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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 21, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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been self reporting that the underlying crime was federal election interference it would've been nice to have the expert testimony educating them to the fact that timing was actually the most significant issue that would have obviated or negated that allegation as much as we've been talking about that summation jury instruction have the possibility to avert any type of presentation these attorneys make under different site that is the christian nature of jury instructions and they cannot be overstated. >> notably picking up your best to the state and they ruled against them in the gag order but because their constitutional issues at hand they can remove this, and the constitutional question to a federal court that might be more favorable, all that to play out but likely not before the election but that verdict is sure to come they likely next week, i think you're everyone here.
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beco i was born here, i grew up here. i see what's happening with this judicial system. and is all kangaroos. to rule from the bench and determine it's a witch hunt. it needs decisiveness. we have phenomenal we have won the case many standard. >> john: that's a look as they return to the courtroom as the criminal trial enters its final stretch. about one hour and 15 minutes away from that lom don roberts in washington. here we go again, sandra. >> sandra: we do, i'm sandra smith in new york and this is america reports. witness testimony has wrapped, both sides have rested their cases. we await the ever important jury instructions. >> the judge to hear arguments from the prosecution and defense teams on exactly how the jury
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should be charged before they had into deliberations. >> sandra: we have an all-star team of legal and political voices to take us through the next two hours. >> john: first the former federal prosecutor trey gaudi has been in the courtroom all morning and, trey, if they wrap up the case now we look at closing arguments which probably won't happen until next tuesday, what is your assessment of where we are? >> that's a long time to expect nonlawyers ordinary members of the public to remember something. i mean, a week? >> john: it looks like trey is already gone away on either hiatus or sequester as well. >> sandra: it's a good thing we have a deep bench. >> john: we do have a deeper bench. the deeper bench than the pittsburgh penguins. let's go right now. former attorney jim trustee is with us as we struggle to get trey gaudi back up and running i
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don't know what the heck happened. what is your assessment in closing arguments as well and deliberations? >> i agree with every thing trey said. [laughter] >> john: he didn't say a lot. >> i get bored with trey and i wanted to move on so i eliminated him. i mean, look. it's a huge part of this case. i mean, it's a threadbare inventive prosecution but the judge can kind of put his finger on the scale or not. in these instructions and i think it's a crazy dynamic two of the judges or lawyers. i think the prosecution is probably very hopeful that even if it's a threadbare case it's about michael cohen's credibility that the lawyers may take charge and give you a cohesive verdict for the prosecution. now the lawyers may say we do some work, this is beyond a reasonable doubt standard. how do we believe in this michael cohen guide to get over the hump here?
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but it was all back to jury selection like where these people and what are their biases? >> sandra: now you are really in trouble, jim, we have trey back. he has good stuff russ. trey, welcome back, you are live outside the courthouse here in manhattan. until he was in the party earlier this morning, listen. speak at this is where i grew up i was born here, i grew up here and i see what's happening in this judicial system they are all kangaroos. i think the court can take care of a lot of things but this one shouldn't even get to a court it should be an easy ruling. >> sandra: i will let you continue your thought before you were cut off by jim. this should be an easy ruling do you agree? >> if he's talking about the decision to dismiss charges
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which he asked yesterday there's not a chance in the world that will happen. anyone who went to bed last night not knowing whether or not the judge would throw the case out missed a good nights sleep. that was ever going to happen. the jury remarkably attentive even during some slow parts in the cross examination and direct, michael cohen has more baggage than an airline. think about this for a second, sandra. and admitted liar out for revenge and may be the most damning part of his testimony as he also wants to be in congress and we also learned by the way he stole $50,000 because he kind of gave himself a bonus on the other hand you have robert casale of the substance of what he saw yesterday was incredibly important. in the cross-examination, this is the way during minds work.
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if you are spending time with some of the tingles to be importance, very little time was spent on the michael cohen saying i swear to god donald trump did nothing wrong, a lot of time was spent on robert costello's relationship with rudy giuliani with a clear insinuation being he was actually working for donald trump. a bias for the government and a bias for the defense makes the burden of persuasion on the government. >> john: may be michael cohen is hoping he will succeed where george santos failed. let's bring him back we were talking about costello and trey mentioned him, he did an exchange between judge mershon and costello incident goes like this. juan merchan says i wanted to discuss proper decorum when there is a witness on the stand if you don't like my ruling, you don't say "jeez" okay? and you don't say strike it because i'm the only one who can strike testimony in the court on. do you understand that? costello i understand.
