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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 22, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> john: on america's competition with our global adversaries. with that we begin our number
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two i'm john roberts and washington. >> aishah: think of having me, john i'm aishah hasnie infra sandra smith say this is "america reports" round two for secretary blinken. on capitol hill after he got heckled by protesters yesterday watch. >> is a war criminal, he is a war criminal! 40,000 people the blood of where they've thousand palestinians is on his hands. >> john: one called him the "butcher of gaza" while republicans say he's parted over america's worst foreign policy disasters ever. >> aishah: gillian turner is live at the state department with all the latest. julian is he getting an easier time on the hill did a question mark >> so far, aishah, a little easier than yesterday. we have this hearing coming up now with the house foreign affairs committee that is likely to change that. secretary blinken is up there as you mention for round two of these hearings, lawmakers are demanding answers about the biden administration's foreign
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policy he got an earful about house appropriators and yesterday over in the senate take a listen. >> this is playing a very dangerous game with security and by extension our own national security. >> it seems like the world is on fire from the weakness of our administration. >> you've presided over the worst foreign policy disaster of modern times. >> blank in his for the most part playing defense on accusations in israel's self-defense. >> senator i was there seven times since and no one with president biden has done more to make sure they have what they need to defend themselves from hamas. >> aishah: he also faced intense criticism for offering condolences to iran in the wake of the death of president racey earlier in the week. >> it is something we have done
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many times in the past going back many demonstrations in many decades and normal course of business. >> i don't think should be a normal course of business i think it's shocking they would mourn the death of the butcher of iran. >> senator bl to my kids forth herein, we are hearing a long line of protesters already amassing outside the hearing room so we are expectin. aishah? >> aishah: it's become normal now, gillian turner live at the state department, thank you. >> john: house makers and the covid-19 house subcommittee are holding what can be a blockbuster hearing in the next hour. they will question dr. david moran morens who was once dr. anthony fauci's top advisor which showed that merchan bragged how to make the emails connected to the pandemic "disappear" after the freedom and information act. brad joined us in our last hour
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listen here. >> he went out and said put things on my gmail so i don't get foiaed. we got hiss too ended dr. fauci or dr. cohen's know about this? >> john: our next guest is calling for the doj to intervene. let's pray in republican kentucky senator rand paul, senator good to have you. i want to make sure we set this up properly. we just got a whole download of emails with dazak as well. once as i can send it to tony wood to be fauci or give it to him at his house he is also smart to let colleagues and himself that would cause trouble. another one to "mine is a race long ago i verified that today and i'm pretty sure toni's was too. the best way to avoid foia hassles is to delete all emails when you learn a subject is getting sensitive" you tweeted this out on the x on fridays at fauci flunky david morens must
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be prosecuted. what tradition he face? >> it's a felony to destroy records and a felony to destroy evidence. he has admitted in his emails he was destroying evidence and he says in all likelihood tony fauci was too. he is anthony fauci's michael cohen, he's the vix or. he is getting the information to tony that no one should seek, takes it in person. to sound like the mob or something. it doesn't sound like high-ranking sciences. he is taking information that can be shredded or destroyed to anthony fauci outside the system through email or in private delivery to his house. but it is a crime to destroy records commits a crime to destroy evidence. so i feel very certain that he should be prosecuted. i'm sending a letter to the department of justice. the question is will the department of justice act? and frankly if you are
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breastfeeding this in immunity if you will testify to what anthony fauci was doing since they found his work could find he is part of the whole conspiracy. >> john: with the nih and fauci have been denying for years that the nih funded gain-of-function research at wuhan was actually going on. listen to debbie lesko questioning the nh principal deputy director lawrence table listen here. >> did nih fund the gain-of-function research at the wuhan institute of virology through eco health? >> yes we did. research goes on in many labs around the country. it is not regulated. the reason it is not regulated as it poses no threat or harm to anybody. >> john: you believe that senator all along and now we finally learn it was true? >> not only that, we now have foiaed emails or rehab anthony fauci in his own words saying we
