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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  May 20, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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thanks to all our guests. [applause] >> trace: i'm trace gallagher and it's 8:00 here in los
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angeles and this is america's late news, "fox news @ night". >> killed on the street and they don't see you in the future of america but they are wrong. today in georgia, they won't allow water to be available to you while you wait in line to vote in a election and what in the hell is that all about? >> trace: reaction still coming in with president biden's bummer of a message to the graduates of morehouse college in atlanta calling to speech divisive, defeatist and desperate attempt to win back black voters. the war in gaza prompting the international criminal -- criminal court to have warrants for hamas leaders and israel prime minister. >> this is creating a moral equivalence after september 11th between president bush and osama bin laden or george woodward between fdr and hitler. >> trace: reacting with
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disgust and prosecution resting in new york versus donald trump after a bombshell omission from michael cohen the man many calling one of the worst witnesses anyone has ever seen because it is the former president have a chance with this deep blue manhattan jury is? nate is out there life with more on the fiery content. good evening. >> reporter: good evening and after testimony from key witnesses, michael cohen and bob costello, a request for the judge dismissing this case arguing the prosecutors did not prove trump falsified business records or did anything illegal to influence the 2016 presidential election judge reserved his decision but trump did not hold back while leaving court tonight. >> totally the motion to dismiss this child will go through
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because this trial was a disaster for our country and a disaster for new york state. >> take a look at this as trump posted on truth social tonight "would not allow or expert to testify and has anything like this happen before? election interference". the judge would only allow limited testimonies from him and because of that, trump's lawyer said today that bob costello may in fact be their final witness and apparently the court was cleared and schooled a costello telling him to stop reacting to his rulings and costello appeared frustrated by constant objections. costello consulted back with cohen in 2018 and cohen told him trump had nothing to do with the stormy daniels deal and cohen claims he liked to console a back then because he worried information would get back to trump and admitted today he knew at the time but his
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attorney-client privilege limited costello from doing that inchoate admitted to stealing roughly $60,000 from the trump organization and cohen overcharge for payment to tech company that helped improve trump's position in a poll on the judge predicted today that the closing arguments will happen next week and costello will be back on the stand after cross-examination when court resumes at 9:30 am tomorrow. >> trace: ally for us in new york and thank you. former assistant general and professor, great to have you on in the big headline of the day is michael cohen admitted to stealing $60,000 from donald trump and even the left was a bit stunned by this. >> i'm shocked we are hearing it from the first time on day three of cross-examination of michael cohen that the prosecution did not take the sting out. talking about $420,000 it is not
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$15. >> this is a bomb dropped in the middle of the prosecution's case >> seems like it's right abominable of the case. >> they are but just confirms what we already knew is why we're not these people shocked at the prosecution was turning the entire case on someone who has served time in federal jail for perjury for lying to congress and special counsel for tax evasion. i hate to say it but hearing for michael cohen stole $60,000 from his employer to make a lot more money after trump after the trial is over does not surprise me because he already has no credibility but i think it's good the trump team will turn because i think costello who appeared on after he showed up on fox, i was taken by his testimony as i think he's a great witness for trump who really destroys cohen story but would be good to end the defense
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right there. >> what about the fact that judges not letting bob costello talk? there were so many objections and most of them were sustained. >> you have to ask how can this judge have on one hand let the prosecutors lead stormy daniels all over the four corners of the earth by limiting her prejudicial testimony which had very little if any relevance to the actual legal charges here and then he's all over the defense witness that's questioning the credibility of the central evidence and witness of the prosecution puts it might backfire because jurors i think will be taken with costello as he's made a lifetime of work telling the truth to new york journeys -- juries and wonder where the judge will let me hear what he has to say. >> trace: here we go and we could have closing arguments next week john and they could
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rest tomorrow but the question here is have you heard any evidence presented on the elements of the crime we have talked about cactus unknown crime? >> i still think this is a constitutional violation of donald trump's rights as the story is these bookkeeping problems are only important because there covering up some greater crime and not had any greater crime charged so i think trump was in his rights to say judge, should not let this go to a jury but dismiss this case as the constitutional burden to prove the case without reasonable doubt in our courses judge will probably let it go to the jury but it only takes one juror to realize the prosecution has not shown the elements of the crime and there will be a mistrial. >> trace: thank you and appreciate your time and in the meantime, president biden attacking conservatives at a
