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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 22, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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we are figuring out what belt would be perfect for these two guys to battle it out. and i figured the trump the people champion's belt after talking to mike babcock. we have great opportunity for these guys to settle it and start a new trend here with different sports. especially nascar. instead of fights right after the race do it in the ring for charity or something. >> carley: for charity. great point. >> todd: important event come up to raise awareness for mental health. one final question, one final point. you and carley have amazing chemistry below the surface rage that festers is this a proper forum. oh no we ran out of time. damond, we don't have time for you to answer this thank you for this. looking forward to it. >> carley: good stuff. look at that trump belt. it is shiny. have great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> steve: we can start right now because ainsley just ordered
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coffee. >> brian: fantastic. >> ainsley: did you hear it? it just clicked. >> steve: 6:00 in new york city. 63 degrees. going to be a beautiful day here. hope it is where you are welcome. it's wednesday, may 22nd, 2024. this is "fox & friends." we will start with the fox weather alert. tornadoes slam the midwest. multiple people are dead. towns destroyed in some portions. we are on the scene destruction as adam is going to track the storms threatening cities all the way as you can see from the south to the northeast. >> ainsley: people lost everything. plus, bailouts and sell outs. biden giving billions more in student debt relief and selling off reserve gas to combat inflation concerns. >> brian: and a leap of faith. i just got back from an all-american week at fort liberty, right? >> ainsley: how are you feeling? >> steve: geronimo, there he goes.
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>> brian: jesus. >> brian: that was quite interesting. you don't get that at disney. >> carley: calling out for our lord, right? help me. >> lawrence: "fox & friends" starts right now and remember mornings are better with friends. >> ainsley: let's start with the serious news, a fox weather alert. deadly tornadoes tearing through the nation's heartland overnight killing multiple people and flattening dozens of houses and buildings. >> steve: police enacting an overnight curfew in some towns to try to keep residents there safe. fox weather reporter nicole valdes is on the scene in one of those towns in iowa and she joins us right now, nicole? >> good morning, guys, yeah. we are just outside of greenfield, iowa where unfortunately we are told there is catastrophic damage following yesterday's tornado outbreak. you're going to notice here that road block behind me we are actually being kept several miles outside of town not only
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just because of how extensive that damage is but, as you mentioned, the town under a mandatory curfew until 7:00 a.m. local time here. so no one in or out until at least the sun comes up over iowa and we can get, maybe, a little bit safer view of what the town looks like right now. but, as you will notice in some video here, i mean, it is horrific to look at. as you sort of look around here some aerial footage showing where that powerful tornado tore through the middle of town in some areas and it's actually able -- you are actually able to see sort of the path that tornado took cutting through the town of about 2,000 people. it had destroyed dozens of homes, businesses, uprooted trees, thrown cars. at least 18 tornado reports so far. but, according to the iowa state patrol, we are talking about multiple people who have lost their lives in this tornado and in this community alone among
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the damaged buildings we are taking about the greenfield hospital. several people had to be taken from that hospital, guys, moved to other places, miles away. so this is just what we're learning now of course a lot of information we are hoping to learn here shortly. >> steve: all right, nicole. thank you so much. as the sun comes up, they will have a better idea how bad it is. it looks bad. >> ainsley: adam, you were telling us it's an active year. busy month normally for tornadoes. >> adam: yeah may is normally the for storms. we saw some of the storms move through greenfield, iowa. devastating tornadoes. set up again today that could bring something similar these are the storm reports over the last 24 hours. when all was said and done nearly 80% of the state of iowa under some sort of severe weather warning yesterday as we tracked all of these storms, good news for now things have quieted down ally with the. all those ingredients that
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allowed that to happen are still in place. we could still see some really big weather out there today it does stretch from a little bit further north. the northeast all the way down to portions of texasment it is going to be texas that's the bullseye. settle this a little bit further south. cold front now draped. class a bulls eye really big city we are paying attention to. dallas is a spot where folks need to stay weather aware. >> lawrence: thanks,adam. fox news alert. the white house announcing another student loan. the courts said they couldn't do it but doing it anyway. this time $7.7 billion. >> brian: if you make sure your kids did not have any loans when they graduated, don't you feel like a sucker? lucas tomlinson live with the details. >> good morning, brian. in an effort to woo young voters the white house s.r. is announcing $7.7 billion in student debt relief. this brings the grand total to $167 billion.
