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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 22, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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new bottles - made using no new plastic. you'll be seeing more of these bottles in more places. and when we get more of them back... ...we can use less new plastic. see how our bottles are made to be remade. ♪ >> ainsley: it is 7:00 a.m. here on the east coast. it is wednesday, may 22nd, and
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this is "fox & friends." >> lawrence: so another biden bailout. the white house giving billions more in student debt relief as families tell us inflation has forced them to go back to work out of retirement. >> twice already the economy is not great. and the inflation costs are just unbelievable. >> i went back to work full time to assist us. i needed the health insurance for my wife and daughter. >> brian: plus, free rent, free phones, and computers for migrants. good job, denver. you are shelling out millions in assistance and the city says it's cheaper than hotels. really? >> steve: yep, that's what they say. and a desperate situation, an influencer starts a stir after she always reclines her seat. that's the that's the seatuation. we debate. you decide. >> ainsley: second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, mornings are better with friends.
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>> steve: all right. meanwhile, take a look at that number, we start at the white house. they announced at 5:00 a.m. this morning another student loan handout essentially this morning, this time $7.7 billion impacting hundreds of thousands of students. >> ainsley: peter doocy live at the white house with the latest. peter? >> peter: and $7.7 billion sounds like a lot of money. but it is just a drop in the bucket. look at this graphic. $167 billion. the biden administration has now wiped out $167 billion worth of student loan debt according to a fact sheet provided by the white house. 160,000 additional borrowers are people enrolled in my administration's save plan. they are public service workers like teachers, nurses or law enforcement officials, or are borrowers who are approved for relief because of fixes we made to income driven repayment. and that makes it sound very official. but there is a major political component to this.
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because, so far, most americans who have received student loan debt have received an email from president biden. it's got his signature at the bottom. he is looking for credit with a reliable group of dems who are looking elsewhere. biden has lost 14 points since october 2020 with voters under 30. something else that may not help his case, the white house had to correct nine mistakes he made in a short speech over the weekend. nine. >> and when i was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic. >> i'm hum to be receive this organization. >> it's truly inspiresome, saving millions of $8,000 in premium. cracking down on corporate landlords who keep rents down. >> steve: these corrections are made quietly within a day or two of presidential remarks the white house stenographers will go through and release their official version of what he
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meant to say. so, you have to scroll through the stone knoll nothingographer's transcripts to find these mistakes. it's not like the white house just puts out a press release saying for immediate release the president said the wrong thing again and again and again and again and again and again and again. back to you. >> brian: peter, it's embarrassing though for them to go back and correcting this instead of the naacp, he said nacc they corrected that instead of saying bloodbath which is a common phrase he said blood shed. which is worse? instead of saying. >> steve: insurrectionist he said erection. >> brian: erectionist. >> pete: good morning. >> ainsley: good morning. >> brian: instead of expiring he said unsurprising. >> peter: with some of these mistakes like the one you were just mentioning with ne new at 6:00ineneinsurrectionists go ant
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making sure when he said this he really meant that. >> steve: so, peter, this is exhibit a, why he is not out much. i mean, because when he goes out, reading a teleprompterrized speech he makes mistakes. >> peter: nine mistakes is a lot. >> ainsley: for one speech. >> peter: where you are reading a teleprompter. >> ainsley: i'm receive this organization. he meant award. he said cracking down on corporate landlords who keep the rents down. he said to keep the rents down. >> steve: he is having a moment. >> ainsley: another one, another one, and again and again and again. >> steve: that's right. >> lawrence: so either the president is a sociopath or it's like the special counsel scared sympathetic well meaning elderly man with a poor memory. take your pick which. you can't have a president that way. in the white house, in the campaign, i'm in some sort of
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panic because how are you going to be on the debate stage if we have to rework everything that he says. so if i'm donald trump i'm going to the stage, i'm letting the guy talk as much as he wants to talk because we're going to have to clean it up the next day anyway. >> steve: it would be one thing if -- listen, we are on tv. >> lawrence: occasional. >> steve: we are on tv three hours a day no doubt about it. president of the united states one speech a week. he made two last week. >> lawrence: he doesn't do many. >> steve: you are reading off the teleprompter. i hope he doesn't read it cold. in other words they just say okay, go out there and read right off the teleprompter, some bare wassing, reinforces the notion the guy is tooled. that is one of the things that democrat strategists are saying that's the one thing we can't fix. he's too old. so let's talk about other stuff. let's bring up a bunch of student debt and essentially buy a bunch of votes. >> ainsley: pay for all of these illegal immigrants come across give them free housing for six months. talking to so many people around
