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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 21, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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e didn't believe in magic. but her daughter was happy to prove her wrong. you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes. ♪ can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. >> lawrence: it's 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, it is tuesday, may 21, this is "fox and friends." inflation nation, president biden tries to flip the narrative, now blaming companies for overcharging, while on the
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world change offering con condolences for the death of the iranian president. sean hannity joins us live in minutes. >> steve: bill maher says no one should hate trump supporters. >> you can't hate all the people who hate him, it is half the country. i'm not blind to donald trump's faults, i get why people choose to vote for him. >> ainsley: saluting stars and stripes, all american week at fort liberty and brian is going behind the scenes 678 final hour of "fox and friends" starts now. remember mornings are better with friends. ♪ >> brian: as ainsley just said, this is about 23,000 family members at foefrt liberty.
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when you have the 82nd airborne, you have to learn to jump out of a plane. i have not jumped, they thought it would be good idea to go to the simulator and try myself. what is your name, sir? what are you about to do? >> exit this parachute from 32-foot tower. >> what is your name? >> david. >> david is going to jump for us. go ahead, david. that is how you get used to it. jump out and go down. his hands are in the air, he's controlling himself and about to be captured at the other end. i will make lawrence happy, do something physical and he will be impressed with me, even though i don't have the right shoes on. this is an amazing sprawling
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campus, i went up in a being blahawk and an apache. it is a city within a city. north carolina said if you're in the military and want to retire here, you don't have to play income tack. everyone is staying here. this is a patriotic area. wouldn't be surprised if every person is serving or has serve. so many great people here, guys. >> lawrence: your opportunity to make us proud. you have been going to the stretch lab and now the opportunity to put that stretch into motion. stick the landing. >> brian: stick the landing, two cameras, you will see me jump, glide and maybe something athletic will happen that shows how nimble and supple i have become because i have a
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professional stretching my limbs. supple. >> steve: there went the lasso behind you. question is whether or not you will let out a scream when you go like geranamo. >> lawrence: he can't do that. >> brian: i will embarrass my family members if i scream when i jump out. >> ainsley: what if you join the military and you are scared of heights. >> brian: they said everybody is scared of heights, they jump anyway. i said, do you get nervous anymore? they said if you don't get nervous, you don't respect what you deal with. this is intermediate step, there is another step, but i'm not taking that one. after this, i might stop landing on planes, i might rent a plane and jump out to save money.
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airlines charnl for landing. >> steve: that is true. >> brian: what if i just jump. >> steve: brian will jump off that tower live at fortliberty. look h >> brian: look how far it is. these guys will catch me. >> steve: that is awesome. >> ainsley: when we were little, we would jump out of anything, did ropes courses. why are we scared of heights as adults? >> brian: being in are wa, jumping out of a plane in face paint, you have a reason to worry about it. jungle gyms are different. >> ainsley: we had student council camp -- >> brian: camp? >> ainsley: like a bonding experience, teaches you to trust
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each other. >> steve: you grow up, los loss of control. >> brian: a lot of green berets came from student council camp. >> lawrence: you have to guilty dressed for this big jump, we'll let you go and see you -- next time you'll be jumping. steiner he'll be harnessed, good tease coming up shortly. >> ainsley: for now, the steps. >> steve: one big step. later today president biden head to new england with stops in boston, where he will try to raise money. >> lawrence: how much money have the dueling biden and trump campaigns raised? >> ainsley: peter doocy is live at the white house.
