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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 22, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> steve: looks like a lot of fun. quick fox news alert before we leave. right now there are law enforcement officers at the rnc headquarters in washington, d.c. d.c. fire and ems confirmed they have units on the scene. we have a fox crew headed to the scene to figure out what's going on and bring you updates on fox news channel all day long. so keep it right here. don't know what's going on. >> ainsley: brian will be covering that on the air. >> bret baier and martha maccallum. >> lawrence: play the audio of you and your little crash from yesterday. >> brian: it doesn't transfer well on the radio. >> steve: it's great on tv. >> ainsley: what a trooper. have a good one.
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>> holy [bleep]. >> bill: we begin with a fox news alert looking at one of the many tornadoes that ripped through iowa yesterday and communities across that state. look at that aerial view. obliterated as violent tornadoes ripped through a heartland. three are dead. today's severe weather is still out there. we'll get to iowa live today. plus there is this. the border in the dark. >> iran, iran. >> why did you come? >> no freedom. yes, in iran. iran is a country, no freedom for speech, writing, for singing. >> bill: the line is never ending. those are migrants from near and far converging on the southwest border. they have never stopped. most are adult men, many deemed security risks, no one is stopping them despite the attention that we gave the trump
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trial, we have a little bit away from the border but back on that today as we say good morning. it is wednesday midweek, bill hemmer live in new york city. that's some video from bill melugin. >> dana: there is only so much real estate in an hour and a lot of news. those migrants are crossing near san diego. the city has emerged as the new epicenter of the immigration crisis. this as people from as far away as china continue to flood the southwestern border. >> bill: in congress on the senate side democrats are trying to tee up a second vote on this bill on the border. republicans say it is d.o.a., secretary mayorkas is urging them to reconsider. >> look, neil, i am focused on achieving needed outcomes and this legislation is a needed outcome. i'm not going to lose hope nor will i stop advocating for it. the american people deserve and need it. the united states border patrol deserve and need it. the united states border patrol
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union supported this legislation. i will continue to push for it. >> dana: international private investigator jay is on deck and get his reaction to a dea report warning that mexican drug cartels are operating in all 50 states. bill melugin is on the border in california. hi. >> good morning to you. for the first time since the 1990s border patrol san diego sector is now seeing the most illegal crossings of anywhere on the southern border and we were out here during the overnight hours as masses of men from around the world came through here. take a look at this video. 2:00 a.m. right where i'm standing here in near san diego where we see men from the middle east and asia pouring in here crossing illegally. several of them are special interest aliens coming in from countries with potential national security concerns and they should be subject to
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additional dhs vetting. we talked to these guys. there was not a single one of them from mexico. take a listen to this. >> where are you guys from? what country. >> pakistan. >> india, >> turkey. >> india. >> turkey. >> china. >> ecuador. >> india. >> india. >> india. >> india. >> india. >> india. all india? >> iran. >> why did you come? >> no freedom, yes, in iran. iran is dangerous country, no freedom for speak, for writing, for singing. >> take a look at this. we met up with a local resident here, former u.s. military. he goes out and collects all of
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these discarded passports and i.d. cards from these illegal immigrants from all around the world as they cross here. he has an entire room full of them. passports, i.d.s from china, afghanistan, pakistan, saudi arabia, turkey, many others. you will notice many of them are burned or shredded for destroyed in some way as these illegal aliens try to destroy some of these documents as soon as they arrive here in the united states trying to hide who they are and where they've been and this man says that's a security concern. >> they are just dropping this stuff on the ground to come here assume a new identity. it's a little scary. with my military background and seeing the people coming across that male, male, male, all military-age males. people keep saying that. i have the proof right here. >> you heard me say earlier that some of the illegal immigrants
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that came through here are called as special interest aliens. that means they should get additional dhs vetting. that doesn't mean they always do, though. sources tell us that some of these countries don't share their law enforcement databases or their information on their own citizens with the united states. there is nothing to vet them against. as we've seen before, guys, sometimes dhs will release somebody and then a few days later realize whoops, they have national security concerns and then they have to go out and find them and rearrest them. send it back to you. >> dana: great to have you back on the border. >> bill: remarkable reporting down there. sounds like the united nations when you talk to all them. jay arms is an international private investigator. the ruthless mexican cartels operate in all 50 states and here is the result of that. from the dea the number of fentanyl-related deaths in the first six months of last year 38,000. if you look at the map here, the darker the blue, the more danger
