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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 20, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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special day. >> start, 2, 1, 0. ignition and liftoff. [cheers] >> live off. >> bret: at long last ed dwight america's first black astronaut candidate was rocketed into space. president john f. kennedy chose dwight a candidate for early astronaut core class of 1963, he wasn't picked. on sunday his dream was finally realized as he flew to space blue origin 90 years old. he becomes the oldest person to reach space. congratulations. tomorrow on "special report." congress investigates concerns over growing demand for electric power. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now. >> laura: good evening, everyone, i'm laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight as always.
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thank you for joining us. cohen lies, biden lies, that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> laura: now, consider what the jurors who have had to sit there in manhattan in that courtroom for four weeks had likely learned about the prosecution's star witness. is he a convicted perjurer and a tax evaried. he secretly tapes and doesn't give -- get permission lied about the reason for trump security. now on top of all of that he has admitted that he is a thief. yeah. the fixer inflated a contractor's invoice to the trump organization from 20 k to 50 k and pocketed the difference. now, i was wondering when we were going to start hearing evidence of an actual crime at this trial and today was it. now, any legal expert worth his or her salt would at this point know that the credibility of michael cohen is cooked.
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the fact that he was never charged with larceny is important because stealing $60,000 through fraud which would be larceny in new york state is more serious of a crime than falsifying business records. >> i'm shocked we are hearing it for the first time on day three of cross-examination of michael cohen. if the prosecution did not take the sting out did not front it. it goes to the heart of the actual case. >> to show that he actually stole from the trump organization, even as they were structuring a deal to pay him $35,000 a month is an enormous big deal. >> laura: larceny, embezzlement, perjury, oh my. an opportunist, a grifter. a monday who got squeezed by prosecutors and essentially just started spewing whatever he thought would help him get reduced jail time. what were alvin bragg and matthew colangelo thinking? well, we know what they were thinking. because they had to know about all of this larceny by cohen and, if they didn't, they should
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be sanctioned for gross negligence. unfortunately, though, there is no mechanism for sanctioning pundits and cable tv anchors for rank stupidity. >> cohen was asked on that redirect by the prosecution, it didn't really sound like stealing $30,000. it sounded a lot like michael cohen doing the little that he could within that calculation to rebalance the bonus he thought he deserved. >> laura: he was just rebalancing the bonus. that's not theft. well, you knew things were in meltdown mode at msnbc when they decided to ditch talking about the actual case, you know, the statute, the elements of the crime, and start talking about who was with trump in the courtroom today. >> trump zido exhell's angel done prison time for drug use. bernie kerik done prison time. thug central, bars the attorney
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matt gaetz who has been on the ethics investigation. it's like he is trying to point out that this is going to be thug nation. we're outlaws. outlaws are above the law. everything about them is like no, we're above it. we are the outlaws here. >> laura: is there some aroma therapy gift basket or maybe a spa day that we could send over to those kids? i am beginning to think they all need a little self-care maybe to clear their mind. it's just hard to believe that at least a few members of this jury won't see the obvious at this point. >> no one would ever even consider bringing a case like this because it's unprecedented. and, in my view, you don't test the new legal theories from the d.a.'s office when you are dealing with a president of the united states. presidential election. and what has to be described as one of the worst witnesses anyone has ever seen. >> laura: and then today juan merchan repeatedly sustained the
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prosecution's objections to the defense's second witness, robert costello. he was testifying to the conversations he had with cohen back in 2018 that included conversations about whether the government had anything on president trump. well, of course merchan, he let stormy daniels go on and on with hours of prejudicial testimony including about the trump encounter. it had nothing do with the case. yet, he allowed this to go in before he said you can't consider that for the jury. thanks. judge merchan should be ashamed of himself for letting this spectacle of an election interference case get this far. when the defense rests and the prosecution rests, trump's team will file a motion for what's called a directed verdict. and it should be granted. now, for those of you who don't know and there is no reason you should. a directed verdict is a ruling entered by a trial judge after concluding that there is no sufficient basis in the evidence presented for a reasonable jury to reach a different conclusion.
