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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 22, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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second. thank you, panel. tomorrow on "special report" -- ♪ >> bret: today, a special day. >> conflict. our military are always standing ready at a moment's notice to serve, to defend our freedom. so we owe them our thanks. that's what fleet week is all about. it really have a fun time. >> bret: fleet week 2024 underway. began today with the annual parade of ships. features two u.s. navy vessels. three u.s. coast guard ships. four patrol yard boats. fleet week in 36th year will honor nearly 2300 military personnel from today through monday. it's a great time. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. tomorrow it's going to be a good show. "the ingraham angle" is next. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight.
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a big and overdue declaration from nikki haley. more on that with newt gingrich in moments. but, first, biden's judicial sneak, that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> laura: now, from day one, the biden administration has put the left's demand for diversity and activism above competence and merit. >> as you know one of the biggest priority of the president is nominating and confirming extraordinarily qualified men and women who are dedicated to our constitution and who represent the diversity of america. >> laura: all right. well, from the open borders to their push for transgenderism, the democrats have relied on their hand-picked judges to validate these policies regardless of the constitution, the rule of law, or just plain common sense or biology, which takes us to today's senate judiciary committee hearing to consider the nominations of several biden appointees to key
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federal judgeships. now, democrats were hoping, i think, to squeak these nominees through, all of them women, knowing that americans don't really see much of these hearings but today's was a doozy. and it was illustrative of the perversion of our article iii courts. because the public has a right to know how radical these nominees are, these clips are going to run a little bit longer than normal tonight but this judicial nominee, sarah netburn was questioned by senators john kennedy and ted cruz. >> you went to brown university is that right. >> i did. >> then you went to law school in california. >> that's correct. >> and you've worked for the brennan center. >> i interned. i was a law student intern. >> okay. and you worked for the center for reproductive law and policy. >> i was a law student intern there for eight weeks during my summer. >> and you are a political
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activist, aren't you? >> i am not. i'm a sitting united states magistrate judge. >> all right. do you remember an inmate named william mcclain, also known as july justine shelby? >> yes, i know who you are referring to. >> okay. mr. mcclain raped a child, didn't he? >> 30 years ago the petitioner in the habeas case before me. >> did he rape a child? >> he pled guilty to that crime, yes, it's abhorrent. >> and then he raped a little boy, right? >> i believe that's correct. i believe he pled guilty to two acts of sexual violence. >> and then he raped a 17-year-old gerbil, right? >> again, this case was handled by the state court in indiana but i believe. >> i'm just asking you the facts. don't stall on me now. did he rape a 17-year-old girl or not after raping a 9-year-old boy? >> i believe that's what he pled guilty to.
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>> laura: that was a weird smile that she had just there. then he went to prison, this individual for that offense. and some time after that, he decided he wanted to wear dresses. a transwoman now who liberals like sarah net burn believe are members of a protected class who deserve special accommodations. >> and then he decided to transition and he became a female and started going by july justine shelby; is that right? >> yes. >> and ms. shelby said i don't want to go a male prison. i want to go to a female prison. and the board of prisons said what planet did you parachute in from? you are going to a male prison with this kind of record. and you sent him to a female prison, didn't you? you said that the board of prisons was trying to violate
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miss shelby, former mr. mcclain's constitutional rights, didn't you? >> i issued a report and recommendation to the district judge recommending that the district judge transfer the petitioner to a woman's facility. the judge adopted that recommendation. >> you said the board of prisons was trying to violate ms. shelby's, mr. mcclain's constitutional rights, didn't you. >> i based my on the facts. >> wasn't that your ruling? >> i recommended finding that under estelle vs. gamble. >> why won't you admit that was your ruling. are you ashamed of it. >> i'm not. i applied estelle vs. gamble. >> was that your ruling. >> my recommendation was that the petitioner's serious medical needs were being denied by keeping her in a men's facility. >> a violation of the 8th amendment, right? >> that's correct. >> laura: okay. cruel and unusual punishment, the eighth amendment applies to that? now, this is the type of warped
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thinking that incapsulates the modern day democrat party. these are the types of people they want making decisions not just on prison transfer cases which are outrageous enough but on critical issues that effect all americans like whether ev mandates are constitutional. whether student loan forgiveness is constitutional. and even whether illegal aliens have the right to vote. behold the legal reasoning of this nominee when questioned by someone who actually knows how to get answers. >> how big was ms. shelby, mr. mcclain? >> i don't have a specific recollection. your colleague just suggested that she was more than 6 feet tall. >> and you told the board of prisoners, well, she'll be okay, the other women in the female prison will be okay because it's only hypothetical that ms. shelby, mr. mcclain would
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reoffend again after he has already raped a 9-year-old boy and a 17-year-old girl and has been sending child porn through the mail. you said there is no chance he will reoffend again. did you say that? >> senator kennedy i based my position on the record. >> am i right, did you conclude that? >> i don't have a specific recollection of that. >> laura: then ted cruz stepped in and got to the heart of the matter. >> this case demonstrates that you were willing to subjugate the rights of individuals to satisfy your political ideology. and this individual, 62, biologically a man a minute ago you said that when this man decided that he was a she, that you said this individual was, quote -- i wrote it down -- sober and entirely a female. that phrase struck me as remarkable. did this individual have male genitalia. >> i think w what i said.