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merchan and if you don't like my ruling don't give me the side i. our dog gives me that pair you don't roll your eyes do understand that question marks to go i understand that i understand what you're saying. merchan, are you staring me down right now? and then spix merchan says please clear the courtroom and finishes off says your conduct is contempt for spirit if you try to steer me down one more time i will remove you from the stand. i will strike the entire testimony do you understand me? there's a lot of ego going on there but there is also decorum in the courtroom. can he strike testimony just because they don't like what castella said? what do you think the overall impact of what costello was doing was in terms of the defense of the prosecution and was there reversible error in what merchan den? >> i'm sorry if i'm staring at you. >> don't give me that bombastic side i. >> side eye is for off-camera. a lot of things, number one, you
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don't want to witness fighting with the judge. costello has been a lawyer 51 years in new york he is a thick-skinned guy. is probably not a shock he would second-guess or even taunt the judge. what i am finding across the board new york is remarkably thin-skinned bench. it's amazing. think about the funny willis hearing where she was doing all sorts of disrespectful stuff and the judge was cool, calm and collected. it becomes can stages. people become more respectful of a judge because of how they act judiciously. here merchan lost his stuff. i will tell you, the error here and maybe not reversible in the grand scheme of things but to cr you take the jury out and say go back to your room for a minute we are taking an that was violated by kicking everyone out so he could give the witness a tongue lashing. so that's what happens. you get emotional as a judge you may create mistakes. if he went so far as to
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strengthen testimony, that is coming back in a hot minute. you don't eliminate defense or important defense testimony on a single moment of frustration like that. in the most emotional moment in his direct which was measured before he set i asked him 20 times if he had anything on time but he said no. he is saying that president trump is innocent and michael cohen and cohen says he was lying. that's where we are. >> sandra: he set it on fox news last week played out. >> he kept saying over and over again 10-20 times i swear to god, bob, i don't of anything on donald trump. i said to michael think about this. isn't an easy to cooperate against donald trump if you have truthful information than it is to kill yourself? the answer is obvious. that was his moment in time if he had something truthful to say
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i am willing to cooperate. but he didn't take that. >> sandra: there was that. and back to trey outside the courthouse in manhattan and fox news polling does show a growing number of people see this as the former president being unfairly treated by our legal system. we go from that to "the new york post" today. wire, co con artist, thief, it s in full detail in that piece this morning, trey. where did he think the american public is going as they watched this play out? >> i think they're really smart. in jurisdictions like new york and you mentioned fu fani willis come when he openly run i will go after a person, not a crime, not a series of crimes, but a person i blame the candidate for
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running on that platform but also on the voters for picking someone. we don't live in a country where you go after people pair you go after crimes. the judge i was in the courtroom all day yesterday and half the day today the strike zone was very different from the prosecution and the defense. very different. so i can scarcely think of an objection that was not sustained by the government and one that was sustained for the defense. so the strike zone is different. i just have to trust if you like small government you will load jury trials. it does not get any smaller fence 20 of our citizens who are very attentive and look, jim may disagree with me, every lawyer may disagree with me and my experience the truth jury usually got it right despite what else is going on they usually got it right. >> john: we will see it's normally like the robot where he says i'm lying to you and he's
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is everything you say is alive but your line now but you can't tell the truth because you're always lying. a lot of stuff to weigh here. great to see you. >> sandra: thank you, guys. the white house issues not one, two, three, four but nine corrections to president biden's naacp speech in detroit over the weekend. laura ingraham here to tell us how big of a role biden's mental health may play in the election. >> sandra: looking forward to that post former president donald trump will soon be heading back into the courtroom as the defense rests the case. the two side will start debating jury instructions when court resumes which is expected an hour from now. kerri urbahn is here at live outside the courtroom and she is next. >> allowed michael cohen and david pecker to testify there were camping violations but won't lose the head of the
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election committee say these are not violations is stunning. t tw. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) when migraine strikes are the tradeoffs of treating worth it? ubrelvy is another option, it quickly eliminates migraine pain. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy. this is our future, ma. godaddy airo. creates a logo, website, even social posts... in minutes! -how? -a.i. (impressed) ay i like it! who wants to come see the future?! get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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speed to more than 100 republican lawmakers pushing back against president biden's so-called "forgiveness" for student loans they are urging 140,000 foul $7 billion of belly up mike bailouts. live on kevin hill, hillary ne way that they will listen to these lawmakers? >> it doesn't seem like they are changing course at all, sandra. they haven't stopped with the loan forgiveness they've artie pushed her, president biden saying he wants to do even more over the weekend so some lawmakers on the hill are trying
