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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 20, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at >> news that has been breaking all morning coming out of the courtroom of new york versus trump and his criminal trial and it has been fascinating to watch a man who we knew was going to lie on the stand, the star witness for the prosecution michael cohen, donald trump's former lawyer and so-called fixer. but to hear him now talk about stealing, embezzling. 60 grand from the trump organization. that took it to a whole new level. they are in a lunch break now for a bit and for now we will take a break and hand you over to "america reports." >> what's missing? a crime. there is no crime. they go through all of this stuff and there was nothing wrong. this case should be dismissed. it should have never been brought. and the judge is highly
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conflicted. i'm not allowed to have anything to do with politics because i'm sitting in a very freezing cold courtroom for last few weeks. it's very unfair. >> john: that was earlier today and now a live look at the new york state supreme court building where michael cohen is getting his final shot on the stand before the prosecution rests its case against former president donald trump. cohen expected to take the stand for redirect after jurors returned from lunch in the last hour. i'm john roberts in washington, sander, hope you have a good rest over the weekend because we are in it for the rest of the week. >> sandra: into a brand-new week and it's great to start it with you john. i'm sandra smith in new york and this is america reports. cohen making that admission on the stand. revealing he stole tens of thousands of dollars from the trump organization. a key moment for the defense as it tries to attack cohen's credibility. >> john: he recalls that he told reporters that trump no nothing about the payment a
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story he knows when news broke . how does all of this appeared to the jury? >> sandra: that is a key question. this hour we have expert analysis to cover everything we have heard so far and are about to hear when court resumes at 2:15 p.m. eastern time here but first let's get to our senior correspondent eric shawn live outside the courthouse for us. hey eric. >> hi sandra. michael cohen admits that it was wrong for him to steal from donald trump. will the jury forgive him? court observers say that this has been a very damaging day to alvin bragg's case. it was cross-examination by trump lawyer todd blanche that brought all this out. blanche showing that cohen would benefit financially if trump was found guilty and elicited more omissions that challenges cohen's credibility. the stunning admission that he stole money from trump. testimony showed that trump paid cohen back to reagan online poll
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that favored trump and he was reimbursed with $50,000 and he gave that company but it turns out he didn't do that. he only gave the company $20,000 and pocketed the rest. keeping $30,000 for that and another $30,000 from other payments. when blanche asked him if he lied, again, cohen said yes. keeping the money was self-help because trump did not give him the full year and salary bonus that he wanted. he was met. blanche showed the jury emails between cohen and new york lawyer robert castella. your member last week it was costello who advised his cohen when he was raided by the fbi and told congress that trump had nothing to do with the stormy daniels payments, did not know anything about it and in fact, cohen did it all on his own. in the last hour, during the prosecution redirect, he completely contradicted all of that. he told the jury that trump approved the payments to stormy daniels. that they were not for his legal services and that is all the basis for the 34 counts of
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filing false business documents against trump. and for the first time a large group of protesters converged on the courthouse and they tried to drown out a news conference of trump supporter's. >> federal candidate for president. i have an amendment. it was an amendment that was made in order by the rules committee under speaker johnson. >> that's what it was like outside. kind of chaotic. meanwhile inside the jury on lunch. back for more redirect this afternoon. the judge says that the jury should get this case next week closing arguments set for the day after memorial day waiting to see if the former president himself will take the stand appeared to his own defense when that potentially starts tomorrow. sandra back center backs you. >> sandra: still a big question as well at this hour. eric shawn live outside the courthouse. thank you eric. >> john: let's bring in leo trial, civil rights attorney and fox news contributor. when we look at michael cohen, liar, perjurer, tax cheat, and no thief? what do you think about what we
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heard this morning? >> two things. first, you cannot rehabilitate a liar. and more importantly, he confessed to the jury. to everyone in the country that he committed a crime. a new crime. we learned that he committed a crime of stealing. he is a criminal on the witness stand and there is no way he can be repaired as far as being rehabilitated. >> sandra: to this question about whether or not the former president, and great to have you on set here in new york. whether or not he will testify. i will get your legal take on whether that is a good idea or not after we reride to the former president himself back in april saying he would. >> will you testify in a trial? >> i would. i tell the truth. all i do is tell the truth. >> sandra: we will see what now holds but what would you advise? >> this is easy pure there's no case here therefore i would tell the president you will not test. if i'm his attorney i would put them in a straitjacket for it he
