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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 22, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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with the county d.a.'s office. the business is named delaware county women that operates out of a location. not certain if the employees were involved in the shooting or if it happened outside of the business. a family-owned business with laundering services and linen rentals and sales. police have cordoned off the area. weapons could be seen withdrawn weapons. more officers are being called to the area. investigators don't know how or why the shooting began. of course, we'll bring you any updates as they develop this morning. bill, back to you. >> bill: lauren, thank you. we'll stay on it and be back to you with updates when we get them. chester, pennsylvania, keeping an eye on that. >> dana: elvis presley's granddaughter fighting to save graceland. the world famous estate faces a foreclosure.
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good morning. >> bill: a lot of breaking news today. investment and lending company claims that lisa marie presley, who has since died, elvis presley's daughter, used graceland as collateral for a loan and never repaid it. presley's granddaughter is suing to stop the sale claiming the loan documents are all fake. >> dana: we're following developments on this throughout this hour as court is set to get underway. let's start with dana marie mcnicholl outside of graceland in memphis, tennessee. >> good morning, bill and dana. today we hope to learn the fate of graceland. the granddaughter and owner of elvis presley's home is fighting to keep his home off the auction block. now the presley family says this sale was all fraudulent. part of a fraudulent scheme led by an investment company who claim it loaned lisa marie presley $3.8 million and received the deed for graceland as collateral. they say she never repaid the
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loan before she died in 2023. elvis's granddaughter is suing to stop the planned foreclosure of graceland alleging the company involved doesn't actually exist. lisa marie presley did not borrow that money and the documents, including her mother's signature are fraudulent and adds even the notary public who signed the document denied ever taking part. this investment company doesn't have a website or a working phone number. >> it surprises me to see someone attempt to move forward with something on this magnitude with a doctrine that appears so blatently fraudulent on its face. >> elvis's mansion bought in 1957 was sold for $102 thousand. it draws over 6 hundred thousand visitors from around the world each year and they estimate graceland's property brings in $(1) 000-0000 a year for the presley family.
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originally the auction was set for tomorrow. a temporary restraining order was granted to halt the sale earlier this week. of course, we're speaking about the injunction hearing just about to get underway. of course, we'll be listening and following those details closely. >> dana: thank you so much. joining us for more on this is criminal defense attorney mercedes koelewyn. do you feel this snuck up on the family. dealing with the grief. the loss of lisa marie and now they could lose a treasure of the family. >> so true, dana. great to be on with you and bill. it is so tragic to see something like this. it is a 60-page complaint. there are a lot of facts and accusations against this company. at the very core is that number one the company does not exist. their allegations the company was actually formed in order for this fraudulent purpose. that this loan never took place.
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you will hear witnesses, the judge has to determine whether there should be a permanent injunction, meaning the sale could never take place. and so there are two things that they have to show. riley has to show that one, she will have harm. an interim injunction in place. the other is that she is likely to succeed about this fraudulent issue underlying this loan that she claims never took place. you might hear witnesses, expert witnesses. you will probably hear handwriting expert. you may get an ink expert. experts out there that can determine the date upon which an ink was issued, when it was used, how it degraded on the paper. it is amazing what the experts can do. it is showing the judge that this is fraudulent and therefore no sale should ever take place. >> bill: i see a lot of money on the line here. this is one -- a huge tourist attraction and millions of people have gone through there,
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mercedes. i wonder with regard to the granddaughter, riley, if she knew this paperwork was even out there or if she was aware in any way this transaction was possible. >> the fact that lisa marie died unexpectedly there are so many moving parts. there had to be so many things they had to do in order to prepare just to deal with her unexpected death. it is likely that she will have to take a look at the records. if these records don't exist. the good thing about these types of fraudulent cases is that it is document intensive. where are the loan documents or any agreement. this is a document-heavy transaction and if you don't have the documents. even though there are some documents that have arisen and why the experts come in and start to defeat them. if there is no flow of money. follow the money. if there is no flow from this alleged company that by all
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accounts may not even exist according to the complaint and there is no flow of this type of money coming from over to lisa marie presley, no loan was actually transacted, no loan existed. all of this could really fall on just that evidence alone. >> dana: i'm looking at this and we're about to get live pictures from the court any moment now. this is about to get underway. the attorney for the investment company was contacted by "washington post", no comment from them. the other one, listed as a defendant in the suit are not responding for comment. maybe that's a smart thing in a legal proceeding. they will have to respond right here in court and elvis presley enterprises says if they can confirm that these claims are fraudulent, how long will a case like this go on, mercedes? >> last summer i was in this type of injunction hearing for three weeks. it could take a lot of time
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depending how many witnesses will come forward. exactly to your point, dana, if you are in a criminal proceeding you can't force individuals to testify. in a civil proceeding, those rules do not apply. there is no constitutional issue that comes in. you can plead the fifth but the difference is that if you plead the fifth in a civil proceeding like this, you can actually make an adverse inference. if these individuals on the defendant's side from this company come forward and say there are questions did that loan take place and they take the fifth. that's an adverse inference that maybe the loan doesn't exist. so they will be forced to testify through subpoena. if they fail to testify they can be found in contempt of court and face lots of penalties and be held in contempt and they can even have all this motion granted and dismiss the action against them -- not against them
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but in favor of riley. riley will be victorious if she is able to establish that number one, the loan didn't take place and it is fraudulent. aside from the civil proceeding dana and bill this may actually really be criminal. if this is fraud at this level and such an extreme level and this magnitude, there are criminals laws that will attach and likely, if you can show this in this proceeding, those references to the prosecutors in that locale that criminal things can be investigated. >> bill: it was the place elvis treasured so much and well documented that lisa marie was well in debt. she had an estate and was forced to sell 80% of elvis presley enterprises to pay her bills and she died in 2023. we're watching this. we'll see what comes of it.
