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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 20, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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oh, it's a clip, of course. there. was it the whiskers? yeah. nobody won. that's very gross. all right. >> that's a big cat. that's disgusting. so are you tonight on jesse watters from time. what do women want and why are they so angry? also, johnny, ask people what they would tell graduating college students tonight at 8:00. >> all right, dana percy received an amazing honor from the u.k. and i just want to show this unveiling to you. oh, my gosh. thank you, king charles, so much for that portrait unveiling of percy. >> we appreciate it. oh, regal neuter, just like prince harry. >> all right, we're out of time. i just got we're out of time. >> we are out of time. >> welcome to jesse watters. >>e tonight. s
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i'm still kind of reeling. cohen stole money fromorgani the trump organization. the prosecutor misled this jury . >> it's a higher degree of a felony than what donald trump is chargedry>> it is with. michael cohen is a liar. and now we knoa trump w he's a f who took the trail of broken t promises, silly black communities behindra. be he'd be a black man who loves his country, even if it doesn't love him. it in lovn equal measure,it biden tells blacks that americansoesn't don't love. you have a problem figuring out whethe tr you're for me or trumm and you ain't black. i do what? why are women so angry? i stopped there. i was. >> don't let nobody tell you that. you only know money and money don't buy happiness because listen to me ishow doe ls it
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only took 19 days, but we finally have a crime in the trump trial. michaebul cohen not only a liar today we found out he's a thiecf . alvin bragg, star witness. in another gruesome day anotr , larcmination he confessed to larceny, admittinen hg he stole $60,000 b his old boss. orote, you stoleos from the trup organization, correct. >> with cohen respondinggation,a yes, sir. >> as former president donal d trump stared on shaking heads were heacnn's shaking. this is a bomb. this is reallyds wer this is a b dropped in the middle of the prosecution's case. >> they appeare to have caught cohen in another lie. >> this has given such ather ammunition as to possibly fatally undermine the prosecution'nition alys caso >> i have to say, i'm still kind of reeling from the revelationin that michael cohen stole money fromn the trump organization. >> jake's reeling. what do you think? bragg's reelins doing? >> trump's in a conspiracy
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with a guy stealing his monea ca trump just became a victim. that's how the jury sees i t. >> michael cohen falsified invoices to the trump organization, stiffed contractors, pocketed the difference, and paid an. n ntract organiz there's 20 grand in cash in a brown paper bag. couldn msnbc couldn't believe't it. >> dealing in these these sandwich bags of cash, these brown papeesr bags of cash to py people is already problematic. cashbut the idea that he would d grab a of cash and stick it in his pocket i think has moved michael cohen from this figurenm where he's part tom hagen from the godfather, but really more like fredo corleone to now this guy who's just a thief. >> when asked why he stole from trump, cohen said he was angry that his bonus wasn't bigger and consideredhe taking the mons almost like self-help. cohen saw trump's cash as free samples pieces of cheese with toothpicks at them in the
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supermarket, where he could just help himself. n but msnbc redefined the world,su stealingpe, rebalancingll the bonus. you think you deservede. bonu >> it sounded a lot likek yo michael cohen doing the littledi that he could within that calculation to rebalance the bonus he thought he deserved. and it still came out as less than the bonus he thought befoeservehe thouge ded and thed gotten the year before. >> to the producers at the last >> jh , upset with the christmaw bonus lawrence gave you, takeit his wallete , rebalance that bonus. buthing illegat anl about it, except the d.a. calls it larcen caly. with >> the fact that he was never l charged with larceny is importantarceny i because stg $60,000 through fraud, which would be larceny in new york state, is more serious of a crime than falsifying business. >> they gave him a free pass. he committed larceny. it's a higher degreearceny of a felony than what donald trump is charged with. >> the only proothan whaf of a
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that we have is a crime committed by the star witness, not the defendant. >> the only falsified business document we have on the record was falsified by cohen, not a trump. >> this whole case rested on a phone call that never happened, and trump signing off on a false invoice that he didn't know about. why would trump sign off on an d him of 60t robbe grand? he obviously wouldn't. obviouslobbed hiy, trump didn'td the invoice he was signing was falsifieidd and that right ther destroys the entire prosecution's case becausethe they've argued trump knew about everything he was signing and hew clearly didn' >> trump is coming out of thisce is the victim of a crimed committed by a freewheelinby ag attorney who only changed his story after the feds raided his office and said, you have 48 hours to plead guilty or you and your wife are goings to go to prison. >> the trump defense team thentt brought in cohen'sy ily is formr attorney, bob costello, who testified that at the height of it all, cohen was
