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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 20, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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but he has to campaign in these areas. >> mike biden fight for every vote. victor, thank you, always great to see you. that's it for us tonight, before we go, we have a special guest. oh, my gosh. all right. >> hello. >> it is his birthday tonight, and did you ask me if you could come on the show, yeah, anyway, 14 years of age. nico, happy birthday. make sure you follow me on social media. do you want to read what it says. >> jesse watters takes it from here. remember to follow me on social media, we will have pictures posted. we have pictures of your birthday cake. >> yeah. >> it is melting outside? >> jesse watters takes it from here. we will cover the trump trial tomorrow. so be sure to tune in. >> welcome to jesse watters
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watters primetime, tonight: >> he stole money from the trump organization. >> the prosecutor misled this jury. >> it is a higher degree of a felony than trump was charged with. >> michael cohen was a liar, and also a thief. >> a trail of broken promises leaves black people behind. it is a black man that loves this country, even if it doesn't love him back in either measure. >> he tells blacks that americans don't love him. [ cheering and applause ]. >> why are women so angry? >> listen to me, money buys happiness. [ ♪♪ ] >> it only took 19 days,
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but we finally have a crime in the trump trial. michael cohen, not only a liar but a thief. another gruesome day of cross-examination confessed to larceny, admitting he stole $60,000 from his old boss. "you stole from the trump organization, correct?" with cohen responding with a "yes, sir." as former president trump stared on, shaking his head. even cnn's heads were shaking. >> this is a bomb. this is a bomb dropped in the middle of the prosecution's case. >> they appear to have caught cohen in another lie. >> this has given such ammunition as to fatally undermine the prosecution's case. >> i am sort of reeling from the revelation that michael cohen stole money from the trump organization. >> jesse: jake is reeling, what do you think brad is doing. trump is in a conspiracy with a
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guy stealing his money, trump became a victim. that's how the jury sees it. michael cohen falsified invoices to the trump organization. and he paid the contractors in cash in a brown paper bag. msnbc couldn't believe it. >> dealing in these sandwich bags of cash is already problematic but the idea that he would grab a wad of cash and stick it in his pocket has moved michael cohen from this figure where he is part tom hagen from the gold father but really more like friedo corleon. >> jesse: when asked why he stole from trump, he said he was angry that his bonus was not bigger and he saw it as help. he saw it as samples, where he
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could just help himself like in a super market. but msnbc called it, rebalancing the bonus you think you deserved. >> it was michael cohen doing the little he could within the calculation to rebalance the bonus he thought he deserved and it still came out as less than the bonus he thought he deserved and the bonus he got the year before. >> jesse: to the producers with the last word, upset with the bonus that laurence gave you, take his wallet and rebalance the bonus. nothing illegal about it. but the da calls it larceny. >> the fact he was not charged with larceny is important. because stealing $60,000 through fraud, which would be larceny in new york state is more serious of a crime than falsifying business. he committed larceny. it is a higher degree of felony than what trump is caused with. >> jesse: the only proof of a
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crime, is a crime committed by the star witness not the defendant. the only falsified business document was falsied by cohen not trump. this rested on a phone call that never happened and trump signing a false invoice he didn't know about. why would he sign an invoice that robbed him of 60 grand, obviously he didn't. he didn't know it was falsified that right there destroys the entire prosecution's case. they argued that trump knew about everything he was signing and he clearly didn't. trump is coming out as the victim of a crime committed by a free wheeling attorney that only changed his story after the feds raided his office saying you have 48 hours to plead guilty or your family is going to jail. they brought in bob costello that testified that cohen was
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acting suicidal, manic and a drama queen and told him this "i swear to god, i have nothing on trump." that he said he knew nothing about the payments. and he repeated that numerous times. cohen was gettingesed -- squeezed by the feds. and he would have offered it to get rid of the feds. the judge was not a fan of costello and accused him of rolling his eyes at him. and then said "are you staring me down." the judge lost it. kicked everyone out of the courtroom to talk to costello alone. and then the judge wouldn't let the attorneys call their expert witness, the former head of the elections commission that was supposed to testify that the $130,000 nda was not a finance
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allegation. al the only expert witnesses that are allowed to testify are porn stars. they tried to save this case, and trump left the courthouse moments ago, quoting sh shakespeare. >> that was incredible. i have never seen anything like it in my life. it is a disaster for our country. it is a disaster for new york state, new york city. where exactly is the crime? to quote a memorable line from shakespeare, "i don't know, it is a mystery." there is just no crime. >> jesse: this case is falling apart. so let's see how the democrats are taking it. [ bleep ]. >> it is just matcho. [ bleep ]. >> listen to the charge. who the -- [ bleep ] >> you want an alabama baptist coming on you. quit leaking stories.