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maybe we get a ruling today. we want to share that with our viewers. this is happening in memphis, tennessee. mercedes, great job. let's move to this now. the biden administration talked of a temporary pier it built off the coast of gaza at a great success providing aid. weeks later none of it has reached palestinians according to the pentagon. the u.n. says the said is being stolen from trucks and warehouses before it is delivered. the pentagon says it is still a work in progress. >> we're focused on how we can work to insure the palestinian people get the aid. that's what we'll stay focused on. there is always in any operation of complexity challenges and hurdles that have to be overcome. that's what we specialize in overcoming and will do. >> the peer costs taxpayers
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$330 million. when they were building it they were fired on. they took fire. not an easy thing to do during a war but trying to get it done. >> dana: as marco rubio said israel's job now is to destroy hamas. hamas steals the aid. what are they supposed to do? we'll follow that one as well. house covid panel getting ready for a contentious hearing this afternoon. the witness is a top infectious disease scientist and former advisor to dr. anthony fauci. lawmakers say he deliberately obstructed his investigation into the origins of the pandemic and bragged he can make emails disappear. rich edson with what we can expect. >> they didn't all disappear. an aide tells us they expect to have more emails, more information coming out ahead of the hearing and at this hearing this afternoon. select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic. subpoenaed dr. warrens, formerly
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a top advisor to dr. fauci. the committee accuses of coaching the president of controversial government contractor eco health alliance on how to get the federal government to restore his organization's funding after the trump administration suspended it. committee members then say he lied about it and bragged also about trying to hide emails from congress and the public. >> he perjured himself. he lied to congress during those transcribed interviews. we believe at least six times. it is clear that he was going out of his way using a personal email to not be able to be detected by the freedom of information laws. >> committee says he also tried delaying this congressional appearance citing this email dated last month quote. each day of delay helps. they are trying to book david in for a public hearing between may one and fauci june 3rd. david's lawyers are trying to
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negotiate and delay his until after tony. an aide says he has submitted no opening statement and no expectation he will give one. they are looking through federal grant money to the institute of virology. last week the department of health and human services barred eco health from receiving more government grants largely for failing to important information to the government. this morning we learned that rick hs has begun proceedings to bar dasic himself from receiving more government money. >> dana: thank you, rich edson. president biden tapping u.s. gas reserves? how many barrels he is pulling and what it means for prices at the pump, if anything? watch this. >> bill: pretty good moment. he is finally a champion. american zander schaaf -- he
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will be talking to us coming up.