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>> that is a verbatim quote. >> what i meant to say hormonally female. >> that's not entirely. did this individual have male genitalia. >> yes. >> so you took a 6-foot 2 serial rapist. serial child rapist with male genitalia and he said, you know, i would like to be in a women's prison. and your answer was that sounds great to me. let me ask you something. the other women in that prison do they have any rights? >> is that a question you are asking me? >> yes, the other women in that prison do they have any rights? >> of course. >> do they have the right not to have a 6-foot 2 man who is a repeat serial rapist put in as their cell mate? >> senator cruz, i considered the facts presented to me and i reached a decision what the law is. >> i asked you a question. senator kennedy is right. this is not a judge's order. >> this is a political activist. by the way, the beginning of
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your order says at birth people are typically assigned a gender. i got to say that would astonish a lot of americans. assigned a gender. i know you went to brown. but it sounds like it's in a college faculty lounge with no bearing on reality. >> laura: bingo. the bureau of prisons had decided it was wrong to transfer this prisoner. a 6-foot 2 male, biological male, but the magistrate didn't care. >> you wrote, quote: the bureau of prisons claim interest in protecting female prisoners from sexual violence and trauma. this interest is legitimate. that's kind of you have to say. but there are no signs that petitioner is at risk of reoffending. the theoretical risk of sexual assault by the prisoner cannot support the bop's position. what universe is someone who is a serial repeat child rapist not at a risk of reoffending? it's clear on your record your
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political ideology matters a heck of a lot more than the rights of those women that you endangered. i think you are a radical. i think you have no business being a judge. >> laura: the democrats on the committee knew their nominee had been exposed, so the chair tries to clean it all up. >> there was an opportunity during your exchange with senator cruz that you were attempting to offer a response. >> the facts that were presented to me and what i relied on to make my decision were that the petitioner had engaged in no violence, no physical violence, no acts of sexual violence whatsoever while in custody. all three wardens who supervised the petitioner requested that she be transferred to a women's facility because of her serious medical needs. what the transgender executive council repeatedly said in denying the request was simply that she needed to maintain her hormone levels.
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her hormones were entirely female at that point. and so the decision by the transgender executive council to deny the transfer request based on this idea that it was only because her hormones needed to be consistent and stabilized i found was a pretext. but they never once said she cannot be transferred because of violence. >> with respect, you allowed the witness to go at length and to change her testimony without her being subject to cross-examination. are you going to allow us to have a second round of questioning? >> no. no, senator kennedy. >> what are you trying to cover up here. >> there is no cover-up and mr. padilla, senator padilla you will being allowed 30 seconds. >> senator kennedy. >> i think weed we should have a second round. i'm appealing the ruling of the chair. >> i have no intention on allowing a second round of questioning. this is a hearing, i have the gavel. >> senator kennedy. >> tried so hard to protect the
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witness and avoid answering why she just lied on the stand with her own words, her own opinion. >> laura: i love the staffer whispering get out of this as soon as -- oh my goodness and hazy mazi comes in for the rescue attempt of the novice chair. >> we have a witness to -- witness badgering and bang jerg of the chair, some of us would like to get on with this hearing. >> i'm sure you would. >> can we get on with it, madam chair? >> so does every democrat senator want to cover up the facts here? is any. >> senator, we will be returning to senator padilla's questioning or we'll adjourn today's hearing. >> if you want to adjourn go ahead you can do that the question are you most handsome or beautiful or brilliant and let's avoid the facts. >> laura: don't let the facts get in the way of decision-making. we saw that at the trump trial. all right, then after the democrats were caught trying to sneak this pro-trans radical on the court, they returned to the
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cliches of their most cherished value. >> the value, not just the importance but the value of diversity in our judiciary, currently you each bring tremendous both life as well as professional experience, which i think strengthens the judiciary when more perspectives are considered. >> laura: this hearing was fantastic because it demonstrated once again how vital it is that biden not be given four more years to destroy the integrity of another american institution, the federal courts. my goodness, hasn't he done enough damage already? >> reaching 200 judges is a major milestone. simply put, our 200 judges comprise the most diverse slate of judicial nominations under any president in american history. >> laura: now in biden's first term, remember, they've lost
