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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  May 22, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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rally in the bronx, in the south bronx, last time we saw a republican candidate for president of the united states and the south bronx, it was ronald reagan in 1980 and everybody remembers what happened after that. the awaited because that their candidate is flawed, he is fails he made in people and remember life was a lot better with donald trump and office. >> martha: already, we are breaking the news, i'm sorry we are short on time. i do want to talk to you more about his efforts on both side, is an people have a lot of questions about all of this with regards to voting after the election, all of this, love to continue that conversation. thank you so much. that is the story for this wednesday, what is always the story goes on. we are back here tomorrow at 3:00, your world is up next. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> we are right next to it. a while what! i just hit something! it had a house! >> neil: inaudible, a massive tornado obliterating the town of greenfield, iowa, three people are dedicated devastating storms also touched down in illinois. and wisconsin purex over this year that has been about 27 percent more tornadoes across the country then it's averaged. the rough weather apparently is not over yet. we got it! is a gordon in a green field where they are picking up the pieces and our meteorologist, potentially more nasty weather to come. welcome everybody, i'm neil cavuto, is go over to greenfield, iowa with the latest. >> it hello, i'm standing on the outskirts of greenfield, iowa.
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stated patrol limiting the number of people who can get into town for residents and people working on the cleanup efforts. from where we stand on the outskirts, you can see some of the damage behind me. absolute devastation here in greenfield, iowa. still unclear how many people were injured or how many people died here, though several deaths have been confirmed. the hospital here idea county memorial was also damaged in this tornado, doctors in the hospitals have working to help the injured in the aftermath of this tornado, because of the damage to the hospital, patients needing further care transferred to starting hospitals, at one point, the lumberyard had to be used as a triage site here. we talked to one resident here in greenfield was that he ran to his basement as sirens went off and he heard a noise like a freight train. >> i did not know if i was going to come back out of the house, i really didn't. i mean i've heard this, and it's a scary advanced.
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when the signs go off, you just try to find a cover. >> to the tornado in greenfield one of several that touched down in central and western iowa yesterday, one other person was killed by a super cell storm in iowa as well. in preston, iowa, a wind turbine destroyed by the storms video showing a toppled over and on fire, an idea of how strong the wind was yesterday. the national weather service has been on the ground, three teams trying to survey the damage cognitive tornado that ripped through greenfield was at least an ef three. >> neil: incredible, thank you u! is a gordon on that. maybe more of this to
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next system comes on through.
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with us today and tomorrow, you see places like little rock from dallas over towards alexandria as well. then a quick look ahead towards of those the weekend, the unofficial start to summer, people getting out on the road, potentially watching severe weather here across a big chunk of the middle of the country. this pattern does not break down at all, we will continue to see very active period of tornadoes and people will continue to be on guard. >> neil: thank you wreck, is always my friend u just ahead, the unofficial start of summer, more on that weekend, of course a time when a lot of people are taking to the roads, record numbers are going back to precovid-19 numbers as americans get out on the roads, but the president seeing what he can do to sort of ease of that pressure by opening up some energy reserves. hillary vaughn has more from capitol hill. >> hello, the president intentionally tied to this
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release -- time to those releases of the americans will enjoy lower gas prices while they enjoy their summer vacation, the white house saying about the move, "the biden hairs administration is taking action to lower gas prices, the sale of 1 million barrels of gasoline from the northeast gasoline supply reserve. this bills and other actions by president biden to lower gas and energy cause including historic releases from the petroleum reserve, high gas prices have been a big problem for president biden, the price of gas up more than 50 percent since he took office, the decision though to close the northeastern reserve as congress is doing. about her the president got to choose when they do it and they chose to do it now coincidently, months before election day. former president trump thinks that it biden is doing it to get a boost headed into november. >> mr. trump: from the northeast reserve, lowering the prices right before the election, prices are no higher
