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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 20, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> great news fox nation number 1 and third edition on fox nation. three of four episodes. this one follows the legendary man hunter bass reeves. wait until you hear that story. let not the heart be troubled. greg gutfeld is next. he will put a smile on your face! have a great night! [ cheering and applause ] [ ♪♪ ]
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[ cheering and applause ] [ ♪♪ ] >> greg: yes! yes! yes! [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: all right! i agree. happy monday everybody! let's get started. donald trump has demanded a drug test for joe biden for the first debate. biden privately told if he wants my urine, he can get it from the seat cushion like everybody else. [ laughter ] a woman swam through shark infested waters in san francisco saying the sharks weren't even interested in her. [ laughter ] wow, even the sharks are gay! [ laughter ] new york city is in peak polen
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season. on the brighter nose it makes it tougher to smell [ bleep ]. the iran president was found dead after -- [ cheering ] all right! i didn't expect that. but should be grateful. dead after his helicopter crashed in a remote mountainous region. local investigators blame the weather and the jews. [ laughter ] why not? [ cheering ] >> greg: how about those jews? president was known as the butcher of iran. now known as the ground beef of iran. [ laughter ] amid rumours of divorce ben and j-lo at the event on saturday. and he avoided photographers by taking cover of j-lo's ass,
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cheep and true. and disturbing video show shawn combs attacking casey and defended it saying i was sampling iturner. >> who. >> greg: we have limits. charges likely dropped after scottie scheffler after the cop's body cam was off in the incident. hillary clinton remarked this reminds me when i murdered jeffrey epstein. [ applause ] this is my audience! [ cheering ] >> greg: and a new york city law student went to rehab for a cheese addiction that had her eating nearly six blocks of cheese per week. that's nothing said one man. [ laughter ] let's do a monologue. that was fun.
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so let's talk about bill marr, he's the only -- [ cheering ] giving away the surprise! [ laughter ] he's the only other talk show host beside me that hasn't worn black face. >> oh! >> greg: but the night is young. [ laughter ] it is fox! but weirdly he's been saying stuff that i like hearing. >> there's a guy in the news named harrison butger and can't express how much he is not like me. he's religious and loves marriage and loved kids and said some of you talking to the women may go on to lead successful careers in the world. okay, that seems fairly like modern. but i would venture to guess the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. i don't see what the big crime
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is. i really don't. and i think this is part of the problem people have with the left is that lots of people in this country are like this. he's saying some of you may go to lead successful careers. a lot of you are excited about the other way that people -- everybody used to be. and now can't that just be a choice too? >> greg: hmm! [ cheering ] something is happening! could this be the biggest 180 since bruce jenner replaced the track suit for a hoop skirt? no. fact is bill is likely seeing a party go in the direction that deviates what we used to call sanity. and bill and i have more in common than you think. we're both hosts of successful shows, we can both fold our legs behind our heads. [ laughter ] and we both carry around canadian quarters to give to the homeless.
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[ laughter ] but we also agree on today's insanity. and bill's great new book, he talks about presentism that means judging everyone in the past by the standards of the present and says like getting mad at yourself today not knowing what you know now when you were 10. i feel the same way when i read my own diaries. to think i wanted to be one of charlie's angels. but i also feel that way when i read some of the stuff i wrote earlier and see that i let my concerns about terror mistakenly that safety trump freedom. does bill feel that way watching older episodes of realtime? i ask him if he were here tonight. oh, wait, he is! [ cheering ] all right. see, today's world can create strange bedfellows. bill marr and greg gutfeld
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together is like cattimp and ozempic and dr. drew and dr. cavorcian and dana parino and barack obama. won likes to take dogs for the walk and others like to put dogs in the walk. >> president ate dogleg judging the present is lazy and people in the past might look ignorant to us perhaps with the exception of not letting women vote. marr adds that the left irritates and frustrates him and the right alarms him. that's how i feel about condoms versus impregnating my dog walker. i get it! instead of listening to the saner voices on opposing sides we often focus on the nuts because it's fun. protestors are more fun to expose than debating a nerd on
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the middle east. god, that sounds boring. i would be the one stepping in front of traffic. like wise, it's easier to focus on january 6th than the millions of decent people who think trump is their guy. the question however is which crazies have more sway? the rights nuts come from below and fever swamp of reddit and huinon and the left come from above and make progress. the mayo clinic apologized for saying too sexist and heads of school say no longer use boys and girls and dude creamed girls in the race and ruined ghost busters with the all female cast. call me old fashioned. the only place that women should be gusting ghosts is in the kitchen. >> oh! bill is here for a few reasons. he's selling a book which we never do at fox. [ laughter ] but also when was the last time we had two normal people from
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different sides disagree in front of other people? >> exactly. >> greg: there you go. [ cheering ] so here, the goal is to understand and not undermine. to see that people at fox aren't [ bleep ] crazy and people around transgender pro terror bike messengers. some of them are just cross dressers. but there's one thing we might always disagree on and that's trump. even though i can't argue with bill over trump's personality. sure trump has no filter but neither do the joints that bill smokes. [ laughter ] it's true! but i wonder if bill -- trump has biden tick tacks? >> this is called biden tick tacks. [ laughter ] [ cheering ] can you see it? this cost more money than the one that cost ten times.