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by the cartels. what have you learned about these groups, sir? >> well, i mean the recent report from the dea confirms what people like myself and my friends in law enforcement already know. the cartels have infiltrated every major city and state in the entire united states. and their presence is only growing. the amount of people that are flooding across our borders are only bolstering the cartels' presence in every one of our states. >> dana: jay, what does that look practically like? if you are a mom and dad and thinking they are right here in even vermont? what does it look like? how would you know? >> absolutely. as a private investigator i'm called by people looking for missing loved ones, loved ones who have gotten in trouble with the cartel, and what is surprising to me a lot of times
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is people who will call me because their loved one has been kidnapped or being extorted for a large amount of money because they lost a shipment of drugs or something. a lot of times these aren't coming from major cities. these are coming from little towns and you are like you have to look on the map to see where these towns are. the cartels have a presence in these towns. that to me is what is most scary. not that they are in the big cities, they are in the little cities as well. >> bill: i think the most relevant quote is this one. you said the most dangerous enemy is the one who can accomplish their objective getting themselves out of a problem without firing a shot. we have breaking news. thank you for coming on. washington, d.c. we go. we got word of this story 30 minutes ago. weren't sure. now we can confirm the republican national headquarters in washington, d.c. is on lockdown. there was an early report suggesting there was some sort of white powder perhaps found
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inside. but that is something that we're trying to confirm at the moment. you see the police tape up and the law enforcement response. something is happening inside. >> dana: just to give you a little bit of context. that's right next to the house office building. so i used to live around the corner from that in a group house. so you aren't talking someplace not in the suburbs. it is across the street from the cannon house office building where a lot of freshman and junior members of the house have their offices. a lot of young capitol hill staffers live around there. a lot of activity when congress is in session. >> bill: it was 9:00 in the morning. 40 minutes ago. you have to think it's the time everybody is showing up for work. who discovered this and why we don't know. lucas tomlinson will join us in moments from washington to fill us in on what he has learned thus far. >> dana: there is also this as we wait for more on that. a new indictment says some migrants are going to great lengths to secure visas and
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faking armed robberies. why would they do that? hi, mike. >> it was created in 2,000. illegal immigrants would fall victim to crime but they couldn't do anything about it. a criminal would get away with it because the victim was sent out of the country before there could be a trial. so if a victim was helping authorities investigate or prosecute a crime they could move to the front of the line in terms of obtaining temporary legal status. the end result is a new scam that popped up. people paying for pre-arranged mugings. a federal indictment charged six people with a host of staged robberies and conspiracies to falsely claim they were crime victims on official documents. one of the staged robberies in july of 2023 was at bucktown lick ores in chicago. a man played his part fired his weapon and clerk at the liquor store was hit but did not die.
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immigration attorney says aside from the risks faking crime immigrants who are in victims end up in line behind the frauds and don't get the protection the law intended. >> the state of the u.s. immigration system is in flux and people are desperate and, you know, you see that. you see other types of immigration fraud being committed, which eventually is going to hurt the real victims of crime. >> there is a case in houston, texas from last january which a robbery was staged, bystander shot and killed the man acting as the robber. the man who organized the fake robbery has been charged with murder. a person who acquires a uv that can stay in the u.s. for three years and usually that's enough time to obtain a green card. dana. >> dana: mike tobin, that's one way to get into the country i guess. thank you so much. who would have thought about that? >> bill: let's move from mike back to washington, d.c. and try to piece together what we think
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we might be learning right now. about 40 minutes ago, there was a report that a hazmat team was called to the republican national headquarters in washington, d.c. they've blocked off the block and blocked off the building. what's inside we don't know. so we're working trying to confirm that for you. don't know what the substance was. but we're trying to clear this up. and lucas tomlinson is very near that location and will join us in a moment to tell us what he has learned. >> dana: one of the things about that building, too, first of all the rnc are in the office, right? not a lot of working from home to be done. it is crunch time. the rnc and dnc, both parties are working hard to figure out a way to spend the money they have wisely in a close contest, presidential contest. lucas tomlinson, we believe you are ready to join us now. thank you so much for the hustle. over to you. >> the republican national
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committee headquarters in a lockdown. a few blocks south of the capitol. suspicious substances were found, white substance as you can see the police have barricaded, surrounded the headquarters and they are now have hazmat teams that have gone inside the building. we're waiting for a statement from the rnc but what we're hearing right now. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: okay, lucas. he points out there, you have a block and a half from the capitol. that's right there in washington, d.c. as you look at the map. screen right lays it out clearly. this is the heart of legislative washington, d.c. and lucas, thank you. >> dana: there is a metro station right across the street from it. >> bill: we'll look for answers on that. we have to get some other news. remember when this gentleman, dana, was with us two weeks ago? listen. >> i'm a human, we're all humans. i made a very honest mistake.