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america who want to retire who thought they were going to be able to retire on their nest egg. everything is so expensive right now they can't. they say more than six in ten investors say their exception force retirement have changed significantly in the last five years. 50 percent said their dreams for retirement have been delayed, altered, or canceled because of this chronic inflation. >> steve: remember, during covid, we did stories on this program about the great resignation. some people decided you know what i'm close to retiring i'm going to retire. it's going to be for good. then, after the biden administration, you know, as it turns out, right there at the apex of covid, joe biden comments, in suddenly, inflation takes off, and now it's the great return to work where millions of people who thought they were going to be able to live on their nest egg are now forced back to work. >> brian: do you mean like joyce fleming? >> steve: who? >> ainsley: the lady i interviewed earlier? >> steve: do you know what? i think she is just like joyce
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and a cop down in florida. >> ainsley: joyce retired. she is a retired nurse. now she keeps her grandkids so that her kids can go all go to work and they don't have to pay for derek. payday care. it's expensive when something breaks in your house, everything has gone up. the prices are double now if you need to hire a plumber. man down in florida. he a police officer. moved to florida. wife retired a school teacher. their pensions he says are really good but not enough to cover everything. now he has gone back to work full time and his wife is tutoring on the side. listen to these two interviews. >> i have been back to work twice already. but, now with watching the grandchildren trying to help out the younger generation, i have had to look for work that can be -- that can work with my schedule. the economy is not great. and the inflation costs are just unbelievable. >> i work full time as a grounds
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keeper in an apartment home community. i want to say my pension in law enforcement is a very good pension. i feel i'm very blessed and i appreciate that very much. but, it just goes to show you that even us retired -- you know, well, so-called retired folks, it's just not enough under today's current economy. >> lawrence: what we're witness something a head fake economy. a lot of these folks benefited from the trump years. and had you businesses, if you were a franchise, you were getting another franchise. if you were older, you said oh, do you know what? let me go ahead and retire. if you were a young person, buying your first house, getting your first car, and they thought things were going to continue that way, unfortunately, it's not that way under joe biden. and if you watch "the view" yesterday and you saw bill maher and joy behar sparring back and forth. she said, you know, i feel like i can't criticized current president because it may help donald trump. and bill maher looked at her and
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said that's how you lose credibility. the people that are within the current president's camps are not doing him any favors trying to conceal the reality for the people that they talk to on the day-to-day basis. i know they cannot just live in an echo chamber. they have to be in the airport talking to people. seeing people in the grocery stores. democrats, republicans, independents are all the saying the same thing at this point but they are not telling the president of the united states this, brian. >> brian: i know you are not ready to retire. >> lawrence: no. >> brian: can you put everything you want in credit card if you shut off that heater. i literally can't concentrate. i'm losing consciousness. it is may. my goodness. >> steve: it feels good. >> brian: chris, did you put that on? >> ainsley: good. give it to me forever i will throw the thing in the trash now. done. >> brian: i was going to venmo you during the talking point. >> lawrence: i was wondering what's going on with brian? he had to. >> brian: i started losing
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consciousness. i'm literally -- i'm having mirages. i'm seeing things that aren't there. >> ainsley: clearly because you don't want to give me your credit card. >> steve: the point of this whole thing you work your whole life to retire and have a great golden years. and people get to 65 and then they are, you know, because of the economy, they are going to go back to work. kiplinger did a study about the best jobs for retirees because it seems like everybody has got to unretire. >> brian: wendy's. >> steve: that's not in the top seven or. so the number one job? hardware store associate. you know, did you go in you ask the guy. >> brian: whole generation knows everything. >> steve: they know everything. tutors, because of wisdom. >> ainsley: right. >> steve: nanny's like joyce you spoke to a little while ago. >> ainsley: affordable nannies would be nice. >> steve: grandma is free. museum or a tour guide. a bookkeeper or a driver for senior centers or hospitals.
