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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 21, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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leaders in the united states senate, in the house -- >> neil: why wouldn't he qualify? given his family history, why wouldn't he qualify -- on that alone? >> because the factors are security-related. the bipartisan group of members have recommended to me that security be declined. it is ultimately my decision. but i have followed their recommendation each time. >> neil: do you think that would be a mistake? >> i do not knowingly make mistakes, neil, and in this case, i have followed the recommendations of a bipartisan group. >> neil: got it. secretary mayorkas, thank you very much. a lot of ground to cover, we appreciate you taking the time. that will do it for us here. "the five" is now. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone to
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i'm dana perino along with judge jeanine pirro, richard fowler, jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> the white house as the person or the group, whatever, they are the one trying this case. you heard who is doing all the talking. representative from the white house. just recently. this is all about biden can't campaign so he is trying to hinder his opponent. they are trying to hurt the opponent because they can't win it fair and square. it's lawfare. it is the third world country with campaigning. such a disgrace. so sad to see what has happened to our country. our country is going to hell under biden. >> dana: donald trump sounding up moments ago is as hush money criminal trial enters its final phase. court is over for the day. judge says he will make every
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effort to get the jury charges to both of the teams by the end of the day on thursday, so they have a four-day weekend to prepare their summations. both sides have rested their cases and the former president will not take the stand. eight days from now come on tuesday, closing arguments begin, and then it is into the deliberation room, which could come as soon as wednesday. the end game not coming without serious fireworks rocking the court. the judge clearing out the room and bob costello, former michael cohen legal advisor, allegedly making comments under his breath, rolling his eyes, and costello does cohen is full of it and light on the stand about what trump knew about mr. menendez payments. tried to poke holes in his story. speaking of bragg's star witness, michael cohen admitting he sold $60,000 from the trumpet organization. the media doesn't see that as a big deal, though. >> i have watched michael interact with a lot of people over the years.
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he has all those rough edges and all of the lies and all of this, but there is something compelled him at the same time, you kind of believe it, warts and all, that michael cohen, of course, has a checkered past, but we see convictions all the time, with cooperators who have far worse histories, contract killers, mobsters, and yet, you get convictions. >> the defense may think they racked up a big victory for themselves today. now pocketing $30,000 might be shady, but it doesn't change the facts of the case. >> dana: trey gowdy was inside the courtroom come he joins us at the table to break it down. was a good to be back in court? >> trey: it was. i got a headache just like i did in the old days. i loved being in there but i felt powerless. when you are an observer, and you want to whisper something, particularly the judge's rulings, his strike zone is a
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little bit different from the prosecution and the defense. wanted to get involved. i was a prosecutor, not the defense attorney, but i felt the strike zone was really, really small for the defense team, and it got smaller as the day went on. >> dana: okay, judge jeanine, what do you think of the timing that we have? the jury not going to get this until next week. i am really flabbergasted by that. >> judge jeanine: well, i am, as well. which is the idea this judge is going to charge the jury on tuesday and then they start deliberating on wednesday -- no. let me tell you how it goes in a real courtroom. i don't know where this merchan is from but in a row courtroom what happens is as soon as the parties finish presenting their cases, the defense chooses to put on one, and we know they don't have to, the judge calls them in for a jury charge conference, and then he tells them, go right into summations, and i personally would have my court clerk get everyone's name and phone number of the person
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they want to call to say they are not coming home tonight because if i am coming close to the end of a case, i tell them, you are bringing a toothbrush at a change of clothes. i don't know if i'm keeping you tonight but chances are he might, and then my court clerk will call your wife, girlfriend, lover, significant other, whoever it might be, and we are going to move this case a long beard i want those jurors in the deliberation room as close as possible to the evidence. and this is just prolonging it. it feeds right into the belief they are just trying to keep trump off the campaign trail. but i think even more stunning about all of this is that when we were listening to what they were saying on those other networks, they were saying, we see convictions all the time and cases. we see killers. well, i think that trey would agree with me that the essence of incredible witness is a witness who lies. as a witness who cheats and steals. a killer in the sense of credibility may be more credible than a thief, than someone who perjured himself.