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>> jesse: this is a fox news legal editor, she was in the courtroom today. am i putting too much flash on your last name? >> i like it. >> jesse: you like the flash. you saw a lot of flashes of cameras today. what happened when that stealing information dropped? >> it was a shocking moment. we were hitting each other, saying did we know this yet? it was a stunning revelation into the case. the prosecution didn't front it last week. in fact, jesse, we were believed when michael cohen was on the stand he was trying to get his money back and his christmas bo bonus, but he was stealing from trump negotiating this payment plan. so the real question for the jury is, is michael cohen the worst witness of all time. >> jesse: doesn't get worse than that. recording his client, stealing from his client and leeking
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about his client. how did the jury take in this information? >> it was just so startling. you know, to have a witness confess that he was stealing from the guy that he is clearly trying to get sent to jail and the thing that he did was worse than what they are alleging his boss did, who is on trial. we will see how it plays out. >> jesse: this was a shock, this was a surprise. >> it was a shock. and i have to tell you, after we got through the shock of all that and came back for lunch and the prosecution tried to rehabilitate his testimony, saying, that was not true, right, and they were like, yeah, that was false. so i don't know what the jury could have been thinking. >> jesse: the judge kicks everyone out of the courtroom because the defence witness, costello told his eyes, what happened. >> it got a little bit testy because the prosecution was
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objecting every 30 seconds when the defence was asking bob costello questions. the prosecution does not want bob costello to speak, because he can destroy their case. because he has testified before a grand jury, and congress, and he has talked about it on tv, that cohen told him he had nothing on trump. and this is when he was suicidal. if there was ever a time to have something on donald trump to get him out of the mess he was in, it would have been then. and he said he didn't have anything and nothing to do with the stormi daniels case. but the prosecution would jump in, and he sustained a lot of them, it was frustrating for bob costello, and he started to show his frustration. and he started to mutter under his breath, "ridiculous," "g "geez." and then there was the staring
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contest. >> jesse: oh, wow. do you know when the case is over? >> it is spilling into next week. >> jesse: so we can chew on it, on memorial day. thank you. former federal prosecutor, katie trukeski is joining me now. donald trump gave you and your husband a shout out, saying you guys were esteemed legal eagles and thinks highly of you. he has probably seen you on this show. how did you absorb the fact that michael cohen stole 60 grand from trump and he was paying the stiff contractor 20 grand in cash in a brown paper lunch bag? >> there is no such thing as a mercy rule in a trial, but i think the prosecution wishes there was. because this is getting to the point of embarrassment. i don't know that they were planning to have their entire case rest on someone so incredible the whole time.