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>> brian: come on, kids, that's a t rex. that's not what you do in your 80's. >> lawrence: put it on brian's card. >> brian: it doesn't matter. >> ainsley: i couldn't imagine working at a hardware store. >> steve: it would be great. >> brian: you need paint? i don't know, look at some of those cans. >> ainsley: you need what? let me google that. >> lawrence: which tool? >> ainsley: enough to idea if we have that. >> brian: right. can i have all the hinges for screen door? oh, associate ainsley here we are. ainsley little name on the name dag comes walking up with the little red vest. i wouldn't get a screen door. it's a pain in the neck. you don't need a screen door. >> ainsley: you don't need to be here. no screen door. >> brian: better home depot. >> steve: those jobs at home depot or ace hardware. they are lifetime. they are the plumber, they are electrician, they know stuff. >> >> brian: in florida they meet me at the door and they all knw where everything is. in new york they are like don't
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bother me. i don't want to be here. my parents are making me work, you know, so, big difference. >> lawrence: different attitude. >> brian: different attitude. >> ainsley: let's talk about more headlines, 69-year-old new york city victim latest victim of a random new york city attack. the attack happening during the middle of the day on the upper east side in new york. in that neighborhood, police say their suspect is still on the loose. i'm reading this and trying to watch the video at the same time. my gosh, it's a residential area. all right. tyler wen rick, an american, who was detained in turks and caicos has pleaded guilty to ammunition charges. he will be sentenced on may 28th. he is one of the four americans that have all been arrested over the past few months. if you are going there, check your luggage, make sure if you are a hunter you don't have any weapons in the pockets. that's what has happened to a lot of these americans. fulton county district attorney fani willis taking the democratic nomination by a wide margin last night.
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willis will face republican cortney cramer in a general election. former special prosecutor nathan wade seen in attendance at willis' victory party. wade was removed from trump's case because of a romantic relationship with fani willis. and the tunnel to towers foundation will hold its annual tower climate one world observatory on june 2nd. 1,000 participants will climb 104 stories which cymballizes ss strength and spirit. participating for the third year to help them beat their goal of $13,000. visit, one, sign -- visit, run, sign underscore fleet. okay. and those are some of your headlines. >> lawrence: it would be great for your legs, brian. >> brian: it would be. i'm having problems with my inseem because my legs are making so much progress through my new workout i don't know if i should say. >> steve: what is your new
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workout? >> lawrence: do tell. >> brian: jake steinfeld helped me do 100. don't do any weights less than 100. look at the definition. [laughter] >> steve: since you got a change maybe you could buy new pieces for your wardrobe. >> brian: anybody knows how to open up the inseam on the fly. >> ainsley: not being a man but that seemed painful. >> brian: being a man it was somewhat jarring. >> brian: make sure that's not too tight on him. i had trouble standing up they had it so tight. >> steve: they don't want a guy on live tv to fall out of the harness. >> brian: they didn't care about me but care about a guy holding a microphone. they were fantastic. >> lawrence: did you hold the microphone the whole time too so that was good, brian. from airline etiquette to our friends taking flight. we are following a few airline stories trending right now.
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>> brian: carley shimkus is doing all that work. don't bother her in the break. >> carley: very busy typing these up. tales from the sky. that's what we are talking about here. new luxury airline is launching that's just for your furry friends. airline bark air is giving dogs first class treatment to help make flying less stressful for them and their dog owners. the flight comes with lavender subsequented calming towels. treats and pickup cups, too. the first bark air flight will take off from new york tomorrow. 6,000 and 8,000 bucks, guys. these are rich dogs. >> steve: $6,000 per dog. >> per dog and owner pair. >> ainsley: for one way ticket. >> steve: it's really for the owner. the dog doesn't care if they are on a flight. >> carley: if you have the money and really worried about your dog, this would be a good idea, right, lawrence? rather than have to shuttle the dog on the bottom of the plane?
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>> lawrence: nala goes under the seat. >> carley: nala is a special dog. >> lawrence: a little special. she sleeps the whole flight. i don't think the dog even cares. they are wasting money. maybe these dogs are bougie dogs. >> carley: yes they are very bougie. >> brian: under anybody's seat? >> ainsley: that's farmingdale. >> steve: is that champagne? >> carley: bone broth. the option of water or bone broth. >> steve: that is a fancy feast. just saying. >> lawrence: carley, this is my favorite story of the day. >> carley: next a tiktoker is sparking debate on whether or not to recline your seat on long flights. watch this. >> i seen some videos on here before debate decline or not recline on a long flight. i always recline my seat on a long flight. the person in front of me always recompliance their seat so i'm not going to not recline. her husband got into a fight with a passenger because he reclined his seat during the flight. people also fight a lot on
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airlines as well. >> brian: it's an option. >> lawrence: if the button is there. then you should be able to do it. and i'm tall, too. so, you just got to purchase a different seat if you. >> ainsley: you get more leg room if you are tall. >> lawrence: more leg room based on the seat that you purchase. >> steve: here's the thing ultimately. the airline is counting on you reclining your seat. as you are coming in for a landing okay, return your tray tables to their full upright and lock position. >> carley: here is a person that gets gypped. the person in the last row. if anybody reclines their seat the only person that can't and it's been me many times the person in the last row. >> brian: this is the recline 6 inches. >> ainsley: i will do a little bit. i won't usually do it all. but i will usually see who is behind me and make sure it's not. >> carley: that's because you are so sweet. >> lawrence: you are the most polite person. >> ainsley: thank you.