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so, a fair and a decent jurist, a judge, would end the travesty as soon as possible. but, of course, we're not going to hold our breath. now, democrats like to be known for their firsts. first hispanic this or first lgbtq that. but this is the worst. the worst case brought by the worst d.a., with the worst star witness before the worst judge to help the worst sitting president in u.s. history joe biden. and speaking of biden, he and cohen have a lot in common, don't they? both are grifters, both are liars, biden's grift, siphoning off his family member as they cashed in overseas, it was slightly more clever and nuanced than maybe cohen. but biden's lies are nonstop and just as glaring. look, biden lies about inflation. >> i think inflation has gone slightly up. more than 9% when i came in.
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and it's now down around 3%. >> laura: that was a lie 1.7 to 1.9%. he lies about his family. >> my son has not made money in terms of this thing about, what are you talking about, china. >> laura: he lies about his own personal experience. >> i have spent more time in the ame church in delaware than i have most people i know black or white have spent in that church. because that's -- no, i'm serious. started the civil rights movement. >> laura: i'm serious. he lies about america being sis is systemically racist? >> black men are being killed on the street we bear witness. for me that means to call out the poison of white supremacy. systemic racism. >> all to burnish his own chances at staying in power. these are wicked, awful and cynical lies. for years now, we have watched
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the most powerful people in this country lie about president trump, lie about this country, and even lie about indisputable established facts. all to gain more power for themselves. but the latest polls indicate that the voters are tired of being lied to. and are yesterday to hear leaders who tell them the truth. and if the jurors in new york feel the same way, then the democrat plans for this trial will really have backfired on them. and that's the angle. joining me now is sol wisenberg, former deputy independent counsel, fox news contributor and ned ryun, founder and ceo of american majority. sol, it took weeks. but, again, we finally found a crime in this trial. cohen stealing from the trump organization, sorry, he was just rebalancing what he thought was owed to him. but, if you are the prosecution here, isn't it incumbent upon to you have known this fact and maybe have put this out there in
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your direct examination to try to blunt the effect later on? >> yes, laura. it's called taking the sting out of the bite. and it's incredible to me if they knew about it, that they didn't front it. and, of course, if they knew about it, it's brady material, which is exculpatory evidence that they were under a constitutional obligation to share with the defense. so, at best, i think it's a huge strategic mistake on their part, not to front it with cohen when they had him on direct. >> laura: ned, you got the sense all day today on the other capable network, even msnbc, they were relegated to talking about who was -- who the guests were in the courtroom with trump, they just abandoned talking about this business fraud statute all together. it's almost like they have given up. they are still trying to give the impression that they think
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there is a real meaty case here. >> yeah. it's pretty glorious to watch this stalin chauvinistic show trial imploding in real time. and even some of the members of the press are being realistic about in understanding we might want to start backing away from and qualifying our statements. as they wipe the egg from their faces. the fact that cnn was talking about michael cohen's felony being of greater -- a greater felony than what they're actually charging trump with, you know the dam is starting to break. do you know what, laura, in fact, i'm not sure i would call it the stalin chauvinistic show trial that would mean bragg and his team are confidently corrupt. it's time to stick a rainbow wig and red nose on bragg and call it the clown show it actually is i think at the end of the day the real thing i want to know is since this is all political, what is the political fallout going to be for the biden administration who was coordinating all of this and what's the fallout going to be for the biden campaign of which this was a central part of their re-election campaign? and then what does this mean for trump? i was always of the opinion this
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lawfare was going to backfire spectacularly. i think you will see him surge with fundraising and real notes come november because of this. >> laura: merchan threw everybody out of the courtroom dramatic moment this afternoon, sol, after he didn't like how robert costello was, i guess, interacting or reacting to him and then on msnbc, they went on and on to can a very much about costello and made a bizarre comparison. check this out. >> this is not how respectable lawyers behave at least that's what the jurors could find whereas you had michael cohen really just exemplary performance under high stress situations circumstances. >> i heard when michael talks, he really connects with the jury. i have heard that from a few reporters inside there. >> sol, wishful thinking much? >> i think it's wishful thinking