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know what goes on in wuhan is a gain of function which is why we are suspicious this virus originated there and was manipulated so everything he said in public and the abbasid and private. this is more than just some public individual not telling the truth come he is lying to cover up his involvement in the research in wuhan. the research went on for a decade. it was dangerous gain-of-function research and ultimately we believe the virus came from the lab and will be held culpable by history but you can't destroy evidence. you can't destroy emails. someone is going to go to jail for this. i believe david morens is guilty of destroying evidence but has also implement to tony and saying i think tony has done this as well. you also can't have a woman in charge of the computers, they name her, and they say she is the foia lady, she has taught them how to remove things. how to remove things and leave them. she is teaching them and they ask the acting director lawrence
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tailback from the nih is this standard nih policy and he says no. he is horrified by this. so the other big news today is two weeks ago eco-health which was doing this research with china was debarred. they can no longer get money. today they announced peter days zach he is the one with all of these emails from david lorenz. he will no longer get tax dollars was a good day for the taxpayer. >> john: let's play sherman and peabody in the wayback machine and go back to may 11th 2021. this exchange between you and dr. anthony fauci. >> you are feeling with mother nature here allowing super viruses to be created with a 15% mortality, it's very dangerous. >> we have not funded gain-of-function research on this virus in the wuhan institute of virology no matter how may times -- >> it was researched. >> john: you have morens here who you think should be
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prosecuted. we have tape back saying yes there was nih funding of the wuhan answers institute of virology and you have fauci saying it didn't happen. could there be potential charges for lying to congress heading fauci's way? >> without question because you also have the nih now finally admitting malfeasance. they will say no more money for eagle health and for the head of eagle health, peter daza for the cover up as the crime. everybody says watergate wasn't so much about the burglary but about the cover-up. this is extensive, nih has refused to give the documents i have been asking over two years for documents from nih it's a complete covered up. you have the foia lady, you have their person who was supposed to help you comply with policing and your emails teaching them how to cover up. that is in all likelihood a
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crime. what has to happen is we have to find a prosecutor who believes in justice to begin prosecuting this because my guess is the foia lady may tell the truth if she is asked to talk about david morens. david's 15 might ask to tell the truth if he is being prosecuted about anthony fauci. that they are all connected, they were all covering up, and they were all deleting evidence and deleting records. illegal and a felony. >> john: one other big issue in january i think it was a lot of big news with the 6-foot distancing things sort of appeared that's a direct quote. now we know from now that documents are released then nih director francis collins was telling congress the same thing with some of this exchange. do you recall science or evidence that supported the 6 feet distance? collins: i do not. question: is that i do not recall or i do not see any evidence supporting 6b? collins: i did not see evidence
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but i am not sure i would've been shown evidence at that time. question: since then it has been an awfully large topic. have you seen any evidence since then supporting 60? collins: no. this is the most vaunted health investigatory agency in the flipping planet and they are making this stuff up. >> and think about the consequences of this. schools could not open because they weren't big enough. they were talking about doubling and tripling the sizes of schools so they could be 6 feet apart. kids were kept home for a year because of the science of fall of the science of 6 feet apart. there was no science, they made it up. but it's one thing to make a public policy, but it's another to inflict it on the children of our country. staying at home for a year, two years, was an excusable and wrong and rot in comfortable damage on these young people and yet they all got away with it. worst even in these public
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pronouncements was francis collins saying in private to anthony fauci take these people down. take down these scientists that disagree with us. the scientists from harvard, from stanford that have a different opinion on how we should do public health policy, take them down. i mean, it really sounds like a mob hit. it sounds like the mob talking. they have secret channels. the emails about secret back channels. they have secret person like a career. how does al qaeda transmit their information? by courier. how does the nah to their transmission of information quest marked by personal courier snow can see the evidence of what was in the messages. this is unprecedented. and someone should go to jail. david moore ends right now has enough evidence to be indicted, the problem is we are relying on merrick garland whose feelings are still hurt because republicans did not like him enough to put them on the supreme court, but really are there no other prosecutors in the land who would step forward? and actually do their job?
