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tv   Hannity  FOX News  May 22, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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to tell him about. >> i don't know and i don't remember. once more the e-mails jesse show the nih office of general counsel instructed agency underlings to ignore the request even though they were lawful. >> sean: hit the fan understatement thank you so much [ ♪♪ ] they want to spray my yard with mosquito chemicals to kill all of them but i heard that will kill me so is it worth using there's losing a year of my life so i don't sweat those flies i thank you know the answer. tim from california i'm an army leader me roar will your room if -- with me nice try i'm waters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> welcome to this addition of hannity i'm in for sean. the anti- trumpet kangaroo court in new york city is not in session and won't be back until after the long memorial day weekend. of the pro- biden judge is more than happy to drag this out it's his time to shine after all. unfortunately for him and other trumpet aiding democrats across the country the prosecution cases a disaster of course that hasn't stopped aoc the socialist from the bronx from openly fantasizing about it keeping trump a box. >> hosting rallies to try and con people and fleece them out of every dollar he has to fund his own legal fees and is doing it in the south bronx not to make a point but he's got this and he is the legal version of an ankle bracelet around him he can't leave the 5 boroughs because he always has to be in court so it's truly and
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embarrassment to him. >> not to make a point like most communists she loves the thought of turning the justice system against her political opponents. not making a point she is now particularly unnerved as trump is set to host a massive political event in her district he will hit the campaign trail in the bronx no republican since ronald reagan has 1 new york but according to polls he now has a chance biden is only up by single digits in new york in a new college pole needless to say americans with trumped arrangements and -- syndrome are panicking including a disgraced former fbi director who is begging americans to vote for joe biden watch. >> when you think about a second trump administration what are the implications for the fbi?
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>> serious for the justice department and fbi because trump is coming for those institutions he knows their power it has regrets he didn't work hard enough to corrupt them last time so he's coming for them and that's a danger for all americans this election matters because of a reason like that people need to participate you can't sit on the sideline i don't care how you feel about joe biden you must vote for him because the consequences on the other side are too serious. >> holding government bureaucrats accountable is apparently a fret to america. thankfully gym is no longer with the fbi thanks to donald trump. here if reaction is illegal for analyst and a former florida attorney general. greg dated the socialist from the bronx admit what the trial is about a virtual ankle bracelet force to campaign here because we are keeping in here.
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>> i truly wonder how aoc thanks with that brain of hers as she has admitted that this case against donald trump's election interference and brazen law fare and i pity her bronx constituents who have only become poorer and poverty-stricken during sandy's tenure as the point of rally in the bronx as aoc is the woman who said unemployment is low because everybody has 2 jobs. that is some kind of stupid. >> sure is. she once derided it as no point but there is a point she has to be smart enough to know it's it's a generational politician
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and the republican party that can venture into the bronx and get a roy crowe joe biden couldn't a democrat in that place so she's making a point and she knows that just can't say it. >> she sure does it's her hometown born in the bronx she couldn't draw her high school class to come out and see her yet donald trump leaves in new york yesterday after a gruelling day in court flies to texas holds some multimillion dollar fundraisers last month at palm beach raised over $50 million largest fundraiser ever did in april it was almost doubled by 25 million double what the democrats raised so she can't handle it now they are flying back to hold a fundraiser or rather a rally in the bronx a rally is like i was in new york yesterday people all they are talking about is going to the rally tomorrow night to support president trump i can't wait to
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see accredited is. >> something to see check it out at the fox news channel let me ask you this is many people of asked me this i know instructions were given but there's a long weekend what's happening with the jury over the course of the long weekend. how do you think it affects the way they assess the trial so far >> the judges exposing them to an increasing likelihood of outside interference as of the year instructed not to pay attention or talk to anybody about the case don't look at the news or social media while he's creating a temptation for them which is incredibly dumb. i think much depends on the closing argument in the element of the alleged crimes never being proven in this case. business records weren't false they were accurate trumpet no involvement there's no evidence he wilfully violated election laws and no laws or even broken
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plus is factually impossible to influence an election after it's over yet that some the indictment reads even if trump knew about the stormy daniels nda so what that's not unlawful so i come to the basic question where is the crime. it's nowhere. this is what i call a bigfoot case it's a trial in search of an imaginary crime and the jury should be insulted that he hung his entire case on a prolific lawyer caught lying again in court and admitted he was a thief. it's a politically driven corrupt case i hope jurors see it. >> recap where we're at for viewers when they come back tuesday? >> sitting in their the judges basically a prosecutor rooting for the prosecution ruling against president trump every step of the way i wish all americans could see what i was