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now, for context, guys, that's about the size of the u.s. army's budget this year. here is the white house statement released an hour ago. it says these 160,000 additional borrowers people enrolled in my administration save plan public service workers teachers, law enforcement officials borrowers approved for relief because of fixes we made to income driven repayment. now, new fox news poll shows president biden losing support from the following demographics compared to four years ago. black and hispanic voters, suburban women, moderates and the biggest drop, perhaps the reason for this payment, 14 pointed drop among young voters under the age of 30. not all students are okay with this. >> i work in the car industry. came straight out of high school, didn't go to college because the price of student loans are ridiculous and every year the price keeps increasing. >> the interest rates are so
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ridiculously high for student loans that it's not worth the repercussions taking out the loans. in a couple years i want to start a family and have to worry about paying back those loans while trying to start a family is not worth it. >> joe biden is in trouble and he is throwing a bone to millennial voters and trying to get young voters back on board. >> will it work? >> absolutely not. >> of course there are many adults out there who have paid off their student loans and issued about this calling it a cheap way -- expensive way, no matter how you look at it, to woo these young voters, guys. >> steve: lucas, $167 billion, normally a program like that congress would have to go ahead and allocate that money. that was the problem with the supreme court. where's this money coming from? is it stuff that congress has already allocated? >> steve, that's what everybody has been asking right now where exactly that this money is coming from. of course the u.s. government is about $35 trillion in debt.
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so, it's safe to say it comes from overseas or from right here buying up those treasury bonds. >> steve: okay. good enough, lucas. >> brian: it just goes into the debt column. how much we owe 167 billion in student loan debt. >> ainsley: has it happened? is he just promising it, brian before the election? >> brian: you will get notified. hey, you don't have to worry about your loan anymore. so 4.75 million people, don't have to worry about paying back their student loan. much more ethical balance thing would have been look at your predatory interest rates. and you want to say since the government is the bank, no longer the individual banks. barack obama made sure of that if you went up to people saying 7% interest rates. why don't we cut that in half? the american people would get behind that i think students should have is a special rated below the prime. i think we can all get behind that. >> steve: should be zero. here is the thing. none of the people being helped by this are people who are going go college in the future. these are already people who
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have already gone through college because they're old enough to vote. and that's what this is all about. people who are old enough to vote. because joe biden, as you know, has got a problem with voters right now. and if you were paying attention. >> brian: which hurts his re-election. >> steve: if you were paying attention to primary day yesterday, kentucky, the commonwealth of kentucky had a primary. joe biden only got about 70% of the democrat vote. uncommitted 18%. bobby kennedy jr. was not on the ballot. dean phillips and marianne williams were they got 11%. for incumbent president to have 70% of his own party, that is a problem. >> lawrence: there is a couple problems here also. this is not going to help inflation. this is still pumping more money into it. so then you got the seconds problem of he said he was going to respect the courts. and the courts have said you can't do this, and he keeps trying to find work around. >> brian: bragging about it, too. >> lawrence: taunting the judges
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to do something about it. >> ainsley: i thought it was interesting, too. when i read an article about joe biden now, the campaign is hiring a meme expert. somebody really good with social media. >> steve: on tiktok. >> ainsley: two to four years of experience come up with great memes to get him elected. how is that trying to attract? younger voter. >> brian: when interest n. trouble go sarcasm. we have a problem with voters, too no one is going to forgive our student loans. the president the united states doesn't like to talk about it, we are producing more oil and gas than ever before. whatever that number is. that credit belongs to the oil and gas industry. because the market is out there. and they have done great things in innovation from fracking in the 1970s to perfecting in the 190s where barack obama really benefited from it for 8 years. nothing to do with him. and now despite all the regulations and all the cutbacks and the disincentives for oil
