democrats, this role they are trying to play? instead of pulling up and say here we go, this is your time, congratulations, let's kill it, they don't love you like that. that let's you know how they think about you and democrats feel they have to do no work to get the black vote. >> brian: if you look at
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numbers, must be worse than we're seeing. no republican presidential candidate since richard nixon won more than 13% of the vote. donald trump has 23% of the vote. why else bl-- the miscellaneous age is america sucks, america is not equal. you will have to work 10 times harder to hold your place in society. i'm president of that country, did you do anything about it? are you embarrassed these things are taking place? he is saying democracy like al sharpton, he is president of the united states, what are you doing? besides going to the grand wizard's funeral and giving the eulogy. >> ainsley: look at video of morehouse college university,
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there were individuals who turned their back on the president, their peaceful way of protesting like martin luther king did. the school said they were all for that. martin luther king graduated from morehouse college, as well. >> brian: front page of the "new york post". >> lawrence: where has the president been for the and a half years. did you help improve schools or side with the teacher's union. did you build up businesses or tank the modern day wall street by calling the georgia law jim crow 2 know.0. the president had an opportunity to make things right, did he tackle criminal justice reform? i think donald trump did that. why not go issue from issue and say how you improve the lives and instead he's using fear. >> when running for reelection, you run on your record.
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rather than running on his record, he's running on donald trump's record. you reelect that guy, all the progress we've made, whatever that is, will stop. >> ainsley: that is what brian said, you are the president, you are the one in charge of america. >> steve: it is your record. >> brian: look at where we are in this country, there is always progress to be plead and gains that could be made and we are the most multi cultural country in the world. he said he is the first biden to graduate from college, he said my dad put us through school and tells same tragic story about his car accident and his son's brain cancer. we feel terrible. everyone in the oaudience and watching now, has a tragedy there lives. same story since the 1970s.
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jen psaki said your personal story did not go over well with the families, she wrote that in her own book. >> lawrence: he said he marched in the civil rights movement, he didn't, did not get arrested. >> ainsley: is that his long-standing story he got arrested -- >> steve: no evidence that happened. talking about donald trump, former president is heading down one of the main thoroughfares to court, final stretch of the trial with michael cohen back on the stand today. >> brian: law professor jonathan turley is live outside the courthouse in lower manhattan. you will be going in shortly, michael cohen will have his last day with defense and redirect will try to rehab him and that's it for cohen. is that it for the defense, if
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you were a betting man? >> jonathan: i think the question is to what extent the defense wants to bring in. judge merchan has kept the door open and narrowed the scope of permitted testimony it won't get them where they need to go. my view, the judge committed layers of reversible error, he has allowed this jury to hear over and over again about election violations. donald trump did not commit an election violation. no such violation in this case connected to his payments to cohen. my assumption is that the jury think there were and you are allowing cohen and pecker effectively to inform the jury on federal election law until you issue an instruction. it is not clear if they will
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want to bring that expert. as far as cohen's former lawyer, there is a risk there. >> brian: bob costello. >> jonathan: if you're winning you rest, if you bring him in, it could confuse this matter for the jury. >> lawrence: jonathan, the former president may weigh into the courtroom. >> brian: he is leaving trump tower, right? >> ainsley: at the courthouse. >> lawrence: we will bring comments. you have not been in the courtroom that much and hard to get a feel based on the transcript, what do you think the defense is missing in this case when we come to final days? >> jonathan: i think defense has done a very good job. with someone like michael cohen,
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a pathological aversion to the truth. one strategy, keep him on the stand as long as possible to wait for him to spontaneously combust and that is what happened. they kept him on long enough, the call he testified he broke apart on the stand. they will try to rehabilitate and may come back and say, did you mean this call, to bring him back for the jury's trust. but some point, the risk, you have a new york jury being treated like chumps and some are going to realize that and go, don't play us like a mark. you have not stated what the second crime was. >> ainsley: ethics rules, we knew the judge had given money to joe biden.
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but ethics rules state you are not allowed to do that if you are a judge, what happens in that case? >> jonathan: a lot of people are confused by this, it is clear they say you can't make political contributions and he did. fact it is diminimus or small, misses the point, you make donations to show your support, that is what that $15 did. merchan was not randomly selected, he was hand-picked as judge for this case. many don't understand it. you have a judge who is donor to president whose daughter is major democratic operative, you would think this is easy call, there are mren plenty of other judges. he will not be held accountable to the bar association, this is troubling as weaponization of the system.