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temperature is inflation. americans are not struggling -- this is called. who put the stage up? the friggen place is falling down. i notice it keeps tilting for the left. what a crappy contractor this was! >> greg: that's trump. he insults people. but i insult people. if i stopped insulting people, what would be left of the show? [ laughter ] happy monday everyone! i'm greg gutfeld and love america. that would be it! yet, trump's deeds often defy his bluster and he's the most anti-war president i have seen. and unlike joe and hillary he goes after individuals in power not the masses. he doesn't slam millions of people as racist perhaps in his mind he thinks he can win them over and populous and in the world where elites locked us down and went to find restaurant that matters and the point is it's elites not the populous who
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had insane covid measures and child mutation under gender affirmation and true trump refuse to concede and they were convinced they were rigged if only the other side did the right thing. >> i think it's critical to understand as i've been telling candidates who come to see me, you can run the best campaign you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you. >> people say trump traffics in hate but i think he's got competition. >> donald trump and the maga republicans represent extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. maga look to seek darkness and despair and stretch free -- >> greg: that was uniting to
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america as lorena bobets was to a penis. and trump lies but as opposed to whom? obama and hillary russian gate. and inflation was 9% when took over and double whoopers with extra cheese. he got elected on the fine people push the trump drink bleach hoax. he claims he was arrested marching for civil rights top of the class in law school and runner up state scoring champ in football. yet the only proof he played football is the brain damage. [ laughter ] [ cheering ] >> greg: i know. that was mean. what does trump lie about? things like the size of the crowd at the inauguration or the penis not looking like a chitake, i mean, who among us -- i tell everyone in the audience it's huge and i bent it playing
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football. [ laughter ] people also call trump a clown. fine. but when you work in a circus why not be the clown and beats cleaning up after the elephants. the government are the circus and the idiots give it the respect they deserve. no one is asking you to love the guy. great leaders are hated and bill parcel and vince lombardi and of course joe jackson! [ laughter ] fact is the guy you hate might be better at the big issues than the guy he claims the uncle was eaten by canabals, i don't expect to change his mind and if you have everyone agree with you on every single thing you will be lonely. >> when do the other people talk? >> greg: i'm almost done. [ cheering ] i have another hour. you know, ...
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[ laughter ] that's it. you're off the show! i change my mind. any way, you will be very lonely. very lonely if you want everybody to agree with you which explains why joe bahar goes through three vibrators a month. this would be the ideal time for a song. ♪ i'm so sorry ♪ ♪ mr. bill marr ♪ ♪ stupidly i didn't see that we agree ♪ ♪ so just surprise, now i realize ♪ ♪ that we shared the same philosophy ♪ ♪ we're both 6, 3 ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ when you did show that, you'll find surprising alignment ♪ ♪ and so mr. marr, i say ♪
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♪ one more time in the heart felt way ♪ ♪ i'm sorry ♪ [ cheering ] >> greg: let's welcome the next guest with more emmy nominations than -- with the podcast and the author of the new book and what the comedian will shock you bill mar r. she was on host of the five dana moreno and prostate exams have the four month waiting list and chief patient officer for the wellness community dr. drew. she's tough as nails but easy on the scales! "new york times" best selling author. [ cheering ] >> welcome to the show bill. >> thank you. >> greg: so far so fun? >> i have a few quibs. >> greg: quib away mr. quib.