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i had no intention, i had no knowledge that ammunition was in my checked baggage and it's -- i don't see where the punishment fits the crime here. >> bill: you might wonder how this tiny caribbean island is getting away with this, right? one of several americans facing a 12-year prison sentence in the turks and caicos. he can't come home. we'll take you inside the fight to bring him home in moments. >> dana: the battle for graceland. we're minutes away from a court hearing that could decide its fate. plus this. >> first of all my son has done nothing wrong. i trust him. i have faith in him. and he is making me feel proud of him. >> bill: this is back in court. appeals court shutting down an attempt to posts opponent the gun trial and now the witness list is, i would say, interesting to say the least. ♪
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>> this is a breaking news wednesday. want to bring this to you now. chester, pennsylvania, where apparently there has been a shooting and we're getting word that there could be several people who are victims of that. chester, pennsylvania, is south of philadelphia on what has turned out to be a beautiful day up and down the northeast. chester, pennsylvania, about the midway point between philadelphia and wilmington, delaware. we are hearing at least based on the early reports of a multiple shooting in chester, pennsylvania. you have the helicopter in the air, the ground crew is headed there as well, and we'll see how it turns out.
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it just popped onto our radar a moment ago. fox affiliate out of philadelphia is working story and wanted to bring it to you. we'll get more information on the ground as soon as that comes our way, we'll give it to you first, all right? 20 past the hour. >> dana: federal and state police are investigating how friends actor matthew perry received the supply of ketamine that killed him. they are working with the dea trying to trace the source of the drugs. his death was ruled accidental more than six months ago. authorities have conducted several interviews but no arrests have been made. that investigation continues. >> i think they really would like to get this resolved to all of the americans to come back home. a tragedy these american's lives have been up ended. >> bill: you might have to call on the commander-in-chief to get this done. you have a bipartisan group of lawmakers, they've not been able to win the release of five
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americans detained on a tiny island in the caribbean called turks and caicos arrested for accidentally bringing ammo in their luggage. and those americans could be in prison for more than a decade if convicted. chad pergram is watching their story live on the hill as they wait for some relief. chad, good morning. >> bill, good morning. the delegation met with officials from the turks and caicos over the weekend. a group of americans faces a minimum of 12 years in prison for accidentally leaving ammo in their luggage when traveling to the islands. >> 0 idea the bullets were in there. always considered myself to be a responsible gun owner. it has always been something that i've been very strict about. but we're human. we make mistakes. >> pennsylvania democrat john fetterman said the officials were understanding but the issue
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is not resolved yet. his con >> he got a 13-point buck. i'm optimistic. he has spent too much time there and now we've been able to expedite this and the tci leadership appreciated us coming down there and it brought it to the forefront. >> gop oklahoma senator mark mullen called the meetings unproductive. he said turks and caicos officials do not trust the american criminal justice system. lawmakers hope officials reduce the charges to a customs fine. the tourists pose no threat and carried no guns. >> they go there completely of the best intention. they are not the ones sparking any sort of criminal activity or any sort of gang-related activity but instead we've seen it really clamping down on people who have the most benign
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and innocent motives. >> 80% of all tourism in the turks and caicos comes from the u.s. mullen is considering asking the state department to issue a travel warning for the islands if prosecutors do not relent. bill. >> bill: chad pergram on the hill and see if we can get them home soon. also in d.c. the all clear has been given at the rnc. that's good news. capitol police telling politicians that they were investigating a quote suspicious substance. what that is we don't know at the address of the rnc. a notice said staff and other personnel directed to avoid this area until further notice. the notice is in now at 9:23 eastern time and it looks like they have this resolved. how? don't know. we'll wait to see if news comes from that. that's it from d.c. and capitol hill. now we move to this moment now.
