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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 21, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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that will do it for us here. "the five" is now. ♪ ♪ [ ♪♪ ]yone >> i'm dana perino with judge
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jeanine pirro, greg gutfeld inii jesse watters and this is the 5e >> the white house they are the ones driving this case. they are the ones doing all the talking. representative of the white house. just recently biden can't campaign's wheeze trying to hinder his opponent trying to hurt the opponent because they can't do it fair and square it's a law fair deferred world country way of campaigning.o it'sse sad to see what's happend to the country. g the country is going to hell because of >> hnee sounded off months ago s the hush money criminal trial entered its final phase court h over for the day of of the judgh
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said he would make every efforto bto get charges to both of thed teams byay the end of the day oe thursday so they have a four-day weekend to prepare over resting their cases in the formerses president will not take the stand 8 days from now on tuesday closing arguments begin and it goes to the deliberation room coming as soon as wednesday the trail didn't come without serious fireworks rocking theou court the judge cleared up the group to reprimand of bob costello the former michael cohen legal advisor allegedlyl for makingad comments under his breath and costello says cohen is full of it and lighted on the stand but what trump knew about the payments and today prosecutors tried to poke holes in the testimony and speaking of the star witness michael cohens admitted he stole 60,000 from the trump organization the medi0 doesn't see that is a big deal. >> i watched michael interact with ain lot of people over the years he has this...
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he has the rough edges and all the lies and all of this but it's compelling at the same time you believe it works and all. >> that michael cohen of course has a checkered past but we seee convictions all the time s with cooperators who have far worse histories, a contract taylor -- killers and mobsters and yet you can get convictions. >> the defence probably thinksvt they racked up a big victory for themselves. pocketing 30 grand might be shady but it doesn't change the factual evidence of the here's more as we breakable down all down was a good to be backrt in court week. >> it's good i gothe j a headacd just like i did in the old days ini love to being in there but i felt powerless as well when youh are in observeenr and want to whisper something particularly the judge's rulings and strakes
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on is different from the prosecution and defence.lved i want to get involved because i was a prosecutor not a defence attorney but i felt the strakes own was very small for the defence team and it got smaller as the day went on. >> judged anybody you think about the timing here with the jury not getting this until next week i'm flabbergasted by that.> >> i a jm as well in the idea te judge is going to charge the jury on tuesday and they start deliberating wednesday. here's how it goesu ihon real t i don't know where this judges in a real court roomwh what happens is as soon as the parties finish presenting there cases if the defence chooses toh put oney 1 and we know they dont have to the judge calls the men for a jury charge conference and then hthe tells them to go right into summations they personally would have my court clerk get everybody's name and phoneto
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number the person they want toto call to say they are not comingh home tonight because if i'mas close toe, the end of the case u bring toothbrush and a change oe clothes i don't know if i'man keepinceg you tonight but chance are i might and my court clerk will call your significant otheo whoever it might be and we will move the case along i want the jurors in the deliberation room as close as possible to the evidence this is just prolonging it. they are just trying to keep trump out the campaign trail bur even more stunning about all of this is that when we listen to what they were saying on those other networks there were sayinl we see convictions all the timea in cases we see killers but i think that trey would agree witi me theth essence of it credible witness that a witness who cheats and steals a killer in the sense of credibility might m be more credible than a thief or
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somebody who perjured himself these people don't know the first thing about law and yet y they are saying the case is great there is no case no crime is been proven i don't even know what the felony is that bringsar to life those misdemeanours andr neither does anybody in the courtroom or jury. this is >> if you wanten to ask a questn you're on deck as they say jesss watters what are your thoughts as it prolongs for another long- from friday weekendad. >> average americans see the case about sex it's a he said s she said democrats trying tothe criminalize an affair trump mayr or may not have had 20 years agh and trump says he didn't have an affair he says he's being extorted in the american public doesn't care if he had theot affair or not lear and in bill clinton territory it's lying about sex is number went up we knew trump was a playboy when he