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>> i think it's great we're talking and agree on some things and not aligned on the most important things that trump is someone who does not concede elections. that's the most important thing. >> greg: yeah. >> you don't seem to see it that way. that's the most important thing that's going on in this country. he didn't concede the last election. won't concede this election. >> greg: you don't know that. you don't see to the future. i don't see your crystal ball. >> i did. i was talking about that way back then. and people said you smoke too much pot. turns out i smoke just the right amount. [ laughter ] can you picture this guy going i lost, that's it? >> greg: he did. he left. >> he left because he had to leave. >> greg: that's how it works. what do you think he's going to board up the white house? pull out straw dogs with dustin hoffman. >> last time thought the other republicans would back him up
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and call the guy and georgians and need 11,000 votes. >> greg: he didn't say create. he said find. >> same thing. >> greg: i don't say on the easter egg hunt i want you to create esther eggs. >> you have a show. my favourite show was politically incorrect. >> this is what it looked like. but the difference is politically incorrect is mixing people with different viewpoints. >> greg: what we're doing. >> tonight. >> greg: this is why it doesn't work! [ laughter ] >> greg: i'm kidding. >> no. >> greg: dr. drew, you're really good at diagnosing mental illness. >> okay. >> greg: what is bill's problem? [ laughter ] >> wow! >> greg: does feel personal about trump with bill. >> it's not. >> greg: it feels that way. >> it's not.
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>> it's not personal. it's just a difference of opinion. >> greg: did he sue you? >> i didn't know. >> in the news. >> greg: i don't follow everything in your life. >> he sued me because i said he possibly was the son of an orangutan. and showed the picture and the hair colour looks like an orangutan. >> what is interesting with origin he's always been the stand up politician and now heading towards carrot top and what is at the podium and he is a comedian at the podium. >> greg: he realizes he's winning. i think that's bothering you bill. >> it is bothering me. he is insurrection that doesn't believe in democracy and of course bothering me and insane and a criminal. >> except for that bill. >> greg: other than that vote for him. >> what works for him and the
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clip you showed he's almost the same age as biden. but biden presents as old. >> yeah. >> ancient. >> that doesn't look old. >> greg: it doesn't. >> he doesn't present as old. he's like kiss. he puts on the wig and the face paint and it's 1976 all over again. >> greg: those were the days. dana bring you in here. >> as the other orange one. >> greg: yes! that really is bright! just thinking about tang. >> i love tang! >> greg: if we can sit here and have a conversation, why can't other americans do the same? >> i think most americans are. i think a lot of this is actually online and it is people thinking that america is so polarized when in actual in your daily life and you get off line and see people their smile and share a smile, i know that there are people that would never -- maybe on a school board meeting, right? those are contentious and feel
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like nobody agrees with me. i hear that a lot. i look around and actually i don't think people are that much at each other's throats. we in the media tend to exacerbate that. one of the things that bill had over the weekend on his show was nellie boles. cofounder of the free press and independent media. they are doing great work. she was also selling a book. in her book she writes about her politics, she believes, is a lot like other people's, which is not so much doctrine but exhaustion. and that people are just looking for some good common sense which is what -- >> my book. >> greg: can you just calm down. >> we'll get to it. >> greg: now i understand all the rumours about you are true. >> i don't know what that means. [ laughter ] >> look, we are polarizing. i don't think we can deny that. the point is we can also be friends. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> let's not pretend that these disagreements are not profound. let's just say they are profound. but you know what, there's 90 other things we could talk about which we wouldn't disagree on. i can't hate you. i said you a million times. you can hate trump. you can't hate all the people who like him. that's half the country. i'm certainly not blind to donald trump's faults. i get it why people choose to vote for him. you know, somebody who is conservative once said to me what you don't get you liberals don't get about trump, we don't like him either. we just see him as a ball work against the nonsense on the left. i understand that. there's a lot of nonsense in the left. that's in my book too. >> your book. [ cheering ] >> greg: anything you want to get off your chest? >> oh, nothing on my chest. [ laughter ] >> i do disagree with something you said bill which is no difference of opinion on the show. i disagree with greg about a lot
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of stuff actually. i never in my life voted for a democrat or a republican and i don't think i ever will. i'm just a small government person and neither side is offering me that. i vote for the third party. i vote libertarian. if you want to chirp for that wouldn't be the first time. >> fine. >> i get people coming at me both sides for sure. people think or they say a moderate which i'm not a moderate. i'm for very small government. i have so many friends. >> you're heartless. >> i'm not. i wish. my life would be -- i live a passionate life full of love. i think that -- thank you. [ applause ] >> well done. >> i have so many -- i work here and i have a lot of friends who are republican and conservative and i have a lot of friends that are liberal in my real life. people sometimes who watch the show like this and how was that possible? it's actually so easy. >> you know what, you said something on the show a few weeks ago that stayed with me
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that you said some of us not gotten over covid yet. >> that's true. >> the bitterness and excesses that covid left behind are fueling some of the acramony. fueling some of the acramony. >> way to shoe horn the medical stuff. more [ bleep ].li [ applause ] ng oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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>> greg: you heard about kansas city chiefs star about benedicting college and encouraging women to embrace the roles as homemakers and called sexist since none can cook a decent breakfast. my defence was simple it's appropriate for the venue.