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>> lawrence: i'm tall. i'm not going to stand up and it's probably great for my posture to be like that. but immediately the moment they take off, i'm back. >> brian: it's not that much more comfortable to be 2 inches more back. >> carley: i think so, too. >> brian: overrated i guess you need a head rest, too. >> lawrence: brian, you are like 3 inches smaller than me. it doesn't impact you. >> ainsley: i was on a flight once and a lady took her hair so it was hanging down in front of me. >> brian: that's the worst. >> ainsley: in order to watch a movie it's like a curtain? >> ainsley: do you want any food? >> ainsley: no thank you. her hair will be in it. >> steve: worst thing is you recline your seat and feet person behind you push it up? >> carley: there is that, too. makes a difference when the flight attendants to say to put your seat in the upright position and did you go back to do it i say wow that was way more comfortable other way. >> brian: challenge put your tray table up is it possible to land a planner with tray table up? can i finish doing what i'm doing?
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>> steve: in case you got to get out of the plane fast. >> brian: standardize what you are doing. one minute i'm checking my arm rest. just tell me what you are going to do with the arm rest. >> ainsley: isn't it stressful when you fly cared to do something wrong. i don't want that flight attendant coming over to me. >> carley: signaling you out. >> brian: carley, you have one more. >> carley: this is great. you will love this video. veterans at ronald reagan international airport receiving a hero's welcome getting a full round of applause as they they disembark their aircraft. watch? this. [applause] ♪ ♪ the flight was part of the airport's honor flight network. love that tradition which flies veterans to washington, d.c. to visit memorial sites. the press release didn't say which war these veterans fought in looking at them i venture to guest guess there is world war ii veterans in there.
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>> steve: korean war as well. >> lawrence: brian should do a tour for them. >> ainsley: we have done it for them. >> brian: do you know what they're doing now? they fort liberty contingent going over to france normandy, 80 years since d-day. making sure they get everyone from world war ii. if you lied and signed up to the military when you are 16 or 17, in 90's now, some of the people are showing up that are there. >> lawrence: greatest generation. >> steve: 80 years. >> ainsley: thank you, carley. >> brian: city shells out millions for computers and cell phone and rent for illegal immigrants. >> ainsley: former acting dhs secretary chad wolf is here next to talk about the elegalesen immigrants. [laughter] [cs line] please continue to hold. meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals leave you hanging, try one where you can reach a human in about a minute.
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steve 7:25 in new york city. back with a deadly fox weather alert. tornadoes tearing through the heartland overnight. killing a number of people and flattening businesses and homes as well. nicole valdes on the scene in greenfield, iowa where the sun is now up, nicole. you got a good look at all the stuff that went wrong. >> nicole: steve, good morning,
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we are several miles outside of greenfield, iowa, a community about an hour southwest of des moines, very remote, about 2,000 people live here, but, unfortunately, they are dealing with horrific damage following yesterday's tornado outbreak. 18 tornadoes reported at this point but greenfield taking a direct hit and the images you are looking at is part of the catastrophic results here. one of our own storm chasers brandon cop pock was one of the first on scene getting the devastating look what is left of this town dozen people injured. several people may have lost their lives according to iowa state patrol. just how many? we're still not sure. among the damage, actually, greenfield hospital pretty significantly damaged. we're told that patients that were there had to be transported to other nearby hospitals.