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ran in 2016 we put them in then white the case is so confusing charge are convoluted the justice godju rest his soul said election law is the hardest along he doesn't even understand it nobody can see in the courtroom nobody who knows who the lawyers are nobodk knows whatno the judges look lie it's hard for your average news consumer to wrap their head around this case because even as news purveyors we are relying oa what is said and observed in the courtroom. janine is lucky enough to go to court, tray is lucky enough thee get to experience the colour we are all just grasping at straws you look at fox saying well michael cohen is a liar and michael cohen is a thief u-turn on msnbc and they say well lyinb makes yoelu more believable and it's not stealing your justgh rebalancing the bonut s you thought you were owed the jury will have 6 days and my phone
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has alerts i pick up my phone iu get anrn alert wall street jourl again miller people magazinesma they'll pick ugap their phone ad co trump expands as lead over joe biden oh, my god how are t they going to defend againstnst that they will be walking arouni manhattan see the new york post e new york times coverit folder relatives and friendsh over memorial day weekend it's a big mistake in the whole case is been a big mistake from the beginning it's 100% politicalal into think the jurors can take politics out of it is crazy i'm trying to be realistic rate not going to get ahead of of myself and predicitt something that i happen just because i wanted to i believe it could result in a conviction and the minute itl th hits all the media will pump out these polls that show trumptr losing momentuumm and manufactut of momentum loss and that is how they push this thing forward
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because the biting campaign iss dead in the water. >> you i can imagine editors telling reporters in the papers you have to refer to him as convicted felon and former president donald trump. >> the jury isn't heading to a monastery they are returning to the very environment that primed them further by a stick begin with that's intended they know that sure is so they are hopingt the implosion ofhe the case will fade over time when they return you're essentially -- they left the cesspool of new york city tt the sanitized environmenizt of e courtroom only to return to the same cesspool it's going fromin the porta potty at the new york city marathon to a sterilema operating roomra and returning the portdia potty why did you go to the courtroom to begin with why did we waste our time you'rg putting them among their friends and relatives social media tiktok videos everything thatry would contaminate themth would
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recontaminate in your brain starts to work again all the stuff that you heard the factual evidencehear that cohen is a pie of crap goes away these media folks they need to stop and take a breath and ask themselves what the derangement is doing to them did they ever think in their life you put all your trust in t perjurer and a i fraudster in a thief because he hates donald trump. it's thehi hitletlr excuse at wk we've talked about thii's if you brand something as hitler your behaviour no matter how abysmal it imas is excused that's whyy nobody trusts of the election onsystem if they rigged the j justice system crawl into bed with criminals to fight hitler why wouldn't they resort to some malfeasance when it comes to elections they are targeting hundreds of republican lawyers with legal action right before an election there is another coincidence, peter navarro is in jail they are targeting trump
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how naïve are you to think this stuff isn't goind g toin contine and spread into other avenues o? our life.oo >> because you're in the courtroom and because of youren experience richard do you wantt to does comment on the jury having this length of time. >> it's hard for me toun understand why the judges allowing this much time between the last piece of evidence nobe more evidence is coming in the judge is going to say salish and is not evidence of this much time and opportunity. i'm not known for my hopefulnesu but i usually think something happens when people take an oath i i really -- i've seen juries t the right thing to many times i think of the more time that passes the more talk there is tt go io n search and do your own research in south carolina we v would be waiting on a verdict right now we would've already given closing remarks. >> last words? >> maybe i'm the only person hei disagrees heresa i don't want te
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make a prediction here but iside think the former president is going to walk. >> i do agree view.te >> there arers 3 numbers that h matter here. 7, 12 intoer. there were 7 days we wait for them to come in the court right there were 12 jurors and therewe will be 2 weeks and stay heard from michael cohen that all star witness for the crop prosecutiot the farther they get away from this testimony the less likelyle they are to remember it that means they will say what did he do again did he really take the money di md he really sign it my be he didn't do it. p tooi the point of jesse it'sare complicated even though there is 2 lawyers on this jury may be he did it may be he didn't can in prove this beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt that he did this i'm not sure so guess what i'm going to say he didn't do it and those 7 days if you listen h to the president he e would say the jury is rigged or the judgeg rigged the fact they gave them 7 days says to me i want them to