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these people don't know the first thing about the law, and yet they are saying, you know, this case is great, there is no case, no crime has been proven, i don't even know what the felony is that brings to light dead misdemeanors, and neither does anyone in that courtroom a. this is embarrassing. >> dana: we have trey here, so if i ask you to comment, do you want to ask him a question? you are on deck, as they say. jesse watters, your thoughts as they wrap it up, but it prolongs for another long four-day weekend. >> jesse: average americans see this case about sex. this is a he said, she said. this is the democrats trying to criminalize an affair that trump may or may not have had 20 years ago. and trump says he didn't have an affair. he says he is being extorted. with the american public doesn't even care if he had the affair or not. we are now in bill clinton territory, it is about lying about sex. his numbers went up. we knew trump was a playboy when
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he ran in 2016. we put him in the white house. this case is so confusing. the charges are convoluted. justice scalia, god rest his soul, said election law is the hardest law. he doesn't even understand it. no one can see inside the courtroom. no one knows who the lawyers are. no one knows what the judges look like. it is very hard for your average news consumer to wrap their head around this case. because, even as news purveyors, we are relying on what's said and observed inside the courtroom. jeanine is lucky enough to go in court. trey is lucky enough. they get to experience the color. we are just all kind of grasping at straws. we look at fox, oh, michael cohen is a liar and michael cohen is a thief beard and then you turn on msnbc, and they say, well, lying makes you more believable and it is not stealing, you are just rebalancing the bonus that you thought you were owed. so the jury is going to have six
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days to what? my phone has alerts. >> judge jeanine: seven days. >> jesse: i pick up my phone, i get an alert, "wall street journal," get an alert, "people" magazine. they're going to pick up their phone, trump expands his lead over joe biden, oh, my god! how are they going to defend against that? they are going to be walking around manhattan. they are going to see "the new york post" cover, "the new york times" cover. they are going to be with all of their tds friends over memorial day weekend. this whole case has been a mistake from the beginning. it is 100% political into think these jurors can take politics out of it is absolutely crazy. i'm trying to be realistic, dana. you know i'm not going to get ahead of myself and predict something that's not going to happen because i want it to happen. i believe this is going to result in a conviction, and then the minute it hits, all the media is going to pump out these polls that show trump now losing momentum. they are going to manufacture a momentum loss, and that's how they're going to try to push
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this thing forward because biden campaign is dead in the water. >> dana: you imagine the editors would tell all of the reporters and the papers, you have to refer to him now as convicted felon and former president donald trump. >> greg: you know, the jury isn't heading to a monastery. they are returning to the very environment that primed them for their bias to begin with. that's intended. they know that. shara hell they are hoping the impact -- the implosion of the case will fade over time when they return. you are leaving essentially the jurors left the cesspool of new york city to the sanitized environment of the courtroom, only to return to the same cesspool. it's like going from a portal at the new york city marathon to a sterile operating room and then returning to the porta potty. why did you go to the courtroom to begin with? why did we waste our time? putting them among friends and relatives in social media, tiktok videos, everything that
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will contaminate them will recontaminate and your brain starts to work again, all of the stuff you heard, the facts, that cohen is a piece of crap will all go away, and the media folks need to take a breath and ask themselves what the derangement is doing to them. did donny deutsch ever think in his life that he would put all of his trust in a perjurer, a fraudster, and a thief because he hates donald trump? this is the hitler excuse that work. i've talked about this. if you brand something hitler, then your behavior no matter how abysmal it is is excused. this is why nobody trusts the election system. if they rigged the justice system, crawl into bed with criminals, to fight hitler, why wouldn't they resort to heroic malfeasance when it comes to elections. right now they are targeting hundreds of republican lawyers with legal action or before an election -- there is another coincidence. peter navarro still in jail, targeting trump come obviously,
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how naive are you to think that this stuff isn't going to continue and spread into other avenues of our life? >> dana: want to get to richard and just a second but because you were in the courtroom and with your experience, do you want to comment on the jury having this length of time? >> trey: it is really hard for me to understand why the judge is allowing this much time between the last piece of evidence -- no more evidence is coming in, the judge is going to say summation is not evidence. so this much time, this much opportunity, i'm not over my hopefulness, dana, but i usually think something talismanic happens when people take an oath. i have seen juries do the right thing too many times. i just think the more time that passes, the more temptation there is to go and search and do your own research, and in south carolina, we would be waiting on a verdict right now, we would have already given closing arguments. >> dana: richard, the last word. >> maybe i'm the only person a disagrees -- >> dana: you might be.
