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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 21, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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can run the clip once again. brian's reaction was sensational. >> lawrence: he held his mic. there was a little technical difficulties. but he finally nailed the landing. >> ainsley: i want to know -- watch this. watch this. we'll play it again. >> hurry. all right. getting ready. >> lawrence: he is going to go. and watch the spin. it was at that moment where he regretted it all. >> brian: looks what is behind me, my reinforcements. wow. wow. jesus, wow. >> lawrence: you know it's real for a man. >> ainsley: we just missed it >> bill: good morning.
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bracing for fires work in court again. bob costello, a former michael cohen legal advisor about to resume testimony. at the end of court yesterday he and the judge did not see eye-to-eye. what will happen on day 20? i'm bill hemmer live in new york city. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." yeah, to say the judge was irritated. trey gowdy had thoughts about that which we'll share. let's get you this. the prosecution is about to resume its cross examination of robert costello. a lawyer who advised michael cohen back in 2018 when he was under federal investigation. the two had a falling out allegedly over outstanding legal bills. >> bill: those bills were high, too. costello is a former prosecutor turned defense lawyer. cohen told him he acted alone paying off stormy daniels. this is what costello said publicly.
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first in congress, then on our program last thursday. >> i said michael, the way this works is if you have truthful information about donald trump, that's clearly what they are looking for, i can have all your legal problems solved by the end of the week. his response, i swear to god, bob, i don't have anything on donald trump. >> besides making that statement i swear to god i don't have anything on donald trump, he also said more times than that answer, guys, i want you to understand, i will do whatever the f i have to do, i will never spend a day in jail. >> dana: another bombshell moment yesterday. cohen admitted to stealing from the trump organization skimming tens of thousands of dollars after his holiday bonus was less than he thought it would be. team fox coverage, andy mccarthy was in court yesterday and get his analysis. let's go to eric shawn outside the courthouse. hi, eric. >> good morning, dana.
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he was the surprise witness who says michael cohen is full of it. that means, says the defendant, former president trump, that there is no case against him. robert costello back on the stand later this morning after yesterday's fireworks. costello is a trump ally, a well-known new york lawyer who last week stunned observers by telling congress and then fox news that michael cohen told a completely different story than what he told the jury here on the stand in court. costello says it was six years ago when cohen's home and office were raided by the f.b.i. that cohen turned to him for legal advice. costello says that's when cohen told him that trump had no involvement at all with the stormy daniel payment and the deal, in fact, was cohen's idea because he wanted to hide stormy's claims of an alleged affair from melania trump so she would not find out. yesterday he testified quote, michael cohen said numerous
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times that president trump knew nothing about the payment to stormy daniels. he said this numerous times. as for michael cohen, he has finished his testimony and he remained sticking to his story testifying that stormy daniels was paid by trump. he claims that alleged affair wouldn't hurt the presidential campaign. cohen admitted he lied in the past repeatedly but stole money from trump a total of $60,000 because he was mad he didn't get enough of a year-end bonus. there was a dramatic moment yesterday when judge merchan cleared the courtroom because costello was on the stand rolling his eyes and also heard muttering under his breath this is ridiculous. it ticked off the judge. he got everybody out of the courtroom and told costello direct if you try to stare me down one more time i'll remove you from the stand and strike his testimony completely.