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that couldn't have possibly been the plan. this is an embarrassment of a showing of a prosecution that i can't imagine that the judge wouldn't grant the motion to dismiss this case. but we know that that's unlikely here. but realistically speaking there has been no evidence presented on the elements of the case. >> jesse: the prosecution knew about this phone call that never happened. they had the call records. and they knew about the larceny. cohen said he told the da's office that he stole 60 grand from trump. but they are with holding this information from the jury. and it is just -- it is spilling out in a ridiculous, embarrassing way. why? >> well, when you have a witness with such severe credibility issues, which the prosecution knew about all the time, you have to corroborate every word
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out of their mouth independently, or you can't rely on their testimony period. whether they knew about the larceny and the theft, i am sure they did. but they didn't try to explain it. michael cohen didn't even really try to explain it. it is strange, for sure. but ultimately we have to go back to, what are the actual elements of the offences and put aside all of the salacious details, because it is wasting the jury's time with the ridiculousness. >> jesse: you are a former prosecutor. if you have someone that steals 60 grand and says i am rebalancing the bonus that i thought i was owed, what do you say to that? >> i like it. it is clever. i am a defence attorney, so i am going to incorporate that. that's a nice way to do that. >> jesse: good luck with that in court. thank you very much, katie. >> thank you. >> jesse: donald trump had a new
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entorage support him today. a guy that led the former new york hells angels what was it like in court today? >> the judge said, sustain, strike that. i am not accepting this. it was crazy. but president trump's attorney got on and when he was cross-examining michael cohen, and he says, last week you said you lie under oath for personal gain, do you lie under oath for personal gain, he says yes. i was like, dismiss this case, it is over. i just can't believe it. >> jesse: he is lying for money. >> absolutely. >> jesse: and he got him to admit that he is stealing from his client and recording his phone calls.
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was it as cold in the courtroom as it was today. trump said it was a refrigerator. >> i didn't feel it was cold. >> jesse: because you have ice on your wrist and your pinky. he might not walk out of here in manhattan after that. all right, why did you show up today to show your love? >> i would always support president trump. we know each other over 40 years. we go back a long time. i will always support him. he is the greatest president of my lifetime, i will tell you that. and he is not even -- he don't even all this to go through it. he is doing it for the american people and america. not for himself. he wants to make the country great again with the 20 million illegal aliens that came over the border. they emptied their prisons and sent them over here, he is doing it for the american people. but, i tell you, he is a
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trooper, man. nothing phases him. he is like, you know, he doesn't care. we were in the jury room before and after. we had lunch there. and he goes, this is what i have to go through. i should be campaigning. getting ready for my debates. but this is what they are putting me through. what are you going to do, nothing phases him, i thought i was a tough guy, he is a salvage. >> jesse: what did you have for lunch? >> pizza pies and stuff. i am still training, so i had a slice and a bottle of water. but i can't believe what he is going through. >> jesse: it is unbelievable. >> and like i says, he says he lied on the stand. and we are talking millions. he said he made 5 million here, 4 million there, michael cohen, and he has been stealing the whole time. making himself money, and not only that, he sells t shirts. >> jesse: right.
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>> with trump. >> jesse: i don't know if you picked up on this, he says he is considering michael cohen running for congress, everyone. michael cohen might run for congress. >> he couldn't make a dog catcher. >> jesse: all right. >> and then he is saying that they want to do his tv show on him. >> jesse: yeah. >> called the fixer. go figure. >> jesse: go figure. all right, tuxedo everyone. you will be much richer affidavits. johnny celebrates college graduation. [ ♪♪ ] (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily
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powering progress. >> jesse: joe biden spent the weekend trying to slam the
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brakes on the black exodus. just because he is playing hard, doesn't mean he is playing smart. in detroit he said he was vice president during covid19. >> president joe biden: when i was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic. and what happened was, barrack said to me, go to detroit. >> jesse: barack obama sent biden to detroit to fix the pandemic? what is he talking about. and then he delivered an address in atlanta, a historically black college where the uplifting message is this "america is racist, you are a victim." >> rt. hon. justin trudeau: you started college as george floyd was murdered and there was a reckoning on race. it is a wonder if the democracy you hear about actually works for you. what is democracy? if black men are being killed in the street.