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to put a stop to biden from exploiting what they think is an illegal loophole. 90 house members 40 senators asking education secretary mikal cardona to withdraw it will change that would hand out billions of dollars in a mass student loan payoff. writing "in addition to the fiscally irresponsible nature of this backdoor attempt to enact free college, the administration continues to use borrowers as political pawns knowing full well these proposed actions are illegal. the supreme court made it abundantly clear there is zero authority to write off federal student loans and mass. lawmakers saying" it's up to billions of taxpayer cash to do it putting this "targeted forgiveness" at $147 billion but the fight not just on capitol hill but on the state level with some attorneys, general trying to stop this too. >> this is a desperate account in face of plummeting poll numbers by the president to try to buy votes and to do so
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illegally. we took her to task once we will do it again it's illegal comes in constitutional. >> president biden is not shy about his efforts to defy the supreme court's decision and do it anyway bringing two graduates about it on sunday. >> i am relieving the burden of student debt. meant of you already had the benefit of it. the supreme court told me i couldn't exmac i found two other ways to do it. >> sender you may have heard biden just say a lot of the graduates they are already benefited from his student loan forgiveness, but you don't really start paying your student loans until six months after you graduate. >> sandra: that is something, hillary von is watching closely. >> john: center we are waiting for former president trump and all the lawyers in the new york criminal trial to return to the courtroom to debate jury instructions after the defense rested its case with another day of contentious testimony from robert costello.
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kerri urbahn is our editor following from outside the courtroom and she joins us now the jury has been excused until next tuesday when we expect closing arguments of the wells may be jury instructions and then deliberations as early as wednesday, give us the 30,000-foot level where you think the stand no? >> you know, i heard trey's comments before i got on it and he was talking about the jury and that he has trust generally injuries and interestingly i was just in an and my oval driver happened to be someone who drove donald trump around for years in the 90s. and he overheard me talking about the case to some on the phone on the way here and he said his trip donald trump in trouble? and i explained it to him a little bit about the case and his immediate reaction was i really like him, he's a very nice guy and a very smart businessman. end of the reason i share that story is because we do talk a lot about new york city being
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largely democrat as far as how people vote. we have to remember that donald trump had a life here. and he was larger than life for many years before that. there are people here in this town who continue to really like him. it only takes one. we've talked a lot about that but i really don't know where the jury will land on this and i think it's possible we will have a hung jury. >> sandra: so right now we are waiting on this key meeting and awaiting jury instructions from the judge. what are we watching for there, carrie, what do we need to know about what we may be hearing less than an hour from now? >> this is a very critical meeting that is about to occur in front of the press, by the way, where the judge and the lawyer will battle it out over how should the jury be instructed? how should the law be advised? and i have some concerns about this in general because as i have sat in this courtroom for weeks, i am beginning to feel like it is more of a guilty until proven innocent situation
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other than the opposite way around. let's think back through some of the actions that judge merchan has taken that indictment is not specific where exactly donald trump is being charged with before. the judge easily could have sent that back. to the prosecution and said hey, send this back to me when it's a little more specific so we know exactly why we are here. he didn't. how about the gag order imposed against donald trump but not michael cohen? that was the entire time. or the fact that he frankel he has made it pretty difficult for someone like bob costello to get through his testimony. and then on top of it letting the amount of superfluous information come in from stormy daniels. stuff that was not relevant at all and he has allowed into admission michael cohen's guilty plea to compound campaign things it puts a question market in people's minds over a. because of how this has gone i
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expected to be fairly contentious and really fighting in the context around the law is adequately explained once it goes there. >> john: i love way of occam's razor now we have uber's razor of how things may go. what do you think the testimony? >> the fact he has continued to testify under oath so he obviously knows the penalty if he were to lie under oath having now done it before a grand jury, congress, today here and he has spoken about this on tv as well, how much michael cohen told him that he had nothing on donald trump and he told them that at a time where he was very vulnerable. he was allegedly suicidal. robert costello was trying to find a way for him to get out of the mess he was in. if ever there was a time for someone to reveal he had that