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and gas we are still producing more. he can't brag about it. do you know why? it alienates all his left wingers who are convinced he is the greenest president ever and he just might be. so now in an attempt, instead of asking oil and gas to produce more, he has got something else he would like to do. >> steve: that's right. what the president is doing is he is releasing 1 million barrels of gasoline from the northeast reserve. the northeast reserve is in the states of new jersey and maine. and it was established after super storm sandy. >> ainsley: for emergencies. >> steve: exactly. this is election emergency. he is having that right now. here's the thing. >> brian: still not going to do much. >> steve: brian, you are absolutely right. it would only provide 2.7 hours of gas for the united states of america. but here's the ironic part. joe biden in his administration are trying to take credit for this. the republicans and congress actually shut down this reserve in march when they had that spending bill to avert the government shutdown. it was all part of closing this
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particular reserve. so, essentially what they are doing is selling off a million barrels and then they are going to transfer the other stuff. the republicans and the democrats in congress should get credit for closing it. >> lawrence: this is just desperation. yesterday we had afp on. they are going to 30 or 40 different gas stations and paying for the gas to g get back to when trump was there to show americans what life was about. they did analysis on why the gas prices are going up. it's all tied to the green energy policy of joe biden. 27 billion toward the greenhouse gas reduction fund. $20 billion to the automobile companies it buy ev friendly vehicles. by the way, people are returning those cars, a, and, number two, we just had lots and lots of rental cars companies that they got rid of them because no one wants to buy them. >> brian: use them or even rent them. >> ainsley: donald trump said
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elections -- high gas prices don't look good on you when you are running for president. and we're six months away from an election. we interviewed diners all over the country. and they all say that they are worried about inflation, how expensive everything is, and this family says they have to walk now. they choose to walk to save money on gas prices. >> lawrence: that's crazy. >> life is getting really expensive and a lot of areas of our life we are having to cut back. entertainment, food, travel. so we're trying to, as newlyweds, find ways to cut back where we can we have embraced walking. we are fortunate to live in a part of the city where we are walking places. we are walking to work, to church, to go work out. and in doing so, we have really been age to cut back on gas prices. so we have to cut back where we can. >> brian: is that really jim jeffers? that's life size. >> ainsley: pastor jeffress back on the wall. diner associated with the church. >> steve: he was wearing that
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suit when we played pickleball. >> ainsley: i guess you can't order alcohol. >> brian: or can you hide it. >> steve: dining hall st. paul's cafe talking to a teacher got a good career, but because her finances are so precarious right now, has to take on a roommate. >> brian: we have an extra car in our house because we have just to buzz around the neighborhood. >> steve: back up car. >> brian: 2015 jeep, right? barely has any miles on it. we just said wouldn't it be great to get a newer jeep after seven years. i could not believe how hard it is to get a gas car. they say this is carbon -- i never heard this expression. this is anti-carbon state? what are you talking about? >> steve: new york? >> brian: i knew that was the philosophy. but i didn't know it was the policy. so now when you try to get -- they can't -- dealerships, they can't get in non-hybrid, nonelectric cars. they have to prove to the
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mothership that they can't sell it because these dealerships your friend would probably tell you i don't know if new jersey is like new york california same thing. you have a 1970s car. let's say you like rebuilding old can a marios, you have to order gas guzzling parts to florida and other places. they won't ship it to you because it's cost prohibitive. the dealerships are dying on the vine. making you get cars you can't afford and don't want. subsidies are somehow keeping you afloat. they are living a joke. >> lawrence: making them buy cars that they can't sell. then they have to figure out a way to get a loss -- the car different year by that time. they end up reselling those cars for a fraction of what they bought them for. >> steve: come to new jersey. >> brian: better? >> steve: my friend todd has a lot of gas guzzling cars. >> brian: go to new jersey and look for todd. what's the name of his dealership? >> steve: ramsey auto. 12 different --
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>> ainsley: todd piro in connecticut. >> brian: i could use todd's car. >> steve: another todd because we are talking about the future of grace land, elvis presley's iconic home could be determined as the granddaughter fights to stop foreclosure action of the historic estate it was supposed to happen today. not going to happen. >> lawrence: todd, what happened? >> todd: from carl's to homes. actress riley key owe became the owner of presley mansion when her mother died in 2023. we all know that 14-acre tourist destination, elvis, mother brother all buried there. key owe actually had to file a complaint to block the potential sale of that company by a company company loaned money. lisa marie presley never borrowed money from the investments and never gave a deed of trust to the investment.