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about michael cohen based upon everything i have read. i'm not in the courtroom and i understand that today's cross-examination about the theft, the embezzlement, the larceny, whatever you call it was devastating. but, i will say this: juries strictly as a technical legal analysis, juries tend to really bond with the judge. and so for costello to pick a fight with the judge or to be seen as disrespectful to the judge is not a good thing. and, as you know, there were a number of people in apparently the defense camp who thought it was too risky to call costello so, we will have to see how that pans out. his testimony was obviously very important to the defense. i understand that. but, you know, if you are seen as disrespectful to the court, that's a bad thing. that's a bad move. >> laura: i would say michael cohen was pretty disrespectful lying on the stand on multiple occasions. i would agree with you, sol. you don't want to roll your eyes
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at the judge or sigh loudly. that's not bright. but, both sides of this, i don't know if they can do both sides-ism, ned from, a political perspective though, watching the conch of this, you are not in the courtroom. people aren't in the courtroom. they are seeing this drag on for four weeks. and they see very little discussion of what is the evidence that president trump directed any of this except the word of a convicted perjurer tax evader and now a thief. he is the only tie they have to donald trump. that's it. >> this is what happened when the woke brain worm eats through and hollows out your brain where you think a misdemeanor times a misdemeanor times a misdemeanor somehow equals a felony. this is where it was always going to end up. there was never any crime here. they hope that somehow they can somehow manage to facilitate something that would stick with trump. and i will say, this laura, speaking politically, the only
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thing that could go worse for them right now is if they were actually to convict trump in this kangaroo court. i think he would surge even more than is he right now with voters. >> laura: sol, ned, thank you both. president trump keeping a huge promise he made on this show. we're going to tell you what it is, next. ♪
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>> you may campaign in the bronx or at madison square garden. when might that be happening? >> very soon. look, we have nine months yet. but i'm going to see about madison square garden and we're going to go to the south bronx. i think there is a chance to win new york. >> laura: now that was exactly three months ago tonight. and now donald trump is doing just that. he is heading to the south bronx this thursday after finishing up in court. look, if you are a working class voter, there is only one choice that makes any sense here. the guy who gave you a roaring economy, border was closed. low inflation, and rising wages. plus, let's face it, trump is just more fun. the press likes to talk about how compassionate biden is, but there is nothing compassionate about what he has done to every aspect of american life. and i was thinking about this today, trump's compassion is
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really in his policies, that ended up making your country more secure and put more money in your pocket. and, plus, it could be a stand up comedian. >> i just got this today. somebody handed it to me not as a joke. i said anybody have any tic-tacss and this guy said he has one. look at at the size of this sucker. this is called biden tic-tacss. this cost more money than the one that was like 10 times bigger. this is inflation. >> laura: how many people could do that after sitting in that courtroom for four weeks. biden has nothing to offer but fear and loathing. fear of each other and hatred of the greatest country on earth. >> black men are being killed in the street. what is democracy if trail of broken promises still leave black communities behind. you have to be 10 times better
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than anybody else to get a shot. i never imagined in 2024 there would be folks waiting to ban books in america. what in god's name is that about? not only that, but trying to erase black history, literally. >> laura: that is a wicked false thing. it's a defamatory comment to say something like that about the nation he leads. and he goes on and on and on. look, we believe that all men are created equal. and that we have certain inalienable rights given to us by god regardless of skin color or our station in life. he joins me now. reverend reuben diaz senior is the former new york city council member representing the south bronx which i love. >> reverend, great to see you. this was the scene over the weekend during your march. [chanting trump trump trump trump trump] >> laura: you might have to work on your chant beyond just trump, trump. i'm just teasing you, reverend.
