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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  May 22, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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definitely on our minds. >> bill: awesome. good luck to you. i know how hard you work. i know how much this means to you. so congratulations. >> thank you so much. thanks for having me. >> bill: pga champ and american, too. good luck in paris. >> dana: that made your day and then this will also make your day before we go. what are we going to say? >> bill: we're going to say happy birthday to you. that's the gentleman on your right, 6'4", 240 pounds, i would say. >> dana: a big heart as well. that's mr. hemmer, 85 years old today. >> bill: yes indeed. we'll have a party later tonight back home. we'll see him on his 85th birthday after a big year. happy birthday, pops. >> dana: happy birthday to you. "the faulkner focus" is next. here she is. >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert. secretary of state antony blink
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en is on capitol hill in the u.s. house of representatives. yesterday the senate. all of it is hot for blinken. a lot of heat on him for giving iran warm condolences over the death of a stone cold mass killer of the iran's president, raisi, died in a helicopter crash over the weekend and known as the butcher of tehran. also there are demands for answers on what the administration will do about the international criminal court's warrant for the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's arrest. on the same charge it issued for hamas terrorists. i'm hair use faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." today's hearing kicked off this way. >> i was really prepared to discuss the specifics of the budget request today but i'm so deeply concerned by frankly the dangerous policies being pursued by this administration. don't take my word for it.
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the world is up in flames. most notably i want to focus towards israel and this critical moment in history. this administration is playing a very dangerous game with israel's security and by extension, frankly, our own national security. >> harris: secretary blinken yesterday described potential warrants for israeli and hamas leaders as shameful equivalents. president biden called it outrageous. netanyahu said the action against him is absurd. former israeli prime minister bennett accused the court of acting as a political tool for israel's enemies. the icc's move is shining a bright light on the division among democrats. democratic socialists as he calls himself. senator bernie sanders with this. >> the icc is not making some claim of equivalence, as some have charged, but is, in fact, holding both sides in this current war to the same standard.
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democraticly elected officials can commit war crimes. the icc is doing its job. >> harris: look at this. a new opinion editorial argues the issue could not come at a worse time for the biden administration for the democrats divided over the war in gaza in an election year. they're talking about a possible netanyahu address to congress. the speaker is putting major pressure on schumer to extend an invitation. schumer has been a vocal critic of the israeli leader. so we don't know how this is going to go. gillian turner is at the state department with more. gillian, the words that blinken spoke about a man known as a butcher of tehran, who took forklift trucks out with prisoners, political prisoners inside those trucks and used
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cranes to hang those political prisoners every half hour in intervals. this is who this man was. >> harris, historic numbers of women and teenagers have been executed over the past year, 853 alone in 2023 under raisi's regime. blinken is on the hill today facing a second day of question about the biden administration's foreign policy. listen to the opening statements. we're getting through them now. >> insure what happened on october 7th never happens again. as we do everything we can to bring about an end to the terrible human suffering. palestinians in gaza and to prevent the conflict from spreading to other fronts. >> there are some protestors in that room today but yesterday blinken had to face down people accusing him of genocide. anti-israel protestors before he could even deliver his opening statement. listen. >> >> he is a war criminal.