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>> peter: in april he had 25 million lead. biden in april 51 million and trump says trump's fundraisering h hall, with him being confined to the courtroom fighting biden's trial. biden campaign says they are doing fine, they have more money than any democratic candidate in the history of u.s. presidential elections. an official in wilmington, team trump is counting on mill millionaires and team biden/harris continued by strength ain grassroots network. officials are trying to figure out how to lower inflation that will not go down. they are accusing companies of
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o overcharging in a memo that says as major corporation, many see profits overcharge the american people despite inflation falling. president biden is taking u unprecedented action. president biden will have a pair of fundraisers in boston, massachusetts. gentleman named george croup hoping to help president raise money today is criticizing his israel policy and saying president biden need to stop arms shipment to israel warning it could put his reelection bid in jeopardy. >> steve: talking a lot about how much they are making money wise and stuff like that. unfortunately, for joe biden right now, he is currently
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losing the election, according to the atlantic. headline is worst best economy either. he is under water on polling, unemployment and things like that. everything costs so much, what atlantic is trying to do, things are better than you feel. >> ainsley: this is part, portion of the article in atlantic. americans say they are personally doing well, the overall economy is doing poorly. political scientists think this has to do with the news they are consuming. gloomy filter on the news. many are not convinced this is a good economy. >> lawrence: i find this comment ary so fascinating, people in
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business sector and everyone reporting on it, people are mistified why they feel this way. they will tell you why, they go to the grocery store, too much money. if you are a young person and looking forward to buying your first house, you can't because interest rates are so high. if you want a new car, even used car, you pay more. go to the gas station, pay more for that. if you want to get fast food, you pay more for that. everything that affects people on day-to-day basis you need money for is higher, that is why the economy is not as good and then to top it off, when you look at credit card det, people are spending and using their credit card. >> ainsley: when donald trump was in office it was 1.3 inflation, now four something? >> steve: north of four. >> ainsley: if you are making same salary, 4% more for everything than you were when
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donald trump was in office, you were paying a little more than 1%. you can make the same amount of money, everything costs more. >> steve: message of this atlantic article, you know what, numbers not so bad, stop saying it is. the problem is, with social media and different channels including fox, other voices are getting out there. it was three big companies, media companies, everybody on the same page. if everybody was on the same page, a lot of people wouldn't realize how broke they feel. we asked the sacrifices you have to do and kent wrote after retiring, i've had to return to the workforce due to cost of food, gas and general inflation of everything. >> lawrence: how many times have we heard that type of story. military wife from north
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carolina said, military family of six paycheck to paycheck is an understatement, because of inflation, we're in the red before our next check hits the bank. we've had to sup element with credit cards last few years. >> ainsley: so sad, military family that can't pay their bills. suzie, we are retired couple barely getting by, cost of food, gas and daily living has made it difficult to pay bills. we don't eat out, we don't go on vacation or purchase anything. we don't even get by anymore. they are retired, they are supposed to take vacation and enjoy what they have saved. >> steve: cynthia is a saver and said we've gone through savings and paying water bill, house, car payment and all that stuff, insurance and gas on our cars, when we pay those, we have nothing left, we can't afford to get any groceries.
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inflation is awful for us in the middle class. you know what, if joe biden loses reelection -- that is number one issue. bread and butter 678 >> ainsley: if he wins, more of that. >> lawrence: you're right, it will get worse, they are talking about pumping more into the market, that is the gamble you have. >> ainsley: how sad does that make you for those four individuals watching now and it is hard for them to get by. >> steve: it is heart breaking, your golden years and you have to -- >> ainsley: even if you are middle class. >> steve: bill maher on with greg gutfeld and talked about how america divided down the middle and had this observation we think you will agree with. >> let's not pretend disagreements are not profound. they are. there are 90 other things we could talk about which we
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wouldn't agree on. i wouldn't hate you. you can't hate everyone that supports donald trump, i am not blind to donald trump's faults, i get why people choose to vote for him. somebody who is conservative, what you liberals get, we don't like him, either, he is a bull wart against the nonsense on the left. >> lawrence: donald trump created a blind spot for many people in the pundit class, they see a bombastic person, they don't see who he is speaking for. you dismiss concerns by proxy of the american people by saying, you don't like donald trump, he was first on the border to talk about the issue. talking about the economy, also talking about peace through