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she goes on to say any signature is a forgery. he will visz presley is enterprises in a statement can confirm these claims are fraudulent. there is no foreclosure sale. simply put the counter lawsuit that is filed is to stop the fraud. we will have to wait to see the results of today's hearing in less than three hours to determine if elvis presley's legendary estate can be sold at auction to the highest cash bidder tomorrow. my legal hat says the following they are not going to let the sale go through. they will enjoin it for the time being while there is a battle of the documents between that investment company and the presleys and from there we see was there a loan or not? too many unanswered questions at this point. >> brian: i had a chance to go get at my whole primmer on grace land. i had a chance to go there. it's one of the most profitable museums in the country. it is always busy. what they do across the street from grace land and put together this major -- have you been there. major elvis museum. in is the most profitable thing
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happening in a state. i can't see this being a problem. they did tell me when i toured around there that list marie was blowing all her money. she would come in and stay upstairs with her kids. so, number one, i have always said this, don't marry michael jackson. number two is keep a savings account and don't go it every day. >> steve: to todd's point where he was talking a little bit about where there is corruption and fraudulency alleged here, apparently on this loan agreement, the loan agreement has a signature of a florida notary. this florida notedry says i never signed it. i never met lisa marie presley. i don't know why my signature is on the document. >> ainsley: there you go. that's enough. >> ainsley: that's what lisa marie's daughter is saying. my mom never signed. this my mom never took out this loan. that is a forged signature. if you have the north saying that as well, i think that would hold up. >> steve: fishy. >> brian: like the day he left. i could see if it was one of
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those situations like jefferson's house was dying on the vine, the city had to come in and state had to come in and save it. this is thriving. this makes no sense to me. >> lawrence: so the $3 million, the artifacts alone, some of the cars -- just the car museum and some of those cars are worth way more than $3 million. so, it's going to be interesting how they are going to -- >> brian: is there a sign that says brian kilmeade toured here? imagine how much more expensive the house would be now. >> ainsley: what was it like? everything is still as is? >> brian: 1970s, a lot of shag carpet. a lot of bright colors. i met some people that knew him, including the sheriff in the area, ended up being friends with him. he says it is almost as if elvis just walked out. >> ainsley: how accurate did they say the movie was? >> brian: they loved the movie. the family loved the movie. that's what brought me there at the same time. they thought he did a fantastic job. that guy ended up being elvis for like another two years.