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what is democracy, if a trail of broken promises is leaving black people behind? what is democracy, if you have to be ten times better than anyone else to get a fair shot? and most of all, what does it mean, as you have heard before, to be a black man who loves his country, even if it doesn't love him back in equal measure. >> jesse: america doesn't love you. that's the message. he also pushed another hoax. >> president joe biden: today, in georgia, they won't allow water to be available to you while you wait in line to vote in an election. what the hell is that all about? >> jesse: there is no ban on water at polling stations. you just can't hand out free stuff 150 feet from where people vote. they don't want partisan's passing out snacks around polling stations, you are not even allowed to hand out my book
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"get it together." it is the law. another thing, america hates you, but i will hire you. >> president joe biden: i have more people in the whitehouse telling me what to do than i know what to do. you think i am kidding, don't you. you know i am not. >> jesse: i have blacks bossing me around, is the new, i am not racist, i have black friends. the pannedering backfired. they turned their back on the president in protest. primetime could only find one fan of the speech. >> i thought it was a very good speech. he made some very key points. it was a speech of substance and it was inspirational. >> jesse: so inspirational. there was zero fan fare for his motor cade. no one case that the president dropped in. here is trump driving in new york.
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>> crowds lining the streets, taking pictures. here is biden before the un general assembly speech. no interest. this week, biden showed up to an event in atlanta, and we have no idea what went on here. [ ♪♪ ] (laughter). >> jesse: the dj had to hit the music because it got so awkward. the president should arouse excitement, not make people uncomfortable. cardi b pulled her endorsement. and trump is capitalizing heading to the south bronx this week. >> a lot of people can't afford
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groceries, a lot of bad things are happening. and trump is speaking to the people in barber shops and the people that can't afford their lifestyle they had four to five years ago. >> jesse: miccalea montgomery who met trump at the atlanta chick-fil-a. you were the one that was hugging trump. you are famous now. you wanted your mom to know about that. when you hear joe biden give the commencement address and that's his message. how does that make you feel? >> i think it is interesting that somebody who spent a majority of their career punishing black men and locking them up for generations to come, it is interesting that you would then get in front of a large pool of successful and educated black men and try to, i guess, make up for the wrongs or act like we were supposed to forget. i think it was a very tone deaf attempt to win over an audience,
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to -- whether he realizes or not, are aware of his policies while in office, and they are not pleased with his performance. with that being said, no matter how many times you come and make a speech and mention certain things, oh, i have more housemen working in the whitehouse. more housemen have been working in the whitehouse since long before you were ever there. so there -- i don't know what the point of bringing that up was. to say, oh, you know, america doesn't love you. it is very interesting for you, of all people to say that, considering it was you that passed the bills that made us feel unloved. and i just wonder how he could stand there and feel safe knowing that at this point in time, he would refer to the entire audience that he would call them super predators. and i remember him saying he didn't want his kids to go to school with the same kids graduating because it would turn into a racial jungle.
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so regardless of what he got up there and said, not one time did he apologize for what he has done. so i don't think that any speech he could have given at the office or any campaign strategy in regards to engaging with hbcus will undo the wrongs of the past. it is going to take more than a speech to like you. >> jesse: trump is in atlanta. now campaigning in the bronx. why do you think he is getting traction in the african american community? >> because much like our bronx girl, cardib, he has betrayed her. she is not voting for trump, she is not voting for everybody. but people are saying they are very disappointed and they would rather not vote than vote for
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him says a lot. because everyone knows if there are two people running and you don't vote for one, that's you giving your vote to the other person. >> jesse: you are exactly right. >> so whether you say you outwardly support trump, if you don't vote, your vote is going there. >> jesse: new details on diddy, right back. [ ♪♪ ] th indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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that. i was [ bleep ] up. >> i mean, i hit rock bottom. i make no excuses. my behaviour on that video is inexcusable. i take full responsibility for my actions in the video. i went and i sought out professional help. and i got going to therapy, and ongoing to rehab, but i am committed to be a better man, each and every day. >> jesse: his own tape confessing to a brutal domestic assault, but he is not going to face charges for it. the lada says the statute of limitations has run out. so he is going to beat a woman on camera in 2016, but trump is charged with felonies with paperwork in 2016. harrison butker might be getting
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fired because he tells college students that are women that are excited to have families. >> i am guessing most of you are excited about your marriage and the children you bring into this world. my beautiful wife is bell would be the first to say, her life started when she lived her vokation as a wife and mother. >> after his outburst, and because the pipeline of talent is real, the kansas city chiefs next kicker should be a woman. this is not a joke. it is not unrealistic. and it would be good for business. how would losing games with a female kicker be good for business. the paper thinks that sarah fuller should kick for the chiefs. great athlete, soccer star. but she played one game of football in college. one game.
