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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 22, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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there are so much going on behind the scenes. we don't have a copy of what the two sides are asking the judge to charge of the jury. we may not get a copy of the jury charge, even though it should be public. why all this needs to be behind closed doors is very peculiar to me, but the answer is we don't know because they are playing close to the vest that are ordinarily right out on the public record beard >> neil: all right, andy, thank you so much for that. a lot of news this hour and we appreciate your -- going into who knew what and when on covid's origins. that is a step back and get the facts right. this much we do know, that if you are looking at technology stocks and how they might fare tomorrow, could be a good day because nvidia just blew the door off her earnings and revenues. here comes "the five." ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: hello,
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everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro come along with harold ford harold ford jr., jesse watters, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ move over, dark brandon, and get ready for meme lord biden. the president's campaign thinks the way to win back young voters is with more internet posts. joe's team put up this job listing, looking for someone to "manage day-to-day operations and engaging the internet's top content and meme pages." team joe is doing everything they can to make the 81-year-old fossil in chief look like justin bieber and connect with gen z voters. sadly, there is not enough memes in the world to make joe look at a younger especially when the candidate himself keeps looking like he escaped a nursing home. and the lackluster candidate is
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getting lackluster support. the biden campaign event in new hampshire is getting mocked for being sparsely attended. one journalist who covered it saying "i am waiting for someone to shout bingo," but leave it to joe scarborough to defend biden's senior center campaign strategy. >> joe biden, it's never going to look like beatlemania when joe biden steps off a plane going to an event. joe biden's -- joe biden's about normalcy. and by the way, if you don't think that's a winning message in '24, you are not talking to the right voters, who even if they voted for trump in '16, are exhausted now. >> judge jeanine: and if you can't make joe look young, just try to force people to support him. the ladies of "the view" are trying to bully charlamagne tha god into endorsing the big guy.
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>> charlamagne, now is not the time to sit this one out. >> why do you all need us to say this if we don't feel comfortable saying it? >> it's not that we need you to say it. i think other folks need to hear -- >> the reality come i think both candidates are trash. because -- but i am going to vote in november, and i'm going to vote my best interest and i'm going to vote who i think can preserve democracy. president biden, feels like his base is pretty pissed off at him. >> help him out. >> dana: jeez. >> judge jeanine: what do you think -- why is there such a difference, dana, i'll go to you first come in terms of young voters? it was historic in terms of their support for joe biden, and now, i think it was 24 points in 2020, and now i think it is just four points. it's the same candidates. >> dana: remember, they were most enthused about
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barack obama, and he brought them what they believe was hope and change and they loved it, they would crawl over a glass for him, they would have done anything. and then 20, okay, we really want bernie sanders but since barack obama told bernie sanderf there and biden the nominee, fine. now they are looking at all of the issues and they are just not there. when richard fowler was here yesterday, he agreed that the most enthusiastic that the biden voters are right now is for the feeling of apathy. so they are enthusiastic about not being a part of it, which is why biden needs to do this classified ad to say, hey, we need somebody to create some memes for us to get it going on the internet. the thing about trump is his meme game is excellent but he does not have to hire people to do it, he has good people who are doing it, but his fans are doing it for him. sometimes that gets him into trouble, okay, but the fans are doing it for him, his voters are doing it for him, and that gets viral and you don't have to pay for that. so the kind of earned media biden know my present truck is
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getting not just from what he says and does, but then he will go and do a rally. when i read the new hampshire journal story about joe biden's appearance yesterday, i would have thought it was written by one of you guys. i was like, it is so funny to me that they are sitting here saying, is joe biden's voters, are they still practicing social distancing? that's how few people were at a campaign event that was supposed to be a way to get enthusiasm from people there. the campaign is suspending time that they don't have. you have two things in a campaign, let's just say, money and time. the biden team is spending time they don't have on things like that and it is actually pulling them backwards into more apathy. >> judge jeanine: well, then the question, jesse, is what do they do, given the fact that losing the youth vote, how do they make up for that loss? you got charlamagne tha god saying i'm not going to vote for him, or he may ultimately say they are both trash.