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acting suicidal, very manic and like a drama queen, and told him this. i swear to god, bob, i don't have anything on donal d trump, costello said. >> cohen told him numerouss times that president trump knew nothing about those payments, that he did this on his own.t th coheepeated that numerous times ,and that has to be true because cohen was getting squeezed by the feds. and if he had any dirt on trump, he would have offered it to save his own hide and his wife's. but he never had any dirt. ould havjudge merchan was not r a big fan of costellwao accus and accused him of rolling mes eyes at him and then o said, are you staring me down? >> the judge lost it, kicked everybody out of the courtroom just so he could talk to costello alon thecourtrooe. >> then the judge wouldn't let j trump's attorneys call their expertudge witness. the former head of the federalhe elections commissionad, who was supposed to testify that this $130,000 nda was in a campaign finance violation .
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>> the only expert witnesses the judge allowed to testify its apparently are stars. >> obviously, the judge could tho teste the prosecution losini case and tried to save them. trump left the courthouse moments ago, quoting shakespeare. so what we saw, that's incredible. this guy had never seen anything like it in my life. un. entire. this trial is a disaster for our country. it's a disaster for new york state in new york why used is thectlork city to jury. remember the line from shakespeare? is i don't know. it's a mystery. there is no crime. >> this whole case is falling apart. so let's check in to see how the democrats are taking it . the legalese of it is smart. you then listen to the[ bleep >g if you're going to be serious, who would you want alabama baptist coming down on you? >> you can quit.n >> you can stories to in
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gary cooper gerben is a fox news legal editor and was in the courtroom today. she joins me now. am i saying that correctly? urtroom it am i puttino much flash on your lip? >> i like the flash. do you like the flasme lh? so you were in you saw a lotsa of flashedw cameras today. >> what happened whecan that steal ling information dropped? >> it was a shocking momena t. we were hitting each other saying, did we know this yet? because kne it was a stunning revelation. how many days into the case. and we're almost at the end of it all. the prosecution didn't front it last ween didn't ft k in fact, v were all led to believe when michael cohen was on the standen under direct examination last week, that he was just trying to get his money back any backd his christmas bonus. >> and i feel bad for me when, bo fact, he was stealing from trump as he was negotiating this payment plan. so i thinkwas stea the real quey for the jury is, is michael is, cohen the worst witness of all l time? >> and again, any worse thanin that? he's recording his client, he's stealing from his client
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and he's leaking about his client. how diy takehe jur in this information? >> well, it was just soin startlinformatg, you know, to ha a witness confess that he wasom stealing the from the guy that clearly trying to get sent to jail. and the thing that he the did ws worse than what they're alleging his boss did. l. >> who's on who's on trial. so we'll see how this plays. >> so this was a shock.a this was a surprise. it was a shock. and i have to tellano you, afth we we got through the shock of all of that and we came and back for lunch and then the prosecution tried to rehabilitate cohen's credibility by going through all the lies he said in the past and say, but that wasn't true. right. and said right, that was false. and i thought, you know, i rue,f i'm sitting here thinking, i can't even listen to this anymore after this stealing thing, i don't know what the jury must be thinking. >> so then he the judge kicks everybody out of the courtroom because the defense witness, costello, rolled his eyes. >> what happened? so it got a little testy because the prosecution was
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objecting every 30 seconds wheni the defense was askingng bob costello questions. now, of course, the prosecution does not want bob costellot b cr to speak because he can destroy their case, because as we know, he has testifiedbecaus before ad jury before congress and he's talked about it on tvat coh that cohen repeatedly told him that he had nothing on trump. and thisen is when allegedly he was suicidal. so if ever there was a time that he would have something the on donald trump to get him out of the mess he was in, it would have been then. and he was in, said he didn't si have anything. >> oh, he had nothing to do with the stormy daniels payment. the probled heything nothing toe costello would go to open his mouth, the prosecution would jump in. objection. objection. and the judge sustained d a lot of them. so overall overruled a few. but it was frustrating for bob costello frust, and he startedhe to show his frustration. he started muttering under his breath, ridiculous. >> geez. then he was staring at the judge. then they got into the staring contest. he was staring that it was a lot. >> all right. all right. thank you very much. do you kno"gew when this case