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than they have been in a long time, they are very high. and he is trying to stop that because it's not good for elections. >> it did when he reserves only does so much, the strategic petroleum reserve has been drained down to 20 year lows by joe biden to drop prices in the past but they pumped back up so it's not a permanent solution to it is becoming of a pluto problem for the president. you as oil and gas association tim stewart says it is a mistake to get word of this reserve "hurricane sandy and the colonial pipelines they were attack were difficult learning experiences that demonstrated the need for a modest reserve for the nose the east" to make it may potentially lower prices a few cents per gallon for a day or two. of that is the case, with gas of over 50 percent, lowering get a buy a few cents is really not going to put a dent in how people feel about that. >> neil: it really hasn't done much for the prices, in the
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meantime, fill flaunt -- header, thank you. following the markets really close oeuvres, fill, no real followed from tapping to this reserve, maybe takes awhile but what you think? >> you know, i think the bottom line is the amount of gasoline they will release will burn before you have breakfast tomorrow morning, okay q. mike it's a very small amount, and for the big picture to come out with his big conference, look away or doing to lower gasoline prices, it will have a short-term impact. neil as you know i have been watching the fox weather channel, yeah, very concerned about this upcoming hurricane season, some of the major predictors of hurricanes break to get 20 or more storms. we started playing with our strategic reserves, i was her teacher gasoline reserve, we have a problem, we will not be prepared and that will lead to potentially major gas -- price spikes when we can't afford it. >> neil: what happens then, obviously a global environment
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that is a fee to put it a number on, the ongoing war in the middle east, always doing harassed, design and navigator the area. and others. what are we in for? >> you know, i think we are in for the results of that bad energy policy. when you put band-aids on bigger issues when it comes to a shortage of production to meet future demand, one of the government gets involved with the market, we don't see a normal demand response. you know, because of the lower gasoline prices, maybe demand is all that strong, we won't produce as much, and then to the reserves run out, what he go to then? and he all right, there's nowhere to go. only the pain consumers will stop that and that means you get a price spike, they have slowed down that is fighting, we get into a recession, whatever we want to call it, you will feel it. >> neil: don't give away your
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eggs, i remember that. we both remember! let me ask you a little bit about when you cap a reserve of any sort, it is meant to be for dire emergency, this is uncomfortable for many people but not at dire emergency. >> no, it isn't. you remember when we were in school, we had a fire, in case of an emergency? big trouble when used to pull that i think i couldn't you? at the end of the day, the reason is because when you reacts, you release, you start messing with the market, releasing oil from the reserve, the market can't fix a problem. because in most cases when you have markets moving to the supply and demand a guide to the markets have a tendency of cooling-off demand when we need to add or increase production when we need to. and when the government keeps being messed with that system, we have a their ramifications along return, costing us more than the short term we get an
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relief. >> neil: oleh switch to washington right now. looking into covid-19 cover up, at least i think allegations, let's listen. >> a movie disturbed by other people who may be thrown under the bus and some of the statements you have made on your personal statements, and that you take accountability and don't lay blame on people -- it's very hard for us to get to the truth, maybe that's the way for me to say up. >> of, ma'am,, i'm here to answer all questions and tell you the truth, and a question when asked me i will do my best to answer it to the fullest of my knowledge. >> and where to close into the nih in the archives records and administration have taken to investigate these matters and i want to share my colleagues desire from expeditious completion of evaluation, an
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appropriate next steps to hold you accountable. but in the meantime, i want everybody to keep in mind that although republicans have tried to read into your e-mails for proof that federal officials somehow sparked the covid-19 pandemic, there is simply no evidence of it. there's critical distinction, as i have said in recent hearings, i will always support holding to federal grantees and public servants to the highest standards of professional integrity. but i worry that we are once again blurring the lines between professional misconduct and the separate question over the origins of covid-19. and i hope we do not conflate these issues and i think what you have done has significantly contributed to that. thank you and i yield back. >> i recognize the chairman of the committee from kentucky for five minutes.