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information on donald trump it would've been then. instead it was the opposite and the cohen told him repeatedly he had nothing to do it stormy daniels of payments. that's the upshot. i think the downside was the tension between him and the judge. understandably robert costello was frustrated since the prosecution made it very difficult for him to get through even the most basic of testimony including just talking about emails he was on or meetings he was a part of. they would ask him a question, implying a certain answer, he would say no that's not the case and he would say would you like me to explain why and they would say no. and the judge would let that go through. so everyone sitting there was missing the context around those answers and you can imagine for a witness how frustrating that must be. but how that plays with a jury that kind of tense interaction can go sideways sometimes. >> sandra: carrie, you are standing outside the courthouse where we expect the former president to return shortly come to live look on our screen on the left is outside trump tower
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we are told we should expect to see the former pres done might t soon and go back to the courtroom, as all of this happens and we await jury instructions from the judge this afternoon, we have been looking at the fox news polling showing a growing number of respondents see the legal system treating the former president unfairly. and we know the question is also in their own whether people think something illegal happened versus unethical but not illegal and nothing seriously wrong, a majority think at minimum something unethical happened but not illegal. so seeing where this trial is going now, it will be very interesting and the hours and days to come where the american public is with this, carrie. >> yes and as i am standing here looking at a number of signs across the park. one says "stop, partisan conspiracy, stop, political witch hunt" "the deep state
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versus donald trump" it goes on and on. pierpoint i think people are frustrated by this and i think they may be seen through the confusion of sleazy and illegal but they need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt and at the end of the day is the prosecution's burden to bear which is why again i've been concerned about what i feel like is this flipping of standards. it is innocent until proven guilty and the prosecution has to prove that beyond a reasonable doubt. >> john: carrie, great happy with us, 50 minutes now court is back in session we will follow every twist and turn thank you, carrie. >> sandra: thank you. and now this fox news alert rudy giuliani pleading not guilty to nine felony charges in arizona's election interference case from the 2020 presidential race. he appeared remotely which took place in a phoenix courtroom. giuliani's trial will be held in october. that's the update there.
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john? >> john: epic spring between scarlet johansson suing an artificial intelligence company. >> sandra: fascinating story plus both sides in the trunk trial preparing their proposals for jury instructions. how will this developing situation in shape the case? we will put that to lori ingram joining us live coming up. speak only in closing arguments we expect the jury to actually hear what the theory us as to this second crime. i have never seen a case in my entire career that is the case because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100 percent of your home■s value. if you need cash for your family call newdayusa. with automatic authority from the va we can say yes
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wear to show your support. tiffany: anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. [music playing] >> sandra: testimony has wrapped in the criminal trial but the former president, his defense team and the prosecution will be back in the courtroom soon for crucial arguments on what should be included in the
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jury instructions. let's bring in lower income, host of the ingram ankle also a white collar criminal defense attorney, could have you back on the program. what, first off will you be watching for at 2:00 p.m. eastern when it comes to these instructions where does it lead us? >> this is really where the rubber meets the road. the judge by so many people out there has come across as you heard carrie talk about is quite one-sided in a lot of the handling of these objections sustaining most of the objections when it came to costello's testimony and allowing in a bunch of prejudicial material where the jury said there are certain things here she said you really can't consider when you are deliberating. fast-forward to today where you really are going to set the stage for what is going to be a number of days before they are back in session in the closing arguments take place.
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this is where i think we all should sit back and realize this case 175.10 of the penal code involves another crime. without the predicate crime this kicks back to a misdemeanor of the statute isn't on this case where they are eliminating this possibility of the testifying is prejudicial to the trump def defense. that's the predicate crime here unless we are going to hear of a new crime and let me say something, the precedent for the penal code 175.10, the precedent for other cases always involve tax evasion, food stamp falsification for application to get benefits it almost always involves a pecuniary gain for
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the individual falsifying the records. we don't have that here. we have amorphous campaign finance contribution, never in all of the president i have reviewed before coming on the show, figaro will come all this other cases, nothing like this. a novel application of this law which means you have to hopscotch to something very unique in these jury instructions to get back to that statute. and i think this is going to be very, very interesting for potential future appeal of the jury instructions which again is a tough appeal, but they may have something vary depending on what the judge does. >> john: and there is another eliminated in michael cohen stealing $60,000 from president trump. there's a lot in including this. white house put out a transcript of president biden's speech to the enand double acp with nine