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have a good memorial day and they will come back. i >> if there arf e closingsi arguments today you're more l likely tiko get a conviction thn with 7 days going home and not thinking about the case comparey to the other way around. >> so 2 sides of the same coin.d >> let's memorialize this. w >> i do agree with i believ te juries try to get it right i do as hard as i can be on some of these people i see. i really hope you are right and the jury gets a right. at. >> there are 2 lawyers on the are jury. >> like that's a good much morsee drama to talk about the legal scene is up next theri blamed thell race card as they fight to save a job.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> to the other trump legal con facing 2 prosecutors getting it on. they face down 2 big threats to the job as fulton county da the made for the primary challenger as a defeat could sink trump georgia election case and the new oversight panel is movingpa full steen ahead looking intoo possibly removing her overr mi misconduct like checking upn prosecutor pushing pushing him motivated case. >> they decided in georgia they would come over after me using
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false reasons for wanting toafte come after me. georgia never had a prosecutorial oversight committee and alf l of a suddent my minorities were elected to office to serve as districtis attorney and alltr of a sudden they need an oversight committeo to look after district attorney's because they want tou tell utes how to prosecute and o to prosecute where we should pu our resources. as opposed to allowing voter s that put us in these seats tons. make those determinations. apparently we need daddy to tell us how to do her job. >> richard what you make of the claim all of a sudden wast because she's black i will say the law happened after she was elected but let's talk about this. there is a primary election in georgia today likely that she wins the primary and it's likel she will win reelection inn november and continued to serve as da of fulton county end it's worth pointing out that sincee
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she's been district attorney you seen a decrease in crime violent crime is down 20%, homicides down 26%. g >> reporting on crimree is down. >> let's be fair. >> people are no longer reporting. >> the convictions are also up record number she's used at the rico statute many ways to take down a cheating scandal, murders, over and over againe, you've seen her office, the da office be very effective at stopping major crime and it nowh there iser a case against the former president and we will see where the case goes he's innocent until proven guilty but also it's worth pointing out her track record is da seems to be moving in the right direction outside of the trump case so before we slander and say she's not doing a good job her record as prosecutor in fulton county
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at least is exceptional which iy why folks are going to vote fore her again. >> i will slander her anything she sucks. judge? >> you don't live in fulton riccounty.: yo >> you came to the right person. remember this fanny got laid, wade got paid and the pethe taxpayers got played you caned. tell me how the cows go homecows though crime is down we know ale know crime is and down especially in that county. as of that claiming i'm a victim i'm a victim for me she did it in church i never had sex with that person that thing it sounda like bill clinton win she wentus before the church right she's a incompetent district attorneysti based upon the fact she hired her boyfriend gave them $650,000 to handle the rico case of which he knew nothing the man never tried a felony case she went on vacation with him 5 times in 6 months and paid him back in
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cash. who are wek in kidding here.y on let me just say 1 more things th when the judge says the case as an odour of -- city anden daimpropriety.ety, when she's in claiming a defendant is a racist at the altar of god i think she is the 1 who's a problem and the reason they want this prosecutorial oversightheyt board is because t were too many white prosecutors from the aubrey case in georgia. >> odour of mendacity is in that your cologne? r >> for $14.99 at macy's.ig i have a lot of respect saying i'm a black woman hear me roarme and then she screws up and says any criticism of her is racially motivated no nona that's not hos it works you screwed up you should be held accountable theya create this commission maybe there are 14 black districts.
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attorney's well there is 1 thata needs nda little dad in her lif and that is because richard's use taxpayer money for sexual kickbacks and got caught lying to the judge her alibi blew up when the phone record said youe were there from 11:00 pm until 4:00 am and she shut up. this is why should they are on msnbc they are rehabbing her because the case is been calendared so they need to rehab her and judge in the case. the judges so conflicted youo co have this guy donating to biden in the biden's have given money to his family and you have fann we went through a slew of her ridiculous scandals. if these people because joe biden's campaign is flatlinedd don't hold udop for the next 6 months it's over he's losing toa donald trump on the poles and now donalde trumppo is out fundraising >> for 1 quarter you live in a fairytale with world.