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how do you make up for that? >> jesse: you do everything we have been telling him to do and make it work in the next seven months, judge, it's too late. everything is locked in. and the reason you have to be good at memes is there has to be something fundamentally underneath the meme to make it stick. trump is good at golf and biden trips, so then they have trump hit a five iron and it hits biden and he falls. or trump, ask him how are you going to pay the bond? he turns around and goes, cash. you have him hugging the american flag. you have him putting his hands on the globe with all of the arabs. those are those moments that just, they are so sticky. you don't even need to make a meme out of that, the meme makes itself. memes are fun. there is nothing fun about joe biden. and he never says anything. he never does anything. so there is nothing to work
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with. if he was going to meme, i would say lean into the tyrant. i would say, what are you doing on wednesdays? oh, you are free? i would say, i'm going to lock you up, how are you going to look in the prison jumpsuit, donald? that's the only way joe biden can pull off the meme game. now as far as the new hampshire event, and you do any event like that, the basic people that are coming, you are two state senators, maybe half a dozen state legislatures, and you have your volunteers. so that's about 20 people. there were about 30 people there, judge. so they can't get ten more people than the people that have to be there. >> judge jeanine: right. >> jesse: we could say "the five" is going to new hampshire tomorrow, we could get 3,000 people tomorrow. this is the president of the united states. i don't see it happening. >> judge jeanine: all right, some breaking breaking news here. nikki haley says she will be
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voting for donald trump. harold, what say you? >> harold: that's good news -- good to be back, hope everybody had a good weekend. i wasn't here yesterday but i do have a good weekend. i think it is great -- donald trump, that's a good thing. you look at that map where she was securing a lot of votes come anywhere from 15% to 20% -- 10% to 20% and closed primaries, that was important and it also suggests maybe she is open to being the vp. but let me get to your question. let's concede upfront, neither trump nor biden, we had a segment last week on being cool. neither of them are cool or hip, let's get that out. number two, it is not uncommon in campaigns, i think, to try to figure out the best way to communicate with voters. memes were not around, a lot of technology was not around when i was in congress and was running for reelection, even when i ran for the senate, which is almost 20 years ago now. so things are changing. so hiring somebody to do that, i get pier where i agree with jesse, wholeheartedly, is that joe biden is going to have to learn to campaign a little unconventionally. i so i poll today, to dana's
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point about ago, trump has narrowed the margin in new york to single digits in some poll between he and biden. we were not laughing, but i was not taking it seriously when president trump had the big rally, i think he might have misrepresented, based on my sources at that rally in new jersey, they had 100,000 people, whether it was 30,000 or 100,000, the polling data shows that things are tightening. if you are biden, why don't you just fly out one morning and go to charlamagne tha god's show, call in, do something unexpected, which i think is what you were suggesting, something unconventional. something unconventional, and not just the staid old things that they are doing, which i don't think are working quite as well as they want. now i think some of the polling, "the new york times" siena polls, i think you have to listen to these polls come i don't think their dispositive of the campaign are the elections going to end, but i think it is important to understand who they are polling and what the mood of the country is because i think at the end of the day, this presidential race is a vibe
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race. depending on how the secure people feel, depending on what the number one issue is, is that abortion? is a border? is it still the economy and inflation? how people feel starting in october when early voting starts and whatever number of debates we are going to have happen, that person will be the winner of this election. i think it is too early to call. i think it is going to go back and forth but one thing is clear, biden needs some different kind of campaign tactics and style to really impact and resonate with more voters, particularly young voters. >> judge jeanine: greg, one of the things harold says as may be joe biden not to jump on a plane and fly to charlamagne tha god's radio show. what did he have to be funny there? he could hurt himself more than help himself. >> greg: yeah, somebody else would have to pack that parachute. i want to piggyback on what jesse was talking about, the memes. people -- what is a meme? is a singular combination of words and images that go viral paired why do they go viral? it's a visual punch line. you get it instantly.