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graceland. graceland, memphis, tennessee. the judge jenkins ordered the court to adjourn noting the real estate is considered unique and there might be time for adequate discovery and for the defense to address claims about the sale. the judge noted this matter is of public interest and graceland is part of the community and well loved. more details as, as we say, to come. >> dana: the state or city should step in. if the family wants it to stay in elvis name. get that. why not turn it over and make it a historical site? 500,000 visitors a year. the history is there. preserve it so it doesn't fall into this situation and they have even more legal bills to
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pay. >> bill: you have to think about the other company and what they are in for, right, the group known as hang with me, nasani investments. they were thinking they were sitting on top of a gold mine if they were to gain access to it. that's what's on the line. it has been adjourned for now but we'll be back to graceland when the judge says it is time to be there. 19 past the hour. >> dana: the biden administration is looking to release 1 million barrels of gasoline held in reserve. usually tapped only in case of emergencies. energy secretary jennifer granholm not hiding the motive saying it is intended to reduce gas prices before drivers hit the road for the summer driving season. gas prices heading to memorial day weekend hovering at $4. releasing reserves is becoming a common strategy for the biden white house. strategic petroleum reserve has
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fallen by 40% since he took office in 2016 and can't refill it at a good cost to the taxpayers because oil prices are so high. why? restraining supply, ever heard of that? hello. >> oh wow, just hit something. just hit the house. >> bill: there is a lot of video out there of scenes like this. look at mother nature going toward that home. you had more than a dozen violent tornadoes blasting iowa. greenfield almost gone. several deaths report evidence along with multiple injuries, clean up will take a lot of time. nichole valdez fox weather reporting from there. what they are waking up today is really a stunner, nichole, hello to you. >> hi there, yeah, we're expecting iowa governor reynolds
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to arrive in greenfeld at any moment to get a firsthand look at the damage and need here in greenfield, iowa, a small town, population of 2,000 people. just an hour southwest of des moines. what you are looking at behind me is a little glimpse of it. we are being kept pretty far away because of how widespread the damage is. i will give you a little view here. it is really hard to make out what was a home, a building, a car, even a tree. all of it shredded into pieces in last night's violent and what we now know to be a deadly tornado at least two people have lost their lives. that number could be higher, though, we're waiting for an update not only from iowa state patrol but from the governor. a dozen or so injured. among the buildings damaged, greenfield's hospital, one of the only ones that services this community.
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patients inside had to be transported to other hospitals and they weren't exactly close by. it was a terrifying night and a destructive one for so many as they now work to pick up the pieces, switching into recovery mode as, thankfully, officials believe everyone has been accounted for. but we know a painful few days ahead as those mourning the loss of life will continue for some time, bill. >> bill: southwest of des moines looking at the map here you are in farm country. nonetheless that town has been shattered. nichole, thanks. back with you throughout the day for more. thank you. >> on the border issue here, are democrats vulnerable on that politically. >> who is more sear oafs about fixing the board? we are. >> it would be effective bringing order to the southwest border. that's the reason that republicans killed it earlier this year. >> it is clear who the real party of law and order is. right now unfortunately it is
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not the republican party. >> dana: polls show the border crisis as a top issue for voters. now senate majority leader chuck schumer is teeing up a second attempt at passing a bipartisan border bill. white house democrat is calling on president biden not to wait for congress and take executive action to address border security. joining us now is democratic new york congressman pat ryan. i want you to hear mayorkas with neil cavuto last night. >> are we safer now than we were before 9/11? >> i'm incredibly proud of the men and women of the border patrol that risk their lives every day to keep americans safe. we are screening and vetting capabilities are stronger than they ever have been. >> dana: can that be true with the number of gotaways we see, sir? >> good morning, thanks for having me.
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look, i spent 27 months in uniform in combat and know what it means to secure a border. we need to step up our efforts in a bipartisan way. this should not be partisan. it is top of mind for my constituents. for over a year now since day one in congress i have called on the president, i've called on our governor in new york. we have to get our act together and when in charge take charge, secure the border and let's pass this bipartisan bill that has been stalled every day that it is stalled there is more fentanyl coming into my community and communities across the country. >> bill: it is north of new york city up the hudson valley. we're looking at what is happening in new york. we have 194,000 migrant arrivals in the last two years. an extraordinary number. we live here and see it every day and may see it in your town as well. doesn't this come back to the president? he is the one who signed 70 executive orders when he went to the white house. >> there is plenty of blame to go around here for decades we
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failed to stop acting like politicians and actually be patriots, actually come together to secure our border. foundational responsibility of the country. that's part of the reason i ran for congress. i'm sick of both parties not coming together and in -- >> bill: i don't mean to interrupt would you admit the responsibility starts with him? >> yeah, i said it earlier. when it charge, take charge. i have said it. the president is in charge and needs to take more urgent action and he is starting to do that. it is too slow. i will call out leaders at every level in both parties to make sure my community is safe from fentanyl, safe from dangerous criminals. over a year ago in a bipartisan way i called for the president to declare a state of emergency in new york. given the situation at the border. to secure the border and to reestablish order there. i will continue to do that every day here. >> dana: i remember that. you have been an honest broker. do you think the legislation
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that schumer is trying to tee up again, could that actually pass and if not, would you ask president biden to just go ahead and do the executive order? >> well, we need to do both honestly. the executive orders are important and i have called on the president to do that. but that only gets us so far. to actually meaningfully solve the problem we need the congress to do its darn job and be bipartisan and get this done and deliver results. we saw real momentum a few months ago in the senate. i was very encouraged and support that package and i hope the senate passes it. i hope our speaker brings it to the floor. this is top of mind for my constituents and i'm out there every day talking to them. we need to deliver for them. >> people are voting for this in november. you said it a couple of times. thank you for coming on. democrat from new york. hope you come back and we'll discuss more. >> thanks for having me, guy. >> dana: this just in. the judge granted the injunction
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to stop the graceland option. that means there will be no auction of graceland tomorrow and so we wait to see what happens. plus this. >> president biden: when i was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic. >> bill: apparently the whoppers keep piling up and it is speech after speech. the white house in cleanup duty issuing nine corrections to false statements that joe biden made in only one speech. cleanup in aisle four. dana. >> dana: a year's long tradition back in the big apple today. thousands of u.s. sailors headed to the hudson river as fleet week kicks off. >> this is fleet week. >> the first time since world war ii that a dozen navy ships have sailed into the new york harbor and been opened to the public.