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will not get on that witness stand because there's no need to, there is no case. >> john: leo, back to this idea of michael cohen getting away with a grand total of $60,000 from the trump organization that he put into his pocket. should alvin bragg not pursue that? in some way, shape, or form or has the statute of limitations run on that particular alleged crime? >> alvin bragg has a fiduciary duty and an ethical duty to pursue it if charges are possible. and i think there should be an evidentiary hearing outside of the presence of the jury where the judge asked the prosecution were you aware of this? did he confess this to you? because this is a serious crime. a crime admission was made today on the witness stand. when you wave your hand to take an oath. alvin bragg has an ethical obligation and the judge has an ethical obligation to find out how much the prosecution knew. >> sandra: you said as you sat down here that you can't even look at this trial through a
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legal ones. this is all politics. we wonder what the american public is thinking we can lean on our fox news poll inc. that was released on wednesday about voters and whether they think the former president is being treated fairly. there is a change happening, albeit a slow one, but right now the number of respondents who say he is being treated fairly has gone down four points since october. it has gone up as far as those who believe he has been treated unfairly three points since t then. as this drags on, is this better and better for the former president as he is campaigning for another term? >> absolutely. i want to be clear. i've 35 years as a lawyer. i've been a trial lawyer. there is evidence here. you look at the pattern and practice of all of these charges being thrown at president trump. what is he facing your? almost 34 felony charges and the case has holes in it.
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it's all politics. if anyone tells you otherwise, they are not a lawyer. they aren't a lawyer. even our colleagues on the other channel, they have knowledge that this is a weak case and the judge again has an ethical duty to dismiss this case before it goes to the jury. >> john: if you were on the defense side, would you call anymore witnesses and if you were to call witnesses, who with a beat? would you call robert castella? i know the defense wants this official to testify about what is a campaign expenditure versus a campaign contribution. >> that's a great question. you need an expert here. i want to be clear also that the judge is not an expert on campaign law. let the expert testify. if you want to limit the instruction, give the jury a limiting instruction but the jury needs to know what is a campaign finance. they need to hear from an expert. the judge is not an expert on kant federal campaign law appeared he knows that and i think he's intimidated by a expert on election law. that is the only person i would
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call to testify as a defense witness. >> john: leo, thank you for being with us. >> sandra: let's bring in fox news legal editor kelly urbach. tell us your thoughts today as we await for this to resume. >> total disaster for michael cohen the star witness. we learned that he stole from donald trump as he was negotiating that repayment plan, the repayment plan that we all heard about directly from him last week on the stand where he made it seem like he was just trying to get his money back when i'm back he was pocketing thousands of dollars on top of it. number two, michael cohen continued to provide legal services well after the stormy daniels incident. through 2017 into 2018. the reason that matters is as we know the heart of this case is whether or not trump or someone at his direction or with his knowledge of falsified business
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records. those records being entries of legal expenses in an internal letter book. if michael cohen continued to hold himself out as donald trump's personal attorney and as he testified made millions of dollars off of that title on outside consulting gigs and provided and continued to provide legal services for donald trump and his wife throughout that entire time, isn't it reasonable that someone at trump tower could have characterized those payments to michael cohen as legal expenses? the jury is going to have to consider this and i would argue it certainly falls short of beyond a reasonable doubt that they were not legal expenses. >> john: as we head into the lunch break, the emailed out interesting notes about your whole view on this case as cohen's testimony nears a close. >> yes. if the government, whether that is state government or the federal government, is going to bring a case that could imprison