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it has a greater significance than trump or biden because memes can actually change the way you think by exposing unspeakable truths. you know we meme when it works because you get it. the left cannot meme because you need instant recognition of an obvious truth that makes you laugh, and the left traffics in the opposite, right? the left takes an obvious truth and obstructs it to a point where it is an academic exercise in relativism. it's why there are millions and millions of memes about weird men identifying as women. when you get the meme, it's obvious and it's hysterical. there are no memes to refute that because that would require everything but the obvious tr truth. politics and ideology. the memes about biden, the memes about crime, the memes about immigration and inflation explode online because they say the immediate truths that the left usually want to silence
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pete memes get around the tv gatekeepers, right? you can have lawrence o'donnell go on forever about rebalancing. a meme will come in and poke that whole and it deflates. memes can speak for themselves. great example is let's go brandon. why was that an enduring meme? because it was based on an obvious truth about a liberal live. they weren't saying "let's go brandon" they were saying "f joe biden" but because the left said it was "let's go biden" the meme became a natural, obvious truth. we'll take it. let's go, brandon. and the reason why i say this could change the way you think, and a lot of times, it takes something to punch you in the face with an obvious truth. it's like when you're dealing with trans and they show a large, strapping man beat a woman by, i don't know, 100 links, you need a meme that
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says, cut the b.s., you know what this is. the left cannot do that because of their whole argument is they deconstruct truth. truth does not exist. >> dana: can i mention one thing on that before we go back to nikki haley? it's like the memes have become what would have been a great television political ad in the '80s. where's the beef? right? and everybody knew exactly what that meant, there was no policy behind it, and therefore -- that was falling apart, right? so the meme becomes one of those things where you can also shoot it around. 20 think it is funny? you sent it to your friends and people who might disagree with you. it's the most free media you can get in a campaign if it works well. to be what i have a really good one about michelle obama i will show you in the break. >> judge jeanine: before we go to the break, dana, what do you think of nikki haley finally supporting donald trump? >> dana: i admire her for many reasons. one of them is that when she decided, it was obvious she was
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not going to win and trump was going to become the nominee, she went home. she did that entire campaign without her husband being here because he was deployed. he is part of the reserves. and she waited, he got home, they have had time to gather, she had quiet time with her family, which is what she said she wanted, and she just waited a little bit, and i admire somebody who doesn't feel like they have to fill the silence all the time. she is now the chairman of the hudson institute, which is a really great foreign policy think tank, and really, i think, great for her leadership style and something she really cares about, which is foreign policy, so making this announcement today, we are about five weeks before the republican convention, as people's minds start to focus but i wrote down one thing. she said many times in that primary, we are not running against biden. we are running against kamala harris. with the implicit being that biden won't make it for another four years. that's what she was saying. so i wonder if president trump will start to pick up on that a
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little bit because he definitely goes after biden a lot. not so much harris. maybe this is a way to try to get the party to all come together nancy if they want to . right now the polls are so good for president trump. close in the swing states, but close like that if i were biden, i would be nervous. i listen today with axelrod and a couple of others, they have the actual bedwetting episode, it was pretty interesting. >> judge jeanine: coming up, aoc just gave away the lawfare game and proved donald trump are right. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> greg: democrats no longer try to hide the true purpose of their lawfare jihad against donald trump. aoc, take it away. >> is hosting a rally to try to con people and try to fleece them out of every dollar that they have to fund some legal feeds, and by the way, he is doing it in the south bronx, not to make a point, but because he's got court, and the man practically has the legal version of an ankle bracelet around him and he can't leave the five boroughs because he always has to be in court. and so it is truly an embarrassment to him. >> greg: there she goes. and the tallest fbi director in history is back. james comey warning that if trump wins, the party will be over for the bureau. >> serious, for the justice department and the fbi, because trump is coming for those institutions. he knows their power and i think he has regrets that he didn't work hard enough to correct them last time, so he is coming for
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them, and that's a danger for all americans. he's going to put people in positions in those organizations. he didn't have all stars last time. the bottom of the barrel this time. people who want to do his will. that should worry every american. >> greg: ugh. judge, let's address that first. trump is a danger to these institutions. coming from comey. >> judge jeanine: coming from comey, who took an unverified dossier, lied to a fisa court judge, then lied again and reupped that document, and then spied upon a presidential candidate and then president, jim comey, cardinal comey, he wants you to believe he is, and the amazing part is he goes to advise donald trump, the new president, that you know there is this dossier, so he can turn around and leak it to cnn and get it out there publicly.