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>> richard: i don't want to make a prediction but i think the former president is going to walk and i will tell you why. >> dana: i agree with you. >> richard: thank you. listen, there are two numbers -- three numbers that matters here, seven, 12, two. there are seven days we are going to wait for them to come back into court, 12 jurors, and i think there are two -- two weeks since they have heard from michael cohen, which is the all star witness for the prosecution. the farther and farther they get away from his testimony, the less likely they are to remember it. the less likely to remember it means, what do you do again? did he really take the money and really sign in? maybe he didn't do it. to jesse's point, this is really complicated. even though there are two lawyers on this jury, maybe he did it, maybe he didn't it, can i prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt, 101% that he did this? i'm not sure. so guess what, i'm going to say he didn't do it, and i think the seven days, if you listen to the president, he would say this jury is rigged for the judge is rigged. effect the judge gave them some days he said to me the starch is like, i want them to have
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a good memorial day -- go >> judge jeanine: shame on him. >> richard: sure but if there were closing arguments today, they would be more likely to get a conviction then there was seven days with them going home and not thinking about this case, versus the other way around. >> jesse: never agreed with richard fowler. >> dana: let's memorialize this. >> judge jeanine: can i say something? i agree with trey. i really believe that the jury is trying to get it right. i do. as hard as i can be on some of these people that i see, i really hope that you are right and that the jury gets at. >> richard: there are two lawyers on this jury. >> greg: like that's a good thing? >> dana: trey is going to stick around because there is much more drama to talk about on the legal scene. up next, fani willis playing the race card as she fights to save her job. ♪ ♪
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see why so many people, including doctors, are choosing gentlecure. call today or go to ♪ ♪ >> greg: now to the other trump legal con featuring two prosecutors who are getting it on. fani willis facing down two big threats to her job as fulton county d.a. today voters may give her the boot and pick her primary challenger. a fani defeat could possibly sink her trump georgia election case. and a new georgia oversight panel is moving full steam ahead, looking into possibly removing her over misconduct, like shacking up with her lead prosecutor in pushing a politically motivated case. fani running to maddow to call it racist. >> they have decided in georgia that they would like to come after me.
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they use false reasons for wanting to come after me. georgia had never had a prosecutorial oversight committee, and all of a sudden, 14 minorities were elected to office to serve as district attorney, and now, all of a sudden, they need an oversight committee to look after district attorney's because they want to tell us how to prosecute and who to prosecute and where we should put our resources. as opposed to allowing the voters that put us in these seats to make those determinations. apparently we now need daddy to tell us how to do our job. >> greg: richard, what do you make of her claim? all of a sudden, was it because she is black? >> richard: i mean, i will say that the law did happen after she was elected. but look, let's talk about this. there is a primary election in georgia today. it is very likely that fani will win this primary election. it is very likely that fani will win reelection in november and she will continue to serve as the d.a. or fulton county. i think it is worth pointing out
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here that since she has been the d.a., you have seen a demonstrative decrease -- a precipitate of decrease in crime, violent crime down 20%, homicides down 26%. >> greg: reporting on crime is down. >> richard: but also convictions -- okay, sure, but convictions are also up a record number. she has taken down, using the rico statute a number of different ways to take down cheating scandal, murderers, over and over again you have seen her office, the d.a.'s office, in fulton county, p actually very effective at stopping major crime. and now there is a case against the former president. we will see where that case goes. right? he is innocent until proven guilty. but i think it is worth pointing out that her track record as a d.a. seems to be moving in the right direction, outside of the trump case. before we flatter her and say she is not doing a good job, hen
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fulton county is actually exceptional, which is why folks in fulton county are getting ready to vote for her again. >> greg: i'll slander her. i think she sucks. judge? >> richard: you don't live in fulton county. >> judge jeanine: you came to the right person. me tell you something. >> richard: anyone got laid, wade got paid, and the taxpayers got played. you can tell me until the cows come home that crime is down, we all know crime is not down especially in the county, okay? this claiming come i'm a victim, i'm a victim, poor me, she did it in church. "i never had sex in with that person!" sounds like bill clinton when she went before the church. she is an incompetent district attorney based upon the fact that she hired her boyfriend, $650,000 to handle a rico case about which he knew nothing. the man never tried a felony case. she went on vacation with him five times in six months and