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>> bill: president biden's speech in detroit, michigan prompting the white house to issue nine corrections. it still may be going on, in fact. clay travis is with us now. good morning to you. we pulled some of the doozy, things were kind of bad during the pandemic, meant to say recession. hard to read for some folks at homes. saving millions of families saving -- cracking down corporate landlords, rents down, poor grammar. it was truly in-- on and on it goes. it wasn't a good show. props to the white house for making the corrections, clay. >> i just -- this is off a teleprompter and for people out there who have never read off a teleprompter it can be a bit challenging to be able to be
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perfect about it. but to make this degree of error on a speech that is vetted and prepared and set up for a long time. i'm sure dana has been involved in a thousand of these speeches over the years. it is why, guys, i don't think he will be the nominee. i've been saying it for months. i understand the island of people still saying it is getting smaller, but with the debates set for june 27th, it feels to me like that is biden's opportunity and maybe also the danger for him to prove that he deserves to be the standard bearer. it doesn't make sense to have the debate before the republican convention, before the democrat convention. it feels like a final exam of sorts for biden. i know he got through the state of the union and get -- if he falls flat on his face. literally he could fall on his face, the trump team is by design requiring him to stand up for 90 minutes and walk onto the
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stage, would you have ever believed we would have such a weak president physically that they would be thinking they could win the election simply by him tripping and falling as he walks onto the stage, which would effectively end this thing. this is just part and parcel why i think he doesn't have the mental or physical capacity to be president. i still think they will find a way to replace him and have a contested convention. >> dana: one of the things he says in his speech. -- overall, these are things that people picked up over the years. biden claims he got involved in politics because of the civil rights movement. sunday during a commencement speech on sunday he claimed he ran for public office to embrace the cause of civil rights but if you flashback to that he actually had said it was because of the vietnam war. maybe he just thinks those two things as the same thing. i wonder when president trump is on stage with him at the debate, i don't know if president trump can rely on moderators to fact check this kind of thing.