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huge cases because the hard left doesn't yet control the judiciary. but as we saw today, they are doing everything possible to get there. and if they do, you're going to find that criminals will be treated better than most law abiding americans and traditional christians, they will be totally run over: to stop this unconstitutional madness that that hearing was staggering. we need a republican senate and we need to put donald trump back in the white house. and that's the angle. joining me now >> laura: to the 2024 breaking news tonight. nikki haley has made her announcement. >> i have put my priorities on a president who is going to have the backs of our allies. and hold our enemies to account. who would secure the border, no more excuses. a president who would support capitalism and freedom. a president who understands we
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need less debt, not more debt. trump has not been perfect on these policies but biden has been a catastrophe. so i will be voting for trump. >> laura: back handed but with nikki haley saying she is voting for trump, the republican party is now firmly united behind him. joining me now newt gingrich, former speaker of the house and fox news political analyst. newt, nikki comes home. >> i think this is a very important moment because she was the last hope of the never trumpers. and i think what she has said is pretty clear. if your choice is w biden or trump, no one who cares about the future of the country can be for biden. and i think she will be an asset at the convention. she will be an asset on the campaign trail. and i think she is going to give a lot of people a sense that they are going to be with her and supporting president trump. so, i think in terms of unifying
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the republican party, this was a very, very important day. >> laura: newt, should former president trump invite her to bedminster for a meeting or a chad just to kind of put all the ill will behind them and, you know, be magnanimous? >> well, he can he can also invite her to give a speech at the convention. he has many ways to reach out to her. and i think -- i do think that unifying the country as it becomes clearer and clearer that president trump is going to win, that he will be president, i think at some point, turning the idea of how do we bring people together so we can actually govern for the next four years is important. and i think that nikki haley can be a part of that. >> laura: now, newt, more evidence tonight that voters don't believe trump is a threat to democracy. of course, that was a big hope of the democrat party.
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this from "the washington post" tonight. biden's team is aware that it is struggling to engage young and black voters but polling suggests that a central element of his campaign pitch that democracy is under threat, and this election is a referendum on our political system simply is not engaging those voters as he might have hoped. newt, what on earth can he argue now? that's not working. i guess the student loan give away or the pot or the, you know, what? >> well, here is the problem biden faced. you know, bidenflation is eating up the young. you go work. then you go to the grocery store. you buy gasoline. you can't afford to buy a house. you may be living literally from paycheck to paycheck or from credit card to credit card. and biden wants you to be worried about something that you think is bologna. the objective reality is that donald trump who appears before thousands and thousands of
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people, who clearly has a nationwide base that loves him and wants him to be president, and if you look at how pathetic biden was in new hampshire, for example, where they couldn't even fill up a small room. and, when they did, the people who were there, somebody said they might as well said bingo because it looked like a group that had gotten together for the local church bingo program. i think the average person, including many, many african-american males who are now drifting towards trump, many latinos where i think trump will get an absolute majority. and i think, again, when you go out and you talk with suburban women, hot media was sort of counting on for biden, they are looking at the border. they are looking at things like what you just showed. some woman who wants to put a serial rapist into a women's prison. and they are thinking, you know, do i feel safe enough to take a risk on biden and harris? and, remember, a vote for biden very likely is a vote for harris
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to become president. and i think faced with that, very high percentage of the country in the end is going to say i can't just do it. >> laura: no wonder james carville is so upset these days. newt, thank you very much. anthony fauci's former adviser involved in mainly scandal and yeah it involves cody. that's next. cody -- covid.that's next. ♪
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♪ >> laura: oh anthony fauci sold by the media as the calming, reassuring face of the government's covid response. it was a pin up boy do you remember that with the glasses? you don't survive almost five decades in government without knowing how to thwart accountability, or at least tweak it when you need to. now some explosive new emails showing a top nih adviser brazenly deleting records and using secret back channels to help fauci keep damning evidence secret regarding the origins of covid and our own government, perhaps, involvement in the funding of gain of function research. dr. david morens is being accused of improperly conducting official business from private email account and soliciting help from the nih freedom of information office to dodge record requests.