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he needs to be questioned under oath, under indictment david morens does but so does the foia lady and tony fauci as there is evidence they were all working together to delete evidence. >> john: congressman when stroke told us they are basically issuing criminal referral to the doj on morens so we will see how this goes and we will see what this hearing has to hold beginning at 3:30. senator, always good to catch up with you, thanks for your time appreciate it. >> thank you. >> john: this is unbelievable isn't it? >> aishah: i want to hear from the foia lady as well at think she's the star witness let's bring her in and talk to her on capitol hill. can i say one thing really quickly? people knew all of this, it's the nail in the cough and now we have it in black and white. but when i was up in new york right after covid, people already knew some of the stuff. they were sniffing out. they knew this was not right. >> john: and at the time i remember i got pasted to the wall when i suggested something. at the time if you said anything that was in any way
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contradictory or even skeptical of what the government -- >> aishah: you were a crazy person. >> john: you were not spare you took a bunch of tin foil and put it on your head and communicated with martyrs. seriously and now we are discovering that a lot of the stuff that these so-called conspiracy theorists had to say was actually freaking true. >> aishah: the best part about covid's i think it made all of us a lot smarter and now we question everything. knowing investigate things before we do them. >> john: i think there's a lot too to uncover on vaccines. >> aishah: a live look outside los angeles courtroom here where lawyers for hunter biden are asking a judge to delay the start of his federal tax trial. and hunter are also facing knew trouble on capitol hill those report straight ahead. >> john: plus the jury instructions on donald trump's kernel case could be leased to lawyers as soon as tomorrow those instructions will prove pivotal in the outcome judge jeanine pirro cohost of the five is coming up next. >> some from the judge i must
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>> john: breaking moments ago out of texas members of the uvalde with a settlement in the same news conference with families also announce a lawsuit against nearly 100 state police officers involved in the botched response. the news two days before the two year anniversary of one of the deadliest school shootings in u.s. history. >> aishah: lawyers for hunter biden are asking a judge known in los angeles to delay his tax trial that is supposed to make next month facing charges on scheming to avoid paying over $1 million in taxes.
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david is live at l.a. courthouse now. david, there are two big hearings in federal court for hunter, what can you tell us? >> aishah, john, two big hearings for hunter biden on two separate coasts. one in wilmington, delaware, his home town on friday and one line los angeles federal court here behind me today. it began about 15 minutes or so ago. abbe lowell hunter biden's chief attorney is here hunter biden is not here. but also notably is kevin morris. critics call him the sugar bro that demanded that funded the legal defense and paid taxes back that is why he is here in the first place because of his failure to pay taxes or alleged failure to pay taxes. this is on the calendar to begin june 20th, abbe lowell will be back at least until september because his gun trial in bloomington delaware is beginning on june 3rd ending in
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mid-june and says he needs more time to prepare. hunter filed a motion helping the jury in california does not see the following according to the indictment instead of paying taxes hunter spent his money on women, clothing, health, and beauty products as taxes were eventually paid back as i mentioned with the help of kevin morris, the hollywood entertainment lawyer who spent several million in helping with legal bills and taxes. now there are reports that the money well is drying up with maurice and he is no longer cutting big checks to help hunter but he is in court today so we are going to ask him and see why he is here a bit later. also possibly plea deal will take shape in this case and the delaware gun case but after the failed plea deal they asked what would be weiss' incentive to do another plea deal and be ridiculed for congress and be criticized? the bottom line is it's possible if that during this clock ticks and hunter biden goes to two
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trials and has two verdicts under his belt potentially two guilty verdicts before he takes the stage at the national convention later in august. aishah? >> aishah: timing is open, david, they give a much. thank you very much. >> john: could make or break hush money case which could be handed down as soon as tomorrow. next tuesday, real treat for you now bringing in judge jeanine pirro cohost of "the five" for more on this. there are two crucial instructions hammered out on tuesday afternoon that merchan may give the jury that just because cohen played guilty over the stormy daniels nondisclosure agreement does not mean that trump did anything wrong. and then there was this proposed defense jury instruction if the payment to stormy daniels had been made in the absence of the candidacy, payment should not be treated as contribution. the prosecution really wanted to keep that out.