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>> right now he is testifying before a house panel of lawmakers. yesterday he did get a grilling over on the senate side. >> it seems like the world is on fire, in part because of the weakness of our administration. >> you have presided over the worst foreign policy disaster of modern times. >> he was on defense against accusations the u.s. is hamstringing israel's self-defense. >> senator, i was in israel five days after october 7th and been there seven times since. no one starting with president biden has done more to make sure they have what they need to defend themselves from hamas. >> blinken faced criticism for offering condolences to iran after the death of president raisi. >> it is something that we've done many times in the past going back many administrations and many decades and we do as a
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normal course of business. >> i don't think it should be a normal course of business. i think it is shocking this administration would mourn the death of the butcher of tehran. >> it is not just anger and dismay over the condolences that the secretary offered. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are also upset that the u.s. administration offered to help the iranians with the search and rescue operation that ultimately reclaimed the body of president raisi as well as the fact that the deputy ambassador at the u.n. stood on the floor during the moment of silence for the passing of the president. harris. >> harris: one minute of silence for a butcher. gillian turner, thank you. in "focus" now pete hegseth, co-host of "fox & friends" weekend and he has a brand-new book coming out "the war on warriors" that goes on sale
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june 4th. for now raisi. there is a long trail of killing with this man. by the way, i have read he was projected to be the ayatollah in waiting. so he was going to scoop up even more power before he died in that chopper crash over the weekend. your thoughts on how we are dealing with this through the biden administration. >> well, it's a death we should be celebrating. good riddance. may the islamic regime that currently controls iran be gone and may their own people have actual sovereignty of what happens in their country. they have had a country run by -- our administration wished the iranians well. this administration is off the charts. they talk out of both sides of their mouth all the time. the international criminal court. the idea that you would treat israel and the hamas the same
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way. i think joe biden said it is shameful equivalence. well, you know what this same administration is doing with the international criminal court? they're trying to use it to get at russia for the russia/ukraine war. they want to use it for their own purposes. at every step these are globalists with trying to play global games and putting american interests last. this is what is at stake in 2024. america first foreign policy versus america last. which has worked with our enemies and then somehow through the twisted actions of their surrogates like hamas, then help the international community push for a palestinian state. hamas is getting what it wants. hamas is getting what it wants. it is getting conversations about the palestinian state because our state department has played both sides of the coin. blinken has been to israel seven times. he is holding them back trying to pull them back advocate for less action in gaza so that the
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israelis can't finish the fight and crush hamas. blinken is the problem. >> harris: well, this is interesting because biden i don't think really has a foreign policy for that part of the world. he can't seem to figure out what to do. president biden's pushback now on the icc, pete, you were so right about that. they are dealing with them in one way and want to come down on them. they're disingenuous. the pushback that biden is feeling right now is -- puts him at odds with one of his major donors, george clooney. his wife, played a key role in the decision to go after arrest warrants and go get benjamin netanyahu. yeah, that's where she is putting her power and her money, or maybe a combination with his. a new opinion piece says she stated she was asked by the icc brass to evaluate evidence for suspected war crimes. she personally persuaded the
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so-called experts and bosses to shove israel as well as the hamas persecutors equally under the bus. the statement marked a departure for george clooney, who previously has declined to link his name to the israel hating and anti-semitic activities promoted by his wife. but now he is linked to the forces of evil with whom his wife has pledged loyalty. records show george clooney donated more than a half million dollars to the biden victory fund and biden for president back in 2020. he has yet to make a donation in the 2024 cycle. when you have that kind of cash i guess you can chip in when you want to. it is never too late to put that much money on the plate. pete. >> make no mistake about it. this is just another piece of evidence that our so-called elites are left wingers are anti-american globalists happy to use an international institution they know nothing about to impugn the character of
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americans and our allies. in this case it is netanyahu. in this case it's israel. if these elites got their way they would throw the american military under the bus, too. american generals or commanders in chief who were in difficult wars where things happened. that's what the icc would like to come after america. going after israel right now. like to come after america. in my book the war on warriors it is bad enough what generals and politicians have done. americans to our warriors. can you imagine ceding our sovereignty to an international body full of left wing europeans who hate americans and israelis? i think they threw hamas in for good measure. this is the view of these people. anti-western, anti-israel, anti-american. these international institutions are dangerous. we should defund them and sanction them at every turn and leave the u.n., too, while we're at it. none of these international groups are serving our purpose
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and haven't for a long time. republican foreign policy should say that. >> harris: i talk about the united nations and nato yesterday and i take a lot of grief about that. what we put in, are we really getting out what we need? would this president ever end up to the icc? we'll have to hold our breath to find out. tomorrow "the faulkner focus" will come live to you from washington, d.c. i will be sitting down with house speaker mike johnson. there is a lot going on with him right now. in fact, we're going to talk about the u.s./israel policy, icc arrest warrant for benjamin netanyahu. biden's border crisis, protecting election integrity and much more at 11:00 a.m. eastern right here on the fox news channel. right now tennessee senator marsha blackburn speaking on capitol hill. you will see senator ron johnson there now. they are pushing back on