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paid him back in cash. who are we kidding here? let me just say one more thing. when a judge says the case has an odor of mendacity, and a significant appearance of impropriety, when she is claiming that a defendant is racist at the altar of god, i think she is the one who is the problem. and by the way, the reason would they want this prosecutorial oversight board's because they feel that there were too many white prosecutors from the aubrey case in georgia. >> greg: jesse, odor of mendacity, isn't that your cologne? >> jesse: for $14.99 at macy's, you can get it right there. i have a lot of respect for fani, the way she became d.a. by saying "i'm a black woman, hear me roar," then she screws up and she says, any criticism of her is racially motivated. no, no, no. that's not how it works. you screwed up. you should be held accountable. they create this commission, maybe there are 14 black
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d.a.s. there is one that needs a little data in her life, and that is her, because, richard, she used taxpayer money for sexual kickbacks. she got caught lying to the judge, or alibi blew up on the phone records are like you were there from 11:00 p.m. until 4:00 a.m., she was like -- come on, richard. now this is why she is on msnbc. they are revamping fani. jack smith's case has been calendared, so they need fani a judge merchan. judge merchan is so conflicted, he has donated to biden and the bidens i've given money to his family. and then you have fani, we just went through a slew of her ridiculous scandals. if these people, because joe biden's campaign has flatlined and don't hold up for the next six months, it is over. he is losing to donald trump in the polls, and how donald trump is out front raising him. >> richard: for one quarter. you guys live in a very tough world, jesse.
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>> jesse: making it rain. >> greg: trey, give us your wisdom on this. where is this going, let me be let's just focus on the trump case down there. >> trey: well, if i may come as an interlude, prosecutors have incredible power. more power than anyone else in the criminal justice system. they have the power to not only impact your freedom, but your reputation. they can put you in jail. they can ruin your business. they can cost you money. i'm just tired of, regardless of race or political orthodoxy, people running for office promising to target people. you should target crime. not people, target crime. i do blame the candidates, but i really blame the voters. i wish voters would say, we are not going to elect prosecutors who engage in politics. i want someone who is going to be fair and just. we got to go former elected d.a.s sitting at the table. i don't ever recall politics. i don't recall the political
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conversation with a cop or a victim or a colleague. i don't remember that. so this new phenomenon, i think, not to get too serious, greg, but all of the other institutions around us are crumbling. if we don't have a justice system that is both respected and worthy of respect, we are not going to make it and we've got to quit hiring prosecutors, and i don't care what color or what gender they are, they promised to go after people and not crime. >> greg: good point. dana, care to add anything else? >> dana: i feel like we could end on that, but just to contribute, i was a she is in a biden plus 50 district so she will get reelected. the problem for her and anyone who wants to see trump convicted is she is so discredited, now they're going to put her on tv and get it all back up again prg is not paranoid enough. she did not think five steps ahead about what could happen. all the things would come out about the money in the closet and the trips with wade.
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she had to do it over again, i imagine she would say take a pass on this one. >> greg: all right, we won't take a pass on america. trey, thanks for coming on, always a pleasure. see you after the show. the white house putting on their hazmat suits after joe biden craps the bed, and metaphorically, nine times. ♪ ♪ well done, viv. you got the presents, the balloons and the raptor cake. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? aspen dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists and labs in one place plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance... and 20% off treatment plans for everyone. quality care at a price worth celebrating. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic. i am humbled. saving millions of families 800 thousands of dollars. cracking down on corporate landlord to keep rents down. mortality rate for black moms who have nearly three times more likely to die. because of insurrectionist who stormed capitol hill patriots, donald trump is that if he loses again in november there will be "bloodshed." the maa spirit. >> jesse: no wonder the big liberal pundits continue to have buyers remorse but are stuck with senile joe. >> the age issue is suffocating him. and he needs to bring up that only four years older than trump. >> a biden presents as ancient.