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where do you think we are heading into potential instructions? >> sure. what we are dealing with is the possibility that the jury may think well, you know, maybe the payment was made so that the public would not hear about it in the election. but what the judge has two charges if they want to believe that they have to believe it to the exclusion of every other reason. for example that they did not do it to protect his business, he did not do it to protect his wife, monia and the trump brand. that has to go the very softest language a judge can give on the defendant's behalf because look, i don't think anyone has ever heard any evidence that goes to the issue of whether or not donald trump falsified business records. i didn't hear any testimony like that. i don't think you heard testimony like that either. and then the second point in furthering of another crime in
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which we don't know what that crime is, the felony that brought the misdemeanor charges to life. we are talking about this reason to the exclusion of other reasons but look, here is something fundamental, john and aishah. the judge has incredible power to direct a verdict based upon instructions i believe this judge's instructions and we won't get a mental tomorrow or late today will be focused toward the prosecution and for a conviction. everything this judge has done from being on this case in the first instance because, remember, i was a new york judge just like merchan, we are supposed to be picked out of a role. they rolled the names and pick a name out. he was not picked like that. this is a judge who should have recused himself. everything about what he has done and the way he treated
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costello was something i have never seen in more than three decades and i've spoken to other judges and prosecutors. so you can fully expect those charges are going to be directed to the extent they can be two other prosecutions. i am concerned about the fact that if the jury does come back and they don't agree because they have not proved the essence of this case, if they don't agree is the judge going to push them and say keep going back, hit keep going back until they do agree? that is the way some judges get them to agree saying you can't leave until you agree. but they let him out yesterday. why? if it were my jury i would've said the night before. bring your toothbrush in a bag. we will call someone at home and say you are being sequestered, you not let go until this case is deliberated and a decision is made. the only thing is they will go back in the public, they will be influenced by new yorkers,
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proportionately don't like donald trump and a chance to get everybody in their head and in the meantime they will forget important testimony. that will go into the jury room like eight days later having heard that last witness and what about the witnesses four weeks ahead of time? this whole thing was created to keep trump in a courtroom. it is an embarrassment. not only for the d.a.'s office but for judges in new york who are familiar with this. >> that's what i was going to ask if that five-day break was a bad idea and it sounds like that for the defense. >> it's horrible. >> aishah: let me ask you about the jury. we've talked with us before i think two lawyers on the story so how hopeful could they be if there is this back and forth on instructions? >> i think the lawyers will be very helpful. i think the lawyers will recognize that if the judge gives this oversimplification look, did he know about it or was a for the benefit of his
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campaign then they have proven that. if you believe it then has to be guilty. i think the lawyers are going to understand it is more nuanced than that. they are not criminal lawyers, my understanding is they are civil, they will look for a little more than the crossing over that this judge has given. so it appears he has given in the instructions. look, that charge meeting that was yesterday no idea what the charge will be. make no mistake, they will ask questions because there'll be some disagreement. there is no way this jury is convinced and all in agreement right now as to the prosecution. >> john: it's wonderful to spend time with you and we will see you this afternoon on the five. >> aishah: john, stunning footage from iowa. maza we are on the ground in one of the hardest hit towns.
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>> the white house issues nine, count them, nine corrections for one single biden speech is this a slip of the tongue or something more? what about the accurate record? columnist met mary catherine hamm shares her thoughts coming up.
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>> aishah: president biden's mental fitness being called into question again after they had issued nine corrections to an ncaa p speech at one point he claimed he was vice president during the pandemic. >> john: i want to put up on the screen we made this great graphic of the corrections that were in the official white house transcript. everyone is saying oh, my god, he made met nine mistakes during a teleprompter speech but i'm on the point where if that happened in the bush administration because they made one small correction and the press corps and the white house lost their collective flipping minds and
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tony snow added some intuit transcript some years later and they lost their flipping minds again but the white house thinks is okay and according to "the daily caller" they've done at 148 times. i'm sorry, i'm on my little soapbox here, this is an official historic record. you don't get the corrected. >> aishah: as you say there is a reason to be exercised about it and there is a reason the past has been exercised about in the past, interesting no one seems that mad at this very moment when it's biden, these are not small mistakes, right? when is that he was the vice president during the pandemic. i do feel like maybe that is something you should put on the old hand like 2009-2017 are the years i was vice president because they fit taken hits for this before during the robert her transcript released. on several occasions he forgets which year he was vice president. that seems like one you want to drill pretty hard on. as we move forward and he has to be on the campaign trail more and he has to be sometimes off a teleprompter more and more of