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>> did president biden commit a crime? have you spoken to your son? >> i'm proud of my son. >> dana: president biden defending his son, hunter facing his first criminal trial in less than two weeks. we learn his ex-wife and two ex-girlfriends are expected to testify. fox news contributor. last week in the "wall street journal" you wrote a piece that said america will hear more about hunter biden soon indeed. june 3rd is when the trial starts, a week after we get closing arguments in the new york trial of trump. so what should people know about this case that hunter biden has to face in less than two weeks? >> you guys just mentioned that witness list and i think it's a reminder to people that this trial -- it does look as though it will go forward on those dates because the appeals by hunter's team continue to fail to delay it. but what we're finding is that prosecutors have worked with his
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former wife, two of his former girlfriends, one of whom, of course, is the widow of his older brother, beau, who died, and they have given some very testimony that this case will be deeply personal and potentially embarrassing for the entire biden family. what's at stake in the gun trial, hunter stands accused of signing a form that claimed he was not using illicit substances or an addict at the time he purchased the firearm. the prosecutor's entire job is to show that he was using and that he was an addict and what we can see from some of this early witness testimony is it will be a number of again deeply embarrassing stories about his conduct, conversations with the family. so this is going to affect the entire biden tribe. >> bill: it was obvious he had a problem and that he couldn't kick for a time. here is some of the testimony from what is described as witness number one. keep in mind just repeat ex wife
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and two ex girlfriends are set to testify. witness one was previously married to the defendant. they divorced in april of 2017. through 2018 she would check his vehicle from time to time because she didn't want their children in the vehicle with drugs. while searching his vehicle she found drugs and approximately a dozen occasions which she discarded in the trash can. at a minimum, you are right, kimberly. this is not good and it is an embarrassment for the family. >> remember, too. this is also really important. if they are going to try to prove he is an addict. one thing to show he is using. trying to prove he is an addict you have to look into the things that suggest they are an addict. failing to pay bills, extravagant lifestyle. it will be about the worst aspects of hunter's character. prosecutors being what they are will want to try this beyond a reasonable doubt so they will
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pile this evidence on. we're already seeing the defense attorneys will try to ask for limits on just how far these witnesses can go. but again, if the goal here is to prove addiction, i think the judge might be pretty lenient in terms of what she allows people to say on the stand. >> dana: last question, kim. maybe a thought about the fact that this trial happening right in the middle of the presidential campaign but also right before the first presidential debate. >> you know, last time around, remember, joe biden went up there on stage. a lot of this had just come out in the "new york post" about the laptop. censorship going on. a lot was unvetted. donald trump tried to get traction. the president shut it down with a lot of help from the media. a lot has been proven. there are federal indictments. a republican investigation documenting the money, the gains, drug behavior. there won't be ducking it this time around as the two men go up on the debate stage. >> dana: love to have you on our show. >> bill: in the meantime from
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iowa, they are waking up to a mess today. watch here. as that video rolls, it just gets closer and closer to the camera and you have to think about what these folks were looking outside their windows and car windows. devastating and deadly tornadoes carving a trail of destruction. we have fatalities on the ground in iowa. donald trump's criminal matter will be in the hands of a jury but take eight days, dana. what kind of instructions will the judge give them before their deliberations? these are critical now. turley and lydia hu were in the courtroom as the trial unfolded and they are here with us next. come on back. >> this is such an embarrassment of the showing of prosecution that i imagined the judge would grant the motion to dismiss the case. i can't imagine.