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morens wrote in a february of 2021 email i learned from our foye auto lady here how to make emails disappear after i'm foiaed but before the search starts plus i deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to gmail. deleted emails. government account. and he emphasized again in a november 2021 email i ask you both that nothing get sent to me except to my gmail. and hill republicans jumped on this clearly unethical conduct. what happened next? >> you wrote that you connected a reporter to dr. fauci, via your secret back channel what back channel did you have for dr. fauci? >> well, all these terms like secret back channel and the other one you mentioned were just jokes. >> laura: ha ha that's what me kids do pretend to laugh. april emails 2021. no worry
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about foias i can send stuff to tony on private gmail or hand it to him at work or house. is he too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble. tony too smart? ah. the hearing the same individual suggested his colleagues weren't smart at all. >> i said to him as i said several times to him, why are you sending it on my government email? this is not government business? it's your personal thing about your state of mind, about your security arrangements. i'm sorry i'm getting this echo here and i just -- should i turn off my microphone? >> laura: echoing tony fauci world. microphone should have been turned off. morens deleted all emails related to the origin of the covid virus. why is that? june 28th, 2021. deleting peter's emails relating to origin when the blank started hitting the fan. mine was deleted long ago and i feel pretty sure that tony's was, too.
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the best way to avoid foia hassles to delete all the emails when you learn a subject is getting sensitive. all right. june 16th, 2020, we're all smart enough to know to never have smoking guns. and we did if we did we wouldn't put them in emails if we found them, he would delete them. morens told one congressman today this was all big mixup. >> i obviously have made mistakes. i have mixed up emails and g egmails.bring discredit to mysed the government. i apologize. i regret that i wish i could take it back but i can't. >> laura: you know it's bad when even staunch democrats knew not to even try defending. this. >> i think you are going to be haunted by your system today it's unfortunate. it's all on the record. it doesn't make sense to many of
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us, certainly not to me. >> laura: joining me now ohio congressman brad wenstrup chair of the subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic. congressman, it seems like the b.s. monitor was going off on both sides of the aisle today with that testimony. >> it really was and the contradictions between his previous transcribed interview and what we have found in these emails that he thought maybe he got hid of that we have been able to get not only his official ones but his gmail and it's unbelievable that the message he tries to give out today that i didn't know these were official. well you were talking about nih. >> laura: he was deleting it. make it clear for the people watching. you are a congressman you have to be diplomat. i don't have to be so diplomatic. he was deleting damaging information. deleting information that would have made tony fauci and the entire office most likely look really bad because of either what they knew about the gunsch, whgain of function research, and
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who was funding it. >> two things in the email one we have to protect tony. the other thing he says tony doesn't want his fingerprints over any of this stuff to do with origins of covid. it s tells you right there whate was doing and working outside the box illegally and we're pursuing this and every aspect and he is dead to rights today and you saw it was a bipartisan thing. they could not avoid trying to defend. >> laura: people tease rand paul taking on fauci. rand paul jumping down the throat of america's doctor. all that. but, turns out that rand paul was really on to this early on. we were on the angle. we called what we knew was going on with fauci and he was making excuses for the chinese in february of 2020 on this program. i said why don't we have those documents? oh, those are good people, researchers, paraphrasing good people in china. he didn't want to touch that china angle. why do you think? >> well, because it was involved with it. and we were funding gain of function research in china, which is actually what the
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former nih director, temporary director, mr. -- dr. at a back, he said we were funding gain of function research in china. if you are doing this you want your hands taken off of this. would also explain why dr. fauci early on in the white house lawn said look we have these scientists that say it came from natured. it is settled. it wasn't at all settled. what i learned during lockdown when i started investigating covid and i saw the possibility of creating a gain of function research virus i knew we were in trouble. >> laura: congressman, thank you for continuing to pursue. this we should never let this go until we get the real answers. >> thank you. >> laura: what is biden hiding? governor glenn youngkin demanding answers after foreign nationals broke into a u.s. military base in virginia. stay there. ♪