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this will happen. you can't both for the sake of history and the sake of the campaign change it while it's happening. >> that's the whole point this is happening while he is on a teleprompter and will soon be on a debate stage where he won't have a teleprompter and the white house can't do anything about any mistakes he makes then. this is bill maher the other day talking about what biden looks like, a cadaver, not a great situation. >> i saw them yesterday making that speech, i mean i'm sorry, he is cadaver like. >> his brandon scott, he is so great. >> here's what i said when i came back in september i said he should get out. because he just lost the faith of the people it's not fair. his action done a pretty good job, but i said he is going to be rude biden. >> we are in a visual age. a lot of what we read about somebody i saw him on capitol hill, didn't look great. >> he is elected president of united states so we expect the
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office to be cordial as possible but he does not look great or sound great and his brain is not great as joy behar said and talking to morrow's been so fun to watch go head-to-head with some of these people, the last thing she said is that she is afraid to tell things about joe biden and make the negative comments because it may be used by people to rationalize not voting for him. but a lot of people look at him and say these are very good reasons not to vote for him. that is irrational take on him. >> john: no one would mistake bill maher for a conservative although he does sound like he has serious concerns about biden because he believes that the way that biden is physically and mentally, all apologies, he doesn't think the democrats will win back the white house. >> i think they would l he would like them to win and that he is not the right person to do that and as a campaign says it's between the future of the country and democracy existing and not and this is the guy they put up it's not that convincing. >> john: right after he did
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the naacp speech he did an event in the rose garden for the hostages that are still being held in iran and he said this. about gaza. >> working around the clock to freely remain hostages as we have freed hostages already and here today is hirsch goldberg poland still he is not here with us but he is still being held by hamas. rachel and john are here with us, stand up, guys. >> john: i said he was in iran is actually in gaza so i made a mistake there but i didn't think he was here. i know he was somewhere over there. >> we all make small mistakes. of the small mistakes did not feed into this larger issue and the larger picture, he would not have a problem. by the way i keep waiting for president empathy that i've heard so much about to show up. instead he goes up there and for the first time mentions american hostages in gaza. he mentions the most famous one of them, famous because rachel come his mother, has gone in a global tour to advertise he is there to try to get some help and respect from people, and he
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says that hirsch goldberg poland is here with us, which is just a giant mistake. >> john: he did the same thing with the congressman woman who had been in the horrific car crash. >> if you follow that all you know hirsch goldberg poland is not back on. we wish he was come we pray he gets back home, but we know he is not if we've been following issue which leads me to wonder what he sadly have you been doing when he is saying i've been doing all i can? >> aishah: mary katherine ham thank you very much for joining us we appreciate it. >> john: oak chicago officials say some migrants are paying to be mugged? how that could help them secure a visa coming up. makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu.
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's fee on migrants are paying to become victims of crime. that's according to a federal
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indictment exposing how multiple chicago robberies were actually staged to help migrants to cheat the beaks of system. senior correspondent mike talbot's life in chicago on this. mike, this seems to be shades of jussie smollett. >> similar crime different motivation now it has to do with immigration. people are now paying for prearranged muggings because it could be moving them to the front of the line when it comes to immigration and temporary legal status. in the year 2,000, the u visa was created because illegal immigrants were helpless in the face of violent crime. they couldn't call a cop because they risk deportation. sometimes victims would walk, it would help them with aiding the pleas of the prosecution. best of intentions when scammers are exploiting it. a federal indictment charging six people with staged properties it dominic raab resentment falsely claiming they
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are crime victims. one staged robbery in july of 2023 was a buck town liquors and mn fired his weapon and the clerk at the liquor store was shot but he survived. an immigration attorney says aside from all the obvious risk with guns and faking crime immigrants who really are a victimized end up in line behind the frauds and they don't necessarily get the protection the law intended. the state of the u.s. immigration system is in flux and people are desperate. you see that, you see other types of immigration fraud being committed which eventually is going to hurt the real victims of crimes. >> there is a case in houston from last january in which a robbery with staged a bystander shot and killed, the man acting as the robber men who allegedly organize the fake robbery has been charged with murder. a person who acquired a u visa can stay in the u.s. three years and usually that's enough time to get a green card.
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john? >> john: mike for us in chicago thank you so much. i mean i've heard a lot of bizarre schemes, but i mean you pay to get beaten up so that you can talk about it? >> aishah: good observation, jussie smollett. >> john: how do people across the country will do it? i'm glad to authorities or bonded. >> the majority are good people not doing this. crazies out there. >> let's hope i still have faith in humanity. >> aishah: there could be more trouble here brewing for hunter biden's house or republican claim the president's son lied not once, not twice, three times during a congressional deposition. house means community jason smith joining us next with breaking details. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at uuu, this looks romantic. [bell sounds] welcome, i'm your host, jacob.