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in the most incredible thing is, he is the guy, jim comey, who decided that he would take over the position of the attorney general that is the head of the fbi, go out and say there is not enough evidence, to indict hillary clinton. why does he say that? not his job and his position. he is as corrupt as they come here i'll do you one more with them. in addition to that, he is the guy who closed the southern of the clinton foundation. i was the d.a. working with this office and i was the d.a. >> greg: you know, harold, i was shocked in the green room when you said to me, it touched me, you said if you can see with your own eyes what they are willing to do to their legal system to win an election, can you imagine what they are doing to the other systems behind our backs to win an election? and i say hear, hear, harold. >> harold: you have just an impeccable memory for things that i do not say. it's an unbelievable.
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i was curious to hear the congresswoman say what she said. i don't know, i think you take people at their word, maybe she thinks the legal issues that the president is dealing with are not more than the ankle bracelet. and if that is the case, i do think you feed some of the things that have been said. i do think this matter in florida is more serious than the others but that is beside the point. the popularity that president trump continues to enjoy, even with these legal issues, should suggest to democrats that whether you think it is an ankle bracelet or not, that is not how you are going to defeat him. you have to defeat the former president on the issues. and i think, in fairness to comey, whether you agree with him or not that i have issues with things have done in the past, i do think he raises issues voters will have to wait. remember it was president trump overseas, in front of a foreign press corps and our press corps, when asked who do you believe, do you believe mr. putin when he says he did not do anything to try to interfere with our elections? do you believe our own domestic
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law law and enforcement and intelligence services -- and the president did not side with his own intelligence services. you can disagree with him, ju judge, and i think the substances where this is going to be litigated, not the courtroom. >> greg: jesse, you know, we have been talking about this for a long time. whatever we were talking about trump's rise in polls, we would hear, yeah, but the court case, the voters, they find out he's a felon, so they were always banking on this as a political outcome. she just happened to say it. but we knew it. we were there. >> jesse: we were there. you and i were there the whole time. >> greg: we were there before we were there. >> jesse: we transcended it. let's say he has the three other cases, he doesn't have this new york case and he is allowed to travel. he'd be up on biden even more because when you are the challenger you don't have the bully pulpit, you don't have the press outside your door, you can't hold bilateral's with the kenyan prime minister like joe biden is today.
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you've got to hustle for votes leak have to fly to all the battlegrounds. there are seven battlegrounds. he probably come in what, six weeks, how long has the trial been, five weeks, hit every battleground at least once, maybe twice. so you are going in, you are galvanizing your own supporters, you are doing local media, you are raising money, you are getting emails, contact lists, so that's now gone and he doesn't get to do that. it just shows you how restrictive this court case is. now comey. i would like revenge. you know how trump says we are not going to do revenge, revenge is going to be winning? i'd like a little revenge. this is what i think we should do to get back at these -- i'm not going to say it. everyone should be audited come all the bad guys. there are fox news hosts that for all of the eight years under barack obama were audited, so everyone is audited, first of all. bar complaint against judge merchan. campaign finance charges against fani. she said she liquidated her
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campaign, that is why she had so much cash. malicious prosecution charges on tish james and alvin bragg. and hunter biden fara violations. i don't think it is too much to ask for treason charges against cricket obama and biden. >> greg: i have a neighbor, jesse, whose tree is over my side of the lawn. speed to go after him, too? >> greg: put him in there, too. >> dana: the 51 national security officials no more clearance. >> greg: you know what's great about the segment? none of us have said she said the quiet part out loud. until now. >> dana: i didn't say it. >> greg: isn't just a typical woman to bring up ankle bracelets. >> dana: it's a typical woman. as a typical woman, i want to say, aoc could not get a crowd of 3500 people cheering her on in the bronx. and especially they would be like, wait, where are our amazon
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jobs? >> judge jeanine: exactly. >> dana: the other thing is they want him in court because they thought they would get this conviction so they can win an election. that hasn't worked. trump's poll numbers have gone up during the trial come his fundraising has gone up during the trial, so much so that trump had to biden had to jump the gun and challene in june before the conventions even take place. >> greg: amazing. ahead, judge judy bringing down the gavel on radical d.a.s who turn their cities into lawless hellholes. ♪ ♪ you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: judge judy laying down the law in crime-ridden blue cities and their radical d.a.s. >> a small group of people who had very loud voices created a