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so the judge reading the riot act to bob costello as the witness one would think that today costello will be on his best behavior. expect the defense to wrap up the case today and then discuss jury instructions with the closing arguments next tuesday with the jury finally getting this case next week. >> dana: okay, eric shawn, thank you. >> bill: andy mccarthy back at the courthouse today. get your observations. i'll play the role of the judge and dana will play the role of bob costello. judge says if you don't like my ruling, you don't say geez, okay? and then you don't say strike it because i'm the only one that can strike testimony in the courtroom. do you understand that? >> dana: i understand. >> bill: if you don't like my ruling you don't give me a side eye and roll your eyes. do you understand that? >> dana: i understand that. i understand what you are
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saying. >> bill: are you staring me down right now? >> dana: no, i'm just wondering how. >> bill: clear the courtroom, please, clear the courtroom. were you there for that? >> well, i was in the overflow courtroom so we could see it on the monitors. it was something to see but, you know, in fairness to costello, i just want to point this out. early on before any of that stuff happened, he was giving an answer. the judge tends to speak softly at times. and he sustained an objection and costello didn't hear him sustain the objection and continued to give the answer. and then the judge in what i thought was kind of a gratuitously chippy kind of way said to costello, when i say sustained, you stop answering. now, bob costello has been a very good lawyer and a top federal lawyer here for, you know, 50 years. he understands that when the judge says sustained you stop. but i think he kind of thought
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the judge was giving him the business a little bit and that got his back up and, of course, you know, the judge has to project he is running the courtroom. you can't let a witness act that way. the next thing you knew these guys were going at each other. >> bill: dana, when we were reading this yesterday afternoon, i wonder do these guys know each other? is it possible they do because they've been running in the same legal circles for years, have they not, andy? >> yeah, they have. there is a federal/state thing here, too, which is kind of amusing in the way of rivalry. i was in the middle of it myself so i understand it. costello is a top federal lawyer here and merchan is a top state lawyer. he was a district attorney and then became a higher ranking district attorney in long island and then became a judge. i think there is a little of the
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federal/state rivally thing going on. legal circles in lower manhattan are -- it's a small world. >> dana: yesterday this was news to us but apparently not necessarily news to the prosecution but it was brought up. this is trump's attorney saying to michael cohen, so, you stole from the trump organization, right? cohen says yes. and you didn't just steal the 30,000, right, it was actually grossed up and it was $60,000. it was news to a lot of people and the jury heard it. now you wake up today and how does it sit with them today, the jury? >> it's got to be very bad, dana. the kind of thing. it shouldn't have been surprising. not only not have been surprising to the prosecutors, they should have elicited it to draw the sting. it is always very bad when you get -- you have some piece of bad behavior that hasn't been
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revealed and it comes out on cross if you are the government's witness. and i think that was probably striking to the jury. although i have to say we're at a disadvantage, particularly in the overflow courtroom. they go the extra mile so you can't see the jury. i always want to know how the jury seems to be reacting. and i'm -- i don't want to project my bias onto them but i would love to get an eye at how they react to stuff like that. >> bill: just being there one afternoon last week and it was boring compared to somewhat folks are watching now. i thought they were mostly almost entirely engaged the entire time looking at the monitors, checking out state's exhibits and on and on. closing arguments. what we'll arrive at. trump's lawyers will say you can't convict because you can't trust cohen. isn't this what all of last week has been about? >> so cohen is -- i almost
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regard cohen as more of a problem for the prosecutors. they decided to bring the case and build it on them. the problem the defense has the two-fold. one is the judge, who has let in a ridiculous amount of improper evidence with respect to the federal campaign finance violations, the fact that cohen pled guilty to them. not admissible evidence against trump but emphasized to the jury where i suspect the jury thinks that part of the case has been proven when almost nothing has been proven with respect to trump. so i think that's the judge in that regard is their big problem. then the other problem, the defense has frankly is if your best defense is that the non-disclosure agreements are legal, don't treat them like kryptonite. the whole trial on one side of their mouths they say ndas are fine and legal and totally legitimate and on the other side it is all cohen, trump has nothing to do with it. he knew nothing about it.
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if you are the jury i would be sitting there huh? i just think you have to pick a story and stick with it. it is getting late in the day for that. >> dana: closing arguments will be the chance to do that. they don't happen until next tuesday. today is tuesday, we're looking seven days from now. >> bill: you get along and get in the courtroom. >> dana: get along, little andy. >> yes, sir. >> dana: also this. president biden hitting the campaign trail in new england today expected to talk up the economy despite persistent inflation weighing on voters. edward lawrence with a reality check. one of the reasons presidents go to states is to tell them the federal government is spending money and also to shore up re-election. what's happening today in new hampshire with president biden? >> that's exactly what he is going to do. the president -- the white house has blamed so many different things for inflation. they have now come back around,
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president joe biden blaming companies for inflation and fox business obtained a memo from the white house and it says this, quote, as major corporations, many seeing record profits, overcharge the american people in some cases keeping prices elevated despite inflation falling, president biden is taking unprecedented action to deliver relief for the middle class families. now, the white house -- lawmakers drove home that point from president biden. listen to this. >> you know, american people are pretty sick and tired of getting ripped off, seeing powerful big corporations price gouge. junk fees, all of it. i think we all are, too. i think important part of this proposition agenda is breaking corporation's hold on our economy. >> no mention of president biden's policies and the spending he signed into law that jump started inflation.