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>> tray give us your wisdom where is this going. let's focus on the trump case i guess. >> if i may as an interlude prosecutors have incredible power more power than anybodyth else ie n the criminal justicew system the power not only to impact freedom but your reputation they cautn pu yt youn jail, ruin your business and cost you im just tired regardless of rac are political orthodoxy peoplefc running for office promising ton target people. you should target crime notet people target crime. c i do blame the candidates they really blame the voters i wish voters would say we are not going to elect prosecutors who engage in i want somebody who is going to be fair and just.go we've go ft 2 former elected dat at the table i don't ever recall politics are a political
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conversation. o i don'r t remember that this new phenomenon. all the institutions areus a crumbling. we don't have a justice systemt that is worthy of respect as i don't care what judge they are.g >> if you like e we should end d that as she is a biden plus 50e. district sheila get elected atne the brown for her and anybodynt who wants s to see trump convicd so discredited they will put her on tv and bring it up again she's not paranoid enough.did she didn't think 5 steps aheadki about what could happen if she decided to take this through anp all the things we come out about the money in the closet andhe trips with wade an cd those thie
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she had to do it over again ie think shwoe would say i'm goingo pass on this 1. >> we won't take a pass on america. trait thank you for coming onon owe is a pleasure see you after the white house putting on their hazmat suits after joe biden craps the bed metaphorically 9 times. craps the bed, and metaphorically, nine times. ♪ ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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surprising given it was tell a prompt or speech when i was vice president things were kind of bad during the pandemic saving families $800,000 in premium dol cracking down on corporate landlord sticky princeton as black moms who are 3 more times likely to die. a insurrection this he called i patriots he said if you lose to november there will be bloodshed the naacp -- >> no wonder the big liberalno w pundits continued to have buyers remorse that they are stuck with senile joe. >> the age issue is suffocating him and we need to bring up his only 4 years older than trump's. gimmick biden presents is old and ancient but that doesn'tient like old it looks like as he
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puts on the wig in the face paint and its 1976 all over again.o th >> there's a level of panic out there because some people whoe look at the facts and circumstances go how could thist be tied.e ti >> a level of panic dana.e >> here's the thing i don'tn' understand my peoplet in theee trump sidem seemed concernedco about thnce debate for trump. that was biden on a teleprompter know you muster up energy for a 90 minute debate but i think it shows president trump is goingt to be able to sit there no please finish your thought we will wait just let the silence hang there. i will say this who cares hegr thinks it's talk about the graduates from morehouse collego this was from the west wing player book the interview the w inpeople there original will dewayne sharpe rather jeremy mensa at 2024 graduate saying i didn't feel connected to it it. didn't move me at all is very
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much a campaign speech saying i did this for the black community he of singleton another 2024 etongrad who said he was impresp by the direct approach and another guy said he went on for a little bit kind of a rant i t didn't know what he was talking about for a while nobody really clapped when biden was talking l think it was all a lot likelierr your cool president but we don'y really support what you are doing and it goes on the point of this 1 is the worry from the white house is apathy and voters not being enthusiastic especially if you have voters like young black men who aren't enthusiastic and aren't excited not saying trump has in the bag i'm saying that biden is losingg them and they know it. >> in the media's taking it easy joe if the called it ended in a cc that would've been headline news everywhere.
