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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 21, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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campaign in these areas. >> laura: be bold and make biden fight for every vote. i love it, love it, love you and i can't wait to see what happens. that is it fo tonr us tonight. before we go, we have a special guest, oh, my gosh! all right, it is his birthday tonight. did you ask me if you could come on the show? anyway, 14 years of age, micco, happy birthday. follow me on social media. do you want to read what it you read is too >> it is melting outside? >> j >> carley: money talks, the
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trump campaign outraised. we have got the latest numbers. >> todd: fani willis facing a primary election today and she's pleading her case to voters. where, carley? on the rachel maddow show. >> rule of law in this country. >> it doesn't matter how many times they attack me, i'm not going to be broken and will be standing here. >> todd: a bellwether for the rule of wall. one question fani willis was not asked, take a look coming up. >> carley: take a look at this. [b [bleep] [bleep] >> carley: a riot breaks out at florida skating rink with hundreds of people involved. you won't believe what started
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it. you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'd todd piro. president biden railing against international criminal court calling application for arrest of prime minister netanyahu outrageous. >> carley: madeleine rivera joins us live in washington with more, hi. hailee >> madeleine: icc is searching warrants for prime minister netanyahu. president biden said there is no action between hamas killing hundreds of israelis and taking more than 200 hostages and israel response with thousands of palestinians killed in gaza. president saying the application for arrest warrantses is
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outrageous and let me be clear, whatever this prosecutor might imply no ekquivalence between israel and hamas. we will always stand with israel. here is more from the president. >> president biden: ensure civilian protection, contrary to allegations to israel made by international court of justice, what is happening is not genocide, we reject that and will always stand with israel and threats against security. madeleine rivera prime minister netanyahu says they do not recognize the authority and calling this latest example of what the newest antisemitism look like. >> abuse of authority will turn the icc into nothing more than a farce, he is pouring gasoline on the fire of antisemitism that are raging across the world.
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through this incendiary decision mr. kahn take his place among the great anti-semites. >> madeleine: congress is reviewing all onptions including -- if they proceed. axios says a vote could come this week for gop sources. >> carley: interesting. fani willis sitting down for an interview with rachel maddow on msnbc defending her georgia election case against former president trump. >> there were three democratic state senators who published an opinion piece saying, we are witnesses concerted effort by trump and maga republicans republicans to cast doubt on the election interference case.
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>> jim jordan has attacked my office with no legitimate purpose. state level they decided to follow this clown's lead and they want to now try to interfere in an investigation. the sad part for all of them, it doesn't matter how many times they attack me, i will not be broken and will be standing here doing my job lawfully. >> carley: willis addressed calls to monitor district attorneys across the state claiming it is racially motivated. listen to this. >> this job has made me closer to god, you have to go to prayer often. georgia had never had prosecutorial committee and 14 minorities were elected to serve as district attorney and now they need an oversight committee to look after district attorneys and tell us how to prosecute and
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who to prosecute and where to put our resources as opposed to allowing voters to make those determinations. we need daddy to tell us how to do our job. >> carley: willis is under investigation over use of taxpayer funds during her affair with former prosecutor nathan wade. rachel maddow did not ask about that. >> todd: should we review the tape during break time. >> carley: special big day for fani willis. >> todd: facing primary challenge along with fooulton county scott mcafee. they are the d.a. and judge involved in the case, facing challenge from prosecutor christian wise smith, the winner will face courtney cramer. in nonpartisan race judge mcafee
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is facing johnson and catilla. whoever wins that election will probably take over trump's case. >> carley: never be more watched by the nation, he is expected to win and we'll give you the news tomorrow. >> todd: fall out for diy after new video appears to show him beating his ex-girlfriend. eric adams is distancing himself from the hip-hop mogul. >> highway for the homeless taken over mississippi and locals say enough is enough. >> we've lost our sidewalks, lost our streets, kids can't play in our front yards, we have lost our neighborhood. >> carley: that outraged
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>> carley: we are back with a fox weather update. storm barrelling toward the midwest this morning. >> todd: 26 million people from oklahoma to wisconsin at risk for strong wind, damaging wind and tornados. jd has the forecast >> janice: all ingredients will come together for bad storms this afternoon and this evening. this was yesterday, colorado, parts of nebraska, potential for tornados yesterday. today bigger widespread threat
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from texas to the great lakes, cold enough for snow across the rockies and a couple flash flood alerts moving into the midwest. we have moist, unstable air ahead of this system from texas to the great lakes. that is where we could see po feshl for strong storms. all ingredients coming together for kansas, iowa, illinois, this area we have to be very concerned with this afternoon for the possibility of damaging deadly tornados. have way to get watches and war warnings, flash flood threat on the uptick. that is the area of concern across the central u.s. there is snow over higher elevations and warm, unstable air for the south. look at houston and new orleans,