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that's why i didn't get into acting. i don't want to become these characters. >> ainsley: he is characters. are. >> brian: he couldn't lose the accent. >> lawrence: you are recommending we put all our pennies together and buy it. >> ainsley: i don't think so we will would have enough. >> steve: auction it off on the courthouse steps tomorrow. >> lawrence: can we get in on this. >> ainsley: hopefully it's not going to sell. >> steve: move the "fox & friends" headquarters to grace land. how cool would that be? >> ainsley: i hope it stays in the family. that's their legacy. it's been like that forever and that's what he will visz would have wanted. >> brian: hopefully this generation no drinking, no drugs, just get a job and save some money. >> lawrence: they can keep the talent. leave the drugs and alcohol. >> brian: let somebody else handle your money. >> steve: we will keep you posted. >> ainsley: turning now to some of your headlines, a fox news alert. ireland, norway and spain each announcing overnight they will officially recognize palestinian statehood, leaders from the three nations saying the intent
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is to help get a resolution to the israeli-palestinian conflicted through a two-state solution. the official recognition by all three will take effect on may 28th. wild video from miami shows woman leading political science on high-speed chase after allegedly stealing a car from a honda dealership. you can see the driver crashes into several other cars before stopping and then jumping into a pond to try to get away. police eventually pulling her out of the water and arresting her. the woman is now facing multiple charges. fulton county district attorney fani willis taking the democratic nomination by a wide margin. willis will face republican cortney kramer in the general election. former special prosecutor nathan wade was seen in attendance at willis' victory party. >> brian: of course, why wouldn't he be. >> ainsley: nearly 18% of the democrats voting uncommitted in
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presidential primary. >> brian: lighting is terrible. >> ainsley: there is no one there. >> leaving -- that represents all 17.9%, brian. leaving president biden with just over 70% of the vote. and new overnight, spacex launching space satellites into space just a little while ago. >> 3, 2, 1. [explosion] ignition. >> ainsley: it's unknown how many satellites were launched. the classified mission was spacex's 52nd launch of the year from. a launch to a leap. ha ha ha, yesterday brian kilmeade suited up to make a huge jump as he received airborne training in fort liberty, north carolina. >> brian: i should just jump like i'm not going to be falling thousands of feet? >> yes, sir. >> steve: brian, do you have to hold the microphone?
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>> brian: wow, that was jarring. and that was extremely scary and look what's behind me? my reinforcements. wow. jesus. wow. i'm telling you right now in retrospect i could have loosened up my jock strap a little. [ laughter ] >> brian: that was quite interesting. you don't get that at disney and i can't imagine what it would have been like jumping out of a plane. so now what happens? am i the only one who needs this ladder? >> have you step up right here. >> brian: okay. >> lawrence: pretty incredible, brian. for you to say wow, it's scary. you were so composed. >> brian: yeah. >> lawrence: while saying that. >> brian: i didn't think these guys would let anything happen to me. number two the smartest thing i ever did was not do it first. why don't we just run it through you got 20 minutes, i'm like no
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thanks. >> steve: you would not have gone back. >> brian: they were just great. >> steve: absolutely. great tour. it sounds like the error you made was you kind of jumped whereas you probably should have stepped into it. >> brian: yeah. take one giant step. they said to me if i was to ask you to sprint right now what would you do put my left foot forward, go like that. just take one step and go forward you know i'm going to go way out there to make sure i don't hit the tower. >> lawrence: over achiever. >> ainsley: how scary is it to jump not holding on to anything free falling. >> brian: easier to jump out of a plane because at least did you go up instead of just going like this. >> lawrence: next time don't jump. the court says the fbi was prepared to use deadly force on the raid on mar-a-lago. is this normal? that's next.
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people couldn't see my potential. so i had to show them. i've run this place for 20 years, but i still need to prove that i'm more than what you see on paper. today i'm the ceo of my own company. it's the way my mind works. i have a very mechanical brain. why are we not rethinking this? i am more... i'm more than who i am on paper.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> brian: welcome back, everyone. former president donald trump is calling out president biden after learning his administration authorized the use of deadly force during the fbi's classified documents raid on mar-a-lago two years ago. brooke singman is here with details. hey, brooke. >> newly released court documents reveal shocking details about the fbi's august raid on mar-a-lago. the doj and fbi planned to bring
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standard issue weapons, ammo, handcuffs and medium and large sized got cutters. also instructed to wear unmarked polo and colored shirts and to, quote, keep law enforcement equipment concealed. former president trump says, quote: crooked joe biden's doj and illegal and unconstitutional raid much mar-a-lago authorized the fbi to use deadly force. now we know for sure that joe biden is a serious threat to democracy. he is mentally unfitted to hold office. 25th amendment. but the fbi says this is normal. quote, the fbi followed standard protocol for the all search warrants standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force. no one ordered additional steps to be taken and no departure from the norm in this matter. former president trump pleaded not guilty to all charges from special counsel jack smith's probe into classified records. the federal judge presiding over the case judge aileen cannon has postponed that trial i object definitely. ainsley? >> ainsley: thank you so much, brooke.