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is going to be over? >> oh, you kno w, it looks like? it's going to spill over into next week. okay. so we'll hav spillintoe a nice w day weekend. >> we can all chew on it. harry kupec, urbana, thank you.o >> thank you. former federalu. prosecutor katie tarkowski joins me now. katie, donald trump gave you and your husband a big shot out, said you guys were a steam legal eagles and think very legl highly of you. >> he's probably seen you on this show. y seenhow how did you absorb tht that cohen stole 60 grand from donald trump and then was pay ing the stiffed contractor 20 grand in cash and a g? wn paper lunch ba well, there's no such thing as a mercy rule in a trial, but i'm starting to think that the prosecution wishes that there was, because thise is getting to the point of embarrassment. i mean, honestly, i don't to ha i don't know that they wereve planning to have their entire on rest on somebody so incredible the whole time.
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they can't possibly have been the plan because this is just o such an embarrassment of a showina g of a prosecution thati can't imagine that the judge wouldn't grantge the motin to dismiss this case, although i think we know that that'that s unlikely here. but realistically speaking, therre.e has been no evidence presented on the elements of these offenseen no s. p do you believe that the jury feels like they're being mislede by the prosecution because the prosecutioe prosn knew abous phone call that never happened. they had the caller record cals and they knew about the larceny . cohen said he told the d.a.'st e office that he stole 60 grand from trump, but they're withholding this informationt sp from the jury. and it just it's spilling ouil em in a ridiculous and embarrassing way. >> whyba? with >> well, when you have a witness that has such severe credibility issues, which obviousldibilityy the prosecutic knew about all along, you have to literally corroborateution y
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single word that comes out of their mouth independently or else you cannoououtht rely upon their testimony, period, whether they knew about all of thesecan' issues with the larceny and the theft. i'm assuming that they did, but certainly they did not take the sting out of that in their directe examination. they didn't even try to explain it. michael cohen didn't really even trychael cohen di to expla. so it's -- it's very strange for sure. but ultimately, we bu have totual always go back to what are the actual elements of these offenses and put aside all of the salacious details, because, quite frankly, it is wasting the jury's time at this point. i think with all of this ridiculousness tim. >> all right, katie, real quick, you're a former prosecutor. if you have someone that stealy 60 grand and just says, i'm just rebalancings the bonus that i thought i was owed, i how do you what do you say to that? >> i like it. that. it's clever. i'm a defense attorney now, so i'm going to i'm going to i'm tho that.ry >> okay. that's a nice way to break the law. good luck with that in court. let me know how that turns out. th >> katie, thank you very much.a thanyo: donaldk you. well, donald trump had a new
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entourage supporting him in court today. hadone of the people who showed up. >> actor chuck zito, who used ty to lead the new york chapter of the hells angels, actor a gur of hellsw angels, chuck zito, joins me now. >> what was it lik e in court today? >> it was pretty wild. i couldn't believe it. t everything they were trying to do, the judge said, you know, sustain a strike, that i'm not accepting thi suss it was crazy. but then president trump's attorney got on, and it was when he was cross-examining las michael cohen. and he says last weet k you said you lie under oath for your personal gain. do you lie underersonal oath fr your personal gain? i say, this guy's not going to. he says, yes. >> and i'm saying, i was ready a to bail out, dismissed this case. it iit's over. t. >> all right. so we just can't believe that he's lyin>> jesseg for monn absolutely. and he's got to admit that he's stead he tl from his client and recording his client's phone calls. >> was it as cold in the
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courtroom as everybody says? trump today called ittroom a refrigerator. >> i didn't feel like it his whole life, you know, because you got a lot of iceera >> you got a little life, son. p you're taking show everybody what you got going on here. we seehe wal this. >> he might not walk out of here in manhattan after that. >> all right. why did you show up today? to shoid you sy to sw your love? always support president trump. we know each other. weer 40 years, i fought at the taj mahal in atlantic city. so we go back a long tim g ae. i'll always support him. he's the greatest president of my lifetime, i'll tell you that. and you know what? he's not even he don't eve -n need all this, you know, to go through it. he's doing it for american people in america, not for himself. he wants to makend this country great again with all these, whatt agai, 20 million illegal s came over the border? you know, they thevey emptied all their prisons, sent them over here and he's doing it for for for the american people.