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scenario where bad people got rewarded. and the victim got punished by the system. when you have elected district attorneys who don't know what their job is, they should go find another job. fill ice-cream cones someplace. but don't ruin cities. >> jesse: fill ice-cream cones someplace. well, looks like portland's soft on crime district attorney is about to be slinging soft serve at his local dairy queen. tough on crime former republican on track to defeat far left portland d.a. mike schmidt. are you deep down jealous of judge judy because when people say judge, they know it's really judge judy? [laughter] >> judge jeanine: i've got a line and i will later. >> jesse: do it. >> dana: do not do that. >> judge jeanine: i'm not
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doing that. look, judy was a family court judge, and she does speak the truth. but in the end, everybody knows what the problem is and what needs to be done. and multnomah county in oregon is one of the wildest. you got chesa boudin in san francisco, kim gardner in st. louis and kim foxx, who got rid of jussie smollett, and chicago. i mean, these people are half-wits. they don't know anything about prosecuting. they don't understand what their job is. and they just want to bring people out of jail and not prosecute arrests police make and certainly not initiate their own arrests. hopefully this is just a change, irrespective of what she says, these elections where people are understanding that their safety depends upon the d.a. who is in charge of their county. >> jesse: it does make me feel better that liberals and liberal
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cities are saying soros d.a.s are too liberal for us, get out. >> harold: i agree. two things. first, i agree with judge judy on how she resolves cases on television, and i agree with her here. judge, you are right, we've got to figure out ways in which to reform cashless bail. you got to penalize people and hold people accountable for crimes. i think what's happening in portland, it looks as if the person, race hasn't been called but it looks like the republican is in front by 11-12 points. that's a good thing. i could easily have envisioned myself based on what i know about that voting republican in portland because crime is such an important issue in public safety is an important issue so i think it should be refreshing for everyone who cares, like we care come around this table, people who watched us talk about this, that our system works. the electoral process works. people are not going to continue to elect people who coddle criminals, and in portland, we have our first domino, our first -- the first example of
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that in a long time. as we find ourselves living in this awful and avoidable error that we live in today, of voters saying, come from an error that might be a little more democrat than not, saying we want our communities cleaned up and safety is a priority. i'm relieved on and refreshed on this. >> jesse: i am relieved and refreshed, as well. dana, and a lot of the states, the governor has the authority to say hey, d.a., you are done, and i would be also refreshed if that happened at least once. >> dana: we need some refreshing and kathy hochul, the governor of new york, should absolutely do something. i texted greg earlier today. i walked about a mile up eighth avenue today because i go from one place to the next and i'm walking because it's hot outside now, and in a day, from the rain to the sun, it is a disaster outside. everybody has come out of the shelters and we are not talking to migrants who are there saying people please help me. they are there, too. i'm talking about doing drugs
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everywhere, flying on the street, flying across the sidewalk like they're people stepping over them, and then you have people on city bikes riding the wrong way on the street, causing a traffic jam. the quality of life is a disaster. i actually just watched all this lawlessness, i called it 101 ways to lose my life on my way to pilates today, which is a great way to help your life, as well, just a tip. and something like larry krasner in philadelphia, he was one of the d.a.s was funded by the george soros effort in order toy to make sure that these types of d.a.s ended up in these cities. and now what do we have? it's not just new york. i'm just saying, one woman focus group today, and it was really bad. you know i thought i would do to be safer? to get on the subway and take the subway from there to there, that is how bad it was. >> jesse: greg, did you notice any junkies on your way to
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pilates? >> greg: well, i'm one of them. [laughter] you know i said a while ago they're only two types of people on the city streets, homeless men and women running to pilates. that is all that you see in new york. portland voters fired a soros-funded d.a. and replaced him with what's called an adult. that is a republican gun owner. that's what you call an adult. the difference between adult and children, i.e. leftist come as adults understand incentives and cause and effect. the previous d.a.s ignored incentives, and they incentivized criminals, and the city collapsed. they didn't coddle them, they cuddled of them, and they still wouldn't stop, so now you are seeing dad brain returned in the left-wing brain exposed, or the lack of a brain, but this is a big lesson -- in every -- when you look at crime, immigration, identity politics, you see a pattern emerge. without a self-policing mechanism, a governor, within a party, the entropy of disorder unfolds continuously, with crime, thanks to no cash bail,