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inflation is changing the way all of us are thinking about retirement. and some are even being forced to go back to work, including our next guest, who had been retired for years. joyce fleming and greg piasa both join us now with their stories. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> ainsley: good morning. joyce, you are 70 years old. you are a retired nurse. >> yes. >> ainsley: you are so lovely. you keep all of your grandchildren so that your kids can go to work and make money for their families. now you are worried about paying your bills. you are saying you don't have enough and you are looking for another job. >> yes. i have been back to work twice already. but, now with watching the grandchildren, trying to help out the younger generation, i have had to look for work that can be -- that can work with my schedule and work with the schedule that i do with the kids. >> ainsley: where are you going to find a job that allows you to keep the kids. guess you would have to get a job at night. you have already put in your time. now you are working and keeping
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the grandkids all day. that's exhausting and maybe work at night? how are you going to do that? >> i'm not sure. i guess i will find a way. but the economy right now with the cost of things, it almost mandates that you -- i had made a budget. i planned prior to my retirement. and but i'm still, you know, struggling to keep that budget on target. >> ainsley: and, greg, you moved to florida. you're 58 years old. retired police officer. thank you for your service. your wife retired as a school teacher. you say the pensions aren't enough and you had to go back to work. what are you doing now? >> i work full time as a grounds keeper in an apartment home community. but, you know, i want to say my pension in law enforcement is a very good pension. i feel i'm very blessed and i appreciate that very much. but it just goes to show you that so-called retired folks, it's just not enough under
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today's current economy. and i went back to work full time to -- i needed health insurance for my wife and daughter. and things -- when they say that average american has the increase for us is about 10 to $12,000 a year under joe biden, that is absolutely factual. absolutely factual. i did the math myself. my car insurance has gone up $300 a month since i moved. the gasoline went from $2 a gal thereon 3.50 a gallon right now. you talk about utilities, you know, electric, and all the other stuff, it absolutely has increased 10 to $12,000 a year. which is about $1,000 a month. >> ainsley: very stressful. joyce, how do you feel when you hear our current president, joe biden say the economy is great? >> i don't know where is he getting that information from
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because the economy is not great. the inflation costs are just unbelievable. even when you own a home and you go to do repairs, those kinds of things, cost is not just food and, you know, cost of living type things. it's, you know, trying to keep your home going. and if you try to get even a plumber, an electrician to come, in the costs have doubled. >> ainsley: greg, i know you voted for donald trump in 2020. what does this mean in six months? who are you voting for? >> who am i voting for? >> ainsley: yes, sir. >> ha ha ha yes, question. no, the -- it's -- what bothered me the most is when you folks report on bowling on a daily issue and so forth. and this race is so -- well, you call it so close. i don't understand for the life of me how anybody in this country could despise a person so much instead of loving their country.
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why would you people would literally bite off their nose to spite their face. i will go to my grave never understanding that. >> ainsley: joyce, greg, thank you so much. god bless you. thanks for coming on. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. >> ainsley: you're welcome. it is fleet week here in new york city. janice dean is live from the interprintrepid sea legs. there s she is. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin... ...and show it off. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ with skyrizi, you could take each step with 90% clearer skin. and if you have psoriatic arthritis, skyrizi can help you get moving with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses.