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>> to him january 6 visit big deal he calls it june 6 calls a july 6th and then he calls them erection which is ironic given that he has the staff.s th he's so bad they think it's actually ai.unny it's funny and we make jokes bu, he is in bad bad shape. you're watching that the grade every single day and it's painful to watch a people of set up before it's elder abuse as ie don't knowt' how elder joe couli push them right out there hearing the stories if they bean stuck selling a home with the crime scene as the media is treating them like a murder house. we have to treat the bloodstains slash the price pave over the shallow grave and tell everybode
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he's got good bones and has all the basic amenities.bu we see what we see. i it's as walking crime scene mia of corruption with the smell of death.wh tal they are just lies. the talk about trump lying those are salesman lies this is the, most beautiful steak i've ever seen. biden's comments are pathological, divisive and degenerative feeling his ego or are meant to strike fear among a group of people against another group of people a danger toer g himself a danger to others in being president is a danger tor the country. >> a danger to the country richard. >> he is always like this.lesm regular liza fink ally was a lie i think they have a pointana wanting to double down on that i is a real thing there there's a lot of voter apathy out in the
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marketplace a lot of voter to apathy when it comes to people and how they digest the election and what they should do at the moment is having popular policies with standing in the way of getting the policies to the american people sitting down with undecided voters during the state of the union as there is fees for credit card there is ad injunction against that put ina place by a judge in fort worth texat wos. as there is a tax of supported by the president there we need to get the thieves lower we need to vote to protect a woman'syou right to choose voting to make sure cannabis can stay scheduled drug i need to make sure you don't pay $1700 a month because
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with the peterson institute said trump's terror policy would cost he needs to make a contrast between him and trump's policiek and also make it real for the folkr ths they need to vote forh the biggest pieces they shoesth affecting thosate graduates anda forer families making it clear i see these issues and care about the issues going to run on as we need to have a real conversation with them what you find of president biden i've been in rooms with him he's one-on-onee with you in small spaces onan teleprompter there. >> he needs a brain and it's gone ric. as brains come and go in his gone. >> does he have a brain yes or no you have 30 seconds?'t >> he doesn't have a brain he doesn't have half a brain thesa
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sad part is i've heardoe b authoritative lies he's told about 371 and counting abouthe 3 inches thick. i won't waste time other than to tell you he was a plagiarist had to drop out of a presidential election there is a read on a teleprompter give me a second.e biting claims to have gottent involved in politics for civil rights. biting claims he got involved in politics to prevent the war in vietnam.'t t as biting claims he's the firste in hisnd family to attend collee but if you recall his grandfather played all american football in college. biting claims they are making college free it won't cost taxpayers.used he also claims he used to teach the second amendment in law school except he never taught in law school. a long list.
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as he told her this is my last 1 as he travelled 7000 miles with xi jinping i don't think he. would handle them that long. tha and an early case of his legal career for a construction company sued by a 23-year-oldan welder who i suffered an injuryo his genitals. i wrote them memo and suddenlyl. it prevailed. i'm in the wrong business i'mno not t made for this. then they say this story is almost certainly a complete work of fabrication. we can't have them represent use >> don't forget about uncle bo z. of that poor man. coming up scarlett johansson said robots told her voice. letts robots stole her voice. ♪ ♪ if you're one of the millions of people with diabetes who suffer from low and high blood sugar, dexcom g7 is one of the easiest ways to take better control of your diabetes.
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>> richard: scarlett johansson aling openai because the a scarlett johansson potentially suing open a heri because they copied her voice without her permission. she said sounds fairly semi to her own remember she was once a movie she played a voice robot. >> catchy bti mark how are you? >> hello mark. i'm doing great thanks for asking. how about you? low i am here. >> you have a name? >> yes. open ai said they would remove the boys but but deny it was johansson's. are they lying jesse week. >> a dastardly move by open ais they go to johansson early and say do you want to be the voice of it she talks to their team and shwe says no will i don't think it's right for me i'm noth comfortable with i it we are gog to take a pass. 2 days before they launch thisgt thing they call her back and say we would like to ask you againod
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to be the voice of our open ai she's a busy woman she didn't get back to them and 48 hours they launch it and it's the same voice of scarlett johansson.t th the team context them and says what the hell you still yournoth voice and it's like oh it's another woman's voice and they say who the ba will tell you. that is shady.s >> you think they still her voice. >> i think they still and now the robots are going to kill us. >> robots are going to kill us dana.'r >> they backpedaled and said we will stop and figure this out governmental law they all follow technology, had their as they dg they be doing some groundut breaking wor tk i hope they fige out the robot on a couple of these websites you can listen to them.