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able to witness as to how bad the judge was but let's hope the jury does the right thing and they follow the law as he committed no crime has greg said there is nothing there let's just hope leo some honest jurors in new york who will do the right thing because president trump did nothing wrong despite the judge going after them every step of the way ruling against him the entire trial committed reversible errors let's hope the jurors do the right thing and let it end. >> absolutely it comes down to a jury of 12 individuals hopefully they are able to see through a lot of this including the couple of lawyers and pushed through. you both have been fantastic in your coverage of the trial we appreciate having you today. so what impact does the political show trail have in new york on the judicial system stepping back a little bit is
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here to respond to that is a louisiana senator john kennedy you've been a busy man when we are in the middle of something we know is a show trial or we know is playing to the electorate meant to have political effect maybe we missed the implications of the moment how significant is that the weaponization in the history of our judicial system and what course does this put us on. >> in my opinion president biden and the district attorney have run over america's criminal justice system backed up and then ran over it again. as 1 commentator put it. oaken something so small allegedly falsifying business records 6 years ago result in something so big for the first time in america's history the
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criminal prosecution of a former president and the united states. i have concluded like most americans have the answer is just grotesque politics. no person in the milky way believes these charges of falsifying business records would have been brought against any 1 on god's green earth except for donald trump. president biden and the da have made a conscious decision to bastardize america's criminal justice system and prosecute president biden political opponent. i don't believe president trump would be prosecuted but for the fact he's running against president biden and as i said before it's the sort of thing that happens in countries this powerball jackpot is 286
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chickens and a ghost it's not supposed to happen in america. now that they have done this. they may be the first but they won't be the last if someone they can control as there are thousands of ambitious prosecutors out there across america. democrats and republicans their constituents are going to expect them to prosecute political opponents. president biden for his own part placed the american criminal justice system in deep insanity and in in the da should hide it in a bag it's grotesque in my opinion. is that they started at the question is what is the next step. is there a possibility as trump alluded to this the course
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correct the judicial system where we just entered a fight fire with fire phase where you did it we are going to do it stronger because we controlled the judiciary or is of the deep state steering that in your mind where is it going next? >> president biden in the district attorney has taken the unthinkable and turned it into the impossible and i fear it will eventually become a normal and the attitude of many people will be 2 wrongs don't make it right. but they do make it even. is that's a dangerous for the political system and criminally justice system is open he would govern with knowledge and wisdom
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and he has governed with appetite and ambition. as his term has been 1 long prayer as the only way we find justice in america is by voting. >> i think they left to be put this back on course doesn't make it right it does make it even as a lot of people certainly feel that way. senator kennedy and q here's a recent democrats are so aggressively using the justice system as the senator laid out as a political weapon they've led out of pandora's box. joe biden is unable to campaign watch this. >> yes i want to say i'm frustrated and i think the age
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issue is suffocating him. he needs to bring up that he's only 4 years older than trump. >> biden's physical and mental decline is a huge issue they can deny it all they want its huge. he can barely walk or talk or read from the telegram to like this 1 it's not good i know joe has a lot of ground to make up and swing states as the law fear campaign appears to be backfiring. also big news tonight for donald trump's former rival announced today she would be voting for trump in november saying biden has been a catastrophe. joining us now if reaction the host about kicks tommy laren as well as a senior advisor to president trump stephen miller. stephen donald trump is been kept in an ice box for over a month yet his numbers keep going up explained that phenomenon to the liberals please.
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>> first of all it's a clear as there is a backlash against the fascist biden trials that they didn't anticipate they launched at the crusade he's taken the case to the mayor can people every case he gets whether it's on social media and whether it's in new york or the campaign trail getting out of the courtroom is making the case about a border invasion, rampant inflation the destruction of the american dream a world on fire a justice system being used by joe biden to punish persecute, hound, caress and incarcerate political enemies. americans want to live in a free country not a fastest country in the polling reflects that fundamental truth.