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>> thank you mr. chairman. hearing from your boss about some of your e-mails and avoiding the freedom of information act, i'm sure as you have already testified that you are aware that deleting federal records is a crime. and as he have said, you previously testified he did not delete any federal records. but on february 24th 2020 when you wrote "i learned from our one-man lady how to make e-mails disappear before the search starts so i think we are all safe. at plus some of those early a month after sending them to gmail ". the next day february 252021 "i learned the checks last year from an old friend, large more who heads our full one-man office and also hates one-man". yes or no, is margin more the one-man lady you were referring atikameg soon as she was at the time, i believe she has retired
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since then. >> did the nih one-man office and struck you on how to delete e-mails or avoid one-man humic. >> no. >> on october 25th 2021 another scientist wrote, david is concerned about the privacy of text and other messages from his cell phone, to you and me because he has been using a government phone. this came from tony ". so did you ever have any conversations with doctor fauci regarding to using a personal phone e-mail to communicate with a doctor daszak max rude i don't remember, it's possible. >> he and i usually never talked about that kind of stuff, it would be unusual if it happened. >> january 18th he testified that you did not have any conversations with doctor fauci regarding raul ruiz -- ecohealth. exhibit fifth 2021 you wrote "peter from tony's recent comments to me, they are trying
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to protect you". you meaning to ecohealth and doctor daszak. did you ever have any conversations with doctor fauci regarding ecohealth? >> while the ones just mentioned to have no recollection -- >> no recollection? >> no. let me say what i do remember is one time in a face to face meeting you referred or alluded to some stuff that was in the press, argument think you said what it was but it was about i assumed it was about peter's grants and press reports about it. the ending of the grant. and is said to him sort of out of the blue, guessing what he was really thinking, i said to him, tony finau you would have never been involved in getting rid of that grant and he didn't respond, he sort of looked at me -- soon as a dr fauci was always a big defender of ecohealth and -- and their
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right to receive federal funding humic. >> i cannot speak for him, i think he had great respect for them and when the grand problems came about, i think he was troubled by it. i just, i just thought of something that i forgot to say. at some point, somebody, it may not have been tony but a few others, somebody said to me, peter's his own worst enemy because he made some mistakes on that grant. >> i would say that is a factual statement. february 21st 2021 he was a dr fauci is "too smart to let colleagues ending stuff that could cause trouble". when june 16th 2020-year-old "we are all sort enough to know to never have smoking guns and if we put them in e-mails and we found them we would delete them". did you ever have conversations with doctor fauci regarding the
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deleting e-mails,. >> i don't remember any such thing sue and i don't remember. >> no sir. tony and i don't have those kind of conversations. >> did you ever delete to any official records gimmick. >> not to my knowledge. we are as the issue of defining what is a federal record? i deleted a lot of e-mails, i do it every day but in my mind they are trivial things, not related to government business. >> in response to my questions, he said he agreed with every compliance action taken against a dr daszak and ecohealth. and over the past weeks post whoamak and doctor daszak had been suspended from receiving federal funding, finally, and proposed for debarment. do you a you -- do you agree with nih actions against ecohealth to ask you what i don't know the details, i never seen the grant, i can't really speak to that. i can say of known peter or mike
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for almost 20 years and in my personal opinion he is an honorable, decent -- >> have you had conversations with doctor daszak a part of this recent suspension? >> it not a conversation, i knew about it. he sent me an e-mail. >> as of the occurred over e-mail? you and doctor daszak communicated via e-mail about his disbarment humic as to should say gmail, he doesn't send, you sending nih stuff to my e-mail for a long time and it told him not to do that. and that's how this gmail thank started, he sent me in 2020, he send me a message, on my government nih e-mail and i forgot what it was, maybe i never knew what it was but eventually that e-mail was one-man. can i finish? -- foia.