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decriminalizing theft, it went in one unstoppable decline, immigration demonization of border policy, you see it dk in one direction. identity politics, through the fallacy of the victim mind-set, we have grown men identifying as women in women's sports and in women's prisons. so what do they all have in common? there is no governor. there is no restriction. we can agree dems without republicans leads to anarchy and suffering. they need to work together -- i can understand why people think republicans are too harsh -- but you cannot -- we cannot trust you on your own, democrats. look what you are doing to this country. >> judge jeanine: yeah, harold. >> harold: if republicans would give women freedom to do what they want with their doctors and democrats would focus on crime and border, we would really have a great -- >> greg: you think it is just about abortion? i disagree. >> harold: you just outline
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things that democrats, voters -- i don't necessarily to the growth him -- go >> judge jeanine: first order of government is the protection of its people. period, end of the story. >> harold: freedom is the first thing guaranteed -- >> jesse: she said period, you can't talk after. [laughter] ahead, what is greg's shirt made of? and investigation. plus, illegal immigrants pulling a jussie smollett to stay in the country. we will explain. >> greg: its cotton. >> jesse: [laughs] its cotton. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> dana: illegal immigrants taking a page out of the jussie smollett playbook by each staging phony robberies in order to get -- the feds announcing the arrest of six men faking a string of robberies across chicago so they could apply for spaces reserved for real victims and stay in the country.
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jesse, what will they think of next? they are clever. to be and, i know idea punching a migrant would make them a citizen. [laughter] i'm really at a loss. you know, sometimes you think they are here to pick crops but much smarter than we give them credit for. if you can figure out the nuances. >> dana: the probably need to increase the penalty for visa fraud. >> judge jeanine: let me tell you about u visas. these liberal democrats who are so smart made the decision, we need to be able to talk to the illegals, we want them to know we are on their sides, we want them to report crime to us. a u visa has been in place for at least 25 years that i know of and i use that as a prosecutor
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for illegals who are victims of crime to get them to cooperate, to make it clear to them that they are not going to be deported, and it is a pathway to citizenship. it is an incredible tool that is used. i had a case wants where an ecuadorian -- he was a laborer, he was illegal, every week he would get paid in cash and he would go and buy booze. every week from another ecuadorian guy would come around, beat him up and take his money. finally, after weeks of this, he killed him, took a big rock and just smashed his head -- >> harold: one ecuadorian killed the other? >> judge jeanine: yes. so my job, i was furious about this because this guy was just trying to make a living, trying to work. no one would testify. no one would cooperate with us. and then when i went in with an interpreter and said, i'll give you a u visa, it's a pathway to citizenship, all you need to do is talk, they did. it's a wonderful opportunity to get illegals or immigrants to work with us and give them a
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benefit. >> dana: what has jussie smollett done? >> greg: i don't know, man, but he was terrible at it. these guys are great. this is next level crime. we incentivized the newest illegals to come here where they manufacture hoaxes to further -- perfect liberal journalists. the first powerful medicine in america, it pays to be a victim. .2 a figure of an imaginary villain, peered by the way, where did they get the money toe a crime? i thought they were in dire straits. what is being stolen from them? are they the things we gave them for free? it makes no sense to me. it's amazing. i guess what bugs me the most as it is another example of line cutting. they are actually stealing from real robbery victims, and again, cutting in line in front of legitimate victims who actually deserve the services. >> dana: also, anybody who has been here illegally waiting
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their turn. do you blame joe biden, harold? >> harold: well, i do blame joe biden, we should sign the executive orders but also republicans in the senate to kowtowing to have to president trump and not passing the compromise deal. we had to do everything we possibly can. executive orders from biden, say president trump was right, fair enough. we want to then say the senate, you guys should stand up and vote your conscious and vote what is right for our border, and democrats in the senate stood up to president trump, so be it, the real winners will be us, we are going to have stupid stories like this. i agree with you, these are people, pretty clever about how they are doing these things, whether they are being harmed or not, but the real harm is being done to us americans, and to those in line who are waiting -- >> judge jeanine: because joe biden is leading the illegals in. that is the problem. >> harold: i will let you take that mind if you want. we are not doing anything as a country -- >> dana: period come excavation point. coming up, ""goodfellas""
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getting whacked with a trigger warning. explanation coming. ♪ ♪
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>> i hit him.