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majority leader chuck schumer's plan to bring a border bill that they like, the democrats like to the floor for a vote tomorrow. gop senators have called it a gimmick and political stunt to help vulnerable democrats. senator blackburn will join us on "focus" bottom of the hour. stay close. also district attorney and trump prosecutor fani willis is celebrating her primary win from georgia last night. apparently she likes to party with a little vodka. but the party could be cut short if the court kicks her off trump's case. plus one guest at the party was quite a surprise. and critics say they see right through the president's latest plan for paying at the pump. >> joe biden is a weak and failed president. he is now starting to throw hail marys before we reach memorial day. under his watch we have had runaway inflation, families can't afford groceries or gas. >> harris: notice the timing. his plan to ease pain at the
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pump in time for peak summer travel and trying to scoop up those votes with some trump-era prices. we'll take a look. the power panel debate next. a lot going on this hour. ♪
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>> harris: president biden is going to tap america's fuel reserves again. this time he is selling off 42 million gallons to try to blunt the pain at the pump. americans are facing rising prices as we know. we're getting close to summer travel season when they normally go up anyway. today's national average is 3.61
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per gallon of regular gasoline. up 50% from when president biden took office. so you know people are feeling this. senator mike lee posted this. president biden is yet again using america's emergency fuel reserves to cover for his disastrous inflationary policies in an election year. virginia gop congressman bob good boils it down this way. >> ahead of the election he thinks it is a political reserve. young people are suffering. americans are suffering under this president's policies, whether it's grocery prices, housing prices, utility prices, gasoline prices, they are suffering and that's what this is really about. >> this isn't the first time biden has tapped into the u.s. fuel supply. he ripped up big controversy for using nearly 300 million barrels from the strategic oil reserve. that is down 42% from when he took office. by the way, 1 million barrels
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would be 42 million gallons. gallons of gasoline. there is a direct effect he is trying to have on the market. david avella, gopac chairman and leslie marshall, fox news contributor. great to see you both. so david, i will start with you. where are we getting our oil? why aren't we more oil independent and what does this tell the american people about this economy? >> this tells the american people that we can only be so lucky if this were about politics. the reality, harris, is the biden administration is very clear. they want to end americans' use of fossil fuels and you have to take the reserves down from 638 million to 368 million as you just noted on that stat. it is why his first executive order was about increasing regulations on fossil fuels. it is why a week ago in montana we'll make it harder to mine for
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coal which clearly puts the u.s. senate race more in play. these decisions aren't about politics per se. these are about a radical agenda that this administration is going to pursue to get rid of fossil fuels in america. >> harris: leslie, i had just said it ant want to say it again. there is a direct line between a million barrels of oil and 42 million gallons of gas. so he is going to flood the market literally right now during the highest point of the year. what that means is our reserves are down by 42% on his watch. who puts that oil back? are we going to buy from dirty producers like venezuela? biden isn't allowing us to do this things that would make us independent. >> actually, harris, it's a good question and i asked that myself the other day. somebody knows far more about this than i do. when russia made the oil and gas market go crazy after attacking
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ukraine, what happened is the united states freaked out because we had much more of a pull out of this reserve and it has been refilled. the energy department said in 2027 we're still on the same path regardless of that extraction and this extraction. we have to look at fear, we have to look at politics, and we have to look at facts and fiction. it is fiction to give any president blame or credit for gas prices. since 2000 every single president has left office with gas prices higher, two democrats and two republicans. we need to blame opec. when opec stops. >> harris: you can blame op he can but they will do what they do. they will benefit from a market that we are actually not helping by not being energy independent. we're helping their coffers, not our own. david, quick last thought and we'll move on. >> you can't say that we are replenishing the oil reserves. we're not. you put that stat up there. look, this is an administration
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that doesn't understand the economy whether it be this area, tax increases they are talking about, eliminating the bipartisan tax cuts from a few years ago, whether it's student loans. this administration doesn't understand the economy and why americans give him a horrible rating on his handling of the economy and a big drag on his re-election. >> harris: i would add this, leslie. what you are talking about has nothing to do with putting back what he is taking out. why that's important is what if he doesn't put it back? and then there is less oil or less gasoline, less of both obviously? then people will have to pay the high prices or make a different choice in what they drive. we don't call that independent choice or thought but being forced into a situation. your last quick thought on it. >> when we look historically at gas prices, they go down in february and they go up spring into summer. >> harris: we get that. we need to know how we'll put
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that oil back in our reserve. >> what the president is doing is he is off setting -- a very tiny off set and temporary. the cost of gasoline is directly correlated to the price of crude barrel of oil on the international market, which no united states president can control and these kinds of decisions, quite frankly, have very little sway. it really doesn't help the president that much and i know republicans want to make it hurt him with their rhetoric. >> harris: it does. the price of everything is high right now. if you can attack one part of the sector. that opens us up for many different things. we fought so many wars in the middle east over oil. being independent is what makes us strong as a nation. so yeah, this helps his politics, of course it does. he can't bring down the price of bacon, my favorite food. all right. both of you, thank you.