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can we do better than -- it has a certain ring to it. but you are a lifelong democrat. people watching this don't know. this so why did you organize this march? >> i used to be in the u.s. state senate for 50 years or so. and all my life i have been a democrat but we are so fed up. we are so tired. we are so disgusted with what president biden under democrat has done to our world, our state, our city. and taking away the benefit, taking away the program, taking away space people who come here illegal lie. i would like people to come here but come legally.
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they might have thought we hispanic would like to see all the hispanic coming to the border like crazy, but no. >> laura: companies killing wages. >> we don't want that. we want president trump to become the president and close the border and start working on the grocery prices to start to putting everything back. as a matter of fact, do you know what i want to see? i wanted to see the south bronx -- >> laura: i want to ask you this question. you said that african-americans, minorities are conditioned to hated republicans or hate someone like donald trump. what did you mean by that? >> i mean that for years the
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democrats come to our community and say vote for me because i'm a democrat. i will do this. i will do that. they get elected they do nothing for black. nothing for hispanic community and they blame the republican. and for years they have managed that blame the republican. and the republican has been. >> laura: absentee. they were absentee. >> yeah. >> laura: reverend, i'm sorry to interrupted you, but i have to ask you one question. on a scale of one to 10, 10 being the most excitement, 1 being like biden level excitement, how big will this trump event be in the south bronx on thursday night? how big will that be in excitement? 1 to 10? >> 11. >> laura: ha ha. >> 11.
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>> laura: i'm so excited about this event. whatever it is. i don't know what it's going to look like. >> me too. me too. >> laura: i'm soaks excited to see it. i'm coming to new york and hang out with you. you seem like you are really fun. >> thank you. you are invited. >> laura: all right. well i'm coming. only if i can borrow your hat. >> thank you for the opportunity to tell the whole world that the south bronx will welcome donald trump. >> laura: the best. reverend, thanks so much. all right. a wild brawl last night, no, it wasn't outside the courthouse. it was at nascar at the all-star race. kevin corke is here. what can you tell us? >> kevin: good evening, laura. ricky stenhouse jr. threw a right hook at kyle busch and suddenly it was sort of a melee broke out and otherwise race over at north wicks burrow speedway and had nascar fans like yours truly buzzing as we look forward to next week's mark qui coke 600 at charlotte. >> retaliation all-starred out
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as a discussion and then escalated he second lap. a move that looked like retaliation for how stenhouse had raced him earlier. then, after a nice long wait, stenhouse, after a brief conversation as you saw there through right hook at the number 8 chevy driver setting off a brief melee members of both team's crew swinging, pushes, shoving, eventually broken up but not before more words were exchanged. i'm going to wreck you at charlotte. that's what somebody said. probably stenhouse. now, the antics could result in suspension for stenhouse. the daytona 500 champion love saying that. busch could face penalties which nascar finds he deliberately caused that wreck which i'm betting they will. laura?
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>> laura: kevin, you think about these brawls. you don't really think of nascar. you think of hockey, baseball, you don't think of nascar as brawls. wouldn't it be more interesting to see a brawl in table tennis. squash, you know. >> man bite dog not dog bites man? you know what? old school nascar you used to see scraps after races. i kind of like this sort of stuff. then again i'm a hooligan. >> laura: i didn't say it. kevin, thanks so much. great to see you. all right, coming up, democrats push the panic button so what has them so worried? next. ♪ lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up.