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and peter contacted me, he said some friend you are, ascend you an e-mail of my personal stuff and it ends up into the new spirit. that really struck me, he was under death threats. >> i get it, it's just one less yes or no question, have you had any conversations with doctor daszak about this suspension a yes or no gimmicks who want the suspension? >> at a suspension, the disbarment. >> not conversations -- >> e-mail is a conversation. you have had a conversation via e-mail with doctor daszak. >> if you call a conversation yes. we did not talk about it, a just sent it to me. >> i yield back. 's who would recognize miss ross from north carolina for questions. >> thank you mr. chairman. dr. morens i take debate susie these allegations of misconduct and the unauthorized disposition
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of nih e-mail records calculated disregard for transparency obligations under foia end of the manner in which you conducted yourself including disparaging language towards others of differing persp perspectives. not only calling into question your judgement but also your character and on a larger scale, they inflict serious damage on public trust for the entire scientific enterprise. when you work for the federal government you're not just working for yourself, you're working for the people in your working with your colleagues. since the start of the pandemic hug you have seen a decline in to the public's confidence in his science and public health. one study conducted by the peel research centre found wutunee april 2020 and october 2023, the number of americans who reported
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that they had a great deal of trust and the scientists fell from -- fell by 16 percent from 39 percent, now 23 percent. and what perforations of misinformation about covid-19 has certainly fueled this a decline, one of the american public seas that one of the federal government's own the scientists was potentially trying to hide the work-related conversations from the public by using a personal e-mail, that will only lead to further distrust in our nation's scientific community. and, of this decline in the confidence of the scientific enterprise has rippled and has health effects that we are seeing even now. for example,, we have seen the effect of the distrust and assigns specifically within our vaccine records. a recent survey from the annenberg public policy centre
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found of the proportion of respondents who do not believe in vaccines that are approved in the united states doubled, from -- nearly doubled, 9 percent, now is 16 percent between april 2021 and the fall of 2023. and with new variants of the covid-19 letters, fewer and fewer people are getting their booster shots. as we hold today's hearings, the united states that the preface this wreck precipice of losing our at measles elimination status due to repeated outbreaks of the disease that have popped up across the country, from florida to ohio, to missouri, to california. this is especially concerning as 250,000 kindergartners nationwide have not received their updated measles immunization, leaving them unprotected from the deadly disease. that is not your fault but what
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i am saying is, on people don't trust scientists, they don't trust the science. so you have answered this question in another way, what do you agree that your conduct as a scientist working for the federal government betrayed the highest ethical standards that are expected of you and are expected to maintain the trust of the american people? >> well that is a several parts statement. let me answered by saying... i always thought of myself as an ethical person, it's important to me to tell the truth and do decent things, and that's why a go-ahead up to defend peter when he was under death threats. obviously, and i thought all of these things that were doing that were on my private e-mail, my private gmail, were outside of the domain of my official j job. but i've always made mistakes,
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of mixed of e-mails and gmail's, and that's caused me to do the things you mentioned, bring discredit on myself and on the government. i do not know what to say, i apologize, i wish i could take it back but it cannot. >> thank you. it is imperative for the american public addressed the scientific community in order to best protect our nation's public health. we're seeing in realtime the consequences one trust lands, as members of the saga subcommittee, is critically important that we work to rebuild that trust in public health and science! your actions have not help these efforts. thank you and i yield back. >> recognize dr miller meeks from iowa for five minutes. >> thank you mr. chairman, thank you a dr. morens for coming to the subcommittee this afternoon. i will just follow up for a
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question that you were asked by in reference to whether or not he received any funding or money in relationship to the amount of funding going to an equal -- ecohealth health grant. to expand, did you receive any gift of anything overvalue during that exchange from doctor daszak for ecohealth u a. >> i want to -- ben krikke, a scientist, i should not mention his name it does not matter. so the ecohealth people have their own private, it's a baseball cap, and i made a comment that that is a very cool hot, and he said i have an extra one, this one is old,'s and got some its all just give it to you -- a. >> as we think of a lot. dr. morens, i and it -- i can understand how difficult it is for you to be here. you had an illustrious career,
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you went to undergrad and medical school at a very procedures university, you are a dual board certified which is not an easy thing to do to have dual board certification as a public health servant and a captain in the public health service, you have been on the forefront on some very important diseases, other infectious diseases and autoimmune diseases such as arena syndrome, khl just briefly, how difficult is it to get to medical school especially in the seventies and eighties? >> i don't know. i was... >> it wasn't easy to get into medical school? >> it was never easy, particular facility like me. when applied to medical school, the only signs because they were had was ninth-grade a general biology. >> do know what alpha omega also is? soon i believe it is an honorary