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>> what is the pentagon's reaction to two jordanian nationals caught breaking u.s. marine corps base in quantico? >> so i am aware of those reports. i just don't have more information for you. >> so going to be really mindful of these two jordanians that you are speaking of remain in ice custody and given that it is an active law enforcement matter so i would have to refer you to ice. i just can't dive into this. >> laura: wait a second. this is classic stonewalling. ice answers, last time i checked i kind of know the chain of command, answers to the president. were these jordanian men here in the united states illegally or not, k.j.p.? it's been five days now since we learned about the disturbing incident but still nothing from the white house? joining me now virginia governor glenn youngkin, governor, you sent a letter to president biden demanding answers saying, quote the federal government silent on the immigration status of the individuals involved reiterates the gravity of your failure to
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secure the southern border. any response? >> none. but let's just be clear. joe biden has brought the border crisis literally to the front gate of quantico marine corps base. >> laura: what were they doing? trying to drive a box truck through the gate. >> what we know, at least reported, are two jordanian illegal immigrants. >> laura: where is the video. >> were driving a box truck through a secure gate and luckily they were stopped. >> laura: well, again, this begs the question. we have millions of people in the country illegally, we have had at least two million by official counts, probably a lot more, got-aways. we don't know who these people are, what their intentions are we have tens of thousands of chinese nationals who have come into the country. a lot of defense experts believe they're sleeper agents for the ccp we are all supposed to say yea, isn't this wonderful, diversity, great. this is the fourth incident in just the recent past, two in
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virginia, two in california. where there has been attempted breabreaches of our most classid and defense installations in america. this is what we have got from joe biden, a failed border policy. and as a result, not just drug crisis. not just young women being sexually assaulted or murdered, but now we are seeing assaults and breaches at our most secure military installations. it has failed. listen, laura, at the end of the day, what this proves once again, is that the most -- most important topic on virginians mind and on americans' mind is border security. that's why we have to elect donald trump this november. he will, in fact, fix this. joe biden could fix it with a stroke of a pen tomorrow. he is refusing to do it. he is putting americans' lives at risk and is he butting our national security at risk. this can be fixed with a stroke of a pen and he refuses to do it. >> laura: apparently we learned today that the rank and file didn't learn about this for, you know, almost two weeks. so they weren't even informing the men and women on the base.
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your reaction to nikki haley saying that she will vote for president trump? your reaction to that? >> well, think think there are going to be a lot of people who are going to vote for president trump. it's this exact issue which is when you see a failed economy from weak leadership. when you see failed foreign policy from weak leadership and you see a border that is, in fact, exposing not just every day americans, but our military bases, to these kinds of breaches, americans want strength. they don't want weakness. and we're all going to come together and elect donald trump the next president of the united states. >> laura: i look forward to seeing what happens next year on that short list -- the list of the president's potential vps. i know you are not going to answer it. you are smiling. i'm looking at the smile. you endorsed trump a while ago. >> i did. i came out and endorsed him and said i would enthusiastically support him. i think virginia is in play. here's why. in 2021, virginians made a decision for common sense conservative leadership. we, in fact, have proven that works. virginians like it. and they see the economy that
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donald trump built in his previous presidency and they see the one we built in virginia. they want more of it. they want leadership. and that's why i think virginia is in play this year. >> laura: governor youngkin, we look forward to it. good to see you as always. big news tonight about the future of the republican party as we were talking about just now. will it help donald trump? he is already ahead. we are going to explain it, next. ♪ # ♪ what makes ewc so special? we do a really great job at training all of our associates to be the best of the best. one thing that we're never going to do
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people couldn't see my potential. so i had to show them. i've run this place for 20 years, but i still need to prove that i'm more than what you see on paper. today i'm the ceo of my own company. it's the way my mind works. i have a very mechanical brain. why are we not rethinking this? i am more... i'm more than who i am on paper.
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>> laura: you heard with glenn youngkin just said the g.o.p. is officially behind donald trump. the big news nikki haley said she will vote for donald trump. now, recall, the angle told nikki haley to drop out after iowa and endorse him but, hey, better late than never. the fact is the new g.o.p. coalition is majority populist. and that caused some friction not just with haley but with its own senate leadership. a man who wants to turn the page from the mcconnell era joins us now florida senator rick scott just announcing he is running for g.o.p. senate leader, senator, first, what's your reaction to the haley news? >> about time. i don't know what took so long. is he our nominee. >> laura: presumptive nominee. it's not official. >> is he our nominee. think about it the border was secure. we didn't have inflation. we weren't at war. this is pretty easy why does everybody back him?