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>> trump's double dignity sej seen in poll after poll. all the democrat spin out there to explain the state of things, i think this could be my
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favorite. >> i am still at the point when i walk to the grocery store people come up to me and grab my hand and say we are okay. aren't we won't win, will they? they won't let him back in the oval office, will they? i do think there is a level of panic out there because some people who look at all the facts and circumstances go wait a minute, how could this be tied? right? how could this be tied after everything that has occurred? >> laura: let me just say i do not believe one person has come up to claire mccaskill at the grocery store to say anything of the sort. if anything they are asking her if they even recognize her, why under biden have the price of eggs go from 2.10 a dozen to 4 bucks a dozen and on and on and on? this has been and never has been a comms or a pr problem for biden and the democrats. it has been a policy problem. they have spent, borrowed and printed money and then pretent the like the law of economics somehow doesn't apply to them. they have left the border open. they got us bogged down in a
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proxy war over in ukraine and then they left us weaker at home and abroad. some of the less clueless liberals are beginning to seat writing on the wall. >> question is not just how could this be tied, the question is not just to amy's point how could trump be ahead, i think the question is, you know, if some of these trend lines hold, we need to accommodate ourselves to the reality that trump could not just win but win very comfortably. that is something that somebody feels not comfo comfortable sayt loud but it's the truth. kayleigh mcenany, fox news contributor as well as matt towery political analyst pollster and chair insider advantage. kayleigh mcenany, let's start with you, in some of these swing state polls. say they are not backing him now. and one voter told the thames backing biden was the biggest mistake of his life. it's no longer antidotal, this is a trend that has really not
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been deviat deviated from for ag while you now. twealt joe biden lost independents after the chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan and never won them back. never been on top in approvallor disapproval among independents. when you listen to folks vote for biden. very clear headed and concise why that is. the "new york times" report showed it had an awful lot to do with the economy. inflation. just the cost of everyday life has become increasingly unaffordable. they blame the guy in charge for that. and karine jean-pierre prices are down. excuse me housing costs and the cpi core inflation, when we are trying to feed ourselves, clothe ourselves and put a roof over our head that's up to 20%. the "wall street journal" had unbelievable set of graphs today everybody should look at demonstrating. this on the flip side, the biden
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voter, the hard core biden voters vote for him again according to the "new york times" they tend to be whited, they tend to be abortion voters. they tend to be against trump, not for biden, so, biden has failed to knit together a coalition that can actually support him and feel enthusiastic about it. and the reason claire mccaskill doesn't think this is real that the numbers don't add up because she lives in parallel universe to the one the rest of us live. in there are more voters than elites, take it to the bank. >> laura: new polling from cbs has trump leading biden by 5 points in arizona the white house is banking on one issue that can turned tide. >> arizona, we are looking at the issues of economy and inflation driving the vote there. 82% of voters in arizona. 78% say those issues are top of mind. but all is not lost for president biden. they look at that third issue in arizona, the states of democracy, and they say there are many democrats, independents and republicans, those john
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mccain style republicans in arizona who may look at president biden and say is he more stable choice. >> laura: what happened to bob costa, that's the question. the state of democracy. is that what people are thinking of when they go to the polls in november, matt, by any stretch of the imagination? laura as the usual doctor know the tide is turning. kellyanne nailed it. economy. even the suburbs are beginning to move in the direction of trump. which everybody thought suburbs would never move. i don't think democracy is an issue except if you are watching this trial ton division television. the trial and the conch of it causing more people to have sympathy for donald trump than any one issue i have ever seen. and if he is convicted it, will probably win him the white house. it's phenomenal, i'm in cincinnati, ohio right now. i have talked to people on the street that i don't know that