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we'll bring you back. there is really destructive new evidence now, photographs revealing some of the lavish items stashed in senator bob menendez's home as he is facing a bevy of bribery charges. you know, this is the man who had the gold bars and cash stuffed into his jackets reportedly. critics argue the judge overseeing former president trump's new york trial is putting his thumb on the scale. >> a judge is supposed to be a neutral arbiter. he is supposed to be the umpire and calls ball and strikes. this judge was the cleanup batter for the prosecution. never seen anything like it. >> harris: the historic trial is now entering its final stages as attorneys prepare for closing arguments early next week.
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is now in the final stretch of both the prosecution and defense rested their cases before attorneys got heated over jury instructions. again, that part of the journey now is what matters most until you get to the verdict, of course. the judge said he hopes to send those final instructions to attorneys tomorrow so they can prepare for closing arguments on tuesday. after the holiday. legal experts say the prosecution still has not shown any evidence that the former president committed a crime. former assistant district attorney phil holloway was with me yesterday. >> they are all going all in to get trump every chance they get whether they have a valid legal claim or not. it doesn't make sense to me as an attorney how we can have a judge who is supposed to be calling balls and strikes but who has their thumb so much on the scale. in fact, he is standing on the scale tipping it in favor of alvin bragg. >> harris: standing on the
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scale. that judge. bryan llenas is live at the new york state supreme court. bryan. >> harris, speaking of judge merchan, basically the house republican conference chair stefanik has filed an ethics complaint with the new york state commission on judiciary conduct. that complaint alleges that judge juan merchan should recuse himself because he has a conflict of interest because his daughter serves as president of a group that represents democratic party politicians and political action committees. that same commission, by the way, dismissed a prior complaint against judge merchan for donating $35 to democrats. nonetheless, new york congresswoman stefanik, a possible trump v.p. pick, argues a guilty verdict in this case under judge merchan will lead to millions more fundraising dollars for democrats benefiting merchan's daughter's organization. the complaint reads in part given judge merchan's daughters
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clientel and vast sums of money these people have raised judge's daughter stands to benefit the more legally im periled president trump is. he says merchan is complicated an conflicted. >> it should be dismissed even before you have a verdict but the judge is extremely complicated but conflicted. nobody has ever seen this before. >> both sides argued in front of judge merchan yesterday what should or should not be in those final jury instructions. merchan says he plans on having a final draft of those jury instructions sometime tomorrow. both sides will have a chance to rebuttal those instructions but not in person but a written filing. closing arguments on tuesday next week jury deliberations as
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early as wednesday. tomorrow the former president is set to have a campaign event with thousands in bronx. >> harris: that will be really interesting. wonder if biden is watching. he will be. bryan llenas, thank you very much. mark is a criminal defense attorney. i want to start with where we were just a few days ago. there was an option not to put on anybody else and just close this case out and the defense could have done it that way. why do you think they didn't? >> they have concerns. they have concerns that this lying cohen might be believed by this jury so they figure we have to call somebody to counter that. i said they should have rested. you lose the opportunity to argue to the jury that we didn't need to call any witnesses because they didn't prove their case. now jurors are going they called 20 witnesses, they called two and start to judge the cases.