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>> steve: exit question. as we see some people going into the overflow room in the courtroom, zero chance the former president is going to testify in his defense, right? >> jonathan: it would be utter lunacy for him to go on the stand. that ship has sailed the minute merchan said you could ask him about anything in his past, no way to put a him on the stand, judge merchan answered that with that order. >> brian: they said closing arguments could start tuesday. starting early today to see if they can get this done before memorial day. can't wait to hear your reports throughout the day. thank you for starting with us. >> ainsley: hand over to carley, she has headlines for usful carol
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>> carley: london court, aiming to avoid espionage charges in eshg m. been in the uk since 2012, after accused of publishing classified documents in 2010. extradition was blocked in 2021. if convicted he faces 175 years in prison. happening today new york senator bob menendez corruption trial continues for sixth day accused of accepting gold bars and cash in exchange for political favors and charged with acting as foreign agent for egypt. menendez and his co-defendants pled not guilty. sean diddy combs posting an apology video after this disturbing surveillance footage obtained by cnn showed him beating his ex-girlfriend cassie
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ventura. >> i hit rock bottom, i make no excuses, my behavior on that video is inexcusable, i take full responsibility for my action in that video. i was disgusted then when i did it and disgusted now. >> carley: cassie ventura's lawyer says his apology is disingenuous and more about himself than the many people he hurt. wild nascar moment, ricky stenthouse junior throwing a bunch at busch. >> built up frustration with how he runs his mouth all the time about myself, he is frustrated because he doesn't run as good as he used to. >> carley: there was a crash, no word on punishment. sounds like he did verbal punches after he tried to punch
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him in the face. >> steve: no question about what happened, there is tape and live. >> lawrence: i have built-up frustration with brian, i have never thought about throwing a punch. >> brian: because i'm elusive. >> lawrence: i am getting close to it? >> brian: in the hallway, i run you into the side of the wall. >> ainsley: i wonder if past things happened on the track, this is their livelihood, they want to win this race. >> steve: run them into the wall, they remember. >> brian: not running as well as he used to. >> ainsley: washed up, is that what he's saying? can't we just get along. >> brian: i feel bad, i did not know you were still with us, carley. sorry. >> ainsley: don't you expect that in hockey, not in nascar? >> brian: seeing a lot in
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nascar, we like it, we keep showing it. carley said great video, we killed her mic. >> ainsley: what we do. >> brian: abortion emerging as top deal maker. >> steve: katie britt and -- are live next. >> brian: that is where we'll go.
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we believe at newday usa we have a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing a loan. we want to do whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. we're the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity
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to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love. it's a noble service. and that's what we're all about.
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>> brian: abortion taking center stage this election season with many revealing it is their deal breaker when it comes to picking a president. edging slightly ahead than border and economy. next guest is pushing a bill to protect ivf. katie britt and cruz. senator britt, why is ivf front and center? >> ivf is protected and senator cruz and i will work to make sure it is protected. we want to help families struggling request infertility who want to see the miracle of life and this will do that.
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>> brian: what will it do? >> ivf is amazing technology. roughly 200 babies per day born with ivf. we have introduced straight-forward legislation to protect ivf, no state can ban it. this is an issue -- >> brian: 100 senators. >> every senator says they sup support ivf, we should come together 100-0 to say we stand with ability for parents to bring children into this world. >> brian: they voted to ban it and now where is it at? >> there is judicial interpretation that caused a chill in the state.
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alabama legislature named most conservative legislature in the nation quickly acted to make sure we protected ivf. those clinics are back open. ivf is available in every state across the nation and ted and i want to speak with one voice, get rid of fearmongering as they try to bring new life into this world. this should be bipartisan. >> ian: >> brian: i watched the pope last night with nora and he is not for this. >> according to their faith and according to their understanding of god's teaching. as matter of law, this should be choice available for parents. it is profoundly pro-family. i have a lot of friends, i'm sure you do, too, it is how they
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are parents and they love their parents and want to be incredible moms and dads. there are issues on abortion that we can disagree on, katie and i are both pro-life, that is different from if parents should be able to choose, we want to have a child. >> brian: it is abortion 15% say deal breaker, 14 say economy and 14 say border security. in states that want to keep it zero weeks looking to register p pregnant women, what do you say to that? >> that is false, that is fearmongering. republicans are party of mom, children and life. we will continue marching that forward. you see left trying to create stuff that isn't there, we were never going to have a registry of pregnant women, ever.