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she never made a single field goal. she never even attempted one. here she is kicking off. >> history is on the field in columbia, missouri, and sarah fuller is about to put her right foot into a football. >> jesse: okay. this is the definition of dei. fire a qualified white man and hire someone that can't fill his shoes. men and women are built differently. you went proof, go to portland. a trans-high school track star is crushing his competition. he is at the top of the charts in the female division. and he is getting booed. [ booing ].
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>> jesse: parents have had it. one mom says her daughter has been warned, stay quiet and lose to a man or get banned for life. >> my daughter has to compete. [ bleep ]. >> she just won first at state. and a lot of people are afraid to speak out, because there is consequences. if you talk about gender or talk negative, it can disqualify the children from the event. >> jesse: gillian michaels joins primetime. so they are going to get rid of the guy and put a female soccer player in who has never kicked a single field goal in college, on the -- i guess the last team that won the super bowl. >> yeah, yeah, well here is the good news, jesse. there was a study in sports
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medicine that assessed the possibility for such things to happen. and in fact, football kicker was one of the sports they looked at. and men had a 16 to 22% advantage over women in kicking a football. so i don't know -- i don't know how realistic that is. and more to the point, as a person who probably couldn't be more different than said kicker, i am a female business woman, i am gay, i am not religious. i really don't understand what this man said that has everyone calling for his head. somebody tell me, what i am missing when there are literally children on a college campus down the street calling for the death of all jews, but we are protecting their first amendment rights. but this guy lives a little bit different than you. has different opinions than you, and we want his life ruined. >> jesse: joe biden tells
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college grads, america is racist, and it doesn't love you. this kicker says you are probably excited to have kids and maybe fall in love. and he is on the chopping block and biden could be president again. what about the transrunner that is smoking the women. if you raise a stink, you are cancelled. >> i completely agree with you. the world has lost its mind. so it is important to have guys like you out there, putting these issues front and centre. >> jesse: that was the best answer that you could have possibly given. we just need more guys like me. gillian michaels, you are welcome back here any time. >> jesse: why are women so mad? [ chanting ] choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine
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. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: primetime knows without women society falls apart. so it is important to keep them happy. but these days women are very upset. why? it is a mystery. probably something we did. instead of complaining, they are
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doing something strange. women are going into the woods and screaming. [ screaming ]. >> fight for that little girl inside of you! show her that you will protect her! >> jesse: that was a rage r ritual, women pay thousands of dollars to scream in the forest and smash the forest with sticks and stones. for some women it is the release they are looking for. mia magic says that women have a
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hot fury bubbling inside of them that needs to be let out. >> rage has been demonized, especially in the feminine. but our sacred rage has created so many movements and change in our planet. it is imperative we release this fiery hot emotion within us so it can not poison or toxicfy our reality. she joins us now. why are the women participating in these rituals so angry? >> you know, jesse, there is so much that has happened in the world over the last several years. i think a lot of people, not just women, a lot of people are angry, they are depressed, sad, afraid, uncertain. and women in particular come to my retreats to help themselves heal. i read your book over the weekend and i agree with
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self-sabotage and esteem, and the main culprit being the father. you are a great father, but some women have grown up with bad men as their fathers, and who looked down upon them, or were cruel to them. this helps them release their anger. >> jesse: i never thought i would say this, but i like that. not because you read my book. but why are people angry? is it gaza, is it the pandemic? what is driving women into the woods to scream? >> it is one hour in the whole week, the rage ritual. but it is all what you just mentioned. when you spoke to kaitlin in
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mis missouri, you said, let it out, appropriately. and there is not an appropriate direction for women to do that. so i want to offer something like that. i want to allow people the support to work towards happiness. you said happiness is -- it takes work. and it does. this is the kind of work that i have found within myself and within my students and clients, when you do the work it leads to sustainable, and lasting happiness because of the impact it has on your ability to come home to your community transformed. and calmer and more at ease, because you have released some of what has been holding you back your whole life. >> jesse: what can men do to help women be less rageful, we are in this together. >> yeah, absolutely. 100 percent. for men i think it is more sadness, and the thing is, nature actually counteracts the impacts of that on the body. they can listen to women, holding them, asking them what they need for support.
