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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 22, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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there were a lot of moments where i was shocked and emotional. that was one of them. i am so proud of him and i am so proud to have touched part of that that becomes our family's legacy now so thank you so much. i am excited for people to watch it on fox nation, please go. tomorrow i'll be in washington, d.c., and sit down with house speaker mike johnson. it will be our first sit down together and i am so anxious to talk to him. i use the word anxious because this portobello's a big deal. the house had one, hr 2 i want to know what it feels like as a republican to go up against this democrat machine on an issue they really can't win on and i have so many other questions. so watch the faulkner focus tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. eastern for my sit down with house speaker mike johnson and much more. thank you for watching "outnumbered" "america reports" now. >> john: harris thank you in
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breaking a short time ago the house means committee says it has brand-new evidence that the president's son hunter biden lied to congress repeatedly during his most recent testimony. bombshell to start us off midweek on john roberts in washington good to spend it with you. >> i'm aishah hasnie here for sandra today this is breaking right now, john the committee's chairman jason smith says the president's son lied three different times when he testified behind closed doors back in february. >> john: he says that is all according to documents provided by irs whistle-blowers. part of the ways and means committee, we have chad live on capitol hill and chad come what did hunter allegedly lie about? >> john, good afternoon, mainly how he may have been in peddling influence. it took a lot to get hunter biden to take questions from congressional investigators over the winter on this but the
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g.o.p. alleges he did not tell the truth when he did appear, listen. >> hunter biden lied three times to congressional investigators which is a crime. and he did it to conceal the fact his family was profiting millions of dollars from communist chinese or ukrainian companies to line their own pockets. >> there are three main areas where the panel takes issue with hunter's answers. republican say hunter mischaracterized his role with the buying related to firm rosemont seneca. in particular the g.o.p. says hunter controlled a certain accounts there that he testified he did not. secondly hunter may have helped a foreign national get a visa but in fact he had. the committee says there are emails from devon archer which prove otherwise. archer was the business partner of hunter biden. and finally hunter biden says he spoke with a raymond zhao in the
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deposition hunter says he sent a text to the wrong zhao when he is on drugs but it shows that he spoke to zhao who is going to a major chinese energy company. jason smith says these prove he does not have a vendetta against hunter. smith also says the doj prosecuted other cases when witnesses lied to congress. john? >> john: chad pergram with the latest on that. chad, thank you so much. >> aishah: full house lawmakers will get a chance to press dr. anthony fauci's right-hand man after an investigation revealed that he once bragged about how to make emails related to the covid pandemic "disappear" dr. david moran's accused of deliberately obstructing the subcommittee's investigations the origin of the virus to project wow protect his longtime colleague. we will speak with the head of the congressman brad wenstrup
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took before this high-stakes hearing is underway will get reaction from kentucky senator rand paul who is now demanding biden's doj step this matter but first to senior national correspondent rich edson live on capitol hill, rich, the committee has just released more information showing moran's tried to hide emails from the public. >> good afternoon, aisha, that's right. the committee has emails showing moran's was pretty confident you could hide those from the public and most medications are now public. moran's in a email he sent in april of 21 to the president of equal health alliance writes "i can either send stuff to tony on his private gmail or handed to him at work or at his house. he is too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble." the select subcommittee subpoenaed him formerly a top advisor to dr. anthony fauci on the allergies and infectious
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diseases to appear at a hearing this afternoon's scheduled for 3:30. to help restore government funding to equal health alliance after the trump administration suspended it. equal health was spending government grant money on experiments at the wuhan institute of virology. in another email later that year morens writes "mine was a race long ago i verified that today and i feel pretty sure toni's was too. the best way to avoid foya hassles is to delete all emails when you learn a subject is getting sensitive. that's a law that entitles them public to see the government's records. a committee aide says morens has no opening statement for today's hearing, there is no expectation you will give one. fauci is scheduled to testify next week, designate testified a few weeks ago, then last week the department of health and human services suspended his nonprofit equal health alliance from receiving more government money largely for failing to monitor experiments in china and report informationo