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>> replay the sound is 1 of the few people on the left ringing the bell saying wake up people we don't have a game we are heading into a freight train. you think eventually they wake up to what he's saying and try to make a change or are we still on this course. >> i maintain from most what while years they will course correct they will not run joe biden in november because of they cannot. you can be old or you can be a failure but you can't be an old failure that's exactly what joe biden is. cognitively and mentally failing as well as his policies. you can't be both maintained up for 2 years it can't be joe but let's pretend it is joe donald trump doesn't have to do much of donald trump the most presidential leas ever acted in his entire life he will win in november. do less he doesn't have to do much go out talked to the people go to places like the bronx interact and just sit back and let joe dig his own grave quite literally let them talk let him
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do his events that democrats won't be able to cover him much longer and let's see if they run joe but like i said i don't think they will do it i think they will bait and switch at the convention or shortly thereafter we have to be prepared for that right now donald trump just do your best to do less and you will win. >> interesting how that plays out in a debate context as well. so what is the significance of nikki haley saying well i am a republican i guess so i guess they will vote for the republican nominee donald trump. what do you make of that today? >> it reflects further consolidation of the republican party there behind the nominee behind president trump were the democratic side and they are driven by chaos and their fractured they have a massive pro- hamas wing that has all the
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energy and the party. a massive blm wing with all the energy and that party alienating voters terrifying voters where is the republican party is coming behind a straightforward popular and populous division -- vision that trump laid out of restoring sovereignty, deporting illegals taming inflation in getting criminals back in jail where they belong. reforming doj and spy agencies to protect us from the bad guys not to use that austin power to go after traditional americans christian americans and conservative americans that vision of national restoration of rediscovery is what is bringing together record numbers of americans in support of the republican party splitting apart where democrat so be voting for joe biden or they may be voting for third-party candidates on the left.
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>> it's not even just about conservatism it's common sense to a lot of the voters sticking by nikki haley come home to donald trump does her movement reflect other people move as well. >> does not people who like those policies like the fact she acted presidential she presented as presidential like i said before if donald trump intake a little bad dish a bit of the energy and activity more presidential for the last is next unc will get those voters she looked at them like a candidate that was respectable they don't like donald trump for his personality but they like his policies they love ending endless wars which nikki haley would never do so those people come home those people understand they might not celebrate it but they will vote for donald trump. get to the bow back to get the ballot early on as they build what they rely on. fink you both so much after a
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breach from 2 jordan nationals illegals senator lindsey graham's demand answers. plus a disturbing video from the south border stay with us.
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>> okay back to this special edition of hannity where illegal immigrants are out flooding into the country from all corners of the globe here's what was discovered at the border where he gets from a country. >> pakistan. >> india. >> india. >> rivne is from. >> turkey. >> where you guys from? >> china. >> ecuador where you guys from?
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>> india okay. india okay. all india aren't. >> why did you come? >> no freedom. the things. >> pakistan turkey iran india china that's 1 group in the middle of the night. plenty more have come from other countries including iraq, afghanistan and georgia tata man from jordan were apprehended illegally accessing the marine corps base in quantico virginia. very little is been released as lindsey graham is demanding answers in a new lover as
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senator graham has a bank falling astray for a couple days as what it what do you know? >> oh make sure i get an answer illegally from the middle east they came here what could possibly go wrong trying to lie their way and bring their way into a marine bass. if that doesn't bother you what would. >> you been screaming the borders broken a further 2 years they continue the same all policies want to know where these 2 guys and the terrorist watch list what we know about them when they want to get on a marine corps base pretending to be something they aren't.