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crowd during a fiery commencement address is the senior national correspondent live in dc without story. good evening. >> president reagan had in america and president obama had hope in change and present trump has make america great again but critics argue president biden speech at morehouse college over the weekend commencement can be summed up as american democracy simile has not worked for black americans and that is unless, of course, he's reelected. among the biden lines of discord and discouragement, natural to wonder the democracy you hear about actually works for you and how about this. what is democracy if a trail of broken promises still leaving black communities behind? >> that's my commitment to you to show you democracy. and the black man killed on the
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street, we bare witness a means to call out the poison of white supremacy and root out systemic racism. >> white supremacy and systemic racism. some will say this is all boiler plate pandering aimed at the audience of men at a historically black college and to be fair, mr biden has suffered a sizable support among black men but others wonder is questioning their ability to compete and excel without fear in our favor is that an uplifting message or for that matter, is a politics? as a latest battleground states show biden support among black voters especially in swing states is way off by 28 points compared to 2020, mr trump up way big or big-league and with inflation and crime topping the list of concerns for black voters, the same for voters or
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cross and the question is is the message black voters and others heard over the weekend one that will resonate or not? >> trace: kevin wife for us and thank you. -- kevin life for us. >> trace: the commonsense apartment has thoughts on another college commencement speech and this when delivered by president biden at morehouse college in atlanta, traditionally black college but instead of offering a speech filled with congratulations and good luck and go get them, president decided that graduates needed a more sober speech replete with heavy doses of gloom, doom and racial divide essentially telling the graduates democracy does not work for them and their country hates them and aside from that, show biden pretty much cover the spectrum telling them they would need to be 10 times better than anyone to get a fair shake and if they stood in line to vote in georgia, there would be no water
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available to them and the president didn't say who exactly was planning to withhold all of this democracy love jobs and water but common since thanks if recent history is any indication that it's a good bet the very man who promised to unite the country is again blaming maga an accusing half the country of being haters and it's a good thing the president is a liberal catholic canada in dc and not a conservative catholic kicker in kansas city because of biden was harrison butker cut commonsense he would be kicking for a brand-new team in the fall. let's bring in everybody. it's great to have both of you on and great to see you for the first time and first bill mart was on got felled and asked about biden speech and he said this. might were not in the past was
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live in the year we are living in. are not living in the year we have to be 10 times better to succeed if you're a person of color and we're not living living in that world he's talking about and i don't think that helps anybody. >> trace: what do you think and what was your take on the speech? >> i think back to a couple of administrations or go to the obama administration and you remembered his famous campaign pitch was about hope. think about how far joe biden has gotten from that message which he ran on as vice president and as kevin mentioned, this is doom and gloom over and over again and why he's losing minority voters faster than he loses his train of thought because people don't want a constant message of negativity and they don't want a constant negativity that accompanies his policies. >> it she's right and the numbers here look at this research voter preference among black voters 18-49 biden leading
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and trump 29 percent and you look at this april 13th and those numbers have shifted in president trump's direction here and has to be very frightening for the democrats. >> absolutely and i think that speech made it look like the team is very panicked worried about his base falling away in that margin works out to 85 points back in 2016 and while he was giving a speech in georgia that a black turnout dropped by, trump takes estate so i think they're very worried. >> especially battleground states and in the meantime, saying the following about carty b., under biden, she felt layers and layers of disappointment from what she sees of domestic and foreign mismanagement as the cost of living is too high and wages to low and too little being done about it and i feel like people got betrayed. cardi b has some sway and the
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whole concept here is i think scarlett is right that you move one or 2 percent and a bigger number but that is a huge impact. >> yes, and not that cardi b is some stage of wisdom but the sentiment she's expressing here is common among all the demographics biden is losing right now including minority voters and working-class voters and my demographic, young adults because she is right that he has betrayed them and took them for granted and turned out an 2020 by large margins and he turned around and implemented an agenda that certainly did not benefit them but it did benefit his donor class, the rich educated elites in hollywood in new york city. >> trace: while the president was at that speech at morehouse college the graduate students called for a full cease-fire and we will play the sound and watch this because you can see president biden clapping in this.