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the government. today hhs revealed it has begun the same process against dazzak from getting in a government grants going forward back to you. speech 11 capital thanks, rich. >> john: and the hunter biden news let's bring an ohio republican congressman brad wenstrup the chairman of the select committee on the coronavirus, we will get to that in just a second, congressman, but first of all i want your thoughts on hunter biden let me put it on the screen. this is what the committee chairman is accusing him of lying of. when he said i sent a text to the wrong zhao. line number two neither of these accounts companies were rosemont accounts, were under hunter's control apparently there is contradictory evidence to that and line number three i would never pick up the phone and call anybody for no reason. contradictory evidence of that as well. what do you believe, congressman, needs to happen there? >> i think you have to present the contradictory evidence, right? and that's what we decided to do today in the department of
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justice now has a responsibility which they have taken on before with other people who have lied to congress. that is an offense and if people are allowed to lie to congress we have a real problem within our government. is so we need to have this process moved forward to look into it more completely to take the evidence in mind and decide whether hunter biden lied to congress or not. >> john: as part of this are you making a criminal referral to the doj? >> essentially that's what it is. it is a crime to lie to congress. it's actually a felony. and so doj now has the responsibility of looking into this and deciding where they want to take it from there. and i hope they see it all the way to fruition. >> john: let's talk about the big hearing this afternoon. the committee on the covid pandemic which you chair, dr dr. david morens will be a key witness here. you have evidence that he has bragged about the ability to cover up smoking gun emails and keep them away from foia
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inquiries. hit listen to he said. >> i learned from our foia lady here how to make emails disappear. after foia but before the search starts. so i think we are all safe. plus i deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to gmail. we are all smart enough to know to never have smoking guns. and if we did, we wouldn't put them in emails. and if we found them, we would delete them. >> john: congresswoman nicole says morens lied to congress which seems to be an epidemic of that today. what to say about this and what do you want to hear from him? >> i will tell you we had a transcribed dinner with dr. morens and a lot of this started with what jamie coomer was talking about which is where he went out and said hey, put things on my gmail so that i
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don't get foiaed. but we got is gmail's too and there's a lot of contradictions, john where he says one thing in the transcribed interview but the documents they otherwise. i mean, for example, he said in the transcribed interview that he never discussed the eco-health alliance or the wia peak, the wuhan institute of virology with dr. fauci but he did. he also said he never spoke about official things on his gmail, just friendly things, he actually did do that. he also said he did not help dr. desert try to get his grant reinstated after the trumped demonstration put a pause on it but he actually did. all of this going on after the pandemic in a time where we should be focusing laser focused on curators and a better path forward. instead it's all about covering up actions that were taking place within the institution. the question is did dr. fauci know about this? did dr. collins know about this? we really need to get to the answers to all of that.
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>> john: i want to read one of the emails that the subcommittee obtained really quickly, dr. warren's to peter as you know i always make it on gmail because my nih email is foia-80 causally. don't worry send it to any of my addresses and i will delete anything i don't want to see in "the new york times." sounds like a bit of a smoking gun there. another big issue too come earlier this year this year anthony fauci suggested that the 6-foot distance and guidelines for covid sort of just appeared. apparently the nih director francis collins was saying the same thing and just released testimony to the committee. the question "do you recall recall evidence that supported " i do not. is it that i don't recall or i don't see any evidence supporting 60? >> i did not see evidence but i'm not sure i would've been shown evidence at that point. question since then it's been an awfully large topic. have you seen any evidence since then supporting 6 feet?
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collins: no. it looks like the nhs w making this up as they went along how much of this damages the nih's credit ability? >> that's the thing if you can't be open and honest about these things of the very beginning and you make a don't bump and say this so it sh to this is what we should do, they would do a large revamping and public health that will be regained again. don't we found out? i will tell you who suggested to 6 feet the teachers union. the teachers union was telling the biden administration they wanted 60. that's interesting they had no signs find it either but that would've made it impossible for them to open up their classes. one of the things that they said in their internal notes was we need a trigger to close the schools. so there you have it, put it all together and you see who is making decisions today. >> john: so many school districts said they cannot comply with the 6-foot distance and guidelines so they stayed close.