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>> dana: fox news alert on the fight to save graceland. whether a company will be allowed to auction off elvis's home. his granddaughter is fighting the sale. the company is using fake documents to try to foreclose on the mansion and we'll see what the court says a few minutes from now. that would be a shame. >> bill: sure will. we'll watch it, too. cameras in the courtroom. we can watch it here. that home was appraised at 5.6 million a few years ago. if it is allowed to be auction, it is a huge generating money making machine for the presley family. >> dana: a great piece of americana as well. i got to go on june 30th, 20u
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six when he took the prime minister from japan to graceland. he was a huge elvis fan and he got to go see it. that was the one thing he wanted to see in america. that tells you how important it is. >> bill: can i match your story and up you by one? i sang elvis presley with the prime minister in tokyo. i have a picture to prove it. >> dana: you have me 100%. >> bill: we'll watch grace land and the hearing. a big important story here, watch. >> here it is right here, guys. crossing right in front of us right now. >> bill: so this is only one of numerous monster tornadoes that touched down in iowa. the aerial shots here, these are absolute devastation. this is an area around the halfway mark between des moines and omaha, nebraska. more than a dozen tornadoes spotted in the state killing three thus far. the damage catastrophic as you
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have seen here. meteorologist adam clots was on fox weather. >> we had it on radar and we were able to go from the radar to the actual storm chasers seeing those attorneys making those devastating moves. there was a time where the debris ball was size of one of those small communities. it was heartbreaking. 24 hours later. all the storm reports across this entire region. we have the national weather service out there taking surveys of these different storms. the one i was watching was greenfield. they will tell us how large they were. that will take longer to ultimately see. i would like to briefly show you this was the third most active day we've seen so far this season. a bunch of power outages across the region. if we look at what's to come throughout the rest of the day, guys, across the southern plains we could see more severe weather. certainly this story is ongoing and see big storms coming up the
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next several hours. >> dana: everybody, please be safe. download fox weather to stream the storm threat anywhere and any time. great app to have on your phone. >> in is a disgrace to our country, the state of new york. never seen anything like it. >> bill: his fate will soon be in the hands of the jury but not before they take a seven-day vacation. our next two guests were in the courtroom yesterday. jonathan turley, fox business correspondent lydia hu. good morning to both of you. terrific work down there. i had a little bit of gmjelleli -- jealousy thchlt is. this is from dears witch. -- the judge tried to clear out the courtroom. press reporters said wait, this is a public place, it's all in
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the transcript. i was inside the court when the judge closed the trump trial. what i saw shocked me. the judge in trump's trial was a tyrant though he appeared to have a benevolent despot and ruling against the defendant at every turn. you were there, do you agree with that? >> i certainly agree with the fact the judge was overwhelmingly voting with the prosecutors. he has reserved questions that could make a big question in terms of how the jury ultimately rules. we're watching that very closely. we expect to get some answers by thursday. but some of the decisions from the judge i must tell you, i was mystified and they did seem to be pretty biased. for example, when costello was testifying, the prosecutors asked about the meaning of a line and he was expressing what the meaning meant and the prosecutor cut him off and said that's enough and he said can i further explain? the prosecutor said no.
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the judge said no. well when the defense stood up they said would you like to complete your answer essentially? the prosecute or's jump up and said it's beyond the scope. a number of us looked at each other and said what? it's the exact scope. he is continuing his answer. it didn't make any sense at all and i was looking at the judge thinking did you not even hear the objection? that's the type of moment that i had often in that courtroom where i couldn't figure out how you could even sustain an objection. we're now looking at the big ticket item. we're looking at things that if the judge grants what the prosecutors want, it could put a very heavy thumb on the scale. essentially the prosecutors are trying to reduce the playing field and put the jury in the end zone so they don't have to go very far for a conviction. that includes lowering the standard on a critical term in the indictment so that they don't use the higher standard of a crime.
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>> dana: a cnn legal analyst last night. listen to him. >> prosecutors have to prove falsified records for another crime. defense lawyers have to know what the other crime is. prosecutors were saying let's keep it very vague and general. it's a bizarre world. i know there is some aggressive reading of the new york statute that says well the jury doesn't really have to know what the other crime is. to me that suggests that the d.a.'s office is hell bent on getting a conviction now and worry about the fallout later. >> dana: one of the reasons that they want that is political because if that happens, forever the media will be told by their editors you have to write convicted felon and former president donald trump. after that they don't care. >> that's exactly right. sitting through the charging conference yesterday. we were there for that afternoon meeting that lasted a couple of hours. so much of the conversation take to the analyst's point was about the so-called election crimes.
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it very much seemed there was a lot of scrutiny how to phrase whether or not election -- so-called contribution was an election crime. they don't know if one has been committed. i think what the jury needs to hear from the defense going into the close ping arguments is a reset what this case is really about. it's about documents. there is good cause based on the facts having sat through so much of the testimony the jury can find there is reasonable doubts whether the documents were falsified at all. >> bill: one thing that is misty filing to me is federal election law is complicated. there was a witness that ran the organization and the judge said you can't testify. >> i think the problem with that ruling. a lot of judges don't like having experts come on and tell the jury what the law is. they consider that their domain. the problem with that ruling is we needed smith because the judge hadn't fulfilled his responsibility.