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the prep that goes into these types of debates is huge. i think of all -- you have to know a lot about everything. and in some ways president trump might have to sit there please, over to you. let's hear you articulate your thoughts. but also to be prepared on the fact checking to do it himself. >> no doubt. also i think everyone out there watching us right now would expect that cnn is not going to be biased in favor of trump. you would hope they would just be biased a little bit in favor of biden. this is where if i were giving advice to trump on the debate, in 2020 the first debate was a total mess. it ended up being a screaming fest. you couldn't follow it. at best it was a draw. i think somehow biden managed to do better. second debate trump eviscerated him. i think trump needs to let biden talk. the more biden talks, the more lies he tells, the less c
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competent mentally he needs to be. i don't think there is a lot of doubt trump can advocate for the position attention he believe is. i don't think biden can stand up and talk for 90 minutes. i hope they don't give the questions him in advance. it should be a massacre. >> bill: the first debate is seated at a table. you mentioned -- >> i thought they were walking in. >> bill: first one sit down. they are already at their chairs is the stipulation when the camera comes up. >> don't you agree that he should have to walk onto the stage? >> bill: one thing. a lot of the stuff is off prompter. he add lobbed this thing saying he was vice president during the pandemic. i'm certain that was not in the teleprompter. clay, thank you, great to have you back with us today. >> appreciate you all. thank you. >> bill: could an oscar nominated actress to be at your
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disposal? are you following this story? i know you are, dana marie. scarlet johansen could be opening up legal action against open ai out of california. she claims a new speaking feature of chatgpt is identical to her voice after she told the company no she did not want to participate and here is how it sounded for a minute. >> chatgpt, how are you doing? >> i'm doing fantastic, thanks for having. how about you? >> pretty good. >> they're demanding to know how that happened. sounds just like her. declined to give them access months ago. the company has removed the feature. interesting. i think -- >> dana: they're like sorry. >> bill: a shade of the future to come. >> dana: the law is behind the technology as it always is. if she does sue it might be groundbreaking baseline for all of us. now i do like to listen to a lot of editorials. "wall street journal" has a new
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reader just last night first time i heard it. yes, a new lady. >> bill: we need to update the app. >> dana: yes, you do. it's very good. i like that. all right . former president trump hoping to take a page out of ronald reagan's playbook part of the fight to flip new york. can he do it? we'll ask martha maccallum next. everyone say space pod! (♪) meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one where you'll actually like. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete
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>> dana: former president trump is set to hold a campaign event in the bronx tomorrow. ronald reagan did the same thing in 1980. the year he flipped new york. could trump do the same? we have to ask the expert. martha maccallum is here. >> this is such an interesting story. good morning. carter went in 1977. reagan went to that same spot and got into a shouting match with people on the street. he had his security around him. do you have a piece of that? >> bill: i think we have the images. you are right about that. if viewers watch this from 44 years ago, i would be like modern day campaign like oh, man, that was a big fail. because the people there are giving it to reagan. there is audio let me know and we'll crank it up. he is trying to give it back to them. it is really quite a moment. i think in republican politics, martha, we haven't seen a moment
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like this and in this part of america. >> they're calling it a visit, not a rally. it is a little less structured, i guess, based on that. he was saying to the people in the crowd that carter had failed them. that he had not fulfilled his promises to rehabilitate these areas. and he was talking about tax breaks to bring in more businesses to stimulate the economy. what would become the empowerment zones that jack kemp originally envisioned and tim scott and president trump really spearheaded in the course of the trump administration. i think it is fascinating. aoc is saying he is coming up here and thinks he will steal the vote of our men. but he doesn't understand us, he doesn't get us. >> dana: she is the opposite of the empowerment zone. amazon want to come here? we don't want it. then who on the republican party came in and said i'll do this for you. lee zeldin, ran for governor and
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lost by a smaller margin than before. so is this a possible year where trump could do this? >> it is possible. john anderson was in this race in 1980 and 7% of the total vote nationwide. but the thinking is that some of the carter vote got siphoned off. 2.6 margin for reagan in new york but he won and it hasn't happened since 1980. certainly would be fascinating. >> bill: he won 1980 in new york. a pipe dream these days. deep blue state of new york. put it up, guys. this was 1980 results. he came back in 1984 and look the difference after four years. half a million votes plus won the state. another thing so interesting about the clip is that there are bricks everywhere. the south bronx looks like rubble. i don't know if the buildings are occupied or not. trump is going there tomorrow and will have an event at a park.
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apparently the park holds 3500 people. what are we going to paying attention to? how many people show up tomorrow in the south bronx to see trump. >> absolutely. remember lee zeldin lost by the same number of votes for the people who left new york and moved to florida. the population has changed in new york. whether or not this is a possibility for trump in this election we'll see. you are right. interesting to see what the enthusiasm is there. >> dana: i'm trying to think of what to call these people -- voters who didn't vote for trump in 2016, would not vote for him in 2020 but just might vote for him in 2024. i'm working on the name. the reluctant or something. >> bill: trumpettes. >> reagan democrats in a way. third time might be the charm for you? >> dana: i'll workshop it here. we're excited to bring this to
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you. martha has an amazing special on world war ii streaming now. if you don't have fox nation it is a great reason to start. this is an amazing piece and worked on it for a long time. high quality and we'll see more of it soon. >> heading to normandy to speak to some of these gentlemen. a big opportunity. >> bill: roll this. >> victory! >> bill: he is a great american now. zander schauffele broke through the wall and will join us in a moment to talk about that. a live look at the intrepid museum. members of the u.s. navy will be all over the city in their navy whites. fleet week is here in the big apple. ♪
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sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. the heart of st. jude is to take care of children with catastrophic diseases and to advance their cure rates. but we need to be able to do that for everyone.