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this area hard hit and tornados on friday. we are still dealing with power outages across the houston metro, 145,000 people without power. heat index is another area to watch. our friends in texas need your prayers and they need the temperatures. care conditioning and cooling stations will be on alert for next couple days. >> carley: thank you. new york versus trump trial this morning with former cohen adviser robert costello back on the stand. >> todd: they had a staring c contest. brooke singman has details. >> brooke: robert costello is expected to continue this morning. former federal prosecutor
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clashing with judge merchan. the judge cleared the courtroom after getting into a heated back and forth with the defense witness. costello began audibly responding to,s. you don't say strike it, i'm the only one who can strike it. costello looked at him prompting the judge to ask, are you staring at me. costello's testimony resumed and he said michael cohen admitted trump did not know about the payment to stormy daniels. he has no doubt trump gave him final sign-off to make the payment. michael cohen admitted on stealing 30,000 from the trump organization. you stole from the trump
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organization, correct? yes, sir. michael cohen paid $20,000 to a tech company and requested reimbursement for $50,000 and pocketed the difference. marco rubio slamming cohen's credibility. >> america use to put sanctions on countries that did this kind of thing. then you have michael cohen, all the people used to work with at the trump organization are at the white house and he's been left out and desperate to see what he can do to impress donald trump and get himself back in. not to mention he is a convicted serial liar and thief who stole from the trump organization. >> brooke: moved to dismiss the case arguing there is no evidence connecting trump to
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false business record. judge merchan will decide on that at a later date. defense will rest today and closing arguments are expected to begin next week. >> todd: you would think he would lie about the fact he stole 30,000. nope, i did it. >> carley: only time he told the truth. >> todd: a town being taken over by highway for the homeless, after a church allowed them to turn an old school into a tent city. >> we have home lszless people 234 and out, we've lost our sidewalks and streets. kids can't play in front yards no more. we lost our neighborhood. >> todd: patrick murphy lives near the homeless highway. what do you mean by highway for
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the homeless, describe what it is like. >> the last few months, we've seen enormous swell of homeless people up and down our street. there is a mission that offers services a block from us and now old acatholic high school that s owned by the diocese. we are the highway between the two places. >> todd: how bad has it become? >> we used to see three or four homeless people in the neighborhood and now over 100. >> todd: are homeless respectful of the residents that live in this neighborhood? >> a few. very few. without a doubt as a community, we must contend with the problem, some are poverty and some are mental illness, drug
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and alcohol and should we don't know want to know what they are honestly. homeless people are people, too, they need shelter, food, care, support and our community and neighborhood just want to be part of the solution here. seems the problem is getting worse for us, we are looking for a solution and working together with everybody in the community that is involved with this project instead of bompbarding the neighborhood here with the problem of the homeless. realize we have to do something about it, we have to give them attention, they need our help. we have to be careful about how we do it, we are creating other problems. >> todd: catholic diocese of b biluxi owns this.
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my grandkids can't come over, there is a menacing factor here from the homeless. >> that's where we are considering as neighborhood here one of the biggest problems, the diocese hand talked to any of us about what they are doing, trying to do. don't seem they have focus on what it is doing to the community. no one from the diocese reached out to us and that is why we sent this letter out to them. they still have not contacted anyone here in the neighborhood. >> todd: before we let you go, if this situation does not improve, will you be forced to move, patrick? >> i would hate to think that. we want to be part of the solution, there is not anybody here interested in moving or giving up our property unless for the betterment of their program. we are committed to a solution,
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we don't want to be complaint or something they can't do, we have to be involved in some way, they have to contact us, here is what we're doing, how will this affect you, how can we help you, so on and so forth. in lieu of what you are asking, there are nice properties here that would make great medical centers and independent living centers. >> todd: sounds like you are open to it, hope they will watch and listen to you and this brings attention to your plight. thank you, sir. elvis presley's graceland mansion up for auction and his granddaughter is not happy about it. we have details. >> carley: and president biden stopping in boston today, a city feeling impact of the border crisis. our next guest wants a former
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migrant home turned into a h homeless shelter and will share his thoughts about the president's visit. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be... like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. book direct at oh, yeah, man. take it from your inner child. what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. what? the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover. (husband) we just want to have enough money for retirement. (wife) and travel to visit our grandchildren. (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle, goals and needs,
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>> todd: president biden in the campaign trail in new hampshire and boston after his campaign revealed 192 million in cash on hand. biden campaign manager taking a shot at team trump saying, trump's operation continue to burn through cash and lag behind our growing and aggressive campaign with no ground game and no interest in talking to voters they need to win. dot, dot, dot, first time trump outraised the biden campaign in