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>> took hall for an immediate and a permanent cease-fire in the gaza strip. [applause] -- to call. >> trace: they sabr with israel but he wants a cease-fire and no talk at all scarlett about bringing those hostages home and help hamas needs to surrender ball about a cease-fire and everyone is to drop. >> this is his worst-performing issue. he did terribly on the economy and emigration by his handling of the conflict with israel is by far his for worst rated performance and what we're seeing is were trying to keep both sides happy and he's hurting everyone and no one's happy and that's what he's doing so badly. >> trace: i have to go but have to get your take that she's right that you have to play both sides and make everyone happy and that's not the reelections work. >> no calculus and the kids on college campuses yelling genocide show are not gonna change their minds about him so
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the fact he's trying to cater to the ideological french will set his campaign up for disappointment come november. >> trace: thank you both for coming on a great to see you. chief prosecutor of the international criminal court seeking arrest warrants for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, accusing them of war crimes and crimes against humanity for their actions during the seven month war. jeff ball just back from israel live with the latest on this. >> good evening and the icc chief prosecutor requested arrest warrants for leaders of israel and hamas but at the moment, not face any imminent arrest and even if the warrants were approved, icc does not have power to enforce them making the announcement more of a symbolic one. says when it comes to israel, they have the right to defend its population, does not absorb them of complying with international humanitarian law
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and added israel's accused actions part of a widespread and systematic attack against the palestinian civilian population. accusing israel of depriving civilians in gaza basic necessities of survival such as food, water and medicine and they both share responsibility with netanyahu says he rejects will discuss the comparison of a democratic israel to the mass murderers of hamas and president joe biden calls the announcement "outrageous." might reject the icc's application for arrest warrants. let me be clear. contrary to allegations what's happening is not genocide. >> a panel of three judges ultimately decide whether or not to move forward with the arrest warrants but should mention israel is not a member of the court so netanyahu and gallant would not be prosecuted but they could face arrest if they traveled abroad to a member state of the icc and the u.s. is
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not one of them and also learning tonight the state department on the defense after it offered his condolences in a statement regarding the recent death of iranian president president ebrahim raisi nicknamed the butcher of iran and spokesperson said historically the u.s. offered condolences when people die like stalin added in no way does undermine their views on the iranian regime and its crimes against its own people. b1 thank you in that spring and retired u.s. navy captain search and rescue expert in the foreign desk editor chief and thank you both for coming on and we'll get to the president in a minute but i want to begin with biden's take on the international criminal courts and said the following. >> let me be clear, we reject the application of arrest warrants and whatever these warrants may imply, no equivalence between israel and hamas. >> he keeps saying no
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equivalents but we keep hearing this but we're not getting the calls for surrender or getting those hostages out and we will talk. none of that. >> is very interesting trace and three things jumped out. first of all, talks about a conflict between israel and the palestinian state in palestine is not recognized and number 2 palestine armed groups they call hamas internationally recognized terrorist organization and finally whited to take 3037 years to indict hamas leaders for lobbing what rockets into israel? >> all good points and the thing is biden is against the war and george clooney is a huge biden supporter and his wife a mall clooney who is a human rights lawyer is the one who instigated this international criminal courts warrant saying the following, george clooney among
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the experts who advised icc in seeking arrest warrants for israeli prime minister and hamas leader over alleged war crimes and it's interesting how this is all playing out here and you wonder what's going on. >> absolutely and the pivot biden has made in recent months along with the state department that has given the icc the cult to come out and make this statement it is that daylight created between the united states and israel that gave them not and to make that announcement on cnn, you have to be so to not make the trip to israel or to an investigation and anyone who cares about a cease-fire or peace between these two sides, they would not come out with this and soon at the world can call out radicalism and terrorism and the sooner will get to the bottom of this to equate israel and hamas is to not want peace. >> trace: a little baffling for me. moving on to the biden administration and the offering