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he had allowed that this entire trial to constantly have these references to campaign violations from the prosecutors, from cohen, from pecker. this jury has heard over and over again they are campaign violations. there are no campaign violations here. i don't consider it is closed question, neither does smith. he had some devastating points including the fact that even if you treated this as a campaign violation, if the prosecutors are right, it wouldn't have been disclosed until after the election. how could that have been a conspiracy to conceal anything? >> job well done. back at it next week after the seven day vacation. house republicans accuse the former top fauci advisor of obstructing their investigation. the origins of covid. we expect to learn a lot more about that when that advisor testifies before congress today. stay tuned on that and this. watch. [chanting] >> she won big. fani celebrating the big win
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>> we are going to celebrate. we are going to party. the d.a. is drinking grey goose. >> dana: fani willis celebrating her primary win after months of political and legal challenges for her and her problems aren't over yet. nathan wade made an appearance at her event and this is what i think. she was always going to win. she wins politically there but might lose in the court of public opinion when it comes to
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credibility in her case against donald trump. >> a local versus national story. nationally she is a joke. she is kind of a punch line. when you see her speaking there she seems like kind of a likable person but she is a silly person and a non-serious person and obviously very corrupt but she was elected with 90% of the vote. i don't think a republican has run in that -- for the district attorney in years, decades. so she is probably going to win the general election. >> dana: she is in a biden plus 50 district. >> she is all set and room to be a silly person. but i think it is sad that we have silly people like that, silly, openly corrupt people in office with politicians it is not as bad. we see these people fighting in congress and mtg is throwing insults. with elected officials we deserve what we get but law enforcement. that's a district attorney, a serious office. we have people who are in law
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enforcement who don't take their job seriously. it is terrible. >> bill: this election wasn't even close. she blew away her competitor. interesting, too, the judge won also. he won easily, too, right, scott mcafee? always his dream to be a judge and on the stand and thought i would lose it because of this case. now, nfl teams are having spring ball. they call them otas. i couldn't remember what it stood for. organized team activities. dana talks sports. here is aaron rodgers copping to the whole rfk discussion about being a vp and said it like this. >> i love bobby. we had a couple of nice conversations. there were two options. it was retire and be his v.p. or keep playing. and i want to keep playing. >> bill: pay is better, too, right? >> exactly. he is better, even if he is
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injured and the achilles things he is better at football than politics but he would run into all sorts of trouble. >> dana: it's better for him for so many reasons. >> i love the guy. i love him. he is the kind of guy we need in politics and in covid didn't lose it. he was strong like djokovic in the tenis world. a lot of these athletes have gained new respect. >> dana: the guy in new jersey who had his gym shut down. he won in court yesterday. you will love this. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: a dramatic finish to game one of the eastern conference finals between the celtics and pacers. watch here. >> trying to get three. throw one in the corner, ground, fakes, finds the three. there it is. jaylen brown knocks down the three to tie the game.
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>> dana: celtics forward brown sinking the game-tying three-pointer to send the game to overtime. the celtics clinched the victory over tatum hit another three with under a minute left. game two is tomorrow night in boston. a lot of numbers in there. tom, you have to be a big celtics fan. >> listen, i went back in the days i remember forget about larry bird. j john -- they are freaking out in boston. going nuts. if you look at social media, they are having the time of their life. >> bill: indiana has a very good team. >> dana: so does minnesota and a new state slogan for tourism. bring ya. i'm reading it. >> bill: we are only minutes away from a hearing that may
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decide the fate of grace lorand. a company is trying to auction off the mansion and makes a lot of money. the family says it is not for sale. we'll see what the court decides moments from now. do not miss this. we'll take you there. p to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time.
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>> bill: breaking news, chester, pennsylvania, mentioned this 40 minutes ago. beautiful shot above the church. on the ground there is tough rooms. multiple people shot, lauren green is on the story here in the new york newsroom. what do we know, lauren, hello? >> this is a developing story and we know so far several people have been shot at a business in chester, pennsylvania. chester is part of the philadelphia metropolitan area. officers were called to the 2600 block of west 4th street at 8:30 this morning. now fox news has been told that five people have been shot, three in critical condition and two are dead. the motive on the shooting at this time -- no motive.
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we're hearing an arrest was made and working on confirming that with the county d.a.'s office. the business is named delaware county women that operates out of a location. not certain if the employees were involved in the shooting or if it happened outside of the business. a family-owned business with laundering services and linen rentals and sales. police have cordoned off the area. weapons could be seen withdrawn weapons. more officers are being called to the area. investigators don't know how or why the shooting began. of course, we'll bring you any updates as they develop this morning. bill, back to you. >> bill: lauren, thank you. we'll stay on it and be back to you with updates when we get them. chester, pennsylvania, keeping an eye on that. >> dana: elvis presley's granddaughter fighting to save graceland. the world famous estate faces a
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