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>> harris: that takes us right into what you think we'll see in the closing arguments. that is something we won't see. we won't see the defense say we didn't need to do anything. >> you don't get to make that argument. you still say it comes down to credibility. there is no way if your doctor made you feel the same way cohen did and the doctor said you needed risky brain surgery would you want a second opinion? that's reasonable done. >> harris: what about the prosecution? what are they working with now? we can't think that play-by-play is the same outside that courtroom as it is for those 12 jurors. maybe it seems obvious, mark, to everybody there is no there there and they brought it up and no crime there. a lot of things the defense can play with in this. the prosecution is not completely handcuffed. >> correct. they'll say cohen has lied in the past but he came in front of you and he was being -- i can't
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say this and make the argument because i don't believe it. they will say or try to put on a former prosecutor hat and say he was telling the truth. if you believe him, the other evidence supports it. i can't make the argument but they'll try. >> harris: if you lie about one thing you lie about all. >> it's in the jury instruction and they can disregard his entire testimony. assuming they didn't believe what he said. the whole pronoun game. how did he interfere with the election? what is that other crime? interference and -- i don't know. it better be in the jury instruction. >> harris: fani willis won her democratic primary to keep her seat in georgia. she is prosecuting president trump and 18 co-defendants for election interference in georgia. some have pled. not everybody is involved in the case but that's how it started
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with 19 of them, including trump. earlier this year a judge ruled that fani willis could stay on the case if she kicked off her prosecutorial paramour nathan wade, married at the time when they were having a little side hustle. wade did just that. he stepped aside. an appeals court agreed to hear an appeal by former president trump which could stall the trial beyond the november election. here is fani willis loving life at the victory party. >> everyone is entitled to some dignity and it's a message, there is no one above the law in this country nor is there anyone beneath it. we are going to celebrate. we are going to party. the d.a. is drink is drinking grey goose in case anybody wondered. >> harris: she said it in court, too. i don't know, grey goose, get a
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little piece of that. come on. she is representing you now. also last night a very, very happy nathan wade showed up. i mean, when your ex comes to the party, is he an ex? some people there were reportedly shocked when nathan wade walked in. were you? >> no. listen, if you told me she was getting sponsored by grey goose i wouldn't be surprised and the fact that she tells us she will be drinking vodka. she left a lot out. chilled, room temperature? we have a right to know. no, we do. in all seriousness, listen. she does a great impression of somebody who has an agenda and we know most prosecutors do because they are elected officials. just do a better job at hiding your disdain for certain people. >> harris: interesting. and does she get to stay on this case? >> legally yes. certainly the image of im pro pry tee is there. >> harris: does this speed the case up now? will it still be delayed?
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>> it depends on what the appellate court does. >> harris: what do you think they'll do? >> i think they will let it go and move this case along. >> harris: wow, okay. mark, thank you very much. somebody call grey goose. a judge making a decision over the fate of one of america's most famous homes. elvis presley's graceland, the family's fight to stop the sale. republican senators are getting tough on democrats who plan to propose a border bill tomorrow. >> chuck schumer is talking about a border security bill that does nothing to secure the border. it will actually make the border crisis worse but what it does do is it gives democrats an opportunity to say look, we care about the border even thief they are doing the opposite of securing the border. >> harris: sounds like a gimmick, political stunt to help democrats win in november. tennessee senator marsha blackburn in "focus" fresh off an immigration press conference. that is wrapped up and she is
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>> harris: the legal battle is heating up over graceland. a judge has decided to spare the
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historic home from an auction that was set to happen tomorrow. so he stepped in today, that judge. presley's family is suing to stop the sale for good. dana marie mcnicholl reporting for us outside grassland. >> that hearing you were speaking about lasted 10 minutes. the judge ordered a pause on the foreclosure sale of graceland. although the scheduled live auction is canceled tomorrow. legal proceedings will continue. the judge did say in that hearing that because graceland is considered unique and a matter of public interest, this civil case needs more time for both parties involved to look at the evidence and facts. the presley family says it is fraudulent by a company who claimed they loaned 3.8 million to lisa.
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elvis's granddaughter is suing to stop the planned foreclosure of graceland alleging the company involved doesn't actually exist. she did not borrow that money and the documents including her mother's signature are fraudulent and also adds that even the notary public who signed the documents denied ever taking part. the investment company doesn't have a website or even a working phone number. >> it surprises me to see someone attempt to move forward with something on this magnitude with a document that appears so blatantly fraudulent on its face. >> elvis bought the mansion in 1957 for $102 thousand and draws over 6 hundred thousand visitors from around the world each year. they estimate the graceland property brings in $(1) 000-0000 a year for the presley family. it is unclear what the next steps are. the judge did not set a date for the next hearing. we know this case is not dismissed.
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we'll keep an eye on any documents filed later today. >> harris: thank you very much. republican lawmakers are furious over democrats' renewed effort to pass a border bill that already failed earlier this year. majority leader chuck schumer is set to tee up that test vote tomorrow. feel like politics, smell like politics? it is. washington examner argued what is this legislative theater for? why waste the senate's time? it is being done simply because schumer wants to stay majority leader and believes the vote can help him. all of that is a quote. republicans say the move is about one thing. >> this is a political stunt. >> democrats are desperately trying to deflect the blame for the damage that has been caused to our country as a result of our wide open southern border. >> mr. president, you caused this problem. i think it is safe to say going into a border bill right now is just a gimmick.