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prices are up 19% since biden took office. because of inflation, net worth grew.7% in the time. when you look at the same time period under former president trump net worth grew 16%. >> this level of spending it continues this inflation will destroy the middle class and people of low income. >> so people feel more wealthy under former president trump in that same time period. the president off to new hampshire today, going to massachusetts for a campaign event an the economy and spending his government is doing. >> dana: follow the plane where it goes. that's where they think they have concerns. thank you. not like they are growing voters. biden's campaign has said we'll give florida a shot and we think we can win florida. >> bill: we have trump in the bronx on thursday. what will that look like in that park? we'll find out. we should see the former president momentarily.
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we expect he usually speaks on the way in. we expect that to happen. what did you think of our acting skills that we portrayed? >> dana: i would like to give it another shot. i think i can do a better costello. i don't do a great new york accent. if you were british i might be in better shape. >> bill: i was reading cold. >> dana: our skills could use a little help. we'll work on it during the break. >> bill: tel aviv, jerusalem. >> we're targeting. not the population. these are fall arabous charges and cast a terrible stain on the icc. i was very glad to see that president biden called them outrageous. >> bill: the reaction now to an international push to arrest benjamin netanyahu for war crimes. why that situation is making things awkward between the white house and one of the president's most famous supporters. we'll get to that. plus this. >> i don't need anything from a man.
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a man is not a plan. a man is a companion. >> dana: a moment of truth for fani willis. why the results of today's primary could further derail her case against former president trump. >> bill: lower manhattan. updates on what is another explosive day of testimony for a witness who has undercut michael cohen's story. >> by the way, that first meeting at the regency michael cohen lied to the jury already about that. he says rudy giuliani were conspiring on that day. rudy wasn't even representing trump until a couple of days later. we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot
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>> dana: you have to admire an orange tie. president trump today in an orange tie, black suit and here he is. >> thank you very much. just to begin, the news on inflation is rampant. it's nothing like people have seen. they can't cut it down. biden is all over what's happening. he started with energy, now it's -- it's very sad. we'll get it fixed. i would like to be out campaigning right now but again
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i will be in almost five weeks in court. they have no case. there is no crime. every single legal expert, i say this again and again. maybe at some point they'll come out and say we found something but every single legal expert, andy mccarthy, jonathan turley, mark levin, every one of them, gregg jarrett, they are not necessarily on my side historically over the years, but they are very talented people. legal scholars, highly respected. every single person is saying there is no crime. there is no crime. it is a kangaroo court. there has never been anything like this that i've ever seen. kangaroo courts. hopefully the appellate division will take care of those things. the problem is that new york is
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-- the whole world is watching to see what's happening. you can't use conflicted judges. in is a conflicted judge. you can't do that. you cannot allow that to happen because you ruin the whole system. the whole system comes crumbling down. i love new yorkers. i was born and grew up here and i see what is happening with this judicial system and it is just -- all kangaroos and we just can't have it. the appellate courts can take care of a lot of things. this should be an easy ruling and it -- i think of great judge to determine that it's a witch hunt. it needs decisiveness. every single scholar says there has been no crime, he has done nothing wrong. i am fighting for 300 million people. it is not that i like doing that
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sitting in an ice box all day for seven, eight, nine hours. i'm doing it because our country needs it. our constitution is under threat. our country needs it. so here i am. we'll be doing something in the morning and probably coming back in the afternoon and we'll be resting pretty quickly, resting the case. i won't be resting. i don't rest. i would like to rest sometimes but i don't get to rest. but we have won the case by any standard. any other judge would have thrown this case out. any other judge would have thrown this case out. i think that juan merchan would do himself and do the state and city a great service by doing what everybody knows should be done and so we'll go in and we'll have another little scrub in a little while. it should end a little early today. we appreciate you suffering with
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us. you have been with us for approximately as you see it, the press outside -- it's not a very big thing for us, people want to get out there and you have all police. the only people they let out there is the radical left l lun lunatics, put out people four or five blocks away. that doesn't matter. what matters is what's going on in this courthouse. so thank you very much. we'll be back a little bit later. thank you. [shouted questions] >> bill: always interesting to see the posse who joins him in court and this is a whole new cast of characters today. eric schmitt, and looked like
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pam bondi and matt whitaker. you observe you think he got a haircut. >> dana: a little trim last night. brett toll man is a former u.s. attorney and great to have you with us. as we get underway the cross examination of costello about to get underway. your thoughts on his testimony yesterday and any observations about the tussle he had with the judge? >> yeah, dana, i found it quite interesting. what you see is a real stark contrast between a judge that seemed far more relaxed and allowing incredible amounts of irrelevant and unfairly prejudicial testimony to contrast it to the handcuffing that he was doing to the defense's witnesses is exactly opposite of what my 25 years i've seen judges do. they typically err on the side of allowing the defense great