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>> technology along the country's >> the practices areg: always tr same though right there was a guy who made money by doing radio adds sounding like morgan freeman. he would comn fre on and it woud sound like morgan freeman the worst part those pills never worked i got smaller. but we need to sell our own voices who wouldn't want an ai greg or nai gps for your car where i tell you where it goes and what to do because that'sre the future. the same way that yu the viewer late this may gravitate towards fox countryai music in nascar you might want an athi that aligns to your wor. if you ask your gps hate what dt you think of michael cohen is he a fraud and it goes you know k
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what he is really just a good guy. you want an ai that isn't biased you want ai greg. as he can get scarlett johansson so we got somebody eerily similar. it? it's like how are you doing who is it like i'm going to protecth the person ande it's like how d you get to that person and they. wouldn't answer that. she's going tong sue and i think she should sue because old c crimes being committed in newit ways with h the advancement of technology. this is a case here and i think it has to be done as it's a copyright infringement it is whatever you want to call it as it relates to ai and it's wrong. >> you want an ai breakdown? >> coming up an interview with e
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the liberal network had a train wreck of an interview with the rapper who just didn't want to talk about the diddy scandal.>>d >> did you recognize the anger riddle from your experience. >> i don't know him like that. i've seen him what you mean my experiences you've seen them and i thought it was discussed. going to get some cheeks for this who booked me for this.ommu >> you think there isuc ermiscommunication here. >> i thinkana: the anchor was gt under fire and handled it well. the least qualified person talk about this is me. i don't know him but i admire that. sue-mac hurt he would be on you show tonight to promote his sex
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drink. >> i hope so anyways going to do a sex drink on cnn thank god wasn't anybody else. her face is amazing for this she's like every wife that when you come home drunk and you tell them you are not drunk and she's just looking at heshr amazing hi she held it together. >> i'm on your show to know youo gonna sandbag me liku e cnn did. >> i'm going to get some cheeks after this.. as it's a unique entrepreneure sold in 2015 bolo masks with his face on them. thoughts. >> bravo to her and listen. he asked a question i rarelybut ever blame producers but i wonder what happened in the preinterview in thrviee lead upo this.
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the white house concurs that there is no cause for why the court system can be investigating israel. testimony is okay. we could have a verdict sometime late next week. >> only on fox news channel. >> it's time now for one more thing, judge jeanine. all right. dozens of furrw for "oe y surfers and their humans hit the beach in spain over the weekend for the annual european dog surfing championships. a wa a chocolate lab named kawa was crowned the champion whileowne y other pups had the times of their lives spreading some waves in beautiful weather. thank god kristi noem was there becausl thane they were having it wasn't there. they were having the time of their lives . >> oh, all right, greg.ea all right. tonight we've got another great show, the great comedian, jeffy dye, riley gaines, kat timpfnews entire. let's do this. greg's absolutely disgusting. like news. yo, i like something with a hard shell, but also fluffy. al impossiin ait's almost imposd that in an animal.
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>> but i did. here it t is.dill >> oh, a screaming, hairyose ar armadille o. and those are the tinydill baby armadillos. thisos. is at the audubon zoo in louisiana. they're delightfully disgusting . do they carry venereal disease? venereal disease? i don't know. take the armadillos. where's the hair? really, the hair is. ha>> gre right there. >> all right. armadillos. yeah, go for it. do. got some tonight row , buddy? yeah. all right. i'm going to go. i have a newor eve thing forings everybody. it's called jane as a life acts. because you se a e these things and you think i didn't know you could do that. check out this guy, this dad in australia y to figured out a way to trim his hedges. he connected a lawnmower to atrt crane. i love it. and then you just go alongheed and trimge. o the hedge. you can save a lot of money this way, people. i don't recommend trying it homee, however. >> jesse. okay. don't miss fox nation series. vietna vietnotsteps m. footsteps of my father. harris faulkner. her fatherer serve served two ts of duty as an army aviator. >> and now harris han.s her ownt
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mission to journey across the world, walk her father's combat trail, and explore. his lessons of faith, bravery and perseverancenow on f. watter >> available now on fox nation tonight, jesse watters, primetime judge jeanine, tommy, larry. name steve thomas. >> steve. okay, richard. all right. all right. america's first blact black astr candidate is now the oldest person to reaconaue h space. his name is ed white. was he was. he was a hadn air force pilot wn john f kennedy nominated him to be the nasa's f earliest forr the nasa's earliest astronaut corps. he wasn't selectedont corps. bea and select black astronautsit until 1978, but he finally made it to space. he was up thero e for 10 minutes and said it was a life changing experience. yeahging, i.fe i heard him say that he didn't think he actually needed to do it in his fe, but that when he dide diheealized , he realize that it is what he needed. >> so it is. all righan animat. d to >> that's it for us. everyone. have a great welcome to jesse watters, primetime tonight. >>


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