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of condolences for the iranian president who died in a helicopter crash. here's the state department spokesperson being questioned about this. >> condolences on behalf of the united states government. >> i'm not sure why your offering condolences of this guy is as bad as you say he was. >> because we regret any loss of life and it doesn't change your view of him. >> contradictory messages? >> absolutely not. >> condolences and expression of sympathy and this guy was a horror show. >> i'm trying not to loft here but consistent with u.s. policy because back in 1994, clinton offered condolences when he died in north korea so are we can offer condolences that we killed osama bin laden or other terrorist? when the united states of america don't offer condolences when people who have the blood of 5000 people on their hands. >> trace: the last one that
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the death of iran's president who pushed him over the edge as his death comes as a sensitive time in iran's domestic situation and what comes next? >> we'll have a different tyrant security they will have some election in which their 12 members of their counsel will choose another terrorist and both church were take his place and does not change the regime. >> trace: thank you both and coming up, and try israel protesters disrupting more graduation ceremonies and a university in philadelphia on lockdown as protesters refused to disband their encampment and the defense and trumps criminal trial residents because tomorrow although we still don't know the actual crime. you think he has a chance in deep blue manhattan with the jury, let us know. we are coming right back. u've be
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>> trace: and other commencement ceremony at elite university and another anti- israel protests this time hundreds of yale senior stage a walkout from their own graduation and life with that story there is marianne. >> reporter: pomp, circumstance and protest continues on college campuses all over the country as hundreds of students walked out of the commencement ceremony at yale many of them waving palestinian flags and some graduates chanted free palestine where the president gave his address and that type of scene is not unique to yale however. dozens of students walking out of george washington university commencement ceremony held at the foot of the washington monument at the nation's capital on sunday. take a listen to what happened just outside that ceremony.
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>> i chose to walk out of commencement. >> reporter: protest still continuing on some college campuses as drexel university in philadelphia put on lockdown as a resurgent of anti- israel protests the university president calling for an immediate end to the encampment writing in a statement "increasingly clear encampment protesters have created a hostile confrontational environment by subjecting passersby to anti-semitic speech." school expected to begin a face to normal operations beginning on tuesday. and even though school is almost out for the summer, issue may not be going away. >> it will spread and we'll see some in brooklyn and thank you for that. let's bring in a more famous pro-israel activist and comedian thank you for being here and
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zach you and i did some homework and man on the street stuff for us and talk to some college students and i want to play a little of that and get your take on this. watch. >> reporter: rich river and which see? -- which river? what does hamas say their numbeo their charter? >> to murder all jews around the world. >> trace: we've done the same thing they don't know what they're talking about and it really is eye-opening. >> 100 percent as we call the video because a graduation and got 15 million views over the weekend and i really think it resonated with people as you can see essentially she hawed at these college campuses has become a club like these kids don't know what they're talking about and pretty much going for the free pizza and essentially
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becoming terrorist by trend. this is the stuff they're seeing on tiktok and unfortunately we know tiktok suppresses this type of stuff this guy 12.5 million views on my instagram and on tiktok a got 12.5000 and 1200. >> trace: fox news writes this that ucla prevented conservative students on campus from hosting the founder of she hawed watch robert spencer for her pro-israel event so it's fine to go on ucla set up and encampment and chant from the river to the sea but to have a conservative speaker is a bridge too far. >> basically this whole idea of consistency like they would never allow people to chant g. hawed against any other minority. they don't suppress any progressive liberal speakers but can we just have consistency on campus.