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♪ >> lawrence: so the 36th annual new york fleet week kick as off today with the parade of ships. janice dean is live from the inteth intrepid. >> what a beautiful day, dave. >> it is a beautiful day. >> janice: you say we could have record attendance to the intreps weekend? >> big weekend for people to
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come counsel to the intrepid museum. >> fleet week is a very special time for the intrepid museum and the city of new york. we have activity on our pier, pier 86. activities free to the public. marine corps, coast guard, navy. fun and educational activities for the whole family. of course come on board the intrepid museum. see our wonderful exhibits and see the visiting ships here in new york for fleet week. >> janice: it's going to be great. the parade of ships is going to start at 7:450. tell us about some of the exhibits on the intrepid. this someone of those places you definitely need to see when you come to visit new york stock exchange. >> it absolutely is. the aircraft carrier intrepid historic served in world war ii. space race, cold war in the vietnam conflict and now is a museum. we have the space shuttle enterprise, very first space shuttle prototype for the whole spruttle program. temporary exhibit called apollo when we went to the moon. talks about the space race back in the 1906s. who would be the first to get to
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the moon, the soviets or the americans. that's a wonderful exhibit. the submarine growler cold war era submarine. all sorts of wonderful exhibits again for the whole family. a lot to offer. >> janice: how can people find out more? >> website intrepid all social media platforms. please visit and learn what we have and come on down. >> janice: one of my favorite places to visit in new york in manhattan. 36th annual fleet week. be sure to thank our servicemen and women when you see them across, you know, down the street when never walking around and it's going to be one week, starting today to may 28th. all right. back inside. >> brian: all right. thank you very much. we were on a first name basis but i guess not anymore. nuclear tensions are escalating. dangerous new levels as vladimir putin orders russian troops to begin tactical nuke drills near the border of ukraine? really? this comes as a russian
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delegation visits north korea to lobby for support in their invasion. they have already given a lot of artillery rounds. days after putin's visit to beijing. here to discuss this and so much more is one of the highest ranking officers in the u.s. navy. is he commanders of the united states fleet forces command admiral darryl cordle. admiral, great to see you. your thoughts about this new challenge making it quite obvious, we have an axles of evil, iran, north korea, russia and china. your feeling about these nuclear meetings. >> first of all, thank you for having me. thank you for welcoming us back to new york for fleet week. and, of course, that's a significant challenge. any time pure competitors and countries like china and russia are working together, that's a significant issue for the united states. >> brian: hahave you ever heard nuclear talk more loosely used than we heard it from russia over the last two years? >> i think it perhaps goes to their state, where they think this conflict is going in ukraine and the level they goal to to try to advantage
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themselves we practice the use of our strategic weapons. to say use them in the way that would show that they are trying to actually carry that out is a separate issue. >> brian: all right. i want to tell you what we have said on this. said the united states is still -- the united states still thinks in terms of the cold war guided by the logic of bloc confrontation is what they are saying to us, putting the security of narrow groups above regional security and stability. the u.s. must abandon this behavior. they are blaming us. they have no choice but to get together. your thoughts. >> i concur with that this is a no new limits relationship we are seeing burgeoning between china and russia. drills are conducting in the western pacific and artic region. and activities they are doing in the mediterranean, this is something we need to keep our eye on a i am concerned about it. >> brian: do you have enough ships and carriers? do you feel china is building at a faster pace. >> you will never find a navy
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guy that doesn't want more ships. yes we need more shifts. aircraft carrier are part of that plan, submarines, destroyers, and of course our tactical aircraft. we need more of all of that to make sure we can deter, defend, and if necessary win decisively, brian. >> brian: two years ago if i told that you this axles would be forming, you would say that would be a worry. how have you changed -- war college meetings, the meetings with joint command? >> now we talk about that a little bit in what we call a three body problem a two body problem is a stable thing can be predicted when you put the third nation state in at the pier level of china into that calculus. that's a variable that makes it very hard. we are concerned about that. we do build our scenarios around that contingency. >> brian: made life more difficult but you guys like big challenges. admiral, great to see you. >> great to be here, sir. come down and meet our sailors. >> brian: we do and we will. >> they are the competitive