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it's subcontractor with they weren't as asking how they came are they a terror watchlist as how easy for a secretary of homeland security to obtain as it took months for me to find out the main treasure killing riley is illegally paroled into the country because there is no space as they had no place to put it they let him go as they have tata people they it to the mideast finding here illegally getting to the bottom of that
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there's a reason they aren't telling us this took me forever as the came here legally i beat the crap out of them. >> you are right if they knew there is nothing to it as that there is something there as 1 to recognize the vulnerable do come home boost 10 item 15 million illegals in the country all around the globe eventually something terrible happened as a web what point does become clear your policy is in working as they're trying to arrest the
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prime minister of israel and the defence minister as they're putting a rogue prosecutor drunk with power and the biden administration give them the weapons they need to give a -- to win a war they can't afford to lose and secure the border at what point in time does become clear policies are failing we will get attacked again. we are living on borrowed time if this isn't a wake-up call what would be. >> if you told us on 911 we were letting people from all over what are we on threat levels on a scale of 1-10. >> a scale 1-10, 12. >> compared to the day before 9/11. >> here's what i would say the fbi director said lights are blinking everywhere he sees frets before but not so many at the same time as they're more
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frets in the country as they aren't adjusting their policy the record told the world as the biden demonstration hasn't seen anything at the border as with hamas and others iran wants to kill the jews their answer to the hamas attack is cut off weapons. it's insane. >> called them back at the most i got threat is on the inside thank you. thank you senator. >> sean: up next sean recently spoke with israel by minister benjamin netanyahu issuing a warrant that ahead is the
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[ ♪♪ ] >> welcome back to the special edition of hannity yesterday sean spoke with benjamin netanyahu just a day after an international criminal court prosecutor requested a warrant for his arrest over alleged war crimes take a look. >> a joining us now is israeli prime minister benjamin the and yahoo mr prime minister always great to have you. i wish it would be under better circumstances but watching this illegitimate court rate the icc in this indictment to view i'm sort of compare in it to 911 and we lost 2977 americans based on
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the population size of israel we been there many times it would be the equivalent of what happened october 7th losing 40,000 americans in a single day so why is prime minister of your country defending you yourself against these radical islamists attacking and killing your people in kidnapping your people and somehow everything is so upside down that you are the problem there is a moral equivalency of israel defending itself and radical terrorists. >> it's outrageous i think biden said that and republicans and democrats have rallied around an effort to fight this absurdity. it's a rogue prosecutor who's gone amok he's out to demonize
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the 1 and only jewish state and only democracy in the middle east it's both false and dangerous falls because he is creating a false symmetry as he said between the democratically elected leaders of israel and the terrorist tyrants of hamas that's exactly like saying well going to issue arrest warrants for george w. bush but also bin laden when world war ii out what we will issue an award warrant for fdr and churchill but also hitler it's a false symmetry despicable symmetry and of course the prosecutor never goes after the tyrants of tehran butchers of syria or what's happening in yemen or anywhere else or north korea. he's going after us because he's out to demonize israel and fanned the flames of anti-semitism secondly charges are false he's accusing is a deliberate starvation what a
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pack of lies we put in 20,000 trucks 500,000 tons of food and medicine the price of food in gaza has plummeted because markets don't lie people receive about 3000 calories a day compared to the around 2000 required it's a bunch of baloney and if you repeat a lie often enough and a slanted organizations dominated by hamas and its killers to give you this information is completely false it embodied to investigate i don't know if you know that. they had the false misleading charges taking them at face value and slam it on israel. it's false but let me tell you why it's dangerous because israel is first but america's next all democracies next because if it's allowed if israel is bullied into not
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stopping these terrorists in getting rid of the terrorists and all democracies are in pero also dangerous because these pouring gasoline on the fires of anti-semitism ranging on u.s. campuses in the around the world because people think it's a serious organization where could take time for them to know what a farce it is so it's stoking the fires of jew hatred around the world and it never stops with jew hatred you see inflamed societies on the campuses of the united states. president biden went into i know he condemned it but the fact that i think america should pull out again as a result of this i thank every western country should pull out and have no association with it which brings up the broader question i've said for years you look at the united nations they are historically anti-semitic and anti- american white dewey fund the majority of the funding for
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the un what about the who they lied to the world about covid-19 why is the w ef why the paris climate the courts granting the status of developing nations to china and india. how do any of these globalist organizations make sense. >> this is probably the worst of all of them. >> people use to take the general assembly of the un seriously what passes more resolutions against israel than all other countries combined so-called human rights council of the un as the best more resolutions compared to the rest of the world combined including north korea as they also their legitimacy as its false charges doing exactly that thing as they
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become a kangaroo court for the world to see and he's putting a stain on himself and glad now i hope it continues to its conclusion and i'm sure will as i expected to have a lasting effect. >> sean: be the same as george w. bush being dated the same way you are. the only people israel is guilty of killing our terrorists the people that started the war