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i can tell new florida i have been all around the state doing grassroots because i'm up this cycle everybody is for trump. everybody is for trump. all the grassroots for trump. >> laura: it is obvious he has a good chance of winning again, winning the presidency, so i guess, come on. it's a good sign she does represent a part of the party and we want everyone together. so you have announce that you had are running for g.o.p. leadership in the senate, why do you think, you know, this is going to work, john cornyn from texas, is he like mcconnell's hand picked successor and establishment favorite. then you come along and what are you offering? >> we need to see change. i talked to trump about this today. he said he is excited i'm getting into the race. think about it. debt, the border, everything, we have been allowing this to happen. i am a change agent. i was a change agent in business. i did turn arounds. i changed florida. we're going to change the senate. we're going to be the senate that helps donald trump get his conservative agenda done. >> laura: you can't have a senate that works against donald trump or that works with, heaven for bid, with a biden in a he
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could term that would be a complete disaster. to your point,. >> pushed that amnesty bill with schumer was asked about this rest reduction of the bill that already died. >> you said you will vote no on this bill we all know about the efforts you put into it. why are you voting no on thursday? >> it's no longer a bill. now it's a prop. everyone knows that this bill is not going to pass. and senator schumer is bringing it back up to try to bludgeon people. this is not a bipartisan attempt to solve something this is a partisan attempt for fundraising or whatever attempt they are trying to do. >> laura: senator lankford is a lovely person. i really like him personally. we tried to warn him that marco rubio got into the same mess in 2013 and he saw the light on immigration. but, again, we need senators that are smarter than this.
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pushing all this spending, driving inflation as they did with that bipartisan spending bill with biden that they agreed to. >> conservative voters want us to stand for something. stand for something. like let's stand and fight over the border. let's stand and fight over spending. let's stand and fight over making sure israel gets help but -- >> laura: how about no omnibus bills that you all seem to consider. not you, you don't want it. those throw everything in the pot and then no one can see it until the last second. >> no amendment votes. i did a letter to all my colleague. we are not doing it anymore. a real appropriations process. we are going to figure out how to balance a budget. i balanced a budget every year as governor. we should have to be able to do it here. you do it in your personal life. >> laura: let's not go that far. [laughter] senator, we are going to be watching this very closely. the winds of change are in the anchts sea change. >> laura: thank you. a pop singer targets harrison butker's commencement? should he mind his manners.
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"seen and unseen" with raymond is next. ♪ the terrorist attacks of october 7th were the single deadliest day for the jewish people since the holocaust. i stand here before you with
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an extremely burdened and heavy heart. not only for the immense cruelty and loss of life suffered here, but for the immense needs of the people of israel in the months and the years to come as we fight for our survival. it's an especially critical time right now for the elderly. many close family members were killed or severely injured and are no longer able to help them with their basic needs such as food. the international fellowship of christians and jews is urgently responding to help the thousands of displaced elderly jews. your gift of only $25 will help rush an emergency food box to an elderly jewish person who is at risk. zina, she used to take care of me. it was 6: 20 in the morning when we heard the first rocket. so i phoned my daughter and she said, "mommy, i'm on the bus. everything is okay." two minutes later,
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the terrorist shot her dead. volunteers from the fellowship deliver the food boxes and let them know that christians are helping provide them with a month's supply of healthy, ready to eat foods to strengthen them and encourage their faith. i can feel the love coming from this box. thank you and may the god of israel always bless you. let's extend our prayers together in support and share our resources to bring meaningful change to the lives of our brothers and sisters in israel. they need right now to feel your love and your healing touch for their souls. call the number on your screen, scan the qr code, or go online to i f c j now.
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my name is ruth, i'm from dallas texas, i've done ten rounds of prolon. i think the most important way to take care of your health as you age is to exercise and to eat right. but what i've learned is that you can't outrun a bad diet. the easiest thing about doing prolon is you don't have to prepare for it, it's all done for you. you just open the box, and there it is. since prolon, i feel healthier and as energetic as i ever have in my whole life. and i believe prolon has made that possible.