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corrections are covered with maybe one or two collections of covering the white house but nine corrections including when he said things were kind of bad during the pandemic, let's play this out and listen to what he said. >> when i was vice president things were kind of bad during the pandemic. and what happened was barack said to me go to detroit and help fix it. >> john: we all said wait he was not vice president during the pandemic and why would he send them to detroit to fix it? but there've been crickets, there is a minor correction to a transcript and the press corps went nuts. tony snow added something, a shout out to a colleague gordon john grow and the press corps went nuts but nothing on this. >> there has been kind of a conspiracy unstated on certain members of the press, most of the press and this white house i will call it what this is, there are a number of occasions and it
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happens a couple of occasions where the president lied. there are some cases he is confused and other cases are flat out lies and the press begrudgingly only two or three times in the inflation numbers do they say yes, that's untrue so you see in "newsweek" or may be ap they finally put a correction. they are literally fact-checking trump every time he comes out of the courtroom. they have cnn checker but in this case and this case the weenies are not home to do the work. this is why there's no faith in the objectivity of the court repress and why it's so important for all of us to hopscotch past trump for a moment to think about what is going to happen to our country if this keeps happening where we have fundamentally flawed policies, we have horrific ramifications for the working
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class, and then we have a series of lies to try to cover it up and the press just nods along? what is that mean? they are supposedly so worried about democracy, how is that helping an informed democracy? i'm not saying anyone is perfect, republicans are perfect or trump is perfect because republicans are not, but on the core level they are poisonous to the conversation, they are poisonous to the public at la large. at some point everyone has to say look, facts are facts. you can argue opinions but facts are facts. it is time for everyone to try to do their jobs here. and do a service to the american public at a very chaotic time i might add. >> sandra: there were gaps in the speech, there were corrections issued afterward and then there was this mumbling on the hostages from the president yesterday. listen. >> working around the clock to free the main hostages just as we freed hostages already. here it is today hirsch goldberg
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poland still he is not here with us but he is still being held by hamas. rachel and john are here with us, send up, guys. >> sandra: as that was happening former president donald trump just departing trump tower a moment ago he waved to the cameras that are clearly outside, there we go again. laura we are watching this together it looks like he is getting in the car the motorcade will roll on to the courthouse. this is while he is not campaigning on the current president is out there and making speeches like that go ahead, laura. >> he is making speeches that are obviously the sign of a decaying mind as sad as it is we've all had relatives that get in this position where cognitively they obviously begin to decline, you cannot graph certain words that you want to recall quickly. that is nothing new. but i think what you will see thursday in the south bronx with president trump going into what was previously just really
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democrat territory and republicans since reagan have not really ventured into new york city or any of the boroughs of new york city, this is going to be a moment where i believe, and we will see what happens but you will see i believe that connection between trump and working-class america that has had enough. they see the unfairness, the rank unfairness of the way the trial has been conducted and so many other legal actions, they see their paycheck go down the drain when before they had extra money in their pockets and they see the border open. and i think you are going to see something quite special on thursday night when that event, rally, whatever they are calling it, unfolds. that is the campaign i think will really cut through. obama said don't call them blue states are red states where the united states of america and to that i say no state or city left behind and the candidate who wants to win is going to say
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california is a wonderful state and should not go down the drain and neither should new york and i'm here to help. >> john: as we see the president traversing through the streets of new york city on his way back downtown we thank you, laura for joining us it's always a pleasure. >> thank you so much. >> sandra: thank you so much, laura. >> we reject the icc's application of arrest warrants against israeli leaders. whatever these warrants may imply there is no connection between israel and hamas. >> john: tough talk from president biden after warrants for your crimes are issued against israel's prime minister. why do some of his biggest supporters, this is biden come help the international criminal court reach its decision? the former national security advisor robert o'brien weighs in coming up next. with a very high risk of another attack. with his risk factors his recommended ldl-c level should be below 55. find out if you're living in the red.