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>> too little too late. he should have taken executive action a long, long time ago. >> harris: homeland security mayorkas has expressed the urgency of passing the bill and defended the white house on its response to the border crisis. >> that bipartisan senate bill would deliver for us changes to 30 year old laws that are incredibly needed. we're dealing with a terrifically broken asylum system. >> we're 3 1/2 years into a crisis and only now are they starting to take these executive actions. >> that's not accurate. we've been enforcing the law from day one despite the political rhetoric. >> harris: senator marsha blackburn in "focus" now. you just wrapped up a news conference. the headline from that, first of all. >> we pointed out this is a political stunt. you have chuck schumer doing
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this because they are hurting. they know that the open border is the number one issue with the american people. the american people are living this, harris, every town is a border town. every state a border state. the drugs, the fentanyl, the deaths. you have the crime, you have gangs, you have human trafficking, sex trafficking. people are seeing this in their communities, on their streets and they are saying we have had it. well, this administration, joe biden started on day one, he did 94 executive orders in his first 100 days reversing president donald trump's border policy, which gave us the most secure border that we have had in decades. the american people are living this border issue in their communities. they know there is dhs secretary mayorkas who cannot tell you
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this country is secure. he doesn't believe in secure borders. he will not answer a question. people know there are hundreds of terrorists. there are thousands of people from communities of interest. there are tens of thousands of chinese mainly young adult single males that have flooded in this country, 10 million people. a population bigger than 38 of our states. it is out of control. our country is suffering. the democrats are finally having to admit it. this is a stunt. it is too little too late. and we are calling chuck schumer's hand on this issue. >> harris: a california republican lawmaker was cut off by leadership. i'm certain you saw this. and his microphone shut off when he tried to force a vote on a bill on ending sanctuary
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protections for certain illegal immigrants. let's watch that together, senator. >> i move to suspend the rules and invoke the california constitution to withdraw assembly bill 2641 which will end sanctuary state protections. >> stop, stop, stop. you went beyond making a motion and you started to go into debate. you can make the motion but you cannot talk about the motion will be non-deable >> harris: he says they really feel they can do whatever they want and nothing anyone can do. they don't care. senator. >> they don't care. that assemblyman has it exactly right. they don't care. what this is all about is repopulating these big blue cities and blue states that have lost population. california lost 770,000 people last year. they are worried that they are going to lose representation in congress.
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these congressional seats. they are worried they are going to lose elections because people have figured out these open border policies and the way they approach immigration is not fair, it is not lawful. it is not right. so they are now scrambling. the american people are looking at it as a scramble. >> harris: i have to ask this. the president first of all said i don't have the power to do anything. even though you mentioned all he has to do is flip the switch on some of trump's policies and put back in place things have work. he has the power of the pen to do that. then he said he was going to force a shutdown of the border if it got up to 4,000 people crossing. and then he didn't do that. then now he said he is going to do it again and he is not going to do it because democrats will put this bill up. biden, does he have a plan? could he do anything? would it make a difference? >> he has all the authority he needs to close that border. he could never have opened the
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border. he could have kept president trump's policy. they didn't want to do that. they are intentionally opening the border. it is damaging, it is dangerous. we know that people who do not wish us well are coming into this country. people from 170 different countries. and we are seeing the effects. the fentanyl, the drugs, the human trafficking, the sex trafficking, the gangs. harris, people can see it. they are living it and they do not believe what joe biden or chuck schumer or mayorkas tell them. >> harris: it puts so much pressure on law enforcement. as you say it is crippling for every state and we know not every state is keeping up with the numbers of law enforcement because of the democrats' move to defund. senator, thank you so much. we have a bit of breaking news coming. grateful for your time coming out of that conference. breaking news now. house ways and means committee
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voted to release documents related to hunter biden's closed door deposition from february. the committee says the documents show hunter biden lied to congress. those documents are expected to be released shortly. so if we get them, we will share them. they are expected to be released shortly. he lied to congress. hunter biden. and what will this mean for any other cases against him? this is congress taking a look at him. and that would be something that would be punishable. does that flow into any other cases against him? like the gun case? all of it. we'll get into it. next "outnumbered." thank you for watching "the faulkner focus."
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