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>> we had a singer of pfeiffer fighting on and he spoke at ucla because these are graduate and said if we came on campus and did anti- muslim chant, you would walk us off the campus. >> 100 percent and all these kids walking off commencement or ripping up their diplomas like we talked about, you can order a new diploma for $65 and get it in the mail and if you really want to stick it to the man, don't graduate and drop out of school and get your diploma and walk off commencement? i'm not impressed. >> trace: uc berkeley defaced with a swastika and other sit anti-semitic graffiti roughly 60 anti- israel activists invaded a vacant university building and sketch the inside walls with anti-semitic graffiti including a swastika. we're occupying the hall because same free palestine is not enough and you have to put action behind your words and
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that's probably the scariest thing. action are you talking about? talking about just drawing swastikas or talking about taking a further step? >> 100 percent and the truth is this is exactly what hamas wants. they're calling this a genocide because it's the biggest knife stabbed to the jews they could do because the jews went through the biggest genocide in human history so they just distorted the facts completely to make it look like hamas and the israelis look like they're the same but hamas tops off babies heads the only time jews chop off a baby head is in a circumcision and we are not the same. >> trace: that's exactly right but i've seen the video so i know and it was horrific and everyone should watch it and i guarantee you a lot of those students would not chant nearly as much as they do. this is a brooklyn protest and a first they're flying the hamas fog and these are violent clashes in some of these had
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some very violent clashes because it's one of those things where it's moving off campus into brooklyn and in other cities. >> when they say globalize that she hawed, this is what they mean to take the violent uprisings and take it to the streets initiative been nipped in the butt on campus and it was not an these people feel empowered to not take into the streets without any consequences. >> trace: i have to go zach but as you're looking at these pictures, it's important that we know it's going to move off of the campuses here in a matter of weeks to move into the cities and you will see these free zones all over the country. >> move over taylor swift because hamas is on their new tour right now and looks like it's going global unfortunately for all of us. >> trace: thank you both and we appreciate it. coming up, drugs used for weight loss like ozempic and wegovy
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rising in popularity. are next to guests says that craze is out of control right here in los angeles. is that good or is a bad? plus a find out why task -- passengers found this plate -- flight completely drenched and meet the 90-year-old woman who currently has five world records under our belt with viral videos up next and in the meantime here's fox news at night trip across america at life look oakland california, the only city in the world to have a natural saltwater lake and in wisconsin where this typewriter was invented in a life look at detroit which is the boeing capital of the world. who knew. if you can't join us live, set your dvr and watches any time. lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new
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>> trace: many americans looking to lose a few pounds
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turn to a pair of wonder drugs called ozempic and in beverly hills, the pill is plentiful and get it pretty much anywhere over asking if that's good or bad news? let's bring in fox news contributor who joins us on set live in los angeles and it's great to have you on the show is always a. this is the stock from 2021 which is the last data we have in los angeles in the 62 percent rise and you know it's bigger than that now and i wonder is that a good thing or is it a bad thing? >> i think it's a great drug and a game changer and overcomes insulin increases and it's great for diabetics which is what it was developed for in 2017 and great for obesity because fighting the after effects of obesity with heart disease so this helps me a lot but when i
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came to la, i could not believe what i was seeing you know it's up because you can get everywhere you can have a by tomorrow and click here and go and keep the cost down and get a bargain price and they have to go through precertifications and i like telemedicine but what if you have a problem or get depressed or have a g.i. problem? this drug is tremendous but the pill is coming out soon any day practically. i want doctors to study it. >> trace: do you worry about those taking and not doing any exercise? >> we have a huge problem in the u.s. to begin with as people don't exercise and eating ultra processed food. not going on ozempic so i want people to go on lifestyle is are you on a mediterranean diet or
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exercising? to start with oil before you go to ozempic and a great replacement thing with olive oil with antioxidants and you can use it instead of margarine were butter so pointing to the as an example as a new study shows he keeps you alive longer. >> trace: not really up your alley that i thought it was important as the pope was on 60 minutes and he said the following here. >> migrant has to be received to see how you will deal with, maybe have to send them back but i don't know but each case ought to be considered humanely. >> trace: the concept here is you have people coming over the border and you know they're not being checked all these things we've talked about since covid and saying you have to let the men but there has to be laws as every free country has a border and i'm wondering what you think about the pope statement. >> i hesitate to go against the pope, of course, i like better