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ap april. compared to biden's 51 million despite limited amount of time the former president has spend on the campaign trail thanks to his new york trial. the only people left in america who support crooked joe biden are out of touch hollywood and they are done giving to a failing campaign. >> carley: president biden stops in boston, massachusetts, it is struggling to deal with the migrant crisis, planning to spend 1932 million on migrants this year on top of 427 million already spent and that plan includes putting up migrants and government housing. a retired police officer joins me now. good morning to you, jerry. a veteran housing facility
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turned migrant shelter. i have a feeling president biden will not learn about that on his trip to boston, it is happening at veteran's home at chelsea. how was that build be ut lietzed and how is it being utilized right now? >> thank you for having me. it was for veteran housing, some of them were more on the disabled side, down on their luck veterans. 100% veteran housing. they started to move to a new facility they built, the old facility, housing i believe over 100 migrant families. >> carley: veterans who you talked to who served our country in the prime of their lives and are elderly and disabled and in need of assistance, what are
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they saying about this? >> everyone is upset about it. i was at the wounded vet loaded with veterans from all walks of life and by and large people are upset about it. it was a clear topic that night for discussion. >> i doubt president biden is getting education on the migrant crisis in boston when he visits the city later today. what would he learn? what is it like there? >> well, he's really just there to collect a check, i don't know how long he'll be in town for. if he were, there is whole host of issues his failed policies at the border impact the city and state. you could go to a community center in roshxbury, they movedo
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le lexington. that community went months without a community center. none of the reassigsidents want that. you have four-star hotel in the next city over in everett and they took in i believe over 300 migrants and families. three meals per day. they were getting free uber, unlimited uber, it was my understanding they were getting a stipend and got to the point some made pleasure with more
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than food so the hotel had to go hire specialty chefs to cook spe specialty cuisine for some of them. if you look at budget ary thing and see we've gone from 250 million for shelter and housing and now burden on taxpayer is billion dollars, 750 million going to the migrants. >> carley: that is taxpayer dollars. free uber, specialty cuisine and headline really is that veteran facility turned into migrant shelter, if that is not a problem, i don't know what is. thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. todd. >> carley: shocker, elvis presley's graceland mansion will be auctioned off this coming thursday after late lisa marie
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presley used property as collateral against a 3.8 million loan in 2010. the companies she defaulted on that. his granddaughter filed a motion never thinking the property could go to a stranger's hands. lisa marie inherited it and opened it to the public in 1982. fact graceland could be outside of presley family control is shocking. >> todd: ahmal clooney played a part in putting out an arrest warrant for prime minister netanyahu and her husband is joining president biden at a fundraiser. >> carley: and making sure learning american history without a political agenda. that is what education should
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have always been. dr. kevin rob efforts will tell us why classical schooling is becoming attractive far parents and kids. there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. new mr. clean ultra foamy magic eraser? with the scrubbing power of magic eraser and the cleaning power of dawn. watch it make soap scum here... disappear... and sprays can leave grime like that ultra foamy melts it on contact. magic. new ultra foamy magic eraser.
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>> todd: big talker yesterday, ahmal clooney encouraging the court to apply for a warrant for prime minister netanyahu. >> carley: cheryl casone has more. >> cheryl: that is right, guys, george clooney's wife, lebanese human rights lawyer helped convince icc prosecutors to move forward with arrest warrant for prime minister netanyahu. she wrote, there are reasonable grounds to believe israeli prime minister netanyahu and israeli defense minister gallant committed war crimes, including starvation as method of war fare, murder prosecution and extermination. icc following her lead, her
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husband will appear at a fundraiser for president biden. prime minister netanyahu denouncing court's decision as new antisemitism. >> todd: shocker yesterday. >> carley: president biden condemned this decision, but there is talk how they lifted sanctions on icc and the image in my mind is of israeli military under prime minister netanyahu dropping fliers warning palestinian people we are going to invade giving them that warning to get out of the area and now prime minister netanyahu and leaders of hamas are being put on the same level getting arrest warrants. >> todd: cheryl, schizophrenic describes the biden administration. positive news, conservative group could be lowering your gas price this week? >> cheryl: heading into driving
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season for summer. with gas prices rising in the latest inflation report, the cpi, this conservative group wants to remind americans gas prices were cheaper when joe biden took office. americans for prosperity will temporarily reduce price per gallon to 2.38, the price it was in 2021. biden has had disastrous result and americans are reeling from high gas prices from shutting down keystone to banning drilling on federal land stifled resources and made things even like a family road trip more expensive. afp president will be on "fox and friends" this morning. >> carley: something everybody can get behind, cheaper gas.