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congressman, thank you for joining us. we will look forward to what there is to offer later on this afternoon, appreciated. >> thank you. >> john: now this. >> oh, wow. i just hit something that is the house. >> wow. does not look real but that is deadly tornado sweeping across iowa leaving some communities they're just unrecognizable. we are going to take you there and show you the devastation. >> john: plus the united states now appears to be on board with israel's planned invasion of rafah after the idf makes changes to the military plan but will that pressure only serve to embolden hamas. keith kellogg is here with some details on that sticker on. >> you are komatsu cl of this and how do you feel? appealed the united states has conditioned what israel can do against them. you view that as a victory. because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan
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>> wow! >> aishah: wow, take a look at that, leaving a wide path of discussion, though mike don't. within central parts of the state, greenfield has been hit hardest. yards are littered with debris from flattened homes. you can see it all over the place there. toppled the trees. we will have a live report from the ground coming up. >> john: that some but spectacular damage. israel reportedly scaling down plans for a major ground assault targeting hamas fighters in rafah addressing key concerns of the biden come administration. this is as distribution becomes increasingly difficult in gaza.
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keith kellogg standing by with his thoughts. pranks live in tel aviv and how big a problem is this, trey? >> hey, john, good afternoon. nearly 230 days into the war it distribution issues are making it nearly impossible to get supplies across the gaza strip. remember, that $320 million floating american peer is supposed to be providing much needed support to the palestinian people. it was built by the americans, it's now operating in the northern part of gaza, and since the project became active last week more than 569 tons of aid have been delivered to the shores of the strip. over the pentagon says that aid is sitting at a staging area due to distribution issues. right now new pathways for distribution are being explored by the u.s. and the u.n. >> there been discussions between the u.s., israel, united nations, as well as joint efforts to identify alternative
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routes for the safe movement of staff and cargo. >> the u.n.'s world food programme pushes back against that characterization saying that some of the aid was actually distributed but acknowledges most of it was intercepted by hungry civilians including 11 truck stopped on the way to warehouse this week. >> we came here with the hope that giving the american aid. we are waiting for american aid but we did not get anything. >> it's not just northern gaza suffering from logistics issues in the south that city over off of there is no aid distribution from the u.n. after they halted distribution following security concerns. john? >> try to live in tel aviv with the latest. >> joining us for more and all of this is general keith kellogg a fox news contributor, good friend of ours, thank you for joining us. there is a lot to get to when it comes to israel i wanted to start with this about-face from
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the biden administration. first they were warning for months he can't go into raw for there is 1.5 million people there. how are you going to do a full on invasion of rocco without killing a massive amount of people? now apparently they can. do so, what changed in the last several weeks here? >> thank you for having me. they are part of of the administration by pushing on israelis to go in hard and fast and to delay this operation being completed. now you are going and it's like you're going to go in anyways. what they should've done at the very start is telling the israelis you will have to go in hard and fast. we are eight months in this world which is way a too want to fight a war like that. part of it also is the israelis and the hostages and there has been no proof of life. i said that months ago i know it sounds hard and it's a callous statement but you can't think about the hostages first. you have to think of eradicating
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hamas as a terrorist organization. you can't get everyone of them and they haven't done that. >> john: this is a cease-fire agreement that they agree to and 35 hostages they agreed to release, number of them were dead. we don't know how many were. israel is vowing to eradicate hamas. biden supports that principle but listen to what an official of the state department said about it listen here. >> i think in some respects we are struggling over. >> john, they should've defined that early on. what is are we going to achieve? what does victor look like?