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moving on to a different topic that no part to play in the crash of the iranian president better known as the butcher of tehran biden sent iran condolences the un held a moment of silence. the number 1 state sponsor of terror mr prime minister last i checked was the islamic republic they provide weaponry for the october 7th attacks against your country as they're firing will rep ends and your country is where they offering condolences to some of the worst terrorists in world history can you explain that i'm a happy my
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did that. >> i offer condolences to the people of iran who were terrorized and subjugated by theocratic fogs for half a century don't let them raze their voice they promote terrorism around the world but also do horrible things to their own people they offer condolences to renew people and i hope to get rid of this tierney as soon as they can as that was the position all along the thing that's right position. >> biden announced another round of student loan handouts but most americans are still hurting thanks to biden's economics we explaining get reaction next.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> today the biden administration announced another $7.7 billion in student loan forgiveness your money. as the administration tries to bribe voters exactly what it is ahead of november but the latest play won't make the american people forget how bad the biden economy really is. this weekend marks the unofficial start of summer but according to a new fox news poll 50% of americans don't plan on taking a summer vacation and 73% of those said staying home it's because they can't afford to pay for that trip or vacation and that's not all americans struggling to afford this survey released by the federal reserve found 1 third site inflation as
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their biggest financial challenge. sums talking about how the cost of childcare is almost as much is housing and now snap benefits aren't even keeping up with inflation and the cost of living urban institute analysis found by the end of 2023 benefits show -- fell short of monthly food cost which is what they were supposed to cover and since the biden administration would i was rather lie about the economy them fix it some corporations are taking numbers into their own hands including target cutting prices on 5000 height -- household essentials to help out customers and get shoppers back into their stores. joining me now for reaction cohost of the big-money show on foxbusiness as well as a foxbusiness anchor. gentleman great to see you i saw something online some but he pointed out remember it was a five-dollar-foot log at subway
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now the 5-dollar-foot longest 13 bucks you can't ignore that. >> i used to eat those i like a good deal i like cheap food i like a world where you can afford things think about this you have family saying i can't afford to go camping this summer when you have kids camping on college campuses and taxpayer money is being handed to those kids to pay back their loans and i tell you that so the biden administration likes it they don't like big families they don't like people driving around in big cars they don't like people in big houses they do like people on snap benefits i think they will use the whole snap isn't enough to increase those. what they want they want you on their budget and control it. and get your budget their tax dollars because their printing a lot of money anyways.
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as you're exactly right they play a game they rake themselves >> they're spinning more and essentials things you need like food healthcare childcare insurance for your car that's going up at a pretty steady pace about 6% so like artificially bringing inflation down because rich people can afford that stuff. i can't do that and this is the cost of the student enormous about 870 billion to around $1.4 trillion with a king spending as much money as he
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plans to do that even those breaking the law they make that in about people working paycheck to paycheck as if like they were getting ahead they barely make them it essentials and when they say on employment is low in wages are rising in inflation's not that bad set of taking the burden off of me puts that more on my shoulders by limiting my energy by limiting my choices as they looked to the find that let
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americans their give them the right to earn the living to get it. >> to can't wait for uncle sam to get away. >> they are doing this as he thinks he's going to get the youth vote instead he is losing it. president biden and former president trump are equal with voters. 4 years ago you're beating trump by 20 points now they are dead even the attempt to buy votes which is unconstitutional getting overturned doesn't matter side to election day young people smart enough to see sea recommend the other side and then not vote for you which is
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what you are seeing and pulling numbers because they are smart enough to take the money and shoos their economic future. >> coming up i have a new book coming out called the war on warriors right here i explain the betrayal happening to the men and women who risk their lives to keep us safe next.
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>> will come back to the special edition of hannity is an toward what weeks my new book the war on warriors hit shelves you can preorder it right now and have it in time for father's day the book is personal to me my generation of warriors we spent 20 years fighting as llamas to to be called in my case a domestic extremist. while we were fighting overseas
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leftists took over back home to include the pentagon as we are awake to their woke in the battle begins anew here at home. campy organized like a faculty or lounge our core identity is normal patriotic men looking to serve their country out there will gender or racial identity ordinary men and women as their wing to be extorted erudite trying is there is no black or white in our ranks our strength is not in our diversity despite what pentagon leaders tell you it's in our unity and our love for each other.
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the truth tells truth incident names name sure my battlefield stories as i'm proud of it and i hope you are as well. also the third episode of outlaws and lawmen which sean hannity is available today exclusively on fox nation third episode following man hunter bass reeves. >> 1 of the first black deputy u.s. marshals in the west he is often viewed with suspicion and outright hostility but over a staggering 30 year career he brings thousands of outlaws to justice and since more than a few to their grace. has got phyllis coming up next have a great evening everybody. [ ♪♪ ]