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it's a bold initiative, to try and bump cure rates all around the world. but we should. it is our commitment. [music playing]
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>> harris: a new problem is growing for president biden after his secretary of state gave warm condolences to iran over the death of a mass killer. plus president biden plans to tap gasoline reserves again. his desperate attempt for trump-era lower gas prices in motion now. biden really doesn't know what to do over the border crisis. he just broke his own promise to take executive action a second time. senator marsha blackburn, pete hegseth, and others on "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: parade of ships entering new york harbor. i love it. sailing up the hudson river to kick off fleet week. alexis is coming from an aircraft carrier. >> beautiful morning here in the big apple. lots of people are lined up
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across the hudson river trying to catch a glimpse. we'll show you what we're seeing. we'll zoom in here. check it out. u.s. navy's finest amphibious assault ship pulling in here. fleet week in new york city. big crowds, big ships and celebrating our service members at sea. look at the hudson and see the parade of ships we've been checking out all morning. two navy ships and four u.s. naval patrol books are passing by the statute of liberty. freedom tower and the intrepid museum starting a week long celebration to honor the navy, coast guard and marines across all of new york city. this is an assault ship back in the new york harbor here. with the war in ukraine and israel raging on it is an important time to honor our service members. watch. >> when our nation is not in times of conflict our military are standing ready at a moment's notice to serve. to defend our freedom.
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so we owe them our thanks. that's what fleet week is all about and it is a fun time. >> fun time in new york city and fun time for the service members, events all week. bill and dana, back to you. >> dana: i love it. thank you, alexis. >> zander with victory. >> bill: the sweet taste of victory after a very, very long wait. several close finishes. za zander schauffele had never won a championship until now and now the winner of the pga championship. finally you bust through the wall. what clicked this time? what worked? >> yeah, i'm a pretty stubborn individual so i figured i would do it eventually. just a little bit more
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self-relief, resilience and patience and realizing the moment and seizing the opportunity got me the win right there. >> bill: your dad has been your swing coach for a long time, right? >> he has. >> and he has this saying for you. it's commit, execute, and accept. what does that mean? >> encompasses a lot of what a lot of athletes have to do. when you are playing any sport, kind of anything you are trying to do in life actually you have to commit to what you are doing, you have to accept the outcome regardless of what happens. and then you have to execute so we -- he wanted to switch it to commit, accept, execute but since i was nine or ten years old it has been commit, execute and success. >> bill: your dad is from germany and your mom is from
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taiwan. you could do well at the united nations to straighten out those folks. was scheffler on your mind much or outside the ropes. >> we share the same physio table. it was on everyone's mind. everyone knows how good he is. he is as solid as they come. he had the fatal accident on property which never happened at any sporting event anywhere and that led to some of the chaos that happened to scotty getting arrested. he is a good dude, a family man, and hopefully he comes out completely unscathed from all of this. >> bill: how is he feeling, all right? >> sorry? >> how is he feeling? >> he was rattled. there is not a bad bone in his body, you know what i mean? when i saw him we were all happy he was there. all happy he wasn't hurt. we're happy the officer wasn't
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hurt, either. not to an extreme at least. he was, you know, he was rattled and played an incredible round of golf coming back after his arrest and then i think he was a little burned out post. >> bill: saturday was a down day. came back strong on sunday. you are one of the rare people on this planet who is the owner of an olympic gold medal for golf. you won it in tokyo. will it happen in paris this summer for you? >> one, i'm so happy i booked my ticket back qualifying for the u.s. team. they take the top four americans and such a hard thing to do. you look at the names it is a list of guys you need to beat. going back to paris will be an awesome experience. it won't be covid this time so i'm excited to hopefully experience the olympic games a little bit different than i did in tokyo from a fan perspective. from a competition perspective
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winning another gold is definitely on our minds. >> bill: awesome. good luck to you. i know how hard you work. i know how much this means to you. so congratulations. >> thank you so much. thanks for having me. >> bill: pga champ and american, too. good luck in paris. >> dana: that made your day and then this will also make your day before we go. what are we going to say? >> bill: we're going to say happy birthday to you. that's the gentleman on your right, 6'4", 240 pounds, i would say. >> dana: a big heart as well. that's mr. hemmer, 85 years old today. >> bill: yes indeed. we'll have a party later tonight back home. we'll see him on his 85th birthday after a big year. happy birthday, pops. >> dana: happy birthday to you. "the faulkner focus" is next. here she is. >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert.
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