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that is false. it is more from the left trying to create a toxic environment, they are radical on abortion and want to take a child's life up to the moment they are born. >> brian: will this be an issue in texas as you try to get six more years? >> texans are concerned about kee keeping ivf. their position on abortion is extreme every democrat support abortion up to moment of birth, partial birth abortion at 40 weeks is extreme, 9% agree with that, 91% say that is too much. what a lot of democrats try to do is change the topic, they don't want to defend their position on abortion. every senator, republican and democrat that i know of supports
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ivf. we are introducing this to say don't deceive people, don't mislead them, we'll put it in federal law, we will protect ivf and democrats can decide are you willing to protect this right or do you want to use it as political issue. >> brian: thank you for coming in, appreciate it. upstairs, actually -- here is the former president of the united states about to step up to the and make remarks before first session this week. still -- michael cohen. >> i was supposed to be in a different state this morning and the ask decided to call it early and yet looks like we'll have a big gap between days and it will be determined in court. we're here an hour early today, i was supposed to be making a
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speech for political purposes, i'm not allowed to have anything to do with politic says because i'm sitting in a freezing cold courtroom, it is very unfair. they have no case, no crime. it has been determined by everybody, every legal scholar, "new york post" editorial board, trump prosecution wind down. it has always been a witch hunt with prosecution winding down the case. we have to ask in mortal words of peggy lee, is that all there is? "new york post" editorial board, it has become utterly apparent key element is missing. it is as much missing a crime, there is no crime. you will not go through all this stuff and nothing done wrong.
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net ndas are perfect. it is a legal expense, it is marked as legal expense, it is not marked as construction, it is legal expense. you have a lawyer and pay him a legal expense, i had nothing to do with it, a bookkeeper put it as legal expense, payment to lawyer. jonathan turley and liberal experts express doubt over where is the crime. andy mccarthy, stick with r relevant undisputed facts of the case. merchan should dismiss this case immediately. evidence woefully inadequate, this case should have never been brought and the judge is highly
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conflicted, a corrupt judge, totally corrupt and interfering with an election. gregg jarrett, no credible evidence of jucrime. it is oaudacious, corruption of the legal process, very dangerous one. no fair or competent judge dedicated to justice would have allowed such a case temperature is a train wreck and he goes on and on and on. no judge except this one would allow this case to continue. he's corrupt. allen dershowitz, who i think is standing behind me, i say, don't come, and by the way, outside looks like it is fortknox, more
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police than i have seen anywhere. they don't want anybody come down, not a civilian within three blocks of the courthouse. columbia university you can sit up a tent and burn -- merchan is catastrophe, regardless of political affiliation should be appalled at this prosecution. selective prosecution, this all comes from the white house and through the doj and white house. take a look who is in the room, this all comes from the doj and white house. it is an attack on biden, who is mental leap ly unfit to be
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president, an attack on his political opponent. over the last four weeks, most of it should never have been brought up. there is no crime. we go on day after day and i can tell iowa, i'm sorry, i won't be able to make it. new hampshire, i won't be able to make it, i'm sitting in an icebox. this is allen dershowitz, today trump, after that, you and me, who knows, criminal justice system is on trial in new york. i love this state and people of this state, i'm running hard in new york, i think we'll win new york temperature is making new york and judicial system and i have judge kapunishes p/* -- kaplin and goran, does not know about finances, trial in front
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of complex situation, had no idea, said mar-a-lago is worth $18 $million when it is worth 50 to 100 times that. all corrupt and coordinated, markl levin, we have tyranny right now and we're disgracing our new york court system. we are disgracing our country, all over the world watching. bill o'riley, donald trump and his family do not deserve this injustice, don't applaud it, you may be on the receiving end one day. hundreds of others. i don't think one person says this trial is legitimate and everybody is talking about the judge.
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the judge shouldn't be doing this trial. he's totally conflicted, most conflicted judge in history of the court system and everyone knows what i'm talking about. thank you very much. >> will you testify, mr. trump? >> do you want to testify? >> brian: katie britt and cruz, you watched the president and he has attorney general dershowitz there, they will speak later because the president can't. your reaction? >> he is spot on, this judge has no -- >> brian: he donated to president biden. >> believable, there is no crime here, we know they will do this to the president of the united states, former, they will do it to you. this is political prosecution meant to keep him off the campaign trail. people in america want him back in the white house, this is their attempt to sideline him.
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>> brian: senator cruz, where is this heading, do you think? >> well, it is headed to the jury, if the jury follows the law, trump should be acquitted and corporate media is getting nervous and cnn is laying out problems with prosecution's case. it is possible the jury will convict him, if that happens, it will get overturned on appeal. this is a circus, abuse of power. this case was brought because prosecution is vicious and hates donald trump and terrified voters will reelect donald trump in november. it is all about the election. no other president been indielted and democrats are trying to stop voters from electing trump. >> brian: dershowitz agrees.
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go upstairs. >> steve: ted cruz was talking about how after michael cohen, you get injury stinstructions fm the judge. both sides can supply judge with their suggested jury instructions and the judge can take part of either side instruction, use standardized instruction or write his own, we don't know what judge merchan will do. >> ainsley: we knew the judge gave money to joe biden's campaign, we know his daughter works for this company hired by democrats. for the judge to give money to opponent of donald trump when donald trump is on trial, his livelihood, his businesses, chance of going to jail are on the line for him, a lot at stake, this is someone's life. take presidency out of it.