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but i'll tell you, he's a trooper, man. he's a nothing face them. >> he's like, you know, om he doesn't care. we were in the jury room before and after we had lunch there. and he goes, w i just what ittie have to go through, i should be campaigning. >> i should be getting ready for myes.r my debates. but this what they put me through, what are you going to do? what are you not to face them. >> i thought i was a tough guy. this guy's a savage maguy,n. >> what did you guys have for lunch? they had a bunch bunch of pizza playerlvage. s, a bunch of ever. and i you know, i'm stilld trainingam s is i only hadd one slice in a and a bottle of water. all right.lieve what?wh i just can't believe what he's going through. he going thit's humble and lik, he said he lied on the stand. st and we're not talking. we're talking millions. he's sending talking me 5 millie for me in there. >> michael cohen . and he's been stealing the whole time , making himself money. and not only that, he sell ts
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t-shirts, right? >> with with trump. and i don't know if you pickedes up on this because he said he's considering michael cohenns running for congress. everybody, michael cohen might run for congress. >> he couldn'ta do let his dog catch it. it's all right. and then he's sayinghe ing thaty want to do his tv show on. yeah sho. called the fixer. the fixer. go figure. go figure. >> jall right, tuxedo. >> everybody handle you out. >> no, you'll be much richer afterwards. gianni. gianni. celebratr e college graduation.. the best moments happen outside ,where laughter dances with the wind and stories we are told beneath the stars. where connections grow bof the d and memories are born. at best, pro shops s. we believe in the magic of the great outdoors. great outdoors. our friendly
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leg movement that soothes pain and naturally promotes healthy circulation. >> call now joe biden spent jese the weekend trying to slam the brakes: on the black exodu. if biden is working this hard,o
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you know he's losing. >> but just because he's playing hard doesn't mean does. hying smart in detroit. he said he was vice president during covid. >> when i was vice president, things were kind, things of badp the pandemic. and what happened waandemic.s bk said to me, go to detroit. oit. barack obama sent biden to detroit to fix the pandemise: b what is he talking about?e de >> then the president delivered a commencement address at morehouse in atlantliina, a historically black college where his uplifting message was this america is racist and you're a victis m. on. ju >> you started college just as george floystu d was murdere and there wamurds a reckoninger on race. >> it's natural to wonder. i democracy you hear about actually works forth you. what is democracy in blacket being killed in the street?
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what is democracy? the trail of broken promises. so laid back black communities at i behind what is democracy? you haveu have to be ten times r than anyone else to get a fair shot. most of all, what does it mean ,as you've heard before, to beac a black man who loves his country even if it doesn't love him back in equal measure?s >> america doesn't love you. that's the messagese: he alsor pushed another hoax today, in georgia. >> they won't allow watethr to e available to you while you wait in line to vote in an election.s what the is that all about? >> there's no ban on water at polling stations. uf >> you just can't hand out free stuff 150 feet from wheree pe people votope. on't they don't want partizans passing out snacks, sodas and freebies wt around polling stations. you're not even allowed to hand out free copies of my book. get it together. it's the law. ."