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as i mentioned, this is a very remote community, so the nearest hospital that may not be for at least 30 minutes or another hour away. so a very dangerous and terrifying night for so many. thankfully, we do know most people have been -- or rather everyone has been accounted for. we are still waiting to get more information, steve from officials. hopefully within the next few hours. >> steve: nicole, thank you very much for the live report from iowa. meteorologist adam klotz was on the air covering that big tornado right there, adam, the thing about that one tornado it was swirling around and it looked like little tornadoes alongside it. >> adam: that's just some spin-ups there and massive debris, steve. we were on air, looking at the radar. all of a sudden our storm chasers popped up those tornadoes on the screen right as it ran over greenfield. horrible situation for those folks. a lot of questions has it been more active this season? may is the busiest time of year for tornadoes.
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particularly across that region. talking about the southern plains into the central plains; however, if you look at entirety, we're actually above average on total tornado reports about 300 reports high they're time of year than we typically would be. this there is a lot of questions why that might be. one possible explanation is the jet stream runs a little further south during el nino any waves in that jet stream can stir up storm. there have been a lot of storms. storm reports over the last 24 hours no. surprise with all of these storms we have seen a lot of areas where we are losing power. 20,000 people in illinois. currently 15,000 in iowa. big one right now currently is in wisconsin. i do want to get to the forecast for today real quick because there's another risk of severe weather. it runs from new england all the way down to the south. again, it's the southern plains. dallas is going to be a bulls eye for today. >> lawrence: praying for folks
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in dallas. thanks, adam. set to cost taxpayers $90 million this year. going through a new program providing migrants free rent, home, food, computer and more. to help pay for it the city is cutting back on 45 million from the city agencies including the police and the fire department. chad wolf joins us now to react. i want you to hear what the city manager is saying. we have been to denver, talked with the folks there. they say renting hotel rooms and paying for premade meals is more expensive than providing rental support for an apartment on the market and food assistance for grocery stores. it's also just the right thing to do. is this the right thing to do, chad? >> >> well, i don't believe it is. actually trying to stop this crisis at the border is the right thing to do. these cities are faced with, you know, not good choices. the federal government is not securing that border. they are seeing hundreds of thousands and some cases millions of migrants into their
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communities, they are trying to figure out what to do with them. providing these services at taxpayer costs, giving them computers, training them to work, knowing that 87 to 88% of them will never qualify for asylum and will need to be removed from the country, you're not solving the problem here. i are just adding to it. it's an incentive factor for more of them to come to denver and other communities. this is, unfortunately, they are having to deal with what is in front of them. this is the wrong approach. >> lawrence: this is not even rocket science, if you continue to give resources to people that have entered into the country illegally, of course they are going to go and tell their friends and they are going to do the same thing. we had someone that is now has the job that you used to have mayorkas. and he said told neil cavuto that they have been following the law since day one. watch it? >> we have removed or returned more than 720,000 people who do not qualify for relief under the
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law. more than any full fiscal year since 2,011. we have been enforcing the law from day one despite the political rhetoric. >> lawrence: chad, they got rid of all the barriers, the technology that was supposed to go with the wall. then you go to the border and then you don't see the border agents because they are processing. just people in our home state of texas that texas dps that are doing the job. so what is he talking about? >> it's great question. i have no adwhat he is talking about. it's important to remember that in the first days of this administration, they issued 94 executive actions. many of those tearing down very successful trump administration policies along that border. and, look, at the end of the day, they went to the far left after they came into power in 2021, those policies and those -- the actions that they have taken has been an abject failure. they have recognized. this and that's why they're pivoting back towards the right.