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a hoof got caught in the grill, had to hack it off. >> harold: a trigger warning on the classic movie "goodfellas," barely since the 2020 blm protest. "this film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today's standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers." this is nonsense. your honor, what do you think about this? >> judge jeanine: you think it's nonsense? >> harold: i do think it's nonsense. from the movie. [laughter] i love that movie, what are you talking about? >> judge jeanine: you think it's nonsense? said it two times. >> harold: it's absurd. absurd. what do you think? >> jesse: i mean, italians love this movie. >> harold: the blacks to, too appeared to be on the black like black movies. women like movies like romantic comedies. >> judge jeanine: no, they don't.
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>> dana: romantic comedies -- >> judge jeanine: i will find out from m from emma. >> jesse: do not talk to emma behind my back. >> judge jeanine: i talked to her all the time. >> jesse: i'm not buying her enough jewelries? >> judge jeanine: i tell her to buy jewelry. >> harold: exclamation point, what are your thoughts? >> greg: trigger warnings are a reason watch something. they think that "goodfellas" is somehow a bad portrayal of italians. is it as bad as robert de niro in real life? i mean, come on. and by the way, you don't have a trigger warning for the violence but you have it for a stereotype, you are an idiot. trigger warnings are offensive in general because they assume you're a baby and you can handle it. if you actually come i can't watch that, it's from another era, it's -- >> jesse: it's rated r. that's the only warning you n need. >> greg: anne hathaway movies. that's what we should have. >> harold: dp, what are your thoughts? >> judge jeanine: a trigger
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warning to walk outside. >> dana: my household needs a trigger warning for movies that are going to be historically inaccurate in our portrayal of who was a judge in england, for example, in 1925. i'm just going to tell you, it was not that guy. >> greg: the movie you were talking about. "wicked little letters." >> dana: there so much going on in the movie that is factually incorrect which i don't think helps anybody who wants more diversity, equity, and inclusion. but for my sake, the next time, just need a trigger warning and then i can tell peter, that he doesn't have to complain about it the whole movie. >> jesse: if you're going to do a cowboy and indians movie and all of the indians are white guys, it gets confusing. >> greg: that's the way it was in the '50s beard [laughter] >> jesse: didn't they paint their faces? >> greg: yes they did, jesse. >> judge jeanine: they didn't have indians then? >> harold: not in the movies. >> greg: now the same guy at every movie. >> jesse: i love that guy. >> greg: the guy in the
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commercial with the deer, not indian. >> dana: not indian. >> harold: "one more thing" -- "one more thing" -- "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: it's time now for "one more thing" and harold goes first. >> harold: a 55-year-old grandmother from san francisco swam from san francisco to california island amy swam 17 hours in shark infested water without a wet suit. the boat trailed her the entire time keeping her energized with hot chocolate chicken broth and canned peaches. waters as cold as 46 degrees fahrenheit and a few stings along the way. >> greg: what part of
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california? >> harold: san francisco to the islands. >> judge jeanine: okay, greg, you go. >> greg: one more thing, here we go, tonight, this is going to be great. charlie hurt, the great comedian harlen williams, kat timpf, tyrus. check it out. let's do this. greg's celebrity sight. i'm so excited when other shows have their annual like picnic race. check out "the view" this was this morning. they taped it live. every year in may. their picnic race. they race for the cheese, it's called. all the proceeds go to charity, which is the name of whoopi's boat. >> judge jeanine: how do you know that? >> greg: i have been on it many times. >> judge jeanine: is that right? you are friends? >> all right, that's it for us, everybody. have great night. >> bret: i love ending with the greg ones. >> judge jeanine: i do, too. >> bret: all right. thanks, judge. good evening, welcome to sh


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