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biden's last pitch to win over black rats. it is s you, but i'll but hire you. >> i got more. morehouse men in the white house telling me what to do than i know what to do wha. you all think i'm kidding, men't you? >> you know i'm not. i have blacks bossing me around is the new. i'm not racist. i have black friends. the pandering backfired. students turned their back on the presidentey turne in pro. primetime could only find one fan of biden's speech. >> i thought it wad ons a very o good speech. i thought that he really madd e some very key points. it was a substantive speech and it wasec inspirational. >> biden so inspirational. onal there was zero fanfare, by the way, for his motorcade moving through atlanta. >> a half million people in atlanta, half of thefom black. no one cares. the president popped in. here's trump drivingno one c thr new york after court today. >> crowds lining the streets, ts
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taking pictures. >> here's biden's motorcade driving through new york before his u.n. general assembly speech. no >> no interest this weekend. biden also showed up to another event in atlanta. >> and we have no idea what went on hertlantae. use it the dj had to hit the music because it got so awkward. e the president should arouse excitement, not makeprrous every uncomfortable. >> cardi b, who endorsed biden in 2020, just pulled her endorsement, said he betrayedcardi her. trump's capitalizing heading to the south bronx this week . >> i think the democrats have been dropping the ball.
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a lot of bad thingsies, a are happening. a lot of people can't afford grocerie lot of bappening.s andg to those people in those barbershops or people that jus t can't afford this lifestyle that they have. >> probably 4 to 5 years agohe . >> mikayla montgomery is the state director of blogs at georgia who met trump at the atlanta chick-fil-a. i think you were the one that was hugging trump. >> you're famous now. i think you wanted your momthat to know about that. co mikayla, when. you hear joe biden give the commencement address and that's his messagema ,how does that make you feel? i think it's interesting that somebody who spent a majority of their career punishing black men and locking them up for generations to come, it's very interesting that she would then get in lar front of a large pool of veryesl successful and educated black men and try to, i guess,p make up fofor the wrongs or actr right we were supposed to forget. i thinge k that it was a very tone deaf attempt at them tryingr an to over an audience who, whether he realizes it or not
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has been studying his administration, has paid attention to his, have been aware of his actions whilef in offichie, and they're not pleased with his performance. well, that beinge. said, no matter how many times you come and make a speech and mentiotion certain things, oh, i have morehouse men working in the white house, morehouse men have been working in the white house since long before you were ever there. sosi before i don't know what t in bringing that up was to say that, oh, you know, america doesn't love you. it's very interesting for you of you all people to say wau that considering it was you who passed the bills that madepasse. us feel unloved. and i just wonder how he could stand there and feel safe knowing that at one point en time he would referel to that entire audience as a large poolh of superat predators. and i remember vaguely him saying that he didn't want his kids to go to school with those same kids that were graduatingo because that would turn the school into
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some racial jungle. so regardless of what he got up heere and said, not one time that he apologized for what he's done. sohat i don't think that anyav speech he could have given at the office or any campaign strategy in regards to engaging with hbcu's will undo his wrongs of the past. >> and considering he's hade four years to try and write them. and he did it. yeah, it's going to takewrpast t more than a speech for us to like you. >> yeah. so trump's been atlanta no you se: trumw he's campaigning in the bronx. and why do you think former i president trump is getting traction in the african american community? >> because much like i bronx girl cardi b, they're disappointed with biden's performance., so not saying that cardi b, of course, endorsed trump. she said she's not voting for anybody. but if you have people who were is so hard for biden, the same people who recorded themselves crying when he won the election are now saying that they are very disappointe n