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>> john: president biden speaking you know hampshire after he slammed the criminal court arrest warrants that accused prime minister benjamin then yahoo and other high-ranking israelis of war crimes but one of biden's most famous backers played a role in recommending the charges. let's bring in robert o'brien former national security advisor under president trump. robert, it's good to see you as you join us from israel tonight. i want to play with biden said about these charges at the international criminal court and benjamin that yahoo, listen here. >> we reject the icc's application of arrest warrants against israeli leaders. [applause] whatever these warrants may imply there is no equivalence between israel and hamas contrary to allegations against israel made by their national court of justice. what's happening is not genocide we reject that. >> john: all right that puts him at odds with the large swath
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of his party including bernie sanders and some of his biggest supporters including george clooney's wife who is one of the big drivers behind this action at the icc. >> i am glad he semisaid we have to wait and see what he does, talk is cheap. senators have a bill coming out in the next day or two ago that i think mike mccullough in the house will cosponsor it and they will tell the icc if you pursue our democratic allies and pursue israel and the democratic elected prime minister and democratic elected elect we will sanction you and make sure you get defunded and take every action deck necessary to make sure this can proceed. look, stepping back the icc here any shred of legitimacy they had was gone, israel is a great democracy, they are running this war in gaza with humanity, they dropped leaflets on buildings before they bomb them here we
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don't even do that. and prime minister netanyahu and defense colette have been put in with sin wire and the other terrorists of hamas between them this is an outrage. >> sandra: robert nice to have you on the program today welcome this happened at the hearing where blink and was grilled he was interrupted by a protester calling him a "war criminal, listen. >> people's republican of china -- >> he is a war criminal exmac he is a war criminal =!-exclamation-point the blood of 40,000 palestinians is on your hands! he is a war criminal! he is a war criminal! 40,000 people >> sandra: we are seeing more and more of that combo robert, protesters showing up that involved him as he is ss
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the face of the administration's response to this war. >> look, i don't think we've done enough. the fact we are slowing down aid to israel and we never sent seal team six in to try to save american hostages, that we are not helping israel destroy the caliphate which is hamas which is no different than israel caliphate it is so misguided, they are dumb or lying because i got back from days at the kibitzing near oz. and went to homes that were burnt out and saw bulletholes through the safe room where families were executed, the toddlers in two and a half years old these beautiful young families wiped off the face of the earth by these hamas ani animals. i went to the phone festival site and saw the pictures of all these beautiful young people whose lives were cut short in their prime. by the terrorists. that two people should be protesting the end instead are coming after tony blinken
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because if you've seen a pacifist it's tony blinken i mean he's not doing enough to prosecute this work including americans keep in mind tender and john there were almost 30 americans killed and still five or hostage in gaza held by these terrorists and hamas terrorist organizations. we are negotiating like they are an ngo, it's amazing. >> john: it is, we thank you for joining us, robert. >> sandra: thank you, robert. the defense and prosecution resting their case in the new york versus trump trial up next to a conference on jury instructions and a key meeting how could that impact and eventual verdict? we will ask anna mccarthy he is here. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan
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>> sandra: have you seen the legal storm brewing between scarlett johansson and the makers of chatgpt over using a voice in the latest ai model? the actress claims it's "eerily similar to hers" susan lee is live in new york city with more. everyone is talking about this, susan what are we here in? >> we live in a new era of ai, artificial intelligence, and that means we will get a lot more of these battles over
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likeness and ip, intellectual property. who owns and owes what and this time it's megawatt actress scarlett johansson who is now lawyered up and she says she is reviewing in the new voice of the chatgpt four oh who said she says sounds a lot like her and she did star in the film where there is a chat that they fall in love with, she said that she got a offer to voice the system after much consideration and for personal reasons she declined the offer. "when i heard the release demo i was shocked, angered, and in disbelief that mr. altman would pursue a voice that sounded so eerily similar to mine. i got stomach," i got in touch with sam saying the voice was not scarlett johansson's and it was never supposed to resemble hers. week casted before any outreach to miss johansson but i will let
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you decide for yourself. first left listen to scarlett johansson in the movie "her" >> theodora shiner emails you would gone to embrace breakup recently. >> you're kind of nosy. >> and my? you'll get used to it. >> let's listen to openai's guy's voice. >> i want you to tell a bedtime story about robots and low. >> oh, a bedtime story about robots in love? i've got you covered. gather around, berridge. once upon a time in a world not too different from ours, there was a robot named bite. >> remember it's a completely different actress that openai used in openai says they have now pulled the boys from their program out of respect for scarlett johansson. >> sandra: i will weigh in, susan. i see a strong difference in the two voices. i don't know, i got the similarities but i can tell the difference. may be she wants to make a thing of it and that's okay. susan, thank you.
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john, the second voice i feel like there are many people have a boy similar to that. her voice is very unique, that it's for sure. >> john: it is, scarlett johansson's voice is very distinct and to me that was not the voice i heard on the openai. >> sandra: i agree with you. we agree. >> john: high five on that. live look now on u.s. state supreme court where the judge prosecution, defense, and the former president are set to iron out the next step of legal proceedings and the former president's criminal trial, andy mccarthy, mark mike marsh, william jay brennan, brett tolman, and by lowering york all coming up. nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved.
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beach a few moments ago we saw the former president to part trump tower in manhattan, the motorcade making its way to supreme court and lower manhattan so we do expect trump to walk back through those doors as historic new york trial enters its


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