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the israelis really haven't on that as well and that's what we have caution about and fight like this better explain what it will look like at the end because it will happen to me at with some moss if they eradicate the leadership that's where we want to go. get rid of yahya sinwar but you can curate of every civil terrorist out there. what does the interstate look like because when they get done with rafah really all it is is the end of the beginning but the next up is okay. what is it going to look like what were the west bank look like? this a administration biden and netanyahu don't really see eye to much at all. in talking and thinking about this you will see prep stomach problems like this arise. >> aishah: on that note some other news made this week will it look like on three different countries european countries that came out we now recognize palestinian state i think of
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spain, ireland, and norway. pretty big deal here. when you think about what netanyahu actually said today i believe we have it up on the screen the intention of several european countries to unde recoe a palestinian state as a reward for terrorism and he went on to say if this happened this would be a terrorist state what do they have that? speak i think that's a big mistake because you have to add turkey that recognize them earlier. when you have nato nations recognizing palestinian state this will cause friction within nato. i don't think you want to go there. here's what i wish they would've done. want you to just hold until the end of the nato summit in the united states until the end of july of what it really means? the israelis will not accept palestinian state today. they just won't. how do you work your way through it. what kind of plan do you want to have but i think it's right, biden should have told nato or berg or whoever hey, look you
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have to hold off on this tell those nations this will cause friction or a fracture point within nato. i think that's where you're headed and it's not a good sign. >> john: the same time all of this is happening quietly talks are continuing with saudi arabia with israel. they appear to be getting closer to that goal. so do we expect that iran is going to pull the trigger on another massive operation like it did on october 7th? >> i think with the saudis they're playing a little bit more of a game here because he's pretty smart and i think it all comes down to recognizing the palestinian state. that's one of the conditions the saudis have. israelis are not going to go there. it's pushing back on us and we know jake sullivan of national security was there and before that it was blinking. and there is a near term i don't think they are there yet they aren't even close. >> aishah: more to come i imagine general keith kellogg thank you for joining us in studio.
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>> john: always good to see you and now this. >> i was vice president things are kind of bad during the pandemic. i'm humbled to receive this organization. >> john: a live look at the white house briefing just getting underway as question swirl of president biden's mental acuity in the white house correcting official transcripts which are supposed to be verbatim of what the president said, not what he was supposed to have said. joe concha brings down how big an issue this is going to be in the 2024 campaign kicks into high gear. >> aishah: plus this, hunter biden already about to be the defendant in two criminal trials now facing allegations that he lied to a house panel under oath. the chairman of that committee, jason smith, will give us all the details coming up. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad.
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help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up.
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>> aishah: here is a live look now at the white house press briefing where things are getting underway, national security advisor jake sullivan up there right now and after
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that karine jean-pierre likely to get plenty of questions today about president biden's recent mental lapse that you could say prompting the white house to issue nine corrections. nine corrections to a speech he made just this week end. fox team coverage continues joe concha is on deck to react to biden's latest gaps but peter doocy live at the white house, how exactly does the white house correct the b boss? >> quietly. it something that happens on the stenographers update their transcripts to include words that they think he meant as opposed to what he said that you can see here. >> and when i was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic. i'm humbled to receive this organization. it truly inspires me saving millions of families $800,000 a year in premium. we are cracking down on corporate landlords to keep rents down. >> the most recent fox news poll
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shows that biden has the mental soundness to serve which is nine points less than trump which is nearly four months and the last time that president biden was confronted with a special counsel's assessment of his mental acuity. >> president biden something this special counsel said in his report that one of the reasons you are not charges because in his description you are a "well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory." >> i am well-meaning and i am an elderly man and i know what i'm doing evan president to get this country back on its feet i don't need his recommendations. >> how is your memory and can you continue as president question marks become a member is so bad i let you speak. >> sometimes he gets upset about his acuity, sometimes he makes jokes about it but it is an ever present issue the campaign is having a hard time dealing with. are you sure? >> aishah: has a republican still waiting for that audio of that interview. we will see if we ever get it.