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and they would rather not vote, his a lot you him, say because everybody knows there's two people running and you don't vote for for one. that's pretty much you giving your vote to the other person. so whether or noesse: yot you oy say you support trump, if you're not voting, you're definitely givingyo trump your vote. >> all right, mikayla, who should have been the commencement speakery su at morehouse? >> maybe next year, should weis call me? >> thank you. have a good night. new detail e.s on diddy right back . >> neema, fi, it's kind of amazing. >> wow. my go to is name. if i drop luma fi dramatically reduces right now in one minute and look at the different my eyes look brighter and whiter for up to 8 hourswito luma fi really works. don'f with flonase allergies don't have be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief flonase all good. >> also try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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>> visit credible .com mama .com. did you know that there are over 75 million monthly tube viewers? that's more people than there are babies in the u.s.. which means to me is more popular than locking eyes. someone while you your pants. >> more popular than having no concept of object permanence. to me, it's more popular than babies. >> fox news disgraced hip-hop mogux newsl p diddy's broken his silence after the release of a videoe hi from 2016 showing him beating his then girlfriend, cassie ventur a a, at an l.a. hotel. is sh the attack, shocking and disgustingoc. u to but did he want you to know he's sorry and that deep down he's a stand up guy. >> it's so difficult to reflect on the darkest times in your life. sometimes you got to do that. i
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i was the. i mean, i hit rock bottom, but i made no excuses.excu my behavior on that video is inexcusable. i take full responsibility fore my actions in that video. i went and i sought out h professional help and toongoing go into therapy and go into and rehab. >> but i'm committed to be a better man each and every day. di every dayd he's on tape confl to a brutal domestic assault. f but he's not going to face anyoh charges for it. the l.a. d.a. says the statute of limitations has run out. so diddylimitati is going to ske after he beats a womanamer on camera ina in 2016. but trump's charged with 34mp i felonies over paperwork in 2016. >> harrison booker is the016. second best kicker in nfl history. he's helped kansas city win three super bowls. >> but now the kansas city star newspaper wants him fired for telling female college grads
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they're probably excited to fall in love and have families. >> some of you may go on to lead successfulhe careers in the world, but i would venture to guess that the majority of you are most you excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into thid abous world. >> i can tell you that my beautiful wife, isabel,wo would be the first to saywoul that her life truly started when she begand he livingstarte her vocation as a wife and as a mother. >> sd o the kansas city media wants their own team to fire the league's best kicker and replace them with a woman for poetic justice. afte mother booker's neanderthat outburst. and because the pipeline of talenburst,becaust is real, s city chiefs next kicker should be a woman. ansathis is not a joke.a it is not unrealistic. and it would be good for business. >> how would losing game s with a female kicker be good for business? >> the paper thinks sara fuller should kick for the chiefs. >> great athlete socce r star. but sara fuller played one game of football in college.
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one game, and she never madee fl a single field goal. she never even attempted one. here she is kicking of she if. history is on the field. miss columbia, missouri, as sara fuller is about to put her righd sat foot into a footbk . >> okay. this is th.e definition of d. m >> i fire a qualified white man and hire someone who can't fill his shoes. as poetic justict e. men and women are built differently. want proof? you went progo to portland, whes high school track star is crushing his female competition. he's the top runner in the state in the girlsin division, and he's getting booed. on
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>> parents have had it. one mom says her daughter has been warne herd. stay quiet and lose to a man or get banned for life. >> and daughter is the first thing there is. and she has to compete state with just one person at state and take away spots fromand a lo her girl. a lot of parents are afraid to speak out because their instincts say, hey, you're going down to the gender or something negative. it can disqualify school children. >> fitness experchildrent jillin michaels joins primetime. let's start with the kicker. soso they're going to get rid of the guy and they're going to put a female soccer playerr i who's never kicked a single field goal in college. si on the, i guess, the last team that won the super bowl. >> yeah. yeah. well, here's the good news, jesse, is that i there was a study published in sports med
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that actually assessed the possibility for such things to happen. and in fachappen.t, football kiy was one of the sports they looked at and men had a 16w to 22% advantage over womeomn. in kicking a football. >> so i don't know i don't knowt how realisti knoc that is. and more to the point is a person who probably couldn'trent be more different thanha said kicker. i'm a female business woman. i'm . am noti'm not religious. i really don't understand what this ma n said that hasr everybody calling for his head. somebodyhead me what i'm missing when there are literallyr th children on a college campus down the street calling for the death of all jewofs. but we're protecting their first amendment rights. but thists guy lives. a little different than you have different opinions thandifferen you. and we want his life ruined. yeah, joe. joe biden tells, college grads.