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back to policies that work. at the same time, they are blaming congress. congress didn't create this crisis in 2021. the biden administration did. they have the authority. they have the tools at their disposal to address the crisis today. >> lawrence: yeah. he really doesn't need congress. he broke it without congress. he can fix this right now if he wanted to. but you got to have the will. is it doesn't seem like he has. chad wolf, thank you so much for joining the program. >> thank you. >> lawrence: looks like all hands on deck as thousands of service members flood new york city for fleet week. janice dean there ahead of the celebration. ♪ why don't you just meet me in the middle ♪ i'm losing my mind just a little ♪ so why don't you just meet me in the middle ♪ in the middle ♪ baby, why don't you just meet me in the middle ♪ t botox
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>> carley: got some stories going viral on social media this morning. starting with kevin costner speaking out after receiving a 7-minute standing ovation at the kansas film festival for new horizon and american saga they were very still. i interpreted that they were really leaning into it. we all have these dreams where we want to be i have been had my own i have taken big bites out of life and life has taken a big one out of me. the first installment of the civil war epic will be released in june. something to look forward to. actor chris pratt taking a new approach when it comes to
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raising his children. saying there is a new age of parenting. the father of 3 telling enews i ask d. exactly what my parents said all the time. i never knew i could say no to my parents. so we're trying to raise them in a way where they feel comfortable expressing themselves. the four seasons resort in orlando may have just found their newest and most adorable spokesperson after this video went viral. watch. >> i have a question for everybody. who wants to go to the four seasons orlando? >> me. >> me. >> carley: i can't get enough of that little girl. the baby's parents joined us on "fox & friends" along with the manager of the four seasons orlando resort. >> how has she responded in that way at that moment in time certainly no doesn't have predicted that. but, it's definitely been fun to watch. >> carley: i understand, adrian, that you are looking to make baby kay the spokes baby? >> seeing how it was viral on
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the social media and popularity of it, we are looking into something like that. >> carley: the video of baby kate has already been viewed more than 28 million times. look at her with her little finger in the air. how cute is that guys? >> steve: brilliant. >> carley: 13 months old and she knows how to say me. >> ainsley: she going to be smart. >> steve: who wants to go to brand x nothing but four seasons? yes, sir. >> ainsley: even babies love the four seasons. >> lawrence: what you are telling me all i need is a kid get them to raise their hand in videos get free stays at four seasons. private jet as well? >> steve: i think they were going anyway. man o man, kids. >> brian: it is good to put if your kid is cute. put them in work. put them in modeling this way you don't have, to right? [laughter] >> steve: i put mine at the white house. >> brian: that was good. it would be great if they could have been earning like 5 and 6.
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>> ainsley: do you keep the money or put it in a savings account. >> lawrence: 50/50? >> brian: depends. you could deny they were ever in them. >> steve: my wife worked when she was 5 and 6 years old. she was one of those kids in toy ads. >> brian: money is gone? on the nose. save the money. >> steve: money is gone. >> ainsley: she never saw it. >> steve: by the time she grew up. >> brian: like at the brady bunch, they are all broke. >> ainsley: starting your kids off early in modeling. some families choose to do that but you have to be careful. >> brian: the child actors they go crazy. you don't wanted to peak when you are 11. steve. >> lawrence: a little britney spears. >> steve: she is really rich. >> brian: and she has a residency in vegas. >> steve: you are saying bad thing? >> lawrence: i do. >> ainsley: yeah. i follow her on instagram. >> steve: more than 23,000 service members are heading to new york city for the 36th annual fleet week.
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look at that. last year. >> brian: yep, the celebration kicks off today with the parade of navy and coast guard ships passing the intrepid museum. >> ainsley: that's where we find janice dean with president rebecca park. >> janice: hello, rebecca, a beautiful day for a parade of ships. >> it is. thank you for having me and we are here with the uso excited to kick off fleet week. >> janice: tell us some of the events you will be having. >> this morning we will be celebrating the parade of ships with several of our corporate partners, donors and volunteers with the intrepid museum. excited to kick off and watch the ships come in. when the u.s. baton gets into pond pier 88. building a temporary pop up uso center on the ship this afternoon. >> janice: what does the pop-up center do. >> the uso has 250 centers worldwide. some of those are temporary. so this week we will be supporting the sea service
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members on the baton and other crews in the city with a center that has games, programs, entertainment, comfortable chairs wifi so that they can have a place to take a break and find some rerelaxation. >> janice: people will be able to thank our service members with a special opportunity that you are giving them. >> they will, this weekend over memorial day weekend as we round out military appreciation month we will be set up on pier 86. the general public can come out for the community day here at the sprind. intrepid. share gratitude. also send messages digitally. can how can they find out more to get involved with your organization. >> several ways to get involved. again, we are grateful for all of our corporate partners and donors and volunteers. there is information to be found out on our website about all of those opportunities. >> janice: wonderful.