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latitude to bring in evidence even if they find it to be irrelevant so they don't risk a conviction on appeal and don't look like they're trying to shut down the defense team. here we have something that you rarely see in this judge and the interaction especially with costello. >> bill: i wasn't there, i don't know if this happens. i don't know if judges are this offended, maybe they are, but dana and i read a few lines a moment ago, costello said can i say something, please? no, no, this is not a conversation. is that usually the way it works? >> you know, bill, by the way, you weren't bad actors. i thought you did a fine job with your lines. i will tell you judges, every now and then you run across the judge that has some insecurity, ego driven. they control the courtroom. if they're ever challenged, it is interesting to see their
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reaction. here i think he has something personally at stake in wanting to show he is running a good trial but more than that, i think he wants to see donald trump convicted. so then you add all that up and look, i have never seen an objection sustained so quickly. you didn't even get the question out multiple times and the objection was sustained. that's why costello says geez audibly in the courtroom because you do not see that. and practicing in courtrooms what you see is the opposite, judges attempting to show a good bench demeanor and appropriateness and decorum about them. it was all lost here. the jury saw most of that and it will be interesting what their takeaway is. >> dana: i want to call up 12. trey gowdy was in the courtroom yesterday and he had an observation of the very thing that you are talking about. he was on "fox & friends" this morning. listen here. >> i don't mind if the strike zone or low or high but needs to
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be the same for both teams. i have rarely seen a more pro-prosecution judge. the exact same question the defense asked there was an objection, sustained. the prosecution asked and the objection was overruled. the defense has a mountain to overcome with this judge. >> dana: trey gowdy is one of the most fair-minded people i know. if he is saying that i'm wondering, brett, if you think the jury is seeing something similar? >> i think they are. you know, even the jurors who are not attorneys are in there and they see human reaction and they see a judge getting hot, being upset. think about the threatening -- this judge threatened, dana, to strike the transcript of relevant admitted testimony by costello. not only is that not ever done. i don't think it's legal.
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once the testimony has come in, it's deemed to have been relevant and it is admissible, he threatened to strike that because he was angry at the witness and angry at the comments. and that's what trey is talking about. it is an overt reaction by the judge to place himself on the scales of justice. this judge is trying to do that and it should be offensive to a lawyer like costello or to lawyers that are watching it. but to anybody, especially those in the jury watching this case live. >> bill: brett, we're learning from lydia hu about this brad smith fellow used to work for the fec and we all thought he would be a witness. apparently that all fell apart yesterday. he just sent out a big threat on x. i will read one for you. number six talks about what we'll testify to. we were going to go over the reporting schedules showing even if they thought it was a
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campaign expense to be reported. an expenditure made in 2016 money sent to daniels' attorney would not under law be reported until december 8th, a full 30 days after the election. can you make sense of that and how that would be relevant and maybe give us an explanation as to why -- if you will be charged for a campaign violations, and the defendant wants to call somebody up there and testify to how this works and based on all of our understanding federal election law is very complicated and you would need an expert witness to take the jury through this. why is he not allowed to tell the story? >> well, bill, judges typically do not like anyone taking the stand that is going to try to explain the law. it is explicitly the role of the judge to explain the law to the jurors. but what you highlighted is different. what you highlighted is an analysis of the facts of this
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particular case, the dates involving reporting, the payment itself, and whether it lines up with the theory of the case. now, that is not necessarily someone taking the stand and analyzing the law. instead, it's actually testifying that the statute doesn't apply if these are the facts. the jury can then decide if they are accurate on what the facts are and the reporting dates. but that should have been allowed. it is another obvious effort by the judge to prevent the defense from putting forth its best case and look, if you don't care about the appeal and upholding the conviction, then this is what you will get. you will get a judge that's very activist and placing his hand again on the scales of justice. >> dana: brett tollman, thank you very much. love you are there in the state of utah with that great background. >> bill: we're coming up on cohen's former legal advisor bob costello getting ready to go back to the stand.
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>> michael cohen told us that he was approached by stormy daniels' lawyer and stormy daniels had negative information that she wanted to put in a lawsuit against trump. so michael cohen decided on his own, that's what he told us, on his own to see if he could take care of this. >> bill: that was march of 2023, okay, 15, 16 months ago. that's bob costello talking to reporters after he had testified in front of a grand jury. that is something. that's from the vault, isn't it?