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>> america is racist. and its doesn't love you.r says and then this kicker says you're probably excitered to hae kids and maybe fall in love and this guy's on the chopping block and biden's he couldd be be president again. >> what about this trans runner? >> how about the trans runner smoking all the women? stink >> and if you raise a stink, you're canceled. c >> i completely agree with you. i thine withk the world has loss mind. and that's why it's important that we have guys like important there putting these issues front and center. i meanth a, that the best answe. you could have possibly given. we just need more guys jus like. >> jillian michaels. you're welcome back here any time. . >> thank you, jesse. thank you. are women so mad? >> the virus that causesing do shingles is sleepingrm in 99% of people over 50.
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that you came to my house to donate today. >> primetime knows that without women, society falls apart. so it's very important to keep them happy. but these days, women are very upset. wh v y mystery? omethi probably something we did. and insteangd of complaining, nr
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they're doing something strange. women are going into the woodsen and screaming, oh my god. >> that was a rage ritual where domen pay thousands of dollars to scream in the forest and bash the earth with sticks and stonesll. d sm >> it's intense and cathartic. and for some womenforest, it's e release they've been looking for. ritual leader mia magi c, who also moonlights as a witch, says women have a hot fury bubbn
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bubbling up inside them that needs to be let outg . . >> rage has been demonized and villainized, especiallye in the feminine. but our sacred rage is what has incited so many movements, created so much change on our planetso man. s impe it is imperative that we allow ourselves safe spaces to releasera this fierys hot emotion from within us so that it can no longeso r poison or taxify our internal emotional realitn ory. >> mia magic joins us now.fy all right, mia, why are these women that are participating in these rituals so angry? so you know, jesse, there is so tha much that has happened in tht ht world over the last several years. i think a lot of people it's not just women. a loa lot of peoplart of people they're depressed, they're sad, they're afraid, they're uncertaid,n. and women in particular come to my retreats and experiences help themselves heal. i read your book over the weeken d and i really agree with so many of the things that you said about self-sabotage and self esteem
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and the common denominator being the father. and you're a great dad. but a lot of women age an didn'w up with men who care about them. they grew up with men who abuse them the and talk down to them and spoke unkindly to them. and they've maybe never had an opportunity to stand up for themselves. and so this gives them a really safe space to individually and collectively release some of the anger that they've perhaps been burdened by for their entire life. >> well, i never. helps the i'd, but i like you, which and not just because you've read my book, but because you're giving these women an outlet. and i think that's fine.t. but you say a lot's happened in the last becaust is it the p? are a lot of these womenbo single? buis it garza? >> what is it exactly that areny driving these women into the woods to scream? >> it's everything. and the retreat is a it's a week long experience. the rage st is ritual is one hon the whole week. but it's all of that. it's everythin g that you just mentioned. and i loved when you spoke to caitlin, the mommy blogger in missourn i, you told her when you feel rageful, let it out
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directed appropriately. and where really is the option fo r to do that?men to there isn't an appropriate direction. and so i want to offer somethin d want to offerg like e i want to allow people thesupp tapporort t to work towards happiness. you said happiness is it takes workkes work doe and it does. and so this is the kind of work that i have found within myself and my students and clients where when you do this work, it leads to reall, o thy lasting, sustainable, fulfilling happiness because of the impact that it hashappine of thr ability to come home to your community. transformeo commud and calmer e at ease because you've released some of what has been holding you back for your whole life. >> thanks so much. what can men do to help women be less rageful? because we're in this togetherk . >> yeah, absolutely. 100%. for men, i think it's more sadness mores,s. is, and the thing is, as naturenatue actually counteracts the impacts of anger and trauma on the body. hod so men can supportunteract n by listening to them, holding them, asking them what they need forld, support, by being
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vulnerable with their own emotions. you know, men. you , wait here, sugar. >> you're saying a lot really fast. so we have to write this dow li >> you said listening, holding . listening. yeah. nurturing. did i miss nurturing: ? >> bringing nature or going out into nature is great becauseay. i'm into nature. okay. listening acts, listening to them, holdinglistenthem. theg them on. walks in the woods. am i missing anythin g? skin >> asking them what they need for support. asking them for what they need for supporha th >> okay. these are. yeah, this this is. >> this is big on being vulnerable. oh, that's being vulnerabl theen i think. men. oh, come esse: i on. >> you got divorced, jesse,, i right? i'm sure you had a couple of nights where you weream had d and where you felt lonely. >> yeah. you know, i think that everyon>t the most comfortable to feel every mate. >> but we have to go. you're awe havto gare good wita love you. jonny is up nextn a suppor. >> can the reverse support
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>> well, well, what do you have ? oh, come down or come back. take them. make a lucky run. that's how it's done. great job. 5 p.m.. surprise, surprise. one, two, three. singing. come over a party fresh. what if it was all back and a whole lot more? there are over 75 million monthly tube viewers. that's more people than there are babies in the u.s.. >> which means tube is more popular than locking eyes with someone while you your pants tube. >> it's more popular than babies. a fox nation original documentary. my dad spent two combat pilot tours in the vietnam war, so i've come back to retrace his most important step vietnam of my father with harris faulkner, fox nation folks, active military and veterans. this day.