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the former president of the united states and possibly the future president of the united states, than for the sake of the well-being of the nation and for the sake of justice, that case better be rock solid and airtight. the air should be clear, the fact should be clear, the witnesses should be credible. yet for weeks, we have been sitting there and it is anything but that. the states case hinges on the testimony of a man, donald trump's former lawyer who has i just mentioned stole from its client, lied about his client under oath, has made millions of dollars off of denigrating him and yet this is who we are supposed to believe to lock donald trump away and potentially remove him as a choice for the american voters in november. it is quite a remarkable use of the prosecutor's office and the power of the state. >> sandra: i will put jonathan turley's op-ed from friday up on the screen and get your thoughts on this. as you know exactly what is happening in that courtroom. jonathan turley writes about the
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demolition of cohen on cross examination reveals a graft to new york jury. he writes that new yorkers are a curious breed. they will overwhelmingly hate trump but they also universally hate being treated like chumps. when they get this case, they just might look around the courtroom and decide that they are the suckers in a crooked game. can i get your thoughts on that. >> i lost you. >> sandra: i just read jonathan turley's op-ed. i wanted to get your thoughts on that as we see this drag on and play out before a very american public that is seeing what is happening. we are told we lost carrie urbach. we will get her back and we are thankful to have her inside that courtroom and just outside the courthouse as we wait for this trial to resume about one hour from now. john. >> we didn't actually lose her. we know where she is.
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the president of iran killed in a helicopter crash. what happens now with america's most dangerous adversaries? >> sandra: four full days of testimony of michael cohen. how are jurors responding to the prosecution's star witness? trey gowdy has been in that courtroom all day. he will share his thoughts with us next. >> it's just the indictments. once the cases begin, then they will realize he is and when you can't vote for. none of that is happening to her the opposite is happening here at his political position is getting better and bidens is getting worse.n wi when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home.
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>> john: the redirect of michael cohen set to continue after the courts lunch break. prosecutors will try to rebuild
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cohen's credibility to the jury after the former trump attorney admitted to stealing from the trump organization during cross-examination appeared let's bring in trey gowdy, host of sunday night and america. he's been in the courtroom all day watching first hand. so folks at home get this correct this is the way it unfolded this morning. cohen testifies on repayment for red finch for $50,000. he said he repaid red french 20k. he confirms he never paid red finch the full $50,000. he stole from the organization and he agrees that he stole from the trump organization. he said he left them believing he had paid back the $50,000 to red finch when trump organization looked at his compensation, he pocketed that as well. he admitted to stealing $60,000 from the trump organization. so he liked his client, secretly rded his client, and this morning he admitted that he stole from his client. what was it like being there
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watching it unfold? >> that wasn't even the most surprising part of the morning. yes, it is rare to have a witness admit i stole money from one of my clients. the most amazing part to me is that michael cohen spent three hours asking a jury please believe me when i'm telling you about all of my lies. that is not a good strategy for a witness who wants to be believed to say yes, i lied about this and i have a financial motive in line and i want to run for congress. don't forget about that. he admitted this morning he wants to run for congress. he wants someone to do a documentary on him. but all of those lies you should disregard because this one time, this one time even though i have sworn to get revenge and it is better cold and hot, please believe me. i would not want to be the prosecutor having to convince a jury of that. having said that, the other big observation this morning is this
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a judge is seemingly cutting the legs off from under the trump defense. if they are planning on calling an expert to go in to what is involved with that election, the judge that i won't let that happen. i don't mind a high strike zone. i don't mind a low strike zone. just be uniform and i could tell you. i came this morning saying never seen this judge before. i will keep an open mind. the reality is the prosecution is getting every jump ball and the defense is not getting any of them. >> sandra: maybe it's more like a little league game because i watched a lot of that yesterday. it's a really big strike zone. since you been in the courtroom all day, how would you describe the mood, the interactions you are seeing in the courtroom? >> i focus on the jury. those are the only 12 opinions that matter. what i would tell president trump's lawyers is people equate time with importance. where you spend your time on cross examination or direct examination, signals to the jury