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like kiss, puts on the weekend face paint and it is 1976 all over again. >> i do think there is a level of panic out there because some people who look at facts and circumstances say wait a minute, how can this be tied? >> jesse: a level of panic, dana. >> dana: well, here's the thing. i don't understand why people on the trump side seem to be concerned about the debate for trump. that was biden on a teleprompter. i know you can muster up some energy from a 90-minute debate, but i think this shows that president trump is going to say no, sir, please, finish your thought. we will wait. just let the silence hang there. i would say this. who cares what claire mccaskill thinks, right? let's talk about some of the graduates from morehouse college. this was from "politico"'s west wing playbook and they went and interviewed several people there. he said, i'm sorry, jeremy mensa, 82024 morehouse graduate, said i didn't feel connected to it.
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trump speech did not move me at all, is very much a campaign speech, oh, i did this for the black community. carrie singleton, another '24 grad, he says he was impressed by the direct approach. this guy come isaiah wait, said he went on for a little bit, kind of a rant, didn't know what he was going to talk about, no one really clapped when biden was talking, i honestly think it was a lot like you are our cool president, we are here for morehouse but we don't really support what you are doing. it goes on, the point of this one was the worry from the white house that, the panic claire mccaskill is talking abot his apathy and voters not being enthusiastic, especially you have some voters, young black men who are not enthusiastic, and they are not excited. i'm not saying president trump has it in the bag, i'm just saying that biden is losing them and they know it. >> jesse: and the media is really taking it easy on old joe, greg. if donald trump went to the naacp and called it the ncaa, that would have been headline news everywhere.
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>> greg: apparently, to him, and january 6th is a big deal, he called it june 6th, july 6th, and then he calls them erectionists, which is ironic given he is the stiff. he is so bad that they think it is actually ai, you know, i mean, it's funny, we make jokes, but he is in bad, bad shape. we are watching him degrade every single day. it's painful to watch. i know people have said it before. its elder abuse, like, i don't know how dr. jill can go, let's just push him right out there. you hear those stories about real estate agents who are stuck trying to sell a home that has a crime scene. well, biden is like a murder house. the media is treating him like a murder house. we've got to clean up the blood stains, the price, pave over the
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shallow grave, till everyone has good bones and all of the basic amenities, but we see what we see. it is a walking crime scene, a mix of corruption with a smell of death, and by the way, when we talk about these mistakes, they aren't just lies. people talk about trump my income of those are salesman lies, hey, mike rowe is huge, this is the most beautiful steak i've ever seen, a biden's comments are pathological, divisive, and degenerative, right? either about his past, feel his ego, or mental strike fear of people amongst another group of people. he is a danger to himself quite dangerous to to others, and as a president is a danger to this country. >> jesse: a danger to this country, richard. >> greg: richard! i know he was always like this. >> richard: salesman lies, regular lies come i thought a lie was a lie. >> greg: not really. >> richard: i do think dana has a point and i want to double down on that because i think there is a real thing there. there is a lot of apathy out in
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the marketplace. i think there's a lot of voter apathy when it comes to people and how they are digesting this election. and i think the white house -- what the white house should be doing in this moment is making some contrast on where they have popular policies and who was standing in the way of getting those policies to the american people. case in point, when i sat down with undecided black male voters during the state of the union, the biggest applause line in the state of union address was a dollar or late fees for credit cards. right now, there is an injunction against that i would put in place by a tribe appointed judge in fort worth, texas, paired with the president should have said it morehouse was, look, i'm trying to make the economy easy for you, i'm trying to make late fees lower, there is a judge appointed in texas, going to be more like that. i can get credit card fees lower come i need you to vote to protect a woman's right to choose beard i need you to vote to make sure we can keep -- make sure cannabis stays a schedule one, scheduled to drug, which adjusted come i need to vote you don't pay or $1700 a month
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because of what the peterson institute said, that trump's inflation -- excuse me, trump's tariff policy would cause. he needs to make a clear contrast between him and trump's policies, and also make it real for the folks that he needs them to vote -- that he needs to vote for him. case in point, like i said, the biggest piece is, the issues that are affecting these graduates, the issues that are affecting working families, and making it very clear that hey, listen, i see these issues come i care about these issues, and that is what i'm point to run on and this is how i'm going to make your life better, but i don't think you need a towel proctor for that, just need to get very real with people and have a real conversation with them. what you find with president biden, i have been in rooms with him, when he is one-on-one with you, in small spaces, he's very good at that, and he is better when he is on a teleprompter. >> greg: needs a brain and it is gone. >> richard: he does have a brain. >> greg: brains come and go, and his is gone. >> jesse: judge jeanine, does he have a brain, yes or no? you have 30 seconds. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: the guy doesn't have a brain. he doesn't have half a brain,
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okay? i think the sad part is i have here the authoritative list of lies joe biden has told his president from "the federalist." 371, and counting. it is at least 3 inches thick. i'm not going to waste a lot of time, other than to tell you this guy is a plagiarist. he had a drop out of a presidential election because he doesn't have an original thought in his mind. he can't read what is on a teleprompter. but just give me a second. biden claims he got involved in politics because of civil rights. then biden claims he got involved in politics to prevent the war in vietnam. and this isn't the first few pages. biden claims he is the first in his family to attend college but if you recall his grandfather played all american football in college. biden claims that making college free and won't cost the taxpayers. all right? he also claims he used to teach a second amendment in law school, except he never taught in law school. okay?