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fraternity or society for medical students to an national medical honor society, is it easy to get into alpha omega alpha q. max rude i don't believe so soon is it a more procedures and the 30 or the fourth year? a. >> i do not know. >> do know what kilt is chemic. >> like a scottish kilt . >> yes. do you know what -- a roman garbutt is? such as roman soldiers wear, kind of like a skirt? soon i don't think i know that word. >> alamodome at 16 to put myself in medical school, is the last one in my university of texas in 1982, the last person by the third year i was 12 to out of 214 students alpha and make a alpha and a 38. i think married is externally important. it is a skirt, a kilt is a sk
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skirt. i do not think william wallace was any less at here in scotland because he wore a kilt, nor do anything roman soldiers were any less fears or strategic because they were a skirt. now although i have had differences, political and scientific differences, i have disagreed with her on infection immunity, i have disagreed with her on school closures, i disagreed with her on the lack of transparency of adverse outcomes of cap judgement covid-19 vaccines, and having a time understanding why in 2021 i would have expected it in medical school in the 1982, but why in 2021 and i can understand the embarrassment of having personal e-mails shaded but you were doing work-related stuff on your personal e-mails, that he would have commented in an e-mail, doctor fauci got her a job as cbc director for lobbying for her. while she does wear a skirt, upward a little cold water on
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her but he was undeterred in thinking that it she is a cads prodromal. let me just say, my that cats pajamas? do know how many women sit on the subcommittee? do know what it takes for any of these women to get into congress? because i find your comments to be disgusting. he had an illustrious career, an amazing contract to get to where you are, your trusted with one of the highest -- highest positions in government to comment public health crisis is and set of doing your job you're worried about avoiding foia and challenging some of his position because you happened to wear a skirt. the american people deserve a whole lot better in the public servants, we don't need to worry about your trying to avoid an foia or what the quality of the mattress is quite frankly sir. you should be ashamed of your character and embarrassed, i'm glad that you are, and should in fact apologize to congress and to our nation of with that i
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yield. >> i apologize to you and the committee. it is a misogynistic statement, same snarky joking stuff. let me say -- >> that is not a snarky joke, it is an underlying behavior that indicates how you approach a woman and how you think of wo woman, and it is disgusting. soon recognize mr. coolio from hawaii for five minutes we wouldn't want to to echo my colleague sentiment that your behavior, you must handling a federal -- records and -- are front to the taxpayers who contributions fond of this federal government. and to whom what we are accountable, and putting yourself, in addition, the cast a shadow on the legacy of the millions of federal workers that's over the public diligently day in and day out. let me be clear on this point, your troubling misconduct dr. morens is an anomaly, not the
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norm. it is essentially be held accountable for your misconduct so the american people can remain confident that a taxpayer dollars are being invested in a federal workforce that is committed to serving our nation responsibly, and with the care that it deserves. let me ask you dr. morens i do feel any remorse for the way in would you handled the federal records that have been reflected on the members of the federal workforce we have served alongside? >> i'm sorry i'm not sure i'm getting an echo here -- >> it do you feel any remorse for the handling of the federal records and how it has reflected on our federal workforce that serves alongside of you? and just as you have done by making them look bad by your actions? >> to the extent -- >> it do you feel sorry -- do you apologize chemic. >> yes, i do. >> it is a federal workforce in which you have not cast a shadow over? >> yes. >> he said that he will and flagged apologize for betraying
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your shared obligation of 70 megan taxpayer for the utmost respect of transparency and accountability that you led americans down, will you apologize that? >> i would not use the word betrayed, most of it was inadvertent, making poor choices and on understanding all of these rules and regulations, but betrayal suggests a conscious act and never did that. have great respect for the federal workforce, have been in federal government employment were 48 and second or years, with lots of awards and accolades in a never had a hint of scandal. >> are you saying you're proud of you behavior? some of the behave a here today in terms of comments he made, official or nonofficial the most, are you proud u is it up to the standards of the federal government and what taxpayers deserve? >> no i am not. >> so is it not of a child to the public, the one he took an
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old stew to uphold your actions and decisions chemic your comments? consider it a betrayal, we will agree to disagree. most disappointed dr. morens that somebody in your position has taken such a brazen approach to blurring the lines between you and your official duties in your personal communications as disgust by this panel, for example in your personal emo correspondence and getting your e-mail signatures, so this is not just unintentional, you identify yourself, and you frequently reference trance and correspondence from your official to your personal e-mail including discussing matters. in doing so you're blurring the lines between whether you are taking actions in your official capacity with a federal agency or in your individual because and see -- capacity presumed to your personal interests. dr. morens did you ever conduct governing his nose through your personal e-mail account? soon and not intentionally -- soon unintentionally or not, did you conduct government business?