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wise important an end his lawyers quite candidly, they got cohen to admit that he lied and that he had a motive to lie. that he would continue to lie in the future and then they moved on. they spent most of their time on pretty esoteric things and in the final analysis, it won't move a jury. curious, that's what i watch. those are the only 12 opinions that matter. they seemed a little bit -- i don't want to say disinterested because they weren't but they seem to be doing this with her hands like it get to the good stuff. what we care about is if you can show us that cohen still was motivated by the desire to hurt donald trump. we are interested but if you are going back to a conversation that may or may not be relevant for four years ago, move on. i just mentally saw them doing this a little bit. >> john: if you go back to the original indictment, with the intent to defraud and the attempt to commit another crime but it never articulates what
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the other crime is. you spent a lot of time in a courtroom as a federal prosecutor. did you ever take somebody to court when the defense did not know what crime that person was committed for or with? >> i would never have taken this to court in the first place. the feds passed on it. keep that in mind. the feds write down the street in the southern district of new york took a pass on this. this is a political motivation but the jury is not going to hear that. the defense team still needs to treat this like it is a prosecution that exposes the former president. and they need to treat it like that. there's a political opponent component to it for sure but if you want a not guilty verdict, d to put that aside. focus on the facts and the fact is great, you have someone -- i've never seen a witness like
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michael cohen. i will live for money, i will lie to protect myself, i will lie to protect my family, i will lie to hurt donald trump. you don't get that with most witnesses. he's actually telling the truth about all of his lies. that's rare. >> sandra: great points. which leads me to my last question. you are about to head back into your court will be back underway in less than an hour from now. what are your expectations and what are you watching for when this resumes? >> i'm watching for -- the prosecution is trying to rehabilitate michael cohen. good luck with that. i'm watching to see if and what defense the former president puts up. before the jury ever got in there this morning, the judge cut the legs out from under their defense. he is severely limiting what this expert brad smith can testify to and what i found really ironic is brad smith cannot tell us about election interference but michael cohen can express a legal opinion
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about the validity of an nda. when i say the strike zone is moving, sandra, the strike zone is moving depending on who is doing the objecting. >> john: we will see who has a better curveball. trey gowdy, good to see you. we appreciate it. speech of the international criminal court is seeking arrest warrants against hamas and israel's prime minister. they argue that the october 7th attacks and the ongoing campaign in gaza should both be considered war crimes. the white house calling the accusations against israel outrageous. live in tel aviv for us with the very latest. hi. >> good afternoon. and a surprise announcement, the iccs top prosecutor said he is seeking arrest warrants for five individuals linked to the war in gaza. three of them are leaders from hamas. the masterminds behind the october 7th massacre.
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the other two are israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the country's defense minister. there is been backlash from everyone included in today's decision with israeli political leadership calling the move a moral failure and hamas come down and down for a few including their officials in the announcement. the senate foreign relations committee released a statement in defense of his or calling the request observed. a panel of judges will consider the validity of the request for arrest warrants but it does have limited enforcement capabilities. we are also this afternoon getting a new statement from the white house and from the president himself. we will pull it up here for you. he says the icc prosecutor's application for arrest warrants against israeli leaders is outrageous and let me be clear, whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalent. none between israel and hamas appeared we will always stand with israel against threats to its security. a clear statement from the president himself in support of israeli leadership.
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>> sandra: trey yingst and tel aviv for us. by the way, you also have the latest development out of around where the country's president was killed yesterday appeared what you tell us about that? >> absolutely. iranian president is dead along with the foreign minister following a helicopter crash on sunday. rescue teams were able to make it early this morning to the crash site. you can see here in this video, incredibly foggy conditions in our own. they'd been searching for more than 12 hours when they arrived at the scene of this crash. initial images from the crash site showed charred remains of the helicopter that was on its way back. in response to the death of iran's president, iranian leadership has declared a five day morning. for the country. >> john: we are watching more of michael cohen's redirect to get underway. what might the case look like?