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you on parts of the state of iowa are devastated after a string of deadly tornadoes, the small town of greenfield nearly wiped out. after taking a direct hit which is where we find our fox weather correspondent max gordon. max, this looks really, really bad from the air. >> yeah, absolutely, john, and access to greenfield has been tightly controlled by iowa state patrol. they don't want people who don't live here all workers coming in and out so they say search and rescue operations are still ongoing but from where we stand about a mile outside of town,
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you can see some of the destruction and the destruction there is bad. among the dead and greenfield several people were also injured but we don't have exact numbers just yet. the hospital here a dear county memorial hospital was also damaged in the tornado. doctors and hospital staff worked to help the injured but because of the damage to the hospital patients needing for the cure had to be transferred to surrounding hospitals at one point the lumberyard had to be used as a triage site. now we talked to one resident and greenfield who said he ran to his basement as the sirens went off and heard a noise like a freight train. >> i didn't know if i was going to come back out of the house. i really didn't. because i mean i've heard this, and just it's scary at best. when the sirens go off, you try to find cover. speak of the tornado room greenfield was one of several that touched down in central and western iowa yesterday. the other person another person was killed by a super snowstorm
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in corning iowa. in prescott iowa a wind turbine was destroyed by the storm's video showing it toppled over and on fire. the national weather service also had teams on the ground surveying these storms. the preliminary report for the tornado that had greenfield at least nef three. john? >> the power of mother nation nothing to be trifled with. here though sirens can be had for cover. max, thank you and we give our best to everyone there. >> aishah: john house republicans essay john lied during deposition page jason smith is up next to tell us all the details.
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because the evidence you got today proved on three different occasions hunter biden lied to congress, back in his february 28th depositions. and that writer there is a felony crime. other individuals have been charged with lying to congress, the president's son should not be treated any differently. >> it here is what the three alleged lies are, line number 1, i send the text to the wrong
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zhao, number 2, noted that of these accounts were under hunter biden's control or affiliated with him. number 3, i would never call a phone through a visa. this is what democrats are saying about this congressman. >> might take it it was a political shot. seemed to be a low rain over the incredible reputation of the committee for purely political purposes. >> if they were misspoken stuff that was so small and trivial, i had nothing to do. >> they are just doing this to embarrass the president cut just entertainment. >> the suggestion from democrats is so far i have not produced a smoking gun, and all of the investigation on the hearing they will get him on ally, what you see? >> it we produced over 1500 pages from the two irs whistleblowers from the committee, and the evidence they have provided has been a proven ad every step of the way. they are the only ones that have been consistent in what they
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provided to us this time proves after they looked at hunter biden's public depositions from february 28th that, in fact, he lied three different times to congress to protect congressional investigations under the constitution. we need to make sure anybody who lies to congress is held accountable, and as we have documented on numerous examples from the irs whistleblowers, hunter biden lied to congress and there should be a criminal referral. >> chairman of courses is an election year and the democrats again was the republicans are playing politics here. a congressman told our produces not too long ago, this probe into the biden family, it could go well into 2025, especially if the president wins the election, president biden into the gop is able to keep the house. why do you foresee where this investigation goes from here? >> wall what nicole says, she's talking bout of the obstruction
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that of the biden administration has been putting forward every time we request any information in regards to this inquiry. that is why it is taking so long. the evidence that we have been provided, that has been the most substantial, have come from the two irs whistleblowers investigate hunter biden's tax evasion case. and they pointed out numerous examples on how biden's justice department helped stall their investigation. so that is why it is taking so long. we're just following the facts and see where they lead to be! but would be released today was evidence it was clear that hunter biden created a crime of lying to congress. >> on the point of evidence, is called number 1, line number 1, is a hundred biden's testimony was that zhao that in this assent to, the text message is not of the zhao that was connected to see efc, the chinese energy company be! the truth according to phone records of hunter biden's
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messages released by the committee today, the presidents on communicated with only one in zhao, raymond zhao in that exchange. and other one, of this as numbet at -- the associated bank accounts were not affiliated with me, the trees not only is a documentation of hunter biden was a beneficial boatman owner of the bank account, but of that committee has obtained a signed document were hunter biden affirms, i robert hunter biden hereby certify i am the duly elected qualified and acting secretary of rosemont deneka llc. there is also detail but at all think we had to get into it at this point. how solid are you on this and do using that of the doj would pursue it? >> all of the documents and we released today came from the irs was a blowers, with the documents they had from the investigation. for example,, when you talk about the rosemont sent a couple high denial that hunter biden
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said he was not the corporate secretary, we provided documentation that was the official record of hunter biden's paying he is in the corporate secretary and you signed it with his signature. that is just for one is that clear, away and lie. the other ones that are but he has heard about the whatsapp messages, and seated right here next to my father waiting for your response, try to shake chinese business associate will in fact, we want a farther and continued to look at all of the before and after whatsapp messages and is thought that it clearly leads to hunter biden's lying. >> chairman jason smith, speaking for joining us live on this latebreaking news, we appreciate your time. >> clearly something we will continue to follow. >> absolutely. thank you for joining us. >> always nice to spend time with you. particular in the middle of the week, looking forward to that long weekend. "the story" starts reino. [ ♪♪ ] >> martha: g


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