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>> time for "seen and unseen" where we reveal the stories behind the headlines and for that we turn to fox news contributor. raymond, good to see you. people just can't seem to let go of this speech. a nineties kind of throwback grunge musician. he's ticked off? >> not since dumbledore addressed the last class at hogwarts has a commencement generated this kind of publicity. now eddie vedder of pearl jam during a vegas show decided terrific on harrison but because we were all waiting for it. >> don't forget to puff up your chest and be more masculine. don't lose your masculinity. when he was saying that, you
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look like such a [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. a strongman supporting a strong woman. >> the real irony is, he is a strongman supporting a strong woman and millions of women who embrace motherhood. i don't see why an additional opinion, mainly that you can work outside the house or be a homemaker, is suddenly so controversial. he did not say you had to be in the kitchen, contrary to it's being advertised. >> i think he was matted us at one point during the radio era. >> eddie vedder? >> yeah. he's such a person of great quality, here he is demonstrating his devotion to women back in 2003. >> some little coquette down here thinks she's getting us excited up here by pulling her top up and showing me absolutely nothing. by the way little lady i'm not
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turned on by that little thing. i like to [ bleep ] on little girls heads, that's what turns me on. >> a delightful character witness. harrison should be happy that eddie vedder is criticizing him. if that's what manhood and respect for women look like. >> i don't even want to here it. >> today the chiefs coach was asked about this and here's what he said about the comments. >> so many staff in the building. 's comments touched on the workforce. speaking ill of women in general. >> i don't think that's happened. he has his opinions and we all respect that. i will let you guys -- you guys in this opinion have a lot of -- you guys in this room have a lot of opinions i don't like.
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>> patrick mahomes came out and said he's a man of great character and we stand with him. >> everybody should know this about the sports media with a couple -- the exception of a couple of outliers. they are more liberal than msnbc. i mean they are far to the left of most of the liberal talking heads on tv. i don't know why sports media became so left wing. it's totally out of touch with most of it's own audience. >> it's one thing if he were saying something controversial. if you listen to the context of the comments, it's ridiculous. >> i have to get into politics for a moment. did you see the biden campaign job they posted? they are looking for a meme manager for the biden campaign. the job discretion says, you will initiate and manage day to day operations in engaging the internet top content and meme page. the ideal candidate is passionate about bringing political content to voters or they already are on the internet >> you want me to translate that for you? we are in trouble with young
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voters which according to cnn trump is winning by 11 points. maybe if we produce some content we can win them back. i doubt that will work. you need to reach the young ones. it's not the memes, it's the candidate. young people like the rest of us are seeing the clips of the president. last night, unbeknownst to anyone in new hampshire, the president had an event last night. i've seen more people out girl scout meeting. proctologist waiting rooms with more people than biden could attract and once he started talking about the pact act, half of them probably wish they were at the proctologist office. >> i signed the packed back into law, many of the best trained warriors we've ever seen. we saw like in 9/11 fighters with the firefighters. they were incredible -- incredibly helpful. the bottom line is, people not
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being sure we won't get it done without a lot of complication. >> what is he talking about? but again, young people see this. they say oh it's because we are not giving them enough for theirs not enough social media. it's because biden can't talk. >> it's not just that, the policies don't work. if biden couldn't talk and people had money in their pockets and gas was cheaper, they would not care. he can't talk but i feel good. but he can't talk in the country is going down the tubes and people can't buy a house. i've noticed the biden campaign is also trying to mimic the trump strategy of visiting local businesses. >> only one problem, trump goes and visits these businesses. in the case of the biden campaign, they sent kamala harris. here she is in philadelphia yesterday at a cheesecake joint. the word of the day is community. >> small business leaders are
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community leaders, they give to the community and understand the community. i am hungry so i'm gonna have a cheesesteak. okay if i do a promo? >> i think that's okay right. [ laughter ] >> they are probably thinking what community is she talking about? she said i hope i have the respect when i leave after ordering this. is she sure she had the respect to begin with? it's always awkward. she never really connects. trump's magic is he can interact with anybody, he goes to them and he draws the best out of them. >> trump is fun. >> fun to watch and even if you don't agree with him, you want to watch. >> it's a good time. >> great to see you in studio, that's it for us tonight. follow me on instagram, facebook and all the rest, or whatever they are calling it. >> jesse: welcome to jesse


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