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>> some of the e-mails i have seen do you provided to look pretty incriminating, i don't know what they are don't remember them by yes, it looks like i made a mistake and more than one occasion, is only was not my intention. >> mistake or nods and running out of time. you are admitting you did official government business or your personal e-mail? >> what is your definition -- >> from what you have today, would you consider that to be official government business for your personal accounts? >> i don't know. at have to look at all the e-mails. >> seems i can our discussion talking with you here, it sounds like you would agree with us that he have conducted government business or your personal accounts. that you ever misuse official resources to advance a personal interest or take contrary actions to the official policies or positions. >> i'm sighing getting feedback
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here. >> did you ever misuse official resources to advance at your personal interests or take action that were contrary to the official position? >> i am not sure i know what that means, soon did you misuse resources? >> i don't think so. >> did you ever take contrary opinions to niaad? >> contrary opinions? at. >> clearly we have some misconduct agency a bit similar to my colleagues i do believe you own an apology any have given one to the federal workforce but the bottom line is, all americans and taxpayers deserve an apology from you, the way you conducted yourself, both in professional matter of your personal correspondence as well. was that i yield back. >> recognize miss lesco's phone getting to the core of what new what about the origins of covid-19, but in the weeds here but whether doctor dr. morens,
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the senior advisor, consulted with doctor anthony fauci, had been part of a campaign to hide of the origins of how code! started. hearing a lot of talk about ecohealth group without a funded of these sort of virus functions, where parties can make a virus expand and do more danger when it leaks out of the lab at all of those. the reason why this is important is because this really goes back to dr. morens' use of a private e-mail account, a gmail account, and the assumptions is automatic when made. want to get it over there, that assumption is a brit different a bit premature that dr anthony fauci and other members work making back to him private e-mail to private e-mail, that has not been proven that is on apparently the case. what they are questioning here is some sloppiness on his part
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to use private e-mail exchanges and then a very little said about the back and forth, in this case that he alleges that dr anthony livmac hiding the origins of the sliders when doctor fauci and others, the nih, knew about it. the timeline does not always add up here, auto things or adding of you that i just want to pause before we all go hell-bent on a conspiratorial mission here. but for that, we have been following those, the gist of this is, a lot of key people, a lot of key people knew a lot more than they were saying at the time. a lot of this is coming the allegations from a guy that was using his driver to e-mail account to get across that is unknown over that is is what they are focusing on. >> that there is, there is bipartisan criticism of this practice comes back to a memo that this commission -- and many published a few hours ago, and it is detailing e-mails from doctor david moran's when was at the national institute of health
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and in these medications he talked very openly, largely whether some colleagues, no anthony fauci e-mails involved here but other colleagues and the head of the president of that nonprofit ecohealth aligns, and in it he says, e-mail me on my gmail account, we want to make sure, we want to make sure we are avoiding any freedom of information act request, now d is what gives reporters, the american public, the ability to request from a government agency records and he must as he how the government is conducting the business on their behalf. that is something that you absolutely have to do when you're conducting government business, after retain your records, key while at south and in several e-mails he says, hey,, make sure you e-mail me on my gmail account, i talked to the foia people about this year, and it is a safer way of contacting me, that way this stuff or get out that we are discussing.
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that is what he is answering to do right now. this is also in an environment where ecohealth aligns to get back to that group, that was a group that has received federal government money, it had a funded research experiments at the wuhan institute of urology, that particular experiment was banned or halted under the trump administration and there was some discussion in these e-mails between testifying here, and peter daszak about how perhaps to get that reversed, that decision reversed. >> neil: and ecohealth ultimately instructed to shutdown and was defunded and put out of business on this. the time when here's important though because they get the feeling that this was known very early on, that either doctor daszak, or some of the other key players were also exchanging e-mails back and forth on their own private e-mail accounts. there's no indication of that. so whatever questions or issues they were raising because they
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were doing on foia accessible accounts, so they face that side issue. the other one that does not add up here, in the middle of the covid-19 deaths and everything else that was gripping the world, they were looking at the time, i can we hide this, there doesn't seem to be any proof or hint of that at the time, a great deal of questions about this wuhan lab and who is funding that. but we gotta put some of this in context, there's a bay gold fire going on here and we were trying and the agencies involved were trying to deal that, appreciating the magnitude of that, that ecohealth how to this virus expert, and how you can go beyond of the data function to go beyond what was originally stated. now with the reason i'm urging some pause here, you kind of coded yourself, a lot of allegations been thrown around here that sort of feed a lot of conspiracies for which we have little proof and virtually none