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alina habba up next with her take on what lies ahead. stay with us. >> every day that this drags on, president trump is not out on the campaign trail where he should be and if that is not the poster child for what this is which is election interference, i don't know what is. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. (♪ ) why did i keep missing out on this? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible.
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>> john: former president trump's criminal trial getting back underway soon. michael cohen's cross examination coming to a close. setting the stage for the trumps defense to soon start presenting its case. fox business is lydia who outside the new york supreme court. any indication on what the defenses game plan might be? >> hi john. we don't have a definitive guidance or plan to what the defense's case might be or witnesses who may call. of course they are not obligated to put on any type of case whatsoever but judging from some
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of the activities we heard this morning, we can read the tea leaves and offer a best guess. one possibility continues to be that the defense attorneys may call attorney bob costello. who we know at one point offered advice to michael cohen after his apartment and office were rated back in 2018. i say this because today todd blanchche the defense attorney t cohen to admit that conversations with costello he understood to be covered by the attorney-client privilege. that's important because if he takes the stand, he would likely say that cohen told him that trump did not have knowledge of the stormy daniels nondisclosure agreement. and if he believed the communications were subject to the attorney-client privilege, it's more of a reason to believe that cohen is being honest with costello at the time during those conversations in 2018. so we will have to see if he is a witness that will be called. another possibility is defense
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expert witness brad smith for it he's a former election commissioner and he is expected to testify or would testify i should say to refute the prosecution's contention that payments to stormy daniels wert federal election campaign violations. really important testimony about the judges already limiting that type of testimony from this particular witness and defense attorneys continued to advocate to have him testify and a broader scope and it led to intense exchange between one of the defense attorneys and the judge today who told the defense attorney just relax. we will continue to follow that when we get back in court around 2:15 p.m. today. >> john: a little less than 45 . lydia, thank you. >> sandra: and alice ring and alina have appeared former spokesperson for president trump you're loosing you coming or going from the courtroom so thank you for joining us outside the court as we do await the trial to resume.
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is the president's team confident that it has poked enough holes in michael cohen's testimony here? >> i don't know how many more holes they could possibly poke. yes. i think it went as planned. i'm very proud of what the team did in there and obviously i'm limited to what i can say. he is under oath still and i am an attorney for the president but i think we did a pretty good job and quite honestly i was surprised by myself on how deep it went. >> john: what's next after they redirected the cross question rick it looks like the prosecution will rest and then it is the defenses during. we know you want to call brad smith who's an official with the fec. is that the limit of your witness list? >> i love the question but i would be violating my ethics if i answer that question i also don't feel like giving the d.a. and a heads up. so let me just say this. what we heard this morning was very interesting. we heard a judge who is basically saying that we are not
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supposed to bring in or not allowed to bring in somebody who has explicit knowledge on this campaign finance laws and he can't speak about what the law actually is. that's what most of our morning was spent discussing in there. that's incredibly crucial and critical and frankly to me it is grounds for a mistrial. if you cannot bring in your expert who is supposed to speed and it has served on the commission for campaign finance, how are you supposed to do your case question rick with your hands tied behind the back and a vine fold on. i think those decisions are coming out very clearly in each dish decision we see in there. >> sandra: as far as where this all goes next, what would be in the thought process to testify or not to testify? >> he needs to listen to his