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rebecca, thank you for being here. 36th annual fleet week, the parades of ships is going to be happening next hour. it starts at 7:45. i think we will be able to see it. it is quite an event. we will be right here pier 86 for "fox & friends" for the next hour or so. rebecca, thank you for all of what you do for our service members. back inside, steve, ainsley, brian, and l.j., over to you. >> steve: thank you very much, j.d. we will have the choppers up, actually, for the parade as it kicks off. awesome. >> ainsley: i love that they do that. >> lawrence: all right, so biden canceling another $7.7 billion in student loan debt as he is hurting for support from young voters. >> ainsley: charles payne has the analysis, next. ♪ i do it for the money ♪ money on my mind ♪ choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger
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♪ steve all right, listen to this. the future of grace land, elvis presley's iconic home could be determined later today as the late singer's granddaughter is fighting to stop a foreclosure auction of the historic estate. the auction would be tomorrow and todd piro joins us right now with details. but now, todd, it's all tied up in court. >> todd: it is. this is absolutely wild story, steve. elvis presley's granddaughter
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actress riley keough became the owner of grace land mansion when her mother died in 2023. the 14 acres destination elvis, parents brother and mother are all buried. keough filed the complaint block potential called analysis any investments who say they loaned presley $3.8 million with grace land as collateral keough claims in the lawsuit, quote lisa marie never borrowed money and never gave a deed of trust to investment beings. any signature is a forgery. elvis enterprises saying basically the same thing they can confirm these claims are fraudulent counter lawsuit filed is to stop the fraud. wait to see the results of the hearing today to determine if elvis presley's legendary grace land estate can be sold at auction to the highest cash bidder tomorrow or if there is
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an injunction put in place to stop it. i keep calling this the battle of the documents. that's what today's hearing is going to be. the presleys will have their documents. the trust company is going to have their documents. we will see whose is accurate. >> ainsley: you were telling us the notary. >> steve: person's name on the document that says that lisa marie presley borrowed $3.8 million and never paid it back, that florida notary has said i don't know how my name got on it. i have never met her. this is crazy. that is why it is now tied up in court. there is brian at grace land. grace land originally. elvis bought a first house for his mother. and then after, you know, once he was elvis presley and making a lot of dough and then he bought grace land. i remember going to grace land once upon a time. it's a big mansion. got a big back half of the house. did you realize that he went to a -- he went to a furniture
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store and bought all the furniture for the entire mansion in 25 minutes. that's one of the stories on the tour. >> brian: here's a little of the tour. i think i'm the only one to ever tour the mansion. watch. >> brian: what is it about this iconic figure? you want to unwind the mystery, you got to go to grace land. ♪ >> first room to see is the living room. the unique thing about graceland is everything you see here is authentic. it's actually an artifact. that is elvis' sofa. this would have been the master bedroom of the house. elvis took a suite of rooms upstairs. this became his mother and father's room. he let his mom gladys design it. this is the original man cave. >> brian: wow. >> this is kind of the predecessor to modern day media rooms. elvis heard that our former
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president lyndon johnson had three tvs in the oval office and he thought that was a great idea. >> brian: i didn't say a thing. >> ainsley: that was great. >> brian: there for a free tour. it's amazing. i can't believe this is not unsuccessful dilapidated place. it's packed all the time and across the street is incredible what they have over there. >> ainsley: what can you buy there? >> steve: season near shop. >> brian: all the records on the wall and all the people he hung out with and all the pictures it's a huge, huge warehouse. all his cars are there. >> lawrence: two planes. that's why i was saying they got to be able to find this money just the car collection alone is worth more than. >> brian: yeah, if the guy has a document that says she owes me money. >> brian: lisa plea blew her whole fortune. >> steve: it's being litigated. here is a graceland trivia question how much did elvis presley pay for graceland and when did he buy it. >> ainsley: i don't know probably a million dollars. >> lawrence: not a million probably thousands.
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>> steve: 1957. he was 21 years old. he paid $100,000 for it. >> ainsley: really? >> steve: and now it's graceland. >> ainsley: sounds like donald trump mar-a-lago didn't pay a lot for it but now it's worth. >> brian: graceland still there elvis is not. >> steve: elvis is buried in the backyard. >> ainsley: elvis still alive. >> brian: we thought that for a while. >> steve: you hear the music. we are going to take a time-out. more "fox & friends" live from new york. >> lawrence: we still got one more hour. >> brian: at least. >> lawrence: maybe we will get some of bill and dana's time ♪ ♪ ♪ standing up... even walking was tough. my joints hurt. i was afraid things were going to get worse. i was always hiding and that's just not me. not being there for my family, that hurt. woo! i had to do something. ...
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number on your screen, or visit >> lawrence: buck up, it is wednesday, 8:00 a.m., this is folk. >> steve: joe biden's latest big bailout, white house giving billions more in student debt relief amid growing struggles with voters ahead of november. charles payne will discuss that with us. >> lawrence: you did it with the growl. >> ainsley: plus, y'all, free rent, free phone, free computers for the migrants. denver shell in


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