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strength, what is happening in middle east and other wars, a lot of people saying he is using nuclear code, right now looks like we're in the brink of world war iii and we're not in office right now. >> steve: inflation is so high because federal government pumped trillions into the economy. >> ainsley: they printed money. >> steve: we are having to pay for it. we feel sorry for your sacrifices, that is the way things are and you are not alone. >> ainsley: when you hear these stories and see border and crime and what is happening to donald trump in court, it is unbelievable the direction of our country, this is not america our grandfathers fought for. it is important to vote. donald trump's numbers, he raised more than joe biden, is that because people all the issues or the trial? >> steve: people trying to help him out. >> ainsley: this morning donald trump back in court for final
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stretch of new york trial where r robert costello will take the stand again after claiming cohen's story is one big lie. >> steve: michael cohen admitted to stealing tens of thousands dollars from his boss, which is again the law. >> lawrence: kerri urbahn joins us now. one thing i found astonishing was interaction the judge had with costello. someone who is a lawyer, legal observer, what did you think about that moment? >> probably why bob costello was getting so frustrated, he was thinking about when stormy daniels was allowed to say anything she want to down to the
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type of deodorant trump had in his bathroom. think how irrelevant that information is. bob costello would try to answer questions and prosecution kept objecting. it be 10 seconds. costello has been a prominent lawyer and been around the block. he started muttering and making faces, looking at the judge. >> steve: which he shouldn't have been doing. >> he shouldn't. you can understand his frustration and the judge got frustrated. >> steve: cohen, prosecution built him up, he's a liar, yesterday we find cover of "new
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york post," liar, conartist and thief, stole from his boss. >> ainsley: which is bigger crime than donald trump is being charged with. >> to the point, we were hitting each other, did we know about this? how is this the end of the trial and star witness admits he was stealing from trump as neg negotiating repayment plan that is cents ral to the case. it was stunning. we came back and the prosecution was trying to rehabilitate his credibility by go ing through statements saying, that was false. even michael cohen was getting con confused. i'm thinking, i can't listen anymore, if i'm thinking that after stunning stealing revelation, i was wondering how the jury must be thinking. today in court we'll hear more
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from bob costello, i would say for even a couple hours. then a charging conversference. the lawyers get with the judge and talk about how the jury is going to be instructed on the law and it can get testy. it is critical, especially given the election law expert cannot come in and testify. there is context the jury will not be able to hear. >> ainsley: people want to hear from the election commissioner or whatever his title is because he was saying it is unethical to give to a candidate like this judge did, he gave money to biden. >> i think because he's concerned he is going to go off script and talk about things not related to his job title. he needs to, if a candidate pays for something personally, that
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is not a campaign contribution and donald trump paid for that compensation for legal nda personally. >> steve: hour and 11 minutes it starts. >> ainsley: carley is somewhere here. >> carley: upstairs, that is right, borrowing janice's weather stand. one person is dead and 30 hurt after singapore airline flight experienced turbulence going from london to singapore. the plane was diverted to bangkok. singapore airlines offering con condolences and says it is working with families in thailand. an american citizen mis mistakenly -- cole patrick
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doocies he is just a victim of massive case of mistaken identity. despite online media reports, local officials have told abc that doocy was not part of the plot. a climber in north america has died, national park service says the victim likely fell. lower altitude than expected and had not changed for days. officials say recovery efforts will be attempted when weather condition allow. identity of the fallen climber will be released once family is notified. and authorities are looking into the ketamine found in matthew
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perry's body. so far no arrests have been made, we'll tell you if that changes. police finding a fugitive hiding inside the drum of a drying machine. the suspect had been on the run for two months for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. he was taken into custody after police pulled him from the dryer one limb at a time for what they say was a tumble-ready hideout. those are headlines. he was found. >> lawrence: he could have used his italent for the circus. >> steve: hiding in the dryer and the cops came and took him to the cleaners. >> lawrence: well played, steve. >> carley: so good. >> ainsley: you have to be limber and flexible. >> steve: as brian said earlier,
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you have to be supple. >> ainsley: look that up, is that a real word? >> steve: i don't know about the usage, supple sounds soft. >> ainsley: is there a silent b? >> supple. >> ainsley: he was right with the spelling. let me tell you what itten moos, behinding and moving easily and gracefully, flexible, her supple fingers, he did use it correctly. >> steve: absolutely, woonce again. >> lawrence: sean hannity is up early, he is next. >> steve: and brian is training with the 82nd airborne division, he is up issel. >> brian: that is amazing, can i have it. >> lawrence: big jump live on "fox and friends."