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well. this trial no one thinks it's fair so they are kidding themselves if they think that democracy is the threat to donald trump. they are watching right now in new york. >> laura: kellyanne, the thing that's wild about this is that they keep doubling down on failure. usually like the smart politicians, obama did this and clinton they pivoted and pivoted credibly. other than the tariffs on some of the chinese goods. they are all talk and no pivot. i saw that in the state of the union, laura, great chance for joe biden to re-set to define what he would do as president in this last year and what he would do in his second year. instead, insistence that the rest of us and what we see is wrong. what they say is correct. and that's not working. look, there is not a single issue in the top five, excluding abortion, where joe biden is beating donald trump. in fact, trump is beating him by double digits. the horse race numbers are one thing. to have one candidate beating the other by double digits on
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inflation and the economy on the border, and migrants, immigrants, i mean that, is remarkable. because we don't tell voters what is important to them. they tell us. they are telling us i think the issue set is very clear. this is why you see donald trump expanding his map. he is outside the margin of error in georgia, arizona, nevada right now. the more diverse states of the wing states. he is tighter with biden. although ahead in michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania. the wider states. that's the irony. joe biden all of a sudden has the wider coalition. trump is expanding his map. minnesota, virginia, new hampshire. where is biden expanding? >> laura: all right. kellyanne, matt, thank you so much, both of you. it's time for tonight's palate cleanser. ♪ ♪ everybody knows come on i love dogs. i actually have two rescue dogs i love them so much. in honor of national dog rescue day, i want you to meet coda, she is a beautiful 4-year-old
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german shepard mix. and she is ready to be adopted. i wish i had more room. coda was found chained in a backyard by animal control in really bad shape and set to be euthanized. big dog ranch rescue stepped in and saved code do. now she needs to find her if you are ever home. fur everhome. go to it is a fantastic organization. >> laura: up next, biden tries to court jewish black voters as he loses a black superstar and professional brawl from last week continues. raymond arroyo has it all. "seen and unseen" is next. ♪
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>> time for "seen and unseen" where you reveal the stories behind the headlines, for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. raymond, biden has gotten really desperate in this try to stop the exodus from black voters from his coalition. >> major problem is, laura, is he talking past the issues that black americans say most important for them in polls. no one can follow what he is saying at any given time. this is part of his naacp speech. >> donald trump has said if he
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loses again in november there will be, quote: blood shed. what in god's name are we talking about here? he calls the erectionists stormed capitol hill patriots. he has reelected who do you think he will put on the supreme court. do you think he will put on anybody who has a brain? when i was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic. and what happened was barack said to me go to detroit and help fix it. >> raymond: laura, if you can make anything out of that yelling, he was not v.p. when the pandemic happened and barack obama didn't ask him to talk to any mayor at all. but the kicker for me is that great line why is the speech writer adding do you think he will put anybody on the high court who has a brain? i mean, this is like p. diddy writing a song about respect for women. it begs the larger issue that
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nobody wants to gain. but, remember, laura, remember back in 2020 one of biden's biggest boosters was rapper cardi b. >> i just want trump out. do you know what i'm saying? his mouth gets us in trouble so much. >> look what you are seeing now with this president. >> my people, like this is what we have to go out and vote. >> well, laura, she went from i do in 2020 to i don't now. cardi b. is telling rolling stone she felt layers and layers of disappointment from biden. she has complained about inflation, low wages. she says i feel like people got betrayed. needless to say she is not endorsing biden this time. boy, how things have turned. when you have lost cardi b you have lost a sizeable part of the black community. >> laura: i think if you are a business person or someone who started off in business, maybe small business owner and then you built up a company, built up a brand, how could you be for joe biden unless you are multi
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billionaire maybe. i don't understand how anyone else could think this works. >> raymond: this is a big turnabout. this is happening all over hollywood. the president just concluded, laura, a speech to jewish voters. i'm sure they were similarly perplexed by these comments i don't think it's but i aallow you. >> working around the clock to free hostages just as we have freed hostages already. here today is hersch goldberg poland and still he is not here with us but he is still being held w by hamas. investigate discriminating and aggressively. discrimination aggressively. that's my special envoy to monitor cabinet anti-semitism deborah -- debra -- is debra here? >> laura: i wanted that fly to carry him away that fly that was flying to carry him away. what is he saying?