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of it coming across today say that the advisor that was using his private e-mail. but so far no indication that others were doing the exact same thing. >> largely what we have here is a government official in a very senior role, to doctor anthony fauci openly talking on gmail address on how to avoid a freedom of information act request, that is basically what we have here. what he even admitted, inappropriate conduct by federal government official. you have to maintain that stuff, it's important you do those kinds of things people can understand what kind of information you're dealing with and what work is being done on behalf of the american people. but there is nothing in the z. must we have seen today about a smoking gun about a particular way that these things have been disseminated or issues ongoing with the lab leaks theory in and of itself! raise specifically about a government official using his gmail address to circumvent that
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whole freedom of information system. >> neil: thank you. we will continue monitoring, want to urge caution here before we jump to conclusions, if you're going to charge or hint at a conspiracy or something, other intentions, you have to have some strong legal grounds here, and to say what we knew at that time was that a wuhan lab and part funded by an region research firm was involved in the delivered extension and data function that created this havoc that we knew as covid-19. and after the fact they were definitely trying to cover up, you need to watch what parties at play to indicated that, proof from one party to the other eight, am willing to back and forth that was the case, they may have that they are. the point of this today,'s name to hint at that and show that. we have seen nothing here that indicates that was going on, putting it in perspective, if you're looking in a black helicopter crowd was something
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♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ >> neil: a big development in the world of stocks, the poster child about artificial intelligence and all things magnificent, technology stocks is one of those. coming out with earnings and revenues that crushed any estimate that i could see that was older have easily leading on all fronts, killing it, in fact,, and the stock is soaring, trading of about $40 or more, three and a half percent. nvidia of course the trip is behind all of these companies are putting these energy reliant and certainly the demand that is building across the world for anything having to do with ai, companies like meda and microsoft, this is the beast that feeds them, so to speak. and it is saying right now it is
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the beast that is getting rewarded with a lot of hungry players who wants to still get more chips from nvidia and a new chip coming out, even waiting for that is a kind of thing that it not dissuade buyers and those interested in the company to keep buying stuff from them. i only mention that because as part of this announcement, nvidia also announced that the stocks is what, a bit over $900 a share, you have ten shares at 90 bucks a chair, it won't make a difference at a value of the company or anything like a lot but it is a way to get more individual investors to buy into a stock that is becoming very pricey, and after hours trading has gone on up price or so. this is a big development for the markets because they were worried about technology pause, the run-up, so many of these stocks that have led our market value were going to slow down a little bit. of this is only sign of things to come, that is not happening. for the more we talk about
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multiples awarded with stocks maybe the art two rich -- to ridge, giving out of these warnings paying the price of the stocks and their earnings supporting it, have narrowed considerably. by those standards, this same stock that was considered pretty heavy training at about 60, 70-foot -- 70 times earnings is now training at about half that, which could be a sign that it is not in bubble land at all. one take on those that seems to be the take for traders right now, we will see how it does in training when it resumes tomorrow in realtime. in the meantime another development, this is a lot of people scratching their heads, the associated beautiful place to go to, or five americans who went to the good end up in jail for up to 12 years because they flew down there with weapons and ammunition. that itself raises eyebrows, when out how the government is responding that is raising even more eyebrows.
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soon get accurate, bipartisan lawmakers traveled to the islands, they implored officials to reduce the possible penalty of 12 years in prison for carrying bullets! one lawmaker blasted the secretary of state antony blinken about the problem at a hearing today. >> no visit from your depa department. i'm just really baffled by again the weakness and incompetence of your department. >> you brought americans home from all over the world, it is our number 1 priority. i will apologize to no one. >> neil: is a tourist travel to the island but forgot they had animal in their luggage, however they had no weapons. a gop oklahoma senator called the meeting is unproductive, he hopes officials will soften as a charger to a customs violation, that is where violators pay a hefty fine. >> they get to the government
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of, rake u the americans being held right now are caught up in a wall that was targeted to catch gang violence overflowing from haiti into turks and ca caicos. it was never intended to grab tourists in the way it is. >> neil: the state apartment stopping the islands with a travel advisory if they do not drop the charges, pennsylvania democrat as a constituent stock in a legal limbo. >> it with all due respect to my friend from oklahoma, at this point it might be premature, right now if you start throwing 12 years and everything, of course it can change anything. that i left without a meeting yesterday, and it seemed like we were all in a good place. >> neil: 80 percent of all tourists and is that turks and capos come from the u.s., so pass the ammunition if you're traveling there. >> neil: that is biz arcamac
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thank you very much, following all of that. just to let you know, we have hearings delayed and all that, they just don't concern donald jay trump. the trot has not been pushed back a couple of months to september 5th in a loss angel is. the delays go on, the questions go on, and we go on, after this. >> announcer: market i would date is wanted by charles i schwab, trade spot a trend in electric vehicles? have a passion for online gaming? or want to explore the space economy? choose from over 40 themes, each with up to 25 stocks identified by our unique algorithm. buy it as-is or customize to align with your goals. all at your fingertips. schwab investing themes. 40 customizable themes. up to 25 stocks in just a few clicks. ♪ switch to shopify so you can build it better, scale it faster and sell more.