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peter doocy live for the white house, thank you. >> john: let's bring fox news contributor joe concha and i want to bring the nine corrections that were made in the transcript. this is how they appeared in the transcript. it wasn't a red line it was actually just a strikethrough line. biden said things were kind of bad during the pandemic and he met recession. cracking down on corporate landlords who keep rents down and it should be to. there are a couple of issues. remember when i was a white house correspondent during the minor change to a transcript and the white house press corps lost its mind. and then tony snow added a reference to gordon genre because he left the amount of remarks that he made the press corps lost its mind again. first of all there's a normalization of this it's happened 148 times according to "the daily caller" this year, no one says boo and then the fact that biden made nine mistakes in one speech off a teleprompter?
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>> wow, john. outside of jacqui heinrich and peter doocy who did a report on this we are not seen much from the white house press corps as far as calling this out and they have as you said 148 chances to do so. i mean this is a white house that has repeatedly changed transcripts after the fact for three years now. all while thinking we are either too dumb or stupid or lazy to notice. fortunately there is social media and especially twitter and x and publications like "the daily caller" and those of the great equalizer so now this is getting tons of attention online and rightly so. overall, john, we have seen the president now struggle mightily, we've seen him struggle outside of a teleprompter of course when he does not have scripted remarks but now with these nine instances, this is disturbing because they are mostly happening while he is reading a teleprompter. and it underscores what we are seeing and hearing what seems to be a daily basis in 2024. this is a president who appears to be rapidly deteriorating before our eyes and as many of us have experienced what some of our older relatives, these
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conditions don't reverse themselves. they only get worse. when this debate comes june 27, there will not be a script to help joe biden there, john. spewing also we are seeing historical record keeping organization deteriorate before our eyes because these white house transcripts are not with the president was supposed to say. these white house the lack white house transcripts are supposed to be historically accurate reflection of what the president actually did say. but the white house is not even trying to hide it, joe. >> no they are not and they keep getting caught and they don't seem to care because while we are talking about it and it's being talked about online like we said come where are the soaring editorials in "the new york times" or "the washington post" or "chicago tribune"? where is the outrage from anchors over on cnn or msnbc saying this is wrong, you can't just be changing these things and thinking no one will notice? so, again, getting back to this debate on june 27, john, if i am donald trump i would end every question i answer with a question for joe biden like hey,
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joe, what was the inflation rate when you took office. was at 9%? hey, did you handle the cold would pandemic when you were vice president because i'm pretty sure that have been four years later. hey, joe, how many terrorists on the fbi terror watch list since you took office because under trump just 14 crossed in the u.s. and according to customs and border protection, 367 terrorists have come in. so jake tapper is going -- biden questions about things he has lied about her just could not remember correctly donald trump should take it upon himself. >> john: what i first saw biden's got there i thought maybe he was talking about the 2009 sw swine flu pandemic but never in my wildest dreams did i ever think he was substituting pandemic for recession. and i want to talk to about this other big issue because before the cobo house subcommittee at 3:30 this afternoon, dr. dave modavid moran's when he avoided
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smoking gun emails being released listen here. >> i learned from our foia lady here how to make emails disappear. after i am foiaed but before the search starts. so i think we were all safe. plus i deleted most of the earlier emails after sending them to gmail. we are all smart enough to know to never have smoking guns. and if we did, we would not put them in emails. and if we found them, we would delete them. >> john: you know, joe, this is the nih. the government agency we are putting our faith and during kofi cockburn to steer us in the right direction and try to mitigate the pandemic and keep us safe. now we find it's a bunch of people who are trying to avoid the light of day basically making crap up as they go along and try to hide it muscle. >> crap is the word for sure.
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when dr. anthony fauci and andrew cuomo more a how the mighty have fallen when you think about all the lives that were destroyed, all the businesses that were lost, the millions dead, my kids basically out of school for a year and a half studying on ipads in kindergarten and second grade and now you see the test scores were so far behind 30-year low as far as our children are concerned and if we don't have the real truth on where this insidious virus came from we are bound to repeat this again. because if it came from a lab, then boy, that's the whole ball game as far as what dr. anthony fauci has been arguing for years it could not possibly have happened that way. now these emails, talk about smoking guns, i will be tuning in to this committee hearing. that is certainly for sure. do you know, i'm sorry i'm answering your question with a question will rand paul be asking some of the questions for that? because fellow trout you will be in serious trouble. >> john: no because of the house hearing and he is a senator.