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attorneys. it's not as much what he wants to do. we know he wants to testify. he's willing, he is able, he is nothing to hide it all. he's ready to tell the truth. frankly i think that the truth has artie been spoken. he was in the white house while somebody an accounting book a legal fee payment as a legal expense. it's pretty quick and it would be a pretty short testimony as far as the questions to be asked because he had no part in this. the reality of the situation is that we have this judge, we have this court, and we have a d.a. who has been politically motivated since the moment he decided to run for office. remember, this was not brought twice. not by cy vance or by bragg. the only time he decided to take it was after president trump decided to run for reelection. the real question is one that would be discussed within the legal team and of course we will discuss with our client. >> john: we don't want to lose sight of the fact that this is a precedent-setting historic case. a magnitude of which has never
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been seen before. never has a former american president been hauled into court to face any kind of charge a little on the charges in this case. carrie erb on who has been following it both in court and from the overflow room since it started had the observation that if you're going to haul a former american president in court and potentially put them in jail, the case better be rock solid and airtight. everyone should clearly understand why the trial is happening, the facts are understandable, the law is clear, and the witness is credible. based on that metric, how does this trial measure up? >> 0. i think that's the problem. we can speak as a right wing media. i can speak as a spokesperson all i want but i think this has done more good for the american people to understand just how bad it really is when you see that nobody can say what the crime is. when i walked on the street people ask me can you explain what he did and what they are charging them for. the truth is i can't because it
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is misdemeanor based on something that is civil, not criminal, and they are elevating it to federal because he is running for office. this is no game and they should have been airtight. you are right. and i think it is doing frankly the d.a.'s office and the state of new york a major disservice. i think the complete intent has been shown today and through the past few weeks. it is to keep president trump in there. but they have no case and it's becoming very clear. >> sandra: as a former president open the courthouse this morning, he lamented how cold it is in the courtroom. i will ask you the question i've asked you every time. could you give us some color on how he's doing, how he is hanging in there. obviously he's airing a lot of his frustrations as he comes and goes from the court. >> the biggest frustration for the president right now is the unconstitutional gag order appeared he feels frustrated by it. he speaks to the press in the morning and at the end of the day. but when he is speaking, he is limited as to what he can speak to. and that's incredibly frustrating for him. a witness could come up and say
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things that he knows are untrue and he can't say anything back. people can go on msnbc cnn and slam him and say things that aren't true and he can't say anything back. most of his frustration is that. he is truly being a selectively persecuted and prosecuted. he is sitting here every day when he should be out on the campaign trail. it is not a coincidence, it is not by accident, it's by design and the design is falling apart like i've said over and over again. it's unfair. he is in very good spirits despite all of that you've seen a tremendous amount of people come to support the president and more importantly they are supporting america. we are sick and tired of seeing our countries politics, into the judicial system and it has to stop. >> john: one quick question to finish this off. if you were a prosecutor, would you ever put on the stand a witness who lied to his client, secretly recorded his client and ultimately stole from his client
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and hope that the jury believes that person is credible? >> that would be a hard to know for me. hard no. >> john: thank you. >> sandra: thank you. >> john: we are waiting former president donald trump to head back to court as his criminal trial in new york enters the final trench. andy mccarthy will be in the building when it gets underway. he's here with a preview coming up next. >> the prosecution has not actually shown how trump violated the federal election law. they been sneaking at end by saying cohen violated it and pecker violated that's not what's on trial heret g these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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his legal team wrapping up the cross-examination of michael cohen we will have more of the redirect questions when testimony gets back underway at about 215 and a half an hour from now. let's begin andy mccarthy, assistant u.s. attorney and fox news contributor. the goal of the prosecution in the minutes ahead is to try to rehabilitate their star witness who got outed as stealing $60,000 from his employer after acknowledging a litany of lies on the stand. can he be rehabilitated? >> no, john. the reason that this case is here is because in my old office down the street, the u.s. attorney's office and the southern district of new york, they looked very hard at this case and they realized you can't make a case built on michael cohen. so they passed it up.