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advantage. >> brian: that's our advantage the american fighter. teens teen caffeine one in four says thirteen drinks caffeine every day. dr. siegel talks about it. ♪ spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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dead from self-inflicted gunshot wound in his head in a locked car. a suicide note has been released to the public. barnett's attorney saying quote mr. barnett's last words make clear while boeing may not have pulled the trigger the company is responsible for his death. barnett telling tmz back in january that he felt boeing was returning its 737 max 9 jets to the sky too quickly. investigators also determining he was suffering from ptsd, anxiety, and panic attacks before h death. boeing intense public safety from mechanical and safety features on its planes. we will be fog that all right. carley you have got headlines for us. >> carley: lawrence, thank you so much. the jury has been dismissed until closing arguments on
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tuesday in the new york first's trump criminal trial. judge juan merchan agreeing to remind the jury that michael cohen's guilty plea to federal campaign finance law doesn't imply trump's guilt but refused to remind the jury that hush money payments are not illegal. dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas has revealed why independent candidate robert f. kennedy jr. has been denied secret service protection. >> we have established factors. the factors are security related the bipartisan group of members have recommended to me that security be declined. it is ultimately my decision but i have followed their recommendation each time. >> carley: r.f.k. jr.'s request has been denied a total of five times. those are your headlines, steve, over to you. >> steve: all right. thank you very much, carley. well it, may taste great but a new study reveals eating too much ultra processed foods could
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be linked to dozens of health problems. doctors are warning about potato chips and whited bread. ice cream, soda, fast food, sound familiar? so how do you replace them when junk food is so much cheaper than making it at home? fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel joins us right now. marc, we have known this is a problem for a while but the reason so many people eat them is because they taste great and they are easy. >> and they are cheap. by the way, you left out chicken nuggets and hot dogs and anything that has flavoring. this term was coined in brazil over a decade ago. it's about something that is ready to eat. it's industrialized. it starts one way, comes out of the ground it's something that's grown or its beef or chicken but it's added -- the additives are the issue here. high fructose corn syrup or flavoring or colors or something to make it tastier. your happy cookbook series by the way the key there was not just that it made you happy but
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you cooked it at home. >> steve: right. >> that's the key whether it was a kale salad, whatever it was you made it at home. here most of the time you are eating it out. in the united states is number one in the world with this problem. and 67% of our youth get -- 67% get most of their food from ultra processed foods for energy. and 57% of adults. that's an enormous problem. and when it's been found associated with and, steve, this study in bmj looked at over 9 million people it's associated with heart problems. it's associated with diabetes and obesity. it's associated with breast cancer. it's associated with depression. so that's really the problem. it draws you in because it's addictive and it's cheap, fast food. but it has bad health outcomes. >> steve: ultimately, if you have the time, it's worth the time to invest in your kids' food. just try to make something from scratch, less preservatives and
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whatnot. you mentioned our happy cookbook series. there is no kale salad in that. nobody thinks kale salad is a happy food. i'm just saying. just saying. anyway. >> i'm sorry. i'm sorry about that. >> steve: meanwhile, anybody happy with kale salad? no. real quick, they did a poll of adults and they talked about their children, and it turns out about about one in four say that their kids are drinking too much caffeine. at least one a day. but the problem is they see their parents drinking an ice tea and they are going to have one too, marc. >> first of all no kale salad for our kids. michigan survey way off. not one out of four. anyone who has kids four out of four. kids are all drinking caffeinated beverages. energy drinks cold brew or drinking coffee. i got kids. that's what they do. that's what teens do. it's actually really bad for you and it got a lot worse during
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the pandemic, steve. 36% increased during the pandemic. it's a stimulant. and it increases heart rate bad health outcomes. >> steve: lay off the caffeine, kids. dr. siegel, thank you very much. >> great to see you. >> steve: we're going to step aside. more "fox & friends" live from new york, pittsburgh, and across the country coming up. ♪ [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets.
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