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but senator rand paul will answer questions on this program and 23 minutes time, joe so you can stay tuned for that. >> there is your tease. they could, john. >> john: will also ask about the nih finally acknowledging they were funding gain-of-function research at the wuhan institute of virology. joe thank you so much i'll see you tomorrow on your radio show. >> thank you, john, looking forward to it. >> aishah: what a cell i will stick around for that, john. okay, jurors in new york which is trump criminal trial getting a long holiday break with closing arguments not expected until tuesday now, judge jeanine pirro tells us the extended time off is going to hurt or help the former president. >> john: and a border sector in california is dealing with a migrant surge it's the largest they have seen this century. that is where bill melugin is today, bill? >> john, this san diego border patrol sector is seeing the number one illegal crossings of anywhere on the southern border for the first time since the 1990s. coming up right after the break we are going to show you what we
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witness out here at 2:00 a.m. as men from all around the planet simply walked across our border. we will be right back. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. a year after a heart attack, mike's feeling like himself again. but even though time has passed, his risk of a second attack hasn't. mike is still living in the red. with a very high risk of another heart attack or stroke. he doesn't know with his risk factors his ldl-c (bad cholesterol) is still too high - the recommended level is below 55.
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spewing california's san diego order as the new immigration hot spot with major concerns, our fox news cameron carr many migrants entering the united states from countries that need additional betting. retired border patrol chief join us in a few moments but first to our bailment of magma lujan live in the hokum of california what jonathan all over this area there are gaps in the border wall just like this one where it abruptly ends and
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people are able to just stream in and walk around. the apparent fix here is somebody just decided to put a wood pallet down, zip tied it to some razor wire and hopes it would stop people. it's not working. take a look at this video. overnight 2:00 a.m. that exact same area we witness masses of men from all around the world crossing illegally here. most from asia and the middle east. very nonchalant looking for border patrol. many of these guys are special interest alien meaning they are coming from countries with potential security concerns and they are supposed to get additional dhs betting. there was not a single mexican national out here, john, take a listen to this. >> where you from what country? >> pakistan. >> pakistan question one >> india. >> turkey. okay. >> india. where you from? >> turkey. where you from? >> china. >> ecuador? where you from question mike >> india. >> india. >> india.
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>> india, india, india? >> india. >> all india? india. iran? iran? why did you come? >> no freedom. >> no freedom? >> iran is a dangerous country. no freedom for us for writing, forcing and, for thinking. >> take a look at this we met up with the local resident out here former u.s. military goes out and collect all of these discarded ids and passports these illegal immigrants drop as soon as they cross under this encumbered area. documents from china, from afghanistan, saudi arabia, from turkey, pakistan, you name it he has founded. many have been destroyed, burned, cut as these migrants try to destroy some of that paperwork in an effort to hide who they are and where they have been, take a listen. >> they are dropping the stuff on the ground. to come here and assume a new identity. it's a little bit scary.