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jonathan turley, professor george washington university and fox news contributor. you were in the courtroom yesterday. assume you are going back in this afternoon. good morning, sir. i think what andy was talking about a moment ago is pretty relevant here. he says for the defense the problem is the judge. and for the defense, they are treating this nda like it is kryptonite. we had an nda. what's wrong with that? what's illegal about that? okay, now where are we today? your witness. >> right. i think andy was spot on. as he always is. there is a slight conflict in the narrative being presented by the defense but i think the more important point is the impact of the judge. i think that is one of the reasons they called costello. calling a witness like costello
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is always a risk and the question is do you take that risk? in a normal case i wouldn't have called additional witnesses. this case is collapsing on its own weight and i can't imagine a conviction could be upheld on appeal. this is not the ordinary case. what we're really looking at with costello is an effort for the defense to take down this case here and now. and costello is a very effective witness. he is not someone that is going to get -- today he needs to dial it down a little bit in knife conflicts with the judge. his testimony is hitting below the waterline for the prosecution. these are not just contradictions, these are direct basically direct statements that cohen committed perjury before this jury. >> dana: listen to president trump as he was walking in court today. it was about the judge and how
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he perceives this court today. >> there has never been anything like this that i've ever seen. kangaroo courts stacked up and hopefully appellate division will take care of those things. the whole world is watching to see what's happening. >> dana: i asked brett tolman this question and ask you as well. you are an experienced person in the courtroom. when something like cohen's testimony happens and costello's testimony happens, is the jury also thinking along those lines? they probably don't think it is a kangaroo court but can they see what trey gowdy saw, bias in favor of the prosecution by the judge? >> i think some of them may see that. but let's not delude ourselves. we had a host of another network yesterday actually coming out and saying cohen was fantastic
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on the stand. that even though cohen said he stole the money, it was really just self-help in his getting his bonus back. >> dana: i want to interrupt you and play that sound. it was stunning to me as well. lawrence o'donnell, stealing from the trump organization no big deal because he deserves it. watch. >> later when could hen was asked on redirect by the prosecution it didn't sound like stealing 30,000. it sounded like michael cohen doing the little he could to rebalance the bonus he thought he deserved and it still came out as less than the bonus he thought he deserved and the bonus he got the year before. >> dana: golf clap for the spin there, jonathan. >> well, that left many of us really dumbfounded. but i wrote about it this morning on the blog because i think that we need to see the serious aspect of what o'donnell
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said which is there is a level of delusion and denial that you heard in his words is not going to be unique. there are members of this jury that actually cited msnbc as their main news source and likely are bringing that same baggage in. so what people see in that courtroom could be heavily distorted by what they brought to the courtroom before. most everyone else, including people on other networks have said it has been a disaster and we ultimately have to deal with the fact that this guy just admitted to grand larceny. >> bill: so he is on the stand right now, costello. reading through the emails folks like andy mccarthy are saying the prosecutor for the state says is that an email you provided to our office? costello says i provided a lot of emails to your office. andy remarked it is only the first question but costello is loaded for bear to remind
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prosecutors that he gave them hundreds of recommend vanity documents and emails but prosecutors refused the share them with the grand jury. costello could be the last witness, right? brad smith the judge said you won't be on the stand. i guess in a way this could wrap up today. >> yeah, there is an interesting tension, as you see the cross examination of costello, because costello leveled a very troubling allegation against bragg's office. he said that he gave bragg's staff a huge number of emails that directly contradicted what cohen has been saying and when he took the stand, it was clear that the prosecutors had not shown that to the jury and indeed they tried to prevent costello from sharing that information. that's a very serious allegation. it suggests that the prosecutors
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actively framed the evidence so that the grand jury didn't see the contradiction. i think you will see some tension when the cross examination begins. smith himself raised a very interesting issue today and this is one of the leading experts on election law. and the judge effectively prevented him from testifying by narrowing his testimony to the point that he really couldn't get to the merits. but what he said today was that under the federal election law, the trump people wouldn't have even declared this as an election contribution until after the election had run. and that is something that dovetails what many of us have noted. it is hard to see how this was an effort to rig an election that had already been completed when the payment ultimately was made to cohen. but what smith is saying is even the payment to stormy daniels wouldn't have to have been made until after the election. how can that be part of an