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he's never -- okay -- just one more appearance before a long list. >> judge jeanine: it is a long list. this is my last one, dana. he travels 17,000 miles with xi jinping. i don't think xi jinping would handle him that long. he told her in october '24 that an early case of his legal career included the successful defense for a construction company sued by 23-year-old welder who suffered an injury to his genitals, i wrote this memo, and son of a b, prevailed. i'm in the wrong business, i'm not made for this. and then they say, this story is almost certainly a complete work of fabrication. the guy -- we can't have him represent us. >> jesse: don't forget about uncle beau z. >> judge jeanine: the cannibals ate him. >> jesse: poor man. scarlett johansson says robots stole her voice. ♪ ♪
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>> richard: scarlett johansson suing openai because they allegedly copied her voice without her permission. chatgpt introduced a new voice product and scholars and it sounds eerily similar to her own. remember she was in a movie where she played a voiced robot. >> hi, how are you? >> hello, mark. i'm doing great. thanks for asking. how about you? >> hello, i'm here. >> do you have a name? >> yes. samantha. >> richard: openai said they will remove the voice but they deny that it was johansson's. jesse, they lie end? >> jesse: it was a dastardly move by openai. so they go to johansson early and said would you like to be the voice of this quest my she talks to her team about it, they think it over and say, you know what, i just don't think that's right for me, i'm not comfortable with it, we are going to pass. two days before they launch this thing, they call her back, they said, we'd like to ask you
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again, would you like to be the voice of our openai? she's a very busy woman, didn't get back to them in 48 hours. they launch it and it is the exact same voice as scarlett johansson. so the team contact them and says what the hell, you still her voice. they go it's another woman's voice. we won't tell you. that is shady. >> richard: so you think they -- >> jesse: i think they stole it and all the robots are going to kill us. [laughter] that is next. >> richard: the robots are going to kill us, dana. >> dana: i think, so then, openai backpedaled really quickly and they're like, we're sorry, we will stop and figure this out. just remember, government, law, regulations, they all follow technology. technology is way ahead of this. so she does soon, she would be doing some ground breaking work. i just hope they figured out the robot on a couple of these websites i list -- the editorials at a certain paper that is also part of this
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building. you can listen to them, but the voice drives me crazy. it's a robot. >> jesse: not the journal. >> richard: to dana's point, greg, technology law in this country is updated, so there is nothing. >> greg: but yeah, but the practices are always the same. there was a guy who made money doing radio ads and sounding like morgan freeman. he would come on, that sounds like morgan freeman peer of. the worst part, those pills never even worked. i got smaller. this is like, we need to sell our own voices. who wouldn't want an ai greg or an ai gps for your car, where i tell you where to go and what to do? because this is the future. the same way that you, the viewer, might gravitate towards fox, country music, and nascar, you're going to want an ai that aligns to your world. that's the way it's going to go. if you ask your gps, hey, what do you think of michael cohen? is he a fraud?