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♪ ♪ >> neil: that hunter biden tax trial now pushed off to at least early september. there are other things moving parts to this. if you are in hot water and you are pushing to get things to be pushed back, it works both ways and on both sides of the ledger. andy mccarthy a former assistant u.s. attorney in fox news contributor on the significance of this beard what do you think, andy? >> well, you know, one of my big complaints about the way president trump has been treated, neil, is they have all of these trials that were designed to fall at roughly the same time, and i don't see how you get due process that way. here come hunter biden has already a trial scheduled for june 3rd. it was a lot to ask for him to go through two trials. rat tat tat like that. i think the next one was supposed to be june 20th. i think some pushback was reasonable. i think it is interesting that it is september because they use
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the fact that it was close to the election in 2020 as a reason not to publicize the fact that hunter biden was under investigation, and now we have a situation where it looks like he will go to trial in the very run-up to the the election. >> neil: i think of in this case, andy, how close he was to a sweetheart deal to tie this up in a bowl, and it was all done, and then it unraveled and here we are again. now a couple of trials and errors that could have been avoided. >> yeah, i think it's bad lawyering on both sides. the sweetheart deal from a government perspective can't be justified, but i also think the defendant -- the defense lawyers overreacted and if they had played their cards better they might have gotten to a place where they could have just disposed of the case and not been facing this, so i think you're quite right about that.
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>> neil: could i switch gears and get back to judge merchan, in the trump trial, we are still waiting whether he is going to take up the defense's request to dismiss the trump case. it appears unlikely, but your thoughts? >> he's not going to dismiss the case. it's customary, neil, even if they are on the fence about dismissing the case, they let it go to the jury first and can always throw it out after the jury comes in, but they don't want to, you know, a judge ordinarily, unless it's a very unusual case, the judge usually doesn't want to take it upon himself to throw it out before the jury deliberates, and there is nothing we heard in the last few days in court that suggest he is going to do anything other than give the case to this jury next week. be one so in the meantime, what is going to happen? almost a week now for the jurors who are going to be out in the barbecues and their friends, a lot of their friends and relatives know that they are on the trump jury. i know they are told not to
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discuss and not to follow news sites and not get on social media. good luck with that. you are more experienced, but how is this going to go the next few days for them? >> neil, you have as much experience as i do of a judge who says to a jury, well, we are all done with the evidence now, so why don't we go home for a week and then have summations? i've never seen that before. they are going to marinate in all of this publicity for a week, which can't be good. >> neil: not good for the defense, you are saying? >> yes. it's new york, where they are going to be marinating, so i guess if they could marinate someplace else, it might be better for trump but i don't think new york is great. >> neil: did they settle any of this issue about whether they're going to be misdemeanor, felony charges, the misdemeanors carry a certain advantage but the statute of limitation would be up on them, if they were the ones -- that left me lost. where does that stand? >> it's very pe peculiar, neil.
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i find it disturbing. there are so much going on behind the scenes. we don't have a copy of what the two sides are asking the judge to charge of the jury. we may not get a copy of the jury charge, even though it should be public. why all this needs to be behind closed doors is very peculiar to me, but the answer is we don't know because they are playing close to the vest that are ordinarily right out on the public record beard >> neil: all right, andy, thank you so much for that. a lot of news this hour and we appreciate your -- going into who knew what and when on covid's origins. that is a step back and get the facts right. this much we do know, that if you are looking at technology stocks and how they might fare tomorrow, could be a good day because nvidia just blew the door off her earnings and revenues. here comes "the five." ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: hello,


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