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said thing i said injecting me from flash dancers from wearing pasties. he's a catholic with catholic values at a catholic university. if you want to hear a speaker promote abortion and drag queens and just go to the children's library and compare butker speech and saying vp during the covid-19 pandemic which he meant to say the spanish flu pandemic of 1918. he was at a black college and pretended that it's the republicans who are racist and not him resulting in the worst race pandering since rachel dolosal od'ed on bronzer. roll it. >> president joe biden: today in georgia they won't allow water to be available to you while you wait in line to vote in an election. what in the hell is that all about? i never thought i would be in a president in time with the national epidemic to ban books and not write history but erate
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history. they don't see you in the future of america. but they're wrong. >> greg: the only history erased from the short-term memory. he also bragged about ignoring the supreme court in the desperate move to buy student support and told them they face racism where they go. >> president joe biden: i'm relieving the burden of student debt many of you already had the benefit of it. i can chase your dream. and grow the economy. the supreme court told me i couldn't. i found two other ways to do it. what is democracy? black men are being killed on the street. what is democracy? trail of broken promises leaving black communities behind. what is democracy? you have to be ten times better than anyone else to get a fair shot. most of all, what does it mean? as we heard before, black man who loves his country, even if
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it doesn't love him back in equal measure. >> greg: nothing inspires college graduates than telling them they're [ bleep ]. [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: but... let's stop there, then, huh? dana there's more from there. but i'm just going to dump out. where is biden's speech writer in all of this? is this -- >> they all graduated from grievance university because they -- i would never allow somebody that i work for to give a speech like this at a commencement when you have young black people that just worked really hard and might be the first generation to go to college in front of all of the parents the president of the united states was like, yeah, you guys you'll never amount to anything. and then when he said you have to be ten times better than anybody else, they were thinking i could be 20 times better than you right now.
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[ laughter ] [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: if he wants to get rid of white supremacy should he have just resigned? >> oh! >> greg: he has a black lady right next to him. what is her name again? >> the speech it was a little strange, you know, just like hey black people, a lot of people hate you. don't worry, because i'm here. eww! so weird. the other commencement speech controversial at the catholic college and saying catholic stuff, i mean, i agree that i could not disagree more with his view of what a woman should be. with the way i live, i don't make dinner. i make money. thank you. but my having a different view of the roles of a marriage, i've solved that problem with other people thinking that way by just not marrying those people. >> greg: hmm...
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[ applause ] it was pretty bleak, dr. drew. >> yeah. i noticed also he kept saying black men. what about black women? >> greg: it's a black men's college. >> only male. >> greg: do your research. you call yourself a doctor. >> my fault. my bad. >> greg: can't you talk about the difference between a man and a woman. >> talk about that soon. it's coming. >> greg: go ahead. >> about what? >> greg: anything. let me ask you this: do you think there is a purpose to him being so stark and bleak? >> i think it's not helpful. first of all acronies tick. that speech would have made sense some years ago. i think we should acknowledge that racism still persists and always making remedial remedies for it. but we're not in the past. i always keep saying let's live in the year we're living in. we're not living in the year where you have to be ten times better to succeed if you're a
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person of colour and in some instances it's an advantage. >> greg: yeah. >> and some places it's not an advantage. but we're not living in that world that he's talking about. and i don't think that helps anybody. >> and the past is complicated. [ cheering and applause ] didn't i hear that angela davis found out that her -- she's related to somebody that came over on the may flower. >> greg: yes. >> i've been fascinated by the french struggling with presentism in the book. what is the book called again? >> it is called this will shock you. when you see the cover looks like click bait. >> they're trying to struggling with napoleon and what to make of him? he was not short. average height for a french men. >> so is greg. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> greg: that's unnecessary. out of nowhere! all right.
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>> you're short on time. >> greg: up next gender issues get muddy over another revealin study.fl this is a hot flash. but this is a not flash. for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms due to menopause... ...veozah is the first and only prescription treatment that directly blocks a source of hot flashes and night sweats. with 100% hormone-free veozah... can have fewer hot flashes... ...and more not flashes. veozah reduces the number and severity of hot flashes day and night. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors. increased liver blood test values may occur. your doctor will check them before and during treatment. most common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, and back pain. ask your doctor about hormone-free veozah... ...and enjoy more not flashes. you could save on veozah.
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>> the story in five words. [ cheering and applause ] >> five words suicide risk multiplies for trans. dr. drew this is amazing and new study by the nih founded individuals who under went gender affirming surgery had 12 times higher risk of suicide attempt. i'm not a doctor. that seems like a red flag. >> i would say that's a lot. there's a study years ago called the williams study out of ucla that suggested something similar and people are screwed about gender and sex. biological sex and gender. the reality is there are biological sexes and diversity amongst them and gender we can talk about. for gender affirming care we have to determine the right
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patient and right treatment. if we give the same treatment to everybody that is not medicine. we don't practice medicine that way. it's on us if people are hurting themselves because of care we're giving them. dangerous surgeries and medication. >> greg: bill, we were told that if we didn't transition kids, we had blood on our hands. and now we're finding out that it's actually the reverse. that we should actually be not doing any of it. what do you think? >> i like girls. [ laughter ] [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: so does that mean you want more boys to transition to girls? [ laughter ] >> you're confusing him with jim. [ laughter ] >> i mean, i was talking about this on my show last week. i mean, we are the outlier now, the united states. it's so funny the way sometimes the woke stuff, you know, and i always try to make this point that liberalism is not, you know, the same thing as woke. woke, they would like to think
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they're an extension of liberalism. i'm an old school liberal. they're not. it's old school opposite. they think going so far in the direction and actually turns out in the wrong direction and reversed it. most of the countries in europe now and england and scandinavian countries and the ones you can say look at what the liberal countries are doing. they're all reversed themselves on this. they don't do the puberty blockers and this stuff because of studies like this. america is doubling down on this stuff. we are the outlier country on this stuff. there's always a sensible middle ground that i'm trying to find. is there such a thing as trans? of course. there are sometimes people who are let's just say mix up at the factory. you don't feel in your head the way you do in your body. sometimes of this is also just a tiktok challenge that got out of hand. [ cheering and applause ] some of it is just social
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contagion and trendy and we should recognize both. >> greg: yeah. the progress is if you ever say that, you can be portrayed as trans phobic. people were psychologically bullied into just going along. >> is that what is supposed to happen? i don't know. i mean, i think for some people that's true. but i think that most people have sensible view of this, i think. i mean, i'm against people killing themselves. [ cheering and applause ] it's a bold stance to talk. whatever an adult wants to do with their own body, that's fine. >> hundred percent. >> and phobic means fear. it's a way to shut down debate when you use the word phobic. i'm not afraid of transpeople. islamophobia. not afraid. not about fear. way to go you can't talk about this. sorry, i talk about everything. [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: what do you make of
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this? >> i think if you were watching the five or the gutfeld show in the last five years, you heard all of the things that you're starting to see the main stream media cover which is just like maybe this isn't such a great idea if there is a big rise in suicides. but as we have said, if we're saying it, then the main stream media has to immediately say, oh, no, we are the early warning system for the left. they should pay more attention. >> greg: yes! coming up flyer said it was unfair when she couldn't get a wheelchair. [ ♪♪ ] >> family and friends seek quality time together. >> this american dream. [ ♪♪ ]
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leaving her gasping for air and forced her to walk off the plane. watch. >> i'm a plus side user and on the recent trip to the airport i requested wheelchair assistance as i do. when it came time to deplane i saw the employee assisting me in the entry of the jet bridge. as i approached her and realized she would be assisting me and not one of the smaller passengers, she started to walk away with the wheelchair and making comments about my size. i was then forced to walk unone of the longest jet bridges i have encountered. she didn't stop. by the time she let me reached the wheelchair and sit down my lips were white and oxygen levels dropped and almost fainted. this is the first time flying without oxygen. she assumed i could walk and rather me do that and instead of pushing someone my size up the jet bridge all the other attendants wheeled the passengers up the jet bridge and needs disregarded. >> greg: she said she was out of breath and after walking the
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jet bridge and could go when picked up the sent of a cinnabon. [ laughter ] there's something going on here that i don't like. basically she is demanding people to be servants for her because of her weight. you have to get me into a chair. how is this -- this is almost like class warfare fat privilege. >> based on physics and gravity, what if the other person couldn't do it? i couldn't do it. you know. she wants everyone to accept everyone's bodies. you should accept my body couldn't push your body. [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: yes! dana she's made previous demands for hotels to create size inclusive amenities like making elevators and hallways more spacious. she's no longer saying the
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clothes are too tight. she's saying the buildings are. [ laughter ] >> everybody is going to have to expand. >> greg: she is expecting tiny people like you to pay for the stuff. >> not only that filing a lot of lawsuits, i don't know if she is. there is a movement to file a lot of lawsuits or to pre-emptively call somebody and get them to change something by the threat of a lawsuit, which is a big mistake. >> greg: what is happening? >> first of all, i think this is the best show you have ever had! [ cheering and applause ] >> just like to make that -- >> greg: let me guess why. >> i don't know why. [ laughter ] >> greg: but i find it odd that we see this long video of her walking down the -- why she can walk down the plane. who is filming it? also why do we need a wheelchair if you can walk down the length of the plane. obviously can walk. we shouldn't make fun of the
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obese. i mean, look, i was just saying to you in the break, of all the topics i have ever covered and i've been pillared for everything, this is the one that i have gotten the most [ bleep ] about. this is the ultimate third rail in america because it's a bunch of fat [ bleep ] in this country. [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: you know what -- and bill. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> greg: they lied to us. they said they were jolly. [ laughter ] >> i want to take this woman and take her on a walk. let's get going. let's get it going and do something. i feel so bad for her. >> how to fix this? instead of feeling like victims fix it. >> greg: the diet culture is all screwed up. >> we're too heavy and too thin. >> this is old school liberalism, you have a problem and fix it. not just rename it or just be a
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victim of it. let's fix it. the homeless, get you off the streets instead of the woke you. >> greg: how dare you tell me to get healthier and get off the street? like anti-compassion. >> privilege denial. we privilege denial in the law and in the discourse. and that's a big mistake. >> greg: we have to move on. up next an in-depth look at bill's new bag. -- book. when you over do it... undo it, with the pepto that's right for you. ♪ pepto has berry fast melts ♪ ♪ cherry chewables ♪ ♪ liquicaps ♪ ♪ that make relief easy. ♪ ♪ ♪ pepto bismol. ♪ pick your pepto.
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he has a new book. amazing cover you have to explain it. tell us what this is about. >> honestly the editorials i've done over the years and everyone said i could collect them and put in a book and when we had the strike, i had the time to do that to go through all the editorials and rewrote them so they're up to date put together in a book and perfect gift for father's day. and everyone who's read it says is the funniest book they ever read because it has been tested as i do a lot of these already on the air and if you get the audiobook, i read them again. it's funny on every page and
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there is stuff your audience will just love it and those stuff they won't like and that's okay because like we did tonight, you have to talk to each other and here the other side and i speak differently and i don't want anyone ideologically captured and i speak to the normal people who don't want any hate anymore and america and i'm tired of the heat. [applause] i don't want to hate half the country. and i don't hate half the country so there you go. [applause] >> gary: we will be right back. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it's the martha stewart of soil.
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thanks to all our guests. [applause] >> trace: i'm trace gallagher and it's


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