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he goes, you know what, he's really just a good guy. you don't want to -- you want an ai that isn't biased. you want ai greg. >> jesse: fair and balanced. >> judge jeanine: you know, what's interesting, altman was one of the ones who said we need to take a pause from ai because he was worried about bad things happening. well, what he's done here, he couldn't get scarlett johansson, so he got someone eerily similar. she says, how did you do it? who was doing it? he says, i'm going to protect the person. she said, how did you get to that person? they wouldn't answer that. she is going to sue and i think she should sue because old crimes are being committed in new ways with the advancement in technology. this will be a case that will set law about this, and i think it's got to be done because it is a copyright infringement. it is whatever you want to call it as it relates to ai, and it's wrong. >> richard: you want an ai greg? >> judge jeanine: no. [laughter] >> greg: you are missing out. >> richard: coming up, a cnn
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interview with rapper cameron about diddy goes off the rails and we are talking about it. ♪ ♪ balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) do you want to close out? should i? normally i'd hold. but... taking the gains is smart here, right? feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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>> judge jeanine: this is cnn. the liberal network conducting a total train wreck of an interview with rapper cam'ron, who didn't want to talk about the diddy scandal. >> did you recognize that kind of anger at all? from your experience? >> i don't know what you mean, do i be recognized -- do i recognize him? i seen him. what do you mean by experiences? i seen him and i thought it was disgusting. sorry, i'm going to get after this drink. who booked me for this joint? >> judge jeanine: [laughs] dana, do you think there was a miscommunication where the producers and talent about this one? >> dana: may be. i think the anchor was great, i thought she was gracious under fire. handled it well. i think the least qualified person to talk about this is me. [laughter] i don't know cam'ron. but i admired her dignity there. >> judge jeanine: going to you, greg. i heard cam'ron was going to be on your show tonight to promote
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his sex drink. >> greg: anybody going to do a sex drink on cnn, thank god it wasn't toobin pure her face is amazing through this. she has like every wife that when you come home drunk and you tell them they are not drunk and she is -- look at that face. amazing how she held it together. best thing i've ever seen on cnn. >> judge jeanine: all right, jesse, i'm on your show tonight. are you going to sandbag me like cnn did to cam'ron? >> greg: jinks! >> jesse: going to get some after this. >> judge jeanine: onto ric richard. cam'ron is a unique entre entrepreneur. he sold in 2014 ebola masks with his face on them, pitched his own line of toilet paper. your thoughts? >> richard: i think abby did a great job, bravo to her. listen, he asked the question, i rarely ever blame the producers but i just wonder what happened in the preinterview, in the lead up to this.
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i have many questions. >> judge jeanine: okay, "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> dana: time now for "one more thing." judge jeanine. >> judge jeanine: dozens of furry surfers hit the beach for european dog surfing championship. a chocolate lab named coa was crowned the champion while many other pups had the times of their lives waives in beautiful weather. thank god kristi noem wasn't there because they were having the time of their lives, too. >> dana: all right, greg? >> greg: tonight we have another great show. the great comedian jeff dye. riley gaines, kat timpf and tyrus. let's do this. greg's absolutely disgusting news. you know, i like something with a hard shell but also fluffy. almost impossible to find that in an animal. i did. here it is.
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a screaming hairy armadillo and those are the tiny baby armadillos. this is autobahn zoo in louisiana. they are delightfully disgusting. >> dana: venereal disease. armadillos do. >> judge jeanine: where is the hair? >> greg: can you see it. >> judge jeanine: can you eat arm dill rows? >> dana: go for it. all right. i have a new thing for everybody dana's life hack. you see these things and you think i didn't know you could do that. check out this guy in australia. a way to trim his hedges. he connected a lawn mower to a crane. >> judge jeanine: i love it. >> dana: did you go along and trim the hedge. can you save a lot of money this way, people. i don't recommend trying a it at home, however, jesse? >> jesse: don't miss fox news series vietnam, footsteps of my father. harris faulkner. her father served two tours of duty as an army aviator. now, harris has her own mission. the journey across the world
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walker's father combat trail and explore his lessons of faith, bravery and perseverance. available now on fox nation. tonight, "jesse watters primetime" judge jeanine. [laughter] >> jesse: tomi lahren and no, ma'am that steve. >> dana: okay. richard. america's first black astronaut candidate oldest person to reach space. he had dwight john f. kennedy nominated him tore the earliest astronaut corps. he wasn't selected buoy nasa didn't select black astronauts until 197 #. he finally made it to space. he was up there for 10 minutes and said it's a life-changing experience. >> dana: he said he didn't think he needed to do it in his life but when he did he realized it is what he needed. that's for us, everyone. have great night. >> bret: that was great show, dana. >> dana: thanks. we try. >> bret: all right. good evening. welcome to washington. i'm bret baier


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