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effort to influence the election? >> dana: honestly, that's a great point. the root of the matter. want to ask you this. if this is the last witness and wrapping up today jonathan why not just do closing arguments on thursday when court is back in session and make the jury power through rather than giving another six days to think about it before they hear closing arguments? >> that's a very good question. as defense counsel i can tell you long delays with jurors are usually not welcome particularly if things are going well. remember, this jury hasn't been sequestered. there is going home tvs, radios, neighbors, you don't know how that will affect them. usually with defense counsel if you are on a roll you want to call the final hand. that's not likely to happen. now, the judge has two major things to deal with among a myriad of other issues. one is the directed verdict
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motion. in my view he most certainly should grant that motion. but he has already indicated that he won't. and in some respects i think that his statements about the directed motion are disturbing because he keeps on referring to, as i wrote about a week ago, that this is really a question of credibility of cohen and he can't simply declare cohen is lacking credibility that is a fact decision. he is forgetting the fact or omitting it that none of the elements of the crime have been established. not even alleged by these witnesses. they stand contradicted at best. so he could grant that directed verdict on that grounds. but then he has to deal with what we call the charging issues. and that will be how he instructs the jury. this is going to be enormously important. defense will want to be heard at length. i believe there are layers of reversible error in this case. what is often the case as you see judges committing errors like this and then they try to
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sort of do a charlie brown with a football motion and the last minute put in an instruction to clean it up. i don't think they can clean it up here. so what merchan is suggesting is i'll instruct the jury on all of the references to campaign violations. i think that's coming really too late. this jury has been told over and over again from opening argument to pecker, to michael cohen, to the prosecutors, the judge has allowed them to say there were election violations. i'm quite convinced that that jury believes that there were election violations even though none have occurred in this case with regard to trump. >> bill: wow, just to quote you, the trial is riddled with reversible error. the judge has shown serious bias in his rulings. his rulings are often difficult to square with the rules of evidence.
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costello is losing patience with the judge, as many of us were. that's not a glowing review from turley, is it, dana? >> dana: it is not. thank you so much. we do have trey gowdy in the courtroom and he said that costello is getting crossed on insignificant details which he just can't seem to bring himself to own up to. the jury seems amused in parts by the bickering between costello and the prosecutor. so that is happening. we're on it and we'll be right back. (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪
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>> dana: we're back at the fox news alert. new pictures of president trump in court this morning. that is your newest picture of him in court as this is underway. charlie hurt is opinion editor at the washington times and fox news contributor. matt bennett is co-founder of third way and special assistant at the clinton white house. great to have you both. charlie, with costello on the stand today and the possibility there are no more witnesses after today, where are you landing on this? >> what will we do with ourselves once this is over? i don't know, we'll have to go back to covering news and it will be so depressing. no, it really is extraordinary. i had the decency not to go to law school so i probably shouldn't opine about the legal merits or demerits of the case. but i do know a political clown show when i see one.
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this is a political clown show and so amazing to me to watch all this unfold. you would think that a politician running for president getting caught up with federal charges in court in the year of an election would absolutely destroy that politician. we're sitting here watching this unbelievable case where it is actually his poll numblers with going up. other politicians are showing up in court in order to be seen with the accused felon, the supposed accused felon for their own political benefit. meanwhile, the democrats are trying to run away from it saying no, no, this is not us. from a political standpoint it is hysterical. >> bill: they're trying to discern the relationship of costello, trump, giuliani. the state is asking the questions right now. trey gowdy says costello offers again to explain an answer to
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the jury and the prosecutor cuts him off usually not a good look in front of a jury. so the state came ready to battle today, i guess is what you could say. you know, i don't know what happens after this verdict comes out. dana and i were just looking over to these fundraising numbers. trump 76 million. biden at 51 for one month. biden had the blow-out number the month before because of the big rally at radio city music hall. i know what we'll do, charlie. matt, you can answer this. when this thing is over we can have months to debate whether or not it matters for the election in november. >> we will. i agree with charlie it is a clown show with all these guys showing up and sucking up to trump and they are so thirsty trying to get onto the ticket with him. but what i do think is if he is convicted, his name will become
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convicted felon donald trump. not from the mouths of his supporters but from basically everybody else. will that matter? to your point, we'll debate it for months. i don't know. i don't think there is any silver bullets in this election. this is going to be a slog and a fight all the way to the finish and close to the finish but i don't think it will help trump if he is convicted and we saw some polling before the trial that showed people might change their view if he is a convicted felon. >> if that's the case you have a big moment toward the end of june when the fellows face off in atlanta, georgia on june 27th. stand by and we'll get a quick break. more from inside the courtroom in a moment. something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes.
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