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from my military background seeing the people coming across mail, male, male there all military age males people keep saying that and we have the proof right here. >> back out here live if you are like me you are wondering how the heck to people from china and the middle east arrive here at the san diego border? we have asked many of them using translator apps, a lot of them have told us they first fly into turkey than they fly in the mexico and then they take a bus to tijuana and they crossed somewhere in this area. send it back to you. >> john: i was going to ask you how that big group from india ever got there but you answered it. thank you so much we will see him again soon. >> aishah: unbelievable, john. let's bring in chris klem a retired border patrol chief for the yuma, arizona, sector. i don't know if you can hear bill's reporting but he was showing us all of these i.d. cards, passports, some of these people are just tossed aside sometimes they are damaged, sometimes they are burned. why do you think all of these young males are trying to hide
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their identities? >> good to see you, aishah, it's because this is a national security for it. they know they aren't supposed to be coming in the way they're coming in. they know they are illegal and doing everything they can because they've been instructed by the cartels by the smugglers by the organized criminal syndicates that are bringing them in here to get rid of this information. do not let the u.s. government have this information. it makes it that much more challenging for us. that way they can give a name and we are not going to have anything to run records checks on other than what they give us. if they've a passport or some kind of documentation, at least that is a start. that is a red flag right there when you have countries from all over the world showing up at our border crossing illegally and discarding their information to make it that much more difficult for our government agents you know what? we need to prosecute them, detain them indefinitely and figure this out. >> can i ask you point-blank, chris, because the homeland security secretary was on fox, neil cavuto and wouldn't really
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answer this question directly because neil kept asking him do you think are you able to keep us safe? are you able to make sure that people are coming across the border that you are able to keep us safe and he never gave a "yes" or "no" answer. he said they were doing the best they could. guy ask you point-blank, can the department of homeland security that any of these people coming across the border that are coming from special interests countries? does it have the capacity to do that when there are no databases to vet them against? >> they certainly are not going to do it when that it's mandated we have to release people within 72 hours if we are not charging them. they don't have the capacity to detain them at ice facilities so no, we can't do that. if we don't have them in custody long enough to detain them to run every check to figure out who they are to essentially interrogate them until we get that information. but we are overwhelmed at these
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facilities and it does not matter if it's the entire southwest or one sector alone. when most agents are under the gun to process and get them released this is where these problems happen and we see it in front of us. without the proper vetting, and without detaining these folks until we have decided we no longer feel they are a threat it's hard to say we can keep our country safe. i will tell you this, unequivocally i believe those out there will do everything they can to keep us safe but sometimes our hands are tied from policies coming out of washington. >> aishah: speaking of washington, 30 more seconds, chris, what to think of the take two of the senate portobello leader schumer says it's not politics but it's not going to pass. >> it's junk. it's junk there is nothing that senate bill that would stop what we are seeing they are bill's report but when you look 102-107 in the house bill that's been sitting there for a year that would secure the border and shut things down but the senate bill
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there is nothing good that will secure the border it's not about border security. >> chris klem thank you for joining us today. good to see you. >> you got it. >> you look at somebody right away you can kind of sum them up. we don't present as old. biden does i saw him yesterday making that speech. i mean, i'm sorry. he is cadaver like. >> john: cadaver making multiple mistakes and high-profile speech and that's not all. mary catherine hamel tell us why the white house was forced to issue nine corrections on a transcript and what it means for biden's were election campaign. >> plus a possible approve for elvis presley's graceland, the late-breaking developers coming out right now from memphis following today's foreclosure hearing more and that's redhead. more on that straight ahead.
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>> john: a tennessee judge blocking an effort to seize elvis presley's graceland and tell it at auction. dana marie mcnichol, is live at graceland and memphis would have been at today's court hearing? >> weil, drawn that hearing only lasted about 10 minutes. the judge quickly ordered a pause in the foreclosure sale of graceland but now the daily men fan is reporting they received an email early this morning that
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this on the investments are dropping that foreclosure claim. we are looking right now to confirm that information. now the attorney for elvis' granddaughter tells fox news he is going to wait to see how this all plays out in court. right now the court does say there are no official documents to back up those dropped claims. now the presley family says this sale is all part of a fraudulent scheme led by masson investments who claim it loaned lisa marie presley to $3.8 million and got graceland as a collateral. they said she du rate never repd before she died in 2023. there stopping the foreclosure alleging the company involved is not actually exist. lisa marie did not borrow that money and the documents including her mother's signature or fraudulent. she had seen the notary public who supposedly sign those documents denied ever taking part. meson investments doesn't even have a phone number.
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they bought the investment from $122,000 and has money a year for the presley family us for next steps it is unclear there is not a new date set for the hearing, they will keep an eye on many documents that may be violated today, john. >> dana marie mcnichol for us. thank you, aishah? speak to short time from now the covid-19 subcommittee can see one of dr. fauci's longtime advisor's right-hand man why they are accusing him of obstruction we will from senator rand paul who wants the to step in next. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one...
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>> john: on america's competition with our global adversaries.
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