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he gives money to opponent, you are not allowed to do that. rules of ethics, you are not supposed to do that, the judge cannot give money to a political campaign. if president biden were on trial and the judge gave money to trump, i would say the same thing, this is not fair. when you consider someone's life. >> lawrence: goes to former president, you heard him say this, the judge is conflicted and jonathan turley makes an interesting point, he made previously in the show. this judge was selected for this case. you want to go with this case, okay, fine, why not pick a judge that wasn't conflicted? >> steve: it is new york, they could all be conflicted. speaking of former president donald trump, planning first big
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apple rally in the south bronx. >> ainsley: one former demp accurate is leading the march to welcome the former president. your best days of the year start here, at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at ( ♪ ) choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away.
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>> steve: let's talk politics. this thursday, donald trump is
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set to rally south bronx, where supporters held a march for trump over the weekend urging neighbors to give him their vote. moments ago at the courthouse he spoke on his push to turn this blue state red. watch. we'll have it in a minute. r reverend diaz was a leader at the march in the bronx on saturday and joins us. can you explain to our viewing o audience why donald trump seems to be growing in popularity with black and hispanic communities? >> our community is getting frustrated day-by-day with president biden and democrats, they have been using us for too long. this time, it is too much, open border, the groceries, you can't
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even purchase. gas and everything, crime, abuse of police officers, tying up hands of judges. we're tired and day-by-day, more and more hispanic and black minorities, we are switching and changing, we are awakening. >> steve: about 10 minutes ago, donald trump eluded to getting more support and here he is at the courthouse. >> justice system is on trial in new york. making new york state, i love this state and people of this state. i'm running hard in new york, i think we'll win new york. >> steve: if he won new york, it would be extraordinary. you said democrats have taken you for granted over last couple years. in what way? >> they go on saying vote for
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me, i'm a democrat, that is all they had to say. people, we are so mentally conditioned to vote for democrat, no matter who isun aring, our people go for them. now is different, people are awakening and by the way, i want to be part of these trump turning into red, i want to be part of that. >> steve: you are indeed. getting word that judge merchan believes they will be able to wrap up everything, testimony and evidence and everything this week. i'm sure you saw some comments joe biden made at morehouse college over the weekend. i want to play a sound bite of what our current president has to say. >> president biden: check my record, you know what i'm saying from my gut. we know black men will help lead
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us to future, black men from this class. >> hello, detroit. my name is joe biden, i'm a lifetime member of the naacp. [cheering] >> president biden: as a matter of fact, first organization i ever joined was naacp. >> steve: our president at morehouse and detroit at freedom fund, you looked at his comments, your reaction? >> i'm a black guy from the bronx and i know what the word c computer means. >> steve: eluding to what the governor said. thank you for joining us today. folks, that time of year, we'll unveil 2024 all american summer concert series lineup coming up next. you know who is on pins and needles? bill and dana, coming up at the top of the hour.
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>> bill: donald trump wants to play the bronx this week. >> dana: see you soon. back over to "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ >> steve: that's right. the summer concert series kicks off this friday right here on "fox & friends" and without a doubt, one of the most exciting entertainers in america will be
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our premier act. >> brian: after that the beach boys. that will be great. i don't know -- they will always be boys. then, of course, beach boys and john stamos is the drummer. >> ainsley: brandon lake on june 7th. if you love praise and worship music brandon lake. chris janssen. >> steve: he put on a show and a half. also in july we have raelynn and maverick city music in august. >> ainsley: a great week. we'll be there. i didn't know we were bringing the concert with us. then warren zieders and others.
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last seen you some flo rida. there will be a beautiful barbecue brunch. you have to order a ticket. go to because they have to figure out how many steaks to make. anybody else can join us on fox square to watch the show. if you want the breakfast go to >> brian: flo rider is wearing the shirt. >> lawrence: do you pay extra for the brian meet and greet before the concert? >> brian: you could never afford it. every day meet and greet. don't look for me tomorrow on the couch.
6:00 am
i'll wear a jean shirt and steve might be a plaid shirt. i'll be at fort liberty in north carolina tomorrow to highlight the men and women serving. find out what they go through on a daily basis. vips, important officers of all levels 82nd air board. going to fort liberty right after this. they changed it. building up to memorial day and the men and women and serve. they never forget who came before them. neither should we. >> steve: if you can join us for flo rider that would be great. see brian in an untuck it outfit. >> brian: looking for the triangle at the bottom and i know it's the right length. if it's down to my knees it is not -- >> bill: good morning, everybody. we think we're in th


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