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>> sign up and get your first year free. gradua >>ti it's graduation season,r but for some canceled thanks to arab spring break. so johnny hit, the streets to give graduates the advice they deserve. graduation season is upon us. >> why is that day so important? you work your >> you off today to celebrate what you did. you done with the grace, done with the hard work, done with the homework. >> you're just going across a stag>> youe, getting a piece of paper that really doesn't matter. >> pretty. please, could we possibly pleasa have the documents? tell me about your graduation. it was boring. i wores . very uncomfortable shoes. you would cry at any momen sht. al >> we are saying what you're saying. >> on me. >> some times in our lives. n ou hey, we all have a phrase. we have layers. t >>ha that's not how the song goes. always the commencement speaker. have no idea. >> george washington.
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>> you're mean. was a short white woman, i think. nancy pelosi?. >> oh, what's wrong with nancy ? >> she's a yes woman. she say yes to too much. yes. >> if you could go back in time >>owing what you know now, what would you do over. >> save my money. doesn don't let nobody tell you that. you only know money and money. don't buy happiness because listen to me. it'ts, i suroee does.s. stayed with my ex-wife. i moveife.d to be an actress on broadway, and i didn't. hadn't takeni a voice lesson.. hillary clinton has a broadway show. maybe you should audition. i stoppe hilard a long time ago. >> that didn't stop hillary clinton. >> think back to your youngr yo 22-year-old self. >> what advice would you tell him? >> run. read more. act for help. i need help. i need reamore help. date yourself. get to know yourself. asf? you dated yoursel i still am.
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everyday. congratulations. thank you so much. you guys look very happyg yo . oh, you're very smart. what advice would you give yourself about politic s. i wou stay away from it.ld don't vote for joe biden. my son, trump. i was all for him.>> y >> you feel me? he was doing better now with this. i can't. ou he loyour son, trump. >> he looks just like you.. i'm orange. >> yt college. graduations are being canceled across the country dueok to pro-hamas protesters. is that okay? definitely not?>> def. >> education is first. it's just a load of . >> i it's disgusting. perry's got to go. now, some people support hamas to condemn hamas, to condemn c hamaons. >> i'll say yes. sure. w >> well,el now it's up to you to give a commencement address. >> so put your capso and gownmeg on and give them a message. >>s, i want messa. you to takgee one message and od message alone. don't do too many drugs.
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don't accept handouts. don't buy anything that's trendy. take care of eacon't buyh. >> stay strong. lean on mestrong when you're no' strong. >> and i'll be youll br friend.r take it all in because it keeps going faster as you get older.e and free palestine. we got you. shoul >> suggesting waters be a commencement speaker. what is done for the country? he fought the war on christmas . this is ridiculous. help your girl out. i'm out here struggling. >> i'm trying to get it together. he wrote a book called get it together. i di he foughtd. i think it was about me. we got to get it together. you're free on tuesday. stmas. am. esse >> that's all for us tonight. we ran at a time w: wee didn't y have enough time for my morgan wallen concert review and photographs with my cowboy hat. maybe tomorrow, sean hannity's next. and always. d, he is remember, i'm waters, and this is my


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