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>> raymond: tiny address. hostages are presented. people who aren't present are there. the centex is so garland. when you have 400 plus new instances of anti-semitism, 400 percent increase, rather, this is a dire situation for a key democratic base here. he has got to somehow hold on to that base. and that's what you saw. >> laura: apparently the follow-up to that brawl in congress last week where mtg and jazmine crockett got a good old throwdown. >> raymond: you will remember greene said that crocket's fake eye lashes were making it hard for her to read. crocket yelled that she was bleached blond bad build butch body. and now mtg has posted this video of her working out. crocket is selling this t-shirt of her clap back. >> also took this as an opportunity to, again flex on maga and let them know that i
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will always be smarter than you. >> raymond: maybe not, laura, if you read that t-shirt she is selling closely look at that her name is incorrectly spelled. it's crocket. here it's crockert maybe alternative. check the staff. >> laura: isn't really valued anymore. my kid's cursive. that's a professionally designed t-shirt. that was embarrassing back and forth between those. it was. >> raymond: horrible. >> laura: all embarrassing. raymond, thank you, the liberal media should start asking hot real election deniers. real election deniers. ♪hat's next. u?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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your first order. >> will you accept the election results of 2024, no matter what happens, centre? >> no. if it is unfair election, it
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will be contested on either side. the democrats have opposed every victory. >> senator, you voted to certify the election. >> election denial, one of the press's favourite, favourite attacks on republicans. but do they have amnesia? >> you can have the election stolen from you, as the nominee. >> he knows he is an illegitimate president. >> the reality is, the russians interfered with the election. >> was the election in georgia state wide, a free and fair election? >> it was not a free and fair election. >> joining me now, victor davis, a senior fellow at hover. you know this is going to happen at the debate. i can bet my bottom dollar on
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the fact that tapper or whoever is going to do it -- mr. trump, will you, you know, abide by whatever the results are of the election, and he has to be ready for that. >> yeah, he does. he should say, unlike the democrats, i will accept the verdicts if i found it is fair. but the democrats in 2007 said that george bush was elected and not elected, even though the new york times did an investigation that showed he won florida. benny thompson, remember he was head of the january 26th commission, and talked about integrity and validity. and voted to decertify the ohio electors. 31 house members challenged it. and we go on to 2016, do you remember the grade c celebrities
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every night in mid december, begging 31 electors to renouns their constitutional duty to reflect the vote in the state. and then we had jimmy carter. they all said the same thing, donald trump was elected by the elections. he was illegitimate. and stacey abrams sued them because she thought she was the real governor even though she was wiped out in 2018. >> he hit the nail on the end and he is one of the people that trump is supposedly looking at for vice president, even with the constitutional issue there. but victor, i want to circle back to what we were talking about earlier in the show which is this bold trump move into liberal territory, which -- i have been begging republicans to do for years. but finally, with trump, we have a working class message that
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connects with ethnic minorities and other working class americans who have gotten a raw deal from the globalists. he is going right into the heart of their territory and saying, i will be for you. and i love that. it is brilliant. >> yeah. yes. yeah. i think what he -- we have never seen a republican candidate that has appealed on ethnic lines on middle class values and solidarity. that is what he is doing. and almost every hispanic male in this area, and i am living in a community of 85% of mexican americans is voting for donald trump. not necessarily women or young peoples. but hispanic males have had it with the border and inflation, and the cultural issues that people talk to them about transgenderism, and late term abortion, and green power, et cetera. so we are in a really revolutionary time if trump can
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pull it off. if he can. but he has to campaign in these areas. >> mike biden fight for every vote. victor, thank you, always great to see you. that's it for us tonight, before we go, we have a special guest. oh, my gosh. all right. >> hello. >> it is his birthday tonight, and did you ask me if you could come on the show, yeah, anyway, 14 years of age. nico, happy birthday. make sure you follow me on social media. do you want to read what it says. >> jesse watters takes it from here. remember to follow me on social media, we will have pictures posted. we have pictures of your birthday cake. >> yeah. >> it is melting outside? >> jesse watters takes it from here. we will cover the trump trial tomorrow. so be sure to tune in. >> welcome to jesse watter


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