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>> ainsley: oh, is he nervous? >> lawrence: coming up! if you might pray with me real quick. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up
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>> ainsley: moments ago prime minister netanyahu doubling down in disgust as international criminal court likens his
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democratic israel to hamas mass mu murderers seeking to arrest him for war crime along with the terrorists. >> lawrence: critics pointing out icc ignores china, iran and syria. >> steve: sean hannity joins us, when this news broke yesterday, what? they are indicting israel and hamas, as well. they are using information from hamas to indict prime minister netanyahu and we talked to richard goldberg, who was in the trump administration and republicans in congress are going to introduce lgsz, we are not part of icc, institutions could choke off the cash. >> sean: steve, such a time of moral -- we're so lacking in
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moral clarity that the idea that you take a victim of terrorism like in this case, israel, they lost ekquivalent of 40,000 dead americans in one day. similar to 9/11, we're going to do same thing to george w bush because he dared to fight back after americans were slaughtered on 9/11, never mind those that died from 9/11 ilnesses. it is so repulsive what they have done here. worst part is joe biden, after donald trump removed america from icc, went back to him, he has obsession with globalist deals and organizations. he wants a deal with iran, he wants back in the paris accord,
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which recognize india, we end up paying most of the money. who, that lied to the world about covid, we should not be part of wef, we should not be part of. let un move to china and pay the billion we are paying, this is insanity. the world needs moral clarity, no ambiguity, they attacked israel, worst terror attack in history and they have a right to win the war on terror, period, end of sentence. win it quickly, if he would want to listen to me. they have a right to defend sovereignty. i have been in terror tunnels and border cities,sterote, was
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hit. kids play in bunker playgrounds. it only takes 13 seconds to land in that city. and these kids can't play outside and get vitamin d and have a normal life. that is their reality going on for decades and israel now has a right after this terror attack to win the war. what is missing is the united states president that has the moral clarity to support what is right and support israel's right to win the war. they say, this is so wrong. simultaneously, they have been working on a deal with the i iranian mulas and offering con condolens. let me be clear, i don't give a flying adam schiff that that guy is dead. number one state spoern of
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terror, killed americans in iraq, they plot, plan, scheme, funded and know plaed what hamas did to israel. they are help ing hezbollah bom the living daylights out of israel, they are causing chaos and terror in the region. the guy is dead, you know what, good riddance, that is one dead terrifts. they say death to israel, death to america. all stuff you are hearing on elite college campuses, where is our moral clarity. the saddest thing in all of this, your president joe has literally surrendered in the war on terrorism and the world needs to understand that. that is embolden every terror state, every terror organization, embolden our
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enemies, embolden the world's worst actors and it has sent ambiguous message to our allies. look how he's been trying to hold back funds for israel. what i think democrats called a quid quo pro, not supposed to have conditions with funds, tweet from joe biden when they went ahead with impeachment on ukraine. this is a sad day, america's role as leader of liberty and freedom on the world stage has been abdo indicated by joe biden who has surrendered to islamic terrorism. guess what that will result in, more terrorism around the world the world. people from china, russia, oh, iran, syria, yemen, egypt,
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afghanistan and kazakhstan into this country, pretty scary time. we are going to be next. they take out israel, god forbid, do you think they are done? no, death to israel and death to america and every america needs to understand. joe biden should pull out of icc immediately, toelgs condemnation and pull out of globalist organizations, they steal our money and use it for nefarious purposes in most cases. i'm done. i will be mark levin. >> lawrence: you are good, third episode of "outlaws and lawmen" out tomorrow, what is coming up on this e episode? >> i'm humbled. one, i got to work with some amazing, creative, smart people
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and i love everything about the pioneers and old west, out laws and lawmen that would try to restore peace and we have four episodes, episode three drops on wednesday and the guys i was able to work with on this have put together an amazing series and i am honored to being a small part of it and not sure which one, either butch cassidy and sundance kid, i'm not sure. four episodes. >> ainsley: doing well on fox nation. thanks, sean. >> been number one. >> ainsley: nice. >> sean: thanks to great "fox and friends" friends. >> steve: we love you, too. >> ainsley: we love when you are on, thank you, sean. all american week and brian is
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stationed at fort ib well erty. >> steve: he's strapped in and ready to jump, you will see it on the other side of this timeout. after advil: let's dive in! but...what about your back? it's fineeeeeeee! [splash] before advil: advil dual action fights pain two ways. advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action. while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now.
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>> steve: today has been a fun day, brian has been live in fort liberty all morning long for all american week. >> ainsley: now he is ready for his big jump. >> lawrence: brian, the moment we've been waiting for, take it away. >> steve: where are you? start with that. >> brian: i'm in the tower where the paira para troopers train. this is ron, how long you been
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doing this? >> 18 years. >> brian: how valuable is this training on the zip line? >> one of the more important aspects what we do. >> brian: what if i told you i'm extremely nervous and have that feeling in my stomach, is that unusual feeling? >> no, sir, if you are not nervous, you shouldn't be doing this. >> brian: give me advice, brief everybody. >> look at horizon, not the ground, place your hands on the parachute and i will give you count to go. count to 6000 and don't touch any metal pieces. >> brian: leave the aircraft or tower, go right here. i just jump like i'm not falling thousands of feet? >> steve: do you have to hold the microphone?