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being vulnerable with their emotions. >> jesse: you are saying a lot really fast. so we have to write this down. you said listening. >> okay. >> jesse: holding. >> listening. >> jesse: nurturing. >> did i miss nurturing? >> going out into nature is great. >> jesse: take them into nature. okay. listening them. holding them. taking them on walks in the woods. am i missing anything else. >> asking them what they need for support? >> jesse: okay. these are -- this is big advice. >> and being vulnerable. >> jesse: that's the deal killer. (laughter). >> oh, come on. >> jesse: i am teasing. >> you got divorced, jesse, i am sure you had nights when you were sad and lonely. >> jesse: yes, i am the most vulnerable man you will ever meet. we have to go. you are a good witch and we love you. johnny is up next. [ ♪♪ ]
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: it is graduation season. for some graduation is cancelled thanks to arab spring break. so johnny hit the streets to give graduates the advice they deserve. >> graduation season is upon us. why is that day so important? >> you work your ass off. >> a day to celebrate what you did. >> you are done with the grades, the hard work, the home work. >> you are going across a stage that doesn't matter. >> pretty please, could we have the documents. >> tell me about your graduation. >> it was boring. >> i wore very uncomfortable shoes. >> you would cry at any moment. >> we all sang. >> what did you sang? >> "lean on me." ♪ sometimes in our lives, we all friends, we all have colours ♪ >> that's now how the song goes.
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>> who was the commencement speaker, george washington? >> a short white woman. >> nancy pelosi. what is wrong with her? she is a yes woman. she said yes to too much [ bleep ] >> yes. >> what would you do over? >> save my money. >> don't let anyone tell you that money doesn't buy happiness, it sure does. >> stayed with my ex-wife. >> i moved to be an actress on broadway, and i hadn't taken a voice lesson. >> hilary clinton has a broadway show, maybe you should do it. >> i stopped singing a long time ago. >> that didn't stop hilary. >> think back to your young 22-year-old self-, what would you tell him? >> run. >> read more. >> ask for help. >> i need help. ask for help. >> date yourself. >> are you dating yourself?
5:59 pm
>> i still am every day. >> you both seem very happy. >> i would vote for him. he was doing better. with this, i can't. >> your son trump, he looks like you. >> i am orange. >> you ain't blank. >> college graduations are cancelled across the country due to pro-hamas protesters. is that okay? >> definitely not okay. education is first. >> it is just a load of crap. >> i find it disgusting. >> do you condemn hamas? >> condemn hamas, um, i will say yes. [ ♪♪ ] >> well now it is up to you to give the commencement address. so put your cap and gown on and give them a message. >> dear graduates, i want you to take one message and one message alone. >> don't do too many drugs. >> decent accept hand outs.
6:00 pm
>> don't buy anything that is trendy. >> take care of each other. >> stay strong. >> lean on me, when you are not strong! and i'll be your friend. >> take at all in, because it keeps going faster as you get older. >> and free palestine! >> wait, what. >> got you. >> should jesse watters be a commencement speaker? >> what has he done? >> he fought the war on christmas. he wrote the a book. >> jesse: we didn't have time for my morgan wallen concert review. maybe tomorrow. shorthanded, he is next, and always remember, i am watters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ]


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