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>> cheryl: i love cheap anything. >> carley: so do i. w "wall street journal" highlighting trend in education that does not make sense. coming from our partners at "wall street journal," grades going up, test scores down, referred to as grade inflation. according to "wall street journal," one example from washington state shows average 2.4 gpa, and 2.7 in 2022 for geometry and algebra, big difference. we kept letting the line go further and further, there is empathy i showed during the pandemic and not just test scores have fallen. at attendance is down. after reading the data, there is
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pressure on teachers to be more l lenient on students same way we graded kids before the pandemic, maybe ways you and i as children were graded when we were going through the education system has changed and is not going back. having kids get 50% for showing up, getting a moderate grade, no more zero, no more failures. whether the test is done on percentage basis or done by grades, there is no f score, no zero, just like a participation, everybody gets a ribbon for showing up. >> carley: it you can taed about how in virginia, they are doing equitable grading, you are allowed to turn your homework in late and if you do bad on a test, you can take it again. teachers want to give students some grace, that is fine, you
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will not get grace in the real world. >> todd: greatest successes in life come out of failures. cheryl, thank you. go to the wnba now. rookies clark and fever taking on the connecticut sun last night, clark dominant finishing with 17 points. its a t, technical foul called on clark for profane comment against a ref that cost them the game. she said after the game, frustration how the game was reffed. clark continues to take the wnba by storm, increase in viewership for the league since being drafted, not translating to wins. connecticut 3-0, center of
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basketball world, win men's championship, women have been good and now connecticut sun. >> carley: and pizza and todd piro. fight at florida skating rink, did you see this video? we'll show you, you will not believe what started that. >> todd: we always love a good fight. u.s. ambassador stands for moment of silence paying tribute to iran's president who was killed in a helicopter crash. they call him the butcher. tomi lahren will react to that coming up. ♪ grace didn't believe in magic. but her daughter was happy to prove her wrong. you were made to dream about it for years.
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♪ >> steve: hi, everybody, i'm steve doocy. "fox & friends" kicks off 9:42 right now. we have a big show for this tuesday as the international criminal court seeks an are a warrant for benjamin netanyahu of israel over alleged war crimes, a former national security council director calling out bogus claim and pushing to defund what he is calling their kangaroo court we're talking about the icc. that guy is going to join us live coming up shortly. biden administration is offering condolences in the death of the iranian president despite his reputation nickname is he known as the butcher of terrain. sean hannity is going to join us with reaction. the new york vs. trump trial continues today after michael cohen admitted under oath to stealing from the trump organization. trey gowdy was live in the
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courtroom yesterday. and he joins us from the courthouse today. and talk about a throwback. a group is helping roll back gas prices to as low as 2:38 per gallon. the average gas price when joe biden took office to highlight just how bad things have gotten. also, a transgender athlete in washington state winning first place in a junior olympic track event beating out biological girls by almost 7 seconds. riley gaines has got a lot to say. >> and she is going to being joining us on that. brian kilmeade will be live all morning from all-american week at fort liberty checking out how they are training the next generation of soldiers. a busy three hours kicks off for the channel you trust for morning news. in the meantime i will hand it back to todd and carley "fox & friends first." >> todd: we will take it, steve. a new trend of parents enrolling kids in schools which include classical education. today the signs of american
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decline are all around us, a failing economy. rampant lawlessness the did he degradation of education and public virtue. we should not accept collapse as inevitable. rekindle the flame of the west before it goes out. >> carley: president of the heritage foundation and dr. roberts joins us now. good morning to you. i love the op-ed. on the heels of the last segment where we talked about equitable education we are all ears. i don't think a lot of people really have a good standing though of what classical education is. and you say that it's the best chance for the future for our children. so, let's start with an education on it. how would you define it? >> >> i define it as the education that our founders of this country got. the education that almost every american, carley got up until the last 25 or 30 years when the radical left took over education. at its core is reading, coming to know the great books, the great works of western
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civilization. it really is the foundation of how to think but most importantly, it really inspires us tow know what is true, what is good,what is beautiful. it is for everybody. this is not just something for the elites. in fact, living in a time when the elites probably need to be pushed out of power. classical education is one of the answers to that. >> todd: specifically what is it though about those things that you just mentioned that will stave off the american decline? sort of this sense of togetherness, being one, sort of understanding your common civic purpose? what is it, doctor? >> todd, the most important thing about classical education is that it outright rejects the conveyor belts education of government run schools at this point. and so what classical education does is put every child in the same boat in the sense of reading all of the same books. having a conversation about what it is to be human, what it is to know truth. what it is to be an american. and as a result, we see that
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people in government run schools is declining significantly over the last few years. 13 percent of american kids now in a nongovernment run school and a growing proportion of those are in classical schools. parents, in other words, are saying, todd, they are tired of this nonsense like the rejection of what harrison butker said in terms of common sense. we are losing the social fabric in this country. classical education is the greatest methodology in the classroom for getting us back to talk to one another as americans despite whatever differences you may have. >> carley: talk about how many schools today young people country fundamentally racist and eel. it isn't just the schools, dr. roberts. also president biden at his commencement address at morehouse college where he said that black men have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot. and republicans don't see black men in the future of america. what do you think about that
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message coming from the president of the united states? >> well, he is the divider in chief and just to connect that to classical education, i will tell you a real quick story the classical school i started 20 years ago had many students of color. i remember one african-american mom coming up to school to me one day dr. roberts, she had tears in her eye, have we done something wrong? she said no this classical school has changed the life of my son but you changed my life and the life of all the people in our family because you teach us to love one another and to love this country to which we can never give back what it gives us every day. that's the kind of message we need to be delivering in every school. and dare i say president joe biden ought go spend some time in a classical school rather than talking about that divisiveness he did at morehouse. >> todd: all about rowing in the same direction and dr. kevin roberts is steering that ship. thank you. the biden administration is offering condolences to iran following the death of their
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president ibrahim raisi who was killed in a helicopter crash along with the country's foreign minister and other officials. now, in a statement from the state department, it does not say that we don't have that yet, but, carley i will toss it to you. >> carley: the u.s. deputy ambassador to the united nations is seen standing during a moment of silence for the iranian president who earned the nickname butcher of tehran over human rights issues. outkick host tomi lahren joins us now. tomi, it's condolences and standing in return of the butcher of tehran isn't enough. matt miller said yesterday that the biden administration offered iran assistance to help find the helicopter after it crashed. all of this is very perplexing, i spoke to several people, former military leaders, and one of them said to me that it looks like this is proof that iran has a friend in the biden administration. what do you think about all of this? >> i would say further proof.
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there is a lot of proof there the unfreezing of $6 billion in assets. also, when we have seen the caudcoddling pro-hamas and othe. this, to me is, a continuation of this administration placating to iran. so it doesn't surprise me at all that this is the message. now, listen, offering done lenses or standing for a moment of violence, that to me is egregious, disgusting. it's a virtue signal. i'm far more concerned about them offering actual assistance. i'm far more concerned to them placating to the anti-israel, abbott american voices that are here in the united states of america chanting death to israel. chanting death to america. so this to me is a continuation. i wouldn't expect anything else from this administration. placating to the very worst of its base and this is just going to play out even more as we head toward that convention in the summertime in chicago. the democrat party is really showing its true colors so we better believe them.
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>> todd: i can't expressed condolences to the leader of one of our enemies. key to the city sean "diddy" combs, the committee and the team has never rescinded a key before. we are sitting down to see what next steps are going to be. we are taking everything under analysis. the team will come back with a final determination. final thoughts on this, keys to presented to those who service public and common good rises to the highest level of achievement, your thoughts? >> well, listen, speaking of virtue signals. that's what this is i agree that the key should be rescinded but i'm, again, far more concerned with the new yorkers on a daily basis on maybe a minute-by-minute basis in that city being punched and attacked. things we saw in that diddy video are disturbing and inexcusable. this is happening to average new yorkers on daily basis. i would be more concerned with eric adams taking a stand on
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that than rescind a key. a virtue signal that helps no one. get to work. you got a lot bigger problems in that city. >> carley: tomi, thank you so much. have great day. a wild brawl breaks out at florida skating rate over the weekend all because a party was canceled. [bleep] [bleep] [shouting] [breaking glass] >> omg is right. the party was canceled because the group fired to hire an off duty officer for the event, which is required. that's when the fight broke out. police say other people were called in to take place in the riot, as many as 300 to 400 people were involved. 23 teens, six adults were arrested. quite the video to end the show. >> todd: same response carley tells me i'm not getting breakfast today. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> carley: have a great day. >> sve


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