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cy vance to pass that up. bragg himself in 2 2022 shut the investigation down. anyone who looks at this with an objective eye as a professional law enforcement person does not take the case not because of politics, but because you can't prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt based on a witness like this and the simple fact of the matter is they have tried to spin a big delusion about how he is super corroborated. the fact is that essential parts of this case are supported only by his testimony and nothing else. >> sandra: you sent an email on earlier and it sounds almost like you are in disbelief as to where the prosecution is gone here. >> yes. i am. i'm more in disbelief at the judge, frankly. because i think it's outrageous that there hasn't been a shred of evidence that trump was even thinking about the campaign
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finance laws, much less, and this is what they have to show, that he willfully violated them. willfulness is the highest criminal intent element in criminal law. you have to show that somebody was thinking about the law, knew he had a legal obligation, and intentionally flouted it. i don't think there's any evidence in the case that trump was even thinking about the campaign laws and the judge has let in that michael cohen pled guilty to two campaign finance violations which is not admissible evidence against trump. they are trying to convict him of something that they can't prove he was thinking about based on somebody else's plea of guilty that should not have, in front of the jury. it's really unbelievable. >> john: let me roll off of a point that you just made and come back to when we talked to alina habba and kelly erb on about. you mentioned guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. this is not some backwoods courtroom where there is a feud
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going on between two neighbors and it did one person steal somebody's car or whatever. this is the former president of the united states. the very first time a former president of the united states has ever been hauled into the court and you talk about guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. most people don't know what this case is really about. why would they ever do this unless you have a slam-dunk case, why would you ever go out on this precipice? >> john, i think it is because things have changed culturally. it's a cultural thing instead of a legal thing and let me explain what i mean. when i was a young prosecutor here in the 1980s, if you had someone like bragg or letitia james who ran for office in the federal system there are appointed offices and in the state's office they are our elected offices. if you ran to be the d.a. or attorney general saying if you elect me i will use the powers of our office or my office
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against our political enemies, that would have been disqualifying in the 1980s. now, they win in a landslide in manhattan and in new york. this is very politically motivated but they do feel like they are playing with the house money because this is what people voted for here. >> sandra: give us your take. what happens 20 minutes from now when the court is back in session and the former president returns to the courtroom? >> it's hard to believe that they are not letting brad smith testify. after letting the jury be instructed by michael cohen and david pecker who don't know anything about campaign lot to keep brad smith who knows a thing or two about the subject off the stand to me as outrageous. i think the best the former presidents team can do, if they can play offense with what they have gotten is if he was the guy that bragg says he was, he watched every penny and all that stuff, if he thought these things were covered by campaign
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lot, he would've paid them out of campaign funds. and then he would've put on his fec disclosure legal expenses just like he did in the business records. >> john: there are so much about this case that no one can understand and you break it down as best we possibly can. we appreciate it. now this. >> how blank up. i hit rock bottom. i make no excuses. >> sandra: that was the apology from diddy days after the shocking video surfaced showing him attacking his ex-girlfriend. will the hip-hop mogul face any legal consequences? like bundling your home and auto insurance with allstate. yeah, she knows. and some people... don't. like... come on. yikes! ughh... no.
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>> sandra: music moldable sean "diddy" combs making a public apology on instagram af after 26 surveillance video services showing him punching and kicking his then girlfriend. william la jeunesse is on the story lie from l.a. for us. how is this apology going over? >> her lawyer calls his apology on social media pathetic and disingenuous because he was forced to confess because he got caught lying. also he never actually apologizes to ventura seeing
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here getting beat up by cones at the intercontinental hotel in l.a. 2016. the video obtained by cnn. consider what was that after her lawsuit about rape and physical abuse. it does not anyway undermine his flat-out denial of the claims. this is in no way admission of wrongdoing. listen to him contradict that on sunday. >> i hit rock bottom. but i make no excuses. my behavior on that video is inexcusable. i take full responsibility for my actions in the video. >> he said he hit rock bottom but consider that your forbes called him the most successful rapper ever. he won men's clothing designer of the year award, had a star on the walk of fame and appeared on a dozen tv shows and movies. after beating up ventura in 2016, he vowed to change.
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>> i've been going to therapy, going to rehab. asked god for his mercy and grace. i'm committed to being a better man each and every day. >> a commitment combs failed to keep since a producer filed a lawsuit this year. prosecutors in new york are investigating those claims. he will not be charged for assaulting venture as the statute of limitations has expired on that. >> sandra: lynn, thank you. john. >> john: a live look at the white house. after that, it will be former president trump's defense team's turn. we have an all-star lineup on deck including jonathan turley who has been in the court house all day long. he is coming up next. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals,
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>> sandra: top of th


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