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>> brian: wow, that was jarring and extremely scary and look what is behind me? reinforcements. wow. wow. jesus. wow. >> ainsley: oh, my gosh. >> brian: i would have loosened up my jock strap a little. that was quite interesting. you don't get that at disney and i can't imagine jumping out of a plane. am i only one who needs this ladder? >> step up right here to d disconnect you. >> lawrence: give him credit, did it with microphone. >> ainsley: how did it feel? >> brian: more challenging than i thought, more damaging than i could have imagined, cool and great everyone does this so smoothly, except me. what are they doing now?
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>> you /* you can step down from the ladder. good to go, thir. >> steve: run up, do it again. >> brian: not sure if ifp is out or not, my helmet is caught on the rope, i know that is. >> lawrence: brian, very proud of you, you crushed it with the microphone. >> ainsley: whipped you around a lot there. >> brian: you feel like you are jumping out, can't imagine going out of a plane. >> ainsley: more "fox and fri friends". >> steve: good job! >> ainsley: more "fox and friends" coming up.
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time for much of iowa. that is bullseye where we're ex expecting the worst of severe weather. area of low pressure across central plains and potential for not only hail and damaging wind, but could see large destructive tornados in the area shaded in pink. people need to be on alert, we are concerned about you moving into wisconsin and illinois. heavy flash flood risk, as well. happening this afternoon and o overnight tonight. have a way to get watches and warnings, ohio, tennessee and mississippi river valley. incredible spring of severe weather and it doesn't top today. f, for details. >> lawrence: thanks. >> ainsley: been a crazy weather season. >> lawrence: can't keep up. >> ainsley: more headlines for you, week four of testimony in
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the now infamous karen reid murder trial continues in massachusetts today. following dramatic murder of testimony on friday when witnesses clashed with defense attorneys. reid is accused of hitting and killing her police boyfriend in january of 2022. killing him and leaving him to die in the cold. her defense attorneys accuse local and state police of a massive conspiracy to frame reid for the murder. shes sheez shee was charged with second-degree murder. a wild brawl after breaking out atz at a florida skating rink because a wild party was cancelled. >> lawrence: where are the adults? [video playing] [bleep] >> ainsley: the skating rink
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said the group failed to hire an off-duty officer for the event. police say 3 to 400 were involved. scarlet johansen accusing ai to use a voice similar to hers. she says sam altman reached out to her to voice their assistant and she declined. several have noted the ai sounds like her from her movie where she voices an ai assistant. >> hello, i'm here. >> oh, hi. >> hi. >> ainsley: such an interesting movie, i really liked it. open ai has put sky's voice on pause for now. did you see it? very strange. he dated the woman in the c
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computer. >> lawrence: creepy. >> steve: they asked, could we use your voice? she said no and this sounds like her. >> lawrence: lawsuit. check in with bill hemmer for what is coming up top of the hour. >> bill: i heard brian jumped. i missed it. is he okay? >> lawrence: he stuck the landing. >> ainsley: ask him in the highway. i think it was painful for him. >> bill: nice to see you guys. crunch time in the courtroom, how will the judge get along with the witness today? we're about to find out. fani willis is talking and president biden blames someone for inflation. we blast off top of the hour, rocking show, see you then.
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>> steve: you saw brian free falling from that tower at fort liberty, a part of all american week down there. and you know what? it was such good television.
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racing behind the scenes if we can run the clip once again. brian's reaction was sensational. >> lawrence: he held his mic. there was a little technical difficulties. but he finally nailed the landing. >> ainsley: i want to know -- watch this. watch this. we'll play it again. >> hurry. all right. getting ready. >> lawrence: he is going to go. and watch the spin. it was at that moment where he regretted it all. >> brian: looks what is behind me, my reinforcements. wow. wow. jesus, wow. >> lawrence: you know it's real for a man. >> ainsley: we just missed it >> bill: good morning.


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