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his line the globalization of indifference is a very ugly disease and he is right about that. indifference aircraft a care and have passion but i don't like his idea that we have to receive them because 10 million have been received and destroying our country so people came to the vatican, security would remove them as they didn't have a pass. i like his sentiment about having a heart and we have to care but we have to have a strong border. >> trace: learning hepatitis is spreading among the homeless population in los angeles, concerned or too early? >> i'm concerned because if you are not vaccinated but a lot of homeless people not vaccinated in beverly hills just yesterday some of food handler got it at a food store and i'm concerned about this because as notches hepatitis because the homeless population not washing their
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hands and living close together and we see tuberculosis spreading with hepatitis and resurgence of diseases we have not seen in a long time so this is going to be a growing problem. by the way in new york with homeless shelters, here more encampments and they're not healthy and a public health emergency. >> trace: great to have you on the show and thanks for coming anytime. [ ♪♪ ] >> trace: first viral video as passengers on a jetblue flight in for a shock when the captain of the mist was caused by water condensing on air units and coming in contact with cool surfaces inside the plane while the mist is safe, spending their flight cold and wet probably put a damper on the day. in florida, a wandering bear found it's way into one residence fridge during his search for a midnight snack and the homeowners security camp called the bare pawing around in
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his garage and when the furry creature did not find his ideal snack, he decided to jump the trash cans as well. that you saint bolt of senior citizens at the age of 90 a she just broke her fifth running world record and her latest record fastest 200-meter run for a woman who is 90 and over which she completed and 51 seconds took up running at the age of 53 proving it's never too late to excel at something knew and if you have a viral video to share, why not share it with us? and coming up, do you think trump stands a chance with the manhattan jury? even if the prosecution has seemingly fail to make its case or even clarify what the crime is? let us know. we will red your responses in the nightcap but first tomorrow,
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getting up close and personal with the latest in america's warfare tactics and technologies life from fort liberty north carolina. dvr the show if you cannot catch it life. coming right back with theic cnightcap. and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life, and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there and more time being there. viking. exploring the world in comfort.
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>> trace: back with the nightcap. tonight's topic trump on trial. the defence and crump -- trumps criminal trial could rest his case may be tomorrow even though we still don't know the actual crime but we know the prosecution star witness michael cohen is a proven liar who has poked major holes in the cases ability in my knuckle to jury but the question is do you think trump has a chance at a not guilty verdict with this deep blue manhattan jury? remember you go back to biden and hillary clinton in 2016, 80 plus percent voted for hillary so the question is any chance trump gets a fair jury or could be found not guilty? >> it's a criminal trial so yes the chances are fairly decent but no matter what cactus member these three words.
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appeal. appeal. no matter what happens, this is not the end. >> trace: i wonder is the appeal process the most effective because everyone will label him as a convicted felon whether the appeal happens or not, as likely to go in his favor but what if it does not happen until after the election? >> i don't know if he'll be found not guilty but perhaps in this trial, anything short of a guilty verdict will be beneficial to trump in the long run and that's what we are looking at here. >> trace: you think the jury is fair or really tough to get one person on the jury? >> super tough because i think people are very emotionally driven by how they feel about trump and it's all about the evidence were case and i think in new york it will be hard. >> first thing i've say is wealth majority of them american
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voters not paying attention anyway but there's a chance beyond reasonable doubt a high threshold as there's a couple lawyers and i think there's a chance. >> i think you have to put a little faith in the jury that during their discussion so say if we do this and find him guilty, every president after him could have the same and you have to hope that's what they will be discussing. >> trace: loss to you because you live in new york and no one knows it better than you dr mark >> call me naïve but i have to tell you a lot of doctors go before jurors in new york i'm not one of them luckily and they do well and not judge politically and michael cohen, i will give you a separate session on what a pathological liar but with hope hicks making the trump situation look better michael cohen looking like a terrible witness, i think there's a good chance he gets not guilty on this. >> trace: i think there will be as there are a couple lawyers on the jury and i think one of
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them is smart enough to see there is no crime in this and you think trump has a chance at a not guilty verdict 66 percent say yes, and 82 percent on instagram and unfortunately, nyc predominantly democratic and corrupt. >> maybe wishful thinking but i have faith in humanity and even new york democrats. not guilty know but a hunger jury yes must be one person of integrity among the 12. only an idiot would convict him what a waste and mike montgomery says nope, rigged against him and nick says he will be convicted and sentenced to house arrest and keeps them off the campaign trail and makes a miss the debate. thank you all for joining us tonight and